

MGF Member
Chapter 60: Saint Sword Of Bluebell Lightning Sword Slash!: Mach 3 Railguns, And Angel Bluebells True Power!
Date: April 5, 1999

As clouds eclipsed the light of the pure moon, me, Wedding Peach, and Eternal Sailor Moon, were in a stalemate against Hearts' manifested shadows.

Sailor Moon raised her hand in the air and a sword-like wand appeared. "Moon Gorgeous... Meditation~!" she called out. Streams of light swirled as they cut through the mass of shadows.

"Thank you Sailor Moon," I called to her. Sailor Moon quickly dodged a shadow spike aimed right at her but threw her tiara just in time. "That was too close for comfort," she said with a less-then-sarcastic-tone. She then noticed Wedding Peach subdued by the shadows. "Wedding Peach!" she instinctively ran over to help her.

As Sailor Moon was fending off the attacks she noticed me making my way to help her and she smiled, happy that I was able to get to her before anything else had happened to her, but then she noticed something wasn't right. "Wait, where did Heart go?" she thought as she scanned the area.

"Angel Salvia! Angel Lily! Angel Daisy! Please, snap out of it!" Me and Wedding Peach pleaded as we both made it over to them, and then began to cut the restraints of our injured comrades.

"Urgh... W-Wedding Peach...A-Angel Bluebell?" Angel Salvia murmured as she came to, she looked around to see what had happened since she fell unconscious.

As both me and Wedding Peach finished freeing them, Angel Lily and Angel Daisy came to as well.

"Well, I'm gonna feel that for a week," Angel Daisy commented as she struggled to get up to a sitting position.

"Agreed, I think we'll definitely need a vacation after this battle," Angel Lily added, regaining her balance and sat up right with her arms supporting her.

"Everyone..." Me and Wedding Peach's eyes began to tear up as we hugged our three friends. "We thought we'd be too late!" I said through tears.

"Ah-Hey, easy there Bluebell," Angel Salvia comforted. "We're fine, a little banged up but fine," she added as she petted my head, as we both let go of our friends. Though we didn't admit it Salvia felt like a big sister to the two of us.

"Yeah, no need to worry," Angel Daisy. "There's no way we-d lose to an enemy," she said putting her fist in her palm.

"Right, who else will keep you both up to speed when you're both so absent-minded," Angel Lily put in with a giggle, referring to Momoko more then me.

"Hey!" Momoko pouted as she leered at her grateful friend. We all giggled, but it was short lived as we heard Sailor Moon grunt in pain as she was thrown to the ground.

It was at this point that a series of images flashed through my mind, Wedding Peach about to be swung upon by an unknown opponent brandishing a sword, and Sailor Moon using her crystal, and then winding up on the ground, very badly injured for having used it, with the crystal having multiple cracks in it. This caused me to instantly tear up, but I tried my best to hide it.

"What in the world was that? Well whatever it was, I had best make sure that it doesn't wind up happening. Unfortunately that means I may finally have to wind up using my finishing attack. The bad news is that attack is not only designed to injure an opponent, but it is designed to kill them too!" I thought to myself as anger started to well up inside of me, and I prepared myself to use an attack that would ultimately decide the fate of not just this battle, but every battle moving forward. Well, not exactly, but more on that later. However, this would wind up setting Angel Bluebell up, to be the savior of both groups, in a fight that would ultimately determine the fate of the world as we knew it. And though I didn't know it at the time. I was going to learn, that the phrase "I worked hard enough for three," would wind up being the case in the future, literally.
It was after I had had my series of images flash through my mind and had seen Sailor Moon get thrown to the ground, that I then slowly got to my feet, and a wave of anger had begun to wash over me.

"Damn you Heart!...How dare you hurt her!" I said awash with immense rage as I brandished my Saint Sword Of Bluebell menacingly at Heart. This, not surprisingly, stunned Wedding Peach and the other Love Angels, they had never seen me this angry or enraged before.

"You know, I have never used this yet, because it's not only designed to harm someone like you, but it's also designed to kill them as well. But since you've gone and pissed me off a good amount, I see it only fitting to use it...on you!" I said as my body began to glow a bright blue color. As I then switched my Saint Sword Of Bluebell to my right hand.

This also took everyone by surprise, largely since during all of our previous fights with the devils, including the battle with Raindevila, I had never used, or even mentioned that I had this attack.

"Hi, Angel Bluebell here, just wanted to let you, the viewers know, that I forgot to mention that I am ambidextrous. Yes, so although I prefer to hold my sword with my left hand most of the time, I sometimes wind up switching hands, you know, to keep things interesting. *blush* Anyway, back to the fight."

Anyway, I then spread the angel wing decorations from under my shoulder pads as wide out as they could go, both now becoming massive angel wings. And in the blink of an eye, I then flew forward, faster then the naked eye could see, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell drawn back and also glowing a bright blue color.

"Sorry, Bluebell here. So you are all probably wondering just how fast that is? Well, the human eye can't perceive something traveling at a speed exceeding 550 mph. So, that would mean that I am going at least that fast. Kind of sounds ridiculous when you really think about it. But then again, what with Soul Reapers in the Bleach anime being able to use the flash step. This of course includes Yoruichi Shihouin, who from what I have heard, likes to call herself 'the queen of flash step.' And she has more then deserved that nickname. You know, I can only imagine the amount of fun that we would all have, if this fanfic, when finally turned into a canon show, ever wound up crossing over into their universe. Just think for a moment, on the amount of attention, that a show crossover like that could get. I know, pretty mind blowing right? Actually, the soul reaper flash step reference was good. But I have now come up with a better example. By a show of comments on this fanfic, how many know of a certain brown haired tsundere with a very powerful Esper ability? You know, someone who has the ability, among the others that she has, to launch a projectile, like say an arcade coin, at a speed of Mach 3? Yes, I am comparing myself to her, because she just so happens to be part of all of this. I mean after all, they don't call her Railgun and The Ace Of Tokiwidai for no reason. *blushes* Anyway, enough of me spoiling you with more foreshadowing, back to the story."

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword..." I began, and it was when I closed in on Heart enough, and as my Saint Sword Of Bluebell almost touched her right side, that my Saint Sword Of Bluebell started coursing light blue lightning through it. "Slash!" I finished, as my glowing light blue and blue lightning sparking Saint Sword Of Bluebell, sliced through the right side of Heart, like a knife through butter, cutting into her very deep, and sending light blue lightning coursing through her entire body.

This caused her to not only experience unimaginable pain, but it also caused her to disappear afterwards. It was when Heart had disappeared, and I reappeared again (a/n: you know because I was flying faster then the naked eye could see), and Sailor Moon had gotten to her feet for just long enough to witness with Wedding Peach and the others what I had just done to Heart, not surprisingly they were all a bit shocked. "Whoa," Angel Daisy and Sailor Moon said in awe. "Remind me to stay on her good side."

It seemed as though I would have a lot of explaining to do...again. But this would have to wait until later, because I knew from the images that had flashed through my mind not too long ago, that Heart was not the only opponent that was going to be showing up here.

"What happened here, where is my Lady Heart!?" a voice exclaimed. And sure enough, someone was seen standing in the shadows off to the side.

"Oh, she's gone, I took care of her," I said as I turned to face the shadowed figure with a cocky smirk finding its way onto my face.

"Impressive," the voice commented.

"But it won't do thee any good," the voice continued on. I was about to say "try me," when the shadowed figure decided to step into the light and introduce himself. It was a tall broad-shoulder man wearing sleek black armor with knight symbols on his belt, the top of his boots, and on his gauntlets. His sword hilt had a strange emblem on it, it was difficult for any of us to make it out.

"I am Knight, I am the 1st strongest ranked out of me and Lady Heart, and I find it in my best interest to end this immediately," he said as he unsheathed his double bladed sword and proceeded to strike Sailor Moon with it. It was then that I somehow realized that this was a very bad situation. If she wound up injured beyond a certain point, then we couldn't win the future fight when it came to fighting against the supposed leaders of Heart and Knight's group. But, that didn't stop Knight from attempting to do so. It was then that my body glowed a bright blue color again.

"Damn you Knight, I will not let you lay a single finger on her!" I said, as I quickly switched my sword back to my left hand, and I once again charged forward faster than the naked eye could see.

However, before I could get in the way of Knight's strike, he managed to cut into Sailor Moon slightly, grazing her, but causing enough injury to trigger events that would come into play later on. It was when I got in the way of Knight's next strike though, that I was able to block his advance and his next strike. It was then, faster than the naked eye could see, that my Saint Sword Of Bluebell once again started sparking light blue colored lightning and glowing a light blue color. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lighting Sword," I began, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, and then quickly swung it straight across his midsection. "Slash!" I once again finished off with, as my Saint Sword Of Bluebell cut into him very deep and sent light blue lightning coursing throughout his entire body, causing him to experience unimaginable pain, and causing him to disappear from existence shortly thereafter. However, even though I had changed the course of the events. This however would not stop the eventual meeting of two of the greatest magical girl groups ever known. And that, was fine by me.


MGF Member
Chapter 61: Pomp And Circumstance!: The Senshi Are Alerted!

"Damn you Heart!...How dare you hurt her!"

"You know, I have never used this yet, because it's not only designed to harm someone like you, but it's also designed to kill them as well. But since you've gone and pissed me off a good amount, I see it only fitting to use it...on you!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword...Slash!"

"Whoa, remind me to stay on her good side."

"What happened here, where is my Lady Heart!?"

"Oh, she's gone, I took care of her."

"Impressive, but it won't do thee any good."

"I am Knight, I am the 1st strongest ranked out of me and Lady Heart, and I find it in my best interest to end this immediately."

"Damn you Knight, I will not let you lay a single finger on her!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword...Slash!"

Date: April 5, 1999 (Meanwhile While The Battle In The Park With Heart And Knight Is Going On Elsewhere)

"Alright viewers. Sorry, Shinko here. *proceeds to blush profusely while turning eyesight and head slightly away from addressing the viewers before quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to continue to address the viewers* Anyway, as I was about to say viewers. This is going to be a chapter that will focus on the rest of our soon to be allies. Not to worry though viewers, as we will get right back into the action in the next chapter. *smiles* Anyway, on with the story."

A girl with wavy-teal hair and wore a white tank top and blue shorts leaned against her beloved. "Thank you Haruka, for bringing us here," she thanked as she rested her head on Haruka's chest.

"Heh, I should be the one thanking you, Michiru," Haruka replied as she stroked Michiru's soft teal locks. "You supported me during today's race."

"See viewers? Sorry, Shinko here again viewers. Anyway, as you can plainly see, both Haruka and Michiru are very far from being considered cousins as the DiC dub of the Sailor Moon anime perceived them to be. I mean, if I'm being honest viewers. Which I am clearly about to be...the DiC dub of the Sailor Moon anime, in my honest opinion...Was one of the worst dubbed magical girl anime that I have ever seen...if not the worst...Sure, some may claim that it is a good dub...maybe even a slightly good dub...But from what I have watched of it...it is just completely outright appalling...not what you would call a proper representation of what is actually the real canon timeline of events in the anime...*proceeds to put hand to cover face with a sweatdrop becoming visible on one side of face*...Anyway, I think that that is enough of me fourth wall breaking...at least for the moment...Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside for the moment. It was at this point that a familiar voice got their attention. "Haruka-papa! Michiru-mama! It's getting late! Setsuna-mama has been trying to call you for a while now," Hotaru informed, with a small tint of blush on their cheeks, so she looked the other way and began to 'fake' pout that they went to the beach without them.

"Ah, I am sorry Hotaru, we're coming," Haruka called back as she looked up from her position under Michiru and looked back to her. "Lets go, Michiru," she said as she got up and dusted the sand off of her and held out her hand to help up her lover. Michiru took Haruka's hand and was lifted up smoothly and gently by Haruka's strength.

Just as they met up with the two other Senshi, they felt something, through a link that the Sailor Senshi shared.

Each of them looked at each other shocked. "Something has happened to our princess..." Michiru stated, putting her hand on her cheek.

"I sense darkness, trying to enshroud her light..." Hotaru put in, looking at her three parents.

"Sorry, Shinko here again viewers...Well...isn't this a tad bit interesting...But...as I am sure I have said to all of you viewers in a previous chapter...there is no true higher honor, then getting the chance to work with a group like the Sailor Senshi...I mean after all, as you will be reading about in the next few chapters...they have been through hell itself and back...I mean after all, several of them did in fact wind up dead...as in they were straight up murdered by two certain evil magical girl villains...But, I still don't trust Haruka and Michiru for the actions that they made in that battle in Juban years back...Neither of them ultimately realized that when they decided to accept a certain evil senshi's offer...The only thing that wound up resulting from that...As I am sure that I have explained to you all in a recent and previous chapter...It only just wound up getting themselves, and two of their own teammates killed...Not to mention that it also ended up with the two of them having blood on their hands for committing that heinous act...But, as I am sure that they had a good reason for it...Though I still can't find a single iota of a good reason as to why they did it in the first place...And they didn't even bother to let the rest of their team know about what it is that they were doing either...nor did they explain why it is that they were doing it...I mean, what did the two of them think was going to happen when they decided to do all of that?...Not to mention that they are both incredibly arrogant...as I am sure that I have told all of you viewers in one if not several previous chapters...But, I honestly do think, as well as believe...that both Haruka and Michiru, or Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune, as you viewers know them both more as...Are far more arrogant, then Angel Salvia...Or Scarlet O'Hara...as me and you viewers know her more as...would ever, or could ever be...*proceeds to turn eyesight and head slightly away from addressing the viewers while profusely blushing before once again quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to once again continue addressing the viewers*...Anyway, as I am sure that I have also said to all of you viewers in a previous chapter, or previous chapters...us love angels, as well as the Sailor Senshi, are not the only ones that are involved in all of this...I mean after all viewers...As I am sure I have been hinting as well as having told all of you viewers in a single or several previous chapters...You have to expect the unexpected...And...though I am sure that I have never told all of you viewers this in any previous single or several chapters before this one...I am not sorry for anything that I have said in any of these previous chapters...or any of my several fourth wall break moments in either this chapter...or any of the previous chapters...I have no reason to apologize...as I have every right to say what I want in these fourth wall break moments...within a certain line of reason of course...*once again proceeds to quickly turn eyesight and head away from addressing the viewers while proceeding to profusely blush again before once again quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to once again continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, I think that that is more then enough of my quite very lengthy fourth wall break moment...Let us finally get back to the story."
"Phew, what a night," Minako Aino, or as I knew her as, Sailor Venus, sighed and turned to the crew that helped set the stage.

"YEAH!" everyone cheered and went back to work.

It was at this point though that three familiar friends of hers decided to drop by for a visit. "Mina!" Minako heard her name called. Minako turned around and found the source of the call, who would call her "Mina" and not "Minako' or "Aimi" her stage name. Finding a group of familiar girls, all smiling at her.

"Everyone!" she smiled as she ran to her friends and gave them a group hug. "Why are you all here?"

"Well, we heard about your concert, and we all just ran into each other in the stands, so we just decided to surprise you," Makoto replied, gesturing to the gathered girls.

"Yes, and your singing was amazing Mina," Ami chimed in. "You've come a long way since high school."

"Thank you Ami," Minako thanked, smiling at her smart friend. "So, what have you all been up to?"

"Well, I got a job as a part-time sensei at a Mixed Martial Arts school and opened up my own shop and baker," Makoto replied.

"I'm now a first class doctor and I work part-time as a swim class and art instructor," Ami answered

"I inherited the Hikawa Shrine and help with local charities by singing," Rei said fidgeting a little in embarrassment.

"I'm so happy for all of you!" Minako said giving them another hug,

Minako said giving them another hug, then pulled out of it. "Oh, I've seen that Haruka is now a worldwide race champion and Michiru is an international professional violinist and places a close first for best swimmer."

"Yes, they're actually traveling together along with Setsuna and Hotaru," Rei added in.

"Oi! Aimi! The stage is getting ready to clean up. You can head out now," a stage worker called out to Minako.

"Yes~, thank you!" She replied waving back in response and conformation. She looked back at her friends. "Let's head out, we can talk more at my place."

The girls each gave a nod in response and waited for Minako to change out of her concert costume. Once she came out of her dressing room, they headed toward Minako's apartment. As they entered her home and got comfortable, they began to catch up more of what else they've been up to.

"I heard that Mamoru is on his way back from college for a visit," Rei informed as she took a sip of her tea. "I also heard that-" before she could finish what she was saying, she they felt the exact same thing that held been felt by Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Setsuna.

There was a long silence that enshrouded the whole room, until Rei broke the silence. "Y-You all felt that too... right?" she stuttered, as she looked around the room, waiting for an answer.

"I-It felt like something happened to... Usagi..." Ami said, just above a whisper but the shocked group was able hear her.

"She... She felt like she was in pain..." Makoto added in, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"Something tells me, we need to go and see Usagi," Minako said, standing from her seat on the couch. "I have a bad feeling about this."
As a young man with dark hair left the food court and went to the area near the gate where a plane was headed for Tokyo, he took out his wallet and looked at the picture that resided in it. It was a photo of him and a cheerful looking girl with long blonde hair put up in an odango style, sitting next to each other.

"I'm on my way home... Usako," he said as he smiled at the picture. But as he was about to head to the line for boarding plane, he felt a slight bit of pain.

He put hand against his head, then looked back at the picture. His eyes widened, Usagi was slumped over, and her golden hair was dull, rough, and undone. He became light-headed and wobbled a little bit but regained balance, and glanced back to the photo to see it went back to normal.



MGF Member
Chapter 62: A Meeting Draws Near!: The Return Of The Sailor Guardians!
Date: April 5, 1999

Thunder clouds continued with lightning that seemed to dance across the sky, as I walked back with Usagi with the now powered down Love Angels following close behind. Soon after they gathered their bearings after the fight, we had all powered down to not attract any extra attention.

"And viewers. Sorry, Shinko here. Sorry about breaking the fourth wall on you again...*says this by traditionally bowing at the viewers before bring eyesight and head upward again with a slight blush on face before continuing to address the viewers with a blush on face*...Anyway viewers, as I was about to say to all of you. So, despite my best efforts to protect Wedding Peach, as well as Eternal Sailor Moon. Wedding Peach still wound up getting injured during the fight. You know, when she was subdued by the shadows in our fight against Heart and Knight? Anyways viewers, I only hope that her injuries are not as bad as they seem. *says that while giving a very concerned look on face and a slight blush before face turns back to a neutral expression again*...Anyway viewers, back to the story."

Anyway, it was then that Momoko began to stumble, but she was thankfully supported by Scarlet before she had actually fallen over. "Momoko, are you sure-" Scarlet began to ask but was then cut off mid sentence by Momoko.

"Yes, we can trust her!" Momoko replied, as she cutoff Scarlet's statement short, while glaring at her.

Scarlet looked at her in surprise before once again speaking up. "...I was going to say are you sure you don't need help walking home?"

Momoko's eyes slightly widened, to which then looked at the ground, the shadow of her bangs now covering her eyes. "I am sorry, Scarlet... yes.." she whispered the last part but her regal friend heard her and allowed Scarlet to support her.

And as they, along with the rest of us, rounded the intersecting streets, they arrived at me and Momoko's home. "By the way Momoko and Shinko, where are your parents?" Yuri asked as she and Hinagiku caught up with the three of us.

I looked at Hinagiku before then deciding to answer her question, "Our Dad had to leave home for awhile for a photography job and I believe Mama is in the Angel realm with Aphrodite-Oba." I said matter-of-factly.

It was at this point that Yuri, Hinagiku and Scarlet looked at me with blank faces and sweat-dropped.

The one to break the their daze was Hinagiku, "A-Aphrodite, let's you call her 'Oba'?"

I looked at them, red with embarrassment. "Mama said it was fine... and Aphrodite Oba-san gave me one of "those" looks, and besides, Momoko calls her Oba-san as well."

A chill went down all three of Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet's spines as they remembered what exactly I was talking about. Aphrodite can be quite... scary, when she's trying to insist on an important matter.

"And I guess her being able to actually communicate and interact with her Niece felt nice, but I wish she wasn't so insistent on me calling her Oba-san. I mean, she's royalty. Not to mention that she was one of the reasons why I reunited with Momoko after so many years...But with regard to Aphrodite being royalty...And just so all of you viewers know so that you are not all confused...'Oba'...means Ruler in english translation from Japanese...Just thought that I would clear any sort of confusion or if you are at all wonder what 'Oba'...means...Sure that would make me and Momoko princesses of sorts, but from that-" I was jolted back to reality when I heard Scarlet call to me, pulling me out of my deep submergence in my own thoughts. Well, that was after I had briefly turned my head, as well as my eyesight, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers. To which I then proceeded to turn my attention to Scarlet, in order to answer to what she had just asked from me.

"Yea?" I asked, as I then went and turned my head towards Scarlet to address her. But as I did, my head bumped into something, or rather, someone.

"Oh hey Shinko, Momo-Pi," The familiar male voice said.

My eyes widened. "There is only one person that I know of that calls Momoko by that nickname," I thought to myself, as I then slowly raised my head and my eyes then met with the eyes of Yousuke Fuuma. "Y-Yousuke?! What are-" Momoko began to ask.

Before Momoko could finish her question of what Yousuke was doing out in this storm, she suddenly then felt herself get light-headed and her breathing then suddenly became shallow, and her vision then also became hazy. She still desperately tried to keep herself from falling over and losing her support from Scarlet, but darkness then quickly overcame her, and she then began to fall forward.

Upon taking immediate notice of this having transpired. I wound up reacting as any sister would, with quite a bit of concern for Momoko's well being. "Sis!" I yelled, while I then tried to rush over to her side to stop her from falling over.

"MOMOKO?!" everyone else gasped, seeing her fall toward the cold ground.

Luckily, Scarlet was able to keep her balance and Yousuke was able to get over quickly enough to catch Momoko in time. "Man, talk about being light on your feet...huh viewers?" I thought to myself, as I had now stopped rushing over to Momoko, and had also once again, briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my head an attention, to the right of me again, to once again briefly address the viewers.

This was then followed, after I had done my fourth wall break moment. By Yousuke then looking at all of us before he then decided to speak up. "What the hell is going on?" Yousuke asked us with his left eye brow cocked, and also while holding onto Momoko.

"We'll explain later, but right now we have to tend to Momoko," Jama-P then replied from behind Yuri.

Yousuke then looked down at the bruised and exhausted half-angel in his arms and back to the rest of us in front of him. "Right," he agreed. "I'll carry Momo-Pi," he followed up with saying. And with that, he picked up the unconscious half-angel in his arms and turned toward me and Momoko's home.

As all of us entered me and Momoko's home, Luna looked over at the young man named Yousuke and then decided to speak up. "Yousuke, was it? I hope you don't mind me prying, but I can't help but notice you have a Devil's aura, just what are you exactly?"

Yousuke, who was caught off guard by the talking cat for a moment, but he then quickly recovered his composure. He then replied as he set Momoko on a laid out futon pad gently to what Luna had just asked him. "I'm a half-blood, like Momoko and Shinko," he looked at his love with concern and pain in his eyes. "I didn't know until a while after we were spending more time together, that I realized that they were soothing the Devil side of me when it was acting up since the other devils were after my power, since I'm a reincarnated devil, known as Viento, that had the power to conquer the angel realm," he placed his hand on Momoko's cheek then stroked her bangs to the side. "...she stuck with me, as did Shinko, even after I tried to push them both away to keep them safe, they both always told me we would get through it together...and they were both right."

It was then, once Yousuke had finished his statement, that Luna then began to giggle.

Yousuke looked at the ebony feline. "What?"

"It's nothing," she purred in response. "It just reminds me of the past," She continued.

And as the rain continued its downpour, everyone continued to tend to Momoko and Usagi's wounds. Yuri was currently changing the cloth on Momoko's forehead, Hinagiku was applying a bandage onto the injury on Usagi that had been left by Knight, Scarlet was cooking something for everyone, and Yousuke was sitting near Momoko, while I was standing right beside them both, keeping Momoko company as well. I mean, wouldn't you want to stay near your sister at a time like this? My point exactly.

As everyone finished eating, Luna went back to Usagi's bag, and grabbed Usagi's communicator that was in Usagi's bag. "I better tell the others what has happened." as she got up to me and Momoko's room, she jumped on the window-seal and opened the communicator. "Calling all Guardians of Princess Serenity, please come in!" Luna said, as she waited a few moments before a holo-screen appeared in front her with an eight-way communication screen.

"Luna!" they all exclaimed, with all of their faces just a little too close to the holo-screen.

And with the outburst of voices, this wound up shocking Luna and made her fall of her perch and on to the floor. "NAME OF GODDESS SELENITY!" Luna exclaimed right after she had fallen on to the floor, with her eyes now swirling from the sudden outburst.

And as Luna then got back up on her perch, she could hear some giggles over the comm. "I am so sorry Luna for startling you," Minako managed to get out between giggles.

"Y-Yes" Luna replied, her eyes still swirling from the outburst of voices seconds earlier. And as she gave her head a few more seconds to clear and to stop the world spinning, Luna then decided to speak up in response to what Minako had said. "Thank you Mina," she thanked, as she composed herself, she began her message. "Everyone, unfortunately...this isn't a social call, our situation has gone from bad to worse," she paused. "...Everyone, it's time. You are to return to Tokyo ASAP... a new enemy has appeared, and the senshi are needed once again."

"And isn't that the truth viewers. Sorry, Shinko here again...*proceeds to once again blush profusely while briefly turning head eyesight and attention away from addressing the viewers before once again bringing head eyesight and attention forward again to once again continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, my sincerest apologies for that...as well as breaking the fourth wall on all of you viewers again...*says this while traditionally bowing before bringing head, eyesight, and attention back up and forward again to continue addressing the viewers*...But I feel that this is something important that I need to address to you all right now...Anyway, as I was about to say to all of you viewers...I first would like to ask all of you viewers a question...what do you all think of the story so far?...Let me know in the comments section of either this, or any other chapter in this fanfic...Because if you are invested in reading this fanfic, as well as the other two...Then I strongly suggest that you put the effort in to leave some sort of review pertaining to your overall feedback...along with what you think of this fanfic up to this point...I mean come on now, surely you are not this lazy?...Because if you have the energy to complain on my YouTube channel regarding my channels success...then you can very obviously put that same amount of effort in to leaving a review with some sort of feedback...Don't be a lazy sod...and don't be daft either...Put the effort in, and maybe I will wind up taking your feedback and review into account...Well, I think that that is enough of my immense and lengthy fourth wall break ramble...I will see you all in the next chapter. *says the last part while smiling with eyes closed and waving*"


MGF Member
Chapter 63: Defusing The Situation!: The Meeting Of The Senshi And The Love Angels!
Date: April 5, 1999

"Okay viewers...Sorry, Shinko here...Now, as I was about to say to all of you viewers...Do you remember when I said earlier that having all of the senshi being awakened was a little bit intimidating? Well, I wasn't lying when I said that...And as you are about to read in this chapter...it is going to be quite intimidating...I mean after all...The Sailor Senshi are one of the most well known 90s magical girls in the magical girl genres history...True, they are not the only ones that are well known, as the Love Angels...although sometimes referred too as a ripoff of Sailor Moon...are also quite well known...While it is also true that the Wedding Peach anime never got a proper release in the states...I intend to prove that the Wedding Peach anime...has more then deserved a proper United States release...Sure, it was overshadowed by Sailor Moon when it was first released over here in Japan...But just because the same character designer who worked on the Sailor Moon anime, also worked on the character designs for the Wedding Peach anime...that doesn't automatically mean that it is a ripoff!...I mean seriously, how dense must you viewers be?!...I think I have proven more then enough, that these three self-insert fanfics deserve to be turned into actual canon!...I mean seriously?...Did you really think that I was telling this story for the fun of it?!...No, of course not!...And if you really did think that to begin with!...Then that is your fault for assuming such!...I am not telling this story for the fun of it!...I mean after all...these four anime deserve a proper canon crossover with each other!...But, I think that that is enough of my lengthy fourth wall break...Let us finally get onto the story."

Anyway, everything was just very quiet when Luna finished explaining their current situation to the Senshi and Earth Prince.

Mamoru was the one to break the silence. "...How is Usako doing?"

Luna sighed. "She's... fine actually, thanks to one of the people we ran into, who now that I think about it has a similar hairstyle to yours Rei, though she still got injured from one of our attackers."

"Dear Selene..." Ami quietly gasped, her eyes began to tear up so she covered her face with her hands. Mako looked at Ami and tried to comfort her with a hug. (A/N: the Inner Senshi are all in Minako's car and the Outer Senshi are at a hotel they were staying at.) Ami just lunged into Mako's arms and cried softly as Mako stroked Ami's hair.

"...Tch, Damn" Haruka mumbled, banging her fist into the wall. "How could an enemy show up now?"

Michiru placed her hand on her lovers shoulder, Haruka gazed back to Michiru and noticed she gave her a sympathetic look, but her eyes also said that they'll get whoever did this to their princess and will make them pay dearly.

"At any rate, we're already on our way," Minako informed. "Just tell us the area and we'll find you."

"We're about 3 miles from Juban-" Luna informed the others before Ami interrupted her.

"Why that far out for groceries?"

"Because, they're still repairing from the "Surprise Storm" as the public think it was," Luna sighed. "But yes, even after so long they're still repairing the damage from our battle with Galaxia."

"Hey viewers, Shinko here. Just to let you all know, even when a villain is purified, like a certain evil senshi. There is always the possibility that she will wind up becoming a villain again. I mean, I'm not going to spoil future events for you. But, let's just say that as an old saying once said, 'nothing is forever.' And I find that this saying very much applies to what lies ahead. Anyway, back to the story."

"Oh...sorry, Luna," Ami mumbled in embarrassment. She normally would stay quiet through all explanations, but she's so upset and worried about Usagi.

Luna gave Ami a gaze of sympathy. "Iie, there's nothing to be sorry for Ami."

Ami gave a small smile but her eyes were red and tears continued to trickle down her cheeks. Mako continued to comfort her friend, then looked back to the holo-screen and her eyes landed on Mamoru. "Mamoru, where are you now?"

Mamoru looked up from the holo-screen then back. "I'm only two hours away from Tokyo, I'll be there soon."

Mako nodded and glanced back down to Ami, she was still shaking a little but she was calming down.

Rei's head shot up, her eyes wide. "I sense Usagi."

Minako nodded and headed in the direction Rei had indicated, "Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, Hotaru... Can we count on seeing you four there?" Minako asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yes" the Outer Senshi replied simultaneously.

"We'll get ready and be there soon," Hotaru added.

Yousuke had fallen asleep holding Momoko's hand, I was still standing right beside her, Hinagiku and Yuri were nodding off on the sofa with Jama-P on Yuri's lap, and Scarlet was the only one fully wake, sitting on a cushioned chair looking out the window.

"Worried?" a soft voice asked.

Scarlet snapped back to reality from her thoughts and looked at the source of the voice. "Luna..." she mumbled, her eyes following the felines' movements as she leaped on to the windowsill, then looked back to the window, the rain battering against the window. "What makes you think I'm worried?"

Luna gave a short sigh and a small smile. "The look in your eyes tells me all I need to know," she replied as she looked outside as well.

Scarlet's eyes widened a bit as she looked at the ebony feline then looked back at the rain. "So... My eyes gave me away?"

Luna giggled a little. "Yes, don't you know the the saying, "The eyes are the windows to the soul", but it wasn't just that." she glanced at Scarlet. "It was the way you're acting, trust me when I say that you're not the only one that has been through this kind of predicament before."

"Oh, what would you know," she grumbled.

Luna padded closer to Scarlet and replied. "I know what it's like to watch those you care for fall right before you, I know what it's like to just watch from the sidelines."

Scarlet shot a look that could cut, but it softened as she hung her head. "I... I SWORE TO MYSELF THAT I WOULD PROTECT MY COMRADES, BUT HOW AM I TO DO THAT IF I CAN'T EVEN DEFEND MYSELF?!"

Luna could see Scarlet's eyes beginning to tear up but Scarlet was forcing them back. Luna sighed and placed her paw on the red-heads hand causing Scarlet to look at her. "But we get stronger so we can protect them." and with that said, the tears in Scarlet's eyes began to fall but covering her mouth to muffle her silent cries.

A short time had passed after Scarlet finally let her tears fall, that they noticed it was 11 o'clock. Scarlet looked around the room and smiled at her sleeping friends. She got up and looked in the hallway cupboards to find some blankets. Once she found some, she brought them back and put one each over her dreaming comrades. With that done, she returned to the chair she was sitting in before with a blanket of her own and continued to keep watch 'till she nodded off with Luna curled up on her lap.
Rain battered the windshield of Minako's car as she continued to listen and follow Rei's directions. She looked in her rear-view mirror to see Mako nodding off with Ami asleep in her arms, Minako smiled and looked forward. "Those two, they're so close, but then again I guess they balance each other out... We all balance each other out... Usagi... hang on, we're on our way."

"Minako?" Rei's voice brought her out from her deep thoughts.


Rei just looked at her for a second, then looked ahead. "Turn right up here at this corner."

Minako did as told and made a slow turn, as she did she squinted her eyes meeting familiar headlights and stopped the car altogether. She got out of the car to confirm if she was right and sure enough, she was.

"Yo," Haruka greeted, putting her hand up.

"Haruka, good to see you," Rei responded as she got out of the car with an umbrella.

Setsuna came out of the car and glanced to the home they had sensed their princess in, then glanced over at the conversing Senshi. "Everyone, let's go to our princess."

After waking the Senshi that were resting in the cars, they headed toward Me and Momoko's home, and knocked on the door and awaited an answer.
Yousuke woke up with a start from the doorbell ringing. He glanced to the door then back to Momoko, he placed his hand on her forehead then slid his hand down her cheek. "...She's flushed, I better get a cold cloth and answer the door." he got up and made his way toward the door, but before he opened it he felt waves of different auras. "W-What the...?" and though he was hesitant, he slowly opened the door and was greeted with the sight of several girls and a man (A/N: of course he doesn't know Haruka is a girl). "Can I help you?" he asked. It was at this point that I turned my attention to Yousuke, and a look of hesitation and also complete shock found its way onto my face. "Wait, what are they doing here!? I don't mind them being here, but, this is kind of sudden, not to mention a little bit intimidating. Well, this is going to be interesting," I thought to myself, until I caught sight of Hotaru, then I felt a feeling of sickness well up in my stomach. Out of all the senshi, Hotaru Tomoe, or Sailor Saturn as she was also known, intimidated the literal heck out of me. Someone who had the power to destroy an entire planet without even trying, at least, that was what I had regarding some of the information that I knew about her, was enough of a reason for me to be very intimidated.

It was at this point that Setsuna was the one to reply to Yousuke. "Yes, we got a call from a friend of ours that told us to meet them here, and we are very sorry for us coming so late."

Yousuke gazed over the group but nodded and moved to the side, "Come on in."

Hotaru was the one to spot their princess first. "Usagi!" she gasped, quickly making her way to her and then kneeling down.

With the outburst cry of Usagi's name, the other Love Angels were startled out of their sleep and made Luna jump in the air from being startled. "MRROOWW!" causing Scarlet to sit up and get into a defensive stance, making Haruka and Michiru get into stances as well. "Are you seriously kidding me right now, I cannot imagine the amount of damage that will happen if a fight breaks out between Salvia, Uranus and Neptune!" I thought to myself, as I prepared to reach into my skirt pocket and pull out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, knowing full well of the consequences that would result from me transforming, but when you are trying to defuse a fight, you've got to take whatever measures you can.

Before a fight could break out, Minako was able to get everyone's attention by manifesting her Venus Chain and whipping it against the floor, causing everyone to look at her, she then cleared her throat. Man, that scared the heck out of me. "-Ahem-, instead of having an all out brawl as our greeting, how about we introduce ourselves."

Once everyone relaxed, Setsuna suggested that they finish introductions in the morning, and with that, each of the Senshi found a place to rest and the Love Angels went back to where they were resting earlier and everyone drifted off to sleep, listening to the sounds of the storm that raged on outside. It was then that I realized, I had just become a very important part in saving Usagi. I had saved Sailor Moon from being very badly injured, maybe even killed. However, it wouldn't become apparent until later on, that those images that had been shown to me, were shown to me for a very good reason, and wouldn't be made apparent as to why until later that night.

And with regards to Setsuna. She would wind up having some questions for me, regarding some, shall we say, suspicions that she had.

But that is another story for another time.


MGF Member
Chapter 64: An Exchanging Of History!: A Building Of Trust!
Date: April 6, 1999

It was later that night, as I was asleep, whilst right beside Momoko keeping her company, that I once again found myself in the Void, about to get another visit from the disembodied voice, and an explanation.

"Oh good, this place again?" I said out loud.

"Oh come come now, is that the way to talk to someone who helped you save Sailor Moon from being very badly injured and possibly killed?" the disembodied voice said in response.

It was then a look of complete shock, realization, and also anger found its way onto my face.

"That was you, whatever happened to not telling me about my destiny?" I said as a tickmark found it's way onto one side of my face.

"I said I wouldn't tell you about your destiny, that doesn't mean I can't still show you little bits of it," the disembodied responded back with a good amount of sass.

It was at this point that I just sighed a big sigh and just resided myself to the fact that this was just something that had happened.

"Well, I guess you're right," I said. And it was at this point that the void around me got very bright, and then my dream ended.
It was when I had woken up from my dream and conversation in the void, that I looked around the room, looking at everyone of the other Love Angels, who were still asleep.

"Man, I really do have the best friends," I thought to myself as a small smile found its way onto my face.

And I then turned my attention to Momoko's sleeping form,

"Well sis, you and I may have been reunited only a few years ago, but I am glad that we were, because I couldn't ask for a better sister," I thought to myself as my eyes started to tear up.

It was then that I was snapped out of my thoughts by the ringing of the doorbell, which woke Luna up from her sleep, to which she then looked at the clock nearby.

"4:20am.. who would be up at this hour?" she thought. She quietly and gently got up and leaped off Scarlet and made her way to the door. She jumped a few times, wriggling the door handle 'till it opened and the person up so early didn't really surprise her, it was Mamoru.

"Luna, is-" Mamoru tried asking but was cut off.

"Shh, everyone is here," Luna replied, knowing what he was going to ask. "Come inside, but be quiet," she lead him inside, careful not to wake anyone but the closing of the front door caused Yousuke to look up tiredly.

"Oh Yousuke, I am very sorry," Luna apologized as she make her way to an open space near him.

"I was waking up anyway," Yousuke replied with a yawn and began stretching. "So, who's he?" he asked looking a the Earth Prince.

"Mamoru Chiba, I'm Usagi's boyfriend," he introduced himself, sitting near him, holding out his hand.

Yousuke returned the gesture and shook his hand. "Yousuke, Yousuke Fuuma." It was then Mamoru turned his attention to me and asked me who I was, telling me his name and holding out his hand, "Shinko, Shinko Hanasaki," I responded returning the gesture and shaking Mamoru's hand. "So this is the famed Tuxedo Mask...not to mention Prince Endymion...I should remind myself to maybe one day ask him about a couple things...perhaps about adopting some of his fighting skills...what...can I not be allowed to think of such things viewers?" I thought to myself, which was followed during this by me turning my eyesight to the left of me to address the viewers.
The sounds from the kitchen echoed through the house as Makoto made breakfast, with Setsuna and Yuri helping her.

"Mako, how do you cook so well?" Yuri asked, watching at the way Makoto moved through the kitchen.

"Well, I own a bakery," Makoto replied, not taking her eyes off of the mix in front of her. "It was my dream ever since I was little, I also own a flower shop."

"You know Hinagiku's family owns a flower shop as well," Yuri added, as she finished making the eggs.

