
MGF Member
Credit to Supergnats for the drawing.

Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy.

Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so.

But, what if there's more then just a fight of good versus evil?

For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki

Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi.

A fanfic that converges with A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces and Going In Almost Completely Blind

Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking.

I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at [email protected] However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。

In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. So Wedding Peach, what do you say that we show the viewers the true power of The Four Aces Alliance?
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MGF Member
Chapter 1: Limone's Arrival!: The Journey Begins!
Date: September 12, 2011

"Man, that high school graduation sure was took me one additional year then everyone else...but that is to be expected...sure...I was held back in my junior year once...but that was because I wasn't ready to move to the next grade just yet...still...I need to try and make a major mental note to myself to at least try and watch the Wedding Peach anime...because to be truthfully honest...which I obviously am...just looking up photos of the characters, and only knowing information about them through wiki sites...really isn't good enough," I thought to myself, as I remembered back to when I had had my graduation earlier in the day and then sighed.

And as for me and what I looked like? Well, I was just your average human male. There was nothing very special about me, or even at all for that matter. I am five feet and nine inches tall, I am of average weight, I have short reddish brown hair, and I have standard blue eyes.

But, even though this was all the case, regarding what I looked like. I was going to soon get an unexpected visit from a certain blonde haired angel, who was going to send me on a journey whether I was willing to agree to it or not. And although I did not know it at the time. I would soon realize a little later on, that I wasn't even supposed to be in the real world in the first place.

Anyway, a little while later, while I was still quite busy browsing the internet on my computer. Well, that is until the ceiling of my room suddenly disappeared and a very bright white light started to shine intensely from where it use to be.

"Okay, I don't remember it being this bright in my room..." I thought to myself, as I turned my attention up from my computer and browsing the internet, as I then turned my attention towards the source of the very bright white light.

The light in fact, was actually so intense that I had to shield my eyes with my arm so I would not wind up going blind from it.

But, it was when the bright light had finally faded, and I had removed my arm from in front of my eyes, I was in complete shock from what I saw, for where my room's ceiling once was, was now a long descending line of what appeared to be crystal steps. And what was even more surprising, was who was descending down those crystal steps.

"Wait, isn't that Limone? No, that can't be...he is supposed to be fictional...Still, he does have the same long blond hair from the images I have seen of him on various fan sites...He also seems to be wearing the same blue...I guess those are robes that he is wearing?...Can't really tell to be completely is still quite an interesting outfit nonetheless....But still, this just can't be real...I guess that cap and gown I had worn during my graduation earlier today...caused me to get some sort of heatstroke," I thought to myself in a very quiet tone of voice with a look of intense shock on my face, as I put a hand to my forehead to confirm whether I had in fact gotten heatstroke or not. Which by the way, I didn't. However, wouldn't you try and find a more logical explanation as to why an anime character, that you originally thought wasn't actually real in any sort of capacity. And was from a fictional magical girl anime from the mid 90s, suddenly showed up out of the blue? My point exactly. However, it was then that Limone spoke up, almost as if he had been listening to what exactly I had just been thinking about.

"Look, you might think that I'm not real, but I have come here to tell you that you are the chosen one who is destined to help the love angels in the fight against the devils," Limone then said.

However, as I will now let you, the viewers know, I am not the sort of person who is easily convinced. Especially when I was currently confronted with an anime character, that wasn't even supposed to exist in any real capacity in the first place. "What makes you think I should believe what you are saying to me? Do you honestly expect me to believe that I'm supposed to help Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet just because you are telling me that I'm the chosen one, and besides, you're supposed to be a fictional character Limone, you're not supposed to be real. And besides, shouldn't I not be able to understand you, I mean, you are speaking Japanese, are you not!?" I said to Limone in a very shocked and also very confused tone of voice.

It was then that Limone let out a big sigh. As he then chose to speak up again.

"Listen, you have no idea of what lies ahead for you, and it would be best if I told why you are the chosen one and why I am here to take you to the Angel World to meet Aphrodite," Limone said.

"Wait a sec...did he just mention Aphrodite...?...As in the goddess of love and beauty, and the ruler of the Angel least that is what I know about Aphrodite...from the various fan sites that I have read about her on regarding her know what?...Maybe this is actually happening for real...So, let me at least try and hear him out before I jump to any more unecessary conclusions," I thought to myself, as I then decided to speak up. "Okay Limone, I will listen to what you have to say. But, I am still not really convinced of you saying that I'm the chosen one," I said.

"Trust me, after I'm finished telling you what is needed to be said, you will be very much convinced," Limone said to me in a very kind tone of voice.

"Alright I'm all ears," I said in response.

And about a second or so, after I had finished saying my sentence in response. Limone then began to tell me about my past life as a love angel, as well as a little bit of history about the Wedding Peach anime canon timeline. "There are three realms that exist, the Angel World, the Human World, and the Devil World. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angel World under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until a devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, the Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, Angel Celeste with three other warriors named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily got blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Angel Celeste and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. Unfortunately Angel Celeste, lost her memories of being a Love Angel. And after she had met Momoko's father. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after she recovered, Momoko's father proposed to her. But, one year before Momoko was ever born, they had and raised another daughter, your former self, Angel Bluebell. You will remember all of this when you get your memories back, and you will also have your powers again," Limone explained.

"Well, that was quite the history lesson...I never knew, that life in the anime, was so complicated...Still, at least it is accurate to what I know of the main characters of the anime," I thought to myself, as my face now turned to one of understanding.

However, this story that Limone had told, was not entirely accurate. In fact, the whole reason that Angel Bluebell had been sent to this world in the first place, was because of certain, shall we say, issues that she had with her emotions in her form as a love angel. This would wind up playing very heavily into future events. But he had only told it in this way in an effort to protect me from my past. Unfortunately, this would all wind up being for nothing later on. I also failed to realize, that Limone had mentioned that I was born to the same parents who had given birth to Momoko Hanasaki...otherwise known as the Love Angel Wedding Peach, as well as the main character and heroine of the anime...And to be honest as to why I hadn't taken note of that having been said...Well, that was due to the fact that I was still very awestruck by someone like Limone actually being real. Among other things. But more importantly, this, would wind up becoming the least of my problems, given the current future events that lay ahead for me.

It was when Limone was finally done telling me just about everything I was going to need to know about the journey ahead that I slowly began to think that he might actually be real after all.

"Okay Limone, I guess you are telling the truth, but I'm confused about one thing," I said in a somewhat confused tone of voice.

"What is it?" Limone asked in a kind tone of voice.

"How can I become Angel Bluebell if there isn't another magical item that I would need to help me aid the love angels in their battles?" I asked in a confused tone of voice.

"I think that in order for your question to be answered you should follow me up these stairs, Aphrodite is waiting for you" Limone said.

"Okay Limone, I'll come with you. However, this still doesn't mean that I'm convinced about their being an item that is going to aid me in my battles against the devils," I said as I walked up the crystal steps towards Limone.

"Like I said earlier, once you wind up meeting Aphrodite, everything will wind up making complete sense to you," Limone said to me in a very reassuring tone of voice.

And right after Limone had finished his sentence; he turned around and then started to walk back up the crystal stairs towards the Angel World. I was about to follow him, when a thought then came to my mind. "Wait a sec, I'm about to leave my former life behind, and probably never return. And yet, I don't feel upset about it. Well, that's probably due to the fact that I wasn't supposed to be in this world in the first place. I mean, if my former life was that of a love angel as Limone explained. Then it would make sense that I don't feel any sort of remorse for leaving, since I wasn't born in this world in the first place," I thought to myself. And once I finished that thought, I then proceeded to go up the long line of crystal steps and follow Limone to what would be my actual real life. And though I did not know it at the time. A whole new adventure for me, was just about to begin. And as future events would show as well. I would soon meet several very well known anime females. Who's sterling reputations, helped them to become the most well known anime magical girls in the anime magical girl genres history. And, would help to set the stage, for one of the most legendary encounters in anime history. But, more on all of that at a much later date.


MGF Member
Chapter 2: Enter, Angel Bluebell!: The Love Angel Of Lightning Appears!
Date: April 5, 1995

It had been about a minute after me and Limone had made it to the top of the crystal stairs was when I realized that I was standing in a large throne room. I then began to get a strange feeling deep inside of me that there was more things that Limone and Aphrodite were going to tell me.

"So, remind me again why I'm here in the Angel World Limone?" I asked in a somewhat confused tone of voice.

"Because you are here to meet Aphrodite and be given something that is going to help you become the Love Angel that you were in your previous life," Limone said to me in response.

"Oh okay, now I remem…whoa, wait a second here, you never said anything about Aphrodite giving me anything!" I said in a somewhat frantic sounding tone of voice.

It was then that Limone decided that now was the time to bring me to Aphrodite, who was on her throne. "So that is what Aphrodite looks like in person...the images of her that I have viewed on my computer, really don't do her enough justice...Because she looks quite regal If I'm honest," I thought to myself, as me and Limone approached the throne. When we had stopped in front of the throne, I immediately decided to ask Aphrodite about what item would be using to transform into Angel Bluebell. Aphrodite than responded by asking me to come to the throne so that she could give me a very special magical item that would help me aid the Love Angels in their battles against the devils.

Aphrodite then handed me a gold handled sword adorned with gold, embedded with multiple colored gems and a gem of a five petal bluebell shaped flower on the handle. It also had what looked like a guard with a bluebell flower shaped gem in the center of the guard, and the blade tapered from the guard. And yet, it also looked very strong, as if the blade was made of a material that wouldn't allow it to break as easily as swords that were made by human hands.

A light blue colored tassel also trailed from the bottom of the gold embellished gem, and five petal bluebell embedded handle, with a five petal bluebell flower shaped gem adorning the end of it. Aphrodite than told me that it was called "The Saint Sword of Bluebell." Which was going to help me transform into Angel Bluebell and use my attacks, which consisted of an attack that was called the "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Lightning Sword Slash," and Aphrodite also told me about an attack that would be able to purify a devil, which was called the "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Devil Purification."

She also told me, that when my Saint Sword Of Bluebell was not in use, it would become much smaller to a degree to where it would be able to fit in my pocket, and when I would use it to transform, it would revert back to its full size again. But, for the moment, it remained at its current full size. However, it wasn't mentioned, and wouldn't be made clear until much later on, that like Wedding Peach, Angel Bluebell was also trained in extreme hand-to-hand combat if it ever came to fighting an enemy in close quarters. And it was also never mentioned, that Angel Bluebell was actually much closer in relation to Momoko and Angle Celeste then I would ever come to realize. But, this wouldn't come into play until much later on. And, in the first chapter, I didn't hear Limone explain that. So, in other words, I was completely unaware of what truly awaited me in the upcoming events that lay ahead. Well, I wasn't paying attention to when he had told me that. So, I was totally unaware of what truly awaited me in the not too far future.

Anyway, after Aphrodite was done telling me about what attacks I could use with the sword, she than told me to do one last thing. "Now, raise the Saint Sword of Bluebell high into the air and say the words "Elegant Wedding Flower."

"Okay, but, Aphrodite, I just have one more question before I transform into Angel Bluebell," I said in a somewhat concerned and nervous tone of voice.

"What is it that is bugging you?" Aphrodite asked.

"I don't know what I am supposed to say when I meet Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet for the first time. Will they even know who Angel Bluebell is?" I asked in a still somewhat concerned and nervous tone of voice.

"Just remember to listen to your heart, you will know what to say to them when the time comes," Limone said to me in a very reassuring tone of voice. Which made me pause for a second, because I felt like I had heard someone else say something similar to that to me or someone else before. But for the time being, I decided to push this thought to the side.

But, what Limone and Aphrodite would never wind up telling me, is that me, and Momoko, would be starting at the start of the series. That meant that I would need to go through the entire series with no knowledge of the upcoming events, and only my powers as Angel Bluebell, as well as Momoko and the other Love Angels to help, once they had been awakened.

"Alright, I will try my best to help them in their battles, but I can very much tell both of you that I might not be perfect in the first battle that I aid them in," I said, in a somewhat nervous sounding tone of voice, as I then proceeded, to raise the Saint Sword Of Bluebell, above my head, and recite the words, in order to transform. But before I attempted to do so, Limone decided to tell me one last thing. It was imperative that I didn't tell Momoko and her friends about his true identity until the time was right. I knew exactly what he was talking about, Limone's civilian form was that of course Kazuya Yanagiba from the information that I had on his character back in my world. I happily agreed that I would not tell Momoko and her friends about who he truly was.

I then raised the Saint Sword Of Bluebell above my head and said "Elegant Wedding Flower!" And before I knew what was happening, the bluebell flower shaped gem on the handle of the Saint Sword of Bluebell began to glow a very bright blue color. About a second later, a big blue ribbon shot out of the gem, wove itself around my arm that was holding the sword, and tied itself into a big bright blue bow.

Then, the big bright blue ribbon began to cover and then envelope the rest of my body. "So this is what it is like to transform...feels quite warm and comforting...not to mention that I feel quite weightless..." I thought to myself, as the light blue ribbon then dissipated from having enveloped my body. And where my former human male self once stood was now occupied by my new armor clad Love Angel form, the one and only, Angel Bluebell.

I was now a fourteen year old girl, with very long light blue hair, that went down past my lower back.

I was also wearing a very impressive battle outfit, that consisted of a shoulder pad positioned on each of my shoulders that encompassed each of them in gold.

The usual gold bracelets adorned my wrists.

However, unlike the other love angels, they, like my shoulder pads, were far more intricate.

A choker was around my neck, with a light blue colored gem on the front of the choker.

Like that of Wedding Peach, I also wore what resembled a crown atop my head.

A gold chest plate was present upon my now feminine chest, with a light blue colored leotard behind the chest plate and shoulder plates. The chest plate was also there to protect my bust and hide my cleavage, as well as to protect my modesty.

I was also wearing the usual leg ring on the upper part of my right leg. And I was also wearing a mini skirt that was white. I was also wearing blue pump shoes, that were similar to the ones that Momoko wore when she was in her fighting angel battle outfit, and like that of Wedding Peach's pumps, straps also adorned the tops of the pumps, and I also had angel wing decorations that were present underneath my shoulder pads, I also had mini dark blue shield like pads that were present on both sides on the top of my white mini skirt. I also had the same bust size as that of Wedding Peach and the other Love Angels in the final four episodes of the series.

When I opened my eyes, which had now changed from my original eye color to a lighter blue color to match the mane of long light blue hair that now adorned my very beautiful and very elegant female form. I then immediately lowered the Saint Sword of Bluebell and looked down at myself, and boy was I shocked.

"Okay, this is going to take some getting used to," I said in my new female voice, which I immediately was shocked when I heard myself speak. "Okay, that is not my usual it is not only feminine in nature but it also seems to have quite a bit of authority and power behind it. Sounds a bit like Erza Scarlet's voice from the anime Fairy Tail, if her voice was slightly high pitched," I thought to myself as I then looked down at my battle outfit, and placed a now feminine hand on my new bust size, and felt its firmness.

"Hey pervert, Angel Bluebell here! You, yes you, the viewer that is reading this story! Sorry to break the fourth wall on you out of the blue like this. But I know what you're most likely thinking, and no, stop fantasizing about me, it is quite weird, you pervert! What...?! Oh, you didn't think I could break the fourth wall did you? Let me just tell you that several other magical girls have the ability to do this. And with regards to the magical girls who can? Well, I can think of three right off the bat, and they are all very well known I might add. And also, just to spoil you viewers with a little foreshadowing, all three of them just so happen to be in this fanfic. *giggles* And one of them literally broke the fourth wall in almost every episode. So might see a lot of fourth wall breaking in this fanfic, and I do mean a lot. So if you are going to go and say that it is immersion breaking to the story. Just remember that one of the magical girls that is featured in this fanfic, did this in almost every intro of the episodes she was in. She was the main character after all. And I am very much looking forward to working with her later on in this fanfic. So don't even think for a second that this is immersion breaking, because it's not. And with regards to what some of you may think, that one of them is a ripoff of another, I am going to tell you right now that that simply isn't true. Everything being done from this fourth wall break onward, is to help prove a point. That no matter what similarities one anime character has to another, they are still very much different. And that is something that I have noticed has been going on since both of these two female characters have existed. This story, should hopefully, and finally, put that all to bed once and for all. Also, I have no interest for a love interest for those perverts who are still fantasizing about me, and I am not planning on having one anytime soon. It is far better this way. *smiles* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, after I also ran a now feminine hand through my now very long light blue hair, I then let out a feminine scream.

"W-what did that sword just do to me!?" I said in my very feminine sounding female voice as I then started to panic, whilst quickly darting my gaze about my form.

"Listen, you need to compose yourself," Limone said in a reassuring tone of voice.

"Compose myself?! You're not the one who just turned into a 14 year old female girl Limone!" I said as I removed my free feminine hand from near my long light blue mane of beautiful hair, and clenched it into a very tight fist with a tickmark now visible on one side of my head.

But, despite my sudden outburst, I knew that this was not the way for an Love Angel to be acting, especially one that had just awakened after so long, especially one that was as high ranking as Angel Bluebell was, and especially in front of someone like Aphrodite and Limone. So, I immediately composed myself and apologized for my sudden outburst, which was accepted. But, even though I was Angel Bluebell again, I still had to find a way to get to where Momoko and her friends were, since I had never watched a single episode of the anime back in my world. Then I realized that I would need to ask Aphrodite or Limone for help.

When I ended up asking Aphrodite how I was going to get to where they were, she told me that all I would have to do is go down the crystal steps and then when I got there I would arrive at a portal that will take me to my first battle, which is where I am was going to aid Momoko Hanasaki, also known as Wedding Peach in her first fight against Pluie.

It was after I had said my goodbyes to Limone and Aphrodite that I started to descend down the long line of crystal steps towards the portal that was going to transport me to my first battle with Wedding Peach as Angel Bluebell. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I stopped right in front of the portal. I was beginning to hear a familiar female voice coming from the other side of the portal that I was soon going to find out belonged to Wedding Peach who I was going to be allying with. About a half-second later, I dashed forward and went through the portal. And yet, I would never know, that from here on out, I would be going in completely blind. And it would take more than just Wedding Peach's Saint Miroir Bridal Flash to purify a devil during each of our battles.


MGF Member
Chapter 3: An Alliance Is Formed!: Beyond The Point Of No Return, The Unison Rule Takes Effect!
Date: April 5, 1995

It was after I had gone through the portal that I was immediately met with a bright light, but after the light had faded, I immediately noticed that I had been deposited in an alleyway. I then decided that before I went to go find Wedding Peach and her friends, I first wanted to check out the sights and see what this world looked like, since I had never watched the anime.

After I had exited the alleyway I was immediately met with a long deserted street. "That's strange, why is there no one here?" I thought to myself, as I began walking down the deserted street.

As I walked down the street, I immediately noticed how beautiful everything was. Only thing was, I was now slowly starting to realize something.

"Why does this place look so familiar to me? Just where exactly does this anime take place? Well, judging from the fact that I am right now looking at a sign that says 'Shibuya' on it. I am going to assume that I am somewhere in Tokyo...Well, at least I can understand what everything says...still, I am going to have to get used to the fact that I can now read Japanese letters as though they are in English...Wait a sec, I had been conversing with Limone in Japanese! So I'm guessing that is one of the advantages of having this form as a love angel?...And yet, now that I am thinking about it in that way, that actually sounds a tad bit offensive to me somehow...Anyway, back to the task at hand before I decide to say something that I might wind up regretting later..." I said to myself.

I then continued to walk down the street and admire the many stores and apartments that lined the sidewalks. However, I then began to hear voices, that seemed to be coming from somewhere nearby.

"Pluie, I'll never let you and the devils have the Saint Something Four!" one of the voices said.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" another voice said.

"That sounded like Momoko and Limone, and it sounds like they are somewhere nearby," I said as I took off running in the direction of their voices.

But, as I took off running, I then felt the unfamiliar sensation, of the wind now blowing through my long mane of light blue hair. "Well, this sensation is going to take a bit of getting used to...I'm going to have to get used to it...seeing as how I am a female in this form and not a male," I thought to myself.

I then also noticed, as I continued to run, that the armor of my battle outfit that I was wearing, really didn't feel that heavy. I mean, with regard to the Love Angels and their respective battle outfits, I thought that it would at least feel quite a bit heavy. But for some unknown reason, it felt a lot lighter than I thought it would be.

I guess that would explain, from the clips of the love angels transformations that I had watched back in my world, why the love angels were able to move around so easily. "Still, I really expected this armor to feel a lot heavier than this," I thought to myself, as I continued to run.

Anyway, it wasn't long after I had started running that I came upon an open field with a gazebo in the middle of it. And sure enough, in the sky above the gazebo, was Limone, and he seemed to be locked in a sword fight with someone who was brandishing a sword of darkness. And hearing the sound of steel against steel, from that far away, was quite unexpected, and also quite surprising.

"I guess that is one of my heightened abilities, being able to hear sounds like that from a distance," I thought to myself, as I looked on at the both of them sword fighting in complete wonderment.

And it was when I had gotten over my surprise and wonderment. That I then took a better look at the devil who was brandishing the sword of darkness.

"That must be Pluie. Yep, that pretty much is what he looks like, to the letter, dark green hair, and the same outfit...which now that I realize it...he is bearing his chest through that...ew...I just got a really bad uneasy chill..." I said as I grimaced and then sighed.

I then looked to the right of the gazebo to see Momoko Hanasaki, better known as Wedding Peach, who was for some reason dressed in a wedding dress.

"Wait a sec, now I remember, she always wears that right after she has transformed. So that is what natural pink hair looks like in person...she has the same blue eyes as I do...not to mention that that wedding dress she is that is what it looks like in person...the images of what it looked like on my computer, really don't do seeing it in person enough justice...the bouquet she is holding...I wonder what kind of flowers those are...Also, it would also seem to me that she in fact 5' 3" tall. Still, I find it hard to believe that she is 13 years old, and is also that tall...thank goodness I don't have a wedding dress form, because I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be to move around in a large wedding dress like that," I thought to myself, as I furrowed my brow.

I then looked slightly in front of where she was standing, and saw two more familiar faces that I recognized immediately.

"Well, that would be Yuri Tanima, who if I remember correctly, will wind up eventually awakening as Angel Lily. Her brunette hair really is quite long, probably as long as mine...she has what look like emerald eyes...And that girl with the green hair, that's Hinagiku Tamano?! So if I remember correctly, she will eventually wind up awakening as Angel Daisy...And that's what natural green hair looks like in person?...Not to mention that she has brown eyes...If I'm being honest though regarding her hair, it doesn't look as weird as I thought it was going to look...Wait a sec, where's Scarlet O'Hara...I mean Angel Salvia?...I guess I'll be running into her later on? I have never known of a female character to be more arrogant then her...actually that's not true, I know of two other female characters, who are just as arrogant. Hard to believe that the two of them were so arrogant...not to mention the fact that they aren't cousins…Okay, let me get myself back on track…Because it's not like I will be running into them anytime soon," I thought to myself in a perplexed manner.

To which my expression then changed to a look of slight irritation, as I then put two fingers, from my free right hand, to my temple, in an effort to try and quell my frustration.

Once I had gotten over my irritation after a couple of seconds, I then heard the sound of chiming bells then suddenly fill the air. And as I turned my attention towards the sound, I saw Wedding Peach, on what appeared to be a red carpet, that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, with her form now completely shrouded by a lack of light.

"Wait a sec, why does this seem so familiar to me?...Hold on...this looks way too much like when Wedding Peach does her introduction speeches during every battle...I mean, I only watched one clip of her doing her introduction...but still...might as well standby and see how she does it...because I am pretty sure I am going to need an introduction of my own...but I will deal with that when I have to," I thought to myself.

And it was then, that my thought of her doing her introduction, was confirmed a second later, as Wedding Peach's form was then illuminated by light, as she then started her introduction.

"In this park, where the cherry blossoms bloom, on this glorious spring day when we should celebrate our joy! I will never forgive those who would seek to curse young women forever! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku, which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in a upward arc, and then bringing it into a flex with her arm bent and her gloved hand in a flexing pose.

" that is what it looks like when she does her introduction in person...I honestly am amazed...even though this is her first battle, she sure knows how to deliver an introduction," I thought to myself.

However, I then noticed that both Yuri and Hinagiku, seemed to be acting a bit off. "We're not afraid of your anger!" Hinagiku exclaimed to Wedding Peach in a very malign tone of voice. "Now give us the ruby ring, or we'll destroy you!" Yuri exclaimed to Wedding Peach, also in a very malign sounding tone of voice.

"Well, that is clearly not how those two would normally act...wait, why do they both have a red mark on each of their cheeks? Hold on here, if I remember correctly, those red marks would most likely indicate that they are possessed by a devil! Also, largely since they are approaching Momoko...I mean...Wedding Peach with malign intent rather than being the friends that I know all three of them are off the information I have on them," I said with a sigh, as I wound up flummoxing by saying Momoko's name, rather then calling her Wedding Peach.

