My Precure food real-life imitation attempts

cure yuu

MGF Member
Being the precure trash I am and having a liking for cooking and eating yummy foods, I attempted to make a real-life imitation of one of the foods from the Mahou Tsukai Precure series.
Specifically in episode 25, when the girls go to the beach and get to eat the rumored "famous" strawberry melon shaved ice.

Since it's summer and the weather's been hot lately, I've been craving Patbingsoo(basically a Korean version of shaved ice except with red beans, etc.).
So, with my determination I tried to make that strawberry melon shaved ice since I wanted to see if it actually tasted good (and since it looked good too lol)
With some luck and right timing, I was able to get all the ingredients(except that melon slice for garnish.. T_T) just recently and attempted to make it! (YESS)

Here's the result between anime and real-life:
Not too shabby, huh?

It actually tasted pretty good!
Although not the best shaved ice in the world, it tasted pretty decent!
Though maybe adding some more syrup would've helped.

If you'd like to know the stuff I used, here's a list:

  • shaved ice
  • fresh strawberry slices
  • melon syrup (I used this brand)
  • canned red beans (I used this canned red bean paste called, '통단팥')
  • melon slice for garnish(I forgot it...T_T)
  • shaved ice maker
  • bowl for shaved ice
  • spoon for eating shaved ice
  • knife for cutting strawberries
  • frozen ice for shaved ice
I found a lot of the ingredients at an 'H Mart' (which is a Korean supermarket). I was lucky to find the melon syrup there though! But you can try to look for some of the ingredients at your local supermarket(like strawberries and melons) or at a Japanese supermarket(where stuff like the melon syrup will be easier to find)/Asian supermarket.

It's perfect for summer if you're looking for a cool treat as an alternative for ice cream! :)


MGF Member
That looks really good! And I don't blame you for being inspired by something from an anime. Japan is really good at making food (real or fake) look delicious!
cure yuu

cure yuu

MGF Member
That looks really good! And I don't blame you for being inspired by something from an anime. Japan is really good at making food (real or fake) look delicious!
Yeahh I can't help but have my mouth water when I look at the food that comes out in the anime. It really is something! Just by how delicious they drew the food as!

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Wow! I think it's the perfect transaltion from anime to real life! And it looks so yummy... and sweet...
If only live-action was like this...
Although, it seems quite a complicated receipe, specially for those that don't have asian supermarkets nearby.

harvester rose!

MGF Member
The pictures won't show up for me :( but the way you described it makes it sound delicious!! Now I want some, darn it lol. The world would probably fall into chaos if anime was real, but at least the food would be amazing.

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
The pictures won't show up for me :( but the way you described it makes it sound delicious!! Now I want some, darn it lol. The world would probably fall into chaos if anime was real, but at least the food would be amazing.

That's odd. Have you had any other problems watching images in this forum?

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
We should ask other users to know that. I use Chrome, and never had a problem with this forum.
Still, maybe you should tell @Delta about this, or post this problem in a new Feedback and Site Questions thread involving bugs and other issues?


MGF Member
I'm also using Safari and the pics don't show up for me either. But I can just tell how awesome the food must look and taste, all thanks to koyu's amazingly descriptive post.

Edit: The pics only show up for me when I'm browsing this thread as a guest. They disappear once I'm logged in. Weird.
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MGF Member
Misumi Nagisa loves takoyaki. I love takoyaki too! Real takoyaki! Real TAKO! With lot's of sauce. I even tried putting chocolate as substitute for takoyaki sauce. It's super YUMMY! ???
Too bad...I don't have the picture with me right now. My phone broke! ?