"Well, if you girls need any tips just come and ask," Makoto said with a wink. She slowly put the mix in the pan, the mix suddenly sizzle/popping as it touched the hot pan.

"And Setsuna, what do you do?" Yuri asked, turning to the tan woman.

"Well, I'm a fashion designer and personal medic to Haruka," she replied as she finished making the bacon.

"Oh, so wha-" before Yuri could finish, Setsuna cut her short.

"Yuri, can you wait until everyone is ready to properly introduce themselves?" she said with a smile. "Then you may continue asking questions."

As they continued making breakfast, the others were in the living-room. Scarlet was explaining her point of view about the battle and the enemy.

"And strange thing is, is that Jama-P said that the aura felt that of an devil but Luna said they felt like youma," Scarlet finished her view-point, waiting for the groups response. It was Mamoru who answered first.

"Perhaps it's a new hybrid."

"Maybe," Yousuke agreed. "I mean, there's five hybrids in this home already."

A few chuckles were heard but stopped when they heard a pained groan. Yousuke looked behind him to see Momoko's eyes moving.

"Momoko!" her friends coming to her side.

"Sis, you still need to rest!" I said.

"Everyone?" she mumbled, trying to sit up but was stopped by Yousuke.

"Lay back down," he urged. "You developed a fever after your fight."

"Fight?... Kyah!" she shrieked. "The fight! Usagi, where's Usagi?!"

A chuckle sounded from one of the couches, it was Haruka. "You have only known our princess for a short time, but it seems that you and your sister have bonded with her quite quickly," she mused with a smirk.

"Well, that's true," I said in response. "She trusted both of us with her secret of being Sailor Moon, since she found out both of ours."

"So, Luna and Jama-P told us about this new enemy," Hotaru stated as she stood up from her position near Usagi. "And it was the act of you protecting her that she gained the injury she has now," Hotaru continued, referring to Momoko with her statement.

It was then that I realized that I had to set the record straight, since it was not Momoko who had saved Usagi from getting injured or killed, but in fact it was me. I knew that this would put a lot of attention on me when I said what I would wind up saying. Not to mention this would be followed by a lot of questions, but I knew that I had to say what I had to say. I was then that I took a breath and then decided to speak. "Actually, that was me, I was the one who protected Usagi," I said. And sure enough, all the eyes and attention of the senshi, except for Usagi's were directed to me at the moment I had said my statement.

The room fell silent, even Yuri and Makoto stopped their work. They could feel the tension rise as the information was sinking in. Everyone then glanced back to me to find my head down and the shadow of my hair covering my eyes. They then realized I was shaking and tears were beginning to trail down my cheeks.

"I tried my best!" I cried out. "And Usagi still got injured, I am so sorry!"

It was right before Hotaru was going to press me further that Yousuke interjected.

"Oi!" Yousuke growled, glaring at the violet eyed Senshi. "Leave her alone, she already feels bad enough as it is!"

"But it's true," Haruka added in, her eyes hardened and cold. "What was she doing while our princess was fighting the enemy?"

It was while tears were still streaming down my cheeks that a thought went through my head. "Are you kidding me right now Uranus! You have no right to say that with the blood that is on your and Neptune's hands!...And for your information, I was doing my best to save Usagi, Uranus, you're welcome by the way!...See what I mean viewers?...She is similar to Angel Salvia with regards to being arrogant....only I consider her and Neptune, to be far worse then Salvia ever was or could be!" As I briefly, with tears still in my eyes, turned my head, and my eyesight to the right of me, to address the viewers.

"She was making sure we were alright," Scarlet stated, standing from her seat. "What's wrong with that?"

"And how long did she spend "checking on you", Hmm?" Michiru replied calmly, her face blank.

"Really Neptune you too!? How about the blood that is on your hands as well as Uranus?!...You have absolutely no right to tell me how to conduct myself as a leader, when you and Uranus can't even choose a side and stick with it!" I thought to myself.

"They're her and Momoko's friends, she was really worried about them!" Yousuke put in, his fists tightening.

"Yet as one of your leaders, she should have had a better understanding of a battle," Setsuna countered.

"Okay, really, Pluto too?!...Actually...Pluto I can understand why...Still, Naoko Takeuchi didn't use her to her full potential in her anime...And as for this story viewers...I intend to give her a more prominent role, then Naoko Takeuchi ever could give her," I thought to myself. As, with my tears still very much in my eyes, I once again turned my head, as well as my eyesight, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Soon the whole room was in an uproar, until a bright silver light emanated from Usagi's broach, engulfing the entire ground floor. Once the light died down, everyone found themselves what looked like space.

Setsuna looked around the strange space and came to a conclusion. "It seems we're inside the Silver Crystal, or at least a subspace pocket dimension that it created."

"Well, that explains why I can feel Koneko's presence all around us," Haruka chuckled with a smirk.

"Everyone.." a voice echoed from no where, catching everyone's attention.

"Who's there?" Scarlet called out, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Wait... Usagi? Is that you?" Me and Momoko wondered aloud, with me clearing the tears out of my eyes.

"Yes," she replied. "I sensed anger and distress within you all... Why?"

"Because it's my fault that you're injured," I replied, tears beginning to once again fall. And as they did, I felt a gentle embrace around me, causing me to look up, and was greeted with what seemed to be a shimmering astral form of Usagi.

"Usagi!" her senshi exclaimed.

She smiled, looking at the group before she then looked back at me. "And no, it's no ones fault. I chose to protect you and Momoko because I could see that you were only carrying out your roles as leaders and checking on your teammates. There is nothing wrong with that."

Everyone that was in the previous argument before, had guilty expressions upon their faces. The Outer Senshi approached Momoko and I and slightly bowed. "We apologize for our earlier actions," They said.

Me and Momoko looked at all of them and smiled. "Thank you, apology accepted," we both said, and with our reply, they straightened out and smiled in relief.

Haruka glanced over to Usagi with relief and confusion in her eyes. Usagi smiled at her and glanced back at the group before her. "Now that the problem is solved, there is another reason why you were summoned here." Catching everyone's attention, she continued. "Now that most of the planetary guardians have met, it's time to exchange history," she motioned for everyone to gather around and they obeyed. "Nearly a millennia ago, there was once a kingdom known as the Silver Millennium. The kingdom was ruled by my past-life mother, Queen Serenity and her court, made up of the rulers of the other planets. Everything was peaceful until an ancient evil emerged, reducing the once plentiful kingdom to ruble and ashes, slaying my own court and myself in the process. That is when Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send me and my court to the future to be reborn as well as sealing the evil. Now with us being reborn, the ancient evil broke free from the seal and began a search for the Silver Crystal. With the enemy rising once again, our Mau guardians began to search for for us. Sailor Venus was the first to be found by her guardian, Artemis. I was the next to awaken as Sailor Moon and over time, we were able to find each other. I, however, was the Hime we've been looking for the whole time but... unfortunately, I had only awakened as Princess Serenity when Prince Endymion, the one I had fallen in love with during the Silver Millennium, protected me from an enemy attack. With him in enemy hands, they used him as a means to get to me and the Crystal, it succeeded, but we were able to defeat them in the end..." Usagi continued to tell them about her battles and the strife they had went through. Once she finished telling them about the battle with Chaos, everyone was silent.

Yousuke was the one to break the silence. "Heh, sounds familiar, doesn't it Momo-pi, Shinko?" he chuckled.

Me and Momoko nodded in agreement and giggled. "Yes."

The Senshi shared confused glances then looked at the Love Angels, Scarlet smirked. "I guess it's our turn to tell our story." she shared an understanding glance with her comrades.

Momoko was the one to tell our history. "There are three realms that exist, the Angels, the Humans, and the devils. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angels under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, Shinko's and my mother, Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily were blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Our mother and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. My mother lost her memory, that's when she met my dad and was given the name Sakura. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after my mom recovered, my father proposed to her. But one year before I was born they had and raised another daughter, who they named Shinko, who mysteriously disappeared, mom's memory returned, meaning she had to return to the Angel World." Momoko continued telling how me and her were reunited in our first battle together, her friends becoming Love Angels, meeting Angel Salvia, discovering Kazuya Yanagiba was Limone, Yousuke was the reincarnation of Viento, and defeating Raindevila.

"And yet Momoko, something tells me that we haven't seen the last of Raindevila. Because as I'm sure you all know by now viewers, evil never takes a holiday," I thought to myself, as I once again turned my eyesight to the left of me to address the viewers.

"Wow, talk about similarities," Makoto mused.

"Aphrodite?! Do you think we'll meet her?" Minako said excitedly.

"Maybe," Hinagiku replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"With the arguing over and solved, and history told, I must send you all back," Usagi smiled, motioning her hand a bright light appeared.

"Mamoru," Yousuke clasped Mamoru's shoulder causing him to look at Yousuke. "Don't worry, from what we understand and from what we just learned, Usagi is really tough," giving Mamoru a reassuring smile.

"Yousuke..." Mamoru murmured, then smiled back. "Thank you."

Silence filled the room until Hotaru's stomach growled causing her to turn red in embarrassment and everyone laughed. "I am very sorry," Hotaru mumbled shyly.

"Let's eat some breakfast then," Makoto gave a wink and a thumbs up.

After setting the table, everyone sat down and began to talk but it began to get out of hand of who was who, so they decided that they would take turns, starting with Ami.

"Ami Mizuno," she started. "I'm a first class doctor and a part time instructor for art and swim teacher," she said with a smile, then glanced over to Rei, signaling her to go next.

"Rei Hino," she began. "I'm the head priestess at my family's shine, the Hikawa Shrine, and help with local charities by singing." once she finished, she looked over to Makoto, nodding to her.

"Makoto Kino," she introduced. "My friends call me Mako, I work as a part-time Mixed Martial Arts sensei and I own a bakery and flower shop." as she finished, she looked at Minako.

"Minako Aino," she began. "My friends call me Mina, I'm a singer and model, I go by "Aimi" when I'm working."

"I've heard about you before," Hinagiku blurted. "Your that rising idol everyone likes!"

"Yes," Minako nodded. "Okay, how about you go next Haruka."

"Sure," she nodded. "Haruka Tenoh, world-wide race car champion." she glanced to her lover, silently telling her to start.

"Well Uranus, if you and Neptune could've only picked a side and stuck with it, then I would've trusted the two of you a whole lot more then I do right now...seeing as how the two of you made a very poor decision regarding that fight in Juban years ago. And yet, I am electing to overlook all of that...despite my anger towards the actions you have both made...Because I am sure you both had your reasons for it...I just hope that it doesn't come back to haunt me...and while I am at it viewers...you have probably figured out by this point that that was just part of the information that I found out regarding their betrayal involving a certain evil senshi...What else did I learn? Well viewers, I guess you'll just have to read on and find out..." I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight to the right of me to address the viewers.

"Michiru Kaioh," she started. "I'm a professional violinist and rank 2nd world-wide in swimming."

"Cool!" Yuri commented.

Michiru looked over to Setsuna and she followed suit. "Setsuna Meioh," she introduced. "I'm Haruka's medic when she's racing and a fashion designer."

Hinagiku, Yuri, and Yousuke were completely shocked.

Everyone just laughed at their shocked reactions, Scarlet just chuckled with a smirk, me and Momoko turned to them with a confused look. "What? You didn't know?" Me and Momoko asked, with Momoko tilting her head, they shook their heads in response.

"Wait, how did you know Momoko and Shinko? You too Scarlet," Hinagiku wondered, looking at her two friends.

"I thought it was obvious," Momoko replied nonchalantly with her head tilted slightly.

"I guess not sis," I said, while smiling with my eyes closed.

"Same, but there are somethings called "Biographies"," Scarlet quipped with a smirk.

Hinagiku, Yuri, and Yousuke all sighed and sat back down. "Well, that was unexpected," Yuri smiled.

"Hotaru Tomoe," she said cheerfully. "And I'm studying to be a doctor."

"Yep, she still intimidates the heck out of me," I thought to myself.

Momoko clapped her hands once, "Now that you introduced yourselves to us, it's our turn," she said happily. "I'll go first," she took a calming breath and began. "Momoko Hanasaki, I'm working as a free-lance Photographer and Journalist," she looked over to me and nodded.

"Shinko Hanasaki, I am Momoko's sister, and like my sister Momoko, I'm also working as a free-lance Photographer and Journalist," I then looked over and signaled for Hinagiku to start.

"Hinagiku Tamano, I work part time at my family's flower shop and work as a Martial Arts assistant," she signaled for Yuri to start.

"Yuri Tanima, I work at a fabric store and as a fashion designer," she politely introduced then glanced over to Scarlet.

"Scarlet O'Hara, I'm currently hired help," she said plainly.

"Yousuke Fuuma, I'm the main goal keeper for my soccer team, not one ball has passed me yet," he said confidently.

"Yeah, except when Momoko passes by," Hinagiku teased. Causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey!" Yousuke fumed.


MGF Member
Chapter 65: The Enemy Raises The Stakes!: The Arrival Of Sailor Chibi-Moon!
Date: April 6, 1999

Everyone continued to laugh as Yousuke continued to fume. When the laughter died down, they continued their conversations of what they liked, what they did for fun, etc.

"So, I know Usagi told us about your battles, but she didn't specify how all nine of you met," Yuri wondered to Minako, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"Well, we met through our duty of being Sailor Senshi," Minako replied. "So I think it's best if you ask Ami, first."

Yuri turned to face the bluenette with a confused expression causing Ami to giggle. "I was the first of the Sailor Senshi Usagi and Luna found," she explained. "Aside from Mina starting out as Sailor V before any of us."

"Hontouni?" Yuri questioned.

"Yes," Ami replied. "It was when a group of students and myself, were being used and had our energy drained. Luckily, Usagi had figured something was off about the night seminar that I was attending and saved me and the other students."

"Are you sure this is the same Usagi from middle school that we're talking about?" Rei asked aloud before taking a sip of her tea.

"Believe it or not, it is," Luna confirmed, jumping up onto Setsuna's lap. "She had sensed something strange going on there but I believed Ami was with the Dark Kingdom."

"Huh, so who was found next?" Hinagiku asked as she grabbed another strawberry from a bowl.

"That would be me," Rei responded, setting her cup of tea down on the table. "The Dark Kingdom was kidnapping people not too far from my family shrine, so people soon came to me for help thinking with my "supernatural" senses could find them. But when I told them that my powers didn't work like that, they left but then rumors started going around saying that my family's shrine had something to do with the disappearances."

Yuri gasped slightly. And it was while Yuri was gasping slightly, that a thought then came to my mind. "Well, it would seem that it is true about Rei Hino being a genuine Shinto priestess...Who from what I can recall regarding her characters info...is able to give very accurate predictions regarding the events that took place in their respective timeline...although mind you viewers...that for this fanfic, our timeline and the Sailor Moon timeline, have been merged together into a single timeline...But that still doesn't change much, if anything at all..I mean after all, Rei Hino, or Sailor Mars as you all know her more as...is quite the tsundere...at least, that is what I know regarding her character info...Yea...from what I recall from the horrid DiC dub...there was absolutely no indication that Rei Hino was a tsundere...I mean after all the horrid DiC dub, was essentially the censored version of the anime...I mean, the VIZ dub didn't even get made until just a few years ago...and as for the fifth season?...Well, as I am sure you all know by this point, that aired in Japan in February of 1997...They didn't even dub that until a full twenty-one years later...I mean after all, it has quite a bit of stuff in it, that would be considered controversial...I won't go into details...but lets just say that it is by far one of the darkest versions of an anime...that I have ever seen...I mean, nine main characters were straight up murdered and killed in the final episodes of the fifth season...So believe me when I say...that if you want to go and watch what is considered to be the proper VIZ English Dub of the fifth Sailor Moon anime season...Let me just give you all fair warning...that it starts out okay...and then gets really dark and morbid...really really fast...Take it from me viewers...I had to look up what went on in the end of that season...And I had to find out about it on the newspaper club rooms computer...Not what I would consider to be the best way to learn of something so horrifying and morbid...And yet, without me discovering all of that disturbing and horrifying information...Then none of this regarding this crossover would've happened as it did and ultimately will...I mean after all...How else would I have ultimately forgiven the heinous actions that were committed by Haruka Tenoh and Michiru Kaioh, or Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune, as all of you viewers know them both more as...I mean, as I have explained time and time again in several of the previous chapters of this fanfic...they can be incredibly arrogant...and it was their own arrogance...that got both of them killed...and more then once I might add...But, if I were to hold the person that was responsible for their first deaths, then I would be overstepping my boundaries in this self-insert fanfic if I did...I mean after all...I have to have some sort of standard...*proceeds to turn away and blush profusely before quickly turning forward again to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, back to the story," I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my head, as well as my eyesight, slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And it was once I had finished my thought, as well as my fourth wall break moment, Rei then continued. "But," Rei exhaled before she continued. "When they came back again to ask for help, I gave them the same answer. That's when they broke down and began to make more assumptions... but that's when Usagi intervened, saying that they shouldn't blame me or my family's shrine for what was happening and that they needed to leave me alone. Though not long after she left I had a vision of her being harassed by one of the Shitennou, a general who was once a guard for the past life of Prince Endymion, I raced out to warn her but unfortunately I was taken as well. But luckily for me, Usagi saw me on the bus and came after me."

"And she told me that she was a bit of a klutz and a crybaby," I stated, which was met with a smile from Usagi.

"Shinko here viewers. If you are at all wondering why I stated that. Well, that's because Usagi told me this in between chapters. Just wanted to clear that up for all of you who might've been confused. *smiles with eyes closed* Anyway, back to the story."

"She was," Luna added. "But she pushed through and rescued Rei and those that were kidnapped."

Momoko and I giggled a bit and then asked. "So who did you find next?"

"Me," Makoto stated. "I had just transferred to Juban middle school when I met Usagi, though I guess saving her is more like it."

"What do you mean?" Scarlet asked, raising her brow slightly in curiosity.

"Well, she was spacing out and a car nearly ran her over but I was able to get to her in time. Any way, some of the students had heard some rumors saying that I was kicked out of my old school for picking fights, which by the way wasn't true, it didn't help that I know Martial Arts along with my amazon like height. So they all kept their distances... but even when Usagi heard about the rumors, she still approached me, though at first I thought she was a bit odd saying my lunch looked delicious being the first thing she said but as we began to talk, she complimented me on my cooking as well as my signature rose earrings, and she became my first friend at that school."

"Aw~, she really is sweet isn't she?" Yuri put in, clasping her hands together and smiled.

"Yes, she is," Ami smiled.

"So what did the Dark Kingdom do when you came around?" Hinagiku asked, beginning to see a pattern.

"Well people had begun to disappear around a bridal shop by a so called "Ghost Bride", one of them being Usagi's friend Naru's cousin, and I fell victim as well. But Mamoru was near by and witnessed it so he left to get Usagi's help," Makoto explained.

"Wait, so why didn't Mamoru help out?" Momoko asked then glanced to Mamoru.

"I knew I couldn't beat the youma myself, so I went for Usako," he replied plainly.


Scarlet glanced over to Minako. "So you were the last one they located?"

Minako nodded. "Yes, well the last one from the Inner Senshi, and it's more like I found them. We then met Setsuna when we went to the future, Haruka at the Crown Arcade along with Michiru, and then we met Hotaru through a friend."

"Huh, so are there any other Sailor Senshi?" Scarlet asked after taking a sip of her tea.

"Hai, there's the Starlight Senshi, you remember learning about the Senshi that were manipulated by Galaxia, and then there's-" but before she could finish, Minako was cut off by a bright flash of light that filled the whole room from the living room causing everyone to shield their eyes. As the light faded, everyone uncovered their eyes and were surprised at what or who they saw.

"W-w-what," Hinagiku grumbled as she rubbed her eyes. "What in the name of Aphrodite was that?"

"I don't-" Yuri mumbled, blinking her eyes so they can adjust.

"Chibi-Usa!" Hotaru squealed, cutting Yuri off.

"Hey, long time no see," Makoto greeted.

The Love Angels looked at their new friends in confusion, then noticed a young girl in the living room. "Who is she?" Scarlet asked in a cold, defensive tone.

"She's the other Senshi we were talking about," Setsuna answered. "Don't worry, she's our ally."

With that said, Scarlet relaxed a little. "So, she's a Senshi as well? How'd she get here?"

Before Setsuna could reply another flash of light lit up the room, indicating the newcomer powering down and a young girl with bright pink hair, that was put up in a similar style to Usagi's, glomped onto Setsuna. "Puu!"

"Small Lady, it's good to see you," Setsuna greeted.

"It's good to see you guys too," the girl replied.

Scarlet cleared her throat and got everyone's attention. "I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you?"

A while after introductions were made, Chibi-Usa noticed someone was missing from this reunion. "Where's Usagi?" The room fell silent, everyone exchanging sad gazes, it was Rei who walked up to her and gently took her small hand and lead her over to where Usagi was sitting. At first Chibi-Usa was confused but when they approached Usagi, her eyes widened in shock and tears began to fill her eyes. "Mama!" she cried and crawled up next to Usagi and grasped her hand. "What happened?" she murmured.

My eyes began to tear up as well, she glanced up and noticed Hotaru glancing at her. She nodded and Hotaru nodded back in understanding and they both approached both of us.

"Chibi-Usa..." Hotaru murmured in a soft, comforting tone. Chibi-Usa glanced behind her in response. "This is Shinko and Momoko, two new friends that Usagi made."

Chibi-Usa glanced over to me and Momoko, with me and Momoko giving her a reassuring smile, after I had wiped away my tears.

As if sensing that we meant no harm and only sought to comfort her, Chibi-Usa lunged at me and Momoko, wrapping her arms around the two of us and began to cry harder. Me and Momoko embraced the young girl and petted her head soothingly.

However, my mind couldn't help but wander back to one of the stories that had been previously mentioned during our discussion. The time that Usagi, Ami, and Rei had had their identities revealed by Jadeite whilst fighting against him at Haneda Airport. Right before he had mysteriously vanished, never to be seen or heard from again.

I didn't know it at the time, but this incident, along with this bit of information, would wind up coming in extremely handy, with regards to the future events that lay ahead.

And I wouldn't know until a bit later on, that a certain evil senshi, would wind up becoming a huge problem for me, in more ways then one.

And in more then one encounter too.

But that is for a later date.


MGF Member
Chapter 66: A Runaway Success!: Galaxia's Revenge And The Deputation!
Date: April 6, 1999

Okay, talk about Deja Vu, albeit it was under a slighter different set of circumstances, but it seemed pretty similar to me.

This was sort of compounded by the fact that all of the Senshi, which all were currently transformed, and Me, Momoko, and the other Love Angels, who were also transformed, were staring down an opponent, well two opponents, who seemed to be unbeatable.

However, it was not until an idea popped into my head from when I had first arrived in this world, that would wind up being our saving grace, and finally put an end to the fighting once and for all.

And at last, me, Momoko, and the other Love Angels, could finally retire as Love Angels for the time being.

At least until certain circumstances would arise, that would require us to gather again.

And this would wind up happening a little bit sooner then we would all think.

But I am getting ahead of myself by a lot. Let's wind the clock back about an hour or so shall we?

It was as me and Momoko embraced the young girl and petted her head soothingly, that Jama-P and Luna decided to speak up and said that another possible devil-youma hybrid had been spotted at the park.

This immediately caught the attention of everyone in the room.

And without skipping a beat, all of us took off out the door, and off toward the fight that would decide the fate of not just us, but the entire fate of the world as we knew it.
Meanwhile, in the Devil World, in a certain hideout, a figure dressed in a colorful court jesters outfit walked through a sliding door.

And as it closed behind him, he let out a sigh, "honestly, how could Heart and Knight have been defeated so easily, lapin?" Joker said in his usual french accent. "Oh, what's the matter Joker, another one of your comrades fail again?!" A female voice exclaimed in a mocking tone from in front of him. "Mademoiselle Galaxia, you know that hurts when you say stuff like that to me," Joker responded back in a somewhat hurt sounding tone of voice. "Never mind that, did you find out who killed them or not?!" Galaxia demanded. "As a matter of fact mademoiselle Galaxia, I have, a Love Angel by the name of mademoiselle Bluebell, she is also partnered and allied with Sailor Moon," Joker said. It was at that point that Galaxia immediately teleported out of sight, and off to who knows where, at the mention of Sailor Moon's name. "My my mademoiselle Galaxia, you are just full of surprises aren't you, lapin?" Joker said as an evil smirk found its way across his face, followed by him also teleporting out of sight.
"What makes you so certain they'll show up?" Galaxia asked Joker in a puzzled sounding tone of voice. "Because mademoiselle Galaxia, only a fool would think that they wouldn't," Joker replied in his usual french accent. It was after Joker had finished his statement that a bunch of voices called out. "Hold it right there devil!" five of them said in unison. "We will not allow those who harm our princess to not pay dearly for what they have done!" a bunch of the rest said in unison. It was at this point that both Galaxia and Joker turned their attention to a rooftop, showing seventeen silhouetted figures hidden by the clouds that were in front of the moon, yea that's not intimidating at all or anything. And as the clouds began to let some of the moonlight shine through, each one of the silhouetted figures was revealed, and the sound of chiming bells filled the air once more, as they each said their introductions.

"As the bonds we have with each other continue to flourish, those who trust each other can accomplish anything! On this fine spring day, you have sent people against us in an attempt to harm those that we care about, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said as she struck her usual pose.

"Great as always sis. And yet viewers, I did tell you that this would wind up being quite the stunning show. I mean, as I have mentioned in a previous chapter. There is no true higher honor, then having the chance to work with the Sailor Senshi. I mean, they have been through hell itself and back," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my eyesight slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers. And once I had finished my quick fourth wall break, I then began my usual introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, straight up, with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held in front of me in a battle ready stance, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said as she struck a pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Justice! I am Sailor Chibi Moon! And now in the Name of the Future Moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Chibi Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune. " Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

It was after the introductions had been said, that the Senshi actually got a good look at one of their opponents, which made all of their blood run cold.

"Surprise Senshi, remember me!?" Galaxia said with an evil smirk on her face.

It was then that I immediately recognized her, and knew exactly why the senshi were all stunned.

From what I knew about her, Sailor Galaxia was the toughest villain that the senshi ever fought, so much so, that Sailor Moon was the only one in the entire battle, apart from the three Starlights, that wasn't killed like everyone else was.

At least that was the information that I was able to read about regarding the battle.

It was then I knew, that this battle was going to be what decided not just the fate of us, but the fate of the world as we knew it.
Well, here we are, all caught up.

We were at the final battle, though not exactly. But more on that a little later. Anyway this was a battle against Sailor Galaxia, and someone who was apparently dressed in a jester's outfit of all things.

However, it would soon come clear to me, as well as everyone else, when it came to someone like Joker, that looks could be deceiving.

It was after Galaxia had said her statement to the Senshi and had flashed her evil smirk, that Joker picked this particular moment to speak up. "Oh, don't look so shocked mademoiselles," he said, flashing an evil smirk while he spoke to the Senshi. "I mean, is that any way for you to treat us, lapin?

It was then that I realized, from sensing his aura, that whoever this Joker was, he was just as evil as Galaxia was.

It was then that I realized that if Joker had this kind of evil intent, and it was in the same realm as that of Galaxia, that the only way this would wind up ending, without several of us winding up seriously injured, if not killed, was to have all of us take the two of them on.

This was when my mind flashed back to when I had first arrived in this world.

I remembered it like it had happened yesterday, even though it had happened several years ago.

Date: April 5, 1995 (4 Years And 1 Day Ago)

It was after I had gone through the portal that I was immediately met with a bright light, but after the light had faded, I immediately noticed that I had been deposited in an alleyway. I then decided that before I went to go find Wedding Peach and her friends, I first wanted to check out the sights and see what this world looked like, since I had never watched the anime.

After I had exited the alleyway I was immediately met with a long deserted street. "That's strange, why is there no one here?" I thought to myself, as I began walking down the deserted street.

As I walked down the street, I immediately noticed how beautiful everything was. Only thing was, I was now slowly starting to realize something.
"Why does this place look so familiar to me? Just where exactly does this anime take place? Well, judging from the fact that I am right now looking at a sign that says 'Shibuya' on it. I am going to assume that I am somewhere in Tokyo...Well, at least I can understand what everything says...still, I am going to have to get used to the fact that I can now read Japanese letters as though they are in English...Wait a sec, I had been conversing with Limone in Japanese! So I'm guessing that is one of the advantages of having this form as a love angel?...And yet, now that I am thinking about it in that way, that actually sounds a tad bit offensive to me somehow...Anyway, back to the task at hand before I decide to say something that I might wind up regretting later..." I said to myself.

I then continued to walk down the street and admire the many stores and apartments that lined the sidewalks. However, I then began to hear voices, that seemed to be coming from somewhere nearby.

"Pluie, I'll never let you and the devils have the Saint Something Four!" one of the voices said.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" another voice said.

"That sounded like Momoko and Limone, and it sounds like they are somewhere nearby," I said as I took off running in the direction of their voices.
But, as I took off running, I then felt the unfamiliar sensation, of the wind now blowing through my long mane of light blue hair. "Well, this sensation is going to take a bit of getting used to...I'm going to have to get used to it...seeing as how I am a female in this form and not a male," I thought to myself.

I then also noticed, as I continued to run, that the armor of my battle outfit that I was wearing, really didn't feel that heavy. I mean, with regard to the Love Angels and their respective battle outfits, I thought that it would at least feel quite a bit heavy. But for some unknown reason, it felt a lot lighter than I thought it would be.

I guess that would explain, from the clips of the love angels transformations that I had watched back in my world, why the love angels were able to move around so easily. "Still, I really expected this armor to feel a lot heavier than this," I thought to myself, as I continued to run.

Anyway, it wasn't long after I had started running that I came upon an open field with a gazebo in the middle of it. And sure enough, in the sky above the gazebo, was Limone, and he seemed to be locked in a sword fight with someone who was brandishing a sword of darkness. And hearing the sound of steel against steel, from that far away, was quite unexpected, and also quite surprising.

"I guess that is one of my heightened abilities, being able to hear sounds like that from a distance," I thought to myself, as I looked on at the both of them sword fighting in complete wonderment.

And it was when I had gotten over my surprise and wonderment. That I then took a better look at the devil who was brandishing the sword of darkness.

"That must be Pluie. Yep, that pretty much is what he looks like, to the letter, dark green hair, and the same outfit...which now that I realize it...he is bearing his chest through that...ew...I just got a really bad uneasy chill..." I said as I grimaced and then sighed.

I then looked to the right of the gazebo to see Momoko Hanasaki, better known as Wedding Peach, who was for some reason dressed in a wedding dress.

"Wait a sec, now I remember, she always wears that right after she has transformed. So that is what natural pink hair looks like in person...she has the same blue eyes as I do...not to mention that that wedding dress she is wearing...so that is what it looks like in person...the images of what it looked like on my computer, really don't do seeing it in person enough justice...the bouquet she is holding...I wonder what kind of flowers those are...Also, it would also seem to me that she in fact 5' 3" tall. Still, I find it hard to believe that she is 13 years old, and is also that tall...thank goodness I don't have a wedding dress form, because I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be to move around in a large wedding dress like that," I thought to myself, as I furrowed my brow.

I then looked slightly in front of where she was standing, and saw two more familiar faces that I recognized immediately.

"Well, that would be Yuri Tanima, who if I remember correctly, will wind up eventually awakening as Angel Lily. Her brunette hair really is quite long, probably as long as mine...she has what look like emerald eyes...And that girl with the green hair, that's Hinagiku Tamano?! So if I remember correctly, she will eventually wind up awakening as Angel Daisy...And that's what natural green hair looks like in person?...Not to mention that she has brown eyes...If I'm being honest though regarding her hair, it doesn't look as weird as I thought it was going to look...Wait a sec, where's Scarlet O'Hara...I mean Angel Salvia?...I guess I'll be running into her later on? I have never known of a female character to be more arrogant then her...actually that's not true, I know of two other female characters, who are just as arrogant. Hard to believe that the two of them were so arrogant...not to mention the fact that they aren't cousins…Okay, let me get myself back on track…Because it's not like I will be running into them anytime soon," I thought to myself in a perplexed manner.

To which my expression then changed to a look of slight irritation, as I then put two fingers, from my free right hand, to my temple, in an effort to try and quell my frustration.

Once I had gotten over my irritation after a couple of seconds, I then heard the sound of chiming bells then suddenly fill the air. And as I turned my attention towards the sound, I saw Wedding Peach, on what appeared to be a red carpet, that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, with her form now completely shrouded by a lack of light.

"Wait a sec, why does this seem so familiar to me?...Hold on...this looks way too much like when Wedding Peach does her introduction speeches during every battle...I mean, I only watched one clip of her doing her introduction...but still...might as well standby and see how she does it...because I am pretty sure I am going to need an introduction of my own...but I will deal with that when I have to," I thought to myself.

And it was then, that my thought of her doing her introduction, was confirmed a second later, as Wedding Peach's form was then illuminated by light, as she then started her introduction.

"In this park, where the cherry blossoms bloom, on this glorious spring day when we should celebrate our joy! I will never forgive those who would seek to curse young women forever! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku, which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in a upward arc, and then bringing it into a flex with her arm bent and her gloved hand in a flexing pose.

"Okay...so that is what it looks like when she does her introduction in person...I honestly am amazed...even though this is her first battle, she sure knows how to deliver an introduction," I thought to myself.

However, I then noticed that both Yuri and Hinagiku, seemed to be acting a bit off. "We're not afraid of your anger!" Hinagiku exclaimed to Wedding Peach in a very malign tone of voice. "Now give us the ruby ring, or we'll destroy you!" Yuri exclaimed to Wedding Peach, also in a very malign sounding tone of voice.

"Well, that is clearly not how those two would normally act...wait, why do they both have a red mark on each of their cheeks? Hold on here, if I remember correctly, those red marks would most likely indicate that they are possessed by a devil! Also, largely since they are approaching Momoko...I mean...Wedding Peach with malign intent rather than being the friends that I know all three of them are off the information I have on them," I said with a sigh, as I wound up flummoxing by saying Momoko's name, rather then calling her Wedding Peach.

"Well, I am seriously going to need to get used to calling her Wedding Peach when she's transformed...I really have to get used to that, because after all viewers, what good is being a magical girl, if you don't keep your true identity a secret," I said, as I turned my attention to the right of me to briefly address the viewers. And yet, rather then intervene at this current moment. I decided to wait back and see how Wedding Peach performed in this current situation.

It was at this moment, that the bridal bouquet that Wedding Peach was holding, began to emanate a light from it. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said. Which was then followed, after she had done a full spin, by what looked like a candle with a bow appearing in place of her bridal bouquet in a flash of light. Which from what I knew, was called the Lovely Operation Tempete Rod.

And I then noticed that rainbow shockwaves had suddenly begun to shoot out from it in equal intervals, as it washed over Yuri and Hinagiku. However, after the shockwaves had subsided, both Yuri and Hinagiku still had the red marks on their cheeks, and they both also still had the look of malign intent present on each of their faces. And it was then that the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku then proceeded to advance on Wedding Peach.

"Wait a sec, why didn't it work!? I am going to assume then that now would be my chance to step in and assist...I just hope that I can explain myself to her without messing things up. So viewers, get ready for a superhero landing...because I intend to make a grand entrance, as well as a good first impression," I said with a smile, as I once again turned my attention to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Not knowing, that the reason that her attack hadn't worked, was due to my current involvement in the anime canon timeline. And yet I would never know, that something called "The Unison Rule," would wind up proving itself, to be more then something that sounded made up. In fact, it was something that had to do with how I would wind up having to purify a devil, alongside Wedding Peach.

And as I then spread my angel wing decorations out from underneath my shoulder armor, both becoming massive angel wings in an instant, I then realized something. "So, that is how that works, I never knew that angel wings could feel so light, it's as if they aren't there at all. Well, time to make my entrance," I thought to myself, as I then ran forward, and took off skyward.

"So this is what it is like to have the ability to fly...feels quite foreign if I'm being honest. I'll just add this to the now long list of things that I now have to get used too," I thought to myself, as I then used my angel wings to change direction, from flying straight up, to flying straight down.

But, I did it in such a way that when I got close enough to the ground, that I changed direction so that my light blue high-heel clad feet were pointing towards the ground. And it was when I landed on the ground in a stance that had me down on one knee, right between Momoko and the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku that another thought went through my mind.

"Well viewers, I would say that that is a well executed superhero landing. A small side note, I just realized that Deadpool would have probably been so giddy from my landing if he had been here to see it, oh god. He does love superhero landings after all. I could cringe so much right now about Marvel's most recent poor decision making, namely Disney's She-Hulk. But I'm in a serious situation at the current moment. So back to the battle," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my attention to the left of me to address the viewers.

"Thanks for the save, but who are you exactly?" I heard Wedding Peach ask, looking quite confused and perplexed, while my back was still to her.

"Well, I didn't expect her to ask me that...actually I did, but I wasn't expecting her to ask it like that...well, I clearly can't tell her the truth about how I got here, at least, not yet anyway. I have to at least try to keep the timeline somewhat intact, at least for now...because something tells me that there is more to this, then just the fifty-five episodes of the show...well, might as well explain myself..." I thought to myself, as I then turned to face Wedding Peach.

"It doesn't matter right now Wedding Peach. I have been sent by Limone and Aphrodite to assist you in your journey, you may call me Angel Bluebell in this form," I said in a somewhat confident and nervous sounding tone of voice, as a sweatdrop then found its way down one side of my face.

"So...this is what it is like when an anime character sweatdrops...I can literally feel it on my face...well, this is a tad bit awkward, but I guess I can get used to it eventually..." I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

"Oh okay, well the more the merrier I guess," Wedding Peach said in response as she halfheartedly laughed, but in a kind way.

"Well, I guess that is one thing that is true about her, she really does have a kind and pure heart. And what is this force that I am feeling coming from her. Is this what is called the love wave? Wait a sec...I just took another look at Momoko, and she looks to be level with me in height...since I am looking her straight in her eyes...without having to move my head at all...I would assume that would make me 5' 3" tall as well...So that would mean that my height decreases by 6 inches...when I am transformed...Add both of those to the list of things I have to get used too..." I thought to myself, as I once again sighed.

However, once I had finished my thought, a certain someone decided to shout out something.

"Jama-P, destroy them!" Pluie shouted from up above us.

"Well, that's not good...I guess I am now a target on Pluie's hit list...great...so that would mean that I am now in this fight as much as Wedding Peach is...but you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way...because if protecting Wedding Peach from Pluie is part of the reason why I am here, then I am going to have to get used to those like Pluie coming after the both of us. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to put Wedding Peach at ease, by telling her that I have a way to help her purify Yuri and Hinagiku..." I thought to myself, as I then took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Wedding Peach, I just had a great idea, you have a way to purify them right? I just so happen to have a way to purify as well," I said to her.

"I understand that, but my attack didn't work when I tried it," Wedding Peach said in a somewhat concerned sounding tone of voice.

"Well, time to tell her my idea I guess...and just to let you viewers know..."The Unison Rule," will now be in effect, for the rest of this fanfic," I quickly thought to myself as I then built up the courage to tell her about it, after I had briefly turned my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

"That may be, but what if we tried our attacks together, it might just be the boost we need to purify your friends and win this fight, come on Wedding Peach, we don't really have much of a choice here," I said in a very confident sounding tone of voice in an attempt to reassure her, with still a bit of nervousness. After taking some consideration, Wedding Peach decided to go with my idea, seeing as how we really didn't have any other option available to us.

And as we both took battle ready stances, I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards and over my right armor clad shoulder.

"Well Wedding Peach, you ready to save your friends?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she responded back, still with a hint of nervousness present in her tone of voice.

