

MGF Member
Chapter 20: The New Rival!: A Fight To Remember!

Location: In Me and Sakura's Room
Time: Morning (maybe around 8:00 am or 9:00 am)

It had been about a few days to a week since me and Sakura had captured the Move Card near the town library. And it was at this point in time that we were at home in our room getting ready to go to school. Well, that is if you count just Sakura getting ready due to the fact that I was already ready to go, and Kero was busy talking to Sakura while she was brushing her hair. "And I am not trying to be pushy here, but if either of you happen to see it somewhere, and if either of you happen to want to, you know, buy me a present...?" Kero said in an asking tone of voice to Sakura and me, referring to the new Xylon Warrior's video game that had come out recently (a/n: I'm sorry if I have misspelled it, and also, for not including all of the dialogue). "Well, I think that the Guardian Beast, has become the battle monster" I said in response. "Maybe so, but I am the Guardian Beast and i have to keep my fighting skills up somehow..." Kero said to me in response as Sakura went to get the hat part of her school uniform on while I was already dressed in mine and already had my hat before she had gone to get hers. And once Sakura had put on the hat part of her school uniform, Sakura headed for the door with me not too far behind.

Location: At me and Sakura's classroom at the School during the first class
Time: Still Morning (maybe 10-15 minutes later)

A little bit later, at the school, right after me and Sakura had entered the classroom, said hi to everyone, and made our way to our respective desks. Madison then greeted both of us, to which we both greeted back. "Guess what?" Madison said/asked to me and Sakura. "What?" Sakura asked back in response. "Li hasn't even shown up yet" Madison said in response. "That is a bit odd considering that "Mr. Punctual" always arrives early" I said to myself in a slightly somewhat sarcastic sounding tone of voice. "Do you think he is capturing a clow card?" Sakura asked. "No, he wouldn't do that without you two" Madison said in response. "Maybe he's given up and gone home?" Madison asked/said in response as a follow-up question. "Yeah...that i seriously doubt, considering that he still wants the Clow Cards for whatever reason" I said to myself in a matter-of-factly tone of voice. It was after I had finished my sentence that the door to the classroom opened and in walked Li, who i had to admit didn't look too happy to be there, shortly followed by the teacher Mr. Terada. He said to the entire class that we were having a new exchange student in the class. And as if on cue the door to the classroom slid open to reveal a girl with black hair and the same color eyes as Li. But when Mr. Terada told the girl to come up to the front of the class so that he could introduce her to everyone, she instead went across the back of the classroom and then stopped right behind where Li and I were sitting. "I thought we'd walk to school together?" The girl asked/said to Li in a somewhat hurt sounding tone of voice. About a minute later, Mr. Terada introduced the girl to the class as Meilin Rae (a/n: I hope i spelled her name correctly), who was from Li's hometown. It was after Mr. Terada had finished introducing Meilin to the class that Sakura asked Li if he knew Meilin. Meilin overheard Sakura ask Li if he knew her and she immediately dashed over to where Sakura and I were sitting and told Sakura to back off, which I took quite well. 'Really...were going through this again? *sigh* Well, I guess some things just never get old nor do they change' I thought to myself as I sweatdropped on the outside.

Location: In the School Courtyard after Class
Time: Still Morning (a little bit later like around 30 minutes to an hour later)

A little bit later, in the School's courtyard, me, Sakura, Rita, Nikki, and Chelsea were busy talking to one another about Meilin. "Boy that new kid really has it in for you Sakura," Chelsea said in a somewhat concerned sounding tone of voice. "Yea talk about first impressions," Nikki added in. "She acts like she's Li's girlfriend or something," Rita said. "Here comes trouble," Chelsea said as Yamazaki approached our group with Li in tow. Seconds later, Meilin came running towards both of our groups while calling out Li's name and to wait for her. "Isn't it great that my dad got transferred here, now I can make you lunch?" She asked as she pulled Li aside to talk to him. "But you can't be making me Lunch," Li said in response. "It'll be like old times, the two of us pretending to be Cardcaptors," Meilin said somewhat matter-of-factly. "But I am a Cardcaptor," Li said matter-of-factly. "But the Lasin Board said someone else was," Meilin said. "Yea, but they're not very good at it," Li said apparently mentioning myself along with Sakura in the response. "That doesn't surprise me one bit, no one is as good a magician as you Li," Meilin said in response. "But I need to help them Meilin," Li started to say before Meilin interrupted. "I knew it the chosen CardCaptors are a boy and girl," Meilin said as Sakura and I caught wind of the conversation right after Meilin had said that. "Well, that didn't take long for her to figure it out, *sigh*, I guess me and Sakura now have another rival to deal with when we are capturing the Clow Cards now," I thought to myself as I sweatdropped again on the outside.

Location: Me and Sakura's house (specifically the dining room table)
Time: Later that evening after school

It was after the confrontation that me and Sakura had had with Meilin, and after the both of us had humiliated her in gym.

Well it was mostly Sakura that did the humiliating since she was the one who outperformed her, while I just stood there with a smug grin.

Anyway, it was during dinner that Julian explained that a series of strange attacks had been taking place in Reedington Park, which when he explained that the attacker was wearing an unusual costume and that no one had lost any valuables or money in any of the attacks immediately had myself intrigued, but I could also tell that Sakura was thinking the exact same thing that it was worth investigating on the off chance that it could be a Clow Card.

It was later that evening in Reedington Park, after both myself and Sakura had finished dinner and we had informed Madison about what we had been told by Julian, that we were then dressed in our respective battle outfits, Sakura was dressed in a pink outfit with yellow ribbons and a pink bow on her chest, while I was dressed in a outfit that resembled the Jack of Hearts which was the color pink, and neither myself nor Sakura were exactly pleased to be wearing our respective outfits.

"I really hope no one sees me wearing this tonight Madison" Sakura said in an embarrassed sounding tone.

"I second that Sakura, I really don't want to be caught dead wearing this outfit either Madison" I said with an embarrassed look on my face.

It was then that Kero, who was wearing an outfit that was the same as Sakura's except it was just the sleeves and bow of the same color flew up to Sakura, "I gotta tell ya, I am not lovin' this!" Kero said.

"Oh sure, everyone's a critic" Madison said in response to Kero.

"I don't think that Kero is happy about the puffy sleeves Madison" Sakura said as Kero flew over to the river nearby and started fly back and forth and mutter to himself, until he stopped and started to hover in one spot and said that he got something and that he was definitely sensing a Clow Card.

"A Clow Card dressed as a female that attacks trained fighters, which card is that?" Madison asked to no one in particular.

"The Fight Card!" a familiar female voice said from behind us.

"Great, of all the times to show up she shows up now!?" I angrily thought to myself as the 4 of us turned around to see Meilin standing on one of the lampposts.

It was after Meilin had jumped down from the lamppost and stuck the landing that Kero decided to speak "Don't tell me let me guess, you're Li's girlfriend?".

"Do you think you two are going to capture the Clow Card dressed like that?" Meilin said in a demeaning-like tone.

"Don't worry about it, I'm helping Li now, so you two can take a hike" Meilin said. It was then that Kero decided to interject by flying up to Meilin and arguing that both myself and Sakura were the chosen CardCaptors, that is, until Meilin got hold of Kero and started to play with his face.

"What is this some kind of robotic toy?" Meilin asked quizzically.

"Kero is the guardian beast of the seal of the Clow Cards" Sakura said in response.

"What you mean this little pseudo-toy?!" Meilin said/asked after letting go of Kero's face.

After Meilin let go of Kero's face, Kero told Meilin to watch her mouth, which only resulted in him getting swatted away by Meilin.

Meilin then approached me and Sakura while saying "You both may have the guardian beast of the seal, but I have Li, so its time for you both to butt out".

And it was after she had said that that something shot out of the water and landed on one of the railing supports in front of us. "Aw man that is definitely a girl in a strange costume" Sakura said in a somewhat scared sounding tone.

"I second that" I said in agreement with what Sakura had just said minus the scared sounding tone.

A short time later, after Meilin had fought against the Fight Card, right after Li had arrived looking for his Lasin Board that Meilin had taken from him in order to try and capture the card on her own without the use of magic, since Meilin didn't possess any.

Li had been injured by the Fight Card, and was now up against one of the walkways railing supports and Meilin was once again fighting against the Fight Card after she had seen Li get injured by it.

"You may be a clow card, but I'm Meilin Rae!" Meilin proclaimed, as she charged towards the fight card, in another bid to fight against it, despite Li desperately calling out to her not to try and fight against it again.

It was then that Madison then suggested to me that both myself and Sakura use the Power Card in order to subdue the Fight Card.

It was then that Li tried to intervene to try to help Meilin even though he was injured.

"Wait Li, let me and Sakura handle this" I said as I put my had out with my back to him to signify that myself and Sakura had got it covered, as I pulled out the Power Card and readied my staff along with Sakura.

"Power Card, grant your powers to our wands, power release and dispel!" Me and Sakura chanted as we hit the Power Card at the same time with the tips of our respective staffs.

Meanwhile, Meilin was still fighting against the Fight Card, well, that is until myself and Sakura stepped in after Sakura yelled "Hey you!" to the Fight Card, and it turned to see the both of us glowing pink.

The both of us readied our staffs, and when the Fight Card got close enough, we both hit it on the back of its neck, knocking it to the ground after a few seconds.

"Seal it!" Kero yelled.

"Right!" I replied back as i turned to Sakura who nodded as we both raised our respective staffs "Return to your power confined, Fight Card!" we chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time.

And with that the Fight Card was captured. "That capture was a doozie" I thought to myself as I turned to Sakura and smiled. "Well, on to the next one".
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MGF Member
Chapter 21: The Long Marathon!: Caught In The Loop!

It had been about a few days since me and Sakura had captured the Fight card, and now at school me and Sakura, along with a bunch of the other students, were training for the upcoming school marathon next week. "So, is your leg alright Madison?" Chelsea asked Madison in a concerned tone of voice. "No, I sprained my ankle." Madison said in response. "Does it hurt?" Nikki asked also in a concerned tone of voice. "It did at first, when i fell but not now, and the nurse says i shouldn't run in the school marathon next week." Madison said in response. "That's too bad" Chelsea said in response in a concerned tone of voice.

It was finally the big day of the school marathon and among the huge crowd of students, me and Sakura were like anyone else we were conversing while waiting for it to start, that is, until Meilin Rae came up to Sakura and me. "Avalon and Zachary, I am so ready for today's marathon, i have been training with a top trainer, I doubt you two will be able to keep up with me" She said. "Honestly Meilin, why do you always have to interrupt at the most inopportune time, and why does it always have to be to taunt us?" I thought to myself while fuming internally.

It was after Li, Sakura and I had used our swords to cut through the loop card's infinite loop effect caused by the Loop Card that the true form of the Loop Card was finally revealed. And it was at that point that me and Sakura raised our respective staffs above our heads "Loop Card, we command you to return to your power confined, Loop Card!" And after the Loop Card spirit was sucked into our respective card halves, and both card halves had combined together into a complete clow card, the Loop Card was sealed. . But, even though the Loop card had been captured, I knew that I was still heading into the unknown. And with each Clow card that was captured, even though I felt a bit more confident, I was still just a little bit nervous of whatever events lay ahead.


MGF Member
Chapter 22: No Time For Sleep!: A Bad Time To Fall Asleep!

It had been about a week or two since the marathon and the incident with the Loop Card, and so far, things were normal. Well, that is, if you discount the fact that me and Sakura were Cardcaptors, but i digress. Me, Sakura, and Madison were in the school library. "So you two and Tori are doing all the chores?" Madison asked. "That's right, dad's presenting a really important research paper at a seminar next Monday, so Tori, Zachary, and I decided to give him a break," Sakura said in response.

It was after Kero had informed Me and Sakura that the Sleep Card spirit had caused everyone that was in the room we were in to fall asleep, that was when we took out our respective clow keys "Oh key of clow, power of magic, power of light, surrender the wand, the force ignite, Release!" Sakura and I chanted in unison. With our respective clow staffs in hand I pulled out the Windy Card, and Sakura and I raised our respective staffs above our heads, "Windy, release and dispel!" And it was as the Sleep Card was about to be bound by Windy that Sakura and I once again raised our respective staffs above our heads, "Sleep Card, we command you to return to your power confined, Sleep Card!" And with that, the Sleep Card was sealed. And after the Sleep Card spirit was sucked into our respective card halves, and both card halves had combined together into a complete clow card, the Sleep Card was sealed.


MGF Member
Chapter 23: Practice Makes Perfect!: A Song Worth Singing!

It had been about a day since the capturing and sealing of the Sleep Card. But this was not the current thing was was present on either me or Sakura's minds, we were currently more focused on capturing a clow card, which just so happened to be the Song Card. And once we had gotten into a position to seal it, we both took the opportunity to do so. And with that thought in mind, Sakura and I raised our respective staffs, "we command you to return to you power confined, Song Card!" Sakura and I chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time. And after the Song Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had combined together into a complete clow card, the Song Card was captured and sealed. "Well, that wasn't particularly difficult" I said. "Thanks again for helping us out Madison" Sakura said, referring to the fact that Madison's singing had played a huge role in drawing out the Song Card spirit. Which was the only reason why Sakura and I were able to seal and capture it, despite once again looking a tad bit ridiculous and feeling a bit embarrassed, having been dressed in another one of Madison's battle outfit ensembles.