"Well, I am seriously going to need to get used to calling her Wedding Peach when she's transformed...I really have to get used to that, because after all viewers, what good is being a magical girl, if you don't keep your true identity a secret," I said, as I turned my attention to the right of me to briefly address the viewers. And yet, rather then intervene at this current moment. I decided to wait back and see how Wedding Peach performed in this current situation.

It was at this moment, that the bridal bouquet that Wedding Peach was holding, began to emanate a light from it. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said. Which was then followed, after she had done a full spin, by what looked like a candle with a bow appearing in place of her bridal bouquet in a flash of light. Which from what I knew, was called the Lovely Operation Tempete Rod.

And I then noticed that rainbow shockwaves had suddenly begun to shoot out from it in equal intervals, as it washed over Yuri and Hinagiku. However, after the shockwaves had subsided, both Yuri and Hinagiku still had the red marks on their cheeks, and they both also still had the look of malign intent present on each of their faces. And it was then that the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku then proceeded to advance on Wedding Peach.

"Wait a sec, why didn't it work!? I am going to assume then that now would be my chance to step in and assist...I just hope that I can explain myself to her without messing things up. So viewers, get ready for a superhero landing...because I intend to make a grand entrance, as well as a good first impression," I said with a smile, as I once again turned my attention to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Not knowing, that the reason that her attack hadn't worked, was due to my current involvement in the anime canon timeline. And yet I would never know, that something called "The Unison Rule," would wind up proving itself, to be more then something that sounded made up. In fact, it was something that had to do with how I would wind up having to purify a devil, alongside Wedding Peach.

And as I then spread my angel wing decorations out from underneath my shoulder armor, both becoming massive angel wings in an instant, I then realized something. "So, that is how that works, I never knew that angel wings could feel so light, it's as if they aren't there at all. Well, time to make my entrance," I thought to myself, as I then ran forward, and took off skyward.

"So this is what it is like to have the ability to fly...feels quite foreign if I'm being honest. I'll just add this to the now long list of things that I now have to get used too," I thought to myself, as I then used my angel wings to change direction, from flying straight up, to flying straight down.

But, I did it in such a way that when I got close enough to the ground, that I changed direction so that my light blue high-heel clad feet were pointing towards the ground. And it was when I landed on the ground in a stance that had me down on one knee, right between Momoko and the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku that another thought went through my mind.

"Well viewers, I would say that that is a well executed superhero landing. A small side note, I just realized that Deadpool would have probably been so giddy from my landing if he had been here to see it, oh god. He does love superhero landings after all. I could cringe so much right now about Marvel's most recent poor decision making, namely Disney's She-Hulk. But I'm in a serious situation at the current moment. So back to the battle," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my attention to the left of me to address the viewers.

"Thanks for the save, but who are you exactly?" I heard Wedding Peach ask, looking quite confused and perplexed, while my back was still to her.

"Well, I didn't expect her to ask me that...actually I did, but I wasn't expecting her to ask it like that...well, I clearly can't tell her the truth about how I got here, at least, not yet anyway. I have to at least try to keep the timeline somewhat intact, at least for now...because something tells me that there is more to this, then just the fifty-five episodes of the show...well, might as well explain myself..." I thought to myself, as I then turned to face Wedding Peach.

"It doesn't matter right now Wedding Peach. I have been sent by Limone and Aphrodite to assist you in your journey, you may call me Angel Bluebell in this form," I said in a somewhat confident and nervous sounding tone of voice, as a sweatdrop then found its way down one side of my face. "So...this is what it is like when an anime character sweatdrops...I can literally feel it on my face...well, this is a tad bit awkward, but I guess I can get used to it eventually..." I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

"Oh okay, well the more the merrier I guess," Wedding Peach said in response as she halfheartedly laughed, but in a kind way.

"Well, I guess that is one thing that is true about her, she really does have a kind and pure heart. And what is this force that I am feeling coming from her. Is this what is called the love wave? Wait a sec...I just took another look at Momoko, and she looks to be level with me in height...since I am looking her straight in her eyes...without having to move my head at all...I would assume that would make me 5' 3" tall as well...So that would mean that my height decreases by 6 inches...when I am transformed...Add both of those to the list of things I have to get used too..." I thought to myself, as I once again sighed.

However, once I had finished my thought, a certain someone decided to shout out something.

"Jama-P, destroy them!" Pluie shouted from up above us.

"Well, that's not good...I guess I am now a target on Pluie's hit that would mean that I am now in this fight as much as Wedding Peach is...but you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way...because if protecting Wedding Peach from Pluie is part of the reason why I am here, then I am going to have to get used to those like Pluie coming after the both of us. Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to put Wedding Peach at ease, by telling her that I have a way to help her purify Yuri and Hinagiku..." I thought to myself, as I then took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Wedding Peach, I just had a great idea, you have a way to purify them right? I just so happen to have a way to purify as well," I said to her.

"I understand that, but my attack didn't work when I tried it," Wedding Peach said in a somewhat concerned sounding tone of voice.

"Well, time to tell her my idea I guess...and just to let you viewers know..."The Unison Rule," will now be in effect, for the rest of this fanfic," I quickly thought to myself as I then built up the courage to tell her about it, after I had briefly turned my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

"That may be, but what if we tried our attacks together, it might just be the boost we need to purify your friends and win this fight, come on Wedding Peach, we don't really have much of a choice here," I said in a very confident sounding tone of voice in an attempt to reassure her, with still a bit of nervousness. After taking some consideration, Wedding Peach decided to go with my idea, seeing as how we really didn't have any other option available to us.

And as we both took battle ready stances, I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards and over my right armor clad shoulder.

"Well Wedding Peach, you ready to save your friends?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she responded back, still with a hint of nervousness present in her tone of voice.

And with those final words between us exchanged, we then set our plan in motion. And as the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku almost made it to us, we then launched our respective attacks.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she did another full spin. And her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod then started to once again emanate rainbow shockwaves from it in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my attack from the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. Which was a blast of light blue energy.

And during this, I took note of the fact, that like my battle armor, the sword also felt quite light, as I swung it in my left hand. "I guess I'm going to have to get used to the fact of how light this sword truly is. I guess I have some sort of inhuman strength. Which I guess that would explain why the armor and sword feel so light to me," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention back to the trajectory of both my own and Wedding Peach's attacks.

And when both of our attacks hit the possessed Yuri and Hinagiku at exactly the same time, the devil inside of them was overwhelmed and escaped from both of their bodies, which then caused both Yuri and Hinagiku to collapse.

It was then that I immediately recognized the devil.

"Wait a sec, isn't that Jama-P?...Well, that's clearly him, and yet why do I feel a bit on edge seeing him for the first time? I guess that is probably because I have only seen him as an image on my computer, so seeing him in person, is quite alarming...If I can be honest...Which I obviously am about to be...I am not even sure how to describe what he looks like to you, viewers...Well, let me now add getting used to fighting against devils as another thing that I now have to get used to," I thought to myself, while briefly turning my eyesight to the left of me to briefly address the viewers for the first part of my thought.

This was then followed, after I had finished thought, by Jama-P then speaking up. "Forgive me Lord Pluie, Forgive me!" Jama-P yelled, as he fled back to the devil world. And it was at this point that Pluie then dissipated his sword of darkness. "Limone, you and I will finish this fight another day," Pluie said in an arrogant tone. "That's what I thought you'd say," Limone said while smiling.

And it was once Pluie had fled back to the devil world, that Limone came down to congratulate the both of us on a job well done, well, he congratulated me more than he did Wedding Peach. This was due to the fact she was still not aware who Limone actually was, whereas I did know. And she was also still getting used to being Wedding Peach, as was I with getting used to being Angel Bluebell.

A little later on, after me and Momoko had returned to our civilian forms, I had pocketed my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Yuri and Hinagiku had woken up, Momoko introduced me to both of them, and boy was it a little intimidating. But after we conversed a little bit, we managed to quickly become friends.

Momoko then explained that I would be accompanying them to school as a student and be staying at her house until further notice. Yuri and Hinagiku were somewhat skeptical about it at first, as was I. Seeing as how from what I knew about Momoko, it was very intimidating being in the same house with someone like her. But after some hard convincing from her, and seeing as how I had nowhere else to stay, I agreed.

"Well, I guess this now officially begins my journey as a Love Angel...I'm still not used to transforming into Angel Bluebell...But hopefully, like everything that I need to get used to, I can hopefully get used to that too," I thought to myself, as I closed my eyes, and then smiled.
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MGF Member
Chapter 4: A Test Of True Friendship, A Bridal Dress Change!: Seized Bearings And Broken Axles, A Look Back To Bygone Days!
Date: April 12, 1995

It had been a long week since me and Momoko's first encounter and battle with Pluie and Jama-P. Yea, you would think that something involving devils would happen at some point in the rest of the week that had gone past. And yet, an entire week had now gone by. Without any sort of incident taking place I might add. I guess unlike what I had heard regarding events on the show, from various chat room sites. Apparently time in the actual world of the anime, moved a lot more realistically then it would have if you had been watching one episode of the anime after the other. "Bluebell here. So in other words viewers, what was shown in the anime, with events looking as though they had transpired one day after the other. I can now tell you all, since I am in fact experiencing it for myself, that that is simply not the case. No seriously, an entire week has now passed since I have arrived in this world, and yet, nothing regarding any battles with Pluie or Jama-P has happened...Except for the first encounter and battle that is...I know, weird right? Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, earlier in the week, after Momoko had brought me back to her home and had introduced me to her father and such. It was then discussed upon the sleeping arrangements. And although I had quit a few reserves about it. For reasons known only to Momoko, she suggested that I sleep in her room, which not surprisingly was met with a lot of skepticism from her father and I. And yet I kind of figured that she was only doing this since I was currently the only ally she could trust, besides her friends Yuri and Hinagiku.

"Not to mention that I had helped her tremendously in our first fight against Pluie and Jama-P...Still I do find being in the same room as her, to be quite intimidating...well...I had best get used to that being the case, because the last thing I want is to wind up dropping my standards, and not pull my weight in battle," I thought to myself, as I sighed. And It was after some convincing to her father, that he finally agreed. And with that, me and Momoko, then went off, to get ready for bed.

The next morning, after I had woken up, I heard some murmuring from Momoko, who was still asleep in her bed. "So she talks in her sleep...wait, did she just mention Kazuya Yanagiba?…I guess that would be her love interest for the show then...And yet, I sort of want to tell her the truth about him being Limone..." I thought to myself.

But it was then however, that I suddenly put both hands to my head. "No, I can't do that, I have to keep that promise that I made to him...Well...I guess she will just have to figure it out on her own...which to be honest viewers…I think that that's for the best..." I thought to myself, as I removed both hands from my head, and my expression changed to that of understanding. After I had turned my eyesight the right of me, to briefly address the viewers of course.

However, after I had done so, Momoko suddenly sprang up, now awake, and with a scared looking expression on her face.

"Momoko, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, it was just a bad dream," Momoko said in response.

"Okay, just remember that if there is anything you would like to talk about, I am here for you," I said.

"And yet, I am very well aware that she didn't just have a regular 'bad dream.' So that is what Raindevila looks like in person, you know, I realize now just how tall she is in person compared to someone like Pluie...okay...well she is going to turn out to be quite the adversary...not to mention on what I know about her, that she is quite the formidable jumping ahead...I need to keep the timeline intact...And yet, I guess that was what was called a prophetic dream of sorts...well...that's not frightening or anything...seeing as how I have absolutely no idea when something like that is going to happen to me in my viewers…talk about a real nightmare on elm street...huh?" I thought to myself, with a scared expression present on my face, as I once again turned my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And it was at that moment, after I had finished my thought, that the phone in the living room then rang, and Momoko went off to answer it. It was about 30 seconds later, that I heard Momoko yell, and run back into the room at a great speed. " that was unexpected..." I thought to myself. She then told me that we were both almost an hour late for school and that we had both better get dressed into our school uniforms and get there as fast as we possibly could.

"Great, so we both overslept...wait...why do I feel like she isn't the only one who has done something like this?…And why do I get the feeling that it has to do with someone else that I know a bit about...and a well known magical girl at that?...Well…she does have quite the sterling reputation...okay...I need to think about this at a later date, because I have to try and see if we can salvage being an hour late to school...oh who am I kidding...I'm not Casey Jones!…Or The Wreck Of Old 97!...Or The Wreck Of The Midnight Flyer!...Or The Naperville Train Collision!...Or The Wreck Of The Red Arrow!...Or The Wreck Of The Broker!...Or The Federal Express Runaway Incident!...Or The Wreck Of The Sunset Limited!...Or The 1943 Frankford Junction Wreck!...Or The Lac-Mégantic Train Disaster!...Or The 1990 Back Bay Train Collision!...But viewers, I think that that is enough about all of and Momoko still have to at least try and salvage this...Oh and by the way viewers, those were all real rail accidents that I just mentioned," I thought to myself, as my expression showed one of slight displeasure, as I then thought of and slowly remembered eleven of the most notorious old railroad accidents of bygone days. While I briefly turned my eyesight the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

So anyway, after Momoko had gotten dressed into her respective school uniform, I then proceeded to put my respective school uniform on. And if I can be honest for a second, I had never worn a school uniform, I went to a school back in the real world that didn't have that as being mandatory. Still, at least it was comfortable to wear.

Anyway we then took off out of the house, and off for school at a very fast running pace.

While along the way, we picked up lunch at a nearby convenience store, and Momoko for some reason, picked up a ruby red ring from one of the racks.

"That's strange, doesn't she have a ring like that already?…now that I think about it...Jama-P did mention something about a ruby red ring when he was possessing Yuri and Hinagiku a week ago...and yet, I get a strange feeling, every time I look at that ring of it is going to wind up being important later on..." I thought to myself, with a look of intrigue and understanding.

Anyway, it was a short time later, after a good amount of running, that me and Momoko, finally made it into the school gates, with our respective lunches in hand.

But, when we both passed by Yuri and Hinagiku, who were hiding behind a tree each, we decided to stop running and see what it is that they were up to.

"Hey you guys, why are you two hiding?" Momoko asked.

"And why do I get the feeling that it has something to do with a guy?" I thought to myself.

It was at that point that both Yuri and Hinagiku turned towards both me and Momoko with panicked looks on both of their faces. "What is going on here?" Momoko asked Yuri and Hinagiku. "Nothing?" Hinagiku responded, with a panicking suspicious tone in her voice, indicating that she was most likely lying about it being nothing. "What in the world are you referring to?" Yuri said, with the same amount of suspicious panicking in her tone. " this is how things are going to go for the foreseeable future I guess? Again...why am I thinking about that girl? Stop thinking about have a job to do here..." I thought to myself, as I internally chastised myself for thinking about that magical girl again.

A short time after that, Yousuke Fuuma stepped in, saying that he wasn't going to allow them to give their food to Kazuya for fear that it would give him a stomach ache. However, that did not stop Yousuke from confiscating all 3 of their lunches and saying that they would be used to feed the team instead.

"Ah, so this is Yousuke Fuuma...hard to imagine that someone like him is actually a devil...he has the same brown hair and brown eyes too from the images I have looked at of him, on my computer back in the real world…and yet, with what I know about him...he might wind up actually being quite useful in a future fight...I need to make a mental note about that for later...oh good...I see that he likes to tease Momoko...and she just got angry at him...wonderful...add that as something that is going to happen a lot, that I now have to get used to seeing...wait, why am I thinking about that girl again...? And why does she and someone else I know about wind up getting into petty quarrels like this all the time...? Okay...let me just push that to the side...because that isn't a priority right now..." I thought to myself, as I continued to look on at the petty argument that was still taking place between Momoko and Yousuke.

Well it had really been one of those days. Me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku had gone to watch Kazuya Yanagiba and the soccer team play. However, Momoko had caught sight of Yousuke Fuuma eating her lunch, and then decided to take it upon herself to venture out onto the field to get it back from him.

However, she was then hit by a soccer ball, and then had to be taken to the nurse's office by me, Yousuke, and Yuri. And it was after a bit of high jinks and whatnot that me, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, ended up walking our way back to our classroom. But, when Hinagiku opened the door and looked inside, she noticed that everyone in the room had been knocked out.

"What the heck happened here?" Hinagiku asked as she looked upon the classroom of lifeless students.

And as the four of us ran in and looked around the room, a thought then crossed my mind. "Okay...I'm getting a bad feeling here..." I thought to myself, as I then became quite on edge.

And sure enough, as if on cue, a black ball suddenly materialized in a part of the room, and an all too familiar creature materialized itself. "Jama Jama," it said. "Oh great, Jama-P is here...well that would explain the bad feeling I just if he's here, then Pluie can't be that far from here..." I thought to myself, with a very determined look on my face, as I furrowed my brow.

"Where's the ruby ring little girly?" Jama-P said, as he looked at Momoko and then at me. "Okay, so he must obviously sense something from me...otherwise why would he be looking at me like that if that wasn't the case..." I thought to myself, as my face displayed a look of slight dismay.

"Hand over the ruby ring!" Jama-P once again demanded. "No way demonface!" Momoko said in response. And it was then that a bolt of black lightning appeared and removed the ring from Momoko's finger. "And there's Pluie making his presence would be quite convenient if both me and Momoko could transform right now...but seeing as how Yuri and Hinagiku haven't awakened as Angel Lily and Angel Daisy yet...I really can't do anything in this situation...except standby for the time being...this is quickly becoming quite frustrating..." I thought to myself, as I placed a few fingers on one of my temples, in a bit to quell my frustration.

It was then that the ring wound up in the grasp of Pluie. "Oh my gosh, you're that devil Pluie!" Momoko said. "Well I guess it's just going to be one of those days..." I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

"Finally a piece of the Saint Something Four is in my grasp, Jama-P, I leave these children in your evil little hands," Pluie said, as he disappeared in a wisp of black energy. It was then that Hinagiku decided to speak up. "Momoko, do you know either of them?" Hinagiku asked Momoko. I then decided to speak up. "Hinagiku, you and Yuri need to run and get out of here!" I said. However, my statement simply just fell on deaf ears. As this was then followed by Jama-P releasing a shock wave, that blasted all four of us out of the classroom and into the wall in the hallway, which wound up knocking Yuri and Hinagiku out cold.

"Okay that seriously much for the feeling no pain benefit...I guess that only applies when I am transformed..." I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to rise to my feet, with a slight bit of difficulty. But, it was when both me and Momoko got to our feet, that Momoko decided to consult Aphrodite on how to proceed. This then followed with Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir. And to give you a perspective on what it looks like. I have to tell you, that the anime really didn't do its beauty enough justice. But, after Momoko had consulted with Aphrodite, it was decided that we would both fight.

And with that having been decided, I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, as she then readied her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. As a light enveloped her, and instantly changed her into her wedding dress. "So that is what it actually looks like when she transforms...a quick flash of light...and she's in her wedding dress that would mean that the transformation clips that I saw of her were not entirely accurate...anyway, let me stop thinking about that...since I might as well transform..." I thought to myself, as I then raised my Saint Sword Of Bluebell above my head with my left hand.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, and in a quick flash of light, I was in my armor clad battle outfit, and was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Okay...that is actually a much more convenient transformation that I can easily get used too...I guess my transformation is shortened, unlike how the transformations of the other Love Angels were in the clips I watched, with them being lengthy...still...I am still going to need to work on my battling skills. Because I am sure that will always need improvement," I thought to myself, as I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, and gave her a quick nod, indicating to Wedding Peach that I was ready.

And after she had nodded back to me, we then ran outside, and took off towards the roof of the school, for the battle that lay ahead for the both of us against Pluie and Jama-P.

After we had both witnessed Pluie crush the ring to pieces in his hand.

Wedding Peach then picked that moment to speak up.

"Destruction of private property, naughty naughty," she said.

"Well, that was quite spontaneous of her to say that...I might as well say something myself...seeing as how from what I have managed to look up on the internet regarding the Love Angels, and their battles against the's all about the well as saying some if not quite a few quippy lines..." I thought to myself, as I then mustered the courage to speak up.

"I will not allow devils to destroy other people's personal possessions!" I said, as the power and authority in my voice helped to hammer that statement home.

It was then that Pluie turned his attention towards the both of us, to see the both of us standing side by side. "Damn it's you two, Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell," Pluie said with immense frustration. "And it's not really great to see you either Pluie...I would say that the feeling I have is very mutual with regards to an arrogant devil like you...So how about you stow your immense arrogance, as well as your incredible frustration, and try dealing with the both of us! Well, that is, if you can Pluie!" I passionately and mockingly said, as Pluie continued to show sheer displeasure and frustration. Which wound up intensifying after I had said my statement to him. I could literally see him shaking with frustration. "Well, I would say that that is a successful quippy statement said...this is actually kind of fun...I can get used to something like this," I happily thought to myself, as a small smirk found its way onto my face.

And as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach then started to say her introduction. "Springtime is like the dawn of a new day, the pale crimson cherry blossoms fall, and you can't tell if it's a cloud or a morning mist. I can't forgive you for forcing all of my school friends into never ending sleep! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" She said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at Pluie, which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in a upward arc, and then bringing it into a flex with her arm bent and her gloved hand in a flexing pose.

"Well, that would be her introduction done...and I have to say, she can still deliver it quite well...the only question is my introduction going to manage to be able to follow that? Wait, I think I have one in mind..." I thought to myself, as I then took a similar stance to Wedding Peach's. Only, I did it with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up with my left hand, as I then began my introduction. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I passionately said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, then over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and then struck a pose.

However, it was then that Pluie summoned his sword of darkness out of nothing. "Be quiet!" Pluie said with a bit of anger in his tone, as he then proceeded to advance on us. He then took a swing at Wedding Peach, which wound up cutting into her wedding dress. To which he then tried to take a swing at me, that I then managed to block quite easily with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And even though there was a lot of weight behind his swing, my Saint Sword Of Bluebell held. "Okay, at least my sword is able to take the punishment...still...that swing of his has quite a bit of weight behind it...and yet, I don't feel any sort of reverberation from it...I guess I must have quite a high amount of durability in this form as a love angel...let me just make a mental note of that for later battles..." I thought to myself.

"I am going to slice that pretty dress of yours into ribbons," Pluie then said as he then proceeded to go after Wedding Peach again.

"Okay Pluie seriously!? Now that I know that devils like him don't fight fair...I might as well try and protect Wedding Peach from his advance..." I thought to myself, as I then decided to speak up.

"I won't let you hurt her Pluie!" I said, as I then attempted to charge at Pluie, while his attention was focused on Wedding Peach. But before I could do so, an all too familiar light lit up the sky, and a line of crystal steps descended down.

"Just in the nick of time Limone, I was wondering when you were going to show up," I thought to myself, as I then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Listen Wedding Peach, you need to change your dress!" Limone said to Wedding Peach. And it was then that Pluie went after Limone with his sword of darkness ready to strike him. Only for Limone to summon his own sword to block his attack. "Stay out of my way!" Pluie said, with immense frustration in his tone. As he was not even the slightest bit happy that Limone had intervened.

"What, change my dress?" Wedding Peach asked in a confused tone. "Become the fighting angel!" Limone followed up with to what Wedding Peach had just said.

And it was after Limone wound up telling Wedding Peach to transform and become the fighting angel that I knew exactly what he meant. "Oh yeah, that's right...her battle outfit...I forgot about that...and from what I can remember about what it looks is actually quite similar to my own...I mean...mine has a few adjustments compared to hers...but I digress," I thought to myself, as Jama-P then started to go after the both of us. And this caused Wedding Peach to show a look of massive fear. But a split second later, Wedding Peach then proceeded to transform into her battle outfit.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And with a quick flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Yeah, I am still not used to the transformations being that quick..." I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

But after Wedding Peach had transformed into her battle outfit. Jama-P then decided to go on the attack. "Die fighting angels!" Jama-P said, as he then started to attack the both of us.

Thankfully though, it was then that Limone decided to once again speak up.

"Use the Saint Miroir, fire the love wave!" he said.

"Well, I guess that is my queue to have both me and Wedding Peach wrap this battle up," I thought to myself, as I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, and then spoke up. "Wedding Peach, I think that it's about time we wrap this battle up don't you think?" I said in a confident sounding tone of voice.

"Agreed Bluebell, time to put an end to this," Wedding Peach said, as she then nodded to me. And once I had nodded back, we then took our ready stances, and once I had drawn my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards and over my right armor clad shoulder, we then fired our respective purification attacks.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said. As she then did a complete spin, and then, once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then launched her attack from it towards Jama-P.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell forward in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my usual purification attack from my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade. Which I then noticed had been glowing a bright blue color.

But anyway, and just like the last battle that we had both had against him. When both of our attacks hit Jama-P at exactly the same time, he was once again overwhelmed.

It was then, that Pluie once again scolded Jama-P, while calling him a loser. "Please forgive me Lord Pluie!" Jama-P said in response in a frightened tone. "If the ring isn't part of the Saint Something Four, then there is no reason for us to be here," Pluie said, as he then fled with Jama-P back to the Devil World.

