Loco del Lápiz
MGF Member
Now THAT'S huge news!! Their new art design seems nice, if it ends up being anything like those chibis shown. Although it seems the creative team might change their original designs a little?
Now THAT'S huge news!! Their new art design seems nice, if it ends up being anything like those chibis shown. Although it seems the creative team might change their original designs a little?
Oh my... those designs look A-MA-ZING!!! Hope the animation makes them justice, because the girls are looking adorable.
Terrible news. Sadly, Mia Ikumi, the artist that drew the Tokyo Mew Mew manga has passed away recently.
I don't know what to say. She was very young, she was involved in these new projects in the franchise... It seemed Ms. Ikumi still had a lot of creativity to show.
Damn. Life sucks HARD sometimes.
I'm so excited! I can't wait for it!
i just watched S01E01 cos it came up here so
wow it·s really wild
how they get them to lineup? Ka
there were those weird genetics guys? Ka
Strawberry Bell was super cute tho
i haven·t yet sed i could put it on my watch list
is it as good as the original? Ka
i keep thinking of that !! from Undertale where Alphys is like "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie is SO good but Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 is 0 Stars !"