MGF Member
Chapter 24: No Problem Too Small!: A Little Bit Of A Problem!

It had been about a day since the capturing of the Song Card. But this was not the current thing on either me or Sakura's mind, we were currently more focused on capturing the Little Card, which had shrunk us both down to being very tiny in size. And after we had both grabbed the Little Card spirit, which in turn returned us to our normal sizes, we both took the opportunity to do seal it before anything else weird happened. And with that thought in mind, Sakura and I raised our respective staffs, "we command you to return to you power confined, Little Card!" Sakura and I chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time. And after the Little Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had combined together into a complete clow card, the Little Card was captured and sealed. "Man, talk about having something so small winding up being such a huge problem" I said while putting a hand behind my head. Which wound up earning a laugh from Sakura, as I turned to her and smiled. "Well, on to the next one I guess, I can only hope it won't be as difficult as this one" I said hopefully.


MGF Member
Chapter 25: Double Take!: Shattering The Mirror!

It had been about a day since the capturing of the Little Card. But this was not the current thing on either me or Sakura's mind, we were currently more focused on capturing the Mirror Card, which had, for reasons known only to it, had taken on the duplicate forms of both of us. And after the Mirror Card spirit had led Tori off a cliff, but then went over to his unconscious form to apologize for what it had did to him, Sakura and I raised then our respective staffs, in an effort to seal the Mirror Card. "We command you to return to you power confined, Mirror Card!" Sakura and I chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time. And after the Mirror Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had then combined together into a complete clow card, the Mirror Card was captured and sealed. "Man, talk about seeing double" I said while turning my attention to Sakura, after the Mirror Card had landed safely in my dominant right hand. Which wound up earning a laugh from Sakura, as I then turned my attention to her and smiled, to which she then returned the smile. "Well, I think its about time we go and check on Tori to make sure he is alright" I said in a concerned sounding tone of voice.


MGF Member
Chapter 26: No Way Out!: Solving The Maze!

Okay, so a couple of days or so, had now passed, since me and Sakura, had captured and sealed the Mirror Card. And, had saved Tori, from suffering any further injury, through his involvement, with the Mirror Card spirit in question.

But, however, as of this current moment, we were sort of more interested, in heading to one of Tomoeda's shrines, to try and get ourselves an amulet each. And, Li and Meilin, who seemed to have the same sort of idea, wound up accompanying the three of us, to the shrine in question.

However, just as me, Sakura, and Madison, entered into the shrine via its entrance. With Li and Meilin. Who were walking a bit ahead of the three of us. Both me and Sakura, then started to get a sort of strange, but familiar feeling. And upon Madison, taking notice of my somewhat surprised looking expression, she then proceeded to speak up.

"Are you okay?" Madison wound up asking me with concern in her tone.

However, before I could respond to her, Sakura then spoke up.

"Things just seem...out of whack," Sakura said.

And not surprisingly, this then prompted me, to sweatdrop in response.

However, I then took notice, of the scene around us then starting to warp and shift. And before any of us could even react, several giant green walls, wound up materializing around all of us.

"Oh, well looks like me and Sakura are going to be capturing yet another Clow Card...which will bringing us one step closer, to recapturing all of them," I thought to myself, as the green walls, then fully materialized.

And upon the three of us, regrouping with Li and Meilin. And upon me and Sakura then finding out, that it was the Maze Card...

"Hey Li, would you mind using you Lasin Board, to try and help us find the exit?" I asked him, though with a slight bit of hesitant frustrating remorse, in my tone.

Since I was still not too happy, with how Li, had been constantly letting his arrogance, speak for him.

And, though he was giving me the most resentfully upset of looks, Li wound up trying to use his Lasin Board, in an attempt, to try and locate the exit.

The only problem was, that the moment he tried to use it, the beam of the Lasin Board, simply wound up disintegrating. As it simply went out, like an imploding star. Only, it was less violent in nature.

And, upon me and Sakura, then suggesting our next plan of attack...

"But I'm warning you Avalon, no tricks!" Meilin blurted out with saying, to both me, and Sakura.

But, before I could respond to Meilin's then then pleased demeanor induced statement, Sakura wound up beating me to it.

"Meilin...give it a rest..." Sakura wound up saying back to Meilin in response, with a sort of defeated sounding tone to her voice.

Fast forward to a bit later on. Which was after, both me and Sakura, had already tried using the Sword Card to, to try and cut away one of the Maze Cards many walls, only to have it grow right back.

We had also even tried to use the Fly Card, in order to try and fly above the maze to try and look for the exit. But that plan didn't work either, as the Maze Cards walls, simply just wound up rising up to meet us.

But thankfully, it was only after Ms. Mackenzie wound up finding us and had used a strange metallic antique that she had with her on one of the Maze Cards walls, that we all, were finally able to escape the Maze Cards maze.

However, once we all had escaped, the Maze Card, then tried to reform itself. And this was further confirmed, by Li.

"Hurry Sakura and Zachary, another maze is starting!" Li said to the both of us, in a tone to let us both know, that we needed to act quickly, in order to seal and capture the Maze Card spirit.

And, upon Ms Mackenzie, averting her gaze. Both me and Sakura, then quickly raised our respective staffs.

"Maze Card, we command you to return to your power confined, Maze!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at exactly the same time.

And, after the Maze Card spirit, had been split in half. And had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had then materialized, on the tips of our respective staffs. To which both card halves had then combined together into a complete Clow Card, the Maze Card was captured and sealed.

However, the Maze Card wound up lading in Ms. Mackenzie's hands. But, she ultimately wound up giving it to us. "Man, that was a lot harder then I figured it was going to be" Sakura said while turning her attention to me, after we had both walked a good enough distance away from Ms. Mackenzie. "Well Sakura, who ever said that capturing clow cards was going to be an easy task," I said matter-of-factly.

And, though yet another Clow Card, had now been captured by me and Sakura. What we could not know at that current moment. That as time continued on, we would soon lean, that when it came to our respective anime canon timeline. It, was actually, only one third, of what was currently, a much larger picture.

And, Sakura Avalon, actually wasn't the only well known 90s magical girl, that would wind up soon being involved, in what would ultimately transpire, into an all out, multi dimensional fight, to the bitter end.

And, when it came to talking about top trumps, one could never hope to realize, that when you took someone like Sakura, and you had her ally, with a certain well known Moon Rabbit, and a certain Love Angel. What you ultimately would wind up with, was what was to be known, as the 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity.
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MGF Member
Chapter 27: Return To The Future!: Return To Sender!