It was after Pluie and Jama-P had fled that Limone then checked on the both of us. "I sure showed him didn't I?" Wedding Peach said. This was then followed Limone giving an intrigued expression. "That ring he had wasn't even real, it was just a piece of junk jewelry I bought at a convenience store," Wedding Peach said, as she held up the real ring in her right hand.

"Well, I guess that would explain why she bought that junk jewelry ring from the convenience store when we were both buying our lunches...she sure does know how to think ahead..." I thought to myself, as a small smile then found its way onto my face.

Later on, in the school's courtyard, after we had both powered down. Me and Momoko were leaning against a tree as Momoko was busy inspecting her ring.

"What is this ring? Why does this man want it? And what the heck is Saint Something Four?" Momoko asked to no one in particular.

I then decided to speak up, in an effort to try and put her mind at ease.

"You've got me Momoko, but just remember that whatever we may face in the future, I will be there fighting it right beside you," I said in an effort to set her mind at ease.

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you," Momoko said to me with a reassuring expression.

"You're quite welcome Momoko," I said in response.

"Still, I find her to be quite intimidating when she is Wedding Peach...well...I am sure that as we fight more battles, that will hopefully no longer become an issue. Still, let's just hope our friendship, is enough to last through the rest of the series...because I am still not entirely sure why am I still thinking that there is more to this then there being fifty-five episodes of the anime in total..." I thought to myself, as I let out a big sigh.


MGF Member
Chapter 5: A Battle At The Reception!: The Targeted Bride!
Date: April 19, 1995

It was the week after me and Momoko had had our most recent encounter with Pluie and Jama-P. But for the moment, me and Momoko, along with both Yuri and Hinagiku, were busy watching the soccer team practice, well that is if you consider that Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku were just admiring Yanagiba, while I was just watching the game in general. "Because to be quite honest viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. Anyway, as I was about to say. I can see why people love the sport so much. It is very fun to watch and also very entertaining. And I can also see now, why people in other countries refer to it as 'Football,' or 'Footie,' as a lot of footwork, no pun intended, is required. *smiles and kindly giggles in a nice and kind way* Anyway, back to the story."

A short time later, after the soccer game, in a room of the school that was used for our newspaper club, and after Momoko had taken her pictures, most of which were of Yanagiba, that Yuri spoke up and said that one of the soccer team players was getting married soon.

"Well, that is one of the characters that I know absolutely nothing about..." I thought to myself, as I then let out a sigh. As I knew, that if there was more to all of this then just the first fifty-five episodes of the anime. Then I was going to need all of the help that I could get. And although I didn't know it at the time, things were soon going to get very interesting for me. And I do mean very interesting. And once I had finished my thought, Momoko then chose to speak up.

"Are the rest of the soccer team going to be there?" Momoko asked. "Yes, they're going to perform some soccer tricks for the bride and groom," Yuri said in response. "Hand over the information of the address of the reception hall Yuri," Momoko said. And it was then that a thought went through my mind. "Well, I am going to need to get used to the quick expressions that she seems to make, because to see her expression change the way it just did so quickly. I guess that is one of the quips about being in the world of the anime..." I thought to myself, as I once again sighed.

It was after I had sighed, that Yuri happily obliged, and after telling it to Momoko, Momoko then proceeded to go all starry eyed with the chance of meeting Yanagiba, since her father was going to be working there that Sunday.

However, while Momoko was gloating, and going all starry eyed, she was not able to see both Yuri and Hinagiku go and pick up the room's phone and proceed to ask Momoko's father to have both of them accompany me and Momoko to the reception. Since Momoko had for some reason convinced her father that I needed to be there, to help her bring the needed equipment to help her take photos during the reception. "And yet, I am well aware, that the only reason why she wants me to accompany her, is because if Pluie and Jama-P decide to show up, then we can at least be in the same vicinity as each other, should we need to transform at a moments notice," I thought to myself with my arms folded.

Later on, Momoko's father, Momoko, and me, arrived at the reception building that was hosting the reception. Momoko was dressed in her respective school uniform, while I was dressed in somewhat more proper attire, as we both brought the camera equipment inside.

Once Yuri and Hinagiku arrived however, it was apparent to Momoko from looking at their attire that she had not done herself any sort of justice by coming to the reception hall dressed in her school uniform. "I can only imagine how embarrassed she must be...wait, why is she crying all of the sudden? It's not that big of a deal...and why am I thinking about that girl again?...Okay...I need to really start compartmentalizing my thoughts...because now these thoughts are just getting ridiculous," I thought to myself, as I clenched one of my hands into a tight fist, with a tickmark present on one side of my face. As I was clearly not pleased with the thought intruding into my mind.

Anyway, a short time later, during the reception, things seemed to be going smoothly. Well, that is until the bride decided to start acting erratically out of nowhere. "Love is an illusion, hate is real!" The bride said, among other things. As she then proceeded to fire waves of what I could only sense were pure evil from her finger at everyone she pointed at. But in fact, they were waves of evil energy that she was unleashing onto people. As I remembered that the exact same energy was used in our most recent fight with Pluie and Jama-P. It was then, out of nowhere, that Yousuke had taken it upon himself to try and protect Momoko from the brides evil energy, by throwing his arms around her in a bit to try and protect her.

However, the bride just wound up knocking him out cold, with the use of her evil energy. Along with Yuri and Hinagiku, and along with everyone else in the reception hall except for me and Momoko. And wanting to find out exactly what was going on, Momoko then used her Saint Miroir to scan the bride. And when I took a look at what it was showing, it was none other than Jama-P that was possessing the bride. Which would explain why I had felt on edge even before it was revealed to be Jama-P that was possessing the bride. " this bad feeling of mine that I seem to get when a devil is present, must be one of my abilities in my civilian form...I'll admit, that it is quite handy...But still, I can't tell Momoko about this...As it would just wind up further complicating things...Well, better make it seem like I didn't know that she was possessed by a devil..." I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to speak up, while doing my absolute best to sound convincing as I did so.

"You again!? We just can't seem to catch a break here can we Momoko!?" I said, with a hint of frustration very evident in my tone of voice.

"I understand your frustration, but we are kind of in a bit of a situation here," Momoko said with a bit of concern in her voice.

The possessed bride then proceeded out of the doors of the reception hall and out into the yard.

"Well, I would say that this is going to be one of those days again...Might as well let Momoko know that we might as well transform," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up, and proceeded to reach into my pocket, and pull out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"We might as well transform," I said with a sigh, as I then reached into my pocket and then pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Momoko said in response, as she proceeded to raise her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Yea...still not used to our transformations being so short...Still, might as well transform," I thought to myself, as I then raised the Saint Sword Of Bluebell above my head, with my left hand, and then proceeded to transform.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, armor clad battle outfit and all.

And once we had given a nod to one another, we then took off out the doors, and after the possessed bride.

Meanwhile, outside, the possessed bride was doing everything in her power to make the couples outside hate each other. Pluie then appeared, and then told Jama-P, who was still possessing the bride, that the Saint Something Four was somewhere nearby and that Jama-P should be careful.

And with Wedding Peach standing on the top of the cross of the roof of the reception hall, and with me right beside her. Since I was using my angel wings, to keep myself aloft. "I just can't get over the fact of how weightless I feel right of the many benefits of having angel wings...well...might as well get ready to fight," I thought to myself.

And once I had finished my thought, Wedding Peach then decided to speak up.

"Oh no you don't!" Wedding Peach said.

"Once again she's as spontaneous as always...I guess it's my turn then," I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to speak.

"We won't allow you to do that!" I said, once again my voice's power and authority hammering the statement home.

And once Pluie and Jama-P had turned their attention towards the the two of us, he then displayed a look of sheer displeasure. "Damn, it's you two," Pluie said with immense frustration evident in his tone. "And it is nice to see you too Pluie...and I thought my frustration was bad? I see that you are as immensely arrogant as ever Pluie! You know, you really should work on that immense arrogance of yours, as that could very well result in your undoing! But enough of that, how about dealing with us, that is, if you can Pluie?! As it went so good for you last time!" I sarcastically and smugly said, while referencing one of Heath Ledger's Joker's most well known lines from The Dark Knight.

And it was then, as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, that Wedding Peach began her introduction. "The day is clear, and the sky is shining, a wedding hall is a sacred place where people are pledging eternal love to one another! How dare you curse the first day of a couples journey through life together! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" she said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at Pluie and Jama-P, which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in a upward arc, and then bringing it into a flex with her arm bent and her gloved hand in a closed fist.

"Okay, so she does a different one every time...well, time for my introduction then..." I thought to myself, as I then began my introduction while pointing my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards and over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and struck my usual pose.

"You won't stop me this time Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, get them Jama-P!" Pluie said, as the bride possessed by Jama-P proceeded to charge towards the both of us, and then fire a wave of evil energy at us.

Thankfully, Wedding Peach was able to leap off of where she was standing on the top of the cross on the top of the reception hall, just in time. And I was able to take off at the same time she did. To which we both then landed on the ground in front of Pluie and Jama-P who was still possessing the bride, side by side.

It was then that Wedding Peach, tried to get the bride to remember her love for her husband before proceeding to look to me, to which I then knew exactly what to do next. "And for those who are wondering, the brides name is Mimiko...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here... I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't forget to mention her name...'Well, I guess it is time to close the book on this fight'," I thought to myself, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. Well, that was after I had finished my fourth wall break that is.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said. As she then did a full spin and her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod appeared in place of her bridal bouquet, in a flash of light. To which it then began to emit rainbow shockwaves from it in equal intervals toward the possessed bride.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I launched my attack from the blade towards the possessed bride.

And just like in the last battle, as soon as both of our attacks hit the possessed bride at exactly the same time, Jama-P was once again overwhelmed, and then escaped from the brides body, who then instantly collapsed. Jama-P, along with Pluie, once again then fled into a portal and back into the Devil World. It was after Wedding Peach and I looked at each other, and then congratulated each other on a job well done, that a thought then crossed my mind. "Well, it seems that that battle has been wrapped up with little difficulty. And yet, I am well aware of the fact, that we both still have a long way to go," I thought to myself, as I let out a sigh.


MGF Member
Chapter 6: Three's A Crowd!: Angel Lily Is Born!
Date: April 26, 1995

Well, a week had now passed since me and Momoko had last fought against Pluie and Jama-P. However, the both of us, along with Yuri and Hinagiku, were currently more focused on marveling at all of the wedding dresses in the shop that Yuri's mother had made. "It's hard to believe that a wedding dress can look this beautiful...oh good...Momoko and Hinagiku seem to be more interested in fantasizing about their future wedding least I am not a female in my civilian form...because I can't even begin to imagine the complications if I ever wound up suddenly becoming a female...A little bit of foreshadowing for you viewers...I guarantee you that you won't be disappointed for what is ahead as you read on. *smiles* Anyway, back to the story," I thought to myself, as I then breathed a sigh of relief, before I had also briefly turned my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers before sighing.
Later the next day, after a bunch of Momoko's shenanigans had caused all four of us to be kicked out of the dressing room the previous day. "Well, if only she hadn't torn that wedding dress...then Yuri's mom wouldn't have kicked us out...I am going to need to get used to the fact, that Momoko can be a tad bit scatterbrained sometimes," I thought to myself, as I once again sighed.

Anyway, it was then revealed by Yuri, that someone had come in the night and had destroyed all of the wedding dresses. She also mentioned that her mother had also slapped her in the face during the incident. "Okay, I had no idea that this anime could be so violent sometimes...actually, given that the fighting against the devils is considered to be violent in nature...I guess I will have to also get used to the fact that stuff like this can happen sometimes," I thought to myself, as I showed an expression of understanding. And, as the four of us walked home from school, we conversed on how it wasn't acceptable that Yuri's mother had slapped her. "Hinagiku, you shouldn't talk about her like that," Yuri said, in response to what Hinagiku had said to her, about her mother slapping her. "Still, I think you are just being a little too easy on her," Hinagiku said, with concern in her tone.
A bit later on, the four of us arrived back at the dress shop and confronted Yuri's parents. Well me and Momoko did, to which Momoko said that she couldn't be responsible for destroying the wedding dresses. And once that had been sorted out, and Yuri had hugged her mother. She then set about to try and fix some old dresses and prepare them for the upcoming dress show.

However, I once again became on edge. "Well, there's that bad feeling again...oh good...Pluie's here...well then, time to...oh right...Yuri and Hinagiku haven't awakened as Angel Lily and Angel Daisy yet...well, this is still very frustrating that I have to standby...because this is now starting to get old," I thought to myself, as I then put two fingers to one of my temples, as I tried to quell my frustration.

"It's you Pluie!" Momoko said.

"Well, Momoko isn't afraid to speak her mind against Pluie...I guess that would mean that she is getting more confident with being Wedding Peach. Well, time to speak up," I thought to myself, as a small smile then made its way onto my face.

"Seriously, you just seem to show up whenever you darn well please don't you?" I said.

"What the heck's a Pluie?" Hinagiku asked sounding confused.

"What do you want with us anyway?" Yuri asked in a frantic and confused tone.

"I want the piece of Saint Something Four, and now that I've found it, I'll be taking it from you," Pluie said.

"Everybody run!" Momoko said.

"Well, at least Momoko is looking to minimize any collateral damage. Well, time to assist," I thought to myself, as I then took a deep breath in, and then spoke up as well.

"You all need to get out of here!" I said.

Unfortunately both of our calls fell on deaf ears, as Pluie then sent a shock wave of black energy towards both of us, sending us both and Hinagiku hurtling backwards out of the door of the room, into the hall, and right into the wall, extremely hard.

As I quickly came to, with the slight bit of pain causing me to grimace, another thought went through my mind. "Okay Pluie, you really do love sending us backwards don't you!? Wait, Hinagiku is unconscious...Okay Pluie, now you've really pissed me off, time to send you packing!" I thought to myself with a look of irritation on my face, as I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, followed by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and also in my usual battle outfit. "I just can't get over how quick our transformations are...well, at least I've now gotten more used to it," I thought to myself with a look of complete confidence. And once I had finished my thought, we both charged back into the room, and into yet another battle with Pluie and Jama-P.
Meanwhile, back in the room, Yuri had just come to, and Pluie had then decided at that moment, to approach her and ask her a question. "Tell me where the Saint Something Four is? I don't want to have to tear this place apart like I did last night," he said.

It was then that Yuri realized that he was the one who had destroyed her mother's dresses.

"Wait, that was you?! You destroyed my moms dresses!?" Yuri said with sheer horror and stunned realization in her tone.

And upon both me and Wedding Peach hearing what Pluie had just said. And as we both stood side by side in the doorway, Wedding Peach then decided to speak up.

"You'll pay for that!" she said.

"Well Wedding Peach, you're still as spontaneous as ever. I still can't believe that we both fit in the doorway so easily, and side by side no less. Anyway, my turn now," I thought to myself, as I then took my turn at saying a quippy line.

"Someone needs to be taught a lesson don't they!?" I said, the power and authority in my voice hammering the statement home.

It was once Pluie, and Yuri turned their attention towards us, that Pluie immediately recognized who they belonged to.

And just like always, as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "A bride's dress, made by a mother, is loved deeper than the ocean, to destroy these things, is an act of pure evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" She said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at Pluie. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc, bringing it into a flex, with her arm bent, and her gloved hand in a closed fist.

"Once again, she still knows how to do an introduction, and deliver it well. Well, looks like I'm up," I thought to myself, as I then followed by saying my usual introduction as I raised my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards and then over my right armor clad shoulder, and then downwards in a diagonal swing.

It was after I had said my introduction and struck my usual pose, that Pluie then decided to speak up.

"Silence!" he yelled, as he fired a wave of black energy at both of us. "Well Pluie, I see you still like to attack and ask questions is a shame though that you won't be able to hit us that easily," I thought to myself, as I then charged forward, and dodged Pluie's attack, with Wedding Peach doing the same at the exact same time as me.

"Okay, I didn't expect to be able to charge forward that quick...I guess I must have superhuman agility, on top of everything else that I can do in this form. Let me just make a mental note about that as well for future battles," I thought to myself, as both me and Wedding Peach then stopped near where Yuri was.

"Yuri, you need to leave this to the both of us, get a safe distance away, and get to safety," I said to her, to which she obliged, and then left the room. And once this had happened, Wedding Peach once again spoke up.

"You're going to pay for bringing Yuri so much pain!" She said, with a hint of determination in her tone.

"My turn then," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"It's about time we both send you packing Pluie!" I said, also with a hint of determination in my tone, once again the power and authority in my voice helping to hammer my statement home.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment, that Pluie chose to escape, by breaking out through one of the windows and then proceeding to fly off.

"Okay Pluie, so now you want to try and play the coward?! Well, you are not getting away that easily," I thought to myself, as Wedding Peach then spoke up.

"Come back here!" Wedding Peach said.

"Well, it looks like I'm up again," I thought to myself, as I once again spoke up.

"Quickly, after him!" I said, as we both took off out the window and skyward after Pluie.
A short time later, on a rooftop during the chase that me and Wedding Peach, were having, to try and catch up to Pluie. Pluie then landed on a rooftop, while me and Wedding Peach arrived a second after.

"Why don't you just stop running like a frightened child and just face us Pluie?!" Wedding Peach said.

"My turn," I thought to myself.

"Pluie, you do realize you cannot win this fight by simply running away right?!" I said, as I referenced a line that had been said in another magical girl anime that I knew a little bit about. And from a very iconic episode of that magical girl anime no less. But, more on that at a much later date.

"Such two very courageous young ladies, so easy to lead away from a friend," Pluie said smugly. Wedding Peach then looked at Pluie with a puzzled expression. However, I didn't, since I was starting to realize exactly what he meant by that. And after Pluie explained that by this point Jama-P had stolen the piece of the Saint Something Four, it wound up sending Wedding Peach reeling.

"What did you say?" Wedding Peach said.

"Well, that would most likely mean that he intends to go after Yuri...Pluie, at what point do you stop being evil?!...Because you are now really starting to get on my nerves! Well, my turn to speak I guess," I thought to myself, as I once again spoke up.

"Could you repeat that?" I said.

"They ought to change your names from Love Angel to Dumb Angel," Pluie said smugly.

"Okay seriously?! Is this a school playground?! Just how childish are you Pluie?!" I thought to myself, as both me and Wedding Peach grunted in frustration. It was then that Jama-P had chosen to arrive on the scene, who had chosen to possess Yuri's mom. And then said that there was another Love Angel. Wedding Peach was slightly perplexed, while I however, wasn't.

"Well, the only question is, who has awakened, Angel Lily or Angel Daisy?" I thought to myself, as a female voice then spoke up, which drew everyone's attention towards the doorway on the roof. "In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love," The voice said, as Yuri Tanima then appeared, dressed in her light blue wedding dress.

"Ah, so Angel Lily has awakened. And from what I know about her, she is going to be quite the useful ally," I thought to myself, as Wedding Peach then spoke up.

"Yuri!" She said.

"Okay Wedding Peach, why did you just call her by her civilian name...?! Well, I guess it's the thought that counts...not that it really matters in this turn to speak up then I guess," I thought to myself, as I then sighed, and spoke up.

"Boy, are we glad to see you!" I said.

"Momoko, lets transform into our battle gear," Angel Lily said.

"Okay seriously!? What's the point of doing that?! Well, at least Angel Lily means well..." I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop then appeared on one side of my face.

It was then that Wedding Peach and Angel Lily said their respective lines, and transformed once again. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was also in her battle outfit. All three of us then took our battle stances and readied ourselves for our first fight as a team with Angel Lily.

"Damn, three Love Angels are worse than two, don't just stand there Jama-P, get them!" Pluie said, to which Jama-P, who was still possessing Yuri's mom, proceeded to charge at us, with the scissors she was now holding gigantic sized.

And it was after all three of us had dodged her gigantic scissors a couple of times, that Angel Lily decided to tell both me and Wedding Peach that she had this. She then pulled her Saint Lip Liner off of her necklace and then proceeded to use it.

"Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" She said, as she swung it in a circular motion around herself, as a rainbow trail followed her movement. And once the scissors were bound, Angel Lily then spoke up. "I've got her, Peach, Bluebell, now's your chance!" Angel Lily said to both of us. "Okay, so now she decides to refer to us by our transformed names...Hopefully she can be consistent with that," I thought to myself, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder.

"Saint Miroir..Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her attack towards Yuri's mom.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I then fired my attack from my swords blade, which was glowing a bright blue color.

And once both attacks hit their marks at exactly the same time, Jama-P got overwhelmed, and then escaped from Yuri's mom's body, to which she instantly collapsed. It was after Jama-P escaped off into the distance, that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and me, then advanced on Pluie, all of us showing very irritated looks on our faces.

However, since he clearly did not want to stay around and get pummeled by us. Pluie then spoke up. "Damn you Love Angels, I'll remember this!" He said, as he then retreated back to the Devil World again.

And once he had vanished, me and Wedding Peach, then decided to reveal our actual identities to Angel Lily, since she was a Love Angel just like us. And while Yuri was not at all shocked by Momoko wearing what she was wearing, she wasn't exactly on board with the fact that I was a guy who was able to transform into a girl. "I mean, I really don't blame her for being skeptical about it," I thought to myself. Thankfully though, seeing as how we were friends, she wound up accepting it. "Well, that is Angel Lily awakened, now there's just Angel Daisy and Angel Salvia left to be awakened. I just hope that Angel Salvia isn't as arrogant as I think she is. Because that can wind up becoming a big problem in the long run," I thought to myself, as I then sighed.


MGF Member
Chapter 7: Four Of A Kind!: The Fourth Love Angel!
Date: May 3, 1995

The next week had now arrived, and it was now time for me and Momoko to head off to school. However, thanks to Momoko, if we didn't get a move on, we were going to be late again. "Honestly Momoko, I really hope this doesn't wind up becoming a habit of yours. Because you really need to learn to set your alarm. And you really need to, because I am relying on that alarm just as much as you are," I thought to myself, as I then let out a big sigh. And after she was reminded by her father that she hadn't put any film in the camera, to which she then did so, me and Momoko then took off running out the door, and off towards the school.

A little bit later, at the school's soccer field, Momoko was trying to get photos of the soccer game. Well, she was actually trying to get photos of Yanagiba more than the soccer game. "Typical of you Momoko. But, if only you knew who Yanagiba truly was...and yet still, with that promise I made to him as Limone, I still can't tell you the truth about him. Well, I guess it's probably for the best, right viewers?" I thought to myself, as I sighed, while turning my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers. And it was when she zoomed in on Yanagiba with her camera lens, that she noticed Hinagiku was conversing with him.

And when I wound up looking in the direction she had her camera pointed at, a thought then went through my mind. "Oh, well that's not ideal...looks like Momoko has some competition with Hinagiku regarding Yanagiba...well, that can only end smoothly. And it looks like Yuri seems to have an interest in him too. Again, I can only see this going smoothly," I sarcastically thought to myself, as I once again let out a sigh. "Still, if Pluie winds up showing up uninvited again, like he seems to do a lot. At least the three of us will be in the same vicinity as each other, should we need to transform," I thought to myself, as I then showed a confident expression.

Later on, after Hinagiku had had her conversation with Yanagiba. Momoko and Yuri decided then tried to press her for information regarding it. "Oh, I just gave him a home made stamina drink," Hinagiku said. To which Momoko and Yuri went wide eyed with surprise, followed shortly thereafter by frustration. And after they heard of the ingredients that were in the stamina drink that Hinagiku had given to Yanagiba. This was then followed up with a visit from Hinagiku's younger brother. Along with some shenanigans with Yousuke drinking the stamina drink and spitting it out since an important ingredient had been left out. Apparently, as Hinagiku simply put it would just wind up tasting like top soil. To which I could only then sweatdrop in response. "Okay, well that isn't going to wind up tasting very good...oh, speaking of which, Yousuke's here now...and it looks like both he and Momoko are having a heated argument over the stamina drink...great...Okay, why am I thinking about that girl again?!...Okay...this thought really needs to stop intruding...because this is not the time for that!" I thought to myself, as I clenched one of my hands into a fist, and had a look of sheer displeasure.

Anyway, after it was revealed by Hinagiku's younger brother that her parents had gotten into a fight, both Hinagiku and her younger brother, took off running to where I assumed would be their mother's flower shop. "Well, this can't be good. Still, we might as well go and see if Hinagiku and her younger brother need any help with this," I thought to myself, as me, Momoko, and Yuri then took off after them.
Meanwhile at Hinagiku's home, Hinagiku's father was on the phone trying to resolve multiple wedding bouquet deliveries. When Hinagiku and her younger brother came in, followed shortly thereafter by me, Momoko, and Yuri. And after a short fight between Hinagiku and her father, Momoko, me and Yuri asked if there was anything we could do to help her out. And sure enough Hinagiku said that there was.

It was a couple minutes later as me, Momoko, and Yuri were helping Hinagiku load some stuff into the back of the flower shop delivery van. And after a conversation between the four of us, all four of us then proceeded to take the multiple deliveries, which included the multiple bridal bouquets, on the flower shops bikes to their intended destinations.

Later on, after me, Momoko, and Yuri had completed all of the necessary deliveries, and had made it back to the shop. Hinagiku chose to ask her father why he and mom had gotten into that fight, and after war of words from both Hinagiku's father and mother, including an accidental discovery of a wedding anniversary gift that Hinagiku's father was going to give to her mother. Things finally seemed to be returning to normal. But, it was at that moment, that a customer came in and asked for a dozen roses. "Okay, I'm getting that same bad feeling again," I thought to myself, as I then became on edge. Hinagiku's father then asked the customer what color he would like. However, instead of responding, the customer for some reason decided to reach down and snatch the necklace that Hinagiku's father was going to give to Hinagiku's mother as an anniversary gift out of his hand.

And after he said what a lovely pendant it was, the customer than took off running, followed quickly behind by Hinagiku's father, and then by Momoko, me, Yuri and Hinagiku. "Well, looks like Wedding Peach, me, and Angel Lily are going to be fighting another devil," I thought to myself, as I sighed. Anyway, It was during the somewhat lengthy chase that seemed to go on for sometime, that out of nowhere a wave of black energy was thrown at all of us. "Okay, so the devil is playing dirty, I should've expected that. Well, might as well at least try to dodge it," I thought to myself, as Momoko, me, and Hinagiku easily forward flipped out of harms way. However, Hinagiku's father and Yuri were not so fortunate, and were immediately knocked unconscious. But Momoko, me and Hinagiku couldn't worry about that now, as the customer was still getting away with the necklace.

"Okay devil, now you've really pissed me off!" I thought to myself. And after finishing my thought, Momoko then spoke up.

"He's getting away!" Momoko said.

"Well, might as well hammer that home," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"Come on you guys, let's get after him!" I said, as all three of us once again took off running after the customer.

However, once we had caught up to him, Hinagiku then managed to seize hold of the back of his collar and throw him over her and towards a wall in the alley, which he hit upside down and then slid down. At first, Hinagiku thought that she had done a good job and had taken care of him. However her celebration was a bit premature as the customer soon stood up with red marks now visible on his face. "Well, I guess that's our queue...actually, not right now, Hinagiku still hasn't awakened as Angel Daisy yet...Okay, now this standing by that I have been having to do has gotten old," I thought to myself, as a tickmark then appeared on one side of my face. But as a way to confirm both of our suspicions, Momoko used her Saint Miroir to scan the man, and sure enough, when I took a look at her Saint Miroir, Jama-P appeared to be possessing him.

"Well, that's a familiar sight...Still, I can't let Momoko be suspicious of the fact that I am able to sense that it was a devil possessing him long before she found it out...Well, may as well make it sound convincing," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.
"You've got to be kidding me right now, how many times is Pluie going to try and come after us Momoko?!" I said, with evident frustration in my voice.

"What the heck is going on?" Hinagiku asked me and Momoko. "Well, I might as well tell her the truth, maybe this is the day that Angel Daisy awakens," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "This man has been possessed by a devil Hinagiku," I said, with a determined look. However, the possessed customer then took off running. "Well, this is not ideal, having to transform in front of Hinagiku. This will take some explaining later, that's for sure," I thought to myself, as I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko raised her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again.

And with a quick nod to each other, we both then took off skyward and off after the possessed man. It was when we landed down again side by side, in front of the possessed customer that we decided to speak our mind against him.

"Drop that pendant or I may have to get rough!" Wedding Peach said, with a confident look on her face as she pointed at the possessed man.

"Still spontaneous as ever Wedding Peach. My turn now," I thought to myself, as I then began my quippy line.

"And trust me, you wouldn't want to see either of us get rough!" I said with a confident look on my face, as I brandished the tip of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the possessed man.

It was then that the possessed man decided to try and land a punch on both me and Wedding Peach, and thanks to Wedding Peach having superhuman speed, and me having my angel wings, as well as my superhuman speed, we both managed to dodge it without a problem.

It was at that moment that Wedding Peach decided to transform into her battle outfit, as she once again then readied her Saint Miroir. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said.

And once she had transformed into her battle outfit in a flash of light, I then heard a familiar voice call out both of our names from the right of where both of us were standing. We both looked towards the source of the voice, and sure enough it was Hinagiku, since she had watched both of us transform before we had taken off after the possessed man. And yet, because it was her parents' anniversary gift, she was taking it upon herself to put herself in harms way, by involving herself in our fight with the possessed man. "What happened to both of you?" Hinagiku asked me and Wedding Peach. "Okay, I really hope that today is the day that she awakens as Angel Daisy, because trying to answer her honestly, is going to be a real pain otherwise," I thought to myself, as I then decided to save my answer until later on.

And with those thoughts in mind, and the sound of chiming bells filling the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The blessings of the budding leaves are nurtured by the rising winds, a single flower petal will fall and dance in the wind, I cannot allow you to steal a wedding anniversary gift! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" She said, as she pointed her left hand at the possessed man. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm, in an upward arc, then bringing into her usual pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a closed fist.

"Well done Wedding Peach, you are as spontaneous as ever. My turn now," I thought to myself. And it was then, once I had finished my thought, that I then began my introduction, as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell upwards, with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword of Bluebell, up towards, and over my right armor clad shoulder, and then downwards in a diagonal swing.

It was after both of us had said our introductions, that we both then decided to go on the attack. Wedding Peach decided to kick the possessed guy across the face. "Bridal Kick!" Wedding Peach said, as she kicked him across the face. "Okay, guess it's my turn then," I thought to myself, to which I then followed up with a punch with my free right hand in his stomach, that sent him reeling back.

But after the possessed guy had recovered, both of us were then struck in the back by a wave of black energy, knocking us both off our feet, and into one of the walls of the alley. And It was after we had quickly recovered. "Who's there!?" Wedding Peach said, now ticked off. Our attention was then immediately drawn to to the top of a nearby building, and to the figure of an all too familiar devil.

"Oh joy, Pluie's arrived..." I thought to myself, with a less then pleased expression.

"Oh, you've come out to play Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, how about a nice game, dodgeball!" Pluie said smugly, as he conjured up another ball of dark energy and chucked it at us.

Thankfully as it was about to hit us, we both used our speed to dodge out of the way. It was after Pluie muttered to himself that never before had he encountered a love wave this strong and that the pendant would be his that an all too familiar light appeared in the sky and an all too familiar line of crystal steps descended down from the sky.

"Thank goodness Limone," Wedding Peach said with a smile evident on her face.

"Great timing Limone, we can always count on you," I said with a huge smile now evident on my face.

"What a hottie," Hinagiku said with a starry eyed look on her face.

"Okay, well that was unexpected. I actually find this to be quite bittersweet, since she is in fact fantasizing about him, not knowing that he is in fact Yanagiba," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop appeared on one side of my face.

Anyway, it was after Limone had told Pluie that as always there was love in this world that he would continue to thwart his plans. He conjured up his sword, to which Pluie conjured up his sword of darkness. And both of them then charged towards one another, and began clashing their swords against one another in a sword fight. It was while the sword fight between Limone and Pluie was going on up in the sky, that Hinagiku then spoke up. "Can this day get any weirder?" She asked. And at that moment, the possessed customer decided to round up all of the cans from a nearby waste receptacle, and hurl them all at me and Wedding Peach. But thanks to our superhuman speed as well as our durability, we were managing to at least hold our own for the time being. "But still, who knew that a can hitting you could hurt this much, despite us both having a lot of durability, this still somewhat hurts," I thought to myself, as I then took a can to the stomach, which caused me to flinch slightly.

It was while me and Wedding Peach were busy dodging the relentless barrage of attacks from the possessed customer, that Limone decided to speak to Hinagiku. "Hinagiku, you need to transform!" he said. "Wait, what do you mean by transform?" Hinagiku said, sounding confused. "Become Angel Daisy, the fourth love angel, help Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell," Limone said. "Angel Daisy? What the heck is an Angel Daisy?" Hinagiku said. And it was then that a golden and gem embedded wristwatch, wound up appearing on Hinagiku's wrist, and Aphrodite then showed up on the face of it.

She then proceeded to tell Hinagiku that the wristwatch that was on her wrist was called the Saint Pendule, and to become Angel Daisy, she would just need to recite the words "Attractive Wedding Flower," if she was going to help me and Wedding Peach. Hinagiku, with a little bit of hesitation, and after seeing both me and Wedding Peach getting relentlessly pelted by, and also injured by the barrage of cans, decided to oblige.

"Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said, and in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. And as Wedding Peach looked at Angel Daisy in amazement. A thought made it's way into my mind. "Well, that is Angel Daisy now awakened...So that just leaves Angel Salvia...Or Scarlet O'Hara as I know her as...I really really hope that she isn't as arrogant as I think she is," I thought to myself, as I then saw Angel Daisy take off running towards me and Wedding Peach. Which for the moment, we were not getting pelted by the cans.

However, Angel Daisy then stopped running. "Hold on, this wedding dress feels difficult to move around in," Angel Daisy said.
However, and thankfully, after being told by Aphrodite to change into her battle outfit, she then proceeded to transform again.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

And once Angel Lily joined in the festivities as well, the possessed customer picked that exact moment to run away. However, before Wedding Peach, me, or Angel Lily could react. Angel Daisy then decided to leap into the air, do a spin, as she flipped upside down, and then landed right in front of him so that he couldn't escape.

She then readied her Saint Pendule. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" She said, as a wave of blue bubble shaped energy spheres shot out of her Saint Pendule, and proceeded towards the possessed customer at an alarming rate.

And after Angel Daisy's attack had weakened the possessed customer, that Angel Lily, then decided to speak up,

"Okay now, it's your turn, get 'em Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said.

"Well, it looks like Angel Lily is now used to calling us by our transformed names. Thank goodness," I thought to myself, as Wedding Peach then spoke up.

"Right!" Wedding Peach said, with confidence very evident on her face, as she then raised her Saint Miroir.

"Well, time to close the book on yet another fight with Pluie and Jama-P!" I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"It's about time we put an end to this fight!" I said, with an equal amount of confidence present, and evident on my face, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, with my expression then changing, to one of complete determination.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash" Wedding Peach said. As she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then launched her purification attack towards the possessed customer.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and launched my purification attack towards the possessed customer.

And, once both of our attacks hit the possessed customer at exactly the same time, Jama-P was overwhelmed. And just like in the previous battle, he fled. It was after both he and Pluie had fled the scene, that Wedding Peach, me, and Angel Lily, decided to get a couple things sorted out with Angel Daisy, seeing as how she had just become a Love Angel. "And if I'm being honest, she probably has a lot of questions to ask us regarding what just happened," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop appeared on one side of my face.

It was after we told Hinagiku on how each of us should be addressed in our transformed states, as Hinagiku did the same with us, that it quickly became clear to all four of us, that now that Angel Daisy was a part of the team, friendship, and also teamwork, would mean more now than it did previously. "Because as it currently stands, Pluie and Jama-P are still out there, and who knows what other evil tricks they have up their sleeves for us next. But, as long as we all work together as a team, and trust each other, we will be unstoppable," I thought to myself, as I then clenched my free right hand into a fist, and showed an expression of complete confidence.
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MGF Member
Chapter 8: Sharing The Pain!: Jama-P's Counterattack, Forced To A Stop Mid-Sentence!
Date: May 10, 1995

It was now the next week, after Angel Daisy had awakened as our newest member of the team, and we had had our latest battle against Pluie and Jama-P. But we were now at school, in the newspaper club room, and all four of us were trying to decide, what the cover of our latest newspaper should be. "I think that Yanagiba would look good on the cover," Hinagiku said. "But our last newspaper cover had Yanagiba on it," Momoko stated matter-of-factly. "Hinagiku, don't you think we should have someone else to be on the cover?" I asked, agreeing with what Momoko had stated. And after a bit of squabbling, between Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku. Another classmate, named Shizuka, entered the room, and asked Momoko for a favor, Momoko went outside to see what Shizuku wanted, but not before she asked me to accompany her. "Well, this is slightly awkward. But, I guess if Pluie shows up again, we can be close to each other, in order fight at a moments notice," I thought to myself, as I sighed.

It was sometime after school, and after Shizuka, had handed Momoko a love letter, and had asked her to hand it to Yousuke Fuuma for her. We then found ourselves in a grassy area, with a dirt path, next to a grassy hill, and who should show up but Yousuke Fuuma.

"Oh good...they are arguing again...but still, I just had a bad feeling...well, might as well standby and see what happens. Because I have a feeling we might be fighting soon," I thought to myself, as I then became on edge. After Momoko had handed Yousuke the love letter, we both turned around, and then started walking away.

And it was while me and Momoko were still walking away that Yousuke had decided to say something odd to Momoko, to which as we both turned around, Yousuke lunged at Momoko, putting his two hands around her neck, and proceeding to choke her. "Okay Yousuke what the heck man?!...Wait, those red marks on his face...Well, at least my sixth sense is as strong as ever..." I thought to myself, as I remained on edge. But just to get confirmation on my suspicions, Momoko pulled out her Saint Miroir, and scanned Yousuke's body with it. And sure enough, Jama-P was possessing him.

"It really just seems, that as long as we are Love Angels, and as long as there are devils out there, these fights won't ever stop!" I said, as I then reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell once again. However, as I took my usual pose and began my introduction, holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell upwards with my left hand.

"The nature of the Bluebell..." I began. However, Jama-P, who was still possessing Yousuke, then picked that particular moment, to slap the Saint Miroir out of Momoko's hands, and once again proceeded to choke her. Causing my introduction to be forced to a stop mid sentence.

"Okay, this just got very very bad. So as it currently stands, I can't purify Jama-P, because Momoko hasn't transformed into Wedding Peach. I could use my 'Saint Sword Of Bluebell Lightning Sword Slash.' But I can't risk seriously injuring Yousuke...damn attack requires me to be in a really enraged, and angry state. But viewers, rest assured, you will read about my attack doing its part soon enough," I thought to myself, as I turned my attention to the right of me briefly, to address the viewers.

Anyway, it was after a brief struggle, and Jama-P deciding to exit Yousuke's body, albeit at a much larger size, that Yousuke finally let go of Momoko. The only problem now, was that Jama-P was now choking Yousuke, who was now laying motionless on the ground.

"Damn you! How dare you drag him into this! Hold on, calm're getting stressed need to get this upset. Well, time to tell Momoko that now is a better time as any for her to transform," I thought to myself, as I put two fingers from my free right hand, on one of my temples, as I tried to calm my temper. And once I had cooled off after a few seconds, I then spoke up.

"Momoko, I think now is a better time than any for you to transform don't you think?" I said in a somewhat concerned sounding tone of voice as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. Without having to say a single word to me, Momoko went and retrieved her Saint Miroir. And after we had both nodded to each other, she then raised her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. And once was in her wedding dress form, she then decided, that now was a better time than any, to speak her mind to Jama-P.

"Get away from Yousuke right now, or you'll be sorry Jama-P!" Wedding Peach said.

"Well, she is clearly not pleased...I am so glad I'm her ally, because I can't even begin to imagine if the script was flipped...and I was a devil instead. Well, I guess it's my turn now to say a quippy line," I thought to myself, as I first displayed an expression of pure dismay, which then turned to a more confident expression.

"I would do as she asks, because both of us would really hate, to have to resort to playing rough Jama-P!" I said, as I brandished the tip of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell menacingly at Jama-P. "I am not the same devil as I was before," Jama-P said. "Well, that's not good...well, time to try and purify him," I thought myself, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, as Wedding Peach then launched her attack at him.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin, and her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, then appeared in place of her bridal bouquet, in a flash of light. It then started emanating rainbow shockwaves from it, in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my purification attack at Jama-P. And once both of our attacks, hit Jama-P's attack, at exactly the same time, the attack instantly disappeared. And as both of our purification attacks, laid into Jama-P, both of us then decided to speak up.

"Jama-P, leave Yousuke alone, he has nothing to do with this!" Wedding Peach said.

"I would highly suggest, that you do as we both ask, Jama-P, and leave him out of this!" I said.

And after suggesting that he just let our attacks purify him, he did. Of course, things weren't exactly over, even though Jama-P had now been purified, and turned good. Because, it was at that moment that a certain devil decided to speak up and fire a familiar stream of black energy at Jama-P. "Oh, speak of the devil...Pluie's here...okay...that was a massively cheesy thought...thank goodness that I didn't say that out loud, because that was super corny," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop appeared on one side of my face. After Pluie had appeared, and had scolded Jama-P, for allowing both of our purification attacks, to purify him, and turn him good, he then chose to say something else. "Once the devils have possession of the Saint Something Four, the destruction of the Angel World, will begin," Pluie said, with an evil smug smirk on his face.

"Okay Pluie, so that is how this is going to unoriginal of you...and come to think of it, he seems to remind me of someone...someone who was just as arrogant, and as evil, as Pluie...and with also just as big an ego problem as know what...let me just push this to the side...because this isn't a priority right now...after all, it's not like I am going to cross paths with him...he's technically dead after all," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "And you think that we are just going to stand by and let that happen? Not if we have anything to say about it!" I said, as I put my free right hand on my chest plate, with a bit of confidence on my face.

"And now I will honor the devil world by dealing with the two of you, farewell, Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell!" Pluie said, as he then fired a bolt of black energy at us. But thanks to our superhuman agility, we both leapt, and flew up, and out of the way of Pluie's oncoming attack, and then landed on a nearby ledge on a concrete wall, side by side.

And once I had retracted my angel wings, and the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "How dare you play with people's hearts as if they were toys, drawing friends into a fight that isn't theirs, I cannot forgive such a lack of compassion! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" she said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Once again Wedding Peach, you delivered your introduction well. Okay then, let me try and finish my introduction this time, providing nothing unexpected happens to interrupt me again," I thought to myself, as a tickmark then appeared on my face, only for it to disappear a few seconds later. I then once again began my introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, upwards with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, then over my right armor clad shoulder, and then downwards in a diagonal swing.

"And I really don't care!" Pluie said, as he then proceeded, to charge at us both, with his sword of darkness, at the ready.

"Okay Pluie, that was quite rude of you...but you are evil...still...that is not a valid excuse...damn need to focus, you have a job to do here," I thought to myself, as I put two fingers from my free right hand, to my right temple, as I tried to quell my frustration.

It was then, once I had finished my thought, that Wedding Peach then decided to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

And once both me and Wedding Peach turned to one another, and gave each other a nod. We then decided, to both go on the attack against Pluie. Wedding Peach kicked him across the face, "Bridal Kick!" She said. While I went at him, with an uppercut, with my free right hand. And once all three of us landed again, and Pluie's sword of darkness hit the ground, embedded itself in the ground, and then vanished in a wisp of black energy, Pluie then decided to speak up. "You'll pay for that Love Angels!" He said.

"You know Pluie, I would just love to see you try and make us pay!" I said, with a smirk, very evident on my face, that would even make Heath Ledger's Joker proud.

However, before Pluie could think of a comeback, Jama-P then floated on over, whilst calling out Pluie's name. Only for him to be punched aside by him. "A pathetic wretch like you deserves to be destroyed!" Pluie said, as he conjured up a ball of black energy from his left palm.

"Wow Pluie, are you literally kidding me right now!? You would harm him just to further your evil goal!? Just how low are you willing to sink!?" I thought to myself, as I then proceeded to dash forward, in a desperate bit to protect Jama-P from Pluie's attack. And thanks to our superhuman agility, me and Wedding Peach managed to get over in time, Wedding Peach grabbed hold of Jama-P, while I stood right in front of them both, using my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, to block his attack. However..."Damn it this hurts! I can't believe how much this attack hurts...I thought that my Saint Sword Of Bluebell acted as a channel for my attacks? Well, I guess that's probably why I am suffering this bad from Pluie's attack...Wait, Wedding Peach is getting hurt too?!...Damn you Pluie...I will see that you pay dearly for this!" I thought to myself, as I screamed in pain, as the pain on me and Wedding Peach, continued to mount.

"Wedding Peach, Angel Bluebell, you both saved me," Jama-P said, as the both of us continued to suffer from Pluie's constant attack on us.

"So are you two showing me an example of this love that you two have been talking about so much, well than Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, it's time for you both to die!" Pluie said, as he scoffed, and then proceeded, to lay on more of his black energy, on both of us, which caused both of us, to further suffer. "Okay...seriously?! So now you're going to go and do that?! Damn this hurts! I even find it difficult to think, this pain is completely horrendous!" I thought to myself, as I continued to scream, and suffer from Pluie's attack.

"Yousuke, I am so sorry I dragged you into this!" Wedding Peach said, through pain and some difficulty.

"Well, Wedding Peach is now blaming herself, for something that was out of her control. Well, time to see if I can put her at ease. Damn it, this really hurts!" I thought to myself, as I then tried, through severe pain, and difficulty, to put Wedding Peach at ease.

"Look Wedding Peach, I am sorry too, that I couldn't help you out when he was attacking you. But you need to put that behind you, and we need to focus on the here and now!" I said, through gritting my teeth, and severe pain throughout my body, as both us and Jama-P, continued to suffer from Pluie's constant barrage of negative evil black energy.

"Hold on a second Mr. devil!" A familiar female voice said.

"There's more than two Love Angels you know!" Another familiar female voice said. And as Pluie instantly turned his attention towards the two female voices. He saw both Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, standing together. And as I turned towards them, with difficulty, a small smile then found its way onto my face. "Well, those two really know how to arrive at the right time. Still, this really really hurts!" I thought to myself, as I continued to feel the severe pain from Pluie's attack, even though he had stopped attacking me and Wedding Peach.

"Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy," Wedding Peach said, whilst on the ground and through pain, as she then managed to give a small smile.

"Well, my turn to say something. Man, this pain really hurts! I would not wish this on anyone," I said, while I grimaced slightly, as the pain coursed through me.

"You arrived just in time!" I said, through more difficulty, and pain.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily, means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

It was then, after Pluie had growled with irritation, that both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy had arrived on the scene, both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, then decided, to transform into their battle outfits.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. And once they had both transformed, they then both decided, to go on the attack against Pluie.

"Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she used her bubble attack, from her Saint Pendule, on Pluie.

"Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she used her Saint Lip Liner attack, on Pluie.

But unfortunately, Pluie managed to dodge both of their attacks. "Mark my words Love Angels, the next time we meet, I will destroy you!" Pluie said, as he then fled back to the Devil World. "Don't count on it Pluie!" I thought to myself, with a look of total determination on my face, as I clenched my free right hand, into a fist.

And it was then that Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, made their way over to us. "Are you two okay?" Angel Lily asked us. "We're in slight pain, but we'll be fine after a little bit Lily," I said, as I gave a thumbs up, through the pain that I was still feeling, throughout my entire body. "How's Yousuke?" Wedding Peach asked. "He's just fine, he'll recover," Angel Daisy said, with confidence. "Well, I'd say that is a happy ending to this fight. Still, I just instinctively rushed in to save Jama-P. And despite the consequences of it, I just went and did it. I guess my bond with Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, is already very strong. I just hope it will be enough, to last through the rest of the series," I thought to myself, as a smile then found its way onto my face.


MGF Member
Chapter 9: Splendid!: Best Friends And Allies Forever!
Date: May 17, 1995

It was the week after our most recent battle against Pluie. And although me and Wedding Peach had purified Jama-P during that battle, we were still a bit skeptical on whether or not we could trust him. But, focusing on the current task at hand. Momoko and me, along with Yuri and Hinagiku, were currently going around the school halls, conducting a survey for the newspaper club, that all four of us ran for the school.

And not surprisingly, Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku, were asking all of the men about what girls they liked. Because, not surprisingly it was a men related survey. I was just standing with them, and keeping a close eye on the three of them, in case Pluie decided to once again pop in uninvited. However, as the conversation, went on between the two guys and Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku, who would turn up, but Yousuke Fuuma.

"Are you being stupid again? Fat, short, tall, who cares," he said, as he walked by. "Well, that was less then subtle of him...great...Momoko took offense, and is now upset with him...stop thinking about that have a higher priority job to do here...still...I wonder when Momoko will wind up finding out, that Yousuke is actually a devil?" I thought to myself, as I at first sweatdropped, to which I then showed an expression of deep thought.

And after watching Yousuke and Momoko go at it some more. Yousuke decided to, take it upon himself, to rip a page out of our book, that we were using, to report on the survey, that we were doing. "Okay, so before things get anymore out of hand, I should have the four of us just head back to the newspaper club," I thought to myself, as I then suggested to Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, that we should head back to the newspaper club room.
A short time later, back at the newspaper club room, Momoko, me, Yuri and Hinagiku, were busy waiting, on the computer, to give the results on the survey. It was then that the computer beeped, signifying that it had the results.

"Lets see the type of girls men want to go out with are, light skinned, tall, and most importantly, skinny as a rail," Hinagiku read, to which both she and Momoko then sweatdropped.

