

MGF Member
Chapter 140: Dreary Cherry Blossoms And Cat Monsters!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and now viewers...let us now proceed on, into the current chapter...Which believe it or not viewers...as I am sure that Shinko had already explained from her fanfiction perspective...We will be still continuing onward with the crossover arc...But first things first, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin."

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as of the last chapter, everyone on our side, were all now finally transformed again. Well, that was despite Keiko having to tell everyone to search inside the thoughts of a body, that wasn't originally theirs. And, this was...well...how about we just gloss over that. Anyway, getting back to the current situation.

"I summon lightning!" Urd suddenly proceeded to shout out. As she raised one of her hands skyward. And just like before, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Only trouble was...

"Don't you have any more tricks then just that one Urd!?" Li now proceeded to shout out to Urd. And he had said it both a ticked off sounding tone, and while a look of massive irritation was also present on his face.

"Li, why don't you use your magic, and stop worrying about other people!" I proceeded to say, in an effort to try and get Li back on track. Which thankfully, wound up doing the trick.

And, as Crowley, like before, proceeded to once again raise one of his hands, forming yet another forcefield, that wound up deflecting Urd's lighting. Crowley then proceeded to speak up.

"Alright, time to send you all to the grave," Crowley said, as he once again started speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.

But, more importantly...

"Hey Crowley?! Let me ask you a question. Why so serious? Also, in the words of Clint Barton's Hawkeye...made you look..." Shinko, who was still stuck in Keiko's original body, then proceeded to say, with a SpyXFamily Anya type smirk present on her original bodies face.

"Wait a sec, what do you mean..." Keiko started to say, only to then look slightly behind Crowley, just in time to see both Renji, and Rukia, suddenly sort of warped in from out of nowhere. Only to then realize, that they had used their respective flash steps, to accomplish this.

And upon realizing this...

"Hey Crowley? Have you heard of a sudden freak weather event? Because as Shinko just so kindly put, made you look," Keiko then proceeded to say. To which she just simply went, and nodded slightly at both Rukia and Renji. And once they had both nodded back in response, they then set about helping to dispatch Crowley.

But to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of several other people on our side...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji called out. Which was then followed, by his Zabimaru, then proceeding to separate into its 6 segmented form again. To which it then proceeded to make its way towards Crowley. And thankfully, before he could react quickly enough to Zabimaru's Shikai, he was then ensnared in several of Zabimaru's segmented sections.

"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki!...San no mai, Shirafune!" Rukia called out. Which was then followed, by her Sode no Shirayuki, then proceeding to glow white. Only, once the light had faded, her Zanpakuto was now completely made of ice. Which in an instant, caused the blade of it, to suddenly and rapidly extend outwards, at an alarming rate, and towards Crowley.

"So, she is able to extend the reach of her Sode no Shirayuki...interesting...And I thought that Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell was impressive," I thought to myself, while I proceeded to glance at Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell in Keiko's left hand. Which was Shinko's technically. But you get what I mean.

And, once the now extended and ice encased blade of Sode no Shirayuki, pierced through Crowley's body, right through the left of his back, and then out the front. We all thought, that this fight with Crowley, was finally over.

But, however...

"You think you have all won this fight haven't you? Also, I forgot to mention something to you all, this is not my original body. So your attacks can't kill me. But, that doesn't mean that I can't kill all of you. So, I will just leave you all for the time being, as I have a master plan to attend to. But just know, that none of you are safe by any means. So, until we meet again. Which, may wind up being a bit sooner, then you all might think," Crowley proceeded to say, as he just simply wound up fading out of existence.

"Hey get back here Crowley! We're not done here you coward!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with, now once again irritated, since Crowley had once again decided to play the coward.

And though this was not the end of our fight against Crowley. For the time being, we had to figure out a way to get everyone on our side, back into our original bodies.

But thankfully, this wasn't going to wind up being much of a problem. In fact...

"So, does anyone happen to have a way that will help get us all back into our original bodies?" Shokuhou proceeded to ask in Rei's voice. Since was still currently stuck in Rei's body.

"Well Shokuhou, it is funny that you should ask that particular question," Urd now proceeded to respond to her question with. While a somewhat knowing smirk, was also currently present on her face.

And this was then followed, by Urd then proceeding to raise one of her hands upwards. To which a bright golden sphere then formed in it. And as it flew out of her hand, it then expanded, and then temporarily blinded everyone else.

But, once it had died down, I then noticed, once I seen Keiko and Shinko look down at themselves, that I able to notice that they were both back in their original bodies. Which I was able to confirm by the fact that I took notice of them both taking a quick look at themselves, and then both breathing a sigh of relief. And more importantly, so was everyone else. Ans they all too, were back in their original bodies.

And, with the chapter recap now done and out of the way. We will now proceed on, into the current chapter.

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, it was not the next day. Which was after we had had our fight against one Aleister Crowley. To which he had decided to flee like a coward. Which not surprisingly, had caused me to get quite irritated. But as for the current situation...

"Yea...so about that...Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and so viewers...though I won't go too much into detail about what has been going on since the last chapter...as Shinko has already gone and explained the entirety of it in her respective fanfiction perspective, we are just going to go and dive right into the current situation. Which for those who haven't read Shinko's most recent chapter, is me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, currently at Tokiwadai Middle School with everyone else...Oh, and just like in Shinko's previous chapter...things...are about to get a bit more crazy...But anyway viewers...let us now dive right into the chapter...shall we?"

So getting back to the current situation, which was currently me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, sitting in one of the empty dorm rooms at Tokiwadai Middle School. Well, when I say empty, I meant that it was vacant. And as for Yue? Well he had sort of gone off, in an effort to try and get more information on Aleister Crowley, as a way of having us gain an advantage, for when we wind up going against him again.

But, anyway, as for the current conversation...

"It was very nice of Shokuhou to help us all get these empty dorms. I still don't fully trust her, but at least this sort of makes up for that. Still, I can't seem to ignore this sort of mysterious aura that has been present lately. Almost as if..." I proceeded to say, only for something to then proceed to cut me off mid statement. And what I mean by this was...

"Oh, well isn't this a lovely room the three of you have here," A sort of unfamiliar male sounding voice said. And when me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, turned our attention towards the now open door, we were then greeted by a black cat.

And though at first, we all looked at this cat in a quite confused manner. I then proceeded, to speak up. Well, when I say that...

"Oh...well this just got a bit more interesting. So, I take it that you're Yoruichi Shihouin?" I proceeded to say, once I had let out a large sigh.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh, well I see that I won't need to tell you four who I am. And as a matter of fact..." The black cat proceeded to say. And almost instinctively knowing what was about to occur. I then proceeded to tell everyone to shut there eyes.

But thankfully, Yoruichi had planned for this. And once she had transformed into her human form. Which for those who don't know what she looks like, is a very...'ahem'...beautiful women, with a sort of orange colored uniform...

"Oh, and for those who are wondering as to why she didn't...Oh right, Zachary here again...Anyway viewers...for those who are wondering as to why Yoruichi didn't...*ahem*...Well, you know...that is because I want to keep these three fanfics as family friendly as me, Keiko, and Shinko possibly can...I mean after all viewers...*I proceed to say this, only for someone else other then Yoruichi, to then proceed to speak up. And it wound up making my blood run cold*"

"Well, I can see that Ms. Shihouin made it here already. Also, if I may ask, have any of you seen Rukia?" A somewhat dreary sounding male voice then proceeded to speak up with.

And without even having to turn my attention towards the sound of the male voice. I proceeded to speak up. While I did my best to hide my somewhat fearful looking expression. "No Captain Kuchiki, we haven't. But might I suggest that you go to the dorm room next door? As you should find her, Captain Hitsugaya, and Lieutenant Matsumoto there as well," I proceeded to speak up to Captain Byakuya Kuchiki in response.

And this was then followed, by Captain Kuchiki then proceeding to flash step out of sight, and over to the dorm room next door.

And it was then that I realized, as did Sakura, Li, and Kero, that things in Academy City, were about to get a whole lot more crazy. And given how things were right now, this was going to be very interesting.

"And don't I know it viewers...Hello there, Zachary here again...now then viewers...*I proceed to say this, only for Yoruichi to proceed to try and interject. To which I then proceed to let out a somewhat audibly depressing sort of sigh*...Yes Yoruichi, what is it?"

"Would you mind if I...*I then proceed to politely hold my hand up, in order to let her know that telling her about where in the Bleach timeline she and Byakuya were in before coming her, wasn't going to be necessary*"

"Yoruichi, there won't be any need to tell the viewers as to what part of the Bleach timeline you and Captain Kuchiki came from, as Shinko has already taken care of that for you and everyone else. Now then Yoruichi, would you help me in doing the honors, if you don't mind of course?"

"I would be delighted...hello viewers...Yoruichi Shihouin here...and we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter."

"Well viewers...you heard it from Yoruichi, see you all there."


MGF Member
Chapter 141: Magicians And Doppelgangers!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and now viewers...let us now proceed on, into the current chapter...Which believe it or not viewers...as I am sure that Shinko had already explained from her fanfiction perspective...We will be still continuing onward with the crossover arc...But first things first, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin."

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, it was now the next day. Which was after we had had our fight against one Aleister Crowley. To which he had decided to flee like a coward. Which not surprisingly, had caused me to get quite irritated. But as for the current situation...

"Yea...so about that...Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and so viewers...though I won't go too much into detail about what has been going on since the last chapter...as Shinko has already gone and explained the entirety of it in her respective fanfiction perspective, we are just going to go and dive right into the current situation. Which for those who haven't read Shinko's most recent chapter, is me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, currently at Tokiwadai Middle School with everyone else...Oh, and just like in Shinko's previous chapter...things...are about to get a bit more crazy...But anyway viewers...let us now dive right into the chapter...shall we?"

So getting back to the current situation, which was currently me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, sitting in one of the empty dorm rooms at Tokiwadai Middle School. Well, when I say empty, I meant that it was vacant. And as for Yue? Well he had sort of gone off, in an effort to try and get more information on Aleister Crowley, as a way of having us gain an advantage, for when we wind up going against him again.

But, anyway, as for the current conversation...

"It was very nice of Shokuhou to help us all get these empty dorms. I still don't fully trust her, but at least this sort of makes up for that. Still, I can't seem to ignore this sort of mysterious aura that has been present lately. Almost as if..." I proceeded to say, only for something to then proceed to cut me off mid statement. And what I mean by this was...

"Oh, well isn't this a lovely room the three of you have here," A sort of unfamiliar male sounding voice said. And when me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, turned our attention towards the now open door, we were then greeted by a black cat.

And though at first, we all looked at this cat in a quite confused manner. I then proceeded, to speak up. Well, when I say that...

"Oh...well this just got a bit more interesting. So, I take it that you're Yoruichi Shihouin?" I proceeded to say, once I had let out a large sigh.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh, well I see that I won't need to tell you four who I am. And as a matter of fact..." The black cat proceeded to say. And almost instinctively knowing what was about to occur. I then proceeded to tell everyone to shut there eyes.

But thankfully, Yoruichi had planned for this. And once she had transformed into her human form. Which for those who don't know what she looks like, is a very...'ahem'...beautiful women, with a sort of orange colored uniform...

"Oh, and for those who are wondering as to why she didn't...Oh right, Zachary here again...Anyway viewers...for those who are wondering as to why Yoruichi didn't...*ahem*...Well, you know...that is because I want to keep these three fanfics as family friendly as me, Keiko, and Shinko possibly can...I mean after all viewers...*I proceed to say this, only for someone else other then Yoruichi, to then proceed to speak up. And it wound up making my blood run cold*"

"Well, I can see that Ms. Shihouin made it here already. Also, if I may ask, have any of you seen Rukia?" A somewhat dreary sounding male voice then proceeded to speak up with.

And without even having to turn my attention towards the sound of the male voice. I proceeded to speak up. While I did my best to hide my somewhat fearful looking expression. "No Captain Kuchiki, we haven't. But might I suggest that you go to the dorm room next door? As you should find her, Captain Hitsugaya, and Lieutenant Matsumoto there as well," I proceeded to speak up to Captain Byakuya Kuchiki in response.

And this was then followed, by Captain Kuchiki then proceeding to flash step out of sight, and over to the dorm room next door.

And it was then that I realized, as did Sakura, Li, and Kero, that things in Academy City, were about to get a whole lot more crazy. And given how things were right now, this was going to be very interesting.

"And don't I know it viewers...Hello there, Zachary here again...now then viewers...*I proceed to say this, only for Yoruichi to proceed to try and interject. To which I then proceed to let out a somewhat audibly depressing sort of sigh*...Yes Yoruichi, what is it?"

"Would you mind if I...*I then proceed to politely hold my hand up, in order to let her know that telling her about where in the Bleach timeline she and Byakuya were in before coming her, wasn't going to be necessary*"

"Yoruichi, there won't be any need to tell the viewers as to what part of the Bleach timeline you and Captain Kuchiki came from, as Shinko has already taken care of that for you and everyone else. Now then Yoruichi, would you help me in doing the honors, if you don't mind of course?"

"I would be delighted...hello viewers...Yoruichi Shihouin here...and we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter."

"Well viewers...you heard it from Yoruichi, see you all there."

And, with the chapter recap now done and out of the way. We will now proceed on, into the current chapter.

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so shifting a little bit forward in time. About a minute or so, after me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, had decided to go to the dorm room next door. And the reason as to why...

"Is as follows viewers...Oh right, Zachary here...So, as to the reason why this was decided...Well, why don't I just have us head right back into the current chapter, and you can have a read for yourself...So viewers...with that in mind, lets get back to the action now, shall we?"

And with regard to the situation in question...

"Oh, Captain Kuchiki, well I see that you found Rukia and everyone else without any trouble," I wound up saying, upon me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, walking into the room, behind Ikkaku.

And upon this realization from Keiko, what with me mentioning his name...

"Wait a sec here Zachary, you're not serious right?" Keiko now proceeded to ask me with a now somewhat shocked expression then making its way onto her face.

"Keiko, let me ask you a question in response to your question. Do I seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be serious...Actually don't answer that...as I know full well what your answer was going to be Keiko. So anyway, yes Keiko, that Captain Kuchiki...or Byakuya Kuchiki..." I proceeded to say, only to then be cut off mid statement by a certain long purple hair female suddenly appearing in the room with the use of her flash step, and then proceeding to scare the absolute living daylights out of both Hinagiku and Scarlet.

Since they weren't expecting it. While me, and Shinko, who was also in the room with all of us, did. As I knew from the information on one Yoruichi Shihouin, that she was known as 'The Queen Of Flash Step.' And seeing it now for myself, I now realized that she more then deserved that nickname.

But, what none of us knew yet, that in only a couple more days time, we would all soon be fighting against Aleister Crowley again. But, to make matters just that much more unpredictable, Crowley wouldn't be the only opponent, that we would be facing in the upcoming fight either.

In fact, one simple word, which happened to be the name of this particular villain. Was the name of a certain Yugioh card, that had been played by one Maximilian Pegasus in Duelist Kingdom, against Seto Kaiba, and Atem respectively. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"So viewers...Zachary here again...And as to those of you who don't know the card Doppelganger...then perhaps you will know it by its other name....Mimicat...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"


MGF Member
Chapter 142: Heartfelt Condolences, Open Arms, Magicians, And Doppelgangers!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 3)

"Hello there viewers...*Shinko proceeds to try and start her usual fourth wall break. Only to start tearing up quite massively*...S-Shinko here...and before I proceed forward with anything else...There is a massive elephant in the room, that I feel should be addressed...*Shinko now proceeds to wipe the streaming tears from her eyes. And then proceeds to glance to either side of her. Which is then followed by Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, Scarlet, me, Sakura, Li, Madison, Kero, Yue, Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Hotaru, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and every single one of the rest of the members of The Four Aces Alliance proceeding to come into the frame of shot*...And so viewers...now that everyone is present...I feel that this needs to be addressed...*Shinko then proceeds to clear her throat, before then proceeding to speak*...Early on the night of January 29, 2025, at 8:48 pm...a Bombardier CRJ701ER...operating as PSA Flight 5342...with 60 passengers, 2 pilots, and 2 flight attendants...was involved in a mid air collision with a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter over the Potomac River in Washington D.C...and as of the last update viewers...there were no survivors...as all 64 people on flight 5342...and the three crew aboard the Sikorsky, are presumed dead...Making this the most recent fatal accident of a US Airliner over in the states, since the crash of American Airlines Flight 587 on November 12, 2001...And viewers...from me, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance...all of our hearts go out to the victims and their families...As no one deserves to go through such a horrific tragedy such as this one..."

"Hello there viewers...Usagi Tsukino here...and we all do mean every word of what Shinko has just said...as it is never easy to lose someone..."

"Well said there Usagi...and now viewers...we will now proceed into the current chapter...But first, and like always, a chapter recap is in order...Now then viewers...here...we...go!...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so shifting a little bit forward in time. About a minute or so, after me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, had decided to go to the dorm room next door. And the reason as to why...

"Is as follows viewers...Oh right, Zachary here...So, as to the reason why this was decided...Well, why don't I just have us head right back into the current chapter, and you can have a read for yourself...So viewers...with that in mind, lets get back to the action now, shall we?"

And with regard to the situation in question...

"Oh, Captain Kuchiki, well I see that you found Rukia and everyone else without any trouble," I wound up saying, upon me, Sakura, Li, and Kero, walking into the room, behind Ikkaku.

And upon this realization from Keiko, what with me mentioning his name...

"Wait a sec here Zachary, you're not serious right?" Keiko now proceeded to ask me with a now somewhat shocked expression then making its way onto her face.

"Keiko, let me ask you a question in response to your question. Do I seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be serious...Actually don't answer that...as I know full well what your answer was going to be Keiko. So anyway, yes Keiko, that Captain Kuchiki...or Byakuya Kuchiki..." I proceeded to say, only to then be cut off mid statement by a certain long purple hair female suddenly appearing in the room with the use of her flash step, and then proceeding to scare the absolute living daylights out of both Hinagiku and Scarlet.

Since they weren't expecting it. While me, and Shinko, who was also in the room with all of us, did. As I knew from the information on one Yoruichi Shihouin, that she was known as 'The Queen Of Flash Step.' And seeing it now for myself, I now realized that she more then deserved that nickname.

But, what none of us knew yet, that in only a couple more days time, we would all soon be fighting against Aleister Crowley again. But, to make matters just that much more unpredictable, Crowley wouldn't be the only opponent, that we would be facing in the upcoming fight either.

In fact, one simple word, which happened to be the name of this particular villain. Was the name of a certain Yugioh card, that had been played by one Maximilian Pegasus in Duelist Kingdom, against Seto Kaiba, and Atem respectively. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"So viewers...Zachary here again...And as to those of you who don't know the card Doppelganger...then perhaps you will know it by its other name...Mimicat...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

And, with the chapter recap now done and out of the way. We will now proceed on, into the current chapter.

Date: September 22, 2009

Well, the next day had now arrived. More specifically, it was now the following evening. And given the current situation. We weren't exactly at Tokiwadai Middle School at the current moment. And the reason for this was...well...

"Okay, I don't ever recall there being giant Kaiju like creatures in the Railgun anime. Just what is going on here?!" Shinko proceeded to say out loud. As she, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, Scarlet, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, were currently staring down a very large concrete looking giant Kaiju type monstrosity, that was actually the work of a single individual. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"Okay, timeout here for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Shinko here...now then viewers...you might now be wondering how things managed to get to this point, yes?...Well viewers...*Shinko proceeds to say this, only for someone else to now proceed to interject*"

"Hey Shinko, how about you save the fourth wall break commentary until after you and everyone else have transformed okay?!...*Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya proceeds to say this to Shinko, with a small tickmark currently being present on one side of his face*"

"Seriously Captain Hitsugaya?!...Since when was it...*Shinko now proceeds to try and attempt to say back to Captain Hitsugaya in response. Only for him to then proceed look even more irritated then a second ago. Which winds up making her think twice*...A-actually...you're right...let me just transform then...and speaking of that!" Shinko proceeded to say, as she then proceeded to reach into her skirt pocket, and pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

Which was accompanied by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir, Yuri pulling out her Saint Lip Liner, Hinagiku pulling out her Saint Pendule, and Scarlet readying herself. As the five of them, along with everyone else, proceeded to transform.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko called out. And in a usual quick flash of light, she was once again in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Yuri called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Hinagiku called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Scarlet called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she too was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Usagi called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Eternal Sailor Moon fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Ami called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mercury fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Rei called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mars fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Makoto called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Jupiter fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Minako called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Venus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Saturn fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Haruka called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Uranus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Neptune fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Pluto fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of our respective Star Keys expanded into our respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of us twirling them, and then finishing off with our usual battle ready poses.

"Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Rukia Kuchiki said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji Abarai said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Growl...Haineko!" Rangiku Matsumoto said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens...Hyōrinmaru!" Toshiro Histugaya said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Extend...Hozukimaru!" Ikkaku Madarame said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Scatter...Senbonzakura!" Byakuya Kuchiki said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Alright...And here is where the fun begins!" Kenpachi Zaraki said. As he held his respective Zanpakuto at the ready.

And as usual, as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction.

"On this quiet and peaceful night. How dare you proceed to attempt to harm innocent people. I can never forgive such a act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said. Which was while she pointed her left hand at the Kaiju like monstrosity that was Doppelganger. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in its usual upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always with your introduction Wedding Peach!" Angel Bluebell said. To which she then swiftly followed by proceeding to start her own usual introduction. Which was after she had given Wedding Peach, a quick closed eyes smile.

To which she then proceeded, to look forward again. As she then proceeded to hold her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. As she then began her usual introduction.

"The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell passionately said. Which was while she proceeded to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder. To which she then swung it downward, stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose.

"How dare you proceed to use your powers to try and harm innocent people! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, as she did her signature pose, while pointing at Aleister Crowley.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

But then...

"Ah, I see that you are all not any less passionate from when we last did battle," the familiar sounding male voice of one Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was as his form, had proceeded to fade into existence to the left hand side of Doppelganger.

"And that is to be very much expected from us all Crowley! Especially when we're dealing with a very powerful and arrogant induced villain such as you!" Keiko proceeded to speak up with.

But then, and to my complete surprise...

"And as for your so called Doppelganger monstrosity Crowley. I think that you'll find that me and Sakura..." I proceeded to say. But, as I proceeded to pull out The Big Card...

"Uh yeah, so Zachary? Why don't we leave this to Misaka and Keiko. As I don't think that the citizens of Academy City need to be at risk of any collateral damage," Li proceeded to speak up with to both me and Sakura.

Which even though this caused me to display a sort of pout type expression on my face. I simply then wound up letting out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh. And resigned myself to allowing Keiko and Misaka to handle most of the part with dealing with Doppelganger. Even though this was something that I wasn't in complete agreement with.

And as for Keiko and Misaka...

"Well Crowley, what do you say that we show you exactly why you should take us all seriously! Now Misaka, just like we practiced," Keiko proceeded to say, as both she and Misaka, then opened a hand of theirs each. To which they then proceeded to conjure up quite a bit of iron sand from the ground beneath them both.

But, the major difference this time, was that they were also combining the iron sand, with their electricity. And in only a couple of seconds, they were both quite a few feet off of the ground, and were on top of a pair of iron sand and electricity composed Kaiju like beings.

And it was then that I knew, that this was a fight, that we all had a very good chance to win. And finally, it would help to hopefully put an end, to the senseless fighting and death. And hopefully as well, Shinko, Momoko, the rest of the Love Angels, and the Sailor Senshi, finally being able to retire peacefully.

But, with what was about to happen, and given how already askew things currently were. This was something, that was still a bit far away from occurring. In fact, what was about to take place, would soon put more, then just the current three anime dimensions at risk. And we would all soon be locked, in an all out dimensional war. And if something wasn't done, it would mean the end of everything that we held most dear, as we knew it.