After having endured a travel back to the past, and having finally been, with help from Li. Released from the tree which we had both been trapped in. Sakura and I then took a second or so to try and get our bearings, and once we had done so, we turned to face the Return card spirit, and then raised our respective staffs, "we command you to return to your power confined, Return Card!" Sakura and I chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down at the exact same time. And after the Return Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had then combined together into a complete clow card, the Return Card was captured and sealed. But instead of going to us, it wound up going to Li instead. I mean after all, he had played a huge part in making sure that we made it out of the Return Cards grasp in one piece. So begrudgingly, I resigned myself to the fact that it had gone to him instead of us.


MGF Member
Chapter 28: Buyer Beware!: Calling The Shots!

Okay, so a couple of days had now passed since me and Sakura had captured and sealed the Return Card at the Tsukihime Shrine. But as of right now, this wasn't a concern of ours. In fact as it currently stood...

"Zachary, Sakura, what is it?" Madison had just asked me and Sakura. And the reason as to why Madison had asked this to the both of us...

"I am sensing a Clow Card," Sakura said to Madison in response.

And rather then responding back to Madison by speaking up, I simply just turned to her, and then nodded to indicate that I was sensing the Clow Card as well.

And, for context regarding our current location? Well we were currently at the Twin Bells shop, and were sort of investigating the mysterious Clow Card copies, that seemed to have popped up from out of nowhere. Well, technically, they were the kind of Clow Cards, that one would consider to be not real.

And, once me, Sakura, and Madison, had come upon one of the racks in the store that had these exact cards on display...

"Maggie, which card was being displayed in this particular slot?" I proceeded to ask Maggie, as I pointed to a spot on the display rack, that was currently vacant.

"Well, it was a particularly strange looking one," Maggie responded back to me with.

"Really, what was the name of it?" Sakura now chimed in with asking Maggie in response.

"The Shot Card," Maggie responded with.

"The Shot Card?" I said in response, but now with a somewhat weary tone to my voice. Almost as if I instinctively knew, that this 'Shot Card,' was in fact a real Clow Card.

And, a little bit later, after finally figuring out, that not only was the Shot Card a real Clow Card. But after calling Kero for information on it, Kero seemed to be pretty serious about just how dangerous this particular Clow Card was.

"The Shot Card is very dangerous, as it can be activated by anyone who says it's name out loud. And the first person that it sees, then becomes its target," Kero said in a very serious sounding tone.

"Oh, well that is not ideal..." I now thought to myself, now realizing just how dangerous the Shot Card was.

But, after we had finally found out, that Meilin was the one that was currently in possession of The Shot Card. Me, Sakura, and Li, who had tagged along with us. We had rushed to the school to try and prevent her from doing something foolish.

However, as Li struggled to try and get The Shot Card back from Meilin, things then suddenly wound up getting completely out of hand.

"Hey, back off Li, The Shot Card is mine!" Meilin yelled. "Oh great, she said its name out loud!" Sakura now said with complete terror and nervousness in her voice. And I also now knew full well that by her doing so, that she had activated it.

But shockingly...

"Li's the target!" Kero, who had found us before this mess had started now exclaimed. And this was then followed, by The Shot Card spirit proceeding to fire several bolts of what appeared to be static electricity at Li. And although one of them wound up grazing him, it still wound up causing him a considerable amount of pain.

Which thankfully, after I had been temporarily blinded by the currently setting sun, that I then came up with an idea, that would help me and Sakura capture, and then seal The Shot Card.

And upon me then turning my attention to Sakura...

"Hey Sakura?" I proceeded to ask her, while pulling out The Mirror Card. And without even having to answer me back, Sakura just simply nodded. And more importantly...

"Hey Li!" Sakura now proceeded to call out to Li with saying. And once Li had temporarily turned his attention towards both of us. He then noticed that Sakura was currently pointing to me, who was currently holding up The Mirror Card.

"Got it Sakura," Li now responded with, indicating that he understood exactly what me and Sakura were planning to attempt to do.

And, with this now in mind, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs. "Mirror Card, project the image before you...Mirror...release and dispel!" Me and Sakura chanted in unison, as we hit The Mirror Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips of our respective staffs.

And, with the appearance of the Mirror form of the Mirror Card spirit appearing in my hands. And once Li, had run towards the Mirror Card's spirits mirror. The Shot Card spirit, hit the Mirror Card's mirror, only to bounce off of it. And this had been accomplished by Li diving out of the way of the Mirror Card spirits mirror, just before The Shot Card spirit made it to it.

And, once the Shot Card spirit bounced off of the reflection of the sun, so too speak...

"Seal it!" Kero now chimed in with.

And with this now in mind, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs. "Return to your power confined, Shot Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our respective staffs down, at exactly the same time

And after the Shot Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had then combined together into a complete clow card, the Shot Card was captured and sealed.

"That was well done from the both of you Sakura and Zachary, capturing the Shot Card took a lot of courage," Kero now proceeded to say to me and Sakura.

"Thanks Kero," I now proceeded to say back to him.

And more importantly...

"Thanks for you help Li," I said. As I turned to him, and did something that I thought I would never do to someone like Li. I wound up smiling at him. And it was then that I realized, that despite the differences that me and Li currently had with each other, that maybe there was actually a way for us to actually be friends after all.

And though I did not know it yet, Li would wind up becoming a very important ally, in what was eventually going to become a multi dimensional war. That would wind up bringing me, Sakura, and the rest of our friends, into contact with two other well known 90s magical girl groups. Whose sterling reputations, helped to turn the magical girl genre, into what it was today. But more on this, at a much later of a date.
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MGF Member
Chapter 29: How Sweet It Is!: Setting Aside Ones Differences!

It was just one of those days that you would just have to experience yourself to believe it. During a cooking class earlier in the day, it was discovered that everyone's cakes were coming out way too sweet. And upon choosing to investigate while no one else was there. It was discovered that the Sweet card had been responsible. And although I wasn't a fan of having Li tag along with both Sakura and I, I decided that at some point you have to learn to trust your allies, even if you don't agree with how they act sometimes. It was after Li had poured salt onto the Sweet card spirit that Sakura and I then raised our respective staffs, "we command you to return to your power confined, Sweet Card!" we chanted in unison. And after the Sweet Card spirit had been sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and both card halves had then combined together into a complete clow card, the Sweet Card was captured and sealed. And it was from that point on, I began to trust Li more as he did the same with me, until eventually, the both of us became friends. And unbeknownst to either of us, this would actually become very important, in the future events that were to follow.


MGF Member
Chapter 30: The Race!: A Dash To The Finish!

It had been a very long and very harrowing time for Sakura and I the previous night. Not only had Sakura and I had to chase after a clow card, which happened to be the Dash Card. But we had both been unsuccessful in capturing it and sealing it as well. However, despite all of that, Li was the one who wound up capturing it in the end, as he was keen to point out and show us the captured Dash Card the following morning. So unfortunately, not much information, no, scratch that, no information was known on what he had actually done to capture it by himself. But seeing as how, from what I had seen, that he could ultimately hold his own with regards to doing such things. I decided to put those thoughts to the side, and instead focus on what Sakura and I currently had to do. Which was making sure that the rest of the clow cards were captured and sealed, before a calamity befell this world. But, what none of three of us would not know until it actually wound up happening. Was that our destinies would have so much more in store then we ever would have thought possible or could have ever imagined. But more on that later.