"Well what do you know, my body type is exactly what boys are looking for," Yuri chimed in, which was then earned a not great expression response from Momoko and Hinagiku. It was after looking further into the results, that a student by the name of Yukiko, seemed to be the student, that a lot of the guys seemed to like.
The next day, on the way to school, me and Momoko, were for once, running a bit ahead of schedule. Well, unfortunately, last night Momoko had taken it upon herself to not only exercise in her room, but for some reason she had chosen to skip out on dinner that night as well as breakfast this morning as well. I meanwhile, decided not to do either of those things, largely because if you are going to be a Love Angel, you had best keep your strength up. "Still, Momoko doing all that exercising last night was quite overkill...well, at least I am already fit in my civilian form...and besides, I am already getting quite a workout from fighting against Pluie as Angel Bluebell," I thought to myself, as I clenched one of my hands into a fist, and displayed a look of sheer determination.

But I digress. Anyway, after Momoko almost wavered and fell, but thankfully, was caught by Yanagiba, it seemed like things were finally looking up for Momoko. Unfortunately, Yousuke Fuuma had other plans, because he picked that exact moment to step in. "Oh good, Yousuke's here...yep...there him and Momoko go...arguing again...well, at least I have gotten used to it now," I thought to myself, as I sweatdropped. After a bit more arguing, Yousuke and Yanagiba continued on towards the school, and me and Momoko, wound up going there a couple minutes later.
It was when me and Momoko, finally made it to the school entrance, that we noticed a huge group of people, that seemed to be gathered in a small area. So, we both went over, to see what the big fuss was about. It was then that we both got to the very front of the crowd, and then joined Yuri and Hinagiku. "Hey Yuri, Hinagiku, what's going on?" Momoko asked. "Take a look," Hinagiku said. And when we both looked at what she was referring to, we finally realized exactly why there was a huge gathering of people. Yukiko, the skinny girl we had seen the day before, was now not so skinny anymore. Which, not surprisingly, shocked both me and Momoko. "Okay, so I am once again getting a bad feeling...guess this means that I will be seeing Pluie sometime soon," I thought to myself, as I frowned.

About a minute later, still near the school's entrance, Momoko, me, Yuri and Hinagiku, were shocked to learn, that Yukiko, was not the only one, to have gained weight overnight. It was while all four of us were wondering what could possibly have caused this, that a familiar voice decided to speak up.

"It's Omanma, Omanma the She-Devil," it said. This brought the four of us, to turn our attention, towards the sound of the familiar voice, and sure enough, it was Jama-P.
Later that night, after it was discovered, by both me and Momoko, that not only was Yukiko possessed by a devil. But that devil, was using her, to put an essence of fatness, into all of the rice in the warehouse. Which was what was causing all of the girls at the school, to gain weight and cause their boyfriends not to love them anymore. "Okay Momoko, looks like we've got a job to do, we might as well transform," I said, as I then reached into my pocket, and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And, once Momoko had nodded, to indicate that she understood, she then readied her Saint Miroir. But not before she decided to speak up regarding the devil.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Momoko said.

"Well Momoko, you don't waste anytime with your quippy lines. My turn now," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"Neither one of us, are going to allow you, to carry out your evil plot!" I said, as we then began our incantations.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit.

And once this had been done, and the sound of chiming bells filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The refreshing evening wind in May feels wonderful. In this fine, and elegant season! How dare you distort young girls bodies, so their boys don't look in their eyes! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Once again Wedding Peach, you delivered that introduction of yours extremely well. Looks like I'm up," I thought to myself, as I then held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up with my left hand, as I then began my usual introduction. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and struck my usual pose.

It was after both me and Wedding Peach, had said our respective introductions, that Omanma decided to go on the attack. Using her essence of fatness, she tried to ensnare the both of us with her attack, but thankfully, with Momoko's agility, and my angel wings as well as my agility, we dodged out of the way without a problem.

However, a mouse that had been directly in the line of fire, was not so lucky. After dodging several more attacks, a thought then came to my mind. "That poor mouse, he didn't deserve that. Well, time to ask her," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"I think it's about time, that we close the book on this fight, don't you think Wedding Peach?" I asked, with a confident smirk evident on my face. Without having to give a response, we both then took our ready stances, and fired our purification attacks.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin, and her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, appeared in place of her bridal bouquet, in a flash of light. And rainbow shockwaves then began to emanate from it towards Omanma, who was still possessing Yukiko, in equal intervals.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, and once the blade began to glow bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my purification attack, towards Omanma.

And when both attacks hit their mark at exactly the same time, Omanma was overwhelmed, and then exited Yukiko's body. However, as she did, Pluie decided to appear uninvited.

"Well, there's Pluie, right on time...Hold on, I think it's time, that I once again try my hand at channeling my inner wittiness...So, Heath Ledger's Joker, don't fail me now!" I thought to myself, as I then spoke up.

"Honestly, you just seem to pop in whenever you please, don't you Pluie? You must be a real joy at parties, huh?" I said, as I smugly and sarcastically joked, while giving a dull expression. Which was similar to the expression, that Heath Ledger's Joker, had given to the mob, after saying the line, "and I thought my jokes were bad?" in the mob scene, of the Dark Knight.

And, not surprisingly, Pluie took my comment to heart. Probably due to the dull expression, and the sarcastic comment.

"Omanma, destroy Wedding Peach and Angel Bluebell, I command you!" He said, with frustration now clearly evident in his voice.

"Well, I'd say that is one successfully nailed sarcastic comment. Well Heath, I hope I did your Joker role proud," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up again.

"Really Pluie?! You can't take a light joke?! I guess you really aren't a joy at parties after all. You really don't seem to appreciate either humor or wittiness very well do you?" I said, with a cocky smirk then finding its way onto my face.
It was then, after a few dodges of attacks from Omanma, in which me and Wedding Peach, then wound up outside, and on the ground, with our pride somewhat bruised. It really did seem like this was curtains for the both of us.

"Omanma finish them off!" Pluie commanded.

"Hold it right there!" Two familiar female voices rang out.

"Who's there?" Pluie exclaimed, as he turned his attention, towards the source of the familiar female voices. And sure enough, on a ledge, side by side, were Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, in their wedding dress attire.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose. They then both leapt, of the ledge they were on, and landed in front of me and Wedding Peach.

We then decided to have a toast. And with a champagne glass suddenly appearing in my right hand, a thought then went through my mind. "So I guess this, is a sort of a spontaneous showing, of some sort of plot convenience then? Because why else would a champagne glass with milk in it, suddenly appear in my hand," I thought to myself, as the four of us then proceeded with the toast. "A toast with milk, to the four of us, best friends, together forever!" The four of us said, as we clinked the glasses together, and then drank the milk from our respective glasses. With all four of us now ready to fight, and having finished our toast, Pluie then picked this particular moment to speak up. "You four will be toasting your own deaths!" Pluie said.

"Oh sure Pluie, everyone's a critic...and viewers...while we are on the subject of that...I must ask you all...what do you think of my witty fourth wall breaks?...And no, you don't get to say that they are immersion breaking to the story...After all, as I explained back in chapter don't have the luxury to say anything regarding that...I will once again remind all of you that me and Wedding Peach, are not the only ones in this fanfic, who have fourth wall awareness...But enough of me spoiling you all with foreshadowing...back to the battle," I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight to the right of my, to briefly address the viewers.

And with Omanma proceeding to attack us, as commanded by Pluie. It was at this point that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy decided, that now would be a good time, to transform into their battle outfits.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" They all said in unison.

"Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Precious Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

However, Pluie then decided to once again play the coward, as he then wound up fleeing back to the devil world. Omanma on the other hand, in an effort to try and follow Pluie, then tripped, and fell over.

"Now's your chance Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said. But, before either me or Wedding Peach, could go ahead, and launch our purification attacks, Jama-P chose this moment, to interject, by saying not to hurt her. "Oh, don't worry Jama-P, me and Wedding Peach are only going to erase her memory of ever being a devil," I said, as I then nodded to Wedding Peach, who returned the nod. And once we again took our ready stances, we then launched our purification attack again.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then launched her purification attack towards Omanma.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. As I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade started glowing bright blue. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and launched my purification attack towards Omanma.

And once both attacks hit their mark at exactly the same time, Omanma's memories of ever being a devil were wiped clean. It was then that we wound up congratulating each other on another job well done. "And now I know, and am completely confident, that this a friendship, between the four of us, that will live through even the toughest of fights. I am still really hoping, that Angel Salvia, isn't as arrogant as her character information says that she is," I thought to myself, as I then sighed and sweatdropped.


MGF Member
Chapter 10: Sleeping Beauty And The Deep Slumber!
Date: May 24, 1995

It was morning, on the next week after Momoko, myself, Yuri and Hinagiku had had our last encounter with Pluie. And me, Momoko and Hinagiku were busy listening to Yuri explain that a student by the name of Mosomi, had been absent from school for several days in a row. However, and unfortunately, we were going to soon learn, that there was actually a very good reason for this.
A little bit later at Mosomi's house, and after Momoko, myself, Yuri and Hinagiku had left school for the day. We decided to check on Mosomi to see why she had been absent for so many days of school. We wound up founding out from Mosomi's mom that she had been continuously asleep and had never woken up since she had fallen asleep, and she had been this way for several days. Several doctors were called in to try and see what was wrong with Mosomi. But, unless the doctors were able to find out what was exactly wrong with her then there was nothing that could be done.

It was while Mosomi's mom went off to get some tea for the four of us, that Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku then decided to take it upon themselves to try and wake Mosomi up from her current condition. This was then followed up by Hinagiku yelling at her sleeping form at the top of her lungs, followed up by Momoko gathering a whole lot of alarm clocks. And once all four of us had put ear plugs in our ears, well, at least it seemed like that was the case, Momoko then proceeded to set them all off at the same time, in an attempt to wake Mosomi up.

Unfortunately, neither Hinagiku or Momoko's plans worked. And despite me and Momoko not being fazed by all of the alarm clocks going off at once, Yuri and Hinagiku didn't exactly feel the same way. Largely since they seemed to be quite dazed, and also a bit out of it, and Jama-p wasn't exactly in the best way either, who was also quite dazed from all of the alarm clocks having all been set off at exactly the same time.
The next day, at the school, it was discovered that yet another girl had not shown up, and she too had not woken up. It was after this most recent discovery, and after a conversation between the four of us and Jama-P.

Along with Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku having a quick fantasy of Yanagiba, seeing as how he had walked through the school halls during our conversation, only for Yousuke Fuuma to interject, causing the three of them to get irritated by him again.

It was after Yousuke and Momoko once again went at it, that it was decided that we would go to the school library in an effort to learn more about what exactly was going on.

However, it was while Momoko was busy reading through a book regarding Napoleon, that she happened to glance over to the windowsill, to which a strange doll, that was dressed in a peculiar outfit was just laying there. It was as she approached the doll however, and began to lean in to examine it more closely, that I then looked up from reading the book that I had been reading.

"It's so cute!" Momoko said.

"Well, there's that bad feeling again. I need to try and save Momoko from that devil, because after all viewers, that is what a hero does," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my eyesight to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, as I then spoke up, once I had turned my eyesight forward again.

"Momoko, get away from there!" I yelled. Unfortunately, my cry fell on deaf ears, as the doll suddenly opened its eyes, and then snapped its fingers, causing Momoko's eyes to falter slightly. It was at this point that the doll began to perform a hypnosis of sorts on Momoko, and after another snap of his fingers, Momoko's eyes immediately shut, and she fell over backwards.

Sending a shocked expression across my face. It was then that I knew that I was now in very deep trouble.

"I could very well transform into Angel Bluebell. But seeing as how Momoko is currently knocked out cold, that won't be of any use to me, if I am going to try and purify this devil with her knocked out. This is very frustrating, but, I can't do anything, so regrettably, I have to do nothing," I thought to myself in frustration.

Because whether I liked it or not, I wasn't really left with any other choice. It was after the devil had escaped through an open window, that Yuri and Hinagiku took notice of the situation and came over to check on me and Momoko. However, they also noticed the devil escaping through the open window, which Jama-P immediately recognized as the devil named Pajama. Who was actually responsible for causing all of the girls being put into a deep slumber, and not being able to wake up.

It was then, at that moment, that me, Yuri and Hinagiku realized, that Momoko had now become Pajama's latest victim. And despite me not being able to save Momoko from being put under Pajama's deep slumber spell, Yuri and Hinagiku wound up understanding that I had made the right choice by choosing not to transform at that moment. Largely since that with Momoko out of action for the time being, I wasn't able to use my purification attack without her being able to use hers.
A short time later, after it was revealed that the only way for Momoko to wake up was for her to receive a kiss from her true love. Both Yuri and Hinagiku had assumed that it was Yanagiba who had to kiss her in order to wake her up. And while they were off trying to convince Yanagiba to kiss Momoko, while I was watching over her at her bedside, in case Pluie decided to attack again.

Yousuke Fuuma decided to come into the infirmary in an attempt to ask the school's nurse for help. But, he wound up accidentally kissing Momoko, after Jama-P had tripped him. But, thankfully, this wound up waking Momoko up.

And after Yousuke blushed with embarrassment, and had apologized for his actions, he then quickly ran out of the infirmary.

It was at this point that I decided to speak up. "Welcome back Sleeping Beauty, and how was your nap?" I asked, in a friendly joking manner.

"Quite refreshing, thanks for asking," Momoko said as she stretched her arms out.

"We can discuss a little more on that later, because right now, we have a devil to fight," I said, as I waited for Momoko, to get out of the infirmaries bed. And once she had put on her shoes, we both, along with Jama-P, ran out of the infirmary and off towards our battle with Pajama.
Meanwhile, in the school's music room, Pajama was busy trying to make more of the school's students fall into a deep slumber. Thankfully however, Yuri and Hinagiku burst in through the door. And without a second of hesitation, they readied their respective transformation items, and recited their transformation phrases.

"Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

It was then, that Pajama picked this particular moment, to use the two students, that he had just recruited, to attack both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy. But thankfully, thanks to their agility, they dodged out of the way without any problem.

Once they had done so, they then recited their phrases, in order to transform, into their battle outfits.

"Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Angel Lily and Angel Daisy said in unison.

"Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

"Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit as well.

And it was once this was done, that they then began their introductions.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

It was at this point however, that the students, that were under Pajama's spell, came at Angel Lily and Angel Daisy again. Unfortunately, they both quickly realized, that even though the two students were being controlled, they were still normal people.

It almost seemed like it was hopeless. That is until me and Momoko made it onto the scene.

"Talk about a run, alright Momoko, we had best transform, don't you think?" I said, as I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"I thought you'd never ask," Momoko said in response, as she readied her Saint Miroir.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell once again.

Once again, Wedding Peach, readied her Saint Miroir, and recited her phrase to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit.

And with the sound of chiming bells then filling the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "Half asleep, the invitation of the wind feels nice, and people don't resist, how dare you twist people's dreams into evil on a beautiful day like this! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"I can't get over the fact of how well she can deliver an introduction. Well, my turn then," I thought to myself, as I then started my introduction holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards, and over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and struck my usual pose.

It was after I had done my introduction and had struck my usual pose, that I then turned my attention to Wedding Peach, and spoke up. "Wedding Peach, I figure now is as good a time as any to put an end to this fight. Wouldn't you agree?" I said, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And with a quick nod from Wedding Peach, we then launched our attacks.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her attack at Pajama.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as once the blade glowed bright blue. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing, in front of me, and fired my attack at Pajama as well.

And when both of our attacks hit their marks at exactly the same time, not only was Pajama purified, but all of the students that he had put into a deep slumber were brought out of his spell as well. And once the battle had been won, and we all congratulated each other on a job well done, I simply knew that not only was our friendship and bond strong, but it was something, that as long as it held, no one would be able to stop us.


MGF Member
Chapter 11: The Stolen Something Four!: The History Of The Saint Sword Of Bluebell!
Date: May 31, 1995

Well, another week had now. But, it would not become apparent, until a little bit later on, that Angel Bluebell, was actually a lot closer, in relation to Wedding Peach, then I would've ever realized. But, more on that later.

"Ah, the flowers are just so pretty! So are these, and so are these, and so are these...!" Momoko was exclaiming, as she admired several of the flowers that were present in Hinagiku's mother's flower shop.

"Well, although I am aware that another week has passed without anymore encounters with Pluie. I have a feeling, which is normally correct, that we will be seeing him again, real soon," I thought to myself, as I displayed an expression of total determination.

Anyway, Momoko was then hit over the head by a duffel bag, that Hinagiku had decided to drop on her head. And to be honest, she wasn't too happy about Momoko being distracted by the various flowers.

"Hey, this is no time to be frolicking through the flowers right now!" Hinagiku angrily said, with an expression of sheer frustration very evident on her face. To which she then proceeded to drag Momoko away from the various pots of flowers.

And once Hinagiku had dragged Momoko away from the pots of flowers, she once again spoke up. "We need to develop a game plan for fighting the devils, not for fooling around!" Hinagiku frustratingly said, while still in a less then pleased sounding tone.

"Well, I guess you really can't ever really get bored, when you have best friends like them," I thought to myself, as a small smile then found its way onto my face. And it was once I had finished my thought, that Yuri then spoke up. "That's right, the devils are attacking right and left, and we need to do something about it!" Yuri said, in an effort to get Momoko back on topic.

And as the three of them continued their argument, a thought then came to my mind. "I am really starting to enjoy my time in this world...And given that I have friends like Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku, I have every reason to...Still, I can't help but feel, that we still have quite a long way to go with regards to the series...And I still don't know exactly how many episodes we are into the series at this current point...Well, I guess that's what I get for choosing not to watch any episodes of the anime, before winding up here," I thought to myself, as I sighed while I sweatdropped. However, I was then brought back to the current situation, as Momoko then spoke up in response to what Hinagiku had just said. "Hinagiku I can't help it, the flowers are all just so pretty!" Momoko said in an all too familiar joyous sounding tone. Which was of course followed by Yuri, Hinagiku, and Jama-P then sweatdropping. I however, did not, and this was because I was actually starting to get used to Momoko's behavior. Well, that was also due to the fact, that I couldn't help but feel as though something was all too familiar given the current situation, what with the current fight with the devils. Only thing was, I didn't exactly know what it was that seemed all too familiar to me about all of this. You know, except for the bits of information that I knew regarding the characters of the anime.

However, as a future event would wind up presenting itself a bit later on in the future. I would then realize, exactly why this seemed all too familiar to me. In fact, I would learn that Angel Bluebell, was much close in relation, to that of Wedding Peach, then I ever would've guessed. And if I had bothered to listen to, and hear it from Limone back in the first chapter, then it would've helped to cushion the blow, that I would wind up receiving in just a few more chapters time.

"In fact viewers, sorry, Angel Bluebell here. Anyway, as I was about to tell all of you viewers. I am sure it is pretty obvious what that exact something is. You obviously should know, seeing as how it was mentioned by a certain someone in the very first chapter of this fanfic. For those who actually decided to intently read this fanfic. You know, instead of just skimming through the paragraphs of each chapter. And viewers, you know who you are who do this. And to tell you all the honest truth, it is quite upsetting. Like, are you serious!? I mean, this story is seventy chapters long at the current moment. And it isn't even a quarter of a million words in length. Are you meaning to tell me that that is too much of an effort for all of you to put in?! And yet I know of other self insert fanfics. Mind you, they aren't in the same anime fandom as this one. But that still isn't an excuse to give this fanfic far less effort in reading it then any other self insert fanfic that you may or may not have read. Just put in a much larger effort to read through these three fanfics is all that I am saying. Don't skim, as that doesn't count as saying something along the lines of 'okay, I have skimmed most of these chapters, and that is good enough to call it read.' Okay, so basically, what you are actually saying by doing that is, 'well, I am not willing to put in the effort of thoroughly reading these three fanfics, as I clearly don't give a damn about putting in the required amount of effort to have anyone else say that you have actually bothered to read it.' So, congratulations, I would like to propose a toast, as I think that those of you who have done this are just about the laziest fanfic readers that I have ever seen or heard of. Take accountability! Anyway, enough of my immense fourth wall break rant, back to the story."

Man, who knew that a large fur tree in the forest would somehow wind up being the place for our next battle against Pluie. This seemed to be the case. But before that, let's wind the clock back a little bit to earlier in the day.

It had all started, just after the conversation that Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku had had downstairs with regards to developing a plan to fight the devils. And when Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku, were still at Hinagiku's house. Well, we were actually in her room on the floor above her parents flower shop. And the 4 of us were trying to figure out why the 4 of us had been transformed into love angels. Well, Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were. And we were also trying to develop a plan for fighting the devils.

And as for me, seeing as how if I had said anything along the lines of, "I am actually from a world where the three of you are actually just fictional characters, and your whole life is an animated tv show that was on in the mid 90's." So yea, you can pretty much see why I was choosing not to say anything, or very much at all regarding the current topic. However, as I would later learn, this was something, that was already very much known by Momoko. "Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell here again. Yea, so I am sorry to break the fourth wall on all of you again, but I need to clarify something for all of you. As I am sure you all have a similar nagging question. Anyway, as I am sure, you are all well aware by this point, Momoko just so happens to be one of the three magical girls I mentioned back in the 2nd chapter that can break the fourth wall. And as for the other two? Well, I'm not going to spoil anything for you, because what would be the fun in that? I mean, after all, you wouldn't be compelled to read on if I did. *giggles* Anyway, back to the story."

But anyway, fourth wall breaking, and Momoko's ability to do it aside. It was while Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku were discussing the current topic, that a news story referring to the "Something Four," came onto the television. Featuring a bride, who was mentioning about her four sacred somethings, her Something Old, her Something Blue, her Something Borrowed, and her Something New. These for those who are unaware, are the four items that a bride would wear, as she was about to get married to the one that she loved. And believe it or not, these four item names, would wind up playing an important role later on. Anyway, she said that she would be wearing these four items to her and her husbands wedding. However, this was then followed by, quite weirdly and unexpectedly I might add, by the bride then yawning, and then saying that she was calling off the wedding. And to be honest, it was very bizarre. Well, that is if you aren't a love angel like the four of us. As while I was trying to process what had just happened, I then started to get a familiar uneasy feeling. "Well, there's that all too familiar uneasy feeling again. So, I had best ready myself, as I am pretty sure that the four of us will be seeing Pluie again, and fighting against him, real soon," I thought to myself, as I became quite on edge. But I seem to be rambling on a bit here, let's now head back to the present, regarding our next encounter with the bride, under the large fur tree. And not surprisingly, our next encounter with Pluie too.

Anyway, back to the fur tree, and before Pluie had once again showed his face, Momoko had pulled out and readied her Saint Miroir, I reached into my pocket and pulled out and readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri readied her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readied her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko called out. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I called out. And in a flash of light, I was in my usual battle outfit, and was once again Angel Bluebell. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri called out. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku called out. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Yep, still not used to our transformations being that short...but still...I wonder how lengthy that girl's transformation comparison to her know what...let me stop thinking about that for now...because there is absolutely no way I am ever going to cross paths with her...I mean after all's not like she's in the same anime dimension as us...right?" I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight to the right of me, to address the viewers.

And it was at this point, once I had finished my thought, that Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, began their respective introductions.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special. It means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

And after me and Wedding Peach, joined the two of them on a tree branch of the fur tree. And as the familiar sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "Summertime is near, and a bride showers herself in the sunlight that shines through the trees touched with green! On a beautiful day like this, how dare you cure a beautiful wife and make her lazy! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her left hand that held her bridal bouquet at Pluie. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc, and bringing her arm into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her gloved hand in a closed fist.

"Well done Wedding Peach, another successful and well delivered introduction. Well, it looks like it is my turn now," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, as I pointed my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, then over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and then struck my usual pose. "Well viewers, Angel Bluebell here. I just wanted to let you all know, that this won't be my usual introduction, or my usual end pose for very much longer, but we will get to that at a later date. *giggles* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, it was at this point, after a devil by the name of Ohima had appeared, and had used his spell of laziness on the four of us. And after Limone had descended down to help rescue us from Ohima's spell of laziness. And after the four of us had snapped out of it, with Limone's help of course. It was then that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy then readied their respective transformation items, and then proceeded to transform into their respective usual battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. And it was when the four of us found Pluie, in a nearby clearing, and was heard making a comment. It was regarding the four items that Ohima had stolen from the bride, were not pieces of the Saint Something Four. And it was then that Angel Lily, decided to speak up regarding this. "Then I guess you wouldn't mind Pluie, with handing the items over to us!" Angel Lily said, in a very not pleased tone of voice. And given the current situation, I don't blame her even the slightest bit for responding in such a manner.

