

MGF Member
Chapter 20: Something Worth Fighting For!: Enter Accelerator, Controller Of Vectors!

Well, a week had now passed since the fight against the rouges gallery of villains in the park had occurred, and everyone had gone back to their respective worlds. And yet, even though Gensei Kihara was dead, I still somehow felt uneasy, like our troubles regarding him, weren't exactly over yet. But, I had decided to push this thought to the side for the time being, and deal with what currently lay in front of me. Which was apparently the fact that Misaka had been acting somewhat off recently. As in, she would go off in the middle of the night, to who knows where. However, given that our AIM Diffusion Fields were intertwined with each other, and with the recent fourth wall break we had had together demonstrating one of those extra abilities that brings to the table. I was slowly starting to realize exactly what it was that she was thinking at any given time, if I concentrated on her for long enough. Which wound up proving very useful, in the events that would wind up following.

It all started one evening, when Misaka had decided to once again go off in the middle of the night, well past curfew, not realizing that I had been watching what it was that she was doing, and had only been pretending to be asleep. I mean, when you're concerned about your sister, and what it is she is doing out of the dorms past curfew, you have to take whatever measures you can. And upon Misaka leaving our dorm room, I then very slowly got out of my bed, and had a quick session to think to myself about what it was that I had learned through probing her thoughts. "And no, it is not weird viewers, stop thinking that! Sorry, Keiko here, just had to get that off my chest."

Anyway, fourth wall break aside. Apparently Misaka had been going off in the middle of the night, because of something to do with a project called Level 6 Shift. Apparently several years ago, she had given a sample of her DNA to a lab, thinking that it was going to cure a disease called muscular dystrophy. Unfortunately, it was actually being used to produce clones of her in mass quantities for a now defunct project called Project Radio Noise. And regarding the fact that she was pretty distraught about it, I was going to do everything in my power to ensure that she didn't need to suffer through this alone. And with this thought in mind, I very silently adorned my school uniform, and made my way out of the dorms, and off in the direction Misaka had gone. Not realizing at the time, that I was about to become involved in a very bad situation with Academy City's top ranked level 5.

Anyway, after following Misaka to a railway yard, I was able to catch sight of her staring off in a state of pure shock. It was when I looked in the direction she was facing, that I realized exactly why. I mean, Accelerator is a pretty well known level 5, he is top ranked for a reason. But nothing would've prepared me for what I saw. Accelerator had taken it upon himself to take one of the many shipping containers in the railway yard, and simply drop it on one of her clones. It was then that I knew, that this was about to become a very very huge mess. "Uh, Misaka...?" Unfortunately, my sentence was never finished, as at that moment, Misaka let loose a very immense discharge of electricity, along with a huge scream. "Okay, this just got very very bad...well, at least I now know why she was skipping out for the past few nights..." I said, as a bead of sweat found its way down one side of my face.

It really was a horrific and painful sight, seeing Misaka this distraught. But, I could understand why she was feeling this way. And after she had taken it upon herself to threaten Accelerator with her railgun, I then knew that now was as good a time as any to intervene before things quickly got more out of hand. "Look Misaka, I understand you're in pain right now, but what you are doing right now isn't going to solve anything..." I hesitantly said, which instantly drew the attention of not just Misaka, but Accelerator as well...great.

"This doesn't concern you Keiko, so why don't you..." Misaka was about halfway through her sentence when I decided to interject. "I would have to say that it does concern me, or have you forgotten how things went the last time that you decided to be arrogant towards someone...namely a certain someone?" I said, obviously hinting back to when Misaka had fought against Touma down by the riverbank several months back. This, not surprisingly, caused a blush to find it's way onto Misaka's face. Ok, originally her tsundere behavior was awkward every time she showed it. Now, I had gotten used to it. Largely because after all that had recently happened, that was quite honestly the most normal thing.

Anyway, her blush wound up quickly subsiding when Accelerator decided to interrupt our current conversation. "I'm sorry did you say her name was Keiko? Oh this is perfect! Who knew that you would both find your way here! I'm Accelerator, it's a pleasure!" he said, a maniacal smirk present on his face. "And who knew you were so...well..." I was not able to finish my sentence. Because at that moment, several of the Misaka clones made themselves known, and told Accelerator that what was occurring now would mess with the upcoming experiments. This was then followed by him begrudgingly accepting this, and then walking away, leaving Misaka in shock, and me slightly bewildered. "Well, it would appear that I'm going to need to work extra hard to ensure Misaka's safety..." I thought to myself.


MGF Member
Chapter 21: A Meltdown At The Facility!: Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! (Part 1)

A few days had now passed since me and Misaka had had our confrontation with Accelerator in the railway yard. And although I had tried to confront Misaka regarding it. She had still decided to do her best to leave me out of it. This was made very much apparent, when after the incident. She told me in the most polite way, that it wasn't my business, and then proceeded to continue to skip out on curfew, and off to try her best, to ensure that the experiments involving Level 6 Shift, were destroyed. Unfortunately for her, I was still able to know what exactly she was thinking of, before she left each night. And she still wasn't able to notice it either.

One night. As it had turned out, from what I had learned. She was apparently, heading off to one of two of the facilities, that were still running the experiments. And after I once again pretended that I was asleep, until Misaka had left for one of the facilities. I then once again, decided to follow her. "Keiko here viewers. Now I know what you might be thinking. Doesn't this seem a little bit repetitive? I mean, after all, I did this exact same thing in the last chapter. But worry not viewers, this chapter, will be different. Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall break aside. Once I had followed Misaka to one of the facilities, and had been completely careful, not to alert her in any way, that I was following her. I then took notice, of quite a few long lines of what appeared to be tape, that were spread throughout the facility. And once I took notice of a girl wearing a black beret. I then realized exactly why. She was apparently named Frenda, and was a member of a group named ITEM. And you might be asking yourself, how is that significant to mention. Well, that is because ITEM, is headed by another of Academy City's top level 5 Espers. One Mugino Shizuri, the fourth ranked level 5 Esper. Mugino, had the nickname Meltdowner, which from what I would see from her Esper ability, as well as her attacks, was more then a worthy nickname for her.

But I seem to be skipping ahead in the chapter a little, let's wind back to when Frenda first appeared shall we? Anyway, it was just as Frenda was making her presence known. That I decided to step in first, and make my presence known to both of them. I then decided to speak up. Mind you, it was not done in the most polite manner. "I see that you're still skipping out every night after curfew. So Misaka, would you mind telling me why you still haven't decided to include me in this?!" I asked her, my anger and frustration, speaking more then my politeness. And as Misaka then turned her attention to me for the moment, a blush, and a look of complete shock on her face was present. "And there's the tsundere behavior I remember..." I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat, made itself visible, on one side of my face. But, before Misaka could respond to my statement with a potential argument. Frenda picked this particular moment, to make her presence known. And despite Misaka's best efforts to keep her identity to ITEM a secret. I had now just gone, and undone all of that, by letting my anger speak instead of me using my head, and speaking politely. And also mentioning her name. "Okay, so that was a terrible mistake on my part...I guess I will have some explaining to do once everything involving the experiments, are over," I thought to myself.

And it was after a huge bit of back and forth, with both me and Misaka, dodging explosions, from the explosive dolls, that Frenda had laid throughout the facility, and had rigged them, with the tape that she had laid down. And it when Misaka had finally cornered Frenda, and then proceeded to shock her, in order to try and get some answers out of her. I then heard another female voice, make her presence known. And it was once Frenda had identified her as one Mugino Shizuri, a look of slight fear, then made its way onto my face. "Oh good, Meltdowner's here...well...this just got very very complicated...not to mention that due to my anger, I probably just blew any chance Misaka had, of keeping her identity a secret...I really need to work, on my anger skills...because I can't let something like this happen again," I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

Well here we are, all caught up. And as both me and Misaka, stared down Mugino. One last thought, then came to mind. "So this is Academy City's fourth ranked level 5 Esper...Mugino Shizuri...better wise known as Meltdowner...so...we have Accelerator, who is ranked 1st...Misaki...Shokohou...who is ranked 5th...and now Meltdowner, who is ranked 4th...and yet...out of all of them...I am sure glad, that I am with Misaka...because from what I can recall...regarding what people say about her...Mugino...isn't exactly the most sane and mentally sound individual...and from meeting Accelerator as well, he isn't exactly the most sane either...well...looks like I am going to have to at least try to hold my own against Mugino...this has to go our way...because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't...okay...why did I just think that?...Because after all viewers, I am not Marvel's Steve Rogers," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention, to the right of me, to address the viewers, with a bead of sweat, present on one side of my face.

But, I was going to need to hold my own, or risk me pulling Misaka down with me. "Keiko here again viewers...Because, as I'm sure you have read from one of the other fanfics. That is connected to this one, like another certain character once similarly said...I can't risk dropping my standards, and risk bringing Misaka down with me. Anyway, this is the end of part 1 of this episode. See you all in part 2. *awkwardly waves*"


MGF Member
Chapter 22: A Meltdown At The Facility!: Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! A Plan With Explosive Results! (Part 2)

"Hello viewers, Keiko here. Yes, it's been awhile hasn't it? Anyway, enough of that. Let us now continue on to the long awaited second part of the previous chapter. And so, with that in mind, on with the chapter."

Okay, so things hadn't gone exactly how I figured that they would've gone when I had followed Misaka to the facility that was one of the remaining two that were running the Level 6 Shift experiment. And to tell you the honest truth, I still wasn't going to allow her to continue to go off on her own night after night. In fact, I was even considering telling the dorm supervisor about what had been going on the past week or so. But, seeing as how that was not only a poor decision to go and do, but it would've wound up compounding me as well. I decided immediately to go against doing that. And as for our current predicament regarding one Mugino Shizuri, and the rest of ITEM? Well, I wasn't just going to leave her alone with a Level 5 Esper like Meltdowner. Even though I was pretty sure that she could handle it herself.

However, given that I had interrupted them both in the middle of the confrontation. I had not only unwillingly put myself at risk, but I had also gone and put other things in motion, that wouldn't become more clear until much later on. And as I stared down a currently surprised Misaka, and a not so happy Mugino. I knew, that my troubles, were far from being over.

In fact, the next sentence out of Misaka's mouth, was...well...

"Keiko, what are you doing here? I don't want you getting involved in all of this, I said before that I can handle it myself!" Misaka said, as she was staring me down, with an all too familiar blush on her face. Which, to be honest, wasn't helping her situation.

"What, so I am supposed to just sit around and do nothing, while you go off and do who knows what?! Need I remind you that this isn't just our fight anymore?! Has the *ahem* incident from weeks back, taught you nothing?! Because in case you haven't noticed Misaka, we are not the only ones that are literally fighting for our lives here. Perhaps you would like to explain to the viewers, for those who have skipped to this portion in the story, why exactly..."

Unfortunately, I never got to finish my statement, or have Misaka respond for that matter. Because halfway through my statement, Mugino decided to cut me off. "Okay, I would love to listen to the two of you tell stories to each other all day...but I..."

And, it was at that moment, that Misaka. Decided to fire a bit of electricity in Mugino's direction. And, although it had missed her head by mere inches, it still caused her to flinch slightly. And...well...I just couldn't resist speaking up on Misaka's behalf. "Oh, I'm sorry, Shizuri, were we boring you?...You know, it is not very polite..." I began. "Keiko, this is not the time for that!" Misaka wound up interjecting with, now not quite pleased that I had decided to speak up for her.

And unfortunately it was at that moment, that Mugino, who might I add, was more pissed off then before, decided to start firing her laser based attacks at the both of us. "We can discuss this later Misaka. Because right now, we have Mugino to deal with. And furthermore, I am going to need to have you tell me everything that you have been doing, and what exactly has been going on lately. And no, that is not a request," I said, right before me and Misaka began using our electricity to counteract Mugino's lasers.

And, about a few minutes later, after we had been locked in a stalemate. A thought then came to my mind. Well, it wasn't really a thought, so much as it was an idea that would help get me and Misaka out of this mess. At least, for the time being.

So basically, the tape that I had noticed from when I had been making my way through the facility, was wired to several dolls. That from when I had been making my way through the facility had made me realize exactly what it was that Frenda specialized in. Mind you, it took a rogue stray of electricity hitting one of those dolls, and prompting it to instantly detonate, that had brought the idea to my mind. And...well, I had gone and taken one of those dolls, and had sort brought it along with me. Mind you, it was behind my back the entire time, which was why neither Misaka, or Shizuri, were aware of it. And so, when I saw that Misaka, was also not only aware of the dolls in question, and was now resorting to throwing several of said dolls towards Shizuri. I then couldn't help but crack a small smirk. As I then decided, without letting Misaka know exactly what I was doing..."Hah, is that all you got!? Railgun!?" Mugino asked mockingly. As I then launched the doll in question, that I had had behind my back this whole time, and simply launched it at the side of her head, while her attention was focused on Misaka.

And, not surprisingly, the very action of it striking the side of her head at that velocity, caused her to fall to the ground, and lay there unconscious. Well, at least for now. "Geez...do you ever stop yacking!?...By the way, made you look!" I passionately and mockingly said. As I turned around, from the now unconscious Shizuri, only to be met with a less then pleased look, on Misaka's face. "What, you wouldn't have done the same?" I said, with a light pout on my face, and a bead of sweat then appearing on one side of my face.

And, as expected, Misaka wasn't able to give me a straight answer, because she knew that I was right. And with those thoughts very much in mind. We both took off towards the exit to the facility, and hopefully, what would be, our last encounter with Shizuri. But, unfortunately, this was not to be.

"Hey viewers, Shinko here. Well, that about wraps it up for the 2nd part...I will see you all in the 3rd and final part of this...See you all there. *Says the last part while waving*"


MGF Member
Chapter 23: A Meltdown At The Facility!: Enter Mugino Shizuri, Meltdowner! What To Do When The Odds Are Stacked Against You! (Part 3)

"Hello viewers Keiko here, it is has been a while since the last chapter hasn't it? But enough about that, and let me ask you all a question. What would you say to another possible encounter with the meeting of The Four Aces again? Now just hear me out for a moment, as this does now require me to explain this further. As in, what if I told you, that what happened with the rouges gallery several chapters ago, was not an isolated incident? Now, I am not saying the villains or the entity responsible for their return is coming back. Far from it in fact, but, what if those that were present on our side during said fight, were to come back for some reason or another? Ah, now I have your attention, correct? So, what if Galaxia, wasn't the only villain, who was being controlled by said entity? But, I think that that is enough of me foreshadowing you for the moment. Let us finally get on with the chapter."

