Showcase Random Magical Girl Sketches~

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
I think the title of the post is self-explainatory.
So, here I'll show you a few redesigns of well-known and better-beloved magical girls. I've made a few changes to their appearances, trying to make these heroines fit with my art style:

Sailor Moon, after a rough fight...

Artemis the cat alongside the original Sailor Venus:

Honoka Yukishiro, the Cure White:

Doremi Haruzake, the disasterous witch:

Will Vandom, Guardian of Kandrakar, from the W.I.T.C.H. comic series (do they count as magical girls?)

Also, yes, I know she has wings, like the rest of the team... I have no idea why I didn't draw them... :confused:

And that's all for now! Feel free to share your opinions and artworks!!
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Loco del Lápiz

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
I found yet another Magical Girl drawing... but this time, it's an original design I created...

Silly idea, I know, but I liked the final result. The linework was made using traditional tools, but coloring was made digitally.
I know we shouldn't eat too much of this kind of food... still, hope you like it!

cure yuu

MGF Member
Wow!~ I really like your drawing! You're so talented!!

The burger and fries idea is really interesting. Lol now you're making me want some hamburgers and french fries xD
Loco del Lápiz

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
If this made you want to este burgers and fries, then my job is done, xD.

Thanks you for your kind words! Still, I think I'm far from talented (specially domingo digital art)

harvester rose!

MGF Member
Ah, so cute! I love it! The sad aliens in the background are a nice touch, lol.

I wonder what fast food resturaunt they would sponsor...


MGF Member
That's a fun picture! I like the aliens too, and the dripping condiment gloves are another nice touch.

If digital art isn't your specialty, what are your favorite artistic mediums?
Loco del Lápiz

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Haha, thanks for the kind words!
@harvester rose! They probably would sponsor Amy fast-food restaurant that served hamburgers...
@Akamarak You noticed the condiment gloves! Yay!
I usually prefer using traditional tools (paper, pencils, rotrings...), except in coloring. Though I'm quite bad at that...
Loco del Lápiz

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
I definately have, @Akamarak , but unfortunately I don't see my artwork or my stories good enough to make the jump. I however have some comics posted on my Instagram, but that's the most I've done...


MGF Member
I definately have, @Akamarak , but unfortunately I don't see my artwork or my stories good enough to make the jump. I however have some comics posted on my Instagram, but that's the most I've done...
I probably wouldn't have time to look at it until next week, but would you feel comfortable sharing a link to your instagram account?


MGF Member
Alright, here you go:
Problem is, most of the things I have there are written in Spanish, so you might get lost...
Thanks! I haven't read through all of it, but your artwork is a lot better than you make it sound! :D Honestly I think there are people whose art skills are below yours who still manage to make some money doing art on the internet... though it can be tricky figuring out how to market yourself (and even trickier to turn it into your only source of income).

My brother does art part-time (usually commissions and stuff). If you're serious about wanting to monetize your art I could ask him if he has any tips sometime. No magical girl related art, but here's his deviant art page if you want to see some of his work.

I know less about writing than art, so I'm probably not especially qualified to give you feedback on your storytelling (aunque puedo entender español básico).
Loco del Lápiz

Loco del Lápiz

MGF Member
Haha, thanks for all the feedback and info!
I know my art style is hard to market. It's not a fully developed manga/cartoony style, and I mostly focus on making comics, not illustrations, so, yeah, hard to monetize those.
And as much as I'd love to live from making art, I'm not sure I can do it... which is a frutrating thought I try to avoid, but reality is unavoidable.

If you can talk to your bro, it would be a great help, and I would be inmensy grateful! Heck, I'm already grateful for all this. Muchas gracias!


MGF Member
Haha, thanks for all the feedback and info!
I know my art style is hard to market. It's not a fully developed manga/cartoony style, and I mostly focus on making comics, not illustrations, so, yeah, hard to monetize those.
And as much as I'd love to live from making art, I'm not sure I can do it... which is a frutrating thought I try to avoid, but reality is unavoidable.

If you can talk to your bro, it would be a great help, and I would be inmensy grateful! Heck, I'm already grateful for all this. Muchas gracias!
No problem, I'll ask him sometime! It may take a little while because he's busy and the difference in time zone makes communicating in real-time tricky... though maybe I could send him an e-mail or something...

Dang reality, always getting in the way of doing things we enjoy! Yeah, unfortunately your first priority has to be making sure you can actually live and eat and such. Hopefully there's a version of your future that involves you getting to do art in the way you enjoy in some capacity though.


MGF Member
I did ask my brother for advice and he is more than happy to share some, but he's pretty busy right now and I'm worried it may take him a long time to get back to me. Sorry about that! I'm worried that by the time he gets back to me the benefit of the advice won't have been worth the long wait!