"Okay Lily, I see you are still not afraid to speak your mind against a devil like Pluie. Let me just make a mental note, and remind myself, to stay on her good side," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop made itself present, on one side of my face. And it was then, that like Angel Lily had just done, that I also decided to speak up regarding Pluie. "Well Pluie, I see that you still haven't learned your lesson as to why it is not nice nor polite to steal things that don't belong to you! But again, you are immensely arrogant! Not to mention that you only seek to carry out evil and heinous acts! But enough about that, how about dealing with the four of us! Well, that is if you can Pluie! Because given your recent track record, it has clearly been going so well for you so far!" I sarcastically and passionately said, as the power and authority in my voice, helped to hammer my statement home.

And it was then, after I had had my thought, and had said my statement. That I then went and took a very good look at Ohima. And another thought then went through my head. "Hold on a sec the devil that put the four of us in such a lazy state...was a talking goat!?...Okay viewers, I know that I can't visually show you what this devil looks like...because the anime industry still hasn't realized yet...that they would wind up making quite a lot of money...if they decided to re-release this anime with the inclusion of what has already occurred, and what will occur later on...but...I just hope that the anime industry, realizes it soon enough...because they are missing out, on potentially making quite a lot of money, if they ever finally decide to make this fanfic, along with the other two that are connected to this, into actual canon anime...Well, hopefully they'll realize it eventually...but for now...back to the story," I thought to myself, while turning my eyesight to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And so, without wanting to waste another second, after I had finished my thought and fourth wall break that is. Wedding Peach then readied her Saint Miroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the red heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her respective purification attack towards Ohima.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its familiar bright blue color. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, as I fired my respective purification attack, from the blade, towards Ohima.

And once both of our purification attacks hit the devil named Ohima at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then disappeared out of existence. But unfortunately, like all of the other previous battles that we had had with Pluie, he wound up fleeing back to the Devil World again. "Oh Pluie, I see you love resulting to playing the coward and fleeing when you know you can no longer win the battle. And yet, why do I get the strangest feeling...that I will be seeing him again, even after he is defeated?...Okay, let me think about this at a later date...because not a top priority right now," I thought to myself, as I then sighed and sweatdropped again.

And it was at this point, after I had finished my second thought, that Aphrodite then appeared, and began to explain to me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, about the origin of the Saint Something Four, and also my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

Which apparently bore a very strong connection to it. However, this strong connection, as I would discover much later on, and many years later, would wind up being severed, when the Saint Something Four, would wind up being destroyed. But what about my Saint Sword Of Bluebell? Well, more on my swords fate at a much later date.


MGF Member
Chapter 12: Fading Friendships!: Friendship Renewal!
Date: June 7, 1995

Okay, so another week had now passed since me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy's last run in and battle against Pluie. But that was basically the last thing that was currently on any of our minds at the moment. Well, Yuri and Hinagiku hadn't exactly arrived where me and Momoko currently were just yet. Seeing as how Momoko was trying to get pictures of the soccer team for our newspaper club. Since it was apparently, according to Momoko, the most important news day in a month for us. "Yea no, sorry Momoko, but you can't lie to me about that. I know that the main reason that you are taking all of these pictures, is so you can get most of the photos of Kazuya Yanagiba again...I am still very much obligated to not tell you the truth about who Yanagiba truly is...But as I said before viewers, it is for the best...and speaking of love interests viewers...why am I thinking about that girl and that guy again?...Stop thinking about it, you still have a job to do here!...And, if I know Pluie as well as I currently do, he will most likely be showing himself again real soon. And as a result, we had best need to be ready, for when he does wind up showing up again," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop, appeared on one side of my face, which disappeared a few seconds later. And this was after I had turned my eyesight briefly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

Later on, things seemed to have gone completely off the rails and out of control, in just a short time span, of only a few hours. So as it currently stood, not only had Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku's friendship somehow deteriorated, for reasons unknown to me that is. But apparently, as I had found out, it had something to do with both Yuri and Hinagiku choosing to join some clubs, rather then work on the schools newspaper with me and Momoko. But anyways, as a result of this, their friendship had deteriorated to such an immense degree, that they now had trouble transforming into their love angel forms. And the reason for why this was the case, was because each of their respective items, that they usually used to transform, Momoko's Saint Miroir, Yuri's Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku's Saint Pendule, had suddenly lost all of their color, and had become very old and ancient looking. Fast forward to now, and Pluie had once again decided to show up uninvited. And on top of deciding to attack Hinagiku while she was not transformed, while putting her in a choke hold, while forcing the fact that she should transform, or risk him killing her. He then decided to summon the devil named Sacchima to make things difficult for her. As well as the rest of us.

But thankfully, with the help of Jama-P, as well as Limone, I was able to get Momoko, and Yuri back on track. Well, when I say back on track, Jama-P sort of cried due to the fact that Momoko and Yuri weren't willing to bury the hatchet, and mend things between the both of them. And so, with that having now been settled, and their friendship now fixed, the three of us then took off towards the field, to help Hinagiku, in what would be our upcoming encounter with Pluie, and the devil named Sacchima.

However, on our way to the current situation involving Pluie, Sacchima, and Hinagiku. And after finding a secluded area. Momoko chose to pull out and ready her Saint Miroir, I had reached into my pocket and pulled out and readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Yuri had readied her Saint Lip Liner, as the three of us then prepared to transform. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and once again in my usual armor clad battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form as well.

And it was once I had transformed, and we had made our way to the field in question, a thought then went through my mind. "Wait a sec, why does this field look so familiar to me?...Hold on, I remember watching an episode from the Yugioh anime, when Atem, dueled against one of Marik Ishtar's Rare Hunter goons...Strings The Quiet One, if I remember correctly...still can't believe how much everyone cheated in that anime...and Atem, was the worst case out of all of them...and he calls himself a pharaoh?...Actually, you know what, let me just push this thought aside now, because I have a job to do here, and that isn't a priority to be thinking about right now...I'll just leave the likes of Marik Ishtar to Edwin Chaos of The Chaos Effect fanfic." As I then took a fighting stance, as did Wedding Peach, and Angel Lily.

And once we had all taken our fighting stances, and the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "Like the setting sun that burns red, burning friendship is eternal! How dare you take a foolish argument among maidens, and force them to break up their friendship! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she pointed her hand that held her bridal bouquet, at Pluie. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in an upward arc, and was then finished with her bringing her arm into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her glove hand in a fist.

"Once again, another greatly delivered introduction Wedding Peach. Looks like I'm up then," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up, with my left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell here. Sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on you again. But I just wanted to let you all know, as well as remind you, that this will be one of the final times, that I will be using my current introduction. And the same goes for my current pose as well. Why you may ask? Well if I told you, what would be the fun in me continuing to spoil you all with foreshadowing? *giggles in a kind way* You wouldn't want to read on if I did. *giggles again in a kind way* Anyway, back to the story."

It was then that Wedding Peach readied her Saint Miroir, and Angel Lily readied her Saint Lip Liner, as they then proceeded to transform into their respective battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach and Angel Lily both said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her usual battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her usual battle outfit.

And With Hinagiku then choosing to transform into Angel Daisy, as Pluie's attention was directed at us, rather then at Hinagiku. Which gave her the opportunity to transform. This was then followed by her readying her Saint Pendule, as she then proceeded to transform. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. This was then followed by Angel Daisy readying her Saint Pendule again, as she then proceeded to transform into her usual battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Angel Daisy said. And in another flash of light, she was in her usual battle outfit. And once her transformation was complete, she then decided to speak up. "Hold on a sec Pluie!" Angel Daisy said. And as Pluie turned his attention to Angel Daisy, she then began her introduction. "The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force, of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she then struck a pose.

And as Pluie fired a wave of evil energy towards me, Wedding Peach, and Angel Lily. Angel Daisy then chose to leap forward, and stick her landing in front of us. To which she then conjured a protective barrier, by using her Saint Pendule, and raising her hand that had it. And as Pluie's evil energy, hit the conjured protective barrier, it simply dissipated to nothing.

And it was then, that a thought went through my mind. "Wait, why does what Angel Daisy just did with that barrier, remind me of another magical girl? One with emerald eyes, and auburn hair no less...She also seems to have quite the sterling need to stop this and focus Bluebell...and worry about that magical girl later..." I thought to myself, as I then displayed a look of pure determination. Well, that was after I had put two fingers of my right hand to my temple, in an effort to quell my current frustration over this new thought intruding into my mind.

Anyway, after Pluie's evil energy, had hit the barrier, and had dissipated into nothing. He then commanded Sacchima to attack us. This was then followed by Angel Lily, telling me and Wedding Peach, that now was as good a time as any, to launch our respective purification attacks.

This was then followed, by me and Wedding Peach, turning to one another, and then nodding. This was then followed by Wedding Peach readying her Saint Miroir, while I then readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, as I drew it back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. So that we could use our respective purification attacks, to purify the devil Sacchima.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her respective purification attack towards Sacchima.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And once the blade glowed a bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing, with the light blue energy wave being thrown forward, from my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's blade, at Sacchima.

And once both of our respective purification attacks hit the devil Sacchima at exactly the same time, he was instantly purified, to which he then faded out of existence shortly thereafter. But unfortunately, Pluie once again fled, and escaped back to the Devil World. "Pluie, you may enjoy playing the coward in all of this. But something tells me, that we will be seeing you again real soon..." I thought to myself, while displaying a slight look of irritation, only for it to disappear completely right before I finished my thought. And unfortunately, as future events would wind up showing. I would wind up being proven, to be 100% right. And yet still, I couldn't seem to get the thought of that magical girl with auburn hair and emerald eyes, out of my head, I wonder why? Well, I guess all is well that ends well with regards to this most recent encounter with Pluie, right? And yet, despite these future events, even after Pluie's sudden departure and death, sometime later on. I wouldn't know until years later, that he would once again return, in an effort to make things difficult for us again, it was only going to be a matter of time. "But that viewers, as of now, is a story for another time. Sorry, Bluebell here again, just wanted to let you all know about that. See you all in the next chapter. *waves with a blush while smiling with eyes closed*"


MGF Member
Chapter 13: Time Flies When You Are Fighting Devils!: Time Traveling Hinagiku!
Date: June 14, 1995

Another week had now passed since our most recent encounter with Pluie. And yet, this didn't seem to be the most current thing on any of our minds at the current moment.

In fact, the four of us, and some of the students, were to busy, building a flower clock, as well as a viewing platform, to celebrate our school's anniversary, which was being held in two days.

That morning, Hinagiku found the time on her Saint Pendule was acting up. She then arrived at school surprised to see many people gathered at the ceremony grounds. She then became confused when Momoko and Yuri told her the anniversary is today despite being told that the ceremony would be held the next day. The principal of the school gets on stage, humiliating himself by almost tripping and getting his speech blown away.

The four of us then looked at the planned schedule, as we got ready for the last event where the principal and Captain Yanagiba, the flower appreciation representative, were slated to look down on the flower clock from the viewing platform. Hinagiku then became suspicious of the ceremony's date, and stated it should've been tomorrow. Yousuke walked in and told us of the lunch special being served at the school's cafeteria, which made Momoko excited. He then broke it to her that he sent the soccer team to buy everything up, walking away as he annoyed her. "The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same, huh viewers?" I thought to myself, which was followed during my thought of me turning my eyesight to the right of me to address the viewers.

The principal and Yanagiba then walked up to the viewing platform as the four of us and other people watched them. As the clock struck 12, part of the platform broke, which caused Yanagiba to fall down on the flower clock below him. As he hit the ground, the flowers that surrounded the clock withered up and died. Yanagiba was then sent to the hospital, suffering a serious injury to his leg.

The next day, Hinagiku came to the school, only to notice everyone gathered around again, assuming another event was taking place. Momoko and Yuri then tell her the ceremony is being held today. Hinagiku stated that the ceremony was yesterday and then mentioned the incident involving Yanagiba, but she then finds him unharmed. However, as Hinagiku said her statement, it was unapparent to her that she wasn't the only one that knew that something was up. "Thankfully Hinagiku, you aren't the only one to know that something strange is going on. Because I am once again getting a bad feeling...It would seem to me that a devil, more specifically Pluie is behind this...well, just another day in the life of a love angel," I thought to myself as I sweatdropped while I sighed. While I was thinking this, Hinagiku then noticed the events involving the principal humiliating himself and the girls reading the school schedule the same way. Hinagiku pointed this out to the three of us and when Yousuke walked in, she correctly guessed what he was going to say, which, not surprisingly to either Hinagiku or myself, annoyed Momoko in the same fashion.

Hinagiku then told us that Yanagiba was going to fall off the viewing platform at noon. Much to our disbelief. Well, Momoko and Yuri, couldn't believe it. Whereas I, did believe it. "Well, seeing as how I always get a bad feeling before and, when a devil or Pluie appears...I guess this is another one of my benefits to being a love angel...I guess it is a sixth sense, of sorts," I thought to myself, as I displayed a look of understanding. Hinagiku then recapped the events she had experienced the previous day. Jama-P then appeared and the four of us then sensed the negative energy that was coming from the flowers, with Hinagiku then confirming the flowers around the flower clock dying. We then heard a crash inside the school, and when we went to investigate, we found one of our fellow classmates to be frozen. Jama-P then stated that her time had been stolen, paralyzing her in place by the devil known as Tanma. We then set off to stop Tanma to give the people's stolen time back while also stopping Yanagiba from falling off the viewing platform before noon.

The four of us and Jama-P then found more students frozen, and we actually caught Tanma sneaking into one of the classrooms. We then entered the classroom to find no one, but we were then spooked when Tanma jumped out of his hiding spot. Who for some reason, had a french accent when he spoke. "Okay, so I guess we're in France now?...Why did the writers who made this anime give him that accent, because to tell you the truth viewers, it seems quite out of place," I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight to the right of me, to address the viewers. Jama-P tried to confront Tanma, but was soon frozen in time like the other students.

Tanma explained to us, that his plan was to steal the energy from the flower clock and to take everyone's time to eradicate the love wave. He then went on to say that someone had leaped into the future, preventing him from carrying out his evil deeds. It was then that Hinagiku, and myself, realized that the Saint Pendule must have sent her into the future to show her what the devils were doing. Having stolen enough time, Tanma then ran out of the room.

"Well, I think we had best transform," I said, as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. Without having to exchange words between the four of us, Momoko simply nodded, to which she then pulled out and readied her Saint Miroir, Yuri then readied her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readied her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell and in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. And with one final nod to each other, the four of us then took off in pursuit of Tanma.

Upon catching up to Tanma, he then attempted to stop our time, to which the four of us then avoided. It was then that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, readied their respective transformation items, and then proceeded to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said, as she transformed into her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said, as she transformed into her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said, as she transformed into her battle outfit as well.

And as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, Wedding Peach began her introduction. "When the Hydrangeas cloudy sky, there is a break, and time flows on! On a wonderful day like this anniversary! How dare you twist peoples time around! How dare you steal it from them! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"So viewers, am I the only one here, who just thought that her introduction, sounded a tad bit off?" I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought of me once again turning my eyes sight to the right of me to address the viewers. "Well, my turn then," I thought to myself, as I then began my introduction whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, swinging my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and striking my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

Tanma then continued to try and take our time away with his powers, but we kept on evading it. Tanma then escaped, and decided to wait until the love wave peaked at 12 as the four of us followed him.

Tanma ran out of the window, but was quickly surrounded by the four of us. Pluie then appeared, almost striking Peach with his negative energy and was apparently not worried about losing. Which, then wanting to have fun at his expense, I then decided to speak up. "Well, as a certain someone once said Pluie, you can't always get what you want," I said to him smugly with a cocky smirk present on my face. "Because to be plainly honest with you, viewers, I am really getting sick of having to deal with Pluie time and time again! Sorry, Bluebell here, just wanted to vent and get that off my chest. *blush*"

Pluie, now having taken my comment to heart, decided to go after Peach with his sword. Which I seemed to not take very well. "Well Pluie, there really is no reasoning with you then is there!? I guess you'll have to learn the hard way," I thought to myself in a very irritated state, as I then stood in front of Wedding Peach, and blocked Pluie's strike with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Well, good to see that my sword can still take the punishment. And yet, once again, no reverberation. I still haven't gotten used to that..." I thought to myself, as my blocking of Pluie's strike, distracted him. Because, meanwhile, Angel Daisy then readied her Saint Pendule to use her attack on Tanma. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she launched her attack from her Saint Pendule, which wound up stopping Tanma from escaping. Angel Lily then readied her Saint Lip Liner to use her respective attack on Tanma. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, a she launched her attack at Tanma, which wound up tripping him up. This then prompted the two of them to tell Wedding Peach and myself, that now was our chance to purify Tanma. And after I had gotten a good distance away from Pluie, as had Wedding Peach for that matter, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attacks at Tanma.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she launched her attack from it, towards Tanma.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, and then as the blade glowed a light blue color, I then swung it in a horizontal swing, and threw a wave light blue energy forward from the blade, towards Tanma.

And once both attacks hit the devil Tanma at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence. "You'll pay for this Love Angels!" Pluie said angrily, as he once again then fled back to the Devil World. However, neither me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, or anyone else involved in fighting against the devils, would wind up realizing until several years later that is. That destiny would wind up having much bigger plans in store for us. "But that viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. That is a story for a much later date. *giggles* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *waves and smiles with eyes closed*"


MGF Member
Chapter 14: A Fortune Teller Of Pure Evil!: Aquelda The Water Devil!
Date: June 21, 1995

Yet another week had now passed since our most recent encounter with Pluie. And as well as our fight against the devil Tanma. But this was not the current thing on any of our minds. In fact, Momoko was busy having her fortune told by one of the students named Reiko. She wound up telling Momoko that her meeting with her love would go well but someone would always get in the way of their relationship. I couldn't help but give a small smile, knowing full well who it was she was referring to. "Well, I am going to make a guess here viewers, that it is 100% Yousuke that she is referring to," I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought of me turning my eyesight to the left of me to address the viewers. Momoko thought back to a memory of Yousuke, no surprise there. To which she was thinking that he was the one that was blocking her from falling in love and not surprisingly, she got upset about it. However, Yuri and Hinagiku then entered the room to get their own fortunes taken by Reiko, which wound up pushing Momoko out of her seat.

Yuri and Hinagiku were then seen looking around nervously at their surroundings. Momoko, whilst I was there with her, asked what they were doing, to which they told the both of us about Reiko's fortune to watch out for accidents and premonition regarding water. Momoko thought that the two of them were crazy, I mean, wouldn't you? "But if I may viewers, yea Bluebell here. I just wanted to clear up that although Momoko feels that way now, I can only think of what will happen, when things get a lot more out of hand. Why you may ask? Well I'm not going to spoil the future of this fanfic for you...but...let's just say that a certain Shinto priestess, along with several others are going to wind up becoming very important allies. Who you may ask are these other people? Well I'm not going to tell you, because if I did, then there wouldn't be any point for you to read on now would there? *giggles* Anyway, back to the story."

A short time later, Momoko accidentally bumped into Captain Yanagiba, who wound up carrying her despite Momoko pretending to be injured. The two then walked away to the nurse's office. Well I accompanied them, because to tell you the honest truth, if Pluie wound up showing up uninvited again, I would at least be near Momoko. So that way, we would be able to fight at a moments notice. However this didn't stop Yuri and Hinagiku, from watching the both of us with jealousy.

At the nurse's office. Yanagiba walked out of the office to get ice for Momoko's ankle. And Momoko, who might I add was now with excitement, found Reiko's fortune had come true, with her only obstacle being to avoid people getting in her way. "Well, I see that she is as enthusiastic and ecstatic as ever when it comes to someone like Kazuya Yanagiba...I wonder how much longer it is going to be, before Momoko winds up realizing, that he is actually Limone?" I thought to myself while I was deep in thought.

A little while later, Momoko was at the soccer grounds, with me right beside her, for obvious reasons. And she was telling Reiko of her accurate fortunes. Despite this, Reiko then stated that she felt unsure about herself having no idea of her own future. A soccer ball then landed in front of the three of us, as Reiko then handed it back to one of the soccer players, Yamaguchi. The two gaze up at each other for a few seconds. This then prompted something unusual to happen. Momoko decided to look at first that she was looking out into nothing. But when she spoke, a shocked expression then found its way onto my face. "Uh excuse me, don't we sort of have a tv show to get to here?" Momoko said. This, not surprisingly, was when I decided to speak up. Knowing full well what it exactly was that Momoko had just done. "Uh, Momoko, do you think that it's wise to be breaking the fourth wall at this current moment? I mean after all, I already addressed the viewers earlier on in the episode," I said, a sweatdrop forming on one side of my face.

However, Momoko ignored what I had just said, as she was more focused on having caught notice of the fact that Reiko liked Yamaguchi. She then suggested to Reiko to get her own fortune told by a real fortune teller, and the three of us then headed to a fortune telling place in town. "Bluebell here. Let me be as plain as I can viewers, I am not against fourth wall breaks, no really I'm not, the more in a fanfic the better. And yet..." "Sorry to interrupt your fourth wall break there Bluebell, but we are kind of in the middle of something right now..." "Oh my apologies Momoko. And yet, why didn't you respond to me when I had asked you about your fourth wall break? I'm going to guess, that like someone else I know of that will be showing up later on in this fanfic, you really can truly never get used to the fact that Momoko can really be scatterbrained sometimes...but don't tell her that I told you this viewers...Anyway, back to the story."

Later on, at the fortune telling place Reiko had gone in to get her fortune told, which was also right around the time that both Momoko and I suspected that something strange was going on. This was further confirmed, when Reiko came out of the booth and proceeded to knock out most of the girls in the room. She then used what appeared to be devil fortune telling cards to cause one of the girls to hate love. This then prompted Momoko to scan Reiko with her Saint Miroir. And sure enough Reiko was possessed by a devil. Who was apparently named Nanma.

After following the possessed Reiko to a nearby park, and having then witnessed her using her devil powers to make couples in the park hate each other. Momoko then readied her Saint Miroir, and I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was once again Angel Bluebell, and in my usual battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The life of a flower is short, but because of its remedy, the flower of love burns brightly! How dare you try to disperse those flowers before they even bloom! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach! And I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Still can't get enough of those introductions...and while we are on the subject viewers, this is going to be one of the last times that you see me use my current introduction," I thought to myself, as I briefly turned my eyesight to the right of me, to address the viewers. I then began my introduction, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over my right armor shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and struck my usual pose. However, a female devil then appeared, who introduced herself as Aquelda. This was then followed by her using one of her attacks to trap the two of us in a bubble each. This was then followed by Aquelda fleeing off to who knows where, while bringing both of us along. "Oh joy...well this is a bit of a fine mess that me and Wedding Peach are currently in," I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop formed on one side of my face.

At the school, Aquelda ambushed the students at the soccer field with Reiko as both Wedding Peach and I remained trapped. Reiko then used her devil cards to knock out the students. Thankfully though, Yuri and Hinagiku had witnessed this. Which prompted Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she was also in her wedding dress form. They then went off to go fight Aquelda and the possessed Reiko. Which, once they had arrived, was then followed by Angel Lily and Angel Daisy saying their respective introductions. "In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose. "The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose. But unfortunately, they both just wound up getting glued to the ground by Reiko's cards.

However as Reiko got ready to attack Angel Lily and Angel Daisy with her whip, Jama-P wound up setting both Wedding Peach and myself free from our respective bubbles. Wedding Peach, with me following right beside her, went in front of Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, just in time for Wedding Peach to catch Reiko's whip. As for me, I stood right beside her, brandishing my Saint Sword Of Bluebell in a battle ready position, should either Reiko, or Aquelda try anything else that was untoward unjustifiable and unforgivable. Wedding Peach then tried to tell Reiko to remember what she had said about helping people with her fortune telling.

This then prompted Wedding Peach to ready her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

"Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin, and once her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod appeared in place of her bridal bouquet, she then launched her purification attack from her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod towards Reiko.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And then, once the blade started glowing a light blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and threw my usual light blue energy wave forward from the blade, towards Reiko.

And once both of our attacks hit the possessed Reiko at exactly the same time. Nanma was overwhelmed, to which he then escaped from Reiko's body.

Aquelda then tried to summon her water dragons to attack us, but this then prompted Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy to ready their respective transformation items, as they then prepared to transform into their respective battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

Angel Daisy then prepared to use her Saint Pendule on Nanma. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she then did a sweeping circle, and she launched her attack from her Saint Pendule. To which Nanma was frozen by it. Angel Lily then prepared to use her Saint Lip Liner. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she swung her Saint Lip Liner in a circular motion around her, as a rainbow ribbon trail appeared from it and followed her movement. And once the rainbow ribbon was long enough, she then launched her attack towards Nanma, which wound up trapping him.

And upon being told by both Angel Lily and Angel Daisy that now was our chance to purify Nanma. Wedding Peach then readied her Saint Miroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said. As she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir, glowed red, she then launched her attack from it towards Nanma. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And as the blade once again glowed bright blue. I then swung it forward, in a left horizontal swing, whilst firing the usual bright blue wave of energy from the blade.

And once our respective purification attacks hit Nanma at exactly the same time, he was purified, and then faded out of existence a second or two later.

