Yu know , i·ve been thinking about the Loha myths , the characters , our relations to the musical scale , which of us are pentatonic , which of us work together in perfect fifths . Our relations to the planets in the Solar System , and characters that are analogues of us and our stories . Naoko Takauchi , the woman who penned Sailor Moon , was HcoSaNa . Hosanna in the highest .
Loha myth has multiple species , species which the ancient Egyptians of the Pharaonic age left medallions of . Igigi , Coeurl , Cephalid , Angel , and finally Human . As well as plants like Cannabis , Artemesia , Willow , Cedar , Oak , and Birch .
In Loha myth , that is , Scandinavian Mystic Language official cultural myth , Ki and Lo are both cephalids . They have a long history of fighting over who is the fairest . So if yu didn·t know which of them is Sailor Moon , at first glance yu might be forgiven . Ki , being the second numeral , corresponds to Venus , and in Sailor Moon when Sailor V arrives she causes quite a stir . With both of them being Sailor Senchi with long blonde hair , and their own magical talking cat , if yr only exposure to Mahou Shoujo was bar tales of the broken-hearted yu might think there was just one girl with a talking cat going around beating up bad guys in the name of the Moon .
#LoHa #DihTech #ÐHTK OK
#AdeptasSororitas #AaHtDe