And with those final words between us exchanged, we then set our plan in motion. And as the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku almost made it to us, we then launched our respective attacks.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she did another full spin. And her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod then started to once again emanate rainbow shockwaves from it in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my attack from the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. Which was a blast of light blue energy.

And during this, I took note of the fact, that like my battle armor, the sword also felt quite light, as I swung it in my left hand. "I guess I'm going to have to get used to the fact of how light this sword truly is. I guess I have some sort of inhuman strength. Which I guess that would explain why the armor and sword feel so light to me," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention back to the trajectory of both my own and Wedding Peach's attacks.

And when both of our attacks hit the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku at exactly the same time, the devil inside of them was overwhelmed and escaped from both of their bodies, which then caused both Yuri and Hinagiku to collapse.

Date: April 6, 1999 (The Present)

It after my flashback had ended that I realized that what me and Wedding Peach had tried on that very day, might wind up being our saving grace today.

Only this time, we had more support, and many more friends having our back.

I just hoped that it would be enough.

Of course this strategy would need to be modified a little in order to fit the current situation, but this would still work perfectly.

I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, and then decided to speak up.

"Wedding Peach, do you remember the day when we were first reunited again after so long, when we fought our first battle together?" I asked her with a smile on my face as I placed a hand on her armored shoulder pad.

"Yes Bluebell, I do, what about it?" Wedding Peach asked me with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well, do you remember your purification attack didn't work the first time that you tried using it on Yuri and Hinagiku when they were possessed by Jama-P, and I suggested that we use both of our purification attacks together. And only then did they wind up having enough power together to purify them?" I explained.

It was then that Wedding Peach realized exactly what I was trying to tell her, she figured that if we both used our purification attacks on both Galaxia and Joker, we would win.

It was then that I decided to speak up and add in something else. "Of course, both of our purification attacks that were used in that situation aren't going to be enough in this scenario sis, we are of course going to require Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon for this as well," I added in.

It was after me and Wedding Peach had filled everyone else in on my plan, that we readied ourselves, and without skipping a beat, we proceeded to set our plan in motion.

It was after we had decided and then proceeded to put our plan in motion, that Joker picked this particular moment to speak up.

"Oh, mademoiselles et messieurs, before we start, I have something I need to show you," he then turned his attention to me and the other Love Angels. "Specifically the five of you," Joker finished as a wide evil smirk found it's way onto his face, as he raised his right hand, and a playing card formed between two of his fingers.

The playing card then vanished, and then reappeared again at my feet. It was after I had picked up the playing card, and me, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet were able to get a better look at it, that we were finally able to see what was actually on the front of the playing card, and it made the blood of all five of us run cold. There, on the face of the card, was the scared face of one Kazuya Yanagiba, or Limone as the five of us knew him as. It was then that a huge wave of rage and anger began to wash over me, as I held the playing card in my hand. In an instant, I handed the playing card to Wedding Peach, and then stood with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell then held in a ready stance, with an immense look of rage and anger on my face. How dare this person do this to the very blonde haired angel who reunited me with my sister, and eventually, all of the other Love Angels, whoever this Joker was, he needed to pay for what he had done.

I then chose at that moment to speak. "Damn you...how dare you lay any sort of harm to him...what did he ever do to you!?" I said through gritted teeth and severe rage and anger. "Oh I'm sorry mademoiselle Bluebell, did I hit a soft spot, lapin?" Joker mocked with the same wide smirk on his face. "Be silent!" I said, again through immense anger and rage, as my body began to glow a bright blue color. This immediately caught the attention of everyone except Wedding Peach, Sailor Moon, and the other Love Angels.

Who already knew exactly what was about to happen, while the other Senshi, were about to witness firsthand, what my finishing move could do to someone like Joker.

It was then, without having to skip a beat, that I charged forward, off the rooftop, faster then Joker could see me move, faster then I had ever moved before. I then leaped off of the rooftop, and spread my angel wings as far out as they could go, while at the same time, my Saint Sword Of Bluebell started glowing light blue, and at the same time started sparking light blue lightning.

And as I closed in on Joker, I aimed the left side of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade at his left side, "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword..." I began right before left side of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade made contact with Joker's left side, "Slash!" I finished, as my glowing and sparking Saint Sword Of Bluebell, cut through Joker's left side, cutting into him very deep, sending light blue lightning coursing through his entire body, and causing him unimaginable pain, this caused him to fade out of existence not too long after that.

And in the same amount of time, I was able to get back to the rooftop, before Galaxia even caught sight of the fact that I had dispatched Joker.

But there was a problem with doing this. Despite my stamina, among other things about me being through the roof, the downside for pushing my powers to this level, meant that my magic supply was now almost completely gone.

This now meant that if Galaxia decided to go after me for wiping Joker out of existence, that I now only had enough magic supply left for one more attack, after that, I would be defenseless.

It was when I had made it back to the rooftop, short of breath, and once everything around me had returned to normal, minus Joker being there, everyone, except for the Love Angels and Sailor Moon were shocked by what had just transpired, including Galaxia.

It was at this point, without any hesitation, that Galaxia decided to concentrate her attacks on me. Without skipping a beat, she conjured up several golden balls of energy, and hurled them at me. It looked as though this was the end for me.

Until I saw a flash of purple dash in front of me, and utter a single phrase that made my blood run cold, "Silent Wall!" which made all of Galaxia's balls of golden energy hit the conjured barrier, and reduce them all to nothing. Okay, I don't care how intimidated I was from the information I had on Hotaru, but boy was she frightening when she used her powers. It was as this was going on, that I gestured to Wedding Peach, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Chibi Moon, to come over, so that we could end this fight properly, and banish Chaos out of Galaxia's body for what would hopefully be the second and last time. It was when Wedding Peach, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Chibi-Moon, had joined me behind the barrier, that I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Chibi-Moon, and decided to speak up. "Well, you three ready to end this!" I said, still short of breath, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready and took a ready stance. "Bluebell, I was born ready!" Wedding Peach said, as she readied her Saint Miroir, "You two really are the best!" Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon said, as they readied their attacks. And without skipping a beat, all four of us launched our respective purification attacks through the barrier and towards Galaxia.

"Saint Miroir..." Wedding Peach began. As she started to do a full spin.

"Moon Gorgeous..." Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon began. Conjuring up their respective items and proceeding to launch their respective purification attacks.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell..." I began. As I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder.

"Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach finished, as she finished her full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She then launched her respective attack from her Saint Miroir towards Galaxia.

"Meditation!" Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon finished as they launched their respective attacks.

"Devil...Purification~!" I finished. And once my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade glowed its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I launched my attack from the blade.

And once all four attacks hit their marks at exactly the same time, it purified Galaxia, effectively casting Chaos out of her body for a second and hopefully final time.

Finally, and hopefully, Momoko, myself, and the Love Angels, as well as Usagi and the Senshi, could retire.

At least until evil decided to rear its ugly head again.

Because even evil doesn't ever take a holiday.

But when you're a Love Angel like me, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku and Scarlet.

Or a Sailor Senshi, like Usagi and her friends, I couldn't have asked for better friends to have helped me on this adventure. I guess this is what it truly means to be a Magical Girl.

However, as we would all soon learn, fate would wind up having other ideas for us, besides retirement. Because, as future events would wind up showing, and while Timken had his Four Aces, these Four Aces, were not only far more powerful..."But also, sorry, Bluebell here viewers. Now you must be wondering what it is that I am referring too right? Well, I am not going to go into details. But, back in the day, the Timken Axle Roller Bearing Company, introduced a steam locomotive, of the whyte notation of 4-8-4. The whyte notation, referring tot the number of lead, driving, and trailing wheels on a steam locomotive. So, it being a 4-8-4, meant that it had 4 leading wheels, 8 driving wheels, and 4 trailing wheels. It had the #1111, but others referred to it, as Timken's Four Aces. Anyway, this locomotive, was introduced decades ago, to show why roller bearings needed to replace the journal bearings, on not only steam locomotives, but of freight and passenger cars as well, and to also prove that they were superior to the journal bearing design. So believe me viewers, when I say, that these Four Aces, like that of Timken's revolutionary Four Aces locomotive. Are going to strive to prove, why 3 of them, helped to turn the magical girl genre, into what it is today. And as for the fourth? Well, I guess you will need to read on and see who that is? *smiles* See you all in the next chapter."
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MGF Member
Chapter 67: Sailor Pluto's Suspicions!: The Guardians Of Love Reunited!
Date: July 25, 2000

Well, more then a year had now passed since the fight against Galaxia and Joker had taken place. And my powers had managed to get back to full strength after a few days of resting, after the battle. However, even though a year had passed in our world since things had last gone out of control, we were soon going to learn, that from what lay ahead, that was just a warmup, for the true battle.

Anyway, me and Momoko, were sound asleep one day, in our respective beds in our room. Well, that is if you would consider the fact that we were currently having the same weird dream, and having a visit from a certain guardian of time, it was business as usual I would say.

Me and Momoko found ourselves in an unfamiliar room, both of us were currently in our respective battle outfits, with Wedding Peach in her DX battle outfit, and I am in my usual battle outfit. "Okay Bluebell, would you mind telling me where we are right now?" Wedding Peach asked me. "I would Wedding Peach, but I don't know myself," I said looking a bit perplexed. "Oh come on now Shinko, you know as well as I do that you aren't being truthful with that statement," a familiar female voice called out to the both of us from the other side of the room.

It was then that I immediately recognized the voice and then decided to speak up. "Ah, Sailor Pluto, to what do the two of us owe the honor of being summoned here?" I asked, as the Senshi of Time and Space came into view from the other side of the room. "Actually Shinko, I was wondering if you could clarify a few things for me," Sailor Pluto said, with a look of intrigue present on her face. "Okay...what things exactly?" I asked, sounding a tad bit weary about how she had said her statement. "How much did you really know about me and the senshi prior to meeting us for the first time?" Sailor Pluto asked, a look of determination now present on her face.

It was then that a slight look of fear then found its way onto my face, but I did my absolute best to hide it. "And if I may ask Pluto, how long have you known about this, and when exactly did you find out?" I asked. "That is of little importance to you Shinko, what you need to understand, is that there are more things at work here then all of us would even begin to understand. And the fact that you knew the things that you knew prior to your meeting with Sailor Moon, only seeks to further complicate matters," Sailor Pluto said, the look of determination still present on her face. "Well then, would you care to tell me how this affects things? Because the last thing I think any of us want, is a time paradox, or even worse then that" I asked, my demeanor now becoming more calm. "Sadly I cannot Shinko, for there are things that even someone as powerful as I cannot even foresee," Sailor Pluto said, her expression now changing to one of calm again.

"Okay, then if I may make a suggestion Sailor Pluto? That we had best ready ourselves? Because if this has complicated matters, then who knows what sort of enemy and battle awaits us," I said, a look of determination now finding its way onto my face. "I agree Bluebell, but just remember, you won't be going at it alone," Wedding Peach said to me, a small smile present on her face. "Thanks Wedding Peach," I said, turning to her and returning the smile. "Oh, and Pluto?" I asked, as I turned my attention back to her. "Yes Shinko, what is it?" Sailor Pluto asked me quizzically. "Please don't hesitate to pay us both a visit again every once in a while, there is still so much that we would still like to learn about what went on in your guy's past," I said, as a small smile found its way onto my face. "Wait, where have I heard that before?" Sailor Pluto thought to herself, as a blush then found its way across her face. "Hey viewers, Bluebell here. So if you are at all wondering why Pluto is blushing and acting this way. Then I would highly recommend that you go and read A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces. You'll then see exactly why....*giggles*...Anyway, back to the story."

It was at this point, that the scene around us got very bright, and then the dream for Momoko and I ended.

"Well, that is two down, and now just two more groups to go. Forgive me Queen Serenity for meddling in these girls lives, but given the circumstances, I foresee no other way. I just hope for all of our sake, that time is on our side. Because if it is indeed returning earlier then expected, then we will need all the help we can get," Sailor Pluto said in a worrisome tone, as she gripped her Garnet Rod tightly.

And this, would be the next step, on a convergence, that would wind up, being the start, of a beautiful friendship.
Date: July 29, 2000 (4 Days Later)
Well, four days had now passed since me and Wedding Peach had had our meeting and encounter with Sailor Pluto.

However, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

It started with Jama-P showing up in our room saying that a devil had been spotted, but not in our area, but in fact in Juban.

This, not surprisingly, was a shock to the both of us, since we knew full well that that was where Usagi and her friends were all located.

However, knowing full well that the Senshi would need our help in possibly purifying it, since the Senshi only had experience with youma and all of the other monsters that they had fought over the years.

Me and Momoko, not wanting to waste anymore time, pulled out and readied our respective transformation items.

I reached into my skirt pocket, and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko readied her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko said. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit.

And once we both gave a nod to each other, we then ran out of our room, downstairs, out of the house, and took off skyward towards Juban, hoping that we weren't too late.

And regarding Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, well, Jama-P had already informed them about the situation, and that they would be meeting us there.
Okay, I don't mean to be literal or anything, but things really can go off the rails in a hurry can't they?

This seemed to be the case as all 9 of the Sailor Senshi, were fighting against a devil, that seemed to not be taking any damage whatsoever, no matter how many attacks they sent towards it. This devil, or should I say devil queen was none other then one Raindevila.

As in, the same Raindevila who destroyed all four pieces of the Saint Something Four, and shocked the living daylights out of me and the other Love Angels during our last fight against her.

"Okay, this is just plain ridiculous, just how tough is this monster!" Makoto Kino, better known as Sailor Jupiter said with frustration very evident in her tone of voice, as she dodged a black wave of energy that was fired at her by Raindevila.

"Jupiter...Oak...Evolution!" She exclaimed, launching her attack at Raindevila, only to have the attack do no damage.

"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!" Sailor Venus exclaimed, launching her respective attack at Raindevila, but just like Sailor Jupiter's attack, it also did no damage.

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Mars exclaimed, launching her respective attack at Raindevila, but just like Jupiter and Venus' attacks, it too did no damage.

"Mercury...Aqua...Rhapsody!" Mercury called out, launching her attack at Raindevila, but it too wound up doing no damage.

Things really did seem hopeless for the Senshi.

That is, until five familiar female voices rang out from a nearby rooftop.

"Hold it right there devil!" They all said in unison.

It was then that all of the senshi turned their attention to the source of the female voices, to see five familiar female figures standing on a rooftop, their forms shadowed.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The moon shines in the night sky, and those who are aligned stand together! On this lovely summer afternoon, how dare you attempt to harm those that we care about! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said as she struck her usual pose.

"As good a delivery as always sis. My turn, and as you viewers probably already know...these introductions of hers were never in the anime...Yes, you read that right...Every single introduction that Wedding Peach has done past and including chapter 57...are all brand new introductions that were never featured in the actual anime...I mean after all viewers...the last actual Wedding Peach anime chapter was chapter 56...But I am sure that you all already knew that...Anyway, back to the battle," I thought to myself, as I then took my usual stance and began my introduction, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, straight up with my left hand. Well, that is after I had briefly turned my eyesight, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers. "The nature of the bluebell is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards and over my right armor clad shoulder, then stopped it mid downward swing. To which I then held it in a battle ready position in front of me, and struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart, and its power can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All of you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said as she struck a pose.

It was right after the five of us had said our respective introductions and had struck our respective poses, that we finally had a chance to get a good look at our opponent, and not surprisingly it brought a shock to all five of us.

I mean, Raindevila had been purified. Me and Wedding Peach had not only witnessed it happen, but we were the ones who had done it ourselves.

Something was obviously very wrong here.

But, before Wedding Peach, myself, or any of the other Love Angels could say anything.

Raindevila picked this moment to fire a black wave of energy at the five of us, forcing us to all take off in separate directions to avoid the attack.

However, as all five of us then took off in separate directions, we were unable to see five separate portals spawn out of seemingly nowhere.

And before we knew what had happened, we disappeared into them, and off to who knows where.

And, unbeknownst to us, portals had also spawned and transported all of the Senshi as well.

However, it would not be made clear until much later on, that this was done for a very good reason.

And as the Senshi disappeared into the portals, a certain thought passed through a certain senshi's head.

"It seems things are going exactly as I have foreseen, I can only hope that we will all make it out of this ordeal alive," Sailor Pluto worriedly thought to herself.

However, once we had all disappeared through the portals, Raindevila then chose that moment to speak.

"You can all run, but you can't hide, it's a good thing that I know where you are all headed, you can all die there together. I have someone that I need to go and see there anyway. So Joker, Galaxia, you two ready?" She said.

It was at this point that two familiar figures came out from the shadows.

"Of course Mademoiselle Raindevila, why wouldn't we be, lapin?" Joker replied, an evil smirk present on his face.

"I am more then ready to repay that brat Bluebell, and that runt Sailor Moon for what they did to me last time!" Galaxia said, her evil smirk present on her face.


MGF Member
Chapter 68: 90s Magical Girls And Level 5 Electromasters!: The Masters Of The Star Cards, And The Aces Of Tokiwidai Appear!
Date: August 9, 2009

It was when a portal opened up and threw all of us out again, that we found ourselves in a grime covered alley.

And after about a minute or so, when we had all managed to get our bearings.

I then decided to speak up to make sure that everyone was okay.

But more importantly, to see if Wedding Peach was okay.

"Is everyone okay? Sis, are you alright?" I asked Wedding Peach with a look of concern on my face.

"Yea sis, I'm fine, but I'm going to be feeling that for a while," Wedding Peach said with a halfhearted laugh as she rubbed her bottom.

"Okay, sorry to interrupt this moment for the two of you, but are you Wedding Peach by any chance?" An unfamiliar sounding female voice suddenly asked from in front of us as they then came up to the two of us, and one of them asked Momoko, with some nervousness.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you know her?" the other female voice asked her.

It was then that I looked up at these two people in order to get a better look at the two of them.

And I then realized that the girl who had asked the question to Momoko, looked exactly like me, hairstyle and all.

Minus my Saint Sword Of Bluebell that I was holding in my left hand and the usual armor clad battle outfit that I was wearing of course.

And the fact that her eyes were brown, instead of light blue.

And also the fact that both her and the other girl were wearing a very familiar looking school uniform.

The other girl, also seemed to look familiar to me.

Only I couldn't seem to remember exactly where I remembered her from.

It was only when the girl that looked like me then turned her attention to the other, and spoke, that I then realized who these two were.

"Misaka, do you remember when we were watching Dr. Kiyama's recovering children give her that birthday message via that blimp?" She asked her.

"Yea, what about it?" The one with brown hair asked her.

"Well Misaka, I guess now is more of a time as any to tell you, since the proof is in front of us now. The reason why I know who all of them are, is because one of them happens to be the very person that I crossed paths with. Sailor Pluto, if there was ever a time for you to speak up, now would be a good time to for you to do so, because I think you have something that you need to tell everyone," she said, turning her attention to Sailor Pluto.

"Wait a sec, how does this girl know about Sailor Pluto? Now that I think about it, the girl that she's with, and the name the other one called her. I do remember watching a full season of an anime back in my world that had just come out. "A Certain Scientific Railgun" I think it was, then that would mean that she's Mikoto Misaka, I could never forget a face like that. So then that would mean that the girl she's with...wait...no...it couldn't be...if that really is me...then that is pretty nuts if that version of me is in fact a level 5 Esper, and is in some way related to the famous Railgun herself," I thought to myself in complete wonderment.

It was then that we heard voices that seemed to be coming from above us.

And when we looked up, we saw three people, two of which had wings on their backs, and all looked to be a slight bit younger then Momoko and I.

But the most shocking part about them, was that one of them looked shockingly like I had looked like back in the real world, albeit a bit younger.

The other three, I also recognized, and then realized that this was going to be very very interesting.

''So, we got us, the Senshi, Mikoto Misaka, the famous Railgun herself. I would assume that the other version of me that she is with. I am going to assume that I am her sister, which would make a whole lot of sense since I just heard that version of me refer to Misaka as though they were siblings. I mean, Kuroko often referred to Misaka as sissy in the show, but for this version of me to refer to Misaka in this manner, they have to be siblings, there just isn't any other explanation for it. But anyway, now Sakura Avalon, the master of the clow cards herself, now graces us with her presence. And it looks like Li and Kero have as well. And if I had to take an educated guess, that kid that looks quite a lot like me from back in the real world. Given that he wields the same staff as Sakura, albeit a different color. I can only assume that he's me, except that version of me wound up becoming something of equal power and strength to me and the love angels, and the senshi as well," I thought to myself.

And I had also realized, that this version of me not only had powers that seemed to equal Sakura's in their world, but he had also managed to also become the master of the clow cards as well.

Which could only mean, that like Sakura, had passed the Final Judgement as well, which sounded insane to me.

It was then that I realized, that this, would wind up being the start, of a beautiful friendship.

After things in the alley had transpired, and all of the introductions had been done.

Momoko and I along with everyone else.

Who obviously had powered down, so as to not draw any unwanted attention to themselves.

And after Sailor Pluto had explained the situation to all of us in the alley, that apparently the entity, known as Chaos, was returning quite a lot earlier then expected, and we would be seeing an unknown number of some of our enemies making an unfortunate return.

This seemed to bother us a little bit, me a lot more then Momoko, since I knew a little bit more then she did about quite a few of the villains that the Senshi had fought over the years.

And to tell you the truth, from the information I had on some of them, I would have a tough time fighting against some of them alone.

But, seeing as how with the help of Sailor Moon and Wedding Peach, that we were able to purify Galaxia a year ago.

I wasn't as worried as I would be.

"Bluebell here. Unfortunately viewers, as the old saying goes, nothing is forever. And Galaxia, like it or not, has some unfinished business to take care of. And if I may foreshadow a bit, she will also finally wind up answering for the 9 people that she killed and murdered back in Juban years ago. *gives a very not pleased expression* Anyway, back to the story."

Since I was confident that we would be able to overcome whatever obstacle Chaos would put in our path.

So this begged the question, why did Sailor Pluto need the help of Sakura Avalon, as well as Academy City's third ranked level 5 Esper, Mikoto Misaka, the one they named Railgun?

I guess the unknown number of enemies was the reason that it required more then just us to get this done.

Anyways, it was while we were all walking down one of the not crowded streets while I was suggesting to Momoko on our next plan of action.

However, before I could say anything else, multiple portals opened up on the sidewalk, beneath everyone, causing everyone to disappear through them, and out of sight.

And this, was now the final step, on the road to what would be the final battle.

That would not just decide the fate of Academy City, but of 2 other dimensions as well.

Date: July 29, 2000

Seconds seemed to tick by, as Limone waited patiently in Aphrodite's throne room for everyone else to appear, he only hoped, that given the circumstances, that things would not be as hopeless as they currently seemed.

And from what he and Aphrodite had already witnessed, they were going to need all of the help they could get, and with those who were already currently there, and with those about to arrive, he only hoped that it would be enough, for all of them to win the day.

He just hoped that from what Sailor Pluto had foreseen, things would hopefully turn out okay.

And when several portals opened up in front of him, spitting out 19 people, 5 of which he recognized immediately, and 14 of which he did not.

But he could only assume, that from what he sensed, that they were also just like the other 5, he knew that things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Date: August 9, 2009

Meanwhile, back in Academy City, in a lab, a man by the name of Gensei Kihara stood in a large wide open room, and he seemed to be waiting for something, or rather someone.

And sure enough, as on queue, quite a few figures of various sizes spawned out of thin air.

"Ah I see that you have all returned, so tell me Raindevila and Galaxia, have they made it into the city?" Gensei asked, his usual evil smirk now present on his face.

However, he originally wasn't alone in the large wide open room.

Quite a few other individuals had already been there before Raindevila, Joker and Galaxia had arrived there.

And it was at this point, that several of them had decided to speak up.

"Forget about that Gensei, how much longer are we supposed to wait until I get to make those love angels pay?!" Pluie said, with severe anger and malign intent present in his tone.

"Pluie, would you pipe down, you are really starting to get on my nerves!" Jadeite fumed, clearly not at all amused with the fact that Pluie had been going on and on about how he very much wanted to make the love angels pay.

"You can't talk to him like that Jadeite, it's bad manners...don't you know?" Potamos answered back, followed by her usual verbal tic.

"Potamos, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it, is that clear enough for you?!" Jadeite angrily responded back.

"Frankly, in my honest opinion, the three of you are all being quite irritating, why don't you all just do us a favor, and just stop bickering!?" Tigers eye said, now quite fed up with the bickering between the three of them.

"Silence!" Galaxia said.

This immediately caused the bickering between the four of them to stop.

"Need I remind the four of you, as well as the rest of us, that we all share a common enemy," Galaxia said, obviously not amused with the bickering.

"And if I may follow up Galaxia, we all have a good chance of getting what we want," Queen Nehellenia said, an evil smirk present on her face.

"So what is it that you're suggesting, Queen Nehellenia?" Nephrite asked.

"She is suggesting that we all work together, or did you not realize that from what Galaxia had said?" Zoisite said to Nephrite as he facepalmed.

"So it is settled then," Hawks eye said.

"The only question now is?" Kaolinite said.

"Where to settle this?" Petora said.

"And where shall they all take their final breaths?" Eudial said.

"One of the parks in the city shall do quite nicely, don't you think?" Mimete suggested.

"Yes, that should do quite nicely indeed," Queen Beryl said.

This was then followed by everyone present letting out an evil laugh.

This, was going to be one hell of a tough final fight.

Well, not exactly.


MGF Member
Chapter 69: The Past, The Present, And The Future!: A Meeting In The Angel World!
Date: July 29, 2000

More seconds seemed to tick by as the 19 of us lay tangled and splayed out on the ground of Aphrodite's throne room.

But eventually, we all started to come to, and when some of us did, we very much snapped to attention instantly.

"Okay, let me honest with you sis, I am really getting tired of being thrown into portals!" I said to Momoko, through a slight bit of frustration being present in her tone of voice.

It was then that Keiko decided to speak up.

"You think you have it rough Shinko, try having to have someone cling onto you when you have been thrown through a portal, and then hit the floor with them clinging onto you as well!" Keiko said, referring to the fact that as the portals on the sidewalk had appeared, Misaka picked that particular moment to try and use her electricity to try and cling to a nearby wall with her trying to cling to the wall with her electricity, with Misaka holding onto her, in an attempt to avoid having both of them getting sucked into the portals.

However, another portal on the wall wound up sucking the two of them into it anyway.

It was at this point that Limone picked this point to speak up. "I am terribly sorry to bring you all here like this, but seeing as how things have turned out, we saw no other option."

It was at this point, that I, as well as Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet, turned our attention towards the sound of the familiar male voice, which was followed quickly by everyone else.

"Wait what do you mean by we Limone?" Momoko asked.

"I can help you answer that," another female voice chimed in.

This voice, although none of the other Love Angels recognized it, but both me and Keiko did.

For when the nine sailor senshi turned their attention towards the source of the female voice, they were met with not just the form of Queen Serenity, but of Neo Queen Serenity as well.

Okay, so from I knew about both of them regarding information on each of their characters, both Neo Queen Serenity and Queen Serenity, were basically very very powerful individuals of the Sailor Moon Dimension.

One was the original queen of the Silver Millennium from back in the past, the other, was the future ruler of Crystal Tokyo, and also, Usagi, from the 30th century.

Man, things just keep getting weirder and weirder don't they?

So essentially, we had the past, the present, and the future, standing right in front of us, literally.

But, more surprises, were still to come.

Okay, remember when I said that more surprises were still to come, well, I wasn't kidding.

And after the explanation of the current situation to everyone from Aphrodite, Queen Serenity, and Neo Queen Serenity, it was quickly apparent.

That what Sailor Pluto had said in the alley, about several of their old foes making an unexpected return, was not only true.

But it also seemed that bringing the rest of us in, was more then a justifiable thing to do, considering what we were all up against.

However, we were about to get some help, and I mean quite a lot more help.

Because at the moment, when Usagi, Momoko, Sakura, and Misaka, each asked what the three of them intended by help.

More portals opened up behind the three of them, and out walked familiar faces, and I mean a lot of familiar faces.

Usagi wasted no time in running into one of their arms, who was obviously Mamoru, with Chibiusa right beside him.

Sakura, Zachary, and Li, wasted no time, running towards their friends, Madison, Meilin, and Yue.

Misaka and Keiko, although Misaka was a bit resistant on it, walked over and had her casually say hi to Touma, and also one Mitsuko Kongo, and Kuroko Shirai, who were also present beside him, despite having Misaka blush profusely, and having Keiko let out a huge sigh in response to having her blush.

And it was then that I noticed Misaki Shokuhou, another level 5 Esper.

A mind hacker of sorts.

An Esper with an ability called Mental Out.

Think of a computer hacker of sorts, but instead of manipulating and messing with someone's computer, she messes with and manipulates with a persons mind instead.

That is the power of Mental Out.

However, this did not stop Kuroko from being her usual perverted self.

She was however, somewhat reserved about it.

Probably due to the fact that Shokuhou was present. But that was just a hunch that I had.

Which was of course followed up with Misaka smacking her on the head in response.

And Momoko wasted no time in running towards Yousuke, with me following close behind.

But, despite all of this, a huge tremor was then felt throughout the throne room, interrupting the festivities.

And upon being told by Sailor Pluto that it was finally time, the senshi pulled out their respective transformation items.

Me and the other Love Angels readied our respective items as well.

And Sakura, Zachary, and Li, readied their items as well.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!"

"Moon Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Saturn Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!"

"Elegant Wedding Flower!"

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!"

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!"

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!"

"Key of the star, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, release!"

Date: August 9, 2009

Meanwhile in one of Academy City's many parks, the villains were waiting to take on all of us, which was headed by none other then Joker, Galaxia, Raindevila, and Gensei Kihara.

It was while they were all waiting for us to arrive, that several of the many villains, decided to speak up and start bickering...again.

"How long are we supposed to wait?!" Pluie asked in an irritated tone of voice.

"Oh pipe down Pluie, last I checked, your whining was starting to get on my nerves the last time you spoke up!" Jadeite responded back with an irritated tone to match that of Pluie's.

"Hey, you can't talk to him like that Jadeite, it is bad manners...don't you know?" Potamos chimed in, and then followed up with her usual verbal tic.

"Potamos, do you ever stop using that at the end of everything you say, it gets very annoying!" Jadeite snidely responded back, clearly very irritated and annoyed by this point.

I mean, how would you feel if you were brutally humiliated years ago at Haneda Airport by Usagi/Sailor Moon, Ami/Sailor Mercury, And Rei/Sailor Mars, and having to be put to eternal sleep upon arrival back to Queen Beryl, despite learning each of their identities.

"Hey guys, Angel Bluebell here. Yes, you didn't think I'd forget about you guys did I? Anyway…" "I'm sorry, why are you here Bluebell? This isn't the time or the place for this!" "Also, last I checked, this is not your fanfiction perspective either…" "Oh, Keiko! So we apparently have to have a rule now for fourth wall breaks!? You do realize that…" "I'm not saying that there has to be a rule Bluebell, I'm just saying that there's a time and place for it, and this isn't it!" "*sigh* Okay, alright Keiko, I see your point."

Anyway, fourth wall break with Keiko aside…It was at this point that Galaxia picked this opportunity to speak up. "I think that is enough out of the three of you, don't you think, or do I need to remind you how things went back at the lab?"

This caused all three of the villains to stop arguing immediately, and bowed to Galaxia in apology. "Our apologies Galaxia," they said in response.

"Good, now be ready, we have a battle that we can possibly win here, in fact, I am counting on it," Galaxia said, as she turned her attention forward again, and an evil smirk once again found its way onto her face.

And as several portals opened up in front of all the villains, Queen Nehellenia decided to speak up.

"Ah, right on time," she said whilst smirking.

And as all of us stepped through the multiple portals and out onto the battlefield, we all readied ourselves, for what would be the most important battle of our lives.

But what the villains did not expect, and nor did they account for, was for far several more people then they had expected, to step through those portals.

And that, would wind up giving us the slightest of upper hands, in what would be this final battle.

And it was at this point, that Keiko recognized the looks on some of the villains faces, and then decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry, were you expecting fewer of us?" Keiko said, a cocky smirk finding its way onto her face.

"Keiko, I would say that judging from their expressions, yes, that would appear to be the case," Zachary said, wearing his own cocky smirk, with his staff clenched tightly in his hands.

"Well then, what do you say that we show them what it means to be a hero?" I said, wearing my own cocky smirk, and brandishing my Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the villains.

"Sounds good to me sis, and remember that we are always behind you," Wedding Peach said to me.

"Thanks sis, and don't worry, as long as we stick to the plan, there won't be any issues," I said.

It was then, as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, the senshi and the love angels then began their respective introductions.

"As the breeze graces the evening calm, and those who love and cherish each other share an everlasting bond! On this fine summer day, you have all have put all of our worlds that we care so much about in grave danger, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Well sis, you may not know this, but this is going to be our last battle in this fanfic...I know viewers, sad, isn't it?...But don't be upset...I intend to have this final chapter be quite the stunning show. Actually...this might not actually be the end of our adventure after all...And who knows viewers...This fanfic may only be just getting started...Perhaps the MCU?...How about another anime?...What I am trying to say is, this might not really be the end of this fanfic..." I thought to myself, as I then began what would've been my final introduction for this fanfic, while holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. But I would never know, that certain events would wind up forcing my adventure to continue past this, what would've been the final battle. In fact, my adventure as a Love Angel, was only just beginning. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell! And I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards and over my right shoulder. To which I then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of me in a battle ready stance, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All of you devils who exist, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said as she struck a pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Justice! I am Sailor Chibi Moon! And now in the Name of the Future Moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Chibi Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

"On behalf of Aphrodite..." Wedding Peach said.

"On behalf of Queen Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity, and the future of Crystal Tokyo..." Eternal Sailor Moon added in.

"On behalf of all of my friends..." Sakura added in.

"It's time for you all to face Judgment," Kuroko Shirai added in for good measure, causing not just the three of them to sweatdrop, but it also caused me and Zachary to do so as well.

However, Keiko and Misaka, did not, and I realized that it was because she was just doing her job, well, we all were.

And this was truly going to be a battle, that was going to be one for the books.

Oh right, the plan.

Going back to when we had all been in the rift between the portals, waiting for the portals to open up to allow us onto the battlefield.

Although the plan had only been thought in only a few minutes, basically on the fly, by just Usagi, Misaka, Keiko, Sakura, Zachary, Wedding Peach, me, and Kuroko, it still seemed like a pretty solid plan.

Well, not exactly, I was the one who remembered everything regarding Jadeite and his blunder at Haneda Airport with discovering Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mar's identities. "Because as I am sure you are aware viewers, sorry Bluebell here. Anyway, as I am sure you remember me stating in the third chapter of this story, what good is being a magical girl, if you don't keep your actual identity a secret. Jadeite is guilty of this, that I am sure you all know that by now, but also, so is Igneous. Remember in chapter 32, he discovered mine, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy's true identities. So that makes him just as guilty as Jadeite. And while I won't spoil you with foreshadowing too much. Lets just say that they will both be answering for having done that. As for the rest? Well, it is just a case of being guilty by association. I mean after all, Galaxia killed and murdered 9 of the sailor senshi years ago. And although she is the only one of the villains to have ever killed someone...actually, that's not completely accurate...But still, that doesn't mean that she is going to be purified again, without me willingly putting what she has done on blast. Sure, I am well aware that Chaos is responsible for those 9 deaths. But since Chaos is only an entity with no physical solid form, I am holding Galaxia ultimately responsible for the deaths. Since she was the one that was under Chaos' control when she committed these heinous acts. Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, what would you expect from 5 of some of anime's best and most powerful female characters?

And then there was me, Keiko, and Zachary.

We had each managed to not only to measure up to their sterling reputations, and become someone who was of equal power and strength to the main characters in each of our worlds, but we were also their allies, as well as their siblings. Well, siblings to each of our respective characters in our worlds, apart from Sailor Moon, but we'll just gloss over that part.

And that, was more powerful then any sort of magic or any sort of Esper ability could ever be.

Because what is more powerful, then the power of friendship.

Which would explain why the 8 of us were able to come up with such a brilliant plan so quickly.

And to top it all off, the enemy, was in fact no slouch.

Sailor Pluto was not kidding.

Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Kunzite, Gensei, Pluie, Aquelda, Potamos, Petora, Igneous, Raindevila, Eudial, Kaolinite, The Witches 5, The Amazon Trio, Queen Nehellenia, Queen Beryl, Joker, and of course, Galaxia.

Man, talk about a rouges gallery. And I thought that Batman had it rough?

So to compensate for this, we were going to have the Senshi, with help from Kuroko, Keiko, Misaki, Touma and Misaka, to dispatch Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Kunzite, Gensei, Eudial, Kaolinite, The Witches 5, The Amazon Trio, Queen Nehellenia, Queen Beryl, and Joker.

And have me, along with Momoko, Yousuke, and the other Love Angels, with help from Sakura, Zachary, and Li, help us deal with them, along with Pluie, Aquelda, Petora, Igneous, Raindevila, Potamos, and Galaxia.

Plus, this also meant, that not only would everyone participate, but because none of these villains, had ever crossed paths with Sakura, Zachary, or any of their friends.

Well, only Kongo, Kuroko and Touma couldn't participate, but that was only because their abilities had no use in a setting such as a park. No possible projectiles for Kongo to launch with her Aero Hand ability. Neither Misaka or Keiko wanted to see Kuroko get unnecessarily hurt. And Touma couldn't participate mostly because Misaka said so. And not wanting to incur her wrath, knowing full well what she's capable of, we decided to accept it. Plus, it was going to be very frowned upon if one Mistuko Kongo or Kuroko Shirai wound up causing unnecessary damage to one of Academy City's many parks. Sure they are both Level 4 espers, and very good ones at that, but we were just not willing to take the risk of causing any unnecessary collateral damage. Well in Kongo's case anyway. Plus, Kongo likes hearing herself talk just a little too much, but she's a friend of Misaka's and Keiko's, so they kind of have to deal with that. And Kuroko's well...yea...anyways, moving on.

This was basically the ultimate advantage that we had, and also because we had Misaka, Keiko, Misaki, Touma, Kongo, Kuroko, and Touma as well.

And with the plan having been settled, we stepped through the rift between the portals, and out onto the battlefield.


MGF Member
Chapter 70: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!
Date: August 9, 2009

As all of us stood on the battlefield, facing down the group of villains opposite us.

I picked this moment in time to speak up.

It was now time to put the first phase of our plan in motion.

But not before a thought went through my mind. "Well, Jadeite and Igneous, both have a lot to answer for. And while we're on the subject viewers, this, is what can happen with a villain, when you don't even trust each other enough, to even share vital information with each other...For I intend to make not just them pay, but the rest of the villains as well," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention briefly to the right of me to address the viewers, and then spoke up.

"Before we all start this, I would like to say a few things, to clear the air a little bit, Jadeite, Igneous, isn't their something that you would like to tell everyone?" I said, a cocky smirk finding its way onto my face.

They both however looked slightly perplexed. But not for long, as Zachary then decided to speak up.

"I think what Bluebell here is trying to say is, Jadeite, why don't we start with you first. If I am not mistaken you know who some of us really are, don't you?" Zachary said, pretty much hinting back to when Jadeite had discovered Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mar's identities during their fight at Haneda Airport several years back.

"And Igneous, you appear to know who some of us really are as well, isn't that correct?" I said, a blank look, with a hint of mistrust, present on my face, obviously referring back to when Igneous had accidentally discovered the identities of me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy.

It was at this point, that the perplexed looks on Jadeite's and Igneous' faces, were then replaced by looks of anger and rage.

"Well, I'd say that would be a yes...Talk about a magic trick…as we just made Jadeite and Igneous' looks of being perplexed disappear…Tada…they're…ah, they're gone…oh and by the way viewers…this joke…it wasn't cheap…the dc universe ought to know, they bought it...And while we're on the subject of this battle viewers...Who here, by a show in the comments section of this fanfic, has heard of a show by the name of Bar Rescue?...Well, I guess you could consider what was just done, as the first step, of the battle version, of what's known as a 'landmark fire.' Only rather then terminating a weak employee in order to send a message that you're not playing around anymore...We've all simply gone, and have used the villains...and their very lack of trust against them...It is sure to send a message to the other villains, that we aren't messing around when it comes to villains like them," I smugly thought to myself. And as I turned my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers. And this was then followed up by my thought being interrupted by Keiko speaking up.

"Ah, so you do both remember, I'm honestly quite surprised you haven't told the rest of your comrades about it, you would think that sort of important information would've been shared among all of you?" Keiko sighed, which was followed by an eye roll from her.

"Jadeite, what are they talking about, would you care to explain yourself!?" Tigers eye said, with severe intent and anger.

"Iggy, you seemed to have been holding out on us, it is so not like you to do that...you know!?" Potamos said with severe anger, followed by her usual verbal tic.

"Well Misaka...Shokuhou, I think that's our queue, time to see if a forcefield, can stand up to 3 of academy city's top seven level 5s," Keiko said, with a quick deadpan sideways glance to Shokuhou, since she was still not too thrilled to be working with her.

And with a quick nod of approval from Misaka, they each pulled several arcade coins from their respective skirt pockets, and placed one of those several arcade coins between their respective two fingers.

And once they both had channeled enough electricity, they fired, each of them producing their respective railguns. But, in order for this to work, they had to fire all of their coins in rapid succession. Not an easy thing to accomplish, when neither of them had done this before. I mean, after all, their best, from what I knew about Misaka from watching the first season of the anime, was 8 shots per minute. So, they would need to exceed that, as well as fire them in much closer succession. Not easy, but also not impossible. So, once they had fired the first of their coins, they then proceeded to fire several more in close succession. And when I say close succession, I mean that they wound up firing a combined total of 9 coins in the span of only 9 seconds. And each of them produced a railgun each. And while Misaka fired 5 railguns, Keiko fired 4. And each one was aimed at each of the 9 villains that we had all decided were the ones that had to go first. I mean after all, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite, were the most problematic. As all four of them could produce forcefields to block any magic or physical based attack. But, while that is in fact the case. Those forcefields of theirs aren't strong enough to stop something traveling at three times the speed of sound. And that, is why this plan had no chance of failing.

Anyway, before the three generals could raise their forcefields, or the devils could wind up defending themselves, they all suddenly put their hands to their heads.

"Thanks Shokuhou...I guess..." Keiko sighed, giving her a deadpan expression.

"Oh Keiko sweetie, don't tell me you didn't enjoy my performance," Misaki said, putting the remote to her face and smiling.

"No Shokuhou...you just annoy the heck out of me...Misaka for that matter too..." Keiko said, a blush, and a look of irritation now finding its way onto her face.

"Wait, did Keiko just do what I think she just did...no...there's no way that I would ever be a tsundere," I inwardly thought to myself with fear.

"Oh Keiko, you don't mean that, and I'm sure that Misaka doesn't either," Misaki said in her usual joyous tone.

"Oh you'd be surprised...Shokuhou..." Keiko said, her irritated expression and blush, not once having left her face.

But anyway, as Keiko looked forward again, despite her bad mood regarding Shokuhou, the instant before their multiple respective railguns made contact with the nine villains.

Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite managed to raise their hands and produce their forcefields. But unfortunately, their railguns simply went through all four of their forcefields, shattering them to pieces. Like a baseball being thrown through a pane glass window.

And all 9 of them were then wiped out of existence.

"I guess it's not just true in the case of high cards, an ace will always be better then a king or a queen, even when you're not playing poker," Keiko smugly said, with a smirk now finding its way onto her face.

And this, was only the beginning, of what would be a two phase plan, that would show, that things, if done properly, can wind up going like clockwork.

Silence, that was what was present among all the villains, after having just witnessed 9 of their comrades just being completely wiped out of existence.

All except for Gensei Kihara, who at that moment had decided to speak up.

"That was a very excellent display of power, exactly what one would expect from three of Academy City's best level 5's. But tell me something Keiko, and you as well Railgun. How long do the three of you think you can keep that up?" Gensei said, an evil smirk finding its way onto his face.

"I don't know Gensei, why don't you tell us, I think you already know the answer to that question. I mean after all Gensei, as someone once said, kingdoms rise, and kingdoms fall every day, ask the Emperor of Japan. And let what just happened, be a warning to the rest of you villains, if any of you decide to try and defend another one of your own," Keiko said, a stern look with quite a bit of determination very much present on her face, since she was not at all amused, and didn't want any of the other villains to stand in any of Misaka, her, Shokuhou's, or anyone else's way.

"Keiko's right...because sometimes viewers...it's not about the battle...it's about sending a message..." I smugly thought to myself, as I once again turned my eyesight briefly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And it was at this point that something inside me seemed to snap, and I then decided to speak up, now wanting to speak my mind regarding both Galaxia and Beryl.

Because she and Beryl had a lot to answer for, and I found it best to be the one to say it.

It was time to put that information that I had found on the newspaper clubs computer a couple of years ago to good use.

"Oh, and Galaxia, just so you know, now you know what it feels like to lose 9 people, doesn't feel good does it? Now you know how some of us felt when you literally took our lives away from us! Oh, and don't think that I didn't forget about the rest of you villains either. I know more about the rest of you villains and the damage that you've caused to the senshi over the years then you think I do! Tell me, do the words 'Beryl', 'six murders', and 'jealousy,' mean anything to any of you?! Beryl, you know full well what it is I am referring to. You should know, as you did kill them after all! Too bad that your tricks only work once. And quite justifiably, as you now have nothing, nothing to threaten us with, nothing to do with all of your strength!" I said, through very clear anger, and gritted teeth, while obviously hinting to when Galaxia had killed 9 of the sailor senshi in the fight in Juban years back, and clearly fed up with everything that she had done. And while also mentioning that when it came to the rest of the villains, other then Gensei, that their cards were marked. In fact, their cards had been marked long before they decided to come crawling back from the dead. And I did so, while channeling a demeanor, that would make even Heath Ledger's Joker proud.

And not surprisingly, my statement, was met with quite a few shocked expressions, not just from the senshi, but also from both Beryl and Galaxia.

Who knew full well what it was that I was referring too.

Which was followed up by a look of pure rage from both Beryl and Galaxia.

"Damn you, you'll..." Galaxia was midway through saying her threat, when I decided to cut her off.

"You, how dare you..." Beryl was also midway through her threat as well, when I decided to cut her off alongside Galaxia.

Given that she was responsible for killing 9 of the senshi, and Beryl was responsible for killing 6 of them as well, I wasn't going to let either of them finish their threats, they were going to listen to what I had to say.

You don't harm or kill my friends and don't expect to pay for it in some form or another.

"You'll what Galaxia...you'll make us pay?! Not while I still stand and breath you won't! Beryl, how dare I what...hold you responsible for the damage and grief that you have caused to my friends...how about how dare you?! You both need to take accountability for the people that you have both killed! As I think you already did that to several of us already didn't you?! You know Galaxia, right after you turned some of us against each other and then made us kill each other?! And Beryl, you are just as guilty regarding this! You should consider yourself immensely lucky Galaxia, on the fact that you don't possess a star seed...or things in that battle would've wound up ending a bit differently...And to think Galaxia, that you killed them just to further your evil goal of collecting star seeds!...Beryl, the same goes for you as well!...Because if I had been involved in things at the North Pole, I would've made completely sure that you payed dearly for each and every one of their deaths!...And I do think that you've both caused more then enough pain and suffering to the senshi to last several lifetimes! You want me to care Galaxia and Beryl, and show some sort of sympathy for villains like you, or any of you villains for that matter, and you decide to harm and kill my friends!? So no, I don't think that you'll wind up making any of us pay, or be daring anything out of any one of us! You both really do seem to think that you can just do whatever you damn well please, and think that the rules of engagement and battle don't apply to either of you! When to be honest, they do! You went and committedly murdered 9 of my friends Galaxia...And don't try and feign ignorance, as you know fully well which 9 I am referring too...and Beryl, you went and committedly murdered 6 as well! And don't try to deny it either! As you know fully well the 6 that I am referring too...So that makes you just as guilty as Galaxia! So now it is time to have you both pay dearly for having done just that! So let me just show you Galaxia, and you as well Beryl, as well as demonstrate to you, why all of you villains can't win against the likes of us, and never will!" I continued to say, and finished up with, through more anger, while hinting back to when Galaxia had turned Uranus and Neptune against the rest of the senshi and forced them to kill Saturn and Pluto. And also hinting back to when Beryl had killed the 5 inner senshi at the North Pole several years back.

But, any one of the villains who was dumb enough to protect one of their own, well that was their death wish.

And now, once the shock from my outburst had worn off, it was then time for the final phase.

Time for the rest of us to wipe everyone of the other villains off the board in one fell swoop.

It was the only possible way that this would not only end quickly, but it would also ensure that no one on our side would wind up getting unnecessarily hurt.

"Well, I guess it's time for the endgame then. So Peach, Lily, Daisy, Salvia, what do you say we show Raindevila, and the rest of the villains, that our bonds are stronger now then they have ever been?" I said, turning to Wedding Peach, and giving her a small smile.

"Bluebell, I think you already know the answer to that question," Wedding Peach said, returning her own smile to me.

"Yea, let's show them what were made of!" Angel Daisy said.

And in a split second, me, Wedding Peach, and the rest of the love angels, readied our respective weapons, and proceeded to launch our respective attacks.

"I guess that's our queue then, Sakura, Li, what do you say we show them what true friendship is?" Zachary said, turning his attention to Sakura and Li, a smile present on his face.

And a second later, after both of them had given him a nod of approval, he turned forward again, pulled a card out of his pocket, and proceeded to throw it forward in preparation.

And as for Madison, she had managed to go off in the nearby bushes, and had begun filming the entire fight ever since everyone had started their respective introductions.

I mean, that is Madison for you, wouldn't you want to film a fight between 3 of the best magical girl groups of all time, a group of very powerful Level 5 espers, all of which were going up against a rouges gallery of very powerful villains from their past? Well, from the senshi, me, and the love angels past. And given that Gensei Kihara, wasn't even in season 1 of the railgun anime. I deduced, that it probably, had something to do, with the timeline of the railgun anime, already going quite askew from the canon timeline. And yet I would never know, that things for both Mikoto and Keiko, as well as the rest of their friends, would only get worse as time went on in their respective timeline.

But then, another thought wound up popping into my head, and a very tragic one at that.

"I completely forgot about how Mako tragically lost her parents. I am still struggling to understand how she could be so okay about it. I mean, she was on the plane with them when it had crashed. And out of the five hundred and nine passengers and fifteen crew members that were on board that plane, she was only one of the only four passengers that had somehow managed to survive. And that was after thirty-two horrifying minutes. I am obviously going to have to talk to her about it at some point, only I don't know when. I just want to let her know, that she isn't the only one, that knows, about what had happened, to her and her parents. No wonder Makoto is so afraid to fly on an airplane...And viewers...in case you are wondering, I am of course talking about, the horrid but very preventable tragedy...of Japan Airlines Flight 123...I mean, you must've all realized that, right viewers?...I mean, considering that Makoto was 7 years old when she had lost her parents, and she was born back in 1978...I mean, the only aircraft accident, that had occurred in Japan, back in 1985, was Japan Airlines Flight 123...on August 12, 1985...and for those who are going to try and make a claim, that Japan Airlines Flight 350...was another plausible option...Let me just remind you all, that Makoto Kino, was born on December 5, 1978...now, for those who are going to go and look up the information regarding the incident of Japan Airlines Flight 350...I am just going to go ahead, and save you the trouble of doing so...Japan Airlines Flight 350, in which the date in which the incident in question happened on, was February 9, 1982...See, the point here viewers...is that Makoto Kino, would've only been four years old...And, for those who have read extensively into Makoto Kino's backstory like I have...You would realize, that she wound up losing her parents, at the age of seven...Which, all but confirms, that she wound up losing her parents on Japan Airlines Flight 123...I mean, the dates almost line up with each other exactly...But still, Japan Airlines Flight 123, was, and still very much is, the worst single aircraft accident, in the history of aviation...I mean after, all the 747SR (Short Range), that was involved in the accident, was carrying 509 passenger, 3 pilots, and 12 flight attendants...Yes, I am well aware that I mentioned the passenger and crew members numbers earlier on in this chapter...But that still doesn't mean that I can't mention them again," I thought to myself, while during this, I had wound up turning my head and eyesight, to the right of me, to address the viewers.

And I wasn't able to realize, that tears had now begun to fall down my face in streams.

And despite me now realizing this and best efforts to try and hide it.

I realized, that it was now far too late, to do anything about it.

Thankfully however, I managed to wipe the streams of tears from my face, before anyone managed to take notice.

And then, after steadying myself again, I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, as the rest of us prepared to launch our attacks at the rest of the villains.

"Saint Grenade...Critical! Heart...Impact!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!"

"Saint...Spiral Whip!"

"Saint...Rolling Boomerang!"

"Saint...Twin Swords!"





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"







"On behalf of Academy City..." Keiko began.

"The aces of Tokiwidai cast upon you..." Misaka followed up by saying.

"Judgment!" They both put in for good measure in unison.

Which was followed up by Misaka and Keiko firing their respective railguns from their arcade coins, after they had said the last word of their sentence in unison.

And once all of the attacks hit the villains at varying intervals.

Those that needed to be purified, were purified, and as for the rest, well, they were wiped out of existence.

And Chaos was cast out of Galaxia's body for what would now be the third time.

And the next time it would return?

Well, that is something that even I don't know the answer to.

But I can guarantee you, that it won't be coming back in this millennium.

Or so we all thought.

A bit later on, in front of Tokiwidai Middle School.

After everyone had powered down, so as to not draw unwanted attention to themselves.

I figured, that now was a better time then any, to tell Makoto what was had been on my mind during the fight at the park a little bit ago.

"Mako, can I have a word with you for a moment?" I asked, while trying my best to hold back tears that were starting to well up in my eyes.

"Sure Shinko, what is it you want to talk to me about?" Makoto replied.

It was then that I took a deep breath, knowing the backlash that would most likely ensue from what I was about to say.

I then took her in a tight embrace, as tears started to fall down my face in streams.

"I know, why you are afraid, to fly on an airplane. And just so you know...you aren't alone Mako, you have so many people that care about you, more then just those that are standing here right now," I said, through severe sadness and distraught in my voice.

It was then that something unexpected happened, that I didn't expect, Makoto took me in a tight embrace as well.

"Shinko, thank you, that means a lot," Makoto said.

This was something that I never thought would happen.

And experiencing it for real, pretty much made it feel that much more right.

And it was once the two of us finished our tight embrace.

That Meilin of all people decided to speak up.

"Okay, so is everyone ready to head back to their worlds?" She asked, clearly not getting what was currently going on at the current moment.

"Meilin, show some respect," Li said, turning to her and clearly not very amused with what she had just said.

It was at this point, that it was time for all of us to head back to our respective worlds.

But not before Usagi decided to speak up.

"Maybe sometime in the future, we can fight against each other...you know for fun?" she said.

"Uhh...sure?" Sakura said.

"But when we do," Momoko said.

"Lets just make sure that none of our worlds are on the line next time," Misaka said.

And it was at this point, that the four of them, along with Keiko, Zachary, and me, formed a circle, and put our hands into a pile, to signify our unbreakable bonds, as well as our everlasting friendships.

"Oh, I almost forgot, if you will all excuse me for a second."

"No problem at all Shinko, just don't get carried away."

"No trouble at all Shinko, just be discreet about it."

"Thank you Momoko, thank you Usagi."

"I would like to thank you, the viewers, for joining me, and all of my friends on this journey."

"Yes, you didn't think I forgot about you did I?"

"And I am pretty sure that everyone else that is here with me right now, hasn't forgotten about you all either. *winks*"

However, I wouldn't know until a bit of time later, that my adventure as a Love Angel, was only just beginning. And this wouldn't be the last time that I would find myself in Academy City. And our problems regarding Chaos, weren't exactly over either.

"Yea, sorry, Keiko here..." "Zachary here..." "Would you like to go first Keiko or should I? Because this is only the third time that I am doing this fourth wall break thing...*sweatdrop*" "I think that would be most wise Zachary. Anyway, though this is in fact not the end of the Going In Completely Blind part of the story. Both mine and Zachary's stories will still be continuing on." "So if you would like to read either of those, go and read A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces chapter 1 for the perspective of my adventures with Misaka and our friends." "Or, you can go and read Going In Almost Completely Blind chapter 1, for the perspective of my adventures with Sakura, Li and the rest of the gang." "We hope to see you viewers there. *both smile and both wave while both saying the last line in unison*"


MGF Member
Chapter 71: All Roads Lead Back To Academy City!: A Love Angels Job Is Never Done!
Date: August 12, 2000

"Hello viewers, Shinko Hanasaki here. Yes, you didn't think that my story as Angel Bluebell was over just yet did you? In fact, regarding my journey as Angel Bluebell viewers *now smiles while blushing* I would say, that like in the words of Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore as he himself had said to Shooter McGavin. The way I see it viewers, we have only just begun. *now proceeds to smile even more broadly then before while still quite visibly blushing* So, what do you viewers say, that we get on with the next arc of this fanfic, hmm?...Actually, before we get to that. I would just like to address a few things regarding the whole Mr.Beast situation...Now hold on, before you decide to jump to any sort of rash or unecessary conclusions as to why I am choosing to address this right here and now...Let me just say first from the off, that I absolutely do not condone what Jimmy Donaldson has done, as well as Logan Paul, and KSI as well for that matter as well. You three....oh man....you three are the biggest pieces of garbage...So, it is no small wonder, why the three of you are the most hated people on the internet right now...And to be just that more honest, I thought that what Felix, aka PewDiePie, did was bad...What with the whole PUBG bridge incident...Although, that doesn't mean that I don't condone what Felix has done either, as you Felix, are never, NEVER....EVER...allowed to use that word, EVER! Whether it be in public or not...So, I guess it is true what they say...And in the words of Yuri from Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3...'power corrupts'...I mean after all, Vladimir Makarov, was quite...what's the word...ah yes...hellbent on...well actually...you know what viewers?...Why don't we just gloss over that part...Look, the main point that I am trying to make here viewers...Is that greed is a sin...It always has been since the beginning of man, and it always will continue be until the ned of time itself...I guess that is probably why Logan Paul was dumb enough, to put the actual Olympic Rings, onto his piece of garbage PRIME drink...I mean, seriously Logan?!...What did you think was going to happen?!...I mean, are you really that daft, to actually think for even a split second, that doing something like that was going to be even the least bit okay?!...Not to mention that whole inappropriate video with the Japan Suicide Forest...Look...I am usually a very calm and collected individual...but what has been recently going on, what with these individuals, and those like them...You should all be extremely ashamed of yourselves!!...*takes a deep breath to try and calm down*...But anyway, I think that that is enough of calling out people for their irreparable sins....What do you viewers say, that we finally get on with the chapter...hmm?...*says the last part while still smiling and blushing only now with head tilted slightly and eyes closed*"

Okay, so not too long had actually past since me, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet, had wound up in Academy City. And as it currently stood, we really did think that our troubles regarding fighting against evil, were basically over. However, while me and Momoko slept quietly in our respective beds. We were sort of having a sort of weird dream, that would soon turn into a living nightmare.

Darkness, all I could see was darkness, as both me, and Wedding Peach, both stared out into the endless void of darkness. The only problem was, we were not alone. "I see that you have returned, so tell me Shinko, how are you enjoying things so far?" The all too familiar disembodied voice spoke out to me and Wedding Peach from the endless void of darkness. And it was at this moment, that I immediately realized where we both were, and then decided to speak up, and to tell you the honest truth, I wasn't exactly pleased.

"You're joking right!? I thought we were done with all of this!? What could you possibly..." It was then, that I was interrupted, by Wedding Peach then speaking up. "Uh...Bluebell, would you mind telling me where it exactly is that we are right now?" Wedding Peach asked me in a very perplexed and confused tone. "Ah, Wedding Peach, how nice it is for you to join us," the disembodied voice then said to Wedding Peach, before I could even answer her to try and attempt to tell her, why it is that we were back in the void again. Well, I was, because this was Wedding Peach's first time in the void.

"That's all fine and good, so why don't we just cut to the chase and get to why exactly you've dragged both of us here?! And it had better be good, because to tell you the honest truth..." I began, only to have my statement cut off by the disembodied voice then speaking up once again. "I think you will find that it is Shinko. Now then, shall we begin?" The disembodied voice said, as the scene around us then got very bright, and then the dream for both me and Wedding Peach ended.

Date: September 20, 2009

The only problem was though, once the light around us, had returned to normal, we both then found ourselves in an all too familiar looking grime covered alley. And once I had taken a look at my surroundings, I couldn't help but start to feel, an all too familiar and very uneasy feeling.

"Oh...well...it would seem that we are both back in Academy City..." I thought to myself. But the only trouble was, it wasn't the original alley where we all had met Misaka, Keiko, Sakura, and the rest of the Four Aces less then a month ago. In fact, the sky above us, in the alley, was now a more dark and ominous color. And to make matters just that much worse, me and Wedding Peach, were not alone in the alley at the present moment. And with the subtle groaning of some familiar female voices behind the both of us. Which then caused us both to turn around, we were both then greeted, with the all too familiar forms, of Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia.

And it was once the three of them, had come to, and then glanced at their surroundings like me and Wedding Peach, had done only about a minute prior, we all then realized, that things for us, regarding fighting evil, were still, very much far, from being over.

"In fact viewers, sorry, Angel Bluebell here. *suddenly blushes profusely and turns away briefly before then bringing head and eyesight forward again to continue to address the viewers* Anyway, as I was about to tell all of you. You may have noticed, by part of the title of this fanfic chapter, which is 'All Roads Lead Back To Academy City.' Well, this chapter is titled as such, largely because a certain someone, in another recently posted chapter in A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces, did in fact inform you all, that something like this, was going to wind up possibly happening. I mean after all, Keiko 'Lucky Strike' Misaka, as you all know her as, is essentially another version of me, from back in the real world. And no, I am not saying for even a moment, that I look like either of us do in real life, as I do in these fanfics, so don't just go jumping to making that assumption, because that is completely wrong of any of you viewers, to assume just nonsensical rubbish. Just don't be daft and jump to any unecessary conclusions, is all I am saying. *proceeds to sweatdrop while placing hand over forehead in a somewhat facepalm* Anyway, let's just say, that the next few upcoming chapters, will wind up turning this story, as well as the other two stories that are connected to this one, completely on their heads. And, if I may viewers, you will soon know, why exactly, things have come to being, the way that they are now. You know, what with the five of us, suddenly winding up, back in Academy City. *smiles* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *says the last part while waving smiling and having head tilted slightly to one side while blushing with eyes closed*"

However, just as I was wrapping up my usual end of chapter fourth wall break, I then felt an all too familiar magical aura. And as me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, quickly turned our attention, towards the source of the familiar magical aura. All five of us, then looked on, at five all too familiar figures, with slightly surprised looks on our faces. And with me recognizing these five familiar faces, I then realized, that there was clearly more to all of this, then any of us would even begin to realize. In fact, with regards to Keiko and Mikoto, things hadn't exactly stayed the same, since we had all crossed paths with each other the last time. In fact, they had, unfortunately, gotten much much worse. And, some of my suspicions from back in the previous chapter, regarding a certain railgun timeline related villain. Would unfortunately, soon be proven, to be 100% correct.
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MGF Member
Chapter 72: Everything Is Not What It Seems!: This Isn't Just Madness, This Is Fourth Wall Break Madness!
Date: September 20, 2009

As it was while me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, stared in a very surprised manner, at...well...

"Well Peach, Lily, Daisy, Salvia, I would say that things regarding us fighting evil aren't exactly..." I began to say to them, with a sort of side-eyed glance, while still having my attention somewhat focused, on the five newly discovered arrivals.

However, I was then forced to a stop mid-sentence, as several images, then flashed through my mind. It started, with an image of a certain part of Academy City. An open sort of area, if you will. The only thing was, it showed it as though it were somewhat in ruins.

And yet, that wasn't the reason, as to why I currently, had a look of utter, and complete shock, plastered on my face. In fact, the main reason, as to why I was shocked, was who was shown, to have been standing in that open area. More specifically, a certain girl, with all too familiar short brown hair, who looked as though she was glowing a bright white color, and upon a further look at her face. The girl in question, was very much, not looking like herself.

And, just to make things, just a heck of a lot worse. Several more figures, were currently present, in the very same open area. One of which, I immediately recognized as Keiko, who was at the moment, on the ground, on her knees, in a very distraught, and very upset state. And if I had to hazard a pretty good guess. It was more then likely due, to whatever had transpired, involving the white colored figure, who was obviously Misaka.

But, that was not the only image, that was sent flashing through my head. In fact, as I was still looking quite visibly shocked and quite pale, I was then shown another image, of an all too familiar girl with long blonde hair. She was on the ground, a hand clutched around her own throat, and an all too familiar old man, in a lab coat, walking slowly towards her, in a quite intimidating looking manner.

"Okay, so then it would appear that Gensei Kihara...is still very much alive...You know viewers...I am really starting to not like that guy...Because to be quite honest, I am not too happy, that my suspicions regarding the timeline, were like everything else I had predicted up until this point, to be 100% correct...But I guess that is the nature of the beast...as an ability, like that of Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic, and her abilities as a member of the Whispered...and as Captain Teletha Testarossa herself said...it can be viewed as a sort of double-edged sword...And no viewers, I am not talking about the Sword Card, when I say that...Mind you, it is technically in fact, a double-edged sword...But I digress, let me at least try and make sense of the current situation...So viewers, with that in mind, back to the story," I thought to myself, while I had had my eyesight, head, and attention, turned slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. And I had wound up dropping to my knees on the ground, as I still very much had, a look of complete shock, plastered quite visibly across my face.

"Bluebell, are you okay?!" I heard the unmistakable voices, of Peach, Lily, Daisy, and Salvia shout out me. As Wedding Peach, had now knelt down to my level, in an attempt, to try and figure out, what exactly had had me, so much in shock.

And, it was when I had turned my attention towards Wedding Peach, that I was then able, to see the look of sheer worry, on her face. And, with one of my eyes now closed, in a look of somewhat visible pain. I then took a very deep breath, as I then tried to explain to her, what it exactly was, that I had just seen.

"How can I say this sis...well, it would seem, that we currently have ourselves, quite a big problem on our hands," I said, while I tried to bear, a somewhat broken smile of sorts. In a somewhat feeble attempt, to try and let Wedding Peach know, that things were as they should have been.

When in reality, everything, was very much not as it currently seemed.

And, it was while I was still trying to explain to Wedding Peach, the current situation, regarding the images, that had flashed so quickly through my mind. I then got an interesting idea, one that might actually, wind up helping all of us, to both find, as well as solve the currently unfolding, and currently very dire situation.

"Hey Li, do you by any chance have your Lazen Board with you?" I asked, as I turned my attention towards Li, with a now much chipper look on my face.

"Now viewers, I know what you may all be thinking at this very moment, why would I be asking Li Showron, if he still had his Lazen Board, hmm? Well viewers..."

"Yea Bluebell, this is not really the greatest time to be addressing the viewers, given the currently unfolding situation...*Wedding Peach says this while giving Bluebell a pretty obvious expression, as it to let Bluebell know, that now is not the time to be doing a fourth wall break, even though the rules governing fourth wall breaks, are pretty much non-existent*"

"Yea I am with Wedding Peach on this Bluebell. Not really the best time to be doing this...*Zachary says this while giving a very obvious expression as if to let Bluebell know, that now is not exactly the best time to be doing a fourth wall break*"

"Okay seriously Zachary, in the similar words of Jermaine Jones from L.A. Noire, 'who let you in?!'"

"What was that Bluebell, would you care to repeat that statement of yours?!...Because the last time that I checked, there isn't any written or existing rules, governing fourth wall breaks!"

"Look Zachary, I am not saying that there has to be any rules...And to be plainly honest, I have already had to have an earful from Keiko several chapters back regarding this exact topic! So quite frankly, I don't need to hear this from you as well! *Bluebell says all of this with a tickmark now very much present on one side of her head*"

And yet, while this was all going on, none of the three of us, were able to take into account, the growing amount of concerned, and sweatdropped expressions, that were now becoming visible, on everyone else, who was not currently embroiled, in the current conversation, regarding fourth wall breaks. In fact, for those among us, who didn't have fourth wall awareness...

"What are those three arguing about?" Li asked to no one in particular, as he proceeded to look on, at the currently unfolding, and quite bizarre situation regarding Zachary, me, and Wedding Peach. All while a sweatdrop, was very much present, on one side of his face.

And to be just that much more honest, everyone else that was present, was pretty much feeling almost the exact same way.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here..."

"Are you seriously kidding me right now Keiko?!...Don't you have a battle to attend to right now?!"

"Bluebell, just let Keiko say what she needs to say!"

"Because after all Bluebell, are you not sort of indisposed at the current moment?...*Keiko says this, while smiling with eyes closed, and her head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

"Well...*Bluebell now lets out a sigh in complete defeat, as she knows full well that Keiko is right with every bit of that statement*...Okay alright Keiko...so why don't you do the honors then."

"With pleasure Bluebell...Also Zachary, it is so nice to see you again...Anyway viewers, see you all in the next chapter, okay?...*Keiko says this while once again smiling with eyes closed, and her head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 73: All For One And One For All!: A Day Of Destiny, The Race To Save Academy City! (Part 1)
Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so starting off from the tail-end of the last chapter. And, as me, Zachary, and Wedding Peach...well...

"Okay seriously, I think we should put this aside for the moment Zachary," I said to him, in an sort of side-eyed and weary looking glance, while I took in the many, sweatdropped, and very confused faces. Which were currently plastered across the rest of everyone else, except for me, Zachary, and Wedding Peach. And not surprisingly, a sweatdrop, was also now present, on one side of my face.

"Seriously Bluebell please do explain exactly why...." Zachary began, only to then decide to sort of side-eye glance, in the direction that I was currently looking in. And roughly one second after he had done so, he only then realized, exactly why I was in such a somewhat weary looking state.

And this was all but confirmed, by a sweatdrop of his own, then making its way onto one side of his face. "Oh...right..." Zachary then said in response, as he was now giving, almost the exact same, identical weary looking expression, that I currently had upon my face. As both me and him, now both realized, just how foolish, the both of us, really did in fact look, to everyone else that was present.

And given the overall presence of who was there. And, given both of our many difficulty varying endeavors, that had taken the both of us to this very moment. That was, by its own fruition, a very good reason. And it was also, why this, was as weird, and bizarre, as it currently looked, to those around us, apart from Wedding Peach of course.

Anyway, with me, Zachary, and Wedding Peach, now having apologized for our current separate...outburst...yea...let's go with that.

"Well actually viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here again. *Bluebell now clears her throat, as she then proceeds to continue to address the viewers, only she cleared her throat, with a somewhat visible blush on her face*...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you...*now proceeds to blush just a little more profusely on both cheeks*....Now, you might all be wondering why exactly this whole...Well, let me just call it a mess of sort...because to be completely honest here viewers...Mind you, I have been one-hundred percent honest throughout all, if not most of the entirety of this fanfic, have I not?...*once again proceeds to blush quite profusely, only this time I have my right hand in front of my face, in an sort of way, to let the viewers know, that I am now quite profusely embarrassed, and my face and attention turned are also, slightly away from the viewers*...*I then clear my throat again, as I once again turn my attention forward again, to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, as I was saying...you might all be wondering to yourselves at this very moment, why exactly the whole...*ahem*...fourth wall break moment, from the last chapter, went the way that it did?...Or, maybe you're not wondering that...and yet viewers, if I'm quite honest...I have absolutely no way to confirm nor deny that...Whoa...just turned into Jeremy Renner's character from Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation there for a second...*says that while I am sheepishly grinning with one of my hands behind my hand almost in the same way that Ash Ketchum usually did in the Pokemon anime*...*I then once again turn my attention back to addressing the viewers*...So anyway, let me give you viewers a bit more insight into the whole fourth wall break concept...Now don't worry viewers, as I will try to make this as simple an explanation as I possibly can...*I then proceeds to take a deep breath, as I then prepare to start my explanation about fourth wall breaks*...Now, as you are all very much aware, from when I had joked about it back in chapter 3 of this fanfic...both She-Hulk...*I then slightly cringe for a short moment, at the very thought of my remembering the absolute awfulness that was Marvel's She Hulk: Attorney At Law...only to have my expression return to normal again so that I can continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, both She-Hulk, and Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, both have the ability of fourth wall awareness...As I am sure, that all of you diehard fans of the Marvel Comics, and the MCU, can very much confirm this, to be the case...But anyway, fourth wall awareness, can be used for many things...And in the case of both She-Hulk...from...*now deeply sighs with an almost defeated looking expression*...Disney's She-Hulk: Attorney At Law...*proceeds to say Disney's She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, with quite a bit of unhappy disdain, along with a very unhappy sounding tone in my voice, and a tickmark all too visible, on one side of my face*...Anyway...in the case of She-Hulk, Deadpool, and even me and Wedding Peach for that matter as well...We often use our fourth wall breaks, to release some sort of tension in the show...or fanfic in this case...Anyway, fourth wall breaks, can also be used..."

"Uh yeah Bluebell?...I think the viewers pretty much get the overall idea of it...*Wedding Peach and Zachary wind up saying this both in unison to let Bluebell know, that the viewers, basically get the overall gist of it*"

"Oh right...*I say both of these words with both eyes now completely closed, along with an all too visible sheepish like expression on my face, and a sweatdrop also present, on one side of my face*...*this is then quickly followed, less then a second later, by my expression, then returning back to normal, as I once again proceed, to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway...*the sweatdrop now suddenly appears once again, on one side of my face, just as I start to say the word 'Anyway...'*...Me and Wedding Peach, look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter, okay? *winks while giving a small smile*"
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MGF Member
Chapter 74: A Fourth Wall Break Inside Of A Fourth Wall Break?...That's Like...Sixteen Walls!: A Day Of Destiny, The Race To Save Academy City (Part 2)
Date: September 20, 2009

"Okay viewers. Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again. So ramping off, so to speak, from the whole...fourth wall break moment...from the previous two chapters...Actually, now that I think about that part a bit more here for a moment viewers...I think that that does in fact warrant, a little bit more of an explanation...You know, since I was sort of cutoff, so to speak...from giving my explanation, in the last chapter...*I say this with my free right feminine hand behind my head, while giving a sheepish grin, and a sweatdrop, is also quite visible, on one side of my face*"

"Uh yeah Bluebell?...I really don't think that this is really the time to be going into yet another one of your very lengthy fourth wall breaks...*Zachary gives me a sort of weary looking glance, to pretty much let me know, that given the last chapter, regarding my fourth wall breaks, that they, did in fact, tend to drag on a little bit*"

"Oh...right Zachary...'how could I even forget about that...I mean after all viewers, it isn't like I can...given the overall picture...and it's not I could even do it if I wanted too...*I say this while once again giving a sheepish grin, with my free right hand once again behind my head...and with another sweatdrop also appearing on one side of my face*...Actually viewers, I just realized something...This is technically, a fourth wall break, inside of a fourth wall break...*now winds up grinning just a little bit more*...I mean, in the words of Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool viewers...'that's like...sixteen walls!'...But enough about that viewers...what do you say, that we finally get on with the story...hmm?'"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment. And also getting back to the current situation. Which was right after me, Zachary, and Wedding Peach, had all apologized for the recent scene, that the three of us had caused. Well, it wasn't Wedding Peach, so much as it was pretty much all me and Zachary.

But anyway, after me and Zachary, had apologized for our actions. I then once again, proceeded, to try and ask Li, in yet another attempt, to try and set my idea in motion.

"So Li, do you happen to have your Lazen Board with you?" I asked him again, all while doing my absolute best, not to show, that although I looked confident, speaking to someone like Li Showron. That in reality, I was actually completely freaking out below the surface. "Okay, so this is the great Li Showron...sorry...Syaoran...Actually viewers...Li's last name, is actually both...giving which English Dubbed version of the Cardcaptor Sakura anime, you grew up watching...as for me viewers...Take a guess as to which one of the two, I had watched, back when I was younger?...Yes...it was the Nelvana Dub version of the anime...You know the one viewers, the one that for no justifiable reason, has gotten so much hate over the years?...Or, if you for some odd reason, thought it was any of the other English Dubbed versions of the anime...then allow me to now give you an answer different from my first...as a sort of alternate path...if you will...*ahem*...No, you're wrong, it was the Nelvana Dub version of the anime...Surely you all didn't think that it was the original English Dub...did you?...*I wind up saying this alternate answer with a completely different expression present on my face*...Now, anyway viewers, back to the current situation, and the overall story," I thought to myself, while I had had, my eyesight, turned slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Anyway, upon me having once again asked Li, if he had in fact had his Lazen Board with him. I was then greeted, with Li, then pulling out his Lazen Board. And, upon now having confirmation, that Li did in fact have his Lazen Board with him. I then set about, bringing everyone else up to speed, as to what exactly, was my interesting, and quite honestly, very unique idea.

The only trouble was, I was not just about, to be speaking my idea, to just another version of myself. But to Sakura Avalon as well, one of the three original 90s magical girls, who from what I knew about her, along with Wedding Peach, and Sailor Moon as well.

Well, the point here, was that there was a very good reason, as to why all three of them, had led me, to respectively coin the three of them, as "The Holy Magical Girl Trinity." I mean after all, this was Sakura Avalon that we're talking about here. Or Sakura Kinomoto, if you wound up watching the 'Original English Dub,' so to speak. As in the same 10 year old Tomoeda Elementary School student, whose sudden discovery of a certain ancient book, wound up spawning the catalyst, that would later set the stage, for what was to be known, as The Final Judgement. Or The Last Judgement, which is once again, very dependent, on which of the English Dubs, you had watched back when you were younger. Well, you may not have actually watched it back when you were younger. But I digress.

I mean, moving onto the Cardcaptor version of myself. I could only just imagine, just how many difficult, as well as strenuous circumstances, the Cardcaptor version of me, had had to go through, in order to get to the position, that he was in now. As even though, he was another version of me, I could never truly understand, just how much stress, and the many painful decisions, that he had to make, and honestly, I would never truly understand. Because like a certain song from Yugioh: The Pyramid Of Light, so rightfully said, "You're Not Me." Even though he technically was.

But anyway, as I took all of this into account, I then proceeded to speak up. But, I was still, quite justifiably I might add, quite a bit nervous.

"Now, you might all be wondering, exactly what my thought process is regarding our current situation, right?..." I began, which was compounded, and very much confirmed, by all that were present, simply nodding in response. "Well, let's just say...that I may have indeed, come up with an idea, that will get us out of this current situation. And so, with that in mind, Li, I need you hand me your Lazen Board for a moment, don't worry, all will become more clear shortly," I said, while I turned my attention back to Li, only to be met, with an unexpected look of uncertainty, plastered across Li's face. As if he wasn't entirely confident, in willing to acquiesce my request.

"Well, it looks like somethings just never change, right viewers?..." I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my eyesight, to the left of me again, to briefly address the viewers. Only this time, a sweatdrop, was now very much visible, on one side of my face. And a sheepish looking grin, was also very much present on my face, along with the sweatdrop, also still very much visible, on one side of my face.
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