And as for Aquelda, well like Pluie had done countless times before, she too wound up fleeing back to the Devil World just after Wedding Peach and myself had purified Nanma.

"Ah Aquelda, I see you are a as much of a fan of playing the coward as Pluie is," I said to myself, as a slight smile found its way onto my face. But for now, I decided to put this to the side, and just enjoy the fact that we had all made it out of this battle alive and also in one piece.


MGF Member
Chapter 15: A Battle At The Soccer Stadium!: Aquelda The Coward!
Date: June 28, 1995

A day had now passed since our most recent encounter with Aquelda. "And to tell you the honest truth viewers, sorry, Bluebell here. To tell you the honest truth viewers, I find her, like that of Pluie, to be quite cowardly. Because only a coward would flee from a fight, which is something that towards the end of this fanfic, will no longer be an option for either of them. Because I can tolerate a lot of things, but when you put innocent people's lives at risk, or in another certain someone's case, kill my friends. That is when it becomes unforgivable, as well as inexcusable. And I intend to prove that such things are more then a justifiable means to fight, in order to keep those that I care about safe. But I seem to be rambling a bit here, on with the story."

Anyway, at Saint Hanazano Middle School, Momoko eagerly awaited to invite Captain Yanagiba on a date to a soccer game. As for me, well, I was right beside her as usual, in case either Pluie or Aquelda decided to pop up uninvited. Anyway, Momoko had received these tickets from her father. But she wound up hiding the tickets from Yuri and Hinagiku, worrying that they would be mad at both of us if she told them.

Yanagiba was then seen checking his locker as Momoko watched him from a Janitor's closet. As for me, I was...not doing that. And was just watching all of this from a distance away. Because, yea, that is sort of creepy if I am going to be honest here. Anyway, he then pulled out multiple love letters and gifts that had been given from other girls not knowing how to respond to them all. Yousuke then walked by and told Yanagiba to narrow his response down to one girl so the other students would stop sending him letters. As Yanagiba agreed with this, Momoko then screamed in dismay and then quickly hid in the closet when the boys turned around to see who was there. "*Sigh* Really subtle there Momoko..." I thought to myself, as a sweatdrop found its way down one side of my face. They then both walked away whilst talking about the ticket Momoko had left, while Momoko hoped that Yanagiba would accept to go on a date. "Bluebell here again, this viewers, would wind up not being the case, as events that would transpire a few paragraphs down would show."

Later that night, Momoko was still undecided about what outfit she wanted to wear to the game. She then asked Jama-P for his preference, but wound up yelling at him when he stated that the clothes she had out all looked the same. Momoko then tried several outfits on, but she still found it difficult to determine which outfit to wear.

On the day of the game, One of the soccer players, Kaji Shinichi, was seen making a goal for his team as me and Momoko cheered him on. Momoko then assumed that Yanagiba was running late. "Hold on a second here viewers, Bluebell here, wait for it, yea no, not exactly, but she is allowed to assume...oh look, Yousuke is here...great...*sighs*...Well, this can only go one way. And I can guarantee you viewers, it isn't going to be pretty...*sweatdrops*...Anyway, back to the story." Anyway, Yousuke explained that Captain Yanagiba had given him the ticket to learn new strategies by watching a professional match. Realizing she had given him the extra ticket, Momoko then made an excuse about reporting for the match and the two then minded their business. Kaji then made another goal, which caused Momoko and Yousuke to unintentionally hug each other. She then pushed him away, and an argument began between the two of them, while I just looked on and sweatdropped.

And yet, unbeknownst to the three of us, Aquelda was watching the game from above the stadium, having sensed the love wave of the crowd cheering for Kaji. She then used her evil energy to the people in the crowd, resulting in them booing at Kaji and interrupting the game. Jama-P then told both Momoko and myself of the devil's presence, and once we had found an empty area out in the hall of the stadium, Momoko readied her Saint Mirroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said, as she transformed into her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, as the light blue ribbon shot out of the five petal bluebell gem on my Saint Sword Of Bluebell's handle, tied itself around my left wrist in a bow, and then enveloped the rest of my body, changing me into my usual battle outfit. "Well viewers, I gotta tell you, this doesn't get any easier with regards to transforming, and despite what I actually said in the 4th chapter, about getting used to it, I still haven't. Anyway, back to the story." Anyway, Aquelda was hiding from behind the stadium, as me and Wedding Peach, ran through the stadium, while Wedding Peach used her "Lovely Operation Tempete!" and I was using my "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Devil Purification~!" In an effort to purify and return the possessed fans back to normal. And once this had been done, we both then went off in search of the devil that was responsible.

After the match was over, me and Momoko, were seen on the field, having failed to locate the devil. And as a result we had missed the rest of the game alongside Momoko's ruined date with Yanagiba. And after an...incident...yea...let's call it that, had happened in the changing room involving Momoko and Kaji. We both agreed to help look for a pendant that he had lost in the bathroom.

Thankfully, Jama-P found the pendant on the floor and Momoko then gave it to back to Kaji. He thanked her and me and Momoko then introduced ourselves to him. "And as for me, well, I am not going to tell you my male forms name viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. Because as with the suitcase scene in Pulp Fiction, I'll just let you viewers leave it up to interpretation. *giggles* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, Kaji then went on to talk about the origins of his pendant, which happened to be a good luck charm that had been given to him by his mother when he had traveled to Brazil for strenuous soccer training. Yousuke was then seen outside looking for Momoko and became bewildered when he saw Kaji driving with me and Momoko. But unfortunately, as I am sure you all known by now, evil never takes a holiday, and neither do the five of us love angels for that matter.

A little while later, at the school, Momoko and myself, along with several other students, waited to welcome Kaji to help coach the school's soccer team. Much to Yuri and Hinagiku's doubt, Kaji drove up to the school grounds and welcomed himself to Yanagiba.

Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were then seen with the pendant as Kaji walked out of the building. And yet, he seemed to be acting as though he was possessed by a devil. And wanting to confirm our suspicions, Momoko scanned Kaji with her Saint Miroir. And sure enough, a devil by the name of Daruma was possessing him. The possessed Kaji then kicked a soccer ball towards us, which was then caught by Yousuke. Unfortunately however, Yousuke was soon unconscious from the negative energy that radiated from the ball. The four of us then ran to a clearing to transform, as Kaji used the soccer ball to knock out more students.

And once we had run off to a secluded area, and made sure that no one else was there. This was then followed by Momoko pulling out and readying her Saint Miroir, me pulling out and readying my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri readying her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku readying her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was in my usual battle outfit, and was Angel Bluebell, once again. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress outfit. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

This was then followed by Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy once again readying their respective items, as they then prepared to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit as well.

Aquelda, no surprise here, had decided to pop in uninvited again. And after asking Daruma what had happened to the piece of what she thought was of the Saint Something Four. And as Wedding Peach, myself, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, were all in battle ready stances, on the roof of the school, and all of us had less then pleased looks on our faces. Wedding Peach then decided to speak up. "I saved you the trouble!" Wedding Peach said.

"Straight and to the point as always Wedding Peach," I thought to myself, as I then took my turn to speak up. "If I were you Aquelda, I would worry more about dealing with us!" I said, the power and authority in my voice, hammering the statement home. And sure enough, when Aquelda turned her attention towards the source of our voices, she saw me, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy. And as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, Wedding Peach began her introduction. "People look up to them to follow there dreams. Because they know this world too is nothing more then a fleeting memory! I can never forgive you for trying to steal that pendant so full of a mothers feelings! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"As spontaneous as ever Wedding Peach. My turn then," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, which would be the last time I would use it. "Because in the next chapter viewers. Sorry, Bluebell here. Anyway, as I was saying, an unexpected discovery in the next chapter is going wind up causing me to change it. But more on that later viewers, back to the task at hand." And as I held my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand, I then began my introduction. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards, and over, my right armor clad shoulder, then down in a diagonal swing, and then struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love! I am the Love Angel, Angel Lily!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

And after we had deflected the ball, and the possessed Kaji was about to kick another ball, Wedding Peach then pulled out the pendant to remind Kaji of his mother's love.

And with me and Wedding Peach, giving a nod to each other, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attack at Daruma. "Lovely Operation...Tempete!" Wedding Peach said, as she raised her right hand, as her Lovely Operation Tempete Rod, then appeared, in her raised right hand. To which she then brought it, to in front of her, and the rainbow shockwaves then began to emanate from it, in equal intervals, towards Daruma.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its usual bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and launched my purification attack, from the swords blade.

And once our attacks hit Daruma at exactly the same time, it drove Daruma out of Kaji's body. Aquelda then, for reasons known only to her, gave the devil more power to make him stronger and bigger. This though, prompted Angel Lily to ready her Saint Lip Liner. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she launched her attack, which wound up tangling Daruma up. He then attempted to kick another ball. This then prompted Angel Daisy to use her Saint Pendule on him. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she launched her attack, which froze Daruma.

"Now's your chance Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said to the both of us.

"Well Wedding Peach, you ready to end this?" I asked Wedding Peach confidently, as I once again drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder.

"As ready as I will ever be," she responded back.

And with those words exchanged between us, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attacks.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her attack from it towards Aquelda.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And as the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell glowed its usual bright blue color, I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my usual purification attack from my swords blade.

And once both of our respective purification attacks hit the devil Daruma at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence. However, Aquelda unfortunately fled. But, we would wind up seeing her again.


MGF Member
Chapter 16: More Then Just A Love Angel!?: The End Of Aquelda!
Date: July 5, 1995

A week now passed since me and Momoko had had our most recent encounter with Aquelda. And yet, somehow I knew deep down, that not only would we be seeing her again, but I also knew that there was more to all of this then what was currently going on. "Hey viewers, Angel Bluebell here. So let me just clarify something to all of you viewers for a moment. Because if you think things are crazy now, then just wait until after the DX arc. Because that is when things truly start to change and shift. Why you may ask? Well, I'm not going to spoil anything for you guys, but let's just say that there are more powerful things at work in both this fanfic and the other two that coincide with this one, then any of you would ever even begin to fathom. But, more on that much later on. Back to the story."

Anyway, as I was saying, the most recent fight that the two of us had with Aquelda, was only the beginning, of something truly special. But for right now, me and Momoko were currently asleep in our respective beds. Well, that is, until I woke up, and then heard Momoko talking in her sleep again. And once her father had come into the room, Momoko then woke up. Well her father woke her up. Which apparently led to Momoko being upset that her ring was no longer on her finger. "Momoko, since when do you wear your ring to bed with you? Am I missing something here viewers?" I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought of me turning my eyesight to the right of me to briefly address the viewers. Thankfully though, Momoko wound up finding the ring, where it always had been when she went to bed, in one of her drawers, in its usual box. Which caused me to sweatdrop, no surprise there.

Me and Momoko then left for school, despite her father telling her to take off her mother's ring. He then stared at a family portrait, while asking the person in the picture, if he was going too easy on their daughter. As Momoko apologized for losing her memento in the dream, Yousuke then appeared...great...and wound up teasing Momoko about the ring on her finger. This resulted in her getting mad. And if I must be honest, you know when an anime character gets really really mad? Yea, try experiencing that for real. Because to tell you the honest truth, it is quite, interesting...yea...lets just go with that. Momoko then tried to hit Yousuke with her bag, but missed, to which she then kept her balance, which somehow caused Yousuke to smash into a pole. "Bluebell here. So yea, like I said viewers, try experiencing Momoko being mad for real, because I gotta tell you, it is very unique seeing it happen for real. And dare I say, very very shocking sometimes if you aren't expecting it. But to be honest viewers, I have pretty much gotten used to it by this point. I mean after all..." "Bluebell, can you cut to the chase here, we sort of have a chapter to get to..." "Oh, my apologies Momoko, anyways, back to the story."

A little while later, at a nearby park, Momoko was at a bench with Yousuke laying down with his head on her lap. I meanwhile, was keeping a lookout as per usual, in case either Pluie or Aquelda decided to show up uninvited again. This was then followed by Momoko apologizing for hurting him, which made her ring glow. "Bluebell here, I would say that counts as a little bit of foreshadowing viewers, wouldn't you agree? *giggles* Anyway back to the story." Anyway, Yousuke then woke up and as Momoko told him to get off her, he then asked if he could lay down a bit longer, to which she obliged.

And unfortunately, this was also the time when Aquelda decided to appear from inside of the fountain. Yea, that's not creepy or anything. And detected Momoko's ring as a part of the Saint Something four.

Yousuke then got up and suggested that they enjoy the nice weather, seeing as how we were all already late to school. And as he ran off to buy juice for Momoko, Jama-P then appeared, and told us of a devil in the nearby area. Aquelda then showed herself and snatched Momoko with her powers to steal her ring. I then realized, that this was now a very bad situation. "Almost as bad as what went on back in chapter 8 viewers. Because as long as Momoko isn't transformed, I can do nothing in this situation, except just stand by and watch. And I gotta tell you viewers, it is really really not fun. And might I also add viewers, is very very painful to experience. But what choice do I have here? Anyway, back to the story." Thankfully though, Momoko then bit Aquelda, which caused her to let go of her grasp. Which only wound up with Aquelda throwing her into the fountain and into the water. Momoko came out of the water to transform, and I was just about to transform right then and there as well. But unfortunately, Aquelda was already gone. Yousuke then came back to find Momoko in the fountain, after having her ring taken.

We then returned to the house. Which we were then greeted by her father. Once Yousuke left however, Momoko then cried and told her father that she had lost her mother's ring. Momoko's father then looked at a portrait asking Sakura if he should tell Momoko the truth. He called out to Momoko and the three of us then sat down to talk. Through Momoko's apologies, her father revealed to Momoko and myself, that her mother was still very much alive. Momoko's father then apologized to Momoko for lying to her for 10 years, and he then continued that he believed that Sakura would come back one day. He also then wound up confessing to Momoko that she wasn't the only daughter that they had raised, which intrigued me. "Bluebell here, and that viewers, now brings us to the reason why I will now have to change my introduction at the start of every fight against the devils, from now on. So brace yourselves, because as a certain director once said in a parody show, 'what a twist.' Anyway, back to the story and away from my M. Knight reference. *sweatdrops while saying the last part*"

"Sorry to ask, but you can explain what you just said a bit further please?" I asked.

This was then followed by him saying that their first daughter had long light blue hair, and light blue eyes, and was born a full year before Momoko. That is, until she mysteriously disappeared out of the blue. Not surprisingly this shocked Momoko, as well as me, though not as much as me, seeing as how he basically described a younger version of Angel Bluebell, except he said that they had named her Shinko. "Bluebell here, so I learned that that means Faith in Japanese when translating Shinko over to with that what you will. Anyway, back to the story."

Momoko was shocked, I meanwhile, fainted.

Because what this essentially meant, was that because Shinko was Momoko's sister, and Angel Bluebell was my alter ego, who was in fact Shinko. That basically meant that I was her brother by default. Which also meant, that like Momoko, this wound up making me the leader of our group as Angel Bluebell, like Momoko currently was as Wedding Peach. So in other words, our group now had two leaders, rather then just one. So why wouldn't I faint in this sort of situation, I mean, wouldn't you? "Bluebell here. And this viewers, is why I now have to completely change my introduction...and now you also know, that I am the second leader of our group...*blushes*...yea...I feel as though my responsibilities, are about to get a whole lot more interesting...along with being much more prevalent...Anyway, back to the story."

Later that day, Yousuke arrived at school to find Momoko was missing, as stated by Hinagiku. Suspicious, both she and Yuri questioned Yousuke if he knew anything about Momoko. It's then both me and Momoko walked in, to which Momoko told the two of them that nothing had happened and denied that Yousuke had done anything.

A little while later, Momoko received a ring from Yanagiba and became ecstatic from the sight of it. It was then however that Yanagiba then told Momoko that it was from Yousuke, saying that he has been worried about her. He then left the room, concluding that Yousuke had to clean the school's pool area as punishment for being late.

Once school was over, Momoko, me, Yuri, and Hinagiku were walking home, while Yuri and Hinagiku were asking Momoko what Yanagiba had talked about with her. Momoko then stopped and told the two she has to do something, to which she then ran back in the direction of the campus, while I followed right behind her. But not before I had decided to speak up. "I understand that the two of you mean well, but do you think you could be a little more easy on my sister..." I said. This, not surprisingly, caused Yuri and Hinagiku to look at me with shocked expressions. To which they then wound up bombarding me with questions. To which I then responded by saying that due to recent events, along with some discoveries, which I also explained to them about. It was now apparent, that I was now one of the two leaders of our group. This would of course require both Yuri and Hinagiku to get used to this. "Bluebell here, and yet something tells me viewers, that it still won't be easy. Anyway, back to the story." As Yousuke was cleaning the pool floor, Momoko appeared with a broom, while motivating Yousuke to go faster. Having now gotten through to him, the two then competed to clean the fastest, which caused them to slip on the ground. Momoko then showed Yousuke the ring he got for her, and thanked him.

Unfortunately, it was at this moment, that Pluie, Aquelda, and her water dragon, then emerged from the water to confront the three of us. Momoko demanded that Aquelda give back her ring, but she refused, and then summoned her water dragon to attack. Now knowing the truth, thank goodness for that, Yousuke then tried to protect Momoko with his broom, but it was broken on impact. As the dragon continued to charge towards us, Yousuke shielded Momoko behind him, which caused a blue barrier to suddenly form over the three of us, and this surprised both Pluie and Aquelda. "What are you waiting for, pulverize them!" Aquelda commanded. "Now do you realize why your tactics don't work, even with the two of you fighting together, you still can't win!" I said to Pluie and Aquelda, with a very irritated look on my face. However, neither one of them heard what I had said, since they were currently more focused on making the three of us suffer. And yet, this didn't stop Aquelda's water dragon from disappearing, and Yousuke fainting. The dragon then charged at me and Momoko, which caused both of us to fall into the water. In the water, I looked at Momoko, who had now pulled out her Saint Miroir. And after I had pulled out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, we then both nodded to each other, and then proceeded to transform.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and in my usual battle outfit.

And as the sound of chiming bells filled the air, and after we had landed on the side of the pool opposite Pluie and Aquelda, side by side, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "On this fine day when the water is warm! You've stolen a memento from a most beloved mother, and on top of that, you destroyed a reconciliation a long time in the making, I can never forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"As well delivered as ever sis. My turn then. So let's see if this new introduction is as good as it sounded as when I thought of it," I thought to myself, as I then took my usual stance, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell being held straight up with my left hand as usual. But once I began my introduction, that was when the attention of both Pluie and Aquelda was then focused completely on me. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell up towards, and then over, my right armor clad shoulder. But, as I swung it downward, I then stopped it mid swing, as I then held it in front of me in a battle ready position. And I then struck a similar pose to Wedding Peach's, but was still slightly different.

Pluie and Aquelda then fired their respective attacks at us, and as we both dodged them with no issue, Wedding Peach then proceeded to transform into her battle outfit. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform! Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. But as Aquelda ordered her dragon to attack us again. An all too familiar attack wound up freezing it. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" the familiar voice called out, as it then froze Aquelda's water dragon.

This was then followed by the appearance of Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, as they both then landed on top of Aquelda's now frozen water dragon. "They aren't the only Love Angels in town you know!" Angel Lily said, as both she and Angel Daisy leapt off of Aquelda's water dragon, causing it to fall apart into several pieces.

And it was then that Angel Daisy and Angel Lily began their respective introductions. "The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. And its power can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose. "In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" I am the Love Angel, Angel Lily!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose. Angel Lily then proceeded to use her attack to tangle Aquelda in her own whip. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as her attack tangled Aquelda up.

"Now Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said to me and Wedding Peach. "Right Lily, it's about time we send you packing Aquelda!" I said, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, with a stern look of determination on my face. And after me and Wedding Peach nodded to each other, we then proceeded to launch our respective purification attacks at Aquelda.

"Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her attack from it towards Aquelda.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said. And as the blade of my Saint Sword Of Bluebell glowed its usual bright blue color, I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my usual purification attack from my swords blade.

And once our respective purification attacks hit Aquelda at exactly the same time, she was purified. And she then faded out of existence. But not before she said something to Pluie, which caused him to look on in disgust, and then mutter something to himself once she had faded out of existence. He then, as per usual fled back to the Devil World, but not before he vowed to make us pay. "Yea, so Pluie, do you ever get tired of vowing to make us pay? *sigh* Why is it that you villains are always so arrogant?!...Not to mention quite repetitive...Hold on...that sounded way too much like a statement that was the video game L.A Noire...When the captain in the first traffic case said, 'why are you war heroes always modest...'" I thought to myself, as a tickmark then appeared on one side of my face, as I held my free right hand, in a tightly clenched fist. To which my face then softened during the second part of my thought.

A little while later, Yousuke was then woken up by Momoko, to which he then asked where the devils were. Yuri and Hinagiku were going to say something to him, until I decided to step in and speak on their behalf. "Oh Yousuke, I think you might've..." I then stopped mid explanation. Because at that moment Momoko wound up inching closer to him, relieved that he was okay. Yuri and Hinagiku then asked if the two were in a relationship, which made the two of them blush. And unfortunately, this then caused Momoko to accidentally push him away and into the pool. Yousuke then yelled at Momoko as she then apologized as both Yuri and Hinagiku watched on in laughter. "Sorry Bluebell here again viewers. So if I may point something out, both Yousuke and Momoko seem to remind me of some other people who acted this way...who you may ask? Well as I said multiple chapters ago, I am not going to spoil anything for you. Because if I did, then that would wind up defeating the purpose of you all wanting to read on. *giggle* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter."


MGF Member
Chapter 17: Pluie's End!: A Fight With Nocturne!
Date: July 12, 1995

It had been a couple of days or so, since our most recent encounter with Pluie and Aquelda. In which Aquelda had been purified by Wedding Peach and myself. And on the way to school, still focused on her ring being stolen from the last chapter, with me walking beside her. Yousuke wound up coming up to her and asked if she's okay, to which she pretended to be fine and ran away, forcing me to run after her. Not convinced, Yousuke went to Yuri and Hinagiku to ask about Momoko's recent mood and was told that nothing was going on with her. In our news office, the four of us discussed Yousuke's questions, to which Momoko, Yuri, and Hinagiku figured he could be catching on to us. At sunset, Yousuke walked home, remembering the last confrontation from the devils. He then concluded that it wasn't a dream and would find out what it was...great. But, the good news here is he won't find anything out, until much later on. So at least there's that positive. "Because to tell you the honest truth viewers, it would have been very difficult, if he had found out about us being Love Angels immediately. Sorry, Shinko here, just wanted to give you all my two cents on the matter, anyways back to the story."

Anyway, later that night, me and Momoko were in our room, with Momoko staring at her empty ring case. She then promised to get the ring back, with me telling her that I would assist her in this, because why wouldn't I? A pebble was then thrown at our bedroom window and we looked to see Yousuke, asking her if she could come down. She rushed downstairs but not before checking her hair before leaving. As for me, I accompanied her, because to tell you the truth, if Pluie wound up showing up again, I would be there to assist her at a moments notice.

Now at a park, Yousuke told Momoko that he was worried that she might be caught in something serious. To which I decided to interject and speak up, "Look, I understand that you're concerned about her Yousuke, but the fact of the matter is, this isn't the time to be asking her about this, nothing is going on, so I would suggest that you don't press her regarding this," I said, a look of understanding present on my face. But, however, he then wound up telling the both of us about strange things happening around the three of us, and insisted that she or I give him an answer. Appreciated by his concern, both of us wound up hesitating, Momoko did, because she did not want Yousuke to get involved in the battle with the devils. And me, I hesitated because I knew that Yousuke was a devil himself, and a very powerful one at that. And saying the wrong thing in this current situation, could wind up backfiring on us, quite spectacularly I might add. Seeing our pain, he apologized and said that he wouldn't ask anymore. Momoko then told Yousuke of the gravity put on her by the situation and then started to tear up, which prompted me to tear up as well.

She then questioned Yousuke's kindness towards her and then went to embrace him, continuing to say it's harder when he treats her like that. "Isn't that the truth Momoko, seeing as how involving him in this fight with the devils this early on, could prove to be a very very bad idea...honestly...I can't see any version of that...where things would wind up turning out even the least bit positive," I thought to myself with a look of great concern present on my face. However, as the two of them continued to hug, Pluie appeared to confront Yousuke. "Oh great, it's you, and I thought that my timing was bad?" I said, a very dull expression on my face. "Sorry, Bluebell here again viewers. Heath, that one was for you, no one could've pulled off that role as good as you did. Anyway, back to the story."

However, Pluie not only ignored my comment, that would've made even the Joker smile. He then wound up using 'Negativerest Space' and stunned the two of them with the evil energy. Yousuke then fell unconscious and was pulled away towards Pluie, to which he then vanished, with Yousuke in his grasp. "Alright Pluie, you just made a bad situation worse for yourself. I am going to take the utmost pleasure in seeing that you pay dearly for this!?" I thought to myself, with a very angry expression on my face, and my right hand clenched tightly into a fist, with a tickmark present on one side of my face.