Well, this is just great, talk about the cat chasing the mice. Well, not exactly, but you get the jest of when I am trying to say. As me and Misaka, were currently on the run, through the maze of the facility, in an attempt to make sure that we weren't hit or grazed, by any of Mugino's lasers. However, in our bit of doing so, we still wound up experiencing several close calls and near misses. And I was, well...."Honestly Misaka, this is your idea of fighting her?! Keep dodging and playing cat and mouse, until we either escape or wind up dead?! Surely you must..." I said in a rant like tone, only to be cutoff mid sentence by Misaka. "Well Keiko, do you have a better idea, because if you do, then I am all ears?!" Misaka said in response, and in a less then amused sounding tone of voice, as we quickly dodged yet another laser that was fired at us both by Mugino. "Well..." I began, with a bead of sweat also becoming present on one side of my face. As I tried in an attempt to answer what Misaka had just asked me.

Only problem was, I was sort of cutoff mid sentence, by a certain someone shouting something out, in a less then pleased tone of voice. "Stop running, you are making it difficult for me to hit you both!" Mugino shouted out in a very deranged sounding tone of voice. As yet another one of her green lasers shot through the air, and once again barely missing both me and Misaka. "That's the point, or are you..." I began, only to be met with a less then pleased side-eye glance from Misaka. Which wound up earning another bead of sweat to appear on one side of my face. As I then chose not to complete my statement. As both me and Misaka, then proceeded to try and find a safe way out of the facility building.

And thankfully, we then found our way, outside, albeit, through quite a lot more difficulty in attempting and just barely succeeding, to dodge several more of Mugino's lasers. We then ran over a bridge, that was located just outside of the facility building. And once we had done so, we then stopped for a quick moment, in an attempt to try and catch our breath. And it was then, that I finally had a chance, to look at our respective outfits, and to tell you all the honest truth, we were quite filthy. However, that wasn't anything that a quick warm shower couldn't fix. And yet, we sort of had a more current pressing matter on our hands.

"Finally, I caught up to you both, now, what do you say that we finish this properly...Railgun?!" I heard the all too familiar deranged voice of Mugino shout out, which was then followed by Mugino then preparing to fire yet more of her lasers at us.

However, as I then took a quick look at the bridge that both me and Misaka had just crossed, I then noticed, that it had some pretty obvious cracks, in its foundation. Which, when I took notice of those cracks, it gave me a great idea. And when I briefly turned, to look at Misaka, I then realized, that she more then likely, had the exact same idea as I did. And this was due to the fact, that electricity, was already crackling through the bangs of her hair. And, with this now in mind, and now noticing that Mugino was now partway across the bridge. I then followed suit. But, not before I decided to speak up regarding Mugino's currently perilous situation. "Tell me something Mugino, do you feel weightless at all at this current moment? Because I think it is about time for you to take the fall!" I shouted, as once I had finished my statement to Mugino, me and Misaka, each fired a shot of electricity, towards the many cracks, in the bridges foundation.

And before Mugino could even have a reflex, the bridge wound up collapsing out from under her, and it sent her falling into the blackness of the hole beneath the bridge. "Okay, I am very certain that that takes care of her..." I thought to myself, as I then let out a big sigh. However, as me and Misaka turned around to leave, and head back to our dorm at Tokiwidai, we then heard the all too familiar sound, of Mugino screaming out to the both of us. "This isn't over, I will get you both for this!" Mugino was heard shouting from the pit of blackness. Only now, for the moment at least, both me and Misaka simply shrugged it off, as we both then took off towards our dorm at Tokiwidai. Only thing was, Mugino's statement, unfortunately, was going to wind up being 100% correct. "Well...sorry, Keiko here again viewers. So, when I said that her statement, would wind up being completely correct, what I meant by that, was that we would be seeing her again at a later point in this fanfic. That is what I meant by that. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *says while waving and smiling with eyes closed*"


MGF Member
Chapter 24: The Pervert, The Electromasters, And The Vending Machine (Part 1)

Okay, so a couple of days had now passed since me and Misaka had had our run-in with Mugino and the rest of ITEM at one of the two remaining facilities.

"Unfortunately viewers, sorry Keiko here. *blushes* Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you. And, as I had specified quite obviously in the previous chapter, this wasn't going to be the last time that we crossed paths with Mugino, or even the rest of ITEM for that matter. Anyway, after we had finally made it back to our dorms at Tokiwidai. Well, when I say that viewers, I mean, that we both got a really good talking too by the head dorm resident supervisor. You know, the same female in question, who wound up breaking Kuroko's neck back in chapter two? Yes, that head dorm resident supervisor. Anyway, we somehow managed to get away with having sneaked out past our curfew for all of those nights. And the reason as to why? Well, Kuroko and Misaka, somehow managed to convince the dorm resident supervisor, that it had to do with some Judgment related business, or something along those lines. And the reason why I am not going into deeper detail about that viewers, is because that is considered confidential information. Sure, me and Misaka, do occasionally visit the 177th Judgment branch. But, however, that still doesn't mean that the information in question, isn't less confidential. And, by the way, the next morning, after this had transpired, Misaka finally wound up filling me in, on what had been transpiring regarding the whole Level 6 Shift situation. Apparently, as it turned out, what I had learned from Misaka, through me using my Telepath ability, was pretty much most, of what Misaka wound up telling to me. The only things that were new, that I had wound up learning, apparently had to do, with Accelerator. And when I mean that viewers, for those who haven't watched the episodes in question. Apparently, Academy City, was working on running the experiments, with the 20,000 Misaka clones, in an effort, to allow Accelerator, to achieve Level 6. Now I know what you're thinking here viewers, aren't there only 5 Esper levels in total? Well, those 5 Esper levels, are attainable through, like me and Misaka did over the course of several months, to years in the past, are the easily attainable levels. While level 6? Well, that is only attainable through...well...let me just refer to these, as less humane options. As in, the whole reason that the 20,000 Misaka clones were created, were to use them in the Level 6 Shift experiments. I know, crazy right? Anyway, I think that that is more then enough of my fourth wall breaks, at least for now. So, what do you say that we finally get on with the chapter huh? *says the last part followed by a close eyed smile*"

Anyway, fourth wall break aside. At the current moment, me and Misaka, were currently walking through one of the many parks in Academy City. And no, this was not the same park where we fought alongside the rest of the Four Aces either. It was actually the same park, where we had gone to, when I had first arrived in this world, and had wound up in control of Keiko's body. Yes, that park, you know, the one with the vending machine that Misaka had kicked? Yes, that vending machine. In fact, as both me and Misaka, walked through the park, near the vending machine in question. And while I was talking to Misaka, about something regarding the current experiments, I couldn't help but notice, that she now had an all too familiar blush on her face. And when I looked towards the direction of where she was looking, I then noticed, an all too familiar person, with short spiky black hair.

"Oh, well it looks like Touma is here as well...Uh...Well, that is not ideal now is it?...And yet, I might as well standby, in case things suddenly decide to go sideways, like they had done back just before Misaka fought him down by the riverbank," I thought to myself, as I ran a hand, through my long light blue hair, and sighed.

And to make matters just that much worse, Touma at the current moment, seemed to be having some trouble with the vending machine. And, as I was about to soon learn, this was actually not an isolated occurrence with this particular vending machine either. But more on that at a later date.

Anyway, as me and Misaka, approached closer to the vending machine, and Touma then took notice of the both of us, he then proceeded to tell Misaka, after she had asked what exactly was going on, that apparently, the vending machine had eaten some of Touma's money. How much you may ask, well, 2000 yen, according to what he had said in response to Misaka's question. And not surprisingly this prompted Misaka, to let out a laugh in response.

So yea, not what I would consider the most lucky of situations in Touma's case. Mr. Rotten Luck, once again living up to his name, so to speak.

Anyway, after Misaka, had helped Touma out, by doing a spinning kick, and then kicking the vending machine, just like she had done back in chapter 1. And several drinks were then spat out of it. Touma, for reasons known only to him, decided to run away.

And, once we had all wound up together again, at a nearby bench. And with me helping Misaka to carry half of the drinks, that had been spit out of the vending machine. I then noticed something interesting regarding the drinks that I was holding.

"Okay, so apparently some of these drinks aren't cold to the touch...that's strange...So, I guess that would mean that some of these are hot drinks?...How have they managed that?...And what I mean by that viewers, is that Japan really has outdone themselves with this...Oh, and by the way viewers, I am only referring to those of you, who haven't done inappropriately related things, in the country of Japan. Johnny Somali, this especially means you. Logan Paul, this means you as well...You both should be ashamed of yourselves!" I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. Only to have my expression, turn to one of immense anger, as I started talking about the dumb decisions, that had been made, by both Logan Paul, and Johnny Somali.

But anyway, fourth wall break aside. While the three of us were sitting down on the bench. I then heard, an all too familiar popping type sound. Which indicated that someone had just teleported. And sure enough, when I looked up, I noticed an all too familiar someone, who was now standing in front of the three of us. And a look of severe unhappiness, then found its way onto my face.

"Really Kuroko? Why are you..." I began to ask in a not so happy tone, only to be interrupted mid-sentence, by Kuroko, going over to Misaka, and then proceeding to perversely ask her, why she was with Touma. Well, she didn't refer to Touma as that exactly. Actually, as a matter of fact, she referred to him, as Misaka's boyfriend.

And Misaka's response to this, was well..."Kuroko...!!!!" Misaka slowly said, in an all too familiar ticked off tone, which was exactly how Misaka had acted in the past, just before she had dispersed her electricity when we had crossed paths with Touma, back in chapter 5.

And sure enough, Misaka at that very moment, then wound up discharging a huge amount her electricity towards Kuroko. Only to have Kuroko quickly teleport to avoid it, and then end up on top of a nearby lamppost. And judging by the current situation, I figured, that now was as good a time as any, to speak up, in an effort to try and diffuse, the currently quite dangerous situation.

"Okay Kuroko...now is not the time..." However, before I could even finish, she had teleported away again. And, the situation, had now turned, to being completely awkward.


MGF Member
Chapter 25: Sisters In Arms!: Forcibly Wrenched Back In, And Not Yet Through With Disaster! (Part 2)

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. *proceeds to blush for a moment before composing self again to continue* Anyway, as I was about to tell all of you. You might be wondering, exactly why, the first part was cut short the way that it was, correct? Well, most of you might not be wondering that exactly, but just hear me out for a second. *proceeds to say the first part while showing a face of slight discomfort and a slight blush on face before composing self again to continue to address the viewers* Anyway, as I was saying, the reason why the chapter was cut short, is that I wanted to help build up the suspense. You know, for this chapter. I mean after all viewers, like Shinko Hanasaki had done many times before in her fanfic of Going In Completely Blind. Think of this, as a sort of incentive, you know, to persuade you all to want to read on. *proceeds to smile with eyes closed and head slightly tilted in a cute like manner before once again continuing to address the viewers* Anyway, why don't I just put a temporary kibosh on fourth wall breaking. At least, for the moment. And what do you all say, that we finally get on with the current chapter, hmmm? *says the last word while once again smiling with eyes closed and head slightly tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Okay, so I am not going to sugar coat what was currently taking place in this current moment. Kuroko had just teleported away, leaving me quite unhappy with her having intervened in Misaka's business and current situation with Touma. And Misaka? Well, she was sort of not in a great way either. Especially, since another certain someone, had now decided to make her presence known to the three of us.

And what I mean by that, is that one of the remaining Sisters, from the Level 6 Shift Project, proceeded to show up out of nowhere, from one of the nearby staircases, that lead down to our location in the park. And for those who are going to ask, no, I don't know her precise number out of the remainder of the 20,000 Sisters, that still haven't been killed outright by Accelerator. But, if I had to make an educated guess, I would say that her number is somewhere between #10029 and #10031. Which means, that not only, were the experiments continuing forward as if nothing had even happened. But apparently, this made Misaka less then pleased, to hear that all that she had done up to this point, in an attempt to permanently stop the experiments, had all been for nothing. As another 61 Sisters, had been killed, since me and Misaka had attempted to confront Accelerator, in the railway yard, not that long ago.

In fact, given the current situation, and what was still to come with regards to future events. Not only would me, Misaka, and our friends be in grave danger, but, so would those that we had crossed paths with by chance, back on August 9th.

"And for those who are wondering...Sorry, Keiko here again viewers. Anyway, as I was about to say, for those who still don't know, exactly why that month and day, is so important. Well then, I highly suggest then, that you go and read the other two fanfics, that are connected to this one. You know, Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind? Surely you haven't been only reading this fanfic have you? Well, because if you have, then that is probably why you don't have the full picture, as to what is truly going on...So if I were you, and had done that?...I would probably be feeling pretty embarrassed right now with myself...*proceeds to temporarily look away with an all too familiar blush on face and a hand over mouth to show slight embarrassment for the viewers who have in fact only been reading this fanfic while not bother to read the other two before facing forward again with the blush now gone from face to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, back to the current chapter. *says that while once again smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, as Misaka looked on in complete shock and horror, once the Sister with the #10030, had finished explaining that the Level 6 Shift experiments were still carrying on as scheduled. This, not surprisingly, caused Misaka, to let out a yell, as she then told the Sister, to stop talking. And what I mean by that exactly, is that she sort of lost herself emotionally for a second, as she said this to #10030. And to be honest, I was also not happy, to be seeing Misaka in this state. In fact, I was actually pretty not pleased. And though I did not know it at the time, my emotions, like that of another light blue haired individual, would wind up playing a very huge role, in the future events, that were still to come.

But for now, I had to try and deal with the current situation, regarding a somewhat distraught Misaka, and the horrific discovery, regarding the Level 6 Shift experiments. And so, with that in mind, I silently approached Misaka. And, once she had taken notice of me, and had then turned her attention to me, I instantly then put her in tight embrace, as she then proceeded to do the same. "Look Misaka, I know how you must feel in this situation, believe me I do. And I will see to it, that whoever is running these senseless and malicious experiments, will wind up paying for the Sisters that they've already killed. Make no mistake Misaka, they will wind up answering for this. And you don't need to worry about going into this fight alone, you have me with you. Because after all Misaka, we need to look after each other, through the good times, as well as the bad," I said to her, as I held her in the embrace.

And once we had broken the embrace, once I knew that Misaka was feeling better, she then decided to speak up. "Thanks for that Keiko, that means a lot," Misaka responded, now grateful for what I had just done. "You are quite welcome Misaka," I said, as I smiled at her.

"Now viewers, let me make one thing completely clear, she is my sister, nothing more. So, don't be making any hasty conclusions. I mean after all, Shinko explicitly suggested..." "Yea Keiko, this is not the right time to be doing that. I think that the viewers more or less get it *Misaka proceeds to look at Keiko with a wary expression to indicate that this is not the right time to be talking about Shinko Hanasaki*" "Oh...right...my apologies Misaka...*proceeds to respond while giving an expression to indicate that Misaka is right with suggesting that with a bead of sweat present on one side of her face*...Anyway, we both hope that we will see you all in the next chapter...*proceeds to say that while once again smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 26: Taking A Hint, While Taking The Hit!: A Bridge-Wide Gap Of A Problematic Situation! (Part 3)

"Hello viewers, Keiko here. Yes, it hasn't been that long since the last chapter has it? *proceeds to close both eyes and giggle for a few seconds in a cute manner before composing self and then continuing to address the viewers* Anyway, as I was about to address to you all of you. We are going to be skipping ahead a slight bit in the timeline. Don't worry, it isn't going to be by much. In fact, we are only talking about a few hours in fact. To later in the evening, which would be a couple of hours after the whole incident with the vending machine. Anyway, with regards to what I said about the Level 6 Shift experiments, I meant every single word of it. *proceeds to bring face quite a bit closer to address the viewers while saying that sentence and while wearing an expression to show that she isn't lying about that before quickly bringing face back to the original distance away to continue to address the viewers* Anyway, given the current situation, regarding me, Misaka, and Mr. Rotten Luck himself, Touma....It was currently...How should I put this...actually...you know what?...Why don't we just start the current chapter...and then you will see exactly what I mean...*proceeds to say that last sentence while wearing a very worried looking expression*"

Okay, let me be brutally honest here, things hadn't exactly gone as swimmingly as they should've been going right now. In fact, given that I was currently in a not so safe looking standoff, with Misaka, and Touma...yea...things couldn't be less safe if they tried...And the reason for this?...Well...

"Keiko...you need to step aside and let me do this!" Misaka said, in both a very upset, and not very enthusiastic sounding tone, as quite a bit of electricity, swirled and crackled around her. And as for me? Well...

"That is not going to happen Misaka...do you really expect me to just simply stand aside so that you can hurt him?!...How about you take a moment...and think about this?!" I said, as I stood in the middle, of what was currently, a very volatile situation.

And what I mean by that, was that the three of us, were all currently on a bridge, somewhere in Academy City. And as for a more detailed insight into the current situation? Well...as it currently stood...Misaka, had...for reasons known only to her, decided to start discharging huge amounts of electricity, towards Touma...and the reason for why?...Well, after I had briefly used my Telepath ability, to peak into her mind for a moment...I realized, that Misaka, was not interested, in having Touma get involved with the Level 6 Shift experiments...because she didn't want to drag him into our current dilemma, and risk him getting seriously hurt...and also, because Touma, apparently understood, exactly what Misaka was currently going through at this current moment. And as a pretty aggressive response, Misaka had then discharged quite a bit of her electricity...however, unlike back in chapter 5...Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker, to neutralize Misaka's electricity. And not surprisingly, given the current situation...I wasn't having any of it.

"I am not budging here...So, if you want to hurt Touma..." I began to say, only to have my statement forced to a complete stop mid-sentence, as Misaka, once again, discharged more of her electricity.

But, while I continued to hold my ground...something unexpected happened. Touma, as it turned out, was no longer standing directly behind me. In fact, he had actually sidestepped out from behind me, and then wound up taking the full brunt of Misaka's discharged electricity. And, for the first time since I had wound up in control of Keiko's body back in chapter one, I was very very shocked and surprised.

"Wait a sec here...why did...wait...hold on here...what the heck just happened!?" I frantically thought to myself, as my current expression, now made me look, like I was now currently short-circuiting, as I tried to figure out, exactly what, had just taken place.

However, in those few seconds, in which I tried to figure out, exactly what was going on. Misaka, then proceeded to discharge, several more electric based attacks towards Touma. And each time, Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker to block or neutralize any of them.

And, as I then turned my attention towards Misaka, during while this was going on. I then noticed, that she now had tears, streaming down her cheeks.

"What the heck is going on here?!" I thought to myself, as I continued to look on in horror, at the current situation, that was currently playing out in front of me.

However, once the electricity had completely seized discharging. And I then got a chance to get a much better look at the current situation. I couldn't help but show a face of complete horror. Because, once I took a look back at Touma, I was greeted by him, face-down on the ground, in a very injured state. And to make matters just that much worse then they already currently were, he was currently not moving either.

And, upon turning my attention back to Misaka, and as I was about to yell quite aggressively and angrily at her, for doing this to Touma. I then realized, that the tears that I had seen on her face during the whole incident, were now much more prominently visible, on her face.

"Okay...what the heck just happened?...And why do I get the feeling...that there is much more to this, then I am currently seeing...at this very moment...am I missing something here viewers?" I thought to myself, while briefly turning my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, during the last bit of my thought.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...so I think that that is more then a great place to stop the third and final part of this episode, wouldn't you say?...What's that?...You don't want the chapter to end here?...Well, quite frankly, that is not your choice viewers...*proceeds to giggle with eyes closed*...Or should I remind you..." "Keiko...would you just cut to the chase already?!..." "Uh...right Misaka...sorry about that...*proceeds to say that with a somewhat weary expression and a bead of sweat now present on one side of face*...Anyway, see you all in the next chapter."


MGF Member
Chapter 27: Imagine Breaker Vs. Accelerator!: All It Takes Is A Single Spark! (Part 1)

Okay, so turning back to the rest of the events, that had taken place on the bridge, after the previous chapter had concluded. It basically went as follows...

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yea, wow...two chapters in one day?...I know, shocking isn't it?...*says all of this with a very visible grin and a blush present on face before composing self and then continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway viewers, what do you say that we do a little catching up with regards to what went on the bridge, after the chapter had concluded, hmm?...Okay, so basically it went as follows...after I witnessed, in complete horror I might add, of Touma lying face-down on the concrete of the bridge...and Misaka in complete tears from having been left with no choice but to put him in that state...okay, so basically, after I had been filled in on what exactly was really going on by Misaka...and was made aware...that the reason why Misaka had done what she had done, was due to her not wanting Touma to get involved...however, I sort of already knew all of this...you know, through using my Telepath ability, to temporarily peak into her thoughts...And, after a couple of minutes of a now injured Touma, resting his head on Misaka's lap...and I was standing right beside them both...Touma, then suggested, out of the blue I might add, that he would take on Accelerator by himself, in an attempt to try and finally put an end to the experiments...because apparently, his thought process, was if a level 0 like him, was somehow able to beat Accelerator in a fight...then, that would label him as being weak, and as a result, would make the need of doing the experiments to be completely not needed and no longer worth continuing...and on the subject of me using my Telepath ability...no viewers, it is not weird, and nor is it considered inappropriate either!...Anyway, I think that that is now enough of my fourth wall breaking...*giggles*...Well, at least for now...*gives an expression to let the viewers know that this will not be the last time that she does a fourth wall break*...Now then, what do you say, that we finally get on with the chapter, hmmm?"

Anyway, as it currently stood, and regarding our current location, which was back at the same railway yard, where me and Misaka, had encountered Accelerator last. We were currently...well...we were actually sort of both worried, and not the least bit cheerful. And the reason for that? Well, we were both sort of looking on in complete horror, as Touma, was currently going against Accelerator. But, that wasn't the current reason, as to why we were both very worried, as well as very horrified. In fact, the current situation, had to do with, well...

"Tell me third string, have you ever heard of a dust explosion!?" A crazy sounding Accelerator said to Touma, in a very crazed and deranged sounding tone of voice.

And the reason for why he had said this exact sentence?...Well, that was because the current air in the railway yard, was currently filled with quite a bit of dust. And as for the explosion part of his question?...Well, that was made even more apparent, when Accelerator then proceeded, to use his Vector ability, to take one of the many steel constructed containers, that littered the railway yard. He then used his Vector ability, to pick it up, and he then proceeded to slam it on top of another steel constructed container that was near it, thus creating a small spark, and causing the very dust filled air around him, and Touma, to violently explode.

And as I then slowly turned my attention towards Misaka. I was then met, with a very upset, and very not pleased expression, that was currently present on her face. And this was further confirmed, by the tears, that were currently present, in her eyes. And given the current situation, and both of us, unable to nothing at this current moment, except stand idly by, and do nothing. I honestly didn't blame her for feeling in such a manner either.

And to be completely honest, I wasn't fairing any better, regarding the whole current situation either. In fact, similar to that of Misaka, I was quickly starting, to become very worried. Almost as if I knew, that this whole situation, was all just a very very bad idea.

However, me, Misaka, Touma, and Accelerator, were not the only ones that were currently present in and throughout the railway yard. In fact, we were currently surrounded, by quite a few, of the remaining Sisters, that hadn't yet been killed by Accelerator, in what would've been the future Level 6 Shift experiment battles. And, though I did not know it at that current moment, these very remaining Sisters, would wind up playing a very important role, in the future events, that were still to come. In fact, it would also show, what can happen, when the many windmills, in Academy City, can suddenly start to spin backwards.

And, as the chapter title entails. Sometimes, all it can take, is just a simple single spark. And though it didn't look like it at the time. Regarding what went on back on August 9th, were soon going to become, the very least of any of our worries.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. See you all in the next chapter. Where things start to go just a tad bit off the rails...Why you may ask?...Well, if I actually wound up telling you, then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of any of you viewers wanting to have even the slightest interest, to want to read on, regarding what future chapters lay ahead for all of you...*says this while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 28: Operating At Full Forwards Thrust While Also Breaking In Full Reverse!: Tombstone Technology Can Only Fix So Much! (Part 2)

"Hello again viewers, Keiko here. So, before we get started with this chapter, I figured that I would first address a few things regarding current, as well as past real world events. Don't worry viewers, as there is in fact a very good reason why I am doing this. Anyway, why don't we start, by going back to March 27, 1977. Why you may ask? Well, that just so happens to be a very important date in the history of aviation. The day, on which 583 passengers and crew, lost their lives, in what is still, the worst aircraft accident, in the history, of aviation. I am talking of course, of the Tenerife Airport Disaster. You know, the one that involved a fatal runway collision between two Boeing 747s? KLM Flight 4805, and Pan Am Flight 1736? Yes, that Tenerife Airport Disaster. Anyway, how about another example? This time, we will go a bit more further back in time, to March 3, 1974. Why this date? Well, that just so happens to be the date, in which a Turkish Airlines DC-10, crashed on takeoff after its cargo door blew open in mid-air. At the time of the accident, Turkish Airlines Flight 981, was carrying 335 passengers, 3 pilots, and 8 flight attendants. And, in the case of what caused the resulting crash? Well, due to a design flaw in the DC-10s cargo door. If the locking mechanisms of the cargo door in question, didn't close properly, like in the case of a previous DC-10 related cargo door incident over Windsor Ontario just two years prior. Which was American Airlines Flight 96. Then, like in the Flight 96 incident, once the aircraft reached a certain flight level from the ground, the change in both cabin pressure, and the outside air. Would cause the aerodynamic loads on the cargo door, to cause it separate in mid air, and in the case of Flight 981, it did so, with disastrously fatal consequences. Why? Well, when the cargo door, on Flight 981, separated from the aircraft in mid-air, it caused an explosive decompression, caused the floor above the cargo door to collapse into the cargo area below. And tragically, severed the control cables to the aircraft's elevators, rudder, number two engine, and severed all three of the DC-10s hydraulic systems. And, like in the case of Japan Airlines Flight 123 on August 12, 1985...Actually viewers, let me just stop for a quick moment here, and just ask you all a question...*proceeds to bring face very close to the screen while giving a less then pleased expression*...Are you all by any chance, still only reading this one fanfic, and still not even remotely bothering to read the other two, that are connected to this one?...Why you may ask?...Well, the reason why I ask, is that if you still are in fact doing that, then you are missing quite a bit of key information, as well as the whole big picture, as to what is truly going on...Anyway, back to the current topic at hand...Now, as I was saying...Like in the tragedy of Japan Airlines Flight 123, if you don't have any hydraulics, you basically have zero control. As in, you have no way to move the flight control surfaces on the aircraft. The only thing that would still be operating after such a catastrophic control failure, would be the aircraft's engines, as well as the engine throttles that control them. But anyway, back my lengthy explanation. Now, there is a very good reason...well several very good reasons, as to why this chapters title, is worded in the way that it is. Another example, is we will now go back to May 26, 1991. A Boeing 767 operating as Lauda Air Flight 004, suffers an uncommanded deployment of its number one engines thrust reverser, and in the span of only a couple of seconds, Lauda Air Flight 004, goes into an extreme left roll, and then goes into a complete nosedive while almost completely inverted. I will give the pilots of Flight 004 credit, they fought up to the very end, and followed the engine shutdown procedure to the letter, and by the book. The only trouble was, by the time they had reduced the affected engines throttle to idle, and had cut fuel to the affected engine as well, the aircraft was already traveling at nearly the speed of sound. And at that speed unfortunately, the aerodynamic loads on the airframe, causes enough of an overload, to tear the plane apart in midair, in what is referred to, as an in-flight breakup. On a bit of a side note in-flight breakups, actually happen a lot more then you all might think that they do...A few examples?...Well, why don't we first go back to May 25, 2002...When a faulty repair to a China Airlines Boeing 747 from a tailstrike that it had suffered back in 1980...caused the plane, which at the time of the in-flight breakup, was operating as China Airlines Flight 611...and carrying 206 passengers, and 19 crew members...and only a couple of minutes into the flight, as Flight 611 approached 35000 feet, or Flight Level 350, or FL350. The metal fatigue, that had built up on the faulty repair, to the aircraft's tail section, caused the entire tail section, to separate in mid-air...Another example regarding a faulty repair?...Well, lets now go back to May 25, 1979...a DC-10 operating at the time, as American Airlines Flight 191, loses its number one engine from the left wing, just as the DC-10 starts its rotation away from the runway at Chicago's O'Hare Airport...the cause of the separation of the number one engine, had in fact been set in motion several weeks prior, when the DC-10 was brought in for maintenance...and unfortunately, as the engine of the aircraft in question, as well as the pylon that it was still attached to, was being hoisted back into position, by a forklift. Which by the way viewers, is not an FAA approved procedure...anyway, the forklift, wound up slamming the engine and pylon assembly, so forcefully back into the fittings on the wing, that it would up causing a small fatigue crack to form, where the rear of the engine pylon assembly, wound up slamming against the aft support clevis...and on May 25, 1979, the aft pylon assembly in question, failed and broke apart quite violently...which wound up with the aircraft's number one engine departing the wing..And at the time of the incident, American Airlines Flight 191, was carrying 258 passengers, 10 flight attendants, and 3 pilots, for a total of 271 passengers and crew. And unfortunately, there were no survivors, and the resulting crash and flying debris, wound up killing two more people on the ground...but anyway, back to Lauda Air Flight 004...anyway, at the time of the tragedy, Lauda Air Flight 004, was carrying 213 passengers, 2 pilots, and 8 flight attendants. For a total of 223 passengers and crew. But viewers, the point here is, that sometimes, in regards to a tragedy, like the several air crashes, that I have just mentioned. A single failure mode, is usually not enough to cause such a horrid but preventable tragedy. Like the show Seconds From Disaster had mentioned time and time again throughout all of its episodes, it is always a sequence of events, that wind up leading to tragedies like these air crashes. But, the other point I am trying to make here, has to do with the very preventable crash of Lauda Air Flight 004. Do you see the reference to the chapter title now viewers? Well you should, after all, something similar to this, was mentioned towards the very end, of the last chapter. *smiles* But, I think that that is more then enough of my lengthy fourth wall break. So now, what do you say, that we finally get on with the chapter, hmmm?"

Okay, so let me be honest here regarding the whole situation from the last chapter, and while we're at it the one before that as well. Now, during the fight, between Touma, and Accelerator, Accelerator tried many attempts, to try and get one of his hands onto Touma's body, so that he could try to cause something to happen regarding his body. And what I mean by that, is that apparently, Accelerator had somehow learned, how to cause a persons blood in their body, to literally turn into an explosive force, causing them to die from the blood exploding out of their body. But, the good news here, was that Touma never allowed Accelerator, to even a hand on him. Because every time that Accelerator would get close, Touma would just simply punch Accelerator in the face with his right hand. Which just so happened to be the location of Touma's Imagine Breaker.

But anyway the point here, was that after several failed attempts by Accelerator, which wound up resulting in him getting more and more agitated. He finally decided, to try and use his ability, that had been slowly developing within him, from the Level 6 Shift experiments. And what I mean by that, was he now apparently, had the ability to control the wind, and its many wind currents. So yea, not the most ideal of situations, for either Touma, me, or Misaka.

But, however, and as both me and Misaka looked on at the current situation in complete and total horror. And idea, then wound up popping into my head. And idea, which wound up spawning, from me just so happening to glance, at the many windmills, that were scattered across Academy City. Well, the ones that were near us, that we could see at the current moment that is.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. So, I think that that is a great place to stop this chapter. Don't worry, the climax of this episode, will be in the next chapter. *smiles* Anyway see you all in the next chapter. *says while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 29: Pull, Push, Backwards, Forwards!: Looking Back To The Past, In Order To Better The Future! (Part 3)

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. *smiles* Now, let me once again, before we proceed on with the chapter, just address a few things. Oh, what's that?…You have some sort of issue with how I tell this story?…Well then, here's my piece of advice, go bother someone else about it. As I have zero interest in listening to any of your worthless and frankly incoherent excuses, okay?!…*quickly composes self before then continuing to address the viewers*…Now anyway, as I was about to say to all of you. Let me just address a few things before we continue on with this chapter, hmmm?…Now, did any of you by any chance, happen to take the time to read the very lengthy fourth wall break at the start of the last chapter?…Because, if you didn't, then this chapter, as well as the one before this one, aren't going to wind up making any sense…I mean, did you really honestly think…"

"Uh…yeah Keiko, can you just cut to the chase here!?…I think the viewers get it…! *Misaka says this to Keiko with a very displeased expression and a blush very evident on her face*"

"Oh…my apologies Misaka…*says this with a shocked and surprised expression present on face before quickly composing self to continue addressing the viewers*…Anyway, let's continue on with the chapter, shall we?"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the current moment. Picking up where things had left off from the last chapter. As I stared at the windmills, that were scattered throughout the outskirts of the railway yard, an idea then popped into my head. And with this very idea in mind, I then turned my attention to Misaka, and then proceeded to speak up, in an effort to tell her about my idea. "Misaka...do you..."

However, I never got to finish the rest of my statement. And the reason for why this was the case? Well, that was due to Misaka, currently talking to one of the Sisters, a #10030 if I remembered correctly. You know, the very same #10030, who wound up happening across me, Misaka, and Touma, from when we had had that incident with the vending machine in the park, back several chapters ago? Yes, that #10030.

Now usually, it takes a lot to surprise me. Well actually, that is technically not true. But in this case? That does in fact apply. As in, apparently Misaka, had come up with the exact same realization, as well as the very exact idea, that I was going to speak up, and tell her about.

Now you might be asking yourselves, why this was the case? Well, why don't we just chalk this up to being a mere coincidence, okay?

"Anyway viewers, the plan that I had had in mind...should've been pretty blatantly obvious to you all right?...Because if you don't know precisely what it is yet...then you should've been paying a little bit more attention to the previous chapters...*sighs*...Let me guess, you still haven't bothered to read through the other two fanfics, right?...*proceeds to facepalm as a show of complete disgust*...Wow, that is really sad, if you still haven't bothered to put in even the least bit of effort to do that...*says that part with a less then pleased expression and a bead of sweat now present on one side of face*...Anyway, the idea in question, as you should've been paying attention to exactly what was said in the previous chapters, wound up involving the windmills, that were spread throughout Academy City...You know, the same windmills, that when they are introduced to a static electrical pulse, will wind up causing them to spin backwards?...Yes, those windmills...Now, you might all be wondering exactly why this is important to the plan in question correct?...Well, in regard to the static electrical pulse...Why don't you try and remember, exactly who the remainder of the 20,000 Sisters, whose DNA were born from?...Ah, I've got your attention now don't I?...*proceeds to smile quite broadly*...I mean, it should've been obvious to all of you viewers...I mean after all, I am not that different, from the 20,000 Sisters, or Mikoto Misaka either...I mean after all viewers, I am not named Keiko "Lucky Strike" Misaka, for no reason...*now proceeds to smile even more broadly*...Also, with regard to addressing more real world events..."

"Keiko...just get on with it already!!...*Misaka once again proceeds to look at Keiko with a very frustrated looking expression*"

"*proceeds to sigh very deeply with eyes closed*...Okay, alright Misaka...just calm down...*once again sighs very deeply with eyes closed*...Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside. And with the current idea regarding the windmills in mind. And as as Accelerator, was far too busy at the current moment, monologuing to himself, as well as anyone else who would listen. You know, kind of like in the movie The Incredibles, when Syndrome was so full of himself, that Mr. Incredible then attacked him and almost managed to land a hit on him, while he was busy monologuing? Yes, that movie.

Anyway, the reason why both me, and Misaka, had come up with the idea, to use the windmills throughout Academy City. And by causing them to spin backwards, with the help of the remainder, of the 20,000 Sisters. The windmills managed, to throw off Accelerators calculations. And, while Accelerator, then took notice of this, and tried to fathom why his calculations were currently being thrown off. He, then without any kind of warning I might add, then turned his attention, towards me, and Misaka. And judging by the current look on his face, he was pretty less then pleased, that this had just happened.

"You, you both did this?!...Damn you both...I'll...!" However, Accelerator, never got to finish that crazed and deranged statement of his. Because just as he was about to finish his death threat, that was directed towards the both of us. And in the exact same amount of time, Touma, managed to pick himself up from off of the ground, charge towards Accelerator, and then land a very crippling punch to his face, with the use of his right hand.

And honestly, I just couldn't resist speaking up. "I'm sorry Accelerator, can you speak up? I don't think I heard you correctly there?...You'll what...make us pay?...*proceeds to snicker and laugh a little bit at the mere thought of it*...Yea...no, no you won't...*once again proceeds to snicker and laugh at the mere thought of it*...So why don't you do like Touma just did to you, and take the hint, as well as the hit, hmmm?" I said, through quite a few uncontainable snickers and laughs, as I couldn't help but do so, at the sheer comedic nature of Accelerators statement.

And, once I had managed to compose myself, after a couple of seconds. I then turned my attention to Misaka, only to be met with a look from her, as if to let me know, that now, was not the right time, to be cracking a joke.

And, to be completely honest, I couldn't blame her for it either. But, at least I could appreciate the fact, that we had all managed to get out of the current situation, without much trouble.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Anyway, that is the end of the final part of the Level 6 Shift arc. *smiles* See you all in the next chapter."


MGF Member
Chapter 30: A Friend In Need Deserves A Frenda Indeed!: A Very Perverted Encounter, And A Shocking Result!

Okay yea, so things had in fact quieted down after the events regarding the Level 6 Shift experiments.

However, though the Level 6 Shift experiments, regarding Accelerator, had been permanently discontinued, as well as scrapped. This didn't mean, that the tests themselves, regarding any future participants, either willing or unwilling, were over.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yes, you read that part right. I mean after all viewers...*proceeds to bring face extremely close to the screen*...nothing is forever, including those with quite immense intentions, whether it be for malicious intentions, or not. But anyway, this chapter, is going to be a sort of a break of sorts. Between the previous arc, regarding the Level 6 Shift experiments, and the next arc that will be coming up after this. And what I mean by that viewers, is that this episode, is going to be a filler episode of sorts. I mean after all viewers, the Yu-Gi-Oh anime had an episode just like this one, in the Battle City arc. You know, the episode that only took place in the helicopter, while Atem and Kaiba, were making their way towards the Domino City docks? Yes, that episode. Only difference here, is that while that episode didn't further the Yu-Gi-Oh anime canon timeline, in any way, shape, or form. This episode, will actually have some meaningful stuff in it....*proceeds to smile with eyes closed in a cute manner*...Now, what do you say we get on with the chapter, hmmm?"

Okay, so the current situation, wasn't the most ideal. In fact, I would say that it was actually very, very, embarrassing. Why you may ask? Well, given that me, Misaka, and Kuroko. Were currently face to face, with Mugino Shizuri, Frenda, and the rest of ITEM. I would say, that things could've been better, then they currently were at this very moment....And as for everyone's current demeanor, it was sort of, well...

"Oh you have got to be kidding me right now!...What the heck are you doing here!?..." Misaka exclaimed, upon her, me, and Kuroko, happening upon Mugino Shizuri, Frenda, and the rest of ITEM in one of the many booths of the restaurant.

"Uh...Misaka...don't you think that this isn't...." I began to say, in an effort to try and prevent, a potential disaster, from unfolding from inside the restaurant.

And to be honest, things would've wound up escalating to that point, had it not been for both Kuroko, and Frenda, stepping in at that moment, and speaking up, in an attempt to prevent anything unsavory from arising. Which thankfully, did wind up taking the potential tension, and the potential for things to escalate, out of the equation. At least, for the time being.

A couple of minutes later, after things had quieted down, and a little bit of back and forth, had transpired between all of us. Things, once again started getting out of control. And what I mean by that, is that out of the blue, both Frenda, and Kuroko, somehow got the conversation, diverted towards woman's...well...their breasts...

This was confirmed...well...it was confirmed...when Kuroko, out of nowhere I might add, wound up groping me, and Misaka, from behind. I guess some things just never change. Oh, and Frenda? Well, she wasn't helping matters either, as she was currently groping Mugino, from behind...

"Wow, just wow...*Keiko deeply sighs and puts two fingers from one hand to one of her temples in a feeble attempt to quell her currently rapidly building rage and frustration*...See viewers...Do you see the problem here!?...I mean do you!?...*says this with a tickmark very visible on one side of head, and one of her fists tightly balled into a fist*"

Anyway, while this...scene...yea...let's just call it that...went on for a couple more seconds, and as the rage and anger, started to build within me, Misaka, and Mugino.

A spark of electricity, that had just started crackling, from the bands of Misaka's hair, as well as my own, then wound up leading to a very big dispersion of electricity from the both of us.

"QUIT IT!" Me and Misaka angrily yelled, as the electricity, that we both had been building up, was then dispersed outwards, in a very violent, and very aggressive manner. Thus lighting up the restaurant in a big flash of light blue light.

And as for Mugino? Well, she sort of let loose several lasers with the use of her Meltdowner ability.

So, what would you say happened, as a result of this whole incident? Well, we were all forced to leave the restaurant, no surprise there.

And, though neither me, Misaka, or Kuroko, knew it at that current moment. Our troubles, as well as our encounters, with those related, to the Level 6 Shift experiments, were not even the least bit close, to being over or done with.

In fact, the events, that still lay ahead in the future, regarding the three of us, and the rest of The Four Aces, weren't remotely close, to being over with, either.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here...*Keiko proceeds to look at the viewers with an extremely and very embarrassed looking expression and a bead of sweat now visible on one side of her face*...So yea, not the most...*ahem*...lady-like of outbursts...however, you have to realize where me and Misaka are coming from...*puts one hand behind head while still giving a very embarrassed looking expression only with eyes closed this time*...You see, wouldn't you wind up acting in a similar way, if someone like Kuroko, wound up suddenly groping you from behind?...My point exactly viewers...*proceeds to say this with a now depressed looking expression on face before composing herself a second or two later to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, that last part of this chapter, about our encounters with the rest of 'The Four Aces,' that wasn't a lie. And to be quite honest here viewers, that, is going to wind up, to soon be the least of our worries. Anyway, see you all in the next chapter...*says this while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 31: A Freebee For Febrie!: A Shocking Revelation!

Okay, so things at the restaurant several hours ago, hadn't gone so great.

"Actually viewers, if I may?...Sorry viewers, Keiko here...*says sorry while traditionally bowing to the viewers before standing up straight again with eyes and attention forward to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, as I was about address to all of you. Unfortunately, this is going to be yet another filler-like chapter. Yes I know, just bear with me here. I know and I am well aware, that this is not ideal. But you viewers have to understand, that I am not the one who created the original Toaru canon timeline, that honor, belongs to Kazuma Kamachi. So, when I say that this is going to be another filler-type chapter...*proceeds to bring face very close to the screen*...I mean it!...*then proceeds to bring face back from the screen before then taking a long deep breath with a blush present on face before then quickly composing self to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, lets just proceed to the chapter now, shall we?"

Okay, let me be real and completely honest here for a second. I mean, I have always been honest in this fanfic. But, I digress. Anyway, I had never once asked, to wind up in the world of the a certain scientific railgun anime. In fact, I had never wanted to be here originally in the first place to begin with. It all sort of just, you know, happened. And from reading chapter 1, you would've realized, exactly why this was the case.

But, however, given the recent events, that had already transpired, what with The Level Upper arc, The Big Spider arc, The Level 6 Shift Experiments arc. And that was just to name a few of the events that had already transpired.

And yet, there was a much more important one, the surprising and shocking encounter, with three of the most well known 90s anime magical girls, that the anime magical girl genre, had ever produced. But regardless of all of that, I was not finding any sort of reason, to not want to be here, at this present moment. Sure, I may have been surprised or even shocked about it at first, when I had first wound up here. But to be truthfully honest, I was actually starting to enjoy myself in this world. And to be honest, that, was good enough for me.

But back to the three 90s anime magical girls that were mentioned earlier. I mean after all, this is Sailor Moon, Sakura Avalon, and Wedding Peach that we're talking about here. I mean, sure most don't know of the Wedding Peach anime. As it had been overshadowed by the Sailor Moon anime, when the Wedding Peach anime had first debuted, on April 5, 1995. But still, that didn't exclude the fact, that the Wedding Peach anime, like that of Cardcaptors, and Sailor Moon, helped to shape the magical girl genre, into what it is today. Not to mention, the many struggles, as well as battles, that the three of them had to go through, in their respective anime canon timelines.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. Yes, now I know what you're all thinking, why am I mentioning any of this right now? Well, that's because, if you had all been paying attention, as well as reading the other two fanfics, that are connected to this one. Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind. Then, you would know exactly why. I am not just going to simply spoon-feed you all the answer...* then proceeds to smile quite broadly*...It would be too easy otherwise...surely you all must understand that, right?...Anyway, why don't we continue on with the current chapter, hmmm?"

Anyway, all of that now aside. After the whole restaurant fiasco, that had occurred only just a few hours ago. Me and Misaka, were not surprisingly, still very unhappy, with Kuroko's perverted antics. And how she somehow found it necessary, to grope the both of us from behind. But, seeing as how she was still our friend, as well as our dorm roommate, we decided to let it slide.

But, that was currently not the current thing, that was on our minds at this very moment. In fact, we were both kind of preoccupied, with what currently lay in front of us.

Because as it currently stood, me and Misaka, as well as Kuroko, were currently staring, at a mysterious kid on a bench. Who moments ago, had wound up speaking up. Well, that was after one of the other people present, decided to ask her for her name.

"It's Febrie," Febrie responded to the question that had just been asked by the person who had just asked her.

Now, you might all be asking yourselves right now, well that doesn't seem even the slightest bit surprising, right? I mean, who would be surprised, by anyone giving their name, when asked to do so?

However, that wasn't the real nor main reason, as to why me and Misaka, were currently at a loss for words, and shocked beyond any sort of visible belief.

In fact, it was the next thing, that came out of Febrie's mouth, that was the real reason, why we were now both dumbfounded, as well as very surprised.

"Keiko and Mikoto Misaka," Febrie then followed up with, after she had also been asked, who her sister was.

"Okay, timeout here viewers, Keiko here again. I know, shocking isn't it?...I mean after all, you would be shocked too in a situation like this...right?!...*proceeds to say all of this with a somewhat frantic and shocked expression present on face along with a bead of sweat present on face as well*...Okay...well...I guess I will be seeing you all in the next chapter then?...*says this part still with a somewhat frantic and shocked expression present on face along with a bead of sweat present on face as well*"


MGF Member
Chapter 32: Of Lollipops And Gekotas!: Some Obsessive Hobbies Just Never Change!

"Yea hi viewers, Keiko here. So yea, I would assume that from you all having just read the current chapters title, that you were expecting not to run into yet another filler episode, right. Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you all of this. But if you at all expecting this to be even remotely close to that being the case, then you'd be wrong, and are such, if you have done. Anyway, as you can also tell from the title of this particular chapter, I am going to be once again made aware..."

"Uh Keiko, can you wrap this up? I think that the viewers should find out about what to expect in this upcoming chapter, by actually reading it themselves...*Misaka says this by giving an expression to Keiko that maybe she should just leave the viewers to read the chapter, and find out for themselves, by giving a somewhat embarrassed expression, as if knowing that this chapter, may or may not, wind up being a bit embarrassing for her, for when the viewers begin to actually start reading through it*"

"Oh right, my apologies Misaka...*then proceeds to deeply sigh, since she knows fully well, what is going to wind up happening in this upcoming chapter, and knows that Misaka acting in this manner, is more then justifiable*...Anyway, lets just get on with the chapter...*says this with an all too obvious and less then pleased expression on face along with a very noticeable bead of sweat present on one side of face*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking with Misaka aside, at least for the current moment. Things from the last chapter, hadn't exactly wound up improving either me, or Misaka's current surprised expressions, that had been present on both of our faces, after Febrie had decided, to say both of our names out of the blue.

And, given the future events, that were still too come for both of us, this, was soon going to wind up becoming, the very least of our worries, or even problems for that manner either.

But anyway, apparently Febrie had an interesting...well, let's just call it an addiction of some sorts...maybe an obsession?...Honestly since I can't read her mind...as my Telepath ability only worked on Misaka, I couldn't really say, beyond a reasonable guess or doubt, as to whether Febrie's lollipop, that she currently had in her mouth. Was either due to a candy addiction, or that she liked them for the sugar content.

"Look the point is viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again...*proceeds to say the sorry portion and the rest of that sentence while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before once again bringing head, eyesight, and attention, forward once again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...Anyway, as I was about to say...there are many differences, between what one calls an addiction, or what one calls an obsession. Now, Febrie's interest in lollipops?...Well, let's just call that an obsession...*suddenly proceeds to breath a very heavy sigh before then continuing to address the viewers*...Now, Misaka's Gekota hobby on the other hand?...Well, why don't we just refer to that as an addiction of sorts...*Keiko suddenly proceeds to give a very frantic looking expression, because quite honestly, the last thing that she wants to have happen right now, is for Misaka to overhear her talking about this through her fourth wall break moment, because to be honest, that wouldn't wind up sitting well with Misaka*...Anyway...*Keiko then composes herself, after she knows for an absolute fact, that Misaka didn't overhear her talking about her love for Gekota, as being an addiction*...Anyway, I am not going to go into any sort of extreme detail, regarding what went on in this particular episode in the railgun anime canon timeline...as like I said with the previous two chapters, this is all just filler when all is said and done...*Keiko then proceeds to shrug in a matter of fact like manner with one eye closed to all but confirm that she is not a real big fan of filler type anime episodes*...I mean after all viewers, this chapter, as well as those that are like it, in other anime, are just used as padding, as a sort of way, to extend the anime...as well as pace it out in a much more digestible manner...I mean, would you honestly want to read chapter after chapter, about nothing but actual action and chapters that would further the plot, in an extremely aggressive, and incoherent like manner?...Because to tell you the honest truth here viewers...I don't think that that would very wise, and nor would it be the smartest of choice either...*proceeds to look at the viewers with an expression that all bu confirms this fact*...I mean after all, that would just fall under the category, of what would be a rushed and hastily formed anime canon timeline...Well, this is not the original anime canon timeline of the railgun anime per say...But overall here viewers, you should all pretty much outright understand, exactly where it is, that I am coming from here...*Keiko then proceeds to bring her face very close to the screen again*...isn't that right viewers?...*Keiko then proceeds to bring her face back from the screen*...Anyway, the long story short, and the gist of it here viewers...is that I am not entirely a fan, of an anime canon timeline, that just bombards the viewer, with action packed episode, after action packed episode...And yet there isn't any downtime, for the viewers to digest it all...See what I mean?...So, in other words, I want the viewers, who will wind up reading this fanfic, as well as the other two, that are connected to this one, to have enough time, between action packed chapters, to give themselves, enough time, to take into account, what had transpired...But anyway, I think that that, is more then enough, of my outrageously lengthy fourth wall break...*then proceeds to smile with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*...I will see you all in the next chapter."


MGF Member
Chapter 33: Standing United While United We Stand!: The Calm Before A Very Disastrous Storm! (Part 1)

"Hey viewers, Keiko here...*says this while waving to the viewers while smiling with eyes closed*...Anyway, guess what?...I have great news for all of you...*then proceeds to smile quite broadly*...We will now return you to some more action packed chapters...*says this while still continuing to smile quite broadly only now with eyes closed and head tilted in a cute manner*...I know viewers, you had to sit through quite a few chapters worth of filler...But fear not, as your wait, is now going to be well worth it...*Keiko then proceeds to bring her face closer to the screen*...But, don't wind up just taking my word for it viewers?...*Keiko then proceeds to bring her face back from being close to the screen to continue to address the viewers*...What do you say, that we proceed on with the current chapter, hmm?...*Keiko proceeds to say this while once again smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

And regarding me and Misaka, current situation, with Febrie, as well as Saten. Who at the current moment, was currently talking on the phone, while me, Misaka, and Febrie, listened in on the conversation. Well, technically Saten was speaking on the phone right next to the three of us. So, it wasn't really about us listening in, so much as it was just difficult for us not to do so.

Okay, I guess that's that. Yea, don't worry, bye for now," Saten said, as she then proceeded to hang up her phone, thus putting an end to her current phone call.

"Uiharu and Shirai still need to investigate the site, so they'll be a while, they said for us to go ahead without them," Saten followed up with, as she turned her attention to me, Misaka, and Febrie, as she explained the current situation, regarding Uiharu and Shirai.

"Well, at least they are both doing okay for right now...Oh, almost forgot viewers, you're all probably wondering at this very moment, exactly what Saten meant by both Uiharu, and Shirai, still needing to investigate, right?...Well viewers, as it turned out, they were currently with several members of Anti-Skill, and were currently busy investigating an incident, involving several cleanup robots...You know, the same type of cleanup robots that were mentioned about in the very first chapter of this fanfic?...You know, the very same robots that wound up responding to the whole incident, that had involved Misaka kicking that vending machine?...Yes, those cleanup robots...*proceeds to smile with eyes closed while still having head directed to the right, while then continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway, speaking of similar robots...*then proceeds to put hand behind head, with both eyes closed and a small bead of sweat then appears on one side of face*...Well, not exactly, but just here me out for a second here viewers...*then proceeds to open both eyes again to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, who here, knows of an old anime franchise called Gundam?...You know the anime with all of the mechs?...Yes, that's the one...Well, it's not an old anime franchise per say...but, you pretty much get the gist of what I am trying to get across to all of you here, right viewers?...Anyway, though none of you might know it just yet at this current moment...but, me mentioning this, is going to wind up playing a very huge role, in one of the future chapters...But anyway, let's continue on with the story, as well as the current chapter, shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say the last part, while once again smiling with eyes closed, and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*" I thought to myself, while I had my eyesight, as well as my attention, turned to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Now anyway, fourth wall breaking aside again, at least for the current moment. But, however, given the current overall situation. Things were, well...

"Okay Febrie, how about this? I will give you this red Gekota if you give me back the pink one, look, this one's cute too," Misaka said, as she was apparently still not shy, from letting me know, about her obsession for Gekota.

"No!" Febrie ended up responding back to Misaka with, in a very unhesitating, and also very stubborn standoffish manner, as she turned around, and away from Misaka.

And after Misaka had then let out a very audible grunt of frustration, she then proceeded to try and still get Febrie to give up the pink Gekota. "Okay, but what if I throw in this blue Gekota, and I'll even throw in a yellow. So Febrie, do we have a deal?" Misaka once again asked, although this time, it was now in a slightly more desperate sounding tone of voice.

"This is my Gekota," Febrie said in response, only she had responded, while she still had her back to Misaka.

And to be honest, after just witnessing all of that, I just couldn't help, but let out a small sigh.

"Okay, so it's nice to see that Misaka still has her massive obsession with Gekota, or anything else that is related to Gekota...However viewers...sorry, Keiko here...Anyway, that doesn't mean that I am not a fan of her obsession either...*proceeds to look at the viewers, with a somewhat stoic, but an expression that is almost telling the viewers, not to make any rash assumptions regarding the current situation*...I mean after all, it is just something that I consider to be one of her...quirks...yea...let's just call it that...and no viewers, I am not referring to My Hero Academia when I say that either...so don't go assuming that that is what I am referring too...*proceeds to think that while sighing*...And if you did in fact assume that right off the bat, then that is your fault for doing so," I thought to myself, as I couldn't help but once again sigh. Only this time with both of my eyes closed, and a less then enthusiastic looking expression, all but prominently displayed on my face, while I had turned my attention, as well as my eyesight, to the right of me again, to once again, briefly address the viewers.

However, though none of us currently knew it at that time, or current moment. Things, regarding the anime canon timeline, would soon wind up, spiraling completely out of control. And, to make matters just that much worse for me, Misaka, and the rest of our friends. We would soon be locked in a deadly battle, and would wind up fighting for our very lives. For if we lost this time, like that of a recent battle, like the one that would soon wind up transpiring. Our problems, regarding a certain entity, of complete evil, were still far from being over or done with.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. I know, nothing like a little bit of foreshadowing to get all of you more intrigued to read on, hmm?...*proceeds to finish saying the previous sentence while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner, before opening both eyes again and returning head back to level again, before once again continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway, lets us now continue on with the chapter. Actually, before we continue on with this chapter. I figured, that now would also be as good a time as any, to kind of...*ahem*...explain a few things, regarding some...statistics...You know, the statistics regarding me and Misaka, and our respective railguns?...*proceeds to then smile with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*...Anyway, don't worry, we will be getting right back into the action of the current episode shortly...But for now, let's just consider this part in the current chapter, as a type of...explanatory-type of comparison, shall we say?...*proceeds to clear throat before once again speaking in order to continue to address the viewers*...Oh, if anyone doesn't want to read this part...You have my complete permission...to just simply skip onto the next paragraph...But be warned, you will wind up missing quite a bit of important information...with regard to this whole chapter...*quickly composes self for a moment before then continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway, regarding the whole point of this portion of this current chapter...*proceeds to now look at the viewers with a slight bit more serious looking of an expression*...Who here, remembers a Spike TV program, by the name, of Deadliest Warrior?...You know, the very same tv program, that although was at times very corny, brought in several weapons experts...and in future seasons, historian experts?...Yes, that's the one...*once again proceeds to clear throat and return back to a much less serious looking expression before once again speaking in order to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, who here, remembers an episode in which two rival criminal syndicates...The Jesse James Gang...and The Al Capone Gang...wound up going against each other?...Yes, that corny like episode...*proceeds to give a less then happy looking expression before once again composing self in order to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, the reason why I am going to be talking about this particular episode, has to actually do, with what I mentioned previously in this fourth wall break...I am going to be giving a plausible comparison, between me and Misaka's railguns, and Jesse James gunslinger expert, Joey Dillon...Now, I am not saying giving this exact comparison, to the gunslinger expert in question...Sure, Joey Dillon...as I am sure you managed to see on the episode in question yourselves...You must have noticed...whether it had been obvious or not...that from the moment that Joey Dillon proceeded to raise his Colt Revolvers, and then fire the first shot from the chamber...*then proceeds to bring face close to the screen*...took just under a quarter of a second...*then brings face back from being close to the screen before once again continuing to address the viewers*...and from the exact words, that were spoken by Geoff Desmoulin, after Joey Dillon had decimated the three targets in a demonstration of his Colt Revolvers...that anything in under half a second...*once again proceeds to bring face close to the screen*...Is a No-Dodge Zone...*once again brings face back from being close to the screen and then quickly composing self before once again continuing to address the viewers*...And, while it took Joey Dillon, just about a quarter of a second, to raise his Colt Revolvers, and then fire the first shot from the chamber...and on the subject regarding me and Misaka's railguns...we are talking well under that drop quarter of a second...*once again proceeds to bring face close to the screen*...So in other words here viewers...we are basically talking well below anything, that one would consider to be a No-Dodge Zone...so in other words, whatever, or whoever, we wind up firing our railguns at, is getting hit...*once again proceeds to bring face back from being close to the screen and then quickly composing self before once again continuing to address the viewers*...Look, in the words of one Grosvenor McCaffrey from the video game L.A. Noire...that's just the salient point here isn't it?...Well in fact, it actually is...*once again proceeds to bring face away from the screen and once again quickly composes self in order to once again continue to address the viewers*...Oh, and by the way viewers...You might have noticed, that I have been making a huge amount of references, to both other works, as well as quite a few pop culture reference throughout this fanfic, right?...I mean after all viewers, it was pretty obvious...Well, that is if you had actually been bothered to read through this entire fanfic up to this point...*once again proceeds to bring face close to the screen*...I mean, surely you haven't been skimming and skipping ahead?...Well, have you?...Because if you have indeed gone and done just that...*now proceeds to continue speaking with a tickmark now very visible on one side of face*...Then, I would highly suggest, that you go back to chapter 1, or whichever chapter, that you started to skim and skip through...and I suggest that you read it with more of an intent, to actually put in the effort, to read through the rest of this fanfic properly...*sighs and then puts hand to forehead while displaying an immensely displeased expression with eyes closed*...I mean, surely you are not all that blatantly lazy...right?...*once again proceeds to bring face away from being close to the screen and then quickly composing self before once again continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway, I think, that that, is more then enough fourth wall breaking, as well as any explanatory comparison from me...at least for now...Anyway, on with the chapter...*says this while once again smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking aside, let me just be real here for a second. Well, not that I haven't been throughout this entire story so far...but I digress.

Anyway, after the whole conversation exchange, had taken place, between me, Misaka, Saten, Wannai, Awatsuki...and Kongo...and after Wannai, Awatsuki, and Kongo, had gone on their way. We had now found our way over to a nearby restaurant...which was apparently named Julian's...

"Okay, timeout for a second here viewers...*then proceeds to traditionally bow to the viewers in an immensely apologetic manner while saying the following sentence*...I am terribly sorry for breaking the fourth wall on you all again...*then proceeds to bring self back up from the traditional bow to the viewers in order to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, you may have noticed, that from either reading this fanfic...or even watching the original railgun anime...that several...if not all of the stores and establishments in Academy City...have slightly different...or in this case, also weird sounding names...Well, that is so that the original owners of similar establishment names, that are copyrighted...don't wind up possibly resulting in the original copyright owners, getting ticked off...*proceeds to once again give another less then pleased expression before quickly composing self in order to continue to properly address the viewers*...Some examples?...Well...you may notice that a certain...*ahem*...establishment...with a pair of...golden-like arches...you know the one right?...Well, instead of calling it by...*ahem*...that name...they decided to call it...WcDonald's...yes, that is the name that they wound up going with...You know what?...that sounds an awful lot, like a portion of the movie franchise Coming To America...You know, the movie franchise starring Eddie Murphy?...As in, the very same Eddie Murphy, who wound up making the...*abomination*...known as The Adventures Of Pluto Nash?...Yes, that Eddie Murphy...*says this while showing a very embarrassed looking expression, with a bead of sweat now very noticeable on one side of face*...Anyway, I think that that is enough of my fourth wall breaking...at least for the moment...so, what do you viewers say, that we now get on with the chapter, hmm?...*says the 'hmm' portion while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, another somewhat lengthy fourth wall break aside...at least for the moment.

While me, Misaka, Saten, and Febrie, were currently inside of the restaurant in question. I couldn't help, but notice, the many posters around the restaurant, that were mentioning an upcoming Research Assembly.

"They've got posters for the Reach Assembly all over the place huh?" Saten asked to no one in particular, as she looked at all of the many posters of said Research Assembly that were posted all over some of the restaurant walls.

"So what do you think, I mean, now that we've seen some of it? I mean, I didn't know what to expect, I've never been to one of these assemblies either," Misaka said, with both of her eyes closed, and a bead of sweat very much present, on one side of her face.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. Now, you might all be wondering to yourselves, why I am looking to dwell on this particular things?...Well, as it turns out, the next scene, that was supposed to transpire after this?...Well it involved us, Febrie, as well as Konori...and Kuroko...went off to a nearby bathhouse...Yea, do you see the obvious problem with that viewers?...Surely you must!...I mean after all viewers...*suddenly then brings face close to the screen with a very unhappy looking expression on face*...as it just so happens, it was going to be a fanservice type of a scene...*blushes*...And to be perfectly honest here viewers...I don't feel even the least bit comfortable...in even remotely mentioning...what exactly wound up going on in that scene in question...I mean after all, me and Misaka, are only 14 years old!...And yes, I am more then aware, that the age of consensus in Japan...is 13 years old!...You do remember me mentioning this particular thing...back in chapter 5...right viewers?...As you should've noticed...Well, that is if you weren't just skimming through all of the chapters...that led up to this one...I mean after all, the only exception I have offered to all of you, was only regarding one of the previous paragraphs...and, that is going to be one of the only exceptions that I will wind up giving to all of you..."

"Uh yeah, Keiko?...I think the viewers get the gist of it...there is no need to make your fourth wall break any longer then it already is...*Misaka says this while giving Keiko a somewhat weary and worried looking expression to let Keiko know that the viewers basically get the point that she is trying to get across to the viewers*"

"Oh...right Misaka...my bad...*proceeds to put one hand behind head while also giving a slightly embarrassed looking expression*...Sorry about that...*then proceeds to compose self in order to then continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, why don't we just continue on with the story, shall we?...*proceeds to say this while smiling with eyes closed and head slightly tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside. Well, at least for the current moment.

So, as it currently stood, I still couldn't help, but have a really bad and uneasy feeling. And, to be honest, it had been coming and going, ever since the fight back on August 9th, had transpired.

It was almost as if, this was a sort of warning, for what was still to come. Almost as if...that that wouldn't be the last time, that I would wind up crossing paths, with those that we fought alongside back on August 9th. And to be completely honest, this bad and uneasy feeling, was more then justifiable. Because unfortunately, though I did not know it at the time. And as future events would wind up showing. Me, Misaka, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, would soon be once again locked in another fight. Where once again, not only would the fate, of Academy City itself, once again be at risk. But, also two other anime timelines, would wind up being put at risk alongside our own. And, whether we wanted to or not, we would soon, be once again locked in a fight, for our lives.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again. Well, nothing like a bit more of foreshadowing to intrigue all of you viewers enough, to want to continue reading, huh?...*proceeds to say anything after the word 'again,' while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*...So anyway, let's get on with the chapter now, shall we?...*Says the last part while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"

Now, let me be as brief as I can with regard to this current chapter. As it is in fact as lengthy as it is, because it is one of the final chapters regarding the final few episodes of the second season of the Railgun anime canon timeline. In other words, we are now coming close, to the end of Railgun S. Or, the second season of the Railgun anime, to be more precise and accurate...

"But most importantly. Sorry, Keiko here viewers...*then proceeds to traditionally bow to the viewers in an immensely apologetic manner while saying the previous sentence, as well as the following sentence*...I am terribly sorry for breaking the fourth wall on you all again...*then proceeds to bring self back up from the traditional bow to the viewers in order to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway..."

"So yea uh...Keiko?...You might want to wrap your fourth wall break up...we still have a very lengthy chapter to get to here...*Misaka proceeds to say all of this with a weary, as well as a less then pleased expression on her face, as if to let Keiko know that the viewers will wind up reading about what is still too come in this chapter*"

"Oh right...my apologies Misaka...*ahem*...Anyway, on with the chapter...*Says the last part while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside.

"Actually not quite yet viewers...Yea, sorry Keiko here again...Anyway, so after the whole...well...let's just call it an...uh...an experience...yea...let's just call it an experience...Anyway, after the whole...bathhouse experience...because let's be honest here...I am not going to be featuring that fanservice scene in this fanfic...I mean, if you want to experience something like that, go and watch any ecchi, or harem type based anime...As you will not be reading about any of that here...I think that much should've been obvious...whether it be from reading this fanfic, or the other two that are connected to it...*ahem*...But enough about that, back to the current chapter...*once again proceeds to say the last part while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, back to the current situation at hand. As me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, and Febrie, had recently tried several times, in order to find our way to the Research Assembly, or Reach Assembly, as Saten had called it. Anyway, we were sort of...well, we were sort of ambushed, by a green colored mech. In which it had suddenly burst onto the scene, after having torn open a nearby buildings steel constructed double doors. And it was then, that a sudden thought, then couldn't help, but make its way into my mind.

"Wait, what the heck?!...Where did that mech come from?!...Wait...I just got a very bad feeling...Oh god...don't tell me..." I thought to myself, as my thought, was then suddenly cut short mid thought. As Misaka, at that moment, then chose to speak up.

"Keiko watch out!" Misaka yelled to me. As the green colored mech, then proceeded to try and take a huge swipe at me, and then wound up going after Misaka, only a split second later.

"Okay...that was not cool!...Wait a sec here, I just took a look at that mech...and...it seems to bear quite a shocking resemblance too...Oh good god no...that can't be!...There's just no way!...'He' is supposed to be dead!...I saw it happen...!...'We' all did...!...I mean, me and Misaka, were the ones, who had played a massive role in it...!...So, how, in the actual heck...is 'he' still alive?!...Still, I can't let anyone else know of this fact...Because for some reason, I almost feel that doing so, will wind up causing much more problems to the canon timeline, then there already are right now...So, with that in mind, I have to do my absolute best, to try and keep this timeline intact...Because something tells me, that this, is just going to soon be...the least of me, and Misaka's worries," I thought to myself, as my face, displayed a look, and an expression of complete and total shock, just after the green colored mech, had taken a swipe at both me and Misaka. I then decided to not waste anymore time. As I then, started charging up a vast amount of electricity. And once I had charged for about a second or two. I then just simply went, and discharged all of it, with all of it aimed directly at the mech.

But, what happened next, was not what I was expecting to happen. In fact, the electricity, that I had discharged at the mech, had simply just wound up slamming into the mech, only to dissipate into complete nothingness.

"What the heck?!...What just happened?!...How did all of that electricity not have any sort of the slightest effect on that mech?!...What the heck is going on here!?...Am I missing something here viewers?!" I frantically thought to myself, while I had briefly, as well as quite frantically, had quickly turned my eyesight, to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And, to make matters just that much worse. The reason, as to why the green colored mech, had even begun attacking us in the first place. Well, as it turned out, they were, for some unknown reason, after Febrie. And the reason for why I was able to figure this out? Well, that was basically due to my past experiences regarding a certain female villain, her father, and the Level 6 Shift experiments. Well, that was one of the many experiments, that both of them, as well as their associates, had been involved in. And unfortunately, what was currently happening, and what was still to transpire, in the not too far future.

Not only, would my suspicions, as well as recent and current stunning realizations, wind up to be 100% warranted. But this, was just a mere stepping stone, for what was still too come.

And, given the overall and current situation. Me and Misaka, wanted to do whatever we could, in order to try and minimize any potential collateral damage, that would wind up resulting from this onslaught from the lone green colored mech.

And so, with this very thought in mind. I wound up speaking up, in a very clear effort, to do just that.

But, before I could do so, Misaka then spoke up. "Get back!' Misaka said, obviously referring to everyone else except for me and her.

"Well, given the current situation, I might as well help Misaka in hammering that statement of hers home," I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to speak up. "Everybody run, and leave this to me and Misaka!" I yelled, as my statement, along with Misaka's from a few seconds earlier, then took an almost instant effect.

Because not even a split second after I had yelled out that very statement. Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, who still had Febrie on her back, then took off running. Well...not exactly...

"Are you two sure that you are going to be alright?" Kuroko interjected with asking, in an attempt to try and argue with me, in regard, to what I had just said. And I was just about to respond and answer back to her, even before she had finished anymore of her protesting statement.

Only, Misaka sort of wound up beating me to the punch, and wound up speaking up to her in response instead. And this was before I even could fully turn to her in order to give my response.

"Kuroko, leave this to us!" Misaka said in response with the exact amount of aggression, that had been present in my tone of voice, when I had yelled at everyone to run.

And to be quite honest, her aggression that was present, in that statement of hers, sent even me reeling for a slight moment. And that was even though she had said it with the same amount of aggression, that had come from my voices tone.

"Okay...so, I wasn't expecting that from someone as normally non-aggressive as Misaka...I am so glad that I am on her side...because I can't even begin to imagine, what the situation would've been had the script been flipped," I thought to myself, with a somewhat very shocked looking expression, now very much present on my face.

However, I was then quickly brought back to reality, as the green colored mech, with the use of several rocket type boosters, that it had affixed to the back of it, then proceeded to charge forward towards me and Misaka. The only thing was, it didn't wind up getting very far. As just before the mech made it to us, Misaka, somehow managed to bring it to a sudden halt, by just using her foot to anchor the mechs weapon under it.

The only thing was, that although I had already demonstrated, that my electricity had absolutely no effect on the mech in question. Misaka on the other hand, seemed to have forgotten about that. "Honestly, did you think that this was going to be enough to stop either of us!" Misaka said, a she, like I had done earlier on in this chapter, proceeded to discharge quite a bit of electricity.

Only, just like it had happened with me, Misaka's massive discharge of electricity, like when I had done so, once again, had wound up having no effect on the mech. As not even a single electrical scorch mark, or even a single dent was seen to be present anywhere on its armor.

"*now proceeds to give a Picard like facepalm*...Okay Misaka, you really need to work on that arrogant demeanor of yours...Because if you hadn't just had your arrogance act for you in the way that it just did...*then proceeds to deeply sigh*...Then you would've obviously realized, that that already has been proven to have absolutely no effect on the mech...You know, I can now completely understand, why such memes as the Picard Facepalm meme, exists in the way that it does...As it would wind up being quite very appropriate...for a situation such as this...But, do you see exactly why now viewers, why being arrogant never works!?...I mean after all, like that of another certain female character, who has recently appeared in this fanfic...nothing good can ever come, from one being arrogant...nothing," I thought to myself, as I had turned my attention to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, during the second part of my thought.

And, as future events would wind up showing, this would soon wind up, becoming the very least of our worries.

"Yea...so...this is not the most ideal situation here right now...huh viewers?...Yea...not the most ideal is it?...*then proceeds to smile with eyes closed for a moment with head cutely tilted to one side before then composing self in order to continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, this current chapter, just so happens to be the twentieth episode of season two of the anime...or, Railgun S, if you want to more accurately specific...Anyway, the point here viewers, that I am trying to make, is that while this current situation, is as dire, as most of you viewers want to claim that it seems to be...I will now let you all know, that things, could be quite a lot worse...*proceeds to bring face close to screen as a tickmark then become fully visible on one side of face*...You would already know about all of that, from also reading Going In Completely Blind...Which for those of you, who are still unaware, as you might or might not, have been living under a rock this whole time...is the other fanfic of two other fanfics, that are connected to this one!...I mean, surely you viewers, are still not being so lazy, as to not bother reading Going In Completely Blind, or even Going In Almost Completely Blind for that matter, right viewers?...I mean would you just wind up watching the first Pirates Of The Caribbean movie, only to then just stop watching after that, and not even bother to watch the rest of the movies?...I mean, that is not the same thing as this...But just hear me out on this!...Would you, or would you not, go on and watch the remaining Pirates Of The Caribbean movies?!...I mean, the whole issue with Johnny Depp, and Amber Heard lawsuit incident was...Actually, you know what?...Let's just not dive any deeper into that...*proceeds to say this with a now nervous looking expression and a bead of sweat in place of the tickmark on face*...Anyway, the point that I am trying to make here viewers...Is just don't skip ahead!...*Says the last part while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted slightly to one side in a cute manner*"

Now things hadn't exactly changed regarding me and Misaka's current predicament. However, I then remembered something. "Hold on a sec here...I just remembered something...Misaka didn't just use her electricity, when she had fought against Touma down by the riverbank...In fact, if I remember right, she wound up using her electricity, to conjure up quite a bit of iron sand from the ground that was beneath her...And she had used the iron sand...to forge a Katana of sorts, from the iron sand...I mean sure, it wound up doing absolutely nothing to Touma because of his Imagine Breaker...But still, I think that the use of iron sand, in a situation like this, should be more then enough, to help counteract the mechs heavy metal weapon...Still, I might as well let Misaka know," I thought to myself, having now realized how we could use the surrounding Iron Sand, to at least hold our own against the mech.

It was then, while I had this exact realization in mind, quickly turned my attention over to Misaka. However, and as if she already knew exactly what I had planned to do during when I was having my thought. She simply just nodded in response. Which not surprisingly, caused me to look at her with a slightly surprised expression, but I did my best to hide it. And then, after having nodded back to Misaka, and without having, or wanting to waste another second. We both then focused and concentrated our electricity beneath us, and then into the concrete. And sure enough, as I had predicted, a whole bunch of iron sand, then started to materialize around us from the concrete beneath our feet.

And, following Misaka's example to the letter, as the green mech, then tried an overhead swing at Misaka with its large metal weapon, she then used the iron sand that she had just conjured up from the concrete, along with her electricity, to counteract the oncoming heavy swing from the mech. As all that wound up happening, was the green mechs heavy metal weapon just simply wound up glancing off of the iron sand shield, that Misaka had used in tandem with her electricity, in order to to cause the glancing blow in question.

However, as I looked on at what had just transpired. I suddenly didn't have anymore time, to marvel in wonderment, at what Misaka had just done. Because, it was at that very moment, that the green colored mech, then decided, to try and take a heavy overhanded swing at me with its metal weapon, just as it had tried to do with Misaka.

And as this was transpiring in front of me, a sudden frantic like thought, couldn't help, but make its way into my mind. "Oh, well that's not ideal...Still, it is nice to see that Misaka still knows how to use her Esper ability well...I mean, I am still trying to get the hang of using my Telepath ability...But...let me put this current part of my thought to the side...And for now, let me just see...If I can't follow Misaka's example..." I thought to myself. And then, after a few seconds of me doing some calculating, and like Misaka had done only a couple of seconds prior. I then, used both the iron sand that I had conjured up from the concrete, and in complete tandem with my electricity, to completely parry the oncoming heavy overhead swing from the green colored mechs heavy metal weapon. And like what had happened with Misaka only a couple seconds prior. The green colored mechs heavy metal weapon, just wound up glancing off of the iron sand and electrically reinforced shield.

"Wow...that was actually a lot more easy, then I thought it was going to be...I guess that is why I am a level 5 Esper...I guess my calculations, as well as my quick thinking...is one of those reason...isn't that right viewers?...I mean, let me just be clear right from the off...I am not boasting in anyway, about this being the case by any means...In fact, I am all too aware, that being one of the two 3rd ranked level 5 Espers, out of all the seven level 5 Espers in all of Academy City, can sometimes, like this very situation in fact, can wind up with you having a very large and sizeable target on your back...I mean after all viewers...*suddenly brings face close to the screen in order to address the viewers in this manner for the current part of the fourth wall break*...this was something that I had mentioned at great length, way back in chapter 5...You know, if any of you viewers, had actually been bothering in the slightest, to actually read through every chapter very thoroughly up to this point that is..." I thought to myself, while I had both my eyesight, as well as my attention, turned to the left of me, while I continued to and then completed with addressing the viewers.

Okay, so immediately following what had just transpired. Which was just after the green colored mech, had taken a swing, at both me and Misaka. And thankfully, with both of us using our electricity, in tandem with the use of the iron sand that was beneath our feet. We had managed to keep the green colored mech at bay, at least for the moment.

However, after this had happened. Which was just after the mech had wound up glancing its metal weapon against my iron sand shield, that I had used to shield myself, with the use of my electricity. I couldn't help, but then have a somewhat intrusive thought, then make its way into my mind.

"Okay...I'll be honest here...both me and Misaka using our electricity, in tandem with the iron sand...was a very smart and an extremely great move...but, something tells me, that this iron sand shield, can only wind up holding up for so long...If we're both lucky...given my current calculation...then we might only be able, to survive one...maybe two more hits?...And then we would need to conjure up more iron sand to protect us from any overhanded swing that the mech might wind up slamming into our iron sand shields...So, with that thought in mind...I need to try, and quickly think of something, that will wind up getting me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, and Febrie, out of this whole very horrible mess of a situation," I thought to myself, as I tried to frantically think, of any possible way out of this whole fight.

However, I was then stopped mid thought, by Misaka then giving a very audible grunt. But, before I could even so much as turn to her, and try to figure out why she was grunting. I then heard Misaka suddenly yell, as she then proceeded to unleash all of the iron sand that she had been using as a shield, by discharging the electricity that had been holding it, towards the mech all at once. And the resulting impact, wound up slamming it very hard, against a nearby vertical steel girder. And to be honest, I just couldn't help, but stare, at what had just happened.

"Okay...I wasn't expecting Misaka to be able to do that...!..." I thought to myself, with a very visible shocked and surprised expression very much present on my face.

Only thing was, my thought was then cut short once again, as I then saw, that the two horizontal steel girders, that had been supporting the steel girder, by anchoring it in place with several heavily reinforced steel nuts and bolts for each of them, then proceeded to suddenly shear away from both sides of the sole vertical girder, completely. And to make matters just that much worse, Saten and Febrie, were both under the path of one of the two falling horizontal steel girders. And I also somehow knew, that given the current situation, Misaka, would not be able to react in time. I mean, it would be close. But, however, given the current situation, I wasn't willing to leave anything to a game of chance. And with all of this now in mind. I then proceeded, to do several quick mental calculations, in order to make 100% certain, that I could get enough electricity over to the falling horizontal steel girder in time. And thought process of going about doing this was...well...

"Damn it!...I've got to do something, otherwise this won't end well for either Saten, or Febrie!" I thought to myself, as I then, with a now very determined and concentrated expression, and just a split second later. I then proceeded, to use the electricity, that I had been using to hold the iron sand up as a shield, and simply concentrated my attention on the steel girder, that was about to fall on Saten and Febrie. And that was after I had done my quick calculations, order to make completely sure, that this wouldn't wind up, with either Saten or Febrie, getting unnecessarily injured, or badly hurt from the currently still falling steel girder.

But thankfully, and as I had intended from the start...my discharged electricity, wound up shooting, and coursing throughout the steel girder. Which wound up stopping it mid fall before it could do any sort of harm, to either Saten or Febrie.

And, once I had let out a brief sigh of relief, I then proceeded to try and speak up, in order to try, and put both Saten and Febrie current uneasy expression, as well as their feelings, at ease.

However, and just as I was about to speak up to both Saten and Febrie. I then, all of the sudden, then decided not to say anything. As it was almost as if I somehow knew, that now was not the ideal time, to be speaking up regarding that. And as such, I then decided to set that aside, at least until after, this whole fight with the green colored mech, had finally reached its conclusion.


MGF Member
Chapter 34: Girders And Tsunderes!

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yes, it has been a little bit since the last chapter hasn't it?..."

"Uh Keiko, you realize that it hasn't really been that long since the last chapter right? *Misaka says this while giving Keiko a slightly weary expression, as if to let her know not to ramble on again with one of her fourth wall breaks like she had done in the previous chapter*"

"Oh, right Misaka, how could I forget...*proceeds to say this while feverishly placing one of her hands behind her head, while giving a sheepish sort of grin with both eyes closed*...Anyway viewers, lets just go ahead and proceed on with the chapter now, shall we? *proceeds to say the last portion while smiling with eyes closed and head titled to one side in a cute manner*"

Okay, so let me be real here. Okay, I just realized how slightly ironic that is, considering that this is a fanfic. Anyway, given the current situation between me, Misaka, and the green colored mech. Things regarding the current situation were...what's the word....

"Okay, well this is quite the current precarious situation!" I said out loud, and quite audibly, as my electricity continued to course through the girder, that had almost fallen onto Saten and Febrie, and had nearly turned both of them, into real life pancakes.

"Still, at least I was able to react in time, given the overwhelming circumstances...I guess that is one of the many benefits to being a high ranked level 5 Esper...huh viewers?" I thought to myself, while I had my eyesight, and my attention, directed to the left of me to briefly address the viewers.

The only trouble was, after I had just finished my fourth wall break, I then, once I had faced forward again. Then took immediate notice of a now currently developing situation.

And what I meant by that, was that the electricity that I had been sending coursing through the girder, had now somehow, started to reduce in power slightly, and I then wound up taking immediate action.

Well, that was before a quick thought came to my mind. "Okay, that was something that I was certainly not expecting to have witnessed happen just now...Guess I need to remain a little bit more focused when I am doing something like this," I thought to myself, while a small bead of sweat was visible, on one side of my face.

Which was then quickly followed, by me once again sending more of my electricity through the girder in question. And it was then, that I decided to speak up to tell both Saten and Febrie, to get out of the way of the girder, so that I could set it down safely.

However, before I could say anything, Misaka, somehow decided to speak up. "Saten, take Febrie, and get to safety!" Misaka said, in a way as if she almost knew exactly what I was going to say to both Saten and Febrie.

And not surprisingly, this sent me reeling back slightly in shock. But I did my absolute best to hide any surprised or shocked emotion.

Well not exactly..."Okay seriously Misaka, you couldn't have given me some sort of fair warning before you decided to do that?!..." I angrily thought to myself, as a clear, and all too familiar blush, then suddenly appeared on my face in full view.

Only, once I had realized, the blush on my face only got more visible, and just that much worse. "Okay, now that was a bit unexpected of me to act in that manner...I mean after all viewers, as I explained back in the Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, and Marked Cards chapter...there's no way that the information that Kuroko found out about me can be correct...because there is absolutely no way that I could be a tsundere...right viewers?" I thought to myself. While, as the blush was still very much visible on my face, I had turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the left of me, to once again address the viewers.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. Yes, you probably thought that this was going to be another action packed chapter didn't you?...Well, you'd be half right on that...as that is only half true...Let me explain this a little further viewers. Did you notice by any chance, the number of words, that were in the last chapter?...Because if you did, then you would've noticed that it was around ~7,000-7500 words...*blushes*...So yea viewers...not the exactly smallest chapter by any means...Which is why, for you benefit, this chapter is going to be the usual minimal length of ~1,000 or more words...I mean after all viewers, even the most invested of readers...sometimes need a sort of rest, from all of the action packed chapters. But, however viewers, that doesn't mean that this isn't an action packed chapter by any means...*proceeds to bring her face close to the screen with a slightly less then pleased expression on face*...I mean after all viewers, you saw the small action related scene towards the start of this chapter....right?...I mean, surely you aren't still skimming through these chapters...right?...Because if you all still are...then that is quite honestly, very sad indeed, if you are in fact still doing that. I mean after all viewers, that would mean that you aren't a dedicated reader...you're just lazy!...*now suddenly realizes what was just said, then proceeds to show an all too visible blush on face before quickly pulling face back from the screen, and only then does the blush from face almost completely disappear*...Anyway, my apologies for that...*says this while a bead of sweat is now present on one side of face and the blush is now completely gone from face, only it is now replaced with an expression of slight remorse and regret for acting in such an unladylike manner*...Anyway...*

"Yea Keiko, can you hurry it up please?! I think the viewers get it now! *Misaka says this with a less then pleased sounding tone in her voice, while also telling Keiko to more or less stop*"

"Right, my apologies Misaka. And viewers, I will see you all in the next chapter, okay? *says this while slightly winking in a cute manner and also smiling with head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 35: Standing United While United We Stand!: Primrose, And Equality! (Part 2)

Okay, so things had recently become a little bit precarious during the last chapter. And what I mean by that, for those who don't recall at this current moment. I am of course talking about the whole girder situation. And while I looked on, whilst concentrating on the steel girder with the use of my electricity, I then wound up breathing a sigh of complete relief. Why you may ask? Well...

"Kuroko!" I yelled. As I briefly saw Kuroko teleport into view with a slight popping swooshing sound, next to both Saten, and Febrie. And then, once she had taken hold of both Saten and Febrie, teleported out of view again, with yet another popping swooshing sound.

And, now knowing that both Saten and Febrie were safe. I then ceased sending my electricity coursing through the girder, to which it then quickly hit the concrete ground, with a very loud crashing thud. And, once I had breathed out another sigh of relief. I then saw Kuroko teleport back into view again, only this time, it was back with Uiharu, who was still on the sidelines.

"Uiharu, take out your phone, I need you to call Anti-Skill," Kuroko said to Uiharu. To which Uiharu then did so.

The only thing was, as I was currently looking on at, and listening to the current conversation between Kuroko and Uiharu, I then heard an all too familiar crackling sound, of electricity.

"Keiko, behind you!" I heard Misaka yell out to me. And when I did as she had just exclaimed, I managed to look behind me, just in time to see the green colored mech charging right at me.


"Are you kidding me right now?! Why can't you just take the hint?! Do you not understand that we both have a lot to do today?!" I now angrily said. As I once again, with a now hugely less then pleased expression. Actually, to say that I currently looked less then pleased, with my current expression, was actually, a very immense understatement.

In fact, I was actually, absolutely livid. So, with said expression, very much currently present on my face. I managed to use my electricity, to conjure up more iron sand from the concrete beneath me. And, just before the mech managed to just get to me, and had raised its heavy metal weapon. I was able to conjure up yet another iron sand and electricity composed shield, and easily cause the green colored mechs heavy metal weapon, to slam hard against my just composed, electricity, and iron sand made shield. And I also, happened to notice, that the sound that it had wound up making, was a metal clanging kind of sound. As the green colored mechs heavy metal weapon, stopped dead against my electricity, and iron sand composed shield.

Which to be honest, was not really a priority for me to take any more note of at the current moment. As I was honestly, currently a heck of a lot more focused, on making it, so that I wasn't injured, or even worst case killed, by the green colored mechs, heavy metal weapon.

"Okay viewers, so Keiko here. Yea, I know what you're all thinking. Not the most ideal time to be doing a fourth wall break right? Well, not exactly. I mean after all viewers, Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool. You know, the 'Merc With A Mouth?' Yes, that Deadpool...*now proceeds to smile quite broadly*...Actually, I think I will just take a short moment here, to explain...*ahem*...Marvel's current...whats the word...oh yes....shortcomings...regarding some of there. Well, there's no other word for it...their most recent appalling productions...You know the ones viewers?...Any recent Marvel Disney+ Series...You know, anything after Avengers: Endgame?...I mean after all, why wouldn't all Marvel fans, be referring to it, and quite justifiably I might add, as the 'Post-Endgame Conundrum?"...I mean after all, anything that wasn't the most recent Deadpool & Wolverine movie...Has quite honestly, not been the best look regarding Marvel, or even Disney for that matter. Oh, almost forgot, Jack Doherty....Well actually, as Penguinz0...aka MoistCr1TiKaL...aka Charlie White...has respectfully nicknamed him...Jack Dork...*proceeds to giggle at the name Jack Dork*...Anyway viewers, the point is...Jack Dork...*proceeds to lightly giggle once again*...Or even KSI for that matter as well...Both of these...*ahem*...clowns...Are quite honestly both jokes...But however...that doesn't mean that we all can't have a bunch of laughs at their expense...I mean after all viewers...and to tell you the cold hard truth...KSI's recent song 'Thick of it,' has honestly got to be, one of the most horrid songs...that I have ever listened too...I mean for goodness sake, IceJJFish...sounds better at singing then he does...And that viewers, is just complete honesty. And as for Logan Paul's piece of dookie PRIME drink?...Well, as James May once said on Top Gear...'I've go the name for it, 'The Bloody Awful,''...*proceeds to laugh quite loud and audibly before finally composing self and then continuing to address the viewers*...*then proceeds to bring face close to the screen before continuing to address the viewers*...Oh, and Jimmy?...How goes your 'charity work,' you know, the hospital that you claimed to have built?...Only for DogPack404, to justifiably expose the fact, that you had used CGI, to remove the hospital from the videos in question...I mean honestly Jimmy...At what point is enough lying enough for you?...Oh, and speaking of lying Jimmy...Everyone already knows, not to buy your Lunchly product...or any other scam product, that you, Logan, or KSI, have sold in the past, and ever will....*now proceeds to bring face back away from the screen before once again continuing to address the viewers*...Anyway, see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*says the last part while smiling with eyes closed and head slightly tilted to one side in a cute manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 36: Standing United While United We Stand!: Jammed Signals And Beams! (Part 3)

Okay, so I really had gotten myself into quite the somewhat dire, and quite honestly, very dangerous situation from the last chapter. And this was regarding my current predicament, with me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, Febrie, and of course, the green colored mech.

Which at the moment, currently had its heavy metal weapon stopped dead in a mid-downward swing, against my electricity, and iron sand composed shield.

However, while this was currently going on, I just managed to hear from the sidelines, the unmistakable voices, of Kuroko, and Uiharu. And why you may ask? Well...

"It's no good," Uiharu said somewhat frantically.

"What's wrong?" Kuroko asked in response to what Uiharu had just said.

"I'm not getting a signal," Uiharu said in response. And that, caused me to almost turn completely pale like a ghost on Halloween night.

And that was while Saten, had then chosen to speak up. "What, no signal?" Saten said, now taking immediate note, of what had just been said by Uiharu. And from what I could tell, Saten wasn't exactly very happy, to have heard that statement either.

"Oh, well that's not good...So, it would more then likely seem, like they are jamming any sort of incoming, or outgoing signals...Okay, since when did this suddenly become like Star Wars...what with the Separatists...almost always, jamming all transmissions?...And while we're on the subject of Star Wars for the moment viewers...For those of you who actually think, that The Acolyte...was anything close, to resembling, a coherent bit of Disney Media...Then I am really starting to question your overall intelligence...I mean after all, this 'woke culture nonsense,' is quite frankly, one of the saddest things, that I have ever seen...And that is saying quite a bit viewers..." I thought to myself, with the all too visible paleness currently on my face. And that was while I still somehow managed, to keep a firm concentration, in order to keep the firm hold, on my iron sand, and electricity composed shield. And while I had had my eyesight, as well as another part of my attention, turned to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. And with regard to my iron sand and electricity composed shield? Well, I was managing it, with quite a bit of efficient effort, in order to stop the green colored mech, from attempting to strike me, while my attention was currently divided between both it, and the currently unfolding situation. Which was currently taking place, between Saten, Kuroko, and Uiharu.

The only thing regarding this current situation. Was as soon, as I had turned my attention, back towards the green colored mech in question. I then heard a swooshing like sound, as if a projectile of sorts, was being launched through the air, at an alarming rate of speed.

And sure enough, I just managed to immediately notice, that a huge steel girder, was now flying through the air, like a projectile. To which it then wound up slamming hard against the side of the green colored mechs head. Which in turn, sent it flying quite violently to the side. And then onto the ground, in a now inoperative, damaged, and quite crumpled heap of dented and somewhat twisted metal.

"Okay, well that was quite the unexpected...Hold on, where have I seen an ability like that before?...Oh no...don't tell me..." I thought to myself, in an almost Peanuts Charlie Brown type manner. As I then, heard an all too familiar sounding female voice then speak up, which had wound up proceeding, the all too familiar sound, of the opening, of an unmistakable paper fan.

"I mean honestly, that robot should find itself a new dance partner." The familiar sounding female voice said, in quite a pompous, and somewhat demeaning sounding tone of voice.

And not surprisingly, once I, along with everyone else who was present, had all turned our attention, towards the source of the familiar sounding female voice. I then just could not help, but then have, an all too visible and quite justifiable frown, then suddenly make its way, onto my face.

"Oh joy...Kongo is here...great...just great...wonderful!...Well in the words of one Ouro Kronii...that's freaking great!...I am so happy to see her right now viewers...can you not all tell how happy I am right now?!...I mean after all, as I had explained back in the very first chapter of this fanfic...and also, The Past, The Present, And The Future chapter...Kongo...just likes to hear herself talk, just a bit too much...But here's the thing viewers...she is not as bad...as Misaki Shokuhou...and she never will be...Furthermore viewers, and to be perfectly honest as well...neither one of them, is as annoying, as either Potamos, or Petora for that matter as well...Now, you viewers might now all be asking yourselves, just who Potamos, and Petora are...correct?...Well, here is my response to your question...go and read Going In Completely Blind...which as I have said countless times before in previous chapters viewers...like that of Going In Almost Completely Blind as well...are both mandatory reading requirements...that all of you viewers should in fact be reading...And if you want to somehow say that neither of those other fanfics, are mandatory...Well then...*A very not pleased looking expression now appears on my face while I now bring my face closer to the screen...Well, not so much close to the screen, so much as the screen just temporarily zooms in on my face*...I would highly suggest, that you go and start reading them...okay?...*now brings face back away from the screen to continue to address the viewers*...Now, this chapter..." I thought to myself, while I had had my eyesight, as well as my head, and attention, turned to the left of me, to address the viewers.

The only thing was, that as I was about to do my usual end of chapter fourth wall break. I then stopped dead. As if I almost thought, that things in the current episode weren't quite over just yet.

And to be completely honest, those suspicions, were very much indeed, 100% correct.

But unfortunately, even though this was currently the case. I was currently still having a very rough, and a very extremely difficult time, with trying to keep my composure at that very moment.

As to be completely honest, I had every right to extremely unhappy at the current moment. One could even say that I was extremely displeased as well. And to be honest a bit more, I was as unhappy as I should've been, that Kongo had been the one, to save me, as well as everyone else, from the green colored mechs onslaught. Well, at least for now. But more on that a bit later.

But anyway, a short time later on, at a nearby hospital. Which just so happened, to be the very same hospital that a certain frog faced doctor, happened to work at.

Anyway, while me, Misaka, and everyone else, were being treated for our injuries. Mind you, me and Misaka, weren't exactly that terribly injured. But to be honest, one can never be too sure. I mean after all, you always take care of yourself.

But anyway, after me, Misaka, had had our injuries attended too. And while several more of the hospital staff, were still tending to Kuroko and everyone else's injuries. The frog faced doctor, Heaven Canceller, wound up pulling us both aside. And at first, I was slightly confused as to why. However, the reason, was then made more aware and obvious, to both me and Misaka, once Heaven Canceller, wound up telling us both, that Febrie, was apparently...well...a Chemicaloid...whatever that was.

However, though neither of us knew it at the time. Febrie, and our problems with the likes of the green colored mech.

"Which by the way viewers...Sorry, Keiko here. Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you. The green colored mech, as it actually turns out, was actually unmanned...I know, I was as shocked as you all were when I found that little bit of info out...Kind of reminds me a little of the Gundam anime franchise...You know, apart from the Gundams in question...actually being manned...But in my opinion viewers, it is basically the same principal...Anyway, see you all in the next chapter and episode...for real this time...okay?...*says the last sentence while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to once side in a cute manner*"