
MGF Member
Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated.

Mikoto Misaka may have made the things she did in the anime look easy.

But I never would've guessed that I would be experiencing those events alongside her.

And when you've suddenly taken over the body of a girl, and your sister is the one and only Railgun.

I mean, I guess I'm not named Keiko Misaka for nothing.

And what am I to do, when a certain Sailor Guardian summons me to her out of the blue?

Has a bit of fourth wall breaking.

And just so you know, that is deliberate in my fics.

Any review or comment referring to or intending to be toxic, will be instantly removed.

A fanfic that converges with Going In Completely Blind and Going In Almost Completely Blind

Credit goes to beta reader/editor Hannah Freestone for helping me out with the first two chapters of this fanfic.

I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at [email protected] However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。

In which the si is thrown into the anime world of A Certain Scientific Railgun. And they have to do their best to help out Mikoto Misaka, all while trying to deal with the fact, that not only are they now a level 5 Esper, but are also the sister to the famous Railgun. Isn't that right Misaka?



MGF Member
Chapter 1: Bowling A Lucky Strike, A Stunning Realization
Date: On The Evening Of October 5, 2012

With my eyes drooping, I thought better than to click "Next episode" and instead decided to sleep. The red LED's of the clock next to me informing me of the early hour. I switched off the third episode of "A certain scientific railgun" just as the credits began to roll. I dropped the remote next to me as the tv turned dark. My eyes drooped and finally closed, sending me into what I assumed to be a dream at first.

Date: July 16, 2009 (Continuing Off Of The Oneshot)

When my eyes opened once again, the darkness of my room had been replaced with the grime covered floor of an alleyway.

"Wait a second, this isn't my apartment..." I thought to myself.

"Hey!" I heard familiar female voice call to me. "You gotta focus!"

"Wait, hold on...that couldn't be..." I thought to myself, as I looked up to see Mikoto Misaka staring at me with wild eyes. "Sis, we got a situation here! I don't need you zoning out, girl!" Misaka said, as she gestured frantically at the thugs surrounding us.

"Wait, Britney Karbowski?" I asked myself, as I recognized the voice actor behind the girl.

"Wait, did she just call me girl?" I thought to myself, realizing what she had just said to me.

As I very much knew myself to be a guy, I looked down slowly as my hands came up slowly, my hands resting on the foreign lumps on my chest at the same time as my eyes.

"Well, this is going to take some getting used to, I guess I'm a female now," I admitted to myself silently.

It was then I noticed a single tendril of soft blue hair had fallen into my line of sight. My brows furrowed at the color, knowing my own hair to be short and dark.

"Okay, so my natural hair color is light blue? I guess that is something else to get used to," I thought to myself as my eyes scanned the rest of me.

"School uniform?" I thought to myself as I sighed, school was the one thing from my childhood I had never missed. I then looked up at