"But that viewers...Oh right, sorry...Shinko here again viewers...and that, for those who are still not versed in this fanfic...that, was a bit more foreshadowing for you all...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But fret not viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Now then viewers...see you all there...okay?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"And viewers...you will not want to miss the impending and imminent dimensional crossover, that will soon be taking place either...And no viewers...it isn't going to be with the MCU...So I am terribly sorry to disappoint you on that...As I would rather not have a...*ahem*...certain big brand mouse...proceed to send me a sort of C if I can help it...*Keiko now proceeds to once again clear her throat, before once again proceeding to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers...that doesn't mean however, that this impending crossover won't wind up being any less awesome and fantastic...So then viewers...with this now all still very quite fresh on all of you minds...I shall look forward to seeing you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...you heard it from both Keiko and Shinko...Oh right, Zachary here again...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"


MGF Member
Chapter 143: Cats, Aliens, And Chimera Anima!: How A Single Spark Can Make A Situation More Complicated! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...I believe that Keiko, and Shinko in her last chapter...had told you all of an impending crossover arc event that was due to happen...Well viewers...neither of them were joking...as you can tell from this particular fanfic chapters title...these three fanfics, are now going to be taking on a sort of Quantum Leap, Multiverse Of Madness sort of premise now...And as for the anime, and or forms of media that will be featured in the chapters to come?...Well viewers...though I won't go too much into it...lets just say...that 'it's all about family'...But that particular form of media, won't be coming into play until much later on...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin, okay?"

Date: September 22, 2009

Well, the next day had now arrived. More specifically, it was now the following evening. And given the current situation. We weren't exactly at Tokiwadai Middle School at the current moment. And the reason for this was...well...

"Okay, I don't ever recall there being giant Kaiju like creatures in the Railgun anime. Just what is going on here?!" Shinko proceeded to say out loud. As she, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, Scarlet, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, were currently staring down a very large concrete looking giant Kaiju type monstrosity, that was actually the work of a single individual. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"Okay, timeout here for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Shinko here...now then viewers...you might now be wondering how things managed to get to this point, yes?...Well viewers...*Shinko proceeds to say this, only for someone else to now proceed to interject*"

"Hey Shinko, how about you save the fourth wall break commentary until after you and everyone else have transformed okay?!...*Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya proceeds to say this to Shinko, with a small tickmark currently being present on one side of his face*"

"Seriously Captain Hitsugaya?!...Since when was it...*Shinko now proceeds to try and attempt to say back to Captain Hitsugaya in response. Only for him to then proceed look even more irritated then a second ago. Which winds up making her think twice*...A-actually...you're right...let me just transform then...and speaking of that!" Shinko proceeded to say, as she then proceeded to reach into her skirt pocket, and pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

Which was accompanied by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir, Yuri pulling out her Saint Lip Liner, Hinagiku pulling out her Saint Pendule, and Scarlet readying herself. As the five of them, along with everyone else, proceeded to transform.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko called out. And in a usual quick flash of light, she was once again in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Yuri called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Hinagiku called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Scarlet called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she too was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Usagi called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Eternal Sailor Moon fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Ami called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mercury fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Rei called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mars fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Makoto called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Jupiter fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Minako called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Venus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Saturn fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Haruka called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Uranus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Neptune fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Pluto fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of our respective Star Keys expanded into our respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of us twirling them, and then finishing off with our usual battle ready poses.

"Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Rukia Kuchiki said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji Abarai said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Growl...Haineko!" Rangiku Matsumoto said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens...Hyōrinmaru!" Toshiro Histugaya said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Extend...Hozukimaru!" Ikkaku Madarame said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Scatter...Senbonzakura!" Byakuya Kuchiki said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Alright...And here is where the fun begins!" Kenpachi Zaraki said. As he held his respective Zanpakuto at the ready.

And as usual, as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction.

"On this quiet and peaceful night. How dare you proceed to attempt to harm innocent people. I can never forgive such a act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said. Which was while she pointed her left hand at the Kaiju like monstrosity that was Doppelganger. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in its usual upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always with your introduction Wedding Peach!" Angel Bluebell said. To which she then swiftly followed by proceeding to start her own usual introduction. Which was after she had given Wedding Peach, a quick closed eyes smile.

To which she then proceeded, to look forward again. As she then proceeded to hold her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. As she then began her usual introduction.

"The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell passionately said. Which was while she proceeded to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder. To which she then swung it downward, stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose.

"How dare you proceed to use your powers to try and harm innocent people! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, as she did her signature pose, while pointing at Aleister Crowley.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

But then...

"Ah, I see that you are all not any less passionate from when we last did battle," the familiar sounding male voice of one Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was as his form, had proceeded to fade into existence to the left hand side of Doppelganger.

"And that is to be very much expected from us all Crowley! Especially when we're dealing with a very powerful and arrogant induced villain such as you!" Keiko proceeded to speak up with.

But then, and to my complete surprise...

"And as for your so called Doppelganger monstrosity Crowley. I think that you'll find that me and Sakura..." I proceeded to say. But, as I proceeded to pull out The Big Card...

"Uh yeah, so Zachary? Why don't we leave this to Misaka and Keiko. As I don't think that the citizens of Academy City need to be at risk of any collateral damage," Li proceeded to speak up with to both me and Sakura.

Which even though this caused me to display a sort of pout type expression on my face. I simply then wound up letting out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh. And resigned myself to allowing Keiko and Misaka to handle most of the part with dealing with Doppelganger. Even though this was something that I wasn't in complete agreement with.

And as for Keiko and Misaka...

"Well Crowley, what do you say that we show you exactly why you should take us all seriously! Now Misaka, just like we practiced," Keiko proceeded to say, as both she and Misaka, then opened a hand of theirs each. To which they then proceeded to conjure up quite a bit of iron sand from the ground beneath them both.

But, the major difference this time, was that they were also combining the iron sand, with their electricity. And in only a couple of seconds, they were both quite a few feet off of the ground, and were on top of a pair of iron sand and electricity composed Kaiju like beings.

And it was then that I knew, that this was a fight, that we all had a very good chance to win. And finally, it would help to hopefully put an end, to the senseless fighting and death. And hopefully as well, Shinko, Momoko, the rest of the Love Angels, and the Sailor Senshi, finally being able to retire peacefully.

But, with what was about to happen, and given how already askew things currently were. This was something, that was still a bit far away from occurring. In fact, what was about to take place, would soon put more, then just the current three anime dimensions at risk. And we would all soon be locked, in an all out dimensional war. And if something wasn't done, it would mean the end of everything that we held most dear, as we knew it.

"But that viewers...Oh right, sorry...Shinko here again viewers...and that, for those who are still not versed in this fanfic...that, was a bit more foreshadowing for you all...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But fret not viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Now then viewers...see you all there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"

"And viewers...you will not want to miss the impending and imminent dimensional crossover, that will soon be taking place either...And no viewers...it isn't going to be with the MCU...So I am terribly sorry to disappoint you on that...As I would rather not have a...*ahem*...certain big brand mouse...proceed to send me a sort of C if I can help it...*Keiko now proceeds to once again clear her throat, before once again proceeding to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers...that doesn't mean however, that this impending crossover won't wind up being any less awesome and fantastic...So then viewers...with this now all still very quite fresh on all of you minds...I shall look forward to seeing you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...you heard it from both Keiko and Shinko...Oh right, Zachary here again...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

And, with the chapter recap now done and out of the way. We will now proceed on, into the current chapter.

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after Keiko and Misaka, had each generated their respective iron sand, and electricity composed Kaiju like beings. And though none of us knew what was about to happen. It would ultimately go to show, that sometimes, all it can really take, is just a single spark. When occurring improperly, can wind up turning a simple three anime dimension face off such as this one, into an all out multiverse sort of war.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"So Crowley, have you finally realized now, that there is absolutely not possible way in which you can win against all of us?" Angel Bluebell now passionately said to Aleister Crowley, as a look of severe smugness. As well as a smug looking smirk that would even make one Jeremy Clarkson jealous, was present on her face.

The only trouble was...

"So Bluebell, you really do think that your strength in numbers is somehow going to give you an advantage in this battle don't you? Well let us just see about that shall we?" Aleister Crowley proceeded to say. Which was then followed by him once again proceeding to speak in his cryptic sounding language again.

And as Keiko and Misaka, prepared to launch their respective railguns towards Crowley. I, like that of Angel Bluebell, really should've bothered to pay a little more attention to what Crowley had been saying. But, since neither of us were able to understand the cryptic sort of speech that he had been saying. Neither me, or Angel Bluebell were able to realize, that the very act of Misaka and Keiko firing their railguns at him, was about to trigger something, that none of us would've seen coming.

And so, with this not in mind sadly...

"Alright Keiko and Misaka, let him have it!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to passionately call out to them both. Which was then followed, though both she and I had a bit of hard trouble seeing them from that far down, by them both proceeding to pull an arcade coin out of their skirt pockets. Which, after they had placed them between their respective fingers. They then, without flipping them, proceeded to fire their respective railguns.

But, just before both of their railguns made it to Crowley, something quite unexpected then happened.

Which was made apparent, when a severely blinding white light, proceeded to occur out of seemingly nowhere, just before both Keiko and Misaka's respective railguns wound up making contact with Crowley.

And to make matters just that much worse, when the light finally died down, I then noticed that I wasn't in the open area in Academy City anymore. And, to make matters just that more strange, we were now in a different city. One, that I could almost recognize, as being Tokyo. Which was confirmed by Tokyo Tower being present off in the distance.

The only trouble was, that I could now tell, that this wasn't the usual timeline, of any of the three anime canon timeline, that me, Shinko, or Keiko were part of.

And even before I was able to think or do anything else. I then heard a sort of yell, that was coming from just to my right.

And when I then proceed to look slightly to my right, I then noticed a girl, with pink colored hair. And she seemed to currently be wearing a somewhat recognizable magical girl outfit from a 90s magical girl anime.

But, as I then proceeded to turn my attention towards Angel Bluebell, I noticed that she didn't seem to know who this girl was. But because I did, I proceeded to then speak up, as a way to help enlighten Bluebell, on the one and only Mew Ichigo.

"Wait, there's no way...is that?!...Oh, well this just got a whole lot more interesting Bluebell. Because if I am not mistaken, that is Mew Ichigo from the 90s anime magical girl series Tokyo Mew Mew," I now proceeded to speak up with.

And, though I could see, that Angel Bluebell was currently quite shocked with learning this new bit of information, she then proceeded to try and speak up, in response to what I had just said.

"Wait a sec here, how exactly do you..." Angel Bluebell tried to speak up with. Only to realize partway through her attempting to ask me, that she then realized exactly what I was trying to tell her. As I did know, that me and Sakura, had worn similar battle outfits, when me and her had captured the Thunder Card.

And it was then that I knew, as did Angel Bluebell as well. That things in our current battle against Crowley, were now about to get far more complicated, then they already were.

And as a way to confirm this...

"Oh, well aren't you just a lovely looking girl. May I ask what your name is?" A sort of weird sounding male voice proceeded to speak up with from behind Angel Bluebell.

And when I had turned around, and towards the source of the voice. I was then greeted, as well as Angel Bluebell, by a male with golden eyes, with orange hues with small slits that stuck out more than anything due to their brightness.

He also had large, pointed elf-like ears, that would make even Buddy The Elf from the movie Elf jealous. He also had two small fangs, and was very pale.

His dark green hair was also styled rather short in the back, but some of the hair was in front of his ears styled, and with red bands.

And, with a nervous sort of sweatdrop, then proceeding to appear, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. I now realized exactly who this person was, and I was now proceeding to become a bit nervous.

And this was because, I knew that he was the alien Quiche. One of the Cyniclons from the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, and apparently, the anime had pretty much demonstrated how much of a weird alien, he truly was.

And not surprisingly...

"Hey, how about you back up a little bit there? You're a bit to close for comfort," Angel Bluebell had proceeded to try and nervously say to Quiche. Since he was currently just a little bit too close to Angel Bluebell, for her liking. And to be honest, I was a bit uneasy regarding Quiche's closeness to her as well.

"Oh, but why would I want to do that? I think I am right where I need to be," Quiche proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. Which not surprisingly, proceeded to make me and Angel Bluebell to then become even more grossed out by him. Which was why Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to grimace quite noticeably. And not surprisingly so had I.

But thankfully...

"Hey, back off a bit would you?! Can't you see that she is not interested in you, you creep?!" Misaka now proceeded to say, as she proceeded to come in between Angel Bluebell and Quiche, and sort of look at him with a very ticked off looking expression.

"And who may I ask are you? And what gives an irritating sort of female earthling like you the right to decide to interject hmm?" Quiche now proceeded to speak up with.

And as no sort of surprise, well to me at least. I had now noticed, that Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to giggle. It was somewhat inaudibly at first. But then she wound up giggling, until Quiche then became confused at to why she was currently giggling so much, and then proceeded to speak up.

"What's so funny?" Quiche proceeded to ask. But, without Angel Bluebell having to say a single thing to him in response, he now took in the now obviously very ticked off looking expression, that was now present on Misaka's face. And given the current situation, I didn't blame her in the slightest. But, I also had now taken immediate note, of the very clear sparks of electricity, that were now sparking through the bangs of her hair.

"Okay viewers...Oh, Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...Now let me just turn the focus over to me for a sec...as I think that we need to give...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, which is then suddenly followed by the sound of both electricity crackling. As well as the voice of Quiche, then proceeding to yell out in somewhat immense sounding pain slightly out of the frame of shot*...Okay viewers...that didn't sound very good...well mind you, you can't really hear what it sounded like...but you get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and your introduction into the next phase of this crossover...Which for the next few several chapters...is going to be taking place in the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime...And yes viewers...this is only going to be one of the many forms of media, that you can look forward to reading about, as the timelines in all three of these fanfics progress...But, believe it or not viewers...not all of us are currently present in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Because as for the rest of our allies, and where they may or may not have ended up?...Well I am not going to tell you...because if I did wind up telling you viewers...then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of you all being enticed enough to want to read on...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile a bit broadly, and also while looking quite smug*...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then composes herself, in order to then continue, to properly address the viewers*...And so viewers, with all of this now still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well viewers, you heard it from Angel Bluebell...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"


MGF Member
Chapter 144: Cats, Aliens, And Chimera Anima!: How A Single Spark Can Make A Situation More Complicated! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...and yes viewers...as Shinko herself had said in her most recent start of chapter fourth wall break...I am very well aware that it hasn't been long at all...But anyways viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...And then, we will then get right into the current chapter right after that...Anyway viewers...on with the chapter recap."

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after Keiko and Misaka, had each generated their respective iron sand, and electricity composed Kaiju like beings. And though none of us knew what was about to happen. It would ultimately go to show, that sometimes, all it can really take, is just a single spark. When occurring improperly, can wind up turning a simple three anime dimension face off such as this one, into an all out multiverse sort of war.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"So Crowley, have you finally realized now, that there is absolutely not possible way in which you can win against all of us?" Angel Bluebell now passionately said to Aleister Crowley, as a look of severe smugness. As well as a smug looking smirk that would even make one Jeremy Clarkson jealous, was present on her face.

The only trouble was...

"So Bluebell, you really do think that your strength in numbers is somehow going to give you an advantage in this battle don't you? Well let us just see about that shall we?" Aleister Crowley proceeded to say. Which was then followed by him once again proceeding to speak in his cryptic sounding language again.

And as Keiko and Misaka, prepared to launch their respective railguns towards Crowley. I, like that of Angel Bluebell, really should've bothered to pay a little more attention to what Crowley had been saying. But, since neither of us were able to understand the cryptic sort of speech that he had been saying. Neither me, or Angel Bluebell were able to realize, that the very act of Misaka and Keiko firing their railguns at him, was about to trigger something, that none of us would've seen coming.

And so, with this not in mind sadly...

"Alright Keiko and Misaka, let him have it!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to passionately call out to them both. Which was then followed, though both she and I had a bit of hard trouble seeing them from that far down, by them both proceeding to pull an arcade coin out of their skirt pockets. Which, after they had placed them between their respective fingers. They then, without flipping them, proceeded to fire their respective railguns.

But, just before both of their railguns made it to Crowley, something quite unexpected then happened.

Which was made apparent, when a severely blinding white light, proceeded to occur out of seemingly nowhere, just before both Keiko and Misaka's respective railguns wound up making contact with Crowley.

And to make matters just that much worse, when the light finally died down, I then noticed that I wasn't in the open area in Academy City anymore. And, to make matters just that more strange, we were now in a different city. One, that I could almost recognize, as being Tokyo. Which was confirmed by Tokyo Tower being present off in the distance.

The only trouble was, that I could now tell, that this wasn't the usual timeline, of any of the three anime canon timeline, that me, Shinko, or Keiko were part of.

And even before I was able to think or do anything else. I then heard a sort of yell, that was coming from just to my right.

And when I then proceed to look slightly to my right, I then noticed a girl, with pink colored hair. And she seemed to currently be wearing a somewhat recognizable magical girl outfit from a 90s magical girl anime.

But, as I then proceeded to turn my attention towards Angel Bluebell, I noticed that she didn't seem to know who this girl was. But because I did, I proceeded to then speak up, as a way to help enlighten Bluebell, on the one and only Mew Ichigo.

"Wait, there's no way...is that?!...Oh, well this just got a whole lot more interesting Bluebell. Because if I am not mistaken, that is Mew Ichigo from the 90s anime magical girl series Tokyo Mew Mew," I now proceeded to speak up with.

And, though I could see, that Angel Bluebell was currently quite shocked with learning this new bit of information, she then proceeded to try and speak up, in response to what I had just said.

"Wait a sec here, how exactly do you..." Angel Bluebell tried to speak up with. Only to realize partway through her attempting to ask me, that she then realized exactly what I was trying to tell her. As I did know, that me and Sakura, had worn similar battle outfits, when me and her had captured the Thunder Card.

And it was then that I knew, as did Angel Bluebell as well. That things in our current battle against Crowley, were now about to get far more complicated, then they already were.

And as a way to confirm this...

"Oh, well aren't you just a lovely looking girl. May I ask what your name is?" A sort of weird sounding male voice proceeded to speak up with from behind Angel Bluebell.

And when I had turned around, and towards the source of the voice. I was then greeted, as well as Angel Bluebell, by a male with golden eyes, with orange hues with small slits that stuck out more than anything due to their brightness.

He also had large, pointed elf-like ears, that would make even Buddy The Elf from the movie Elf jealous. He also had two small fangs, and was very pale.

His dark green hair was also styled rather short in the back, but some of the hair was in front of his ears styled, and with red bands.

And, with a nervous sort of sweatdrop, then proceeding to appear, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. I now realized exactly who this person was, and I was now proceeding to become a bit nervous.

And this was because, I knew that he was the alien Quiche. One of the Cyniclons from the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, and apparently, the anime had pretty much demonstrated how much of a weird alien, he truly was.

And not surprisingly...

"Hey, how about you back up a little bit there? You're a bit to close for comfort," Angel Bluebell had proceeded to try and nervously say to Quiche. Since he was currently just a little bit too close to Angel Bluebell, for her liking. And to be honest, I was a bit uneasy regarding Quiche's closeness to her as well.

"Oh, but why would I want to do that? I think I am right where I need to be," Quiche proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. Which not surprisingly, proceeded to make me and Angel Bluebell to then become even more grossed out by him. Which was why Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to grimace quite noticeably. And not surprisingly so had I.

But thankfully...

"Hey, back off a bit would you?! Can't you see that she is not interested in you, you creep?!" Misaka now proceeded to say, as she proceeded to come in between Angel Bluebell and Quiche, and sort of look at him with a very ticked off looking expression.

"And who may I ask are you? And what gives an irritating sort of female earthling like you the right to decide to interject hmm?" Quiche now proceeded to speak up with.

And as no sort of surprise, well to me at least. I had now noticed, that Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to giggle. It was somewhat inaudibly at first. But then she wound up giggling, until Quiche then became confused at to why she was currently giggling so much, and then proceeded to speak up.

"What's so funny?" Quiche proceeded to ask. But, without Angel Bluebell having to say a single thing to him in response, he now took in the now obviously very ticked off looking expression, that was now present on Misaka's face. And given the current situation, I didn't blame her in the slightest. But, I also had now taken immediate note, of the very clear sparks of electricity, that were now sparking through the bangs of her hair.

"Okay viewers...Oh, Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...Now let me just turn the focus over to me for a sec...as I think that we need to give...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, which is then suddenly followed by the sound of both electricity crackling. As well as the voice of Quiche, then proceeding to yell out in somewhat immense sounding pain slightly out of the frame of shot*...Okay viewers...that didn't sound very good...well mind you, you can't really hear what it sounded like...but you get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and your introduction into the next phase of this crossover...Which for the next few several chapters...is going to be taking place in the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime...And yes viewers...this is only going to be one of the many forms of media, that you can look forward to reading about, as the timelines in all three of these fanfics progress...But, believe it or not viewers...not all of us are currently present in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Because as for the rest of our allies, and where they may or may not have ended up?...Well I am not going to tell you...because if I did wind up telling you viewers...then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of you all being enticed enough to want to read on...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile a bit broadly, and also while looking quite smug*...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then composes herself, in order to then continue, to properly address the viewers*...And so viewers, with all of this now still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well viewers, you heard it from Angel Bluebell...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

And, with the chapter recap now done and out of the way. We will now proceed on, into the current chapter.

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.

"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and continue her current fourth wall break. Only for someone who she never expected to interject into her fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of her. Which given who Angel Bluebell is, and what she has already been through. This is actually saying a lot more then you viewers might think*"

"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to Angel Bluebell. Which also winds up catching her, as well as me, quite off guard*"

"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of her face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what Angel Bluebell had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue her current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt her, by cutting her off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"

"Wow...so are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while Angel Bluebell currently has a sweatdrop still very much present on her face, along with her right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question. And given Angel Bluebells current fourth wall break being interrupted, I honestly didn't blame her for currently having the aforementioned expression that she currently had on her face*"

"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for me, in order to attempt to try and get Angel Bluebell to continue her current fourth wall break. I now proceed come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by my sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as I then proceed to speak up. As an attempt to try and get Angel Bluebells fourth wall break back on track*"

"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already know...is...*I proceed to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. And to my honest surprise, she is now not quite amused with the fact, that I had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And neither did Angel Bluebell for this matter either. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at me*"

"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. Angel Bluebell then proceeded to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and me. Which apparently was something that I had had trouble with.*"

"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this statement, in the most polite manner she can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"

"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to Angel Bluebell, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"

"U-uh...y-yeah?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then she was only a second ago. As she now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*"

"And viewers...she is going to wind up being quite the useful ally as well...And also viewers...Oh right, Zachary here...sorry about that...But anyway...so will Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce...But we will get to all of that in the next chapter viewers...So for now viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But you needn't worry viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there."


MGF Member
Chapter 145: Maid To Serve, And Maid To Fight!: Catering To The Public On The Side, At Cafe Mew Mew! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...But anyways viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.

"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and continue her current fourth wall break. Only for someone who she never expected to interject into her fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of her. Which given who Angel Bluebell is, and what she has already been through. This is actually saying a lot more then you viewers might think*"

"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to Angel Bluebell. Which also winds up catching her, as well as me, quite off guard*"

"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of her face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what Angel Bluebell had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue her current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt her, by cutting her off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"

"Wow...so are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while Angel Bluebell currently has a sweatdrop still very much present on her face, along with her right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question. And given Angel Bluebells current fourth wall break being interrupted, I honestly didn't blame her for currently having the aforementioned expression that she currently had on her face*"

"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for me, in order to attempt to try and get Angel Bluebell to continue her current fourth wall break. I now proceed come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by my sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as I then proceed to speak up. As an attempt to try and get Angel Bluebells fourth wall break back on track*"

"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already know...is...*I proceed to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. And to my honest surprise, she is now not quite amused with the fact, that I had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And neither did Angel Bluebell for this matter either. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at me*"

"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. Angel Bluebell then proceeded to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and me. Which apparently was something that I had had trouble with.*"

"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this statement, in the most polite manner she can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"

"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to Angel Bluebell, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"

"U-uh...y-yeah?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then she was only a second ago. As she now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*"

"And viewers...she is going to wind up being quite the useful ally as well...And also viewers...Oh right, Zachary here...sorry about that...But anyway...so will Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce...But we will get to all of that in the next chapter viewers...So for now viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But you needn't worry viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there."

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so since the last chapter. And after he had been shocked pretty severely, as well as several times by Misaka. Quiche had then chose to flee the scene. Which was probably done, because like Pluie, Aquelda, and the rest of Raindevila's henchman. And also along with the rest of the villains rogues gallery.

Which Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Limone, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Sakura, me, Li, Kero, Yue, Misaka, Keiko, Kuroko, Mitsuko Kongo, Touma Kamijou, Sugiita Gunha, Misaki Shokuhou, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abarai, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Former Gotei 13 Captain Yoruichi Shihouin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, and Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, had all gone and fought against, and had done so, on more then one occasion.

But, nothing could have even remotely prepared me, Keiko, or Shinko, for what was currently taking place. Well not exactly, but what I actually mean by this was...well...

"You've got to be kidding me right?! I mean surely you must be?! No, in fact, heck no! There is absolutely no way that you make me wear that!" Shinko had just proceeded to say to one Ryou Shirogane. A 15 year old, with tan skin, as well as blond hair. He was also tall, had aqua blue eyes. And from what I could see, he was exactly the same, as the Tokyo Mew Mew anime had shown him in regards to his appearance.

And, both he and Ichigo, for those who don't already know, both had what was called a Mew mark. Which is a type of mark, that is a sort of brand, that is to show that they are a Mew Mew. And as for Ryou's Mew mark? Well from what I knew from the anime, was on the side of his neck. But at the moment, it was currently covered with the collar of his shirt.

And as it just so happened, Ryou was the owner of the one and only Cafe Mew Mew. Which was basically a maid cafe, which was used to hide the the secrecy that was the Mew Project. Which was the project that had turned Ichigo into Mew Ichigo.

But, on the subject of Ryou, he had just told Shinko, along with Misaka, me, Sakura, Momoko, and Keiko that we would be wearing maid outfits, as well as helping to cater to the customers at Cafe Mew Mew.

But, as of this current moment, we were the only ones that were currently in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline. Well, that any of currently knew of at the current moment. But, this was something, that could very well not wind up being the case. In fact, we would be meeting up with a few of our allies in a couple hours time from this current moment. But, more on that in a little bit.

And as for why Shinko was currently still so upset...

"But you have to hear me out Shinko, as I think that you would look quite cute in a maid outfit. And besides..." Ryou tried to speak up to Shinko in response, only for her to then try, and then proceed to cut him off mid statement, in what was the most polite way that she could currently muster.

Which given her currently peeved sort of mood, from what I could currently see. Was the very same politeness of hers, that she was now starting to lose quite quickly.

But, as she was about to learn...

"Shinko, I am honestly finding it quite hard to understand exactly why you have a problem with wearing that maid outfit," Keiko now proceeded to speak up to her with. Which, upon hearing Shinko say this. I then noticed, that she then briefly turn to her, in order to try and ask her exactly what it was that she meant by her saying this.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you're okay with wearing that?" Shinko now proceeded to ask Keiko, with a now completely small comedic sort of small eyed and shocked looking expression, now present on her face.

"Yes Shinko, I am. As this isn't the only time, in which I have had to wear a maid outfit like that one. In fact Shinko, me and Misaka, have had to wear similar maid outfits, during every single one of Tokiwadai Middle Schools Summer Festivals. Isn't that right Misaka?" Keiko now proceeded to say to Shinko, with a very knowing, and closed eyes smile, currently present on her face.

This was true, as from what I knew from watching the first season of A Certain Scientific Railgun. Misaka indeed had had to wear a maid outfit, during Tokiwadai Middle Schools Midsummer Festival. And also, she had had to perform a violin solo, which in the case of her and Keiko, was actually a violin duet. Which from what I remember from the episode, the song was actually the season one opening song to A Certain Scientific Railgun, which was 'Only My Railgun,' by fripSide.

And quite strangely, Keiko and Misaka, weren't the only ones that were okay with wearing the Cafe Mew Mew maid outfits. As, with this now in mind, I then proceeded to speak up as well. As a way to attempt to further convince Shinko, that wearing a maid outfit, or in my case a butler outfit, was something that wasn't as big of a deal, as she was currently making it out to be.

"I am with Keiko on this one Shinko. As like Keiko and Misaka, me and Sakura, have also had experience with wearing such outfits. Which in case you viewers need some context. During one of the episodes of the Star Card arc of Going In Almost Completely Blind, me and Sakura, had been part of a maid cafe at Tomoeda Elementary School. Mind you, Sakura was wearing a maid outfit, and me a butler outfit. So yes Shinko, it would seem that you and Momoko. No offense intended by the way Momoko. But it seems that both you and Momoko, are the only ones that don't have any sort of past experience with wearing these types of outfits. Which again Momoko, I don't mean any sort of offense regarding you in this particular conversation," I proceeded to say. And while I had proceeded, while I had been saying this particular statement. I had briefly turned his attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Momoko, she didn't wind up taking any offense to my statement. Which was a relief, to both me and Shinko. But, as for Shinko's particular response on this statement of mine that I had just said...

"Well I guess it would be alright then. As me and Momoko, also sort of have a bit of experience with this sort of thing. I mean after all viewers, I have transformed dozens of times into my usual armored battle outfit, over the course of this fanfic. So it is only natural here viewers...that I..." Shinko proceeded to say, only for someone else, to now proceed to interject once again, into her current fourth wall break.

Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to slowly form, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face.

"Hey Shinko?...You're doing it again...*Keiko proceeds to say this to Shinko with a sweatdrop of her own, and a similar small eyed expression to the one that Shinko had recently shown. The only difference is that it is a sort of mischievous looking small eyed sort of expression. Similar to the expression that Hinagiku Tomano had made in a previous chapter of the Going In Completely Blind fanfic*"

And not surprisingly...

"And you're one to be talking about having somewhat lengthy fourth wall breaks Keiko!...As don't you also have this exact same issue with your fourth wall breaks?" Shinko now proceeded to say back to Keiko. And she had said this, with a now similarly looking mischievous small eyed sort of expression, present on her face as well.

And with regard to Keiko's pretty much valid response given the current situation...

"And I am still currently working on fixing that Shinko!...You know, that was a very low blow coming from you by the way!...And mind you, that wasn't even in the back...that was in the face...And yes viewers...that was a little bit of Amazon Prime's: The Grand Tour humor for you all...courtesy of one Richard Hammond...Oh, and remember viewers...rear wheel drive is best, because as Richard Hammond himself once said...It is so you don't see the tree that kills you...*Keiko proceeds to say this, only for Shinko to now proceed to start to giggle quite audibly. Which not surprisingly, was then followed by her turning Keiko attention to Shinko, with a very visible tickmark, now present on her face. Which was something that I really didn't blame her at all for exhibiting at the current moment*...What's so damn funny Shinko!? Would you please care to tell me, what exactly it is, that you seem to currently find so damn funny?!"

"I mean, you're kidding right Keiko?...You can't even get Richard Hammond's quote from that episode of Top Gear right!...And I should know viewers...as I said this very same statement back in 'chapter 38: Running In Top Gear!: Angel Saliva, The Lone Wolf Love Angel!'...And as for the proper way to say that quote of Hammond's viewers...for those who haven't read that particular chapter...for possibly having skimmed through it...It is said as...'Now remember, oversteer is best, because you don't see the tree that kills you.'...And that Keiko, is the proper way to say that quote...So Keiko, if you're going to say it, then at least say it right...As you did look like quite the immense lumpty when you said it...*Shinko now proceeds to quickly clear my throat, before then proceeding to continue to address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with this now very much fresh on all of your minds...we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter...okay?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"O-okay...well that was something...wasn't it viewers?...Anyway...as Shinko herself had just said to all of you viewers...both me and her, look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...so viewers...see you there...okay?"


MGF Member
Chapter 146: Maid To Serve, And Maid To Fight!: Catering To The Public On The Side, At Cafe Mew Mew! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...So viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so since the last chapter. And after he had been shocked pretty severely, as well as several times by Misaka. Quiche had then chose to flee the scene. Which was probably done, because like Pluie, Aquelda, and the rest of Raindevila's henchman. And also along with the rest of the villains rogues gallery.

Which Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Limone, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Sakura, me, Li, Kero, Yue, Misaka, Keiko, Kuroko, Mitsuko Kongo, Touma Kamijou, Sugiita Gunha, Misaki Shokuhou, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abarai, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Former Gotei 13 Captain Yoruichi Shihouin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, and Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, had all gone and fought against, and had done so, on more then one occasion.

But, nothing could have even remotely prepared me, Keiko, or Shinko, for what was currently taking place. Well not exactly, but what I actually mean by this was...well...

"You've got to be kidding me right?! I mean surely you must be?! No, in fact, heck no! There is absolutely no way that you make me wear that!" Shinko had just proceeded to say to one Ryou Shirogane. A 15 year old, with tan skin, as well as blond hair. He was also tall, had aqua blue eyes. And from what I could see, he was exactly the same, as the Tokyo Mew Mew anime had shown him in regards to his appearance.

And, both he and Ichigo, for those who don't already know, both had what was called a Mew mark. Which is a type of mark, that is a sort of brand, that is to show that they are a Mew Mew. And as for Ryou's Mew mark? Well from what I knew from the anime, was on the side of his neck. But at the moment, it was currently covered with the collar of his shirt.

And as it just so happened, Ryou was the owner of the one and only Cafe Mew Mew. Which was basically a maid cafe, which was used to hide the the secrecy that was the Mew Project. Which was the project that had turned Ichigo into Mew Ichigo.

But, on the subject of Ryou, he had just told Shinko, along with Misaka, me, Sakura, Momoko, and Keiko that we would be wearing maid outfits, as well as helping to cater to the customers at Cafe Mew Mew.

But, as of this current moment, we were the only ones that were currently in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline. Well, that any of currently knew of at the current moment. But, this was something, that could very well not wind up being the case. In fact, we would be meeting up with a few of our allies in a couple hours time from this current moment. But, more on that in a little bit.

And as for why Shinko was currently still so upset...

"But you have to hear me out Shinko, as I think that you would look quite cute in a maid outfit. And besides..." Ryou tried to speak up to Shinko in response, only for her to then try, and then proceed to cut him off mid statement, in what was the most polite way that she could currently muster.

Which given her currently peeved sort of mood, from what I could currently see. Was the very same politeness of hers, that she was now starting to lose quite quickly.

But, as she was about to learn...

"Shinko, I am honestly finding it quite hard to understand exactly why you have a problem with wearing that maid outfit," Keiko now proceeded to speak up to her with. Which, upon hearing Shinko say this. I then noticed, that she then briefly turn to her, in order to try and ask her exactly what it was that she meant by her saying this.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you're okay with wearing that?" Shinko now proceeded to ask Keiko, with a now completely small comedic sort of small eyed and shocked looking expression, now present on her face.

"Yes Shinko, I am. As this isn't the only time, in which I have had to wear a maid outfit like that one. In fact Shinko, me and Misaka, have had to wear similar maid outfits, during every single one of Tokiwadai Middle Schools Summer Festivals. Isn't that right Misaka?" Keiko now proceeded to say to Shinko, with a very knowing, and closed eyes smile, currently present on her face.

This was true, as from what I knew from watching the first season of A Certain Scientific Railgun. Misaka indeed had had to wear a maid outfit, during Tokiwadai Middle Schools Midsummer Festival. And also, she had had to perform a violin solo, which in the case of her and Keiko, was actually a violin duet. Which from what I remember from the episode, the song was actually the season one opening song to A Certain Scientific Railgun, which was 'Only My Railgun,' by fripSide.

And quite strangely, Keiko and Misaka, weren't the only ones that were okay with wearing the Cafe Mew Mew maid outfits. As, with this now in mind, I then proceeded to speak up as well. As a way to attempt to further convince Shinko, that wearing a maid outfit, or in my case a butler outfit, was something that wasn't as big of a deal, as she was currently making it out to be.

"I am with Keiko on this one Shinko. As like Keiko and Misaka, me and Sakura, have also had experience with wearing such outfits. Which in case you viewers need some context. During one of the episodes of the Star Card arc of Going In Almost Completely Blind, me and Sakura, had been part of a maid cafe at Tomoeda Elementary School. Mind you, Sakura was wearing a maid outfit, and me a butler outfit. So yes Shinko, it would seem that you and Momoko. No offense intended by the way Momoko. But it seems that both you and Momoko, are the only ones that don't have any sort of past experience with wearing these types of outfits. Which again Momoko, I don't mean any sort of offense regarding you in this particular conversation," I proceeded to say. And while I had proceeded, while I had been saying this particular statement. I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Momoko, she didn't wind up taking any offense to my statement. Which was a relief, to both me and Shinko. But, as for Shinko's particular response on this statement of mine that I had just said...

"Well I guess it would be alright then. As me and Momoko, also sort of have a bit of experience with this sort of thing. I mean after all viewers, I have transformed dozens of times into my usual armored battle outfit, over the course of this fanfic. So it is only natural here viewers...that I..." Shinko proceeded to say, only for someone else, to now proceed to interject once again, into her current fourth wall break.

Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to slowly form, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face.

"Hey Shinko?...You're doing it again...*Keiko proceeds to say this to Shinko with a sweatdrop of her own, and a similar small eyed expression to the one that Shinko had recently shown. The only difference is that it is a sort of mischievous looking small eyed sort of expression. Similar to the expression that Hinagiku Tomano had made in a previous chapter of the Going In Completely Blind fanfic*"

And not surprisingly...

"And you're one to be talking about having somewhat lengthy fourth wall breaks Keiko!...As don't you also have this exact same issue with your fourth wall breaks?" Shinko now proceeded to say back to Keiko. And she had said this, with a now similarly looking mischievous small eyed sort of expression, present on her face as well.

And with regard to Keiko's pretty much valid response given the current situation...

"And I am still currently working on fixing that Shinko!...You know, that was a very low blow coming from you by the way!...And mind you, that wasn't even in the back...that was in the face...And yes viewers...that was a little bit of Amazon Prime's: The Grand Tour humor for you all...courtesy of one Richard Hammond...Oh, and remember viewers...rear wheel drive is best, because as Richard Hammond himself once said...It is so you don't see the tree that kills you...*Keiko proceeds to say this, only for Shinko to now proceed to start to giggle quite audibly. Which not surprisingly, was then followed by her turning Keiko attention to Shinko, with a very visible tickmark, now present on her face. Which was something that I really didn't blame her at all for exhibiting at the current moment*...What's so damn funny Shinko!? Would you please care to tell me, what exactly it is, that you seem to currently find so damn funny?!"

"I mean, you're kidding right Keiko?...You can't even get Richard Hammond's quote from that episode of Top Gear right!...And I should know viewers...as I said this very same statement back in 'chapter 38: Running In Top Gear!: Angel Saliva, The Lone Wolf Love Angel!'...And as for the proper way to say that quote of Hammond's viewers...for those who haven't read that particular chapter...for possibly having skimmed through it...It is said as...'Now remember, oversteer is best, because you don't see the tree that kills you.'...And that Keiko, is the proper way to say that quote...So Keiko, if you're going to say it, then at least say it right...As you did look like quite the immense lumpty when you said it...*Shinko now proceeds to quickly clear her throat, before then proceeding to continue to address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with this now very much fresh on all of your minds...we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter...okay?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"O-okay...well that was something...wasn't it viewers?...Anyway...as Shinko herself had just said to all of you viewers...both me and her, look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...so viewers...see you there...okay?"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so proceeding into the next day. And into the current situation...

"My, don't you look cute in your maid outfit," A male customer that Keiko had just finished taking their order had just said to her. Which surprisingly, since I noticed that Keiko had not been expecting it, she had now proceeded to lightly blush. And I did find this to be sort of cute...

"And for the record viewers...Oh right sorry...Zachary here viewers...But anyway, as I am sure I have said, as well as Shinko and Keiko at times throughout these three fanfics...none of the three of us are going to have any love interests whatsoever...and yes, that is not even one word of a lie either...I mean, surely you must've realized this fact viewers...since I am sure that Shinko, had said this at quite an immense length back in chapter two of Going In Completely Blind...Which believe it or not viewers...she had...But anyway, let me stop rambling for the current moment...and just have us get back to the chapter now...So then viewers...shall we?"

"O-oh...well thank you..." Keiko had then proceeded to somewhat nervously say back to them in response. And as for the cute maid outfit, that the customer said that she looked in? Well it was a light blue colored maid outfit. With a white apron, that was similar in style to the maid outfits, that her and Misaka, had worn during the most recent Summer Festival at Tokiwadai Middle School back in 'Chapter 13: The Two Tokiwadai Aces, The Tokiwadai School Festival, And The Violin Duet' of the A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces fanfic.

And as for me and Sakura? Well, I was currently wearing a dark blue butler outfit. And as for Sakura? Well she was wearing a pink colored maid outfit. That just so happened to be similar to the one that she had worn in a previous chapter of this fanfic.

But thankfully, and unlike back then, Kuroko wasn't currently here to try any of her perverted antics on her regarding her maid outfit. But not surprisingly, well to me anyway...

"Man, I really was right...this butler outfit that I'm wearing, really doesn't feel that awkward at all...I mean if I'm honest, that is sort of to be expected...since me and Sakura did wear similar outfits like these in a previous chapter...But anyway viewers...I now seem to be waffling a bit here...So, what do you say that we now get back to the chapter and current situation at hand...okay?" I thought to myself. Which as usual during this thought of mine, and similar previous thoughts. I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had also done this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner.

But anyway, getting back to the current situation...

"So Keiko, how are things going?" Ichigo proceeded to ask, as she walked up to Keiko, in order to check how things were going with her as a maid at Cafe Mew Mew.

"It's going very well Ichigo, thanks for asking," Keiko proceeded to say to Ichigo in response. Which I had noticed that Keiko had said this response of hers, while she had proceeded to briefly smile with both of her eyes closed.

But, with regard to others who were having a bit more difficulty...

"Oopsie, sorry about that..." The unmistakable voice of one Momoko Hanasaki now proceeded to say. Which she had said with a bit of nervous tone to her voice.

"Sis...no offense...but you really need to be a tad bit more attentive with carrying all of those dishes back to the kitchen..." I now heard Shinko proceed to say to Momoko. As Momoko had just dropped a couple of the dishes that she had been taking back to the kitchen. And not surprisingly, they had all hit the floor, and had shattered into several fractured and jagged pieces.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, at least Momoko means well...But still, I am really not at all that surprised that she and Shinko seem to be having the most trouble with serving as maids...as both of them don't have the experience, that Keiko, Misaka, me, and Sakura have...But viewers...it is both the effort, and also the thought that counts here...Because as long as you try your best..." I then proceeded to think to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by yet another crashing sound was heard. As a couple more dishes had now proceeded to hit the floor and shatter into several more broken and jagged pieces. Only this time, it was Shinko, and not Momoko, that had caused this to happen.

And upon letting out yet another big sigh, and then turning my attention over to Misaka and Keiko. Who at the moment, had just finished taking a customers order. And after Keiko, had briefly smiled with both of her eyes closed. I once again had another thought...

"Well...at least we can consider this a sort of brief break from having to fight against Crowley...Which unfortunately, I don't exactly know where he currently is hiding at the moment...And why do I think, that this very fact...Is probably going to wind up forcing us all to travel through many different forms and dimensions of media...Until we finally do wind up finding him...And yes viewers...you read that part of my thought right...As these three fanfics, are actually nowhere even remotely close to being done with...I mean after all viewers...This was somewhat planned from the very start...As due to this, with the exception of a few forms of media, for obvious reasons...some due to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse...and others...because of less obvious reasons...that I won't be going into...But anyway viewers...this does mean, that you can all look forward to these three fanfics, being progressed for many more possible years to come...But viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But for now viewers...I will be seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?" I thought to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers.


MGF Member
Chapter 147: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...So viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so proceeding into the next day. And into the current situation...

"My, don't you look cute in your maid outfit," A male customer that Keiko had just finished taking their order had just said to her. Which surprisingly, since I noticed that Keiko had not been expecting it, she had now proceeded to lightly blush. And I did find this to be sort of cute...

"And for the record viewers...Oh right sorry...Zachary here viewers...But anyway, as I am sure I have said, as well as Shinko and Keiko at times throughout these three fanfics...none of the three of us are going to have any love interests whatsoever...and yes, that is not even one word of a lie either...I mean, surely you must've realized this fact viewers...since I am sure that Shinko, had said this at quite an immense length back in chapter two of Going In Completely Blind...Which believe it or not viewers...she had...But anyway, let me stop rambling for the current moment...and just have us get back to the chapter now...So then viewers...shall we?"

"O-oh...well thank you..." Keiko had then proceeded to somewhat nervously say back to them in response. And as for the cute maid outfit, that the customer said that she looked in? Well it was a light blue colored maid outfit. With a white apron, that was similar in style to the maid outfits, that her and Misaka, had worn during the most recent Summer Festival at Tokiwadai Middle School back in 'Chapter 13: The Two Tokiwadai Aces, The Tokiwadai School Festival, And The Violin Duet' of the A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces fanfic.

And as for me and Sakura? Well, I was currently wearing a dark blue butler outfit. And as for Sakura? Well she was wearing a pink colored maid outfit. That just so happened to be similar to the one that she had worn in a previous chapter of this fanfic.

But thankfully, and unlike back then, Kuroko wasn't currently here to try any of her perverted antics on her regarding her maid outfit. But not surprisingly, well to me anyway...

"Man, I really was right...this butler outfit that I'm wearing, really doesn't feel that awkward at all...I mean if I'm honest, that is sort of to be expected...since me and Sakura did wear similar outfits like these in a previous chapter...But anyway viewers...I now seem to be waffling a bit here...So, what do you say that we now get back to the chapter and current situation at hand...okay?" I thought to myself. Which as usual during this thought of mine, and similar previous thoughts. I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had also done this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner.

But anyway, getting back to the current situation...

"So Keiko, how are things going?" Ichigo proceeded to ask, as she walked up to Keiko, in order to check how things were going with me as a maid at Cafe Mew Mew.

"It's going very well Ichigo, thanks for asking," Keiko proceeded to say to Ichigo in response. Which I had noticed that Keiko had said this response of hers, while she had proceeded to briefly smile with both of her eyes closed.

But, with regard to others who were having a bit more difficulty...

"Oopsie, sorry about that..." The unmistakable voice of one Momoko Hanasaki now proceeded to say. Which she had said with a bit of nervous tone to her voice.

"Sis...no offense...but you really need to be a tad bit more attentive with carrying all of those dishes back to the kitchen..." I now heard Shinko proceed to say to Momoko. As Momoko had just dropped a couple of the dishes that she had been taking back to the kitchen. And not surprisingly, they had all hit the floor, and had shattered into several fractured and jagged pieces.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, at least Momoko means well...But still, I am really not at all that surprised that she and Shinko seem to be having the most trouble with serving as maids...as both of them don't have the experience, that Keiko, Misaka, me, and Sakura have...But viewers...it is both the effort, and also the thought that counts here...Because as long as you try your best..." I then proceeded to think to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by yet another crashing sound was heard. As a couple more dishes had now proceeded to hit the floor and shatter into several more broken and jagged pieces. Only this time, it was Shinko, and not Momoko, that had caused this to happen.

And upon letting out yet another big sigh, and then turning my attention over to Misaka and Keiko. Who at the moment, had just finished taking a customers order. And after Keiko, had briefly smiled with both of her eyes closed. I once again had another thought...

"Well...at least we can consider this a sort of brief break from having to fight against Crowley...Which unfortunately, I don't exactly know where he currently is hiding at the moment...And why do I think, that this very fact...Is probably going to wind up forcing us all to travel through many different forms and dimensions of media...Until we finally do wind up finding him...And yes viewers...you read that part of my thought right...As these three fanfics, are actually nowhere even remotely close to being done with...I mean after all viewers...This was somewhat planned from the very start...As due to this, with the exception of a few forms of media, for obvious reasons...some due to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse...and others...because of less obvious reasons...that I won't be going into...But anyway viewers...this does mean, that you can all look forward to these three fanfics, being progressed for many more possible years to come...But viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But for now viewers...I will be seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?" I thought to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so after the end of our current shifts at Cafe Mew Mew. And as well as following the unfortunate incident of Momoko and Shinko having broken several of the Cafe's dishes. We were all now having to deal with another not so convenient situation. And well, when I say that, what I truly mean by that is...well...

"Okay seriously Quiche?! Can't somebody like you learn to take some sort of hint?!" Shinko had just proceeded to say, as she was currently staring at Quiche. Who was currently just a little too close to Shinko's face for comfort. Which also, and not surprisingly, was causing her, to once again become uneasy.

But thankfully...

"Okay Quiche, as you clearly didn't get Misaka's message the last time that you tried this! I think that it's about time that we both..." Keiko had now proceeded to say, just as electricity, had now started to violently and audibly crackle through the bangs of her long light blue hair. And not surprisingly, so was Misaka. As she as well, was not at all amused with Quiche's current perverted advance on Shinko. And given their past experiences with one Kuroko Shirai, this was something that I didn't exactly blame them both for feeling either.

But then...

"Well, I figured that you would wind up having a problem with me again...So to help with that, I brought a few new friends along to help assist me...I think that you will recognize them...hmm Shinko?" Quiche now proceeded to say, as this was then followed by a certain male voice, that she thought that we all had heard the last of, then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, if it isn't Angel Bluebell and her sister Wedding Peach...So your real name is Shinko is it? Then I guess I can kill you and your allies, with now knowing that I know your true identities," The unmistakable voice of Pluie, now proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by him giving one of the most evil and arrogant looking smirks, that I had ever seen any villain give to anyone.

And not surprisingly...

"Like hell you will Pluie! Come on Misaka, it appears that we have an old 'friend' to deal with. And Shinko? If I were you, then I would have you and Momoko transform...like right now!" Keiko proceeded to say.

Which thankfully, was then followed, by Shinko reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko also reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Miroir.

And more importantly, this was then followed, by me and Sakura, then proceeding to pull out our respective Star Keys. And, with the presence of Ichigo, Minto, and Retasu. They also then proceeded to ready their respective Mew Pendants, and then proceeded to transform into their Mew Mew forms.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of our respective Star Keys expanded into our respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of us twirling them, and then finishing off with our usual battle ready poses.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko then proceeded to call out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko then proceeded to call out. And in a single flash of light, Shinko was in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Mew Mew Strawberry, Metamorphose!" Ichigo proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Ichigo. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Mint, Metamorphose!" Minto proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Mint. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Lettuce, Metamorphose!" Retasu proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Lettuce. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

And as per usual, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly proceeded to fill the air. Wedding Peach then proceeded to start her introduction.

"Grace, beauty, and the will of a hero, are something that is truly special and unique! On a bright afternoon such as this, how dare you attempt to harm us or our friends! I can never forgive you for committing such an act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say. Which was followed by her pointing her left hand at Pluie and Quiche. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. Which she then finished, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always Wedding Peach! Well viewers, it looks like it's my turn now!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which during her authoritative and powerful statement, she had briefly turned her attention, slightly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by Angel Bluebell then proceeding to start her usual introduction, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to quite passionately say.

Which was then followed during this, by her proceeding to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over, her right armor clad shoulder. And, as she swing it downwards again, she stopped it mid downward swing. To which she then held it in front of her, in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"For the earth's future, I'll be at your service Nya~!" Mew Ichigo proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Mint! I'm the cool and collected one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Mint proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Lettuce! I'm the shy one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Lettuce proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"So you see Pluie, and you as well Quiche. When it comes to fighting against us, I think that you'll find, that from your past fights against us Pluie. And as someone once said 'this time, you don't stand, a ghost of a chance.' Now then Pluie, shall we begin with trouncing you and Quiche?! Because as long as we of the Four Aces Alliance exist, there is absolutely no way that we can let you win against us!" Keiko had now proceeded to say to both Pluie and Quiche. Which she had somehow managed to say, with about the same amount of passion and authority, as Angel Bluebell herself had said her statement with.

And this, actually wound up surprising her slightly. But, she chose to think nothing of it for the time being. But, what none of us currently realized, was that we were all going to be involved in what was about to soon become one of the most elaborate and complicated villain hunts in anime, and media history. As we would soon realize, that because of what had happened with Crowley back in Academy City. We would learn at some point in the far future, that he was actually hiding, in the one place that none of us would even consider to look.

"But viewers...oh right, sorry about that...Keiko here again...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...you heard it from Keiko...Oh right, Zachary here again viewers...but, as Keiko just said, we will see you all in the next chapter...okay?"
Last edited:


MGF Member
Chapter 148: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...So viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so after the end of our current shifts at Cafe Mew Mew. And as well as following the unfortunate incident of Momoko and Shinko having broken several of the Cafe's dishes. We were all now having to deal with another not so convenient situation. And well, when I say that, what I truly mean by that is...well...

"Okay seriously Quiche?! Can't somebody like you learn to take some sort of hint?!" Shinko had just proceeded to say, as she was currently staring at Quiche. Who was currently just a little too close to Shinko's face for comfort. Which also, and not surprisingly, was causing her, to once again become uneasy.

But thankfully...

"Okay Quiche, as you clearly didn't get Misaka's message the last time that you tried this! I think that it's about time that we both..." Keiko had now proceeded to say, just as electricity, had now started to violently and audibly crackle through the bangs of her long light blue hair. And not surprisingly, so was Misaka. As she as well, was not at all amused with Quiche's current perverted advance on Shinko. And given their past experiences with one Kuroko Shirai, this was something that I didn't exactly blame them both for feeling either.

But then...

"Well, I figured that you would wind up having a problem with me again...So to help with that, I brought a few new friends along to help assist me...I think that you will recognize them...hmm Shinko?" Quiche now proceeded to say, as this was then followed by a certain male voice, that she thought that we all had heard the last of, then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, if it isn't Angel Bluebell and her sister Wedding Peach...So your real name is Shinko is it? Then I guess I can kill you and your allies, with now knowing that I know your true identities," The unmistakable voice of Pluie, now proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by him giving one of the most evil and arrogant looking smirks, that I had ever seen any villain give to anyone.

And not surprisingly...

"Like hell you will Pluie! Come on Misaka, it appears that we have an old 'friend' to deal with. And Shinko? If I were you, then I would have you and Momoko transform...like right now!" Keiko proceeded to say.

Which thankfully, was then followed, by Shinko reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko also reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Miroir.

And more importantly, this was then followed, by me and Sakura, then proceeding to pull out our respective Star Keys. And, with the presence of Ichigo, Minto, and Retasu. They also then proceeded to ready their respective Mew Pendants, and then proceeded to transform into their Mew Mew forms.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Me and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of our respective Star Keys expanded into our respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of us twirling them, and then finishing off with our usual battle ready poses.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko then proceeded to call out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko then proceeded to call out. And in a single flash of light, Shinko was in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Mew Mew Strawberry, Metamorphose!" Ichigo proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Ichigo. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Mint, Metamorphose!" Minto proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Mint. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Lettuce, Metamorphose!" Retasu proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Lettuce. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

And as per usual, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly proceeded to fill the air. Wedding Peach then proceeded to start her introduction.

"Grace, beauty, and the will of a hero, are something that is truly special and unique! On a bright afternoon such as this, how dare you attempt to harm us or our friends! I can never forgive you for committing such an act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say. Which was followed by her pointing her left hand at Pluie and Quiche. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. Which she then finished, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always Wedding Peach! Well viewers, it looks like it's my turn now!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which during her authoritative and powerful statement, she had briefly turned her attention, slightly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by Angel Bluebell then proceeding to start her usual introduction, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to quite passionately say.

Which was then followed during this, by her proceeding to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over, her right armor clad shoulder. And, as she swing it downwards again, she stopped it mid downward swing. To which she then held it in front of her, in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"For the earth's future, I'll be at your service Nya~!" Mew Ichigo proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Mint! I'm the cool and collected one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Mint proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Lettuce! I'm the shy one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Lettuce proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"So you see Pluie, and you as well Quiche. When it comes to fighting against us, I think that you'll find, that from your past fights against us Pluie. And as someone once said 'this time, you don't stand, a ghost of a chance.' Now then Pluie, shall we begin with trouncing you and Quiche?! Because as long as we of the Four Aces Alliance exist, there is absolutely no way that we can let you win against us!" Keiko had now proceeded to say to both Pluie and Quiche. Which she had somehow managed to say, with about the same amount of passion and authority, as Angel Bluebell herself had said her statement with.

And this, actually wound up surprising her slightly. But, she chose to think nothing of it for the time being. But, what none of us currently realized, was that we were all going to be involved in what was about to soon become one of the most elaborate and complicated villain hunts in anime, and media history. As we would soon realize, that because of what had happened with Crowley back in Academy City. We would learn at some point in the far future, that he was actually hiding, in the one place that none of us would even consider to look.

"But viewers...oh right, sorry about that...Keiko here again...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...you heard it from Keiko...Oh right, Zachary here again viewers...but, as Keiko just said, we will see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, getting back to the very shocking and somewhat precarious sort of situation, that we all currently found ourselves in...

"I am surprised that you aren't all happy to see me again," Pluie had now said, with an all too recognizable heavy ounce of arrogance to his tone. Which not surprisingly, was met by several disgusted and very fed up looking expressions from me, as well as everyone else on our side.

And with regard to some of those reactions...

"Save it Pluie, as you know as well as I do, that the feeling isn't exactly mutual when considering me and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance! And while we're on the subject here viewers...you've probably all been wondering, exactly as to why Pluie is now miraculously back from the dead again...isn't that right?...Well viewers...I think you'll find, that as it was explained in a previous chapter...these three fanfics, are playing off of a premise so too speak...that I have rightfully coined the 'Marvel's What If Principle.'...So basically viewers...since Sakura and Zachary's invincibility spell was used in the interconnected timeline back in their own world...as it was in fact during a dream that they had both been having back in 'Chapter 76: A Polite Invitation!: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!'...and then again in a more recent chapter back when we had fought against the rouges gallery at the lab...Their invincibility spell...unfortunately in this case viewers...only worked for both the Going In Almost Completely Blind timeline, and the Railgun Aces timeline...So in other words viewers...lets just say...that we all still have a very long way to go, with regard to completely being done with the rouges gallery for good...as you will all actually wind up realizing in the upcoming future chapters...But anyway viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, with regard to Pluie's current resulting reaction...

"You know Shinko, I really have become quite tired and fed up...With you and your sisters quite irritating plot foiling antics!...But no matter, as it is finally time for you both to die! So, farewell...Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach!" Pluie now proceeded to say. Which was then followed, by him then conjuring up his all too familiar sword of darkness. Which was then followed, by him proceeding to swing it forward, in an aggressive swiping motion.

And this was then followed, by a bolt like wave of black evil energy...

But, as it proceeded to make its way towards Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach, she then just couldn't help, but then give off a cocky sort of smirk...

"What are you smirking at Shinko?!" Pluie now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell, as he had now taken immediate notice of her cocky looking smirk, that had just found its way onto her face.

"Oh nothing really Pluie. It's just that you've once again underestimated us, isn't that right...Sailor Moon?" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say. Which was due to the fact, that as Pluie had proceeded to launch his attack, she had then begun to feel an all too familiar, but very much present magical aura. And she had also said this, with a cocky tone to her voice, to match her currently cocky smirk.

And knowing full well who it belonged to, she just couldn't help but give off her current cocky smirk. I mean, wouldn't you?

And sure enough...

"How dare you return, and seek to try and tear us and our friends apart all over again! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon proceeded to say. Which was followed, by her doing her signature pose, while pointing at Pluie.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Super Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Super Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Super Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Super Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

And, just as the Outer Senshi, then proceeded to start their respective introduction. I had then noticed, that an immense amount of cherry blossoms, had now begun to fall.

And upon seeing these cherry blossoms, that seemed to start falling out of nowhere, I then realized something...

"Oh, so cherry blossoms do in fact start to fall when the Outer Senshi proceed to start their respective introductions...Well viewers...it looks as though that part about the Sailor Moon anime...was completely accurate to the letter...But anyways viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...as well as the current fight at hand," I thought to myself, which during this very thought. I had proceeded to briefly turn my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the remaining introductions...

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Super Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Super Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Super Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

And right after Super Sailor Pluto had finished her usual introduction, and had struck her usual pose...

"Oh wow...they are even more impressive in person!" Mew Ichigo had now proceeded to say. Which not surprisingly, was then met with several sweatdrops and somewhat uneasy sort of expressions, from Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach. And also, from Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Inner Senshi.

Which since they weren't really expecting Mew Ichigo to react in a similar manner to Chibiusa when she had first seen the Senshi since coming from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th century of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline. Which was also Shinko and the Love Angels anime canon timeline as well. And also, Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach weren't expecting it either, since they still weren't exactly used to Mew Ichigo's cat like hyper personality yet.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Damn you Sailor Moon! You always did seem to be a thorn in mine and Queen Beryl's side! Also, did you miss me?!" The unmistakable currently disembodied voice of Jadeite, now proceeded to speak up with. As he then proceeded to fade into existence from out of nothing.

"Yep Jadeite, we're pretty stubborn, you can best be assured of that!" I had now proceeded to say, as I wound up somewhat quoting one Captain America's Steve Rogers, from Avengers: Endgame.

"And don't we all know it viewers...Oh right...Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. Keiko also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...Zachary here by the way...anyway viewers...as Keiko herself just said...we both will be seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?"
Last edited:


MGF Member
Chapter 149: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 3)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...So viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, getting back to the very shocking and somewhat precarious sort of situation, that we all currently found ourselves in...

"I am surprised that you aren't all happy to see me again," Pluie had now said, with an all too recognizable heavy ounce of arrogance to his tone. Which not surprisingly, was met by several disgusted and very fed up looking expressions from me, as well as everyone else on our side.

And with regard to some of those reactions...

"Save it Pluie, as you know as well as I do, that the feeling isn't exactly mutual when considering me and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance! And while we're on the subject here viewers...you've probably all been wondering, exactly as to why Pluie is now miraculously back from the dead again...isn't that right?...Well viewers...I think you'll find, that as it was explained in a previous chapter...these three fanfics, are playing off of a premise so too speak...that I have rightfully coined the 'Marvel's What If Principle.'...So basically viewers...since Sakura and Zachary's invincibility spell was used in the interconnected timeline back in their own world...as it was in fact during a dream that they had both been having back in 'Chapter 76: A Polite Invitation!: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!'...and then again in a more recent chapter back when we had fought against the rouges gallery at the lab...Their invincibility spell...unfortunately in this case viewers...only worked for both the Going In Almost Completely Blind timeline, and the Railgun Aces timeline...So in other words viewers...lets just say...that we all still have a very long way to go, with regard to completely being done with the rouges gallery for good...as you will all actually wind up realizing in the upcoming future chapters...But anyway viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...shall we?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, with regard to Pluie's current resulting reaction...

"You know Shinko, I really have become quite tired and fed up...With you and your sisters quite irritating plot foiling antics!...But no matter, as it is finally time for you both to die! So, farewell...Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach!" Pluie now proceeded to say. Which was then followed, by him then conjuring up his all too familiar sword of darkness. Which was then followed, by him proceeding to swing it forward, in an aggressive swiping motion.

And this was then followed, by a bolt like wave of black evil energy...

But, as it proceeded to make its way towards Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach, she then just couldn't help, but then give off a cocky sort of smirk...

"What are you smirking at Shinko?!" Pluie now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell, as he had now taken immediate notice of her cocky looking smirk, that had just found its way onto her face.

"Oh nothing really Pluie. It's just that you've once again underestimated us, isn't that right...Sailor Moon?" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say. Which was due to the fact, that as Pluie had proceeded to launch his attack, she had then begun to feel an all too familiar, but very much present magical aura. And she had also said this, with a cocky tone to her voice, to match her currently cocky smirk.

And knowing full well who it belonged to, she just couldn't help but give off her current cocky smirk. I mean, wouldn't you?

And sure enough...

"How dare you return, and seek to try and tear us and our friends apart all over again! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon proceeded to say. Which was followed, by her doing her signature pose, while pointing at Pluie.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Super Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Super Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Super Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Super Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

And, just as the Outer Senshi, then proceeded to start their respective introduction. I had then noticed, that an immense amount of cherry blossoms, had now begun to fall.

And upon seeing these cherry blossoms, that seemed to start falling out of nowhere, I then realized something...

"Oh, so cherry blossoms do in fact start to fall when the Outer Senshi proceed to start their respective introductions...Well viewers...it looks as though that part about the Sailor Moon anime...was completely accurate to the letter...But anyways viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...as well as the current fight at hand," I thought to myself, which during this very thought. I had proceeded to briefly turn my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the remaining introductions...

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Super Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Super Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Super Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

And right after Super Sailor Pluto had finished her usual introduction, and had struck her usual pose...

"Oh wow...they are even more impressive in person!" Mew Ichigo had now proceeded to say. Which not surprisingly, was then met with several sweatdrops and somewhat uneasy sort of expressions, from Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach. And also, from Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Inner Senshi.

Which since they weren't really expecting Mew Ichigo to react in a similar manner to Chibiusa when she had first seen the Senshi since coming from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th century of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline. Which was also Shinko and the Love Angels anime canon timeline as well. And also, Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach weren't expecting it either, since they still weren't exactly used to Mew Ichigo's cat like hyper personality yet.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Damn you Sailor Moon! You always did seem to be a thorn in mine and Queen Beryl's side! Also, did you miss me?!" The unmistakable currently disembodied voice of Jadeite, now proceeded to speak up with. As he then proceeded to fade into existence from out of nothing.

"Yep Jadeite, we're pretty stubborn, you can best be assured of that!" I had now proceeded to say, as I wound up somewhat quoting one Captain America's Steve Rogers, from Avengers: Endgame.

"And don't we all know it viewers...Oh right...Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. Keiko also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Well viewers...Zachary here by the way...anyway viewers...as Keiko herself just said...we both will be seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...

"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.

"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" Angel Bluebell, had now proceeded to say. As she had already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

Which from how she had her similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed her for. And to be plainly honest, me and Misaka weren't at all shocked by her current reaction either.

But, getting back to the situation at hand...

"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. As he was now even more irritated by Angel Bluebells sudden interruption of his statement.

But, seeing as how Angel Bluebell now once again hada cocky smirk present on her face. Which had quickly reappeared after she had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like her now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame her for either.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.

But then...

"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to her with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to Angel Bluebell from behind her.

Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of her, and then proceed to yank her slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.

And upon realizing what had just happened, I like Angel Bluebell, and Keiko could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.

And as a way to confirm this, just as Angel Bluebell planted her feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around her torso...

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" Keiko now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of her long light blue hair.

"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to Keiko in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Thank you for that Keiko...And so viewers...as Keiko just said...we both look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...okay?"


MGF Member
Chapter 150: Not As Clear And Simple As It Seems!: A Hollow(ed) Reunion Of Sorts! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Zachary here...So viewers, before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...

"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.

"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" Angel Bluebell, had now proceeded to say. As she had already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

Which from how she had her similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed her for. And to be plainly honest, me and Misaka weren't at all shocked by her current reaction either.

But, getting back to the situation at hand...

"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. As he was now even more irritated by Angel Bluebells sudden interruption of his statement.

But, seeing as how Angel Bluebell now once again had a cocky smirk present on her face. Which had quickly reappeared after she had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like her now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame her for either.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.

But then...

"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to her with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to Angel Bluebell from behind her.

Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of her, and then proceed to yank her slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.

And upon realizing what had just happened, I like Angel Bluebell, and Keiko could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.

And as a way to confirm this, just as Angel Bluebell planted her feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around her torso...

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" Keiko now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of her long light blue hair.

"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to Keiko in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Thank you for that Keiko...And so viewers...as Keiko just said...we both look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...okay?"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so as it would seem, our old villains of the rogues gallery had somehow managed to make a return. But, as it was about to made clear to all of us on our side, this wasn't actually the case. In fact, with the impending and soon arrival of more of our allies. We were about to learn, that even though something may look like it is too good to be true. In this case, it was the return of the same villains from the last battle. This, was actually a complete lie, in fact...

"Okay, so it seems that you villains didn't learn the last time. So Wedding Peach, I think that it's about time that we..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

But, however...

"Bluebell, those are not the same villains that you and the rest of us fought against back in Academy City!" The unmistakable voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to call out to us from seemingly out of nowhere.

Which was then followed, by Rukia then proceeding to use her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. "Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" Rukia now proceeded to call out. Which was then quickly followed, by a wall of ice then proceeding to encase both Jadeite and Pluie in a block of ice.

But, the only difference this time, was that once they were both encased in ice. Angel Bluebell, was then able to immediately make out, that who we thought were Jadeite and Pluie, were actually what appeared to be hollows, that had been impersonating both of them.

And given some of the crazy things, that the hollows from the Bleach anime were able to do. This wasn't really something that I seemed to find all that surprising. And strangely, neither did Angel Bluebell.

But, with regard to Angel Bluebells immediate reaction to this sudden realization...

"Alright Quiche, start talking right now! Just how do you have hollows in your possession?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask Quiche in a very demanding tone.

"Oh, so now you want to ask me for information? Sorry Bluebell, but I don't do handouts," Quiche now proceeded to say, which he had said, with a very sly looking smirk currently present on his face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Oh, I think that you'll find Quiche, that we can be very persuasive. In fact Renji, would you care to demonstrate exactly what I mean by this?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with.

And sure enough, right on cue...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" The unmistakable voice of Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out his Zanpakuto's Shikai. As this was then followed, by his Zabimaru to then break into its several sectioned form.

And before Quiche could even react, he was completely tied up in several of Zabimaru's separate sections.

"Now Quiche, if I were you, then I would start talking now!" I now proceeded to say. As I had wound up saying my statement, with quite a bit more aggression to my tone, then I usually talked in on rare occasions. Which since like Sakura, I was usually a lot more calm in nature, then that of Shinko and Keiko. So having me react in this more aggressive manner, was not only foreign to me. But, it also wound up catching the immediate attention of Sakura, who was somewhat surprised by my reaction to the current situation.

But, given what me and her had already gone through. Which included, but was not limited to both the Final Judgment, and the Final Test. This was something, that wound up causing Sakura to wind up pushing this to the side. Since both of us, had been involved in the aforementioned events back in our respective timeline.

But with regard to Quiche's current situation, my statement to him, had thankfully wound up doing the trick. And as a way to confirm this...

"Alright, I get the message. I got the hollow from..." Quiche proceeded to speak up with. Only for someone else to now decide to interject.

"I wouldn't tell them if I were you Quiche, as that would wind up leading to your untimely end," A currently unrecognizable disembodied male voice, now proceeded to speak up with.

And, upon the figure, now proceeding to fade into existence. We were all met, with a very uneasy feeling. Which as it turned out, happened to be an overwhelming amount of spiritual pressure.

"What the heck?!...How is this spiritual pressure so strong?!...Is this what Ichigo Kurosaki and the rest of the Gotei 13, had experienced, when they had gone against Sosuke Aizen back in Karakura Town?!...Which by the way viewers...if you haven't already gone and watched the Bleach anime...along with TYBW: Thousand-Year Blood War...Then I am sorry to say viewers...that you will wind up being a bit lost in regard to these next few upcoming chapters...So viewers...I will tell you all right now, that there will be TYBW and Bleach anime spoilers ahead...So if you are looking to still read on...just know, that you've been warned...So then viewers...let us now get back to the chapter, as well as the situation at hand...shall we?" I thought to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But, getting back to the current situation, and away from my thought based fourth wall break...

And, as well as for this particular figure, and what he looked like? Well, he was a tall man of seeming middle age, with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes topped by thin eyebrows.

He had long black hair, that reached down to his lower back. And was paired with well-kept mutton chops plus a connected mustache. But apart from that, he seemed to be clean-shaven.

He was also wearing what looked like standard attire. Which consisted of a white, double-breasted trench coat that had a mysterious looking symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. And over this, he was wearing a tattered, ankle-length, maroon-black cloak, that had a red ribbon near the neck, and was fastened to the left with a single large button.

And as for who this person was...well about that...

"Hello everyone, I hope that I'm not intruding into your little fight? But, what do you say, that we get serious now?" The mysterious man proceeded to say, as both of his fists, had now proceeded to glow a very bright looking white color.

And, though not one of us knew who this mysterious man was. We were soon going to learn, that this fight that we were all about to undertake, and be involved in, was going to wind up being our toughest fight to date.

"And that is going to wind up being quite a bit of an understatement viewers...Oh right...Keiko here...sorry about that...*Keiko proceeds to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which she then proceeds to bring her attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. She also now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I bet you weren't expecting that sort of plot twist now were you?...I mean, did you honestly think that we were all going to be doing the same fight with the rogues gallery all over again?...I mean, if you did assume that, then you honestly don't know what truly awaits you all in the upcoming chapters of these three fanfics...In fact viewers...this is going to wind up having more twists, then M. Night Shyamalan has in his movies...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But you don't need to worry about this being the current case viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the very next chapter...So then viewers...with this all still very fresh on all of your minds...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*Keiko proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"Thank you for that Keiko...And so viewers...as Keiko just said...we along with Shinko, look forward to seeing you both in the next chapter...okay?"