A short time later, with two of us sitting on a bench in the park. Me and Momoko were worried about Yousuke's safety. She then called Hinagiku and we both told her of Yousuke's kidnapping. Jama-P then went searching for both of us and soon found us alongside Yuri and Hinagiku. The five of us then discussed the dire situation, with Momoko feeling guilty about letting Yousuke get kidnapped. "Look Momoko, I understand you are feeling guilty and concerned for Yousuke's safety. But you have to realize that the four of us are his best and only chance of being rescued from Pluie's clutches," I said, as I clenched my right hand into a fist with a look of determination on my face. Yuri was quick to respond in agreement. "I agree, we may not know his whereabouts, but like you said, we are his only chance of being rescued right now," Yuri said, a look of understanding present on her face. Jama-P then told us that he'll look for him, to which he then flew off. To detect the devils' energy, he disguised himself in his devil form. And yet, deep down, I just knew, that our upcoming fight with Pluie, was going to be one of our toughest fights yet.

The next morning, Momoko was watching the soccer team, with me right beside her. But Momoko was feeling Yousuke's absence on the field. Yuri and Hinagiku watched me and Momoko, as they tried to be patient for Jama-P's return. It was then that Yanagiba came up to me and Momoko, and asked where Yousuke might be, since he had already searched the campus with no trace of him. Yuri and Hinagiku then ran up to me and Momoko, and told Yanagiba that we didn't know where he was. "Okay, so Yuri and Hinagiku just lied to Limone. Well, they don't know that he's Limone, but I do. But given the promise I made to him, I can't tell them the truth about him. I just have to wait until they either figure it out themselves, or he tells them himself," I thought to myself, with a look of concern present on my face. And as I was thinking this, Yanagiba walked away, and Yuri and Hinagiku felt guilty about not telling Yanagiba the truth to prevent him from getting involved.

I then decided to speak up, in an attempt to put the two of them at ease. "I understand both of your guilt, really I do, but we can't drag anyone else into this. And to tell you the truth, if it had been me having to make the decision, I would've told him the exact same thing. You did the right thing by not telling him the truth, despite it not sitting well with either of you," I said, a kind expression and a look of understanding present on my face. This was then followed by Yuri and Hinagiku's calm expression once again returning, to which they then thanked me for my words of understanding, to which I then said that it was no problem at all. "But still, I am still not quite used to being one of the leaders of our group...Hopefully, I can start to get used to it soon," I thought to myself, as I sighed.

It was after I had thought this, that Jama-P returned, and told us that he found Yousuke in a abandoned factory outside of town with a very ominous smokestack. Momoko, out of the blue I might add, insisted on just me and her going by ourselves together, to prevent causing problems, to which both Yuri and Hinagiku disagreed with her, no surprise there. And as our friends, they offered to help, which I gladly accepted. And with that, we all took off in the direction of the abandoned factory on the outside of town, and towards our fight with Pluie.

Upon our arrival at the factory, the four of us detected the devils' presence inside the building and walked in.

Inside the factory, we found the devils' lair situated behind a door that opened up to a forest. As we continued moving forward, Momoko and myself, envisioned the unconscious Yousuke bound to a tree further into the forest. Pluie demanded he give him answers about his mysterious wave and tortured him to no avail. One of the devils emerged from the tree and warns Pluie of the intruders. Momoko's and my vision ends and we reported to Yuri and Hinagiku about Yousuke and the spell Pluie used 'Akumilio', a spell that confuses the heart and prevents one's ability to judge.

It was then however that the devil Nocturne appeared. Prompting Momoko to ready her Saint Miroir, me to reach into my pocket and pull out my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, Yuri to ready her Saint Lip Liner, and Hinagiku to ready her Saint Pendule. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was Angel Bluebell again, and also in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

It was then that Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy readied their respective transformation items, and prepared to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" the three of them said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

After being informed of the devil by Jama-P, Angel Lily and Angel Daisy went to attack her, but they were halted and then put under Nocturne's spell with the use of her harp. Angel Lily was shown an illusion of Momoko and Yanagiba telling her of their engagement, and me congratulating the two of them. She became distraught at me and Momoko's betrayal and gave a cold expression. Angel Daisy was shown prepared to fight an unknown devil and called out to me and Wedding Peach. However, she was then cut. To which she then turned back to see me and Wedding Peach each with a sword. Me and Wedding Peach, then revealed to Angel Daisy that we had secretly been working with the devils from the beginning and only pretended to be her friend to lure her away. Angel Lily is then seen in the illusion having been killed by Wedding Peach, causing Angel Daisy to give the same cold look.

Back in reality, me and Wedding Peach were growing concerned as Angel Lily and Angel Daisy looked at both of us coldly. Jama-P told us of Nocturne's ability to manipulate people with her evil illusions. The two angels then rushed towards me and Wedding Peach and tried to attack us. Wedding Peach tried to talk them out of their evil state, but wound up unsuccessful. I then tried, but got the same result. We then continued by telling the girls we believed in the bond of our friendship in spite of the devils attempts to weaken it. As Angel Lily and Angel Daisy prepared to attack once more, me and Wedding Peach, remained unphased.

We then allowed the girls to deliver their attacks as we both believed in the both of them and our bonds. Angel Lily, who was still under Nocturne's spell, then pulled out her Saint Lip Liner. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she swung her Saint Lip Liner, in a circular motion around her, as the usual rainbow ribbon, followed her movements. And once the rainbow ribbon had gotten long enough, she launched the ribbon towards Wedding Peach. Angel Daisy, also still under Nocturne's spell, then prepared to us her Saint Pendule on me. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said as she did a sweeping spin, and the usual blue water like spheres, shot out her Saint Pendule, and were then fired at me. But, before the attacks could reach us, the strong belief in our friends caused both of us to create a shield to protect us, causing Angel Lily to fly back alongside Angel Daisy. Angel Lily and Angel Daisy then got up, having no memory of any of the events and then thanked me and Wedding Peach, after being told by Jama-P what had happened.

And as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "The river of heaven, the Milky Way rains down. On a fine day like this, you kidnapped Yousuke and tried to destroy the bonds of close friendship, and for that I can never forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Okay Wedding Peach, usually you do your introduction at the start of the battle...But, I guess regardless of that, you can still deliver it quite well. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then began my usual introduction, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards and then over my right armor clad shoulder, then stopped it mid downward swing, held it in a battle ready position in front of me, and struck my usual pose.

And, before Nocturne could continue to use her evil spells, Wedding Peach prepared to use her Saint Miroir, and I prepared to use my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then launched her purification attack from her Saint Miroir at Nocturne.

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its usual blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing, and fired my usual purification attack from the blade, at Nocturne. And once our respective purification attacks hit Nocturne at exactly the same time, she was purified, and then faded out of existence. And with Nocturne now purified, we then headed on into the forest, to continue looking for Yousuke.


MGF Member
Chapter 18: The Pride Of A Devil!: The Vortex Of Destruction!
Date: July 12, 1995

We continued to traverse the forest by following Jama-P, who felt Pluie's evil presence nearby. Daisy, was doubtful of his sense of direction. This was then followed by Jama-P turning his tail to the left, to which he sensed Pluie in that direction. Upon confirming that he was wrong, Daisy chastised Jama-P, which made him cry. I then had to straighten Daisy out to focus on our mission, to which Peach began to tear up when she wound up worrying about Yousuke. Daisy covered her mouth to stop herself from crying and apologized.

Both me and Wedding Peach, walked ahead of the group, as Lily and Daisy talked about Peach's relationship with Yousuke. Lily told Daisy from her own lack of understanding that Momoko may have feelings for Yousuke. I then decided to speak up in an effort to put them both at ease. "I think what you are forgetting here Lily, is that Peach is risking her life to save Yousuke no matter what happens to her, we all are for that matter, so it would make sense that..." However, I was then stopped mid explanation to Angel Lily. As Peach and myself stopped in our tracks as we envisioned Yousuke bound to the tree once again. Peach yelled for Yousuke and then ran straight ahead, followed a split second later by me, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy.

Pluie continued to speculate what the mysterious wave that came from Yousuke was, comparing and contrasting it to the devil's power and the love wave. It's then that one of the orbs in his lair lit up to show the four of us nearby. We then reached a point having sensed Pluie's presence, but we were unable to see him nor the obscured lair. Roots from the ground then suddenly appeared and tried to strike us. Angel Daisy then quickly readied her Saint Pendule. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she did a sweeping circle, and fired her attack from the Saint Pendule. But unfortunately the plants simply just broke out of the ice. Angel Lily then readied her Saint Lip Liner, "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as she made a sweeping motion as she spun, and the rainbow ribbon from her Saint Lip Liner, followed her movement. And once the rainbow ribbon had gotten long enough, she then fired her attack from the Saint Lip Liner. Only, just like Angel Daisy's attack had done with the Saint Pendule, it had no effect, and thus, was rendered useless. The roots then wrapped around Angel Lily and Angel Daisy, strangling them, as me, Wedding Peach, and Jama-P watched on in compete shock.

Jama-P then revealed to both me and Wedding Peach, that the roots were part of the tree of evil, a plant that sucked the love wave out from the love angels. Angel Lily told me and Wedding Peach to rescue Yousuke and to find Pluie, to which she then passed out. As Wedding Peach yelled for Angel Lily, Limone communicated to me and Wedding Peach telepathically, telling the both of us to break Pluie's hidden barrier. Unable to enter the forest, he directed me and Wedding Peach, to gather all our feelings in our heart and pray. Focusing all our energy, we broke the hidden circle exposing Pluie and Yousuke. Wedding Peach then readied her Saint Miroir, while I readied my Saint Sword Of Bluebell. "Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she then did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red, she then fired her purification attack from her Saint Miroir. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell, back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder. And once the blade glowed its usual bright blue color. I then swung it, in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and fired my respective purification attack from the blade. Both of our attacks wound up ridding the area of the devil tree, and created a clearing.

As Pluie got ready to continue using the to use the tree of evil. Lily and Daisy emerged, and used their respective attacks, which wound up destroying the roots. Wedding Peach, with me following behind her in case Pluie tried something, went to pick Yousuke up, and as Wedding Peach was about to be struck by the roots, Limone used his powers to cut them down. He praised both me and Wedding Peach, for our hard work, and ordered Peach to take Yousuke to safety. Angle Lily, Angel Daisy, and Limone then covered me and Wedding Peach, and went to fight Pluie together. However, the battle had caused the forest to disappear with an explosion of light and me, Wedding Peach, alongside Yousuke and Jama-P wound up escaping to another area.

A short time later, Wedding Peach apologized to Yousuke for getting him involved in the conflict and blamed herself for what had happened. However, before I could speak up, in an effort to put her mind at ease. Yousuke then suddenly woke up and called out to Momoko, surprising Peach. And to tell you the honest truth, it surprised me as well, since I didn't think he knew any of our identities yet. Despite being transformed, Yousuke recognized Peach's true identity as Momoko. And yet, for some reason, he didn't recognize me as Angel Bluebell. "Because to tell you the honest truth viewers...I was thinking it was going to be a lot longer of a time before he found any of that out...Sorry Bluebell here, just had to get that off my chest *blush* Anyway, back to the story." Anyway, now panicking, because why wouldn't she be. Momoko then tried to pretend that she was someone else, but she still wound up blowing her cover when she got annoyed at Yousuke's teasing. "Nice job there Momoko, real subtle of you trying to keep your cover from being blown. If only you hadn't gotten annoyed you might've gotten out of this scot-free," I thought to myself as a sweatdrop found it's way down one side of my face.

Meanwhile, back at the factory, Lily and Daisy reported to Limone that there were now no traces of the evil tree nor Pluie in the area. Back to me, Peach and Yousuke, and we were now by a river talking. Being asked about Momoko's identity, she, thankfully I might add, decided not to tell Yousuke any information in order to keep him from going further into danger. He then wound up telling Wedding Peach that he won't ask anymore, as the two stared at each other. However, before I could make a comment, Wedding Peach then got up and told Jama-P to take Yousuke somewhere safe, as she believed Pluie wasn't defeated just yet. I then decided to speak up. "I am with you on that Wedding Peach, something tells me that we will be seeing him again real soon..." And sure enough, right as I finished my sentence Jama-P detected Pluie's presence nearby. Negative energy suddenly targeted me and Wedding Peach. Yousuke managed to push both of us out of the way, and he took the hit instead, to which he fell unconscious once again. Pluie then appeared, intensified with more evil energy than normal, and was possibly planning to die, according to Jama-P. Pluie then proceeded to attack Wedding Peach with his powers and caused her to fly back. He then did the same thing to me, causing me to fly back as well, and man did it hurt. After we had both gotten our bearings, I then told Jama-P to take Yousuke away quickly. And after we both evaded Pluie's next attack, Wedding Peach kicked Pluie with her bridal kick, while I punched him with my free right hand across his face.

As the three of us got ready to continue the battle, Raindevila wound up interrupting the confrontation. And a thought then went through my mind. "Okay, so I was expecting Raindevila to be tall, but I never expected her to be 'that' tall...oh good, she is apparently unhappy with all of Pluie's recent that I think about that a bit more...this reminds me way too much about another villain, who was dissatisfied with how many times one of her henchman failed...Okay...seriously...I need to stop having these thoughts intrude...because it's not like I am going to cross paths with either of them...they are both dead after all..." I thought to myself, as I breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway Raindevila then ordered Pluie to send me and Wedding Peach into something called the vortex of destruction, while also sacrificing himself through his devotion. Raindevila then summoned the said void, to swallow the three of us. To which she then vanished. Following her commands, he grabbed both me and Wedding peach, and took us into the vortex. Thinking about Yousuke, and me thinking about my bond with Wedding Peach Peach and the love angels, we thankfully managed to get out of Pluie's grasp by holding on to a tree branch while Wedding Peach grabbed Pluie's arm, and with me holding Wedding Peach's hand and my other, which still had my Saint Sword Of Bluebell in it's grasp, was holding onto the tree branch. "And I am going to be honest with you viewers, this is not an ideal situation to be in, especially when you already have a sword in your left hand and you're holding onto a tree branch as well...Your grip, hurts, like a lot. Sorry Bluebell here again, just had to give you viewers my two cents. Anyway, back to the story."

We both then told Pluie through his confusion that we would both be sad if he fell into the vortex, having been easily discarded by Raindevila. Undeterred, Pluie mistook our love as weak, and then went to pull her arm to take her with him. Jama-P then told both of us that our efforts were useless, as he would never understand our love waves. However me and Wedding Peach refused to give up, since we both believed that Pluie could be touched by the love wave just how Jama-P was. And somehow, me and Wedding Peach were somehow able to get through to Pluie. However he then let go of Wedding Peach, as he drifted himself into the direction of the vortex. But before he fell in, he threw Wedding Peach's stolen ring back to her, and then disappeared along with the vortex. Wedding Peach then looked up into the sky, wondering out loud why Pluie had sacrificed himself. "You got me Wedding Peach, but you have to remember that sometimes somethings, are done for the greater good, and sometimes things that happen are just out of our control," I said in response, in an effort to put her at ease. "Thanks Bluebell, that means a lot," Wedding Peach responded back to me with a smile on her face. "You're quite welcome, because after all, that is what siblings do, they look after each other," I responded back with a smile on my face as well.

Wedding Peach then apologized to the unconscious Yousuke for dragging him into the conflict again. Angel Lily and Angel Daisy then caught up to me and Wedding Peach. The two were then told by the both of us, that we had asked Limone, to erase Yousuke's memories from the last few days. The girls asked if this is what we really wanted and even suggested that Wedding Peach might like him, to which she denied having feelings for him. Wedding Peach then turned around to see Limone in the sky, while she questioned if things are alright the way they are. "Yea Momoko, you do realize that you just lied to Angel Lily and Angel Daisy right? So I guess this is going to happen a lot during the series huh? *sigh* I guess that is something that both myself, and you, the viewers are going to have to learn to deal to with..." I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought by me turning my eyesight to the left of me to briefly address the viewers.


MGF Member
Chapter 19: Saint Hanazono's Secret!: A New Threat Appears!
Date: July 19, 1995

So another week now passed since our most recent, and last encounter and fight with Pluie. "Bluebell here. And yet viewers, that is not the last time that we would see or encounter him. A little foreshadowing for you. Anyway, back to the story."

At Saint Hanazano Junior High, Momoko and me were walking to the school. That is, until Yousuke approached her from behind. To make sure that Yousuke's memories were erased, Momoko questioned if he remembered anything, to which he had forgotten, and then ran off after teasing Momoko. Captain Yanagiba then walked by, while greeting Momoko, who she then looked at him in awe. "Oh sis, if only you knew what I knew about him. And yet, because of the promise I made to Limone, I can't tell you...*sigh*...Well, hopefully things will wind up working out in the end, right viewers?" I thought to myself, which was followed during this thought of me turning my eyesight to the right of me to address the viewers.

It was at this moment, after I had finished my thought, that Yuri and Hinagiku then came up to Momoko, who were both annoyed at her interaction with Yanagiba. Momoko then took out photos that she had developed for the newspaper. As the four of us then discussed our roles in managing the monthly paper, the subject of finishing our due homework then came up, to which Momoko had forgotten, not surprising there. And freaked because she didn't know what to do. I then decided to speak up, in an effort to put her mind at ease. "I understand that you are distraught Momoko, but you need to remember that sometimes mistakes happen. And sis, you will always have the option to ask me to help you with your homework," I said, with a look of understanding present on my face. "Thanks, that means a lot," Momoko said to me with an understanding smile on her face. "You're quite welcome, and besides, that is what siblings do, they look out for each other," I said with a closed eye smile.

A little later on, Momoko was yelled at by her teacher for forgetting her homework, and was then forced to hold buckets of water outside the classroom. I meanwhile, since this was her mistake, and I didn't want to incur the wrath of the teacher, decided to let it be for the time being. "Bluebell here. Because it is not like I can speak any words of wisdom to her at this current moment. And yes, that was both a Beatles and a John Lennon reference. Hope you enjoyed that one. *blush* Anyways, back to the story."

And it was while Momoko was still out in the hall, that Yousuke appeared, and wound up teasing Momoko once more for not doing her homework, and then walked away soon after. Momoko, not surprisingly I might add, got irritated by this. Unfortunately however, our teacher then came, still frustrated at her continuous missed homework assignments. And much to Momoko's dissatisfaction, wound up ordering her to clean the library alone as punishment. "And yet viewers, Bluebell here. I am going to wind up helping her with this, despite her having to do it alone. Sure, it may wind up with me enduring a punishment of my own. But she is my sister, and you have to do what you can to help your siblings out. Anyway, back to the story."

A little bit later in the news office, Momoko went up to Yuri and Hinagiku to ask them for help cleaning the library, but they tell her to do it by herself, and wound up ignoring her pleads. And it was at this point, that I decided to speak up. "I will help you, I understand that this would put me at risk of getting punished for helping you, but you're my sister Momoko, and as I said before, we need to look out for each other," I said to her with a smile on my face. "Thank you, that should make things a little more easy," Momoko said to me in response. "You're quite welcome sis," I said to Momoko, as I smiled with my eyes closed.

A bit later, at the school library, Momoko cleaned the floors, while I organized the books on the shelves. And this was while we were talking to Jama-P. Well Momoko was talking to Jama-P about her frustrations with her friends lack of help. However, thunder then suddenly struck near the building, which scared the three of us, and caused Momoko and Jama-P to run into one of the bookshelves. And as more thunder lit up the library, Yuri and Hinagiku came in unexpectedly, which scared Momoko and Jama-P again. Yuri and Hinagiku then stated, that they had come by to check up on the two of us. However, they then revealed that they went to Momoko to retrieve photos from a school soccer match to use for the school newspaper. It was then that more thunder illuminated a opened town almanac that the four of us noticed and proceeded to read it to use as possible material for the school newspaper.

However, as the four of us looked through the book, Yuri read a passage detailing an event that had happened 100 years ago on a summer night. During the construction of Saint Hanazano campus, a light shower had fallen down on the town of Hanazano, especially near the school. After an investigation had been conducted, no one was able to explain the cause for the mysterious event. Discussing what we had read, Yuri then speculated to the three of us that the light shower may have had to do with Aphrodite sending the Saint Something Four to Earth.

However, as we continued to discuss the event, having linked the strong love waves to the campus. And after indicating that the Saint Something Four may be somewhere in the school. We then turned our attention to someone screaming.

It was then that we all looked at each other, nodded, and then prepared to transform. "Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said. And in a flash of light, I was in my usual battle outfit. "Graceful Wedding Flower!" Yuri said. And in a flash of light, she was in her wedding dress form. "Attractive Wedding Flower!" Hinagiku said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her wedding dress form.

It was then that they then prepared to transform into their battle outfits. "Bridal Change Wedding Dress Transform!" Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy all said in unison. "Angel Amour Peach!" Wedding Peach said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Precious Lily!" Angel Lily said. And in a flash of light, she was in her battle outfit. "Angel Courage Daisy!" Angel Daisy said. And in a flash of light, she too was in her battle outfit.

And after the four of us raced outside to confront who was responsible. We were then met by a woman, who had long cloud colored hair. But, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction. "At the school on a vibrant peaceful day in early summer. You attacked students and knocked them unconscious! You destroyed the proof of the graduates friendship, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"Hey viewers, Bluebell here, so what Wedding Peach means here, is that the mural in the library had been destroyed by Noise, Cloud, and Blitz, when they went into the library looking for the Saint Something Four. Just wanted to clear that all up for you. Anyway, back to the fight. *giggles while smiling with eyes closed*"

I then began my introduction, but not before a thought went through my mind. "Well, just another day in the life of a love angel. My turn," I thought to myself, as I then took my usual stance, whilst holding my Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and over my right armor clad shoulder, then stopped it mid downward swing, held it front of me in a battle ready stance, and struck my usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she struck a pose.

And after the devil with cloud colored hair had launched and attack at us. To which we wound up all evading it with no difficulty. We were then taken down by a loud sound attack. It's then that another two individuals appeared. They then raced into the library. And after one of them appeared outside again. Out of anger, she then rushed towards us, in an effort to attack us.

However, before she could do so, the other two. Who I then learned were named Noise and Cloud, and the third one was named Blitz. They wound up saying that they must work together. And the three then decided to combine their powers to summon the devil Thunder. Thunder then wrapped us in his electricity. Thankfully though Limone appeared, and stopped his attack, and motivated us to fight the devils. Angel Lily then prepared to launch her attack at Thunder with her Saint Lip Liner. "Saint Lip Liner...Lily Rainbow!" Angel Lily said, as swung her Saint Lip Liner in a sweeping motion. As the familiar rainbow ribbon, followed her moment. And once the rainbow ribbon had gotten long enough. She then launched it toward Thunder, which ensnared him. Angel Daisy then prepared to launch her attack at Thunder with her Saint Pendule. "Saint Pendule...Daisy Blizzard!" Angel Daisy said, as she did a long sweeping motion, and the familiar blue colored spheres, shot out from her Saint Pendule. And once this had happened, she then launched her attack from her Saint Pendule at Thunder, which disoriented him.

"Now's your chance Peach and Bluebell!" Angel Lily said. "Show that devil who's boss!" Angel Daisy said. "Well Wedding Peach, I think it's time to put an end to this battle!" I said, as I then drew my Saint Sword Of Bluebell back towards, and then over my right armor clad shoulder, with a very determined look on my face.

And after a quick nod to each other, we then launched our respective purification attacks at Thunder. "Saint Miroir...Bridal Flash!" Wedding Peach said, as she did a full spin. And once the heart on her Saint Miroir glowed red. She launched her purification attack from her Saint Miroir, towards Thunder. "Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!" I said, as I swung my Saint Sword Of Bluebell in a left horizontal swing in front of me, and threw my usual purification attack from its blade, which was glowing light blue. And once our attacks hit Thunder at exactly the same time, he was purified, to which he then faded out of existence.

Unfortunately, Noise, Cloud, and Blitz, then escaped, since they had no purpose to stay. And as part of Limone saving us, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy, gave him bouquets. I meanwhile, since I still had my promise to keep to him, just simply looked on, with a smile very much present on my face.

A little while later, Ms. Kihara wound up scolding Momoko for the mess having been left in the library despite Momoko's excuses. As further punishment, she then ordered Momoko to put back all of the fallen books. Yuri and Hinagiku then watched the ordeal, and were then asked by Momoko to help the two of us. However, they instead walked off, whilst pretending to be busy with the paper. Which not surprisingly, caused Momoko to get mad at them. But, once they had walked off, I then decided to speak up, in an effort to put her at ease. "Never mind them Momoko, I will help you with this," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder with a smile then finding its way onto my face while I had my eyes closed. "Bluebell here. And remember viewers, always try to help someone in need, even if they're not your sister. A little word to the wise for all of you. *smiles with eyes closed* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter."