
Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Alright, once again, this forum is becoming deserted. And we don't want that, do we?
So, anyone who had hopes in this forum, anyone who registered here because of a genuine love for this genre and truly wanted this site to become the greatest MG forum on the internet, please, we need you more than ever.

Let's make 2020 the year this forum finally goes big.


MGF Member
I always try to be active on here when I can and I agree that there's not a lot of people online on this forum. Hopefully that will change soon and all I know is that not a lot of people are online at the Magical Girl Cafe forum anymore either which is very sad. It would be nice if the Magical Girl genre is still popular like it was back in the day and that we would have series that have different story lines and amazing characters just like before.


Staff member

Sorry for the late reply. The forum has been quiet for almost a year or two. I don't know how some people are so inactive on this forum for some reason, or people don't like the theme because of pink. The members were visiting this forum, and it was slowed down a lot since last summer/fall when I realized that getting new users is not a question for me.

In November 2019, I got an email from someone unable to register, but we have had issues in the past with spam user registrations cause of it. So about two weeks ago, we had installed and activated on this forum against the spambots. Fortunately, it's all over now.
As of January 1, the forum has updated, and a new theme with a color scheme, etc.

What should I do now? Any help would be much appreciated.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
So far the anti-spambot system has been working correctly. Haven't seen any bot recently.
As for the new aesthetic of the forum, I don't think it's enough of a reason for users to leave. Neither the change of forum layout. There has to be another reason. Maybe it's the inactivity, perhaps they lost interest, I don't know.

@Mikan is one of the most active users here, if not THE MOST: she replies in nearly every thread, she opens new threads, she's in the chat. I even think she was here since day one, and that's great. We started having users as active as her for some time, but then they sadly dissapeared.
I'm also trying my best to add content, open some interesting threads, talking in the chat, etc. Due to my lack of knowledge in this genre, I can't talk much or add anything aside from the few MG stories I've read/watched, or try to open debate about naratives, characters, tropes or the changes in the genre.

I understand that there might be users who have a very busy life, they have to work, study, take care of their families... and they come here, seing so little activity and think "Why should I post, if nearly no one will notice or interact?". There might be other problems, but as said before, I don't know for sure.
So, what could we do? What could @Lala do?
  • Social media: Lala has already made accounts in Instagram and Twitter, so that's cool. Now you might want to add content there: news about the forum, about the diferent anime or manga we talk about here, etc. Basically anything you could consider interesting and could draw attention from majokko fans out there. Also, don't forget to promote the forum in those social media! Not only Lala, but all of us!
  • User interaction: This is a harder one, and it must come from us, standard users, not just the admins/moderators. We have to make sure that anyone that comes here sees activity, interaction and fun! We don't have to look like hyperactive expert forum writers, just to do as many have done: be nice, polite and POST ENGAGING STUFF.
  • Forum events: Okay, this seems silly considering how few people we are, but it might keep interest in those that don't come so often. For example, it's Christmas, let's make Christmas-inspired artwork! Summer comes, so we could make a short story contest! Halloween, spooky poems contest! I dunno, whatever it comes to the admin/mods's minds. People will use their talents to create content for the forum and will feel like they're valuable in this (now small) community.
  • Adding badges/titles? Okay, this is harder to explain, and might be slightly controversial. Take Mikan for example. The most active user could have a badge or a title that says "Most active user in 2019" or something similar, and under Mikan's profile image could appear a Precure character smiling, or Kero-chan from CCS, or anything MG-related that makes the users think "oh, so this Mikan has done a lot in here!". Same goes with the Forum Events I mentioned earlier: Special badges for Halloween poem's winner, or Christmas' best drawing.
    Now, the controversial part comes in the form of competition. Sure, if it's taken in a fun and harmless way it's fine, but someone with more "competitive attitude" could take these things too seriously. If any problem rises related to that, moderators might have to act!
Pheeewwwww, okay, that might be a lot, and they are just ideas I just thought about that probably need more work. I know little about forums, so take these ideas with a grain of salt.
Hope this might help in the best way possible! ^^


MGF Member
It is good to keep this forum lively by frequently and/or regularly stay active all the time. But I think, it is better if all the members who joined this forum would at least try to participate in any issues or topics, and could at least try to say something even in a shortest word they want to imply (or rather their opinion.) I know it's kind of impossible to do it since each one of us had their own business (were as other things to do first.)

What I wanted to say is, it doesn't mean that we have to solely concentrate by giving or sharing our thoughts about magical girls. There are a lot of stuff we can talk about to. There are great things in anime world to be tackle that will click the member's interests. But of course, this is not a fray to who is better or who knows a lot. Or maybe I said too much that is not related to the topic itself hehehe....

I hope I didn't say something stupid.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Here we have another example of great participation with @aiyan
And no, you said nothing stupid at all. The Off-topic zone is still there, and we can use to talk about different topics aside from MG.
The important thing is to post, share opinions and interests and have fun while doing it!


MGF Member
Here we have another example of great participation with @aiyan
And no, you said nothing stupid at all. The Off-topic zone is still there, and we can use to talk about different topics aside from MG.
The important thing is to post, share opinions and interests and have fun while doing it!
Why thank you @Loco del Lápiz.
I just thought of something that will break the wall of............well...I can't think of anything ? ??
As long as everyone is having a good time sharing opinions and interests, then all is well! ?

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
I spent some time thinking ideas to promote and improve the forum activity, and even with that I feel they are either very obvious, basic or have been mentioned by others before, so don't worry about not adding any new ideas yet! You'll come up with something, I'm sure.

cure yuu

MGF Member
So far the anti-spambot system has been working correctly. Haven't seen any bot recently.
As for the new aesthetic of the forum, I don't think it's enough of a reason for users to leave. Neither the change of forum layout. There has to be another reason. Maybe it's the inactivity, perhaps they lost interest, I don't know.

@Mikan is one of the most active users here, if not THE MOST: she replies in nearly every thread, she opens new threads, she's in the chat. I even think she was here since day one, and that's great. We started having users as active as her for some time, but then they sadly dissapeared.
I'm also trying my best to add content, open some interesting threads, talking in the chat, etc. Due to my lack of knowledge in this genre, I can't talk much or add anything aside from the few MG stories I've read/watched, or try to open debate about naratives, characters, tropes or the changes in the genre.

I understand that there might be users who have a very busy life, they have to work, study, take care of their families... and they come here, seing so little activity and think "Why should I post, if nearly no one will notice or interact?". There might be other problems, but as said before, I don't know for sure.
So, what could we do? What could @Lala do?
  • Social media: Lala has already made accounts in Instagram and Twitter, so that's cool. Now you might want to add content there: news about the forum, about the diferent anime or manga we talk about here, etc. Basically anything you could consider interesting and could draw attention from majokko fans out there. Also, don't forget to promote the forum in those social media! Not only Lala, but all of us!
  • User interaction: This is a harder one, and it must come from us, standard users, not just the admins/moderators. We have to make sure that anyone that comes here sees activity, interaction and fun! We don't have to look like hyperactive expert forum writers, just to do as many have done: be nice, polite and POST ENGAGING STUFF.
  • Forum events: Okay, this seems silly considering how few people we are, but it might keep interest in those that don't come so often. For example, it's Christmas, let's make Christmas-inspired artwork! Summer comes, so we could make a short story contest! Halloween, spooky poems contest! I dunno, whatever it comes to the admin/mods's minds. People will use their talents to create content for the forum and will feel like they're valuable in this (now small) community.
  • Adding badges/titles? Okay, this is harder to explain, and might be slightly controversial. Take Mikan for example. The most active user could have a badge or a title that says "Most active user in 2019" or something similar, and under Mikan's profile image could appear a Precure character smiling, or Kero-chan from CCS, or anything MG-related that makes the users think "oh, so this Mikan has done a lot in here!". Same goes with the Forum Events I mentioned earlier: Special badges for Halloween poem's winner, or Christmas' best drawing.
    Now, the controversial part comes in the form of competition. Sure, if it's taken in a fun and harmless way it's fine, but someone with more "competitive attitude" could take these things too seriously. If any problem rises related to that, moderators might have to act!
Pheeewwwww, okay, that might be a lot, and they are just ideas I just thought about that probably need more work. I know little about forums, so take these ideas with a grain of salt.
Hope this might help in the best way possible! ^^
I think adding badges/titles sounds interesting?
There’s something similar to it that I saw on other forums that I’ve been on that levels up members’ levels depending on how many posts they have.I think if we had that on the forum it might motivate people to post more? Well at least that helped motivate me to post when that was present in previous forums I’ve been a member on.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Aaaaand we're in that "virtual desert" state. Again.
Is there anything we're doing wrong? I know that forums need time to grow -now more than ever, considering social media-, and I once again ask for @Lala to be a little more active in those areas, social networks, where we can draw more people's attention!

And I'll go further: Lala, please, if you need any help, I'm eager to assist you. I understand that you're the only staff member (aside from @CureTechnic , who doesn't show up here that much) and you might have other tasks in your everyday life, which means that you might not have time to develop this site as needed. I have no idea about programming or codes, but I want to help.

As for the rest of users, please, now that this Coronavirus crisis has forced many of us to stay at home, it's time to be more participative, don't you think? We'll probably skip classes, won't go to work, and even if we do, maybe a place like this can help us forget about the problems we have at hand. I know I might be asking too much, but in reality we need so very little.

I know we can do it.

cure yuu

MGF Member
I agree with Lapiz on helping out. If you need help with anything concerning promotions or anything, I’d be happy to help!

Also, mentioning about the virus and mostly everyone around the world staying at home, it would be nice if this forum was more active. Honestly, I kinda forgot about this forum after having to switch from laptop to iPad and just being busy with school in general. I hope that there’ll be at least some interaction during this time. ;-;

Maybe we could plan some events where we make it so it’s more interactive for users on here? Like hosting livestreams where we could chat, maybe something like that? It’d be nice to spread some positive vibes and make it a place that we can gather to socialize and interact during such times like this, don’t y’all think? ^^”

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Haven't thought about chatting or livestreams... but that's a pretty clever idea!
Although the most shy members might not like it... Still, it's a good option to revive this site and know the members better.


Staff member
Let you know, this forum is still beta, but some isn't finished. For some reason, I didn't promote the forum. This forum will be ready to public in a few weeks.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
But... it doesn't say Beta up in the banner anymore. And the forum is public, anyone can register and even guests can talk in the chat room... what do you mean?

Also, to me, to forum pretty much looks like a finished project. I mean, I don't know what other changes need to be done. If you say the forum isn't finished, it means more work must be done, sure (you're the Forum founder AND Admininstrator, no one knows more about this site than you do), but does this mean that we shouldn't promote the site until these "few weeks" you mention are over? 'Cuz we've been already spreading the existance of this site. Heck, you even created two social media accounts.


Staff member
I didn't put "beta" it in the banner for some reason. And yes, they can register or enter the chat as a guest. I caught some bugs and were fixed in the past.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
One year has passed... and I guess this forum is STILL in "beta". For some unknown reason.

Honestly, I have no idea what so say anymore... I think the few people that had interest in this forum have stated here some ways it could be improved, or how it could be promoted. Yet none of those ideas have been implemented, and I dare to assume they haven't even been considered by the Administrators.
There's no badge system to reward users.
There have been no events (something kinda logical, since barely anyone would participate)
The social medias related to this site (Twitter and Instagram) haven't been used in the slightest.
The forum layout hasn't changed (not that it needed to, it's fine the way it is right now).
There's not a Discord server for this forum or any other thing that could give new life to the site.
And due to all that, people obviously aren't invested in posting here anymore, since no one is going to reply, or read their posts, or see their work. I hoped to post some of my stupid drawings in here, but again, I don't think more than two people will see them.

There seems to be no iniciative or illusion put in this project anymore... so I feel the need to ask some things, @Sakaru , because I am seriously confused,
What's going to happen next? What are YOU, the Admininstrator of this site, going to do?
What motivated you to open this forum in the first place?
And, once again (and I don't know if it will be the last time I ask this) how could the few users in here help you?

I feel powerless every single time I enter this forum. There have been great users here with lots of illusion and eager to share their opinions, engage in friendly chats, and show their magical girl stuff in here... but now? They've probably gone seeing what this forum had to offer had gone nowhere.

I really, REALLY wish this changes in the months to come, but sadly, I'm losing all hope that might happen.

Thank you for everyone taking the time reading this.


MGF Member
I've been away for... I don't remember since my last visit here actually, but do you think it's time to give this forum site a new face? It's okay if everyone already attached on this theme. It's not that I hated the current theme, I believe (or maybe a suggestion) that giving it a new look will freshen up the forum. Or maybe I wished too much.
Oh well. Just sharing things y'know!

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
I don't even know how many people are attached to this site IN GENERAL, considering only a few of us still post...

As for the change of theme, I don't see it as too far fetched, the forum has changed layout a few times already. However, as we've said, very few people come here (this thread was an attempt of changing that somehow), so perhaps we should try to get more people to come before changing the forum's appearance, don't ya think?