A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces Oneshot


MGF Member
Every story has a beginning, and this short oneshot, explains the events that lead up to the main story. And this all took place one day and one hour, before the events of the main story. Not a self insert though, as this takes place one hour before all of that happened.

You can find the main fanfic here ----->A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces


MGF Member
With every story, there is a beginning. And with every beginning, there is a story. But enough about such things. As I am sure you have already been reading the sequel fanfic to this oneshot, A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces. Well, this is the prequel. And it was on a day like any other, which is where this oneshot now begins.

Date: July 15, 2009 (One Day Before The Start Of The Events Of A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces)

It was a bright and sunny day in Academy City, as two girls, who had recently started their attendance at Tokiwidai Middle School, were currently inside of their dorm room. At the current moment, both were level 5 espers with an electromaster ability. And as of right now, they were sort of busy planning, for tomorrows system scan.

Date: July 16, 2009 (The Next Day)

The next day, one Mikoto Misaka, and her sister, one Keiko Misaka had been walking down one of Academy City's many streets, when all of the sudden, they heard someone screaming from a nearby alley. And as both of them ran towards the sound of the screaming, one thing was for certain, this was an event, that would change the course of both girls lives, forever.

After having discovered several thugs had cornered a young female student from another school in the area in the alley. And to be honest, neither Keiko or Mikoto were very pleased about it, and not surprisingly, they had taken it upon themselves to protect the girl from the thugs. "Listen, you need to get out of here, both me and Mikoto will handle things here," Keiko said. "Now wait just a minute girly, since when do you have the right to..." Unfortunately, before the thug could speak any further, Mikoto chose to cut him off. "I think you will find that we have every right. And to tell you the honest truth, it makes me sick that you would do this to any girl," Mikoto said, in quite a ticked off tone.

However, once the girl had run off, and as the thugs started to surround Mikoto and Keiko. Neither one was aware, that a certain someone, would wind up changing the course, of both girls lives, and the timeline of the anime, as they both knew it.

To Be Continued...

To Find Out What Happens Next Go And Read A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces