The Realities of Being a Magical Girl in the 21st Century


MGF Member
There are things in this world that are Hazards that we need to know about . Like South American tree frogs that have bright colors to warn predators that they are deadly poisonous , or how to safely cast a Circle of Protection in order to ward off hostile spirits .

This thread is going to be a repository of Things That You Need To Know . As i collect more of them , i·ll continue posting replies . If you have news or encyclopedia articles you·d like to add , please contribute .


MGF Member
The first thing that i·m going to start off with is Net Neutrality .

Net Neutrality is the concept that the Internet should be treated as a public service , like railroads or telephone lines . In exchange , companies that provide that service enjoy special privileges , like the use of public buildings or the ability to build on public land .

Here·s the article . The wording is pretty high-tech , so don·t be afraid to ask questions or look things up .

More as it develops .


MGF Member
Let·s face it . It·s a rough-and-tumble world . We are muchakucha tafu dashi . Sometimes , as a magical girl , we need to stand up for ourselves .

Today i was physically assaulted . I had a guy hold a dustpan to my throat like it was a knife , and he edged it forward until there was physical contact . Obviously , it would be breaking the law if i hit him back . So what do we do in that kind of situation? Ka .

Here is an example of the kind of letter you might have to write one day , in the event that you·re the assistant manager of a womans· shelter and get threatened by a man in the lobby of that shelter , and your department is one of a set of departments where there are other managerial teams yu have to negotiate with .