MGF Member
Chapter 31: Dragon Slayer!: Creating A Big Problem!

Okay, so as it currently stood, me, Sakura, and a couple of our friends, were currently out on the street of Tomoeda. Well, more specifically, we were all inside a bookstore, somewhere in town.

The only trouble was, was that a certain one of our friends, had wound up picking up a green colored book from one of the shelves, that had no title.

And unfortunately, this very book, later in the evening, would wind up, becoming a big problem.

And speaking of which, and now fast forwarding to later tonight.

And me and Sakura, were once again, dressed up in yet another costume ensemble, courtesy of Madison. Sakura, was currently wearing a pretty elaborate and fancy looking battle outfit. Sakura was wearing a long-sleeved blue one-piece with large shoulder padding, ending as a pair of shorts. The main body of the one-piece had its sides lined in white, the space between the white and blue bordered with gold. A large, golden chest piece in the shape of a pair of wings that had its back extending into two long grey-blue tails with a red circle matching that of the gemstone in the center of the wings is worn with the costume, as well as the blue thigh high boots with a blue circle near the opening, the opening itself bordered with gold. And as for the other accessories? Well they included a blue headband with wings extending from the side of the end of the headband.

And as for my battle outfit? Well, it was almost exactly the same battle outfit, as Sakura was. The only difference, was that mine was a slightly lighter blue then hers was. And the hidden reason for this being the case? Well, as it turned out, and would be confirmed much further on into the future, I would wind up meeting another version of myself, who would be dressed in a similar battle outfit. However, on top of that, this other version of myself, would be aligned, with two other well known 90s Anime Magical Girls...And more importantly, would help to further coin a future name, that I would have, for both of them, and Sakura as well. As the 90 Magical Girl Holy Trinity.

Anyway, and now getting back to the current situation regarding me, Sakura, Kero, and Madison...

"These are from my new Millennium Collection," Madison said in a very notably joyous sounding tone of voice. While she had the camera focused, on me and Sakura, dressed in our respective battle outfits.


"Well look whose here!" I then heard the all too familiar voice of one Meilin, call out to us from above.

"Oh joy, Meilin and Li are here...Well...I already put my differences regarding me and Li aside...Meilin on the other hand?...Not exactly," I thought to myself, while I audibly let out a deep sigh.

However, this was sort of interrupted, by me and Sakura, then getting an all too familiar feeling. And with this very feeling, directing it us both, to look behind us. I then, couldn't help, but speak up. "D-did any of you guys sense that?" I asked out loud with a slight bit of nervousness in my tone.

"Hear what?" I then heard Madison respond with.

And with the sudden arrival of a cat. No scratch that, a much larger then normal cat. It was then, that as the very huge cat, had proceeded to try and take a swipe at me and Sakura. Only for me to then quickly pull out the Fly Card, and for me and Sakura, to the quickly raise our respective staffs. "Fly!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our staffs down, at exactly the same time, and then hit the Fly Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips, of our respective staffs.

Now fast forwarding, to just a little bit later on.

Which was not too long, after Sakura and I, had captured and sealed the Big Card at the towns fountain. We were now being told by Kero that another clow card had just revealed itself, which was the Create card. And only once a huge dragon had wound up appearing out of seemingly nowhere, that both me an Sakura, then got a sickening feeling in our stomachs.

As both of us now knew all too well, of the only Clow Card, that was able to stand up to a dragon. Which not surprisingly, was the Big Card. The good news here, was that Madison, was quick to try and put both me and Sakura at ease.

"It'll be okay, just remember that dragons aren't real," Madison said, trying to comfort the both of us.

As I then hesitantly pulled out the Big card, and turned to Sakura. Which after she had hesitantly nodded in response, we both then raised our respective staffs.

"Big card, make us grow, big card, release and dispel!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we both swung our staffs down, at exactly the same time, and then hit the Fly Card, at exactly the same time, with the tips, of our respective staffs.

And within seconds, the both of us grew to 50 feet tall. And once both Me and Sakura, had made our way over to the dragon, and had grabbed its tail, in an effort to stop it from making it to the city, and having it cause damage to it.

The dragon suddenly started to disappear. It was then Sakura and I then raised our respective now gigantic staffs. "We command you to return to your power confined, Create Card!" Me and Sakura, both chanted as we swung our now gigantic staffs down at the exact same time, only this time, a microscopic card halve wound up materializing on the tips of our now gigantic staffs. And of course, just like all the previous captures. After the two respective card halves, had joined together, thus forming a now completed clow card, the Create Card was sealed.
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MGF Member
Chapter 32: The Switch!: A Change Of Plans!

It was after realizing that the Change card had literally caused both Kero and Li to switch bodies, and after an entire issue had happened at school. Both Sakura and I decided that it was finally time to set everything right again. And with that in mind, I pulled out the Change card, and Sakura and I raised our respective staffs, "Change card, come to our aid, Change Card, release and dispel!" Sakura and I chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down and hit the Change card at the exact same time with the tips our our respective staffs. And after the Change Card spirit appeared, and had returned Kero and Li back to their original bodies. Sakura and I could then finally breath a sigh of relief as this current incident had finally been taken care of and was now behind us. "This incident reminds me way too much of the movie Freaky Friday," I thought to myself as I sweatdropped.


MGF Member
Chapter 33: Ice Breaker!: A Nightmare On The Ice!

Okay, this fight on ice was now getting completely out of hand. Sakura had been almost completely frozen once, and Li had had to break her free. I had been thrown through the air by the force of the Freeze card spirit breaking through the ice. Which had happened when I tried to push Sakura out of its path. Only for me to take a direct hit instead of her. This caused Li to get very upset. I mean, wouldn't you if you saw your friend and fellow Cardcaptor take a direct hit from a clow card spirit, get thrown through the air, and then hit the ice hard? And on top of all that having happened, the three of us had to be constantly moving about the rink so that we could keep ourselves safe from the Freeze card spirit that lurked beneath the ice. It was only after the Freeze card temporarily showed itself after Sakura had a brilliant idea to 'break the ice', that both Sakura and I then finally took our chance and raised our respective staffs, "we command you to return to your power confined, Freeze Card!" Sakura and I chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down at the same time. And with that the Freeze Card was sealed, but instead, wound up in Li's hand rather than ours. But, I found it to be one that he had very much deserved, seeing as how he had kept Sakura out of harms way. I had as well, but it went to Li.


MGF Member
Chapter 34: By The Light Of The Full Moon!: Another Helicopter Episode!

The entire town participated in a quiz rally where contestants ran to various locations and solved puzzles and riddles. Me and Sakura got to partner up with Julian and we wound up doing fairly well, until we got to the final puzzle and wandered into the woods. Meilin had teamed up with Li and tried to answer Tori's question but she answered wrong. She actually wound up taking the whole time, and after the rally trying to figure out the question. As they get to the 10th and last question, Ms. Mackenzie warned us about the full moon tonight. We then went in the forest and then suddenly Sakura became dazed and began to fall off the cliff. Julian dashed to Sakura and covered her while his leg had been injured while dashing to help her. And while I did not know it at the time, this, was soon going to wind up being the least of me and Sakura's worries.


MGF Member
Chapter 35: The Third Element!: A Trek Through The Firey Flames!

Okay, so things in this current situation had very quickly spiraled out of control hadn't they? This was largely due to the fact that Sakura and I, along with Li, were currently face to face with the Fire Card spirit. Who also happened to be one of the four element cards. And after a little bit of time of Sakura, myself and Kero continuously dodging flames that were being thrown at us by the Fire Card spirit. Kero picked around that time to speak up to the both of us. "Maybe this is far as the two of you go?" he asked, referring to the fact that the both of us were having a pretty rough time fighting against the Fire Card spirit. It really did look like this was the end of the line for the both of us. Thankfully though Li was quick to bring the both of us back down to earth. "Sakura, Zachary, you can use two element cards!" he said. It was then that I pulled out both the Windy and Water cards and both Sakura and I raised our respective staffs. "Windy and Water, release and dispel!" Sakura and I chanted in unison as we hit the Windy and Water cards at the same time with the tips of our respective staffs. Well, they were stacked one on top of the other, but we'll just gloss over that, since it still wound up working. A split second later the Windy and Water Clow card spirits appeared and began soaring towards the Fire card spirit, and a second later, the Fire card spirit was bound by both Windy and Water, to which it began to fall and then hit the ground. A second after that, Sakura and I proceeded to seal it, "we command you to return to your power confined, Fire card!" And with that the Fire card was sealed.


MGF Member
Chapter 36: Seeing It Through To The End!: A Capture At The Shrine!

Well, Spring Break had now officially begun. And it was a couple of weeks since our encounter and capturing of the Fire Card at the school fairgrounds during Christmas. Only now, we were sort of paying a visit to the shrine near Penguin Park. You, know the same shrine in which me and Sakura both encountered and then captured the Maze Card, as well as the Return Card. Well, actually, with regard to the Return Card, that wound up going to Li instead of us. As he was the one who had rescued the both of us from the Clow Card in question. However, with regard to the current situation. This wasn't exactly the case at the current moment. And, what I actually mean by that is...well..."Okay now this is just plain weird, not to mention very annoying and frustrating. Just how much longer is this Clow Card going to continue to give us so much trouble!?" I said, with immense frustration in my tone of voice as me and Sakura, continued to only watch on, as it seemed that anything that we threw at the Clow Card in question, just seemed to have no effect on it. Now for further explanation regarding the current situation, it went like this. Me and Sakura were at the shrine in question. But, the only thing, was that we were currently having a really tough time dealing with a clow card known simply as the Through Card, that seemed to be able to pass through just about anything we could throw at it, whether it be a Clow Card or otherwise.

And it was only when I came up with the idea to use the Maze Card to entrap it, and had suggested it to Sakura, that we finally decided that it was more then enough to help us seal the Through Card. And so, without having to say another word to each other, I pulled out the Maze Card. And once me and Sakura had nodded to each other, we then both raised our respective staffs at exactly the same time. "Maze Card, come to our aide, form a complicated maze to help us trap Through, Maze, release and dispel!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison, as we swung our staffs down at the exact same time, hitting the Maze Card at the same time with the tips of our respective staffs. And in a swirl of green, the Maze Card appeared, and then began to materialize around the Through Card spirit. And although the Through Card spirit tried to escape, it simply just wound up getting entrapped within one of the Maze Card's many walls. And once the Maze Card had entrapped the Through Card spirit in one of its many walls. Me and Sakura then approached the entrapped Through Card spirit, and then raised our respective staffs at exactly the same time. "We command you to return to your power confined, Through Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison as we then swung our respective staffs down at the exact same time. And once the Through Card was split in half, and sucked into our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs, and the two halves then combined to form a complete clow card, the Through Card was sealed.

Only, once both me and Sakura, had signed our names on the now captured and sealed Through Card, a realization then suddenly came to my mind. I had now been in the world of the Cardcaptor anime for quite a few months now. And to be honest, I was now starting to feel a tad bit homesick. However, little did I realize, as future events would soon wind up showing. The act of me being homesick, would soon wind up becoming the least of my problems. And with still no knowledge of future events to come, regarding the Cardcaptor anime, I was still heading into the current future events, almost completely blind. And, though I also did not know it either at the time, Sakura, would soon wind up being a very important part, of what would soon be a much larger picture. And, even though there are technically no villains in our world, that doesn't mean that they don't exist elsewhere.

In fact, another two groups of very well known 90s magical girls, would wind up playing an immensely huge role, in the events that were still to come. I mean after all, there is always something more in play, then just a simple fight of good versus evil. And, while me and Sakura currently only had to deal with capturing the rest of the remaining Clow Cards, this would wind up completely paling in comparison, to what would bring not just Sakura together, but two more well known 90s magical girls as well.

And, as mentioned several chapters ago, you may sometimes have a variably tough or even an easy time dealing with most hands in the game of poker, depending on what hand you may have at that current moment. You will always have an incredibly rough, and maybe even an impossible time, dealing with a hand of Four Aces.

And, not to mention, that I would soon be faced with a life altering choice. And if I wound up choosing wrong, it would wind up having very dire and dangerous consequences. But it wouldn't wind up affecting things for just me and Sakura. In fact, just to make matters all that much more worse. It wouldn't be just me and Sakura, who would wind up suffering for what would wind up being a potential and very catastrophic failure and loss. For if we did in fact lose, or were unable to achieve our goal of capturing the remaining Clow Cards, everyone that we held the most dear and cared about the most, would wind up suffering at the hands of an entity of pure evil. But, more on that at a still very much later date.


MGF Member
Chapter 37: A Serious Case Of Deja Vu!: Libras Can't Lie!?

Okay, so about a day or so, had now passed by, since me and Sakura, had captured the Through Card, at the towns shrine. But, as me and Sakura, were currently at the town library. As in, the very same library, in which me and Sakura, had capture the Through Card, not too long ago.

But, however, as me and Sakura, were browsing through the many shelves of books. I suddenly, overheard a conversation, from two of the other people, who were currently, inside the aisle, that was next to the one, that me and Sakura, were currently in.

"So, have you by any chance finished your homework for spring break?" I heard one of them ask the other in the aisle next to ours.

"Why yes...yes I..." The other one, was about to say back to the other in response. But suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, they wound up stopping mid sentence.

"Actually...I take that back...no...no I haven't," They then quickly followed up with responding in response.

And this very incident of sorts, wound up immediately catching my attention.

"Okay, that was strange of that person, to change their response so quickly...Hold on...wait a second here...I am getting a familiar feeling...I wonder if Sakura," I thought to myself, while I slowly turned my attention to Sakura, to see if she also knew, what this exactly was. And sure enough, Sakura was displaying the sort of usual confident looking expression, the same expression, that was usually present, when she usually sensed the presence, of a Clow Card nearby.

And so, a bit later on, back at our home. And, after I had told Kero, about the discovery, and the all too familiar feeling, that me and Sakura had sensed, at the library. Kero then, immediately realized, which Clow Card it was. Well, it was more like about a half minute of him being in deep thought, until he wound up coming to a conclusion.

"Well, it sounds to me like it's the Libra Card," Kero said, after he had had finished his half minute or so of deep thought.

"The Libra Card?" Sakura then asked in response, with a bit of confusion in her tone.

"So what exactly can the Libra Card do?" I wound up asking Kero my question, only a couple of seconds, after Sakura had asked hers.

"Well, the Libra Card, is able to tell, as to whether or not, a person is lying. And as such, can also force somebody, to tell the truth," Kero said in response.

"Oh okay...so the Libra Card, is basically, the magical version, of a lie detector...so to speak," I thought to myself, as my facial expression, then changed. From my previous expression, of complete confusion, to a look of now complete, and total understanding.

And, fast forward to later that night, maybe about a couple of hours later. Which was after both me and Sakura, had actually wound up sneaking out, to go and capture the Libra Card.

And as it seemed, this really was in fact, just a serious case of deja vu. And this was because, as me and Sakura, made our way towards, and then into the library, through the usual entrance.

We both, then went off, to near the aisles of shelves, in which me and Sakura, had sensed the presence of the Libra Card, earlier in the day.

And, upon spotting the Libra Card spirit in question, which was hanging from the one of the bookshelves. And sure enough, it had actually been hanging, in the very aisle, in which those two people had been standing. And as for the true form of the Libra Card spirit? Well, it was currently, in the form of a strange looking type of ornament. And this was because, the true form of the Libra Card spirit, as me and Sakura took came upon it. Was a pan-scale, with one of its sides holding a sun and the other side was holding a moon.

Thankfully, and as luck would have it, no one else, was in the library at the current moment. And, not wanting to waste even another second, me and Sakura, then raised our respective staffs, at exactly the same time. "We command you to return to your power confined, Libra Card!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison as we swung our respective staffs down at exactly the same time. And, once the Libra Card spirit was sucked into both of our respective card halves, that had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. And once both hard halves had then combined into a complete clow card, the Libra Card was captured and sealed.

And once the Libra Card floated into my free right hand. I then turned my attention to Sakura. And realizing something very nagging, and important, I then, decided to speak up. "We need to get home before Tori and dad get worried about us!" I said, while a frantic looking expression had now found its way onto my face. And, from the frantic expression that Sakura had just given back to me when I had just said that, I knew that she had just realized that as well. And with that thought very prevalent on our minds, we quickly ran out of the library, with the now captured Libra Card now safely put away in my outfits shirt pocket, and off back towards home.

However, even though, we had both successfully captured and sealed, yet another Clow Card. And, though neither me, Sakura, or any of our friends, knew it at the current time. We would soon, be locked, in a test. That if we wound up failing it, would not just wind up putting ourselves at risk. But, if we wound up failing it, then our future allies, would wind up paying the same type of price as well.

And who might these future allies of ours be you ask? Well that, is something, for a much later time.
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MGF Member
Chapter 38: Making Waves!: A Capture At The Beach!

Well, it did seem to start out like any other normal day. Actually you know what? Since me and Sakura are Cardcaptors, I don't think that I can consider any of what was going on, and what would ultimately wind up transpiring further on this fic, to be even the slightest bit normal.

"In fact viewers...Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you like that...Yes, hello there viewers...this is Zachary here...yea, you know the character that you're currently reading about in this particular fanfic?...Yes viewers...just as it so happens, I happen to have what is known, as Fourth Wall Awareness...In fact viewers...Hey Sakura?...Can you please come over here for a second?...I would like your help to explain to the viewers, that I am not the only one who can do this...*Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to speak up to address the viewers. And this is while she is currently smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"I think that would be best Zachary...Hello there viewers, Sakura here...and yes, Zachary is correct with his statement...we both have the ability to talk to you...*Sakura proceeds to say this, while still smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"And if I may speak up for moment here Sakura...As you viewers...are going to soon find out as you read more of this fanfic, as well as...*I proceed to try and say this, only for Sakura to now proceed to interject*"

"Actually Zachary, I think that it would be best not to let the viewers know about any of that...I mean after all...they need to be enticed enough to want to read those future chapters for themselves...*Sakura proceeds to say this to me, while still smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"O-oh, r-right Sakura, that would be a better choice...And if I may for a moment viewers...even though me and Sakura, have been capturing and sealing the clow cards for quite a few months now, I still find her to be a little bit intimidating at times...I mean after all viewers...would you be the same way if you wound up having to work alongside one of the most iconic 90s magical girls in 90s anime magical girl history?...My point exactly...But, as you will wind up reading later on this fanfic...and just to spoil you viewers all with a little bit of foreshadowing...Sakura, isn't going to wind up being the only iconic 90s magical girl in these three fanfics...I mean after all viewers...'The moonlight is a messenger of love'....Ah, got your attention now don't I...Now then viewers...what do you say, that we get on with the chapter now...hmm?"

Okay, so a couple of days had now passed, since me and Sakura had captured the Libra Card at the library. But with regard to what was going on at the current moment...

"Why oh why do such freakishly high tidal waves have to be at the beach today?" I proceeded to say to Sakura, as me and her, along with Li, were currently on a beach.

However, this was sort of then interrupted, when Kero wound up telling us that the freakishly high tidal waves, were actually the work of a clow card. And apparently, it was the Wave Card, which had the ability to create tidal waves out of currently existing water.

And yet...

"Okay, so Zachary, since we both already have the Water Card, I think we should just use that, rather then the Wave Card. I mean after all, it is an Element Card," Sakura now proceeded to say to me.

And this was true, since we both already had the Water Card, I then proceeded to speak up. As we then both agreed, that we would most likely not be using the Wave Card over the Water Card.

Anyway, it was then that me and Sakura, then set about capturing it. And after everyone else had fled the beach because of the approaching freakishly high tidal waves. Me and Sakura, then proceeded to call on our respective staffs. "Oh, key of clow, power of magic, power of light, surrender the wand, the force ignite, Release!" Me and Sakura proceeded to chant in unison. Which was then quickly followed, by the sand on the beach proceeding to whip up quite swiftly around us.

And this was then followed, by our respective keys, then quickly expanding into our respective staffs. To which we then proceeded to grab hold of them, with a quick down and overhanded grasp. To which we then proceeded to twirl our respective staffs, before then finishing off with a pose each. Which just so happened in fact, to be the very same signature pose, that Sakura herself had struck with her staff in the episodes of the actual Cardcaptors anime timeline. Which, was pretty much every single episode. And this wasn't the Cardcaptor Sakura canon timeline, but the Nelvana Dub canon timeline.

But anyway, getting back to the current situation. This was then followed, by me and Sakura, then proceeding to raise our respective staffs above our heads, as we then set about with proceeding to capture and seal the Wave Card spirit. "Wave Card, we command you to return to your power confined, Wave!" Me and Sakura chanted in unison, as we swung our respective staffs down at exactly the same time.

And, once the all too familiar Clow Card halves, materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. And the Wave Card spirit was then quickly broken down, and then sucked into our respective card halves. Which had materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. To which the Clow Card halves, were then combined into a complete clow card, the Wave Card was then sealed and captured.

But, even though me and Sakura now had yet another capture under our belts, this was going to wind up paling in comparison, to what awaited us in the events to follow. But that, is for another time.
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MGF Member
Chapter 39: Bubble Trouble!: A Capture At The School!

Well about a week or so had now passed, since me and Sakura, had captured and sealed the Fire Card spirit at the fairgrounds. Which strangely, had allowed Kero to get his power of Fire back. And as for more on regard to the capturing of the Fire Card spirit. It had been done with the help of Li. Since he had used the Time Card to temporarily stop time during the encounter with the Fire Card. And me and Sakura, had used the Sleep Card, to put everyone else besides us to sleep. However, this wasn't currently on either of our minds. Moreover, as this was due to the current fact, that me and Sakura, were currently at home. And the reason was, that we were currently up in our room, doing our spring break homework.

Well Sakura was, and this was due to the clear fact, that I had already finished all of my spring break homework yesterday.

Anyway, this was then followed by the phone in our room ringing. To which I then went over, and then answered it. "Hello, this is Zachary speaking," I said cheerily into the mouthpiece of the phone.

"Zachary, you and Sakura need to get to the school," came Li's voice from the other end of the line. And by the sound of his tone, it sounded as though it could be a Clow Card. So, with this in mind, I proceeded to ask Li about whether or not this was the case. "Why Li, is it a Clow Card by any chance?" I now proceeded to ask Li, with a bit of intrigue to my tone.

"I sensed an unusual presence at the school earlier this morning, so I would assume so…" Li said matter-of-factly from the other end of the line. "Fine, me and Sakura will be there in a bit," I said, as I sighed, and then hung up.

To which I then proceeded to turn my attention to Sakura, and then proceeded to speak up. "Sakura, that was Li, he said that he apparently sensed an unusual presence at the school earlier this morning…? He says it is most likely a Clow Card?" I said, with a bit of reproach in my tone. "Well then Zachary, it seems that we both have another Clow Card to capture," Sakura now proceeded to say to me, as she smiled with her eyes closed.

"R-right Sakura," I now proceeded to say. But it was while I had had a sort of nervous expression on my face, but I did my best to hide it. And the reason as to why I currently had this nervous expression. Well that was due to me still not being used to Sakura's personality, as well as experiencing it for real

So, later that night, me and Sakura, after meeting up with Li, then went to the school to investigate. And, as usual, me and Sakura were now dressed up in yet another one of Madison's battle outfit ensembles. Sakura was dressed up in a red colored outfit that consisted of a cape, with an outline of the sun on the front. And she was also currently wearing a somewhat large looking red colored hat on her head, that was tilted to one side. Which also had two tassels, one on the front edge of it, and the other on the reverse side. One had an ornament of the sun, and the other was of a crescent shaped moon.

And on more with regard to this very hat. Well, it would actually wind up somewhat resembling someone else, that we would be running into in the somewhat distant future. Who believe it or not, actually had a similar looking hat, to the one that Sakura was currently wearing. And for those who are

But anyway, it wasn't long, until we were confronted by a swarm of pink colored bubbles. Which after asking Kero for information regarding it via me asking him on my blue cellphone. We were then told by Kero, that it was the Bubbles Card. And thankfully, he told us that it was harmless in nature. Which given that me and Sakura had captured the Fire Card during our last capture. I then proceeded to breath a slight sigh of relief, since I now knew that at least this time, the Clow Card spirit wasn't hostile, or violent in its nature

And, it was when we were on the school roof after a chase that seemed to last forever. Li then wound up choosing to speak up. "Hold on, here it comes! Both of you get ready!" Li said, as were then confronted by the swarm of pink bubbles again. Which was after Li had drawn our attention to its sudden appearance.

And, with us both then hoping, that nothing would wind up going wrong. Me and Sakura, then proceeded to raise our respective staffs. "Bubbles card, we command you to return to your power confined, Bubbles!" Me and Sakura proceeded to chant together in unison. Which while we did so, we proceeded to swing our respective staffs down at exactly the same time. And, as the wind started to pick up around the three of us, and Madison. Who was currently filming us, as usual. And, as the usual Clow card halves materialized on the tips of our respective staffs. And, as the Clow Card spirit started to break apart, and was then sucked into our respective Clow card halves. And once both halves formed together to make a whole and complete Clow Card, the Bubbles Card was captured.

But, what neither of us, or even Kero or Li realized at the current moment. Was that we would eventually wind up in a duo of tests. One, would wind up transpiring, once all of the Clow Cards were finally all captured. And as for the other? Well, it would wind up being a final test of sorts. Which, if me and Sakura wound up failing either one, then we would not only wind up throwing our own timeline out of balance. But it would also throw at least two more anime timelines out of balance as well. And, me and Sakura, would also need to prepare ourselves. Because we would also wind up coming into contact, with two of the most well known 90s magical girls to every exist. Who like Sakura, helped to turn the magical girl genre, into what it was today. I mean after all, while one was often referred to as 'Magical Girl Genesis,' the other, was not as well known. But, she would wind up becoming just as legendary and well known as me and Sakura. And it would all be thanks, to the help of two more versions of myself. One, who I would find out, was partnered with these very two 90s magical girl groups. And the other? Well, I would find out that she was partnered, with one of the most powerful level 5 Espers to every exist. I mean after all, she wasn't nicknamed The Ace Of Tokiwadai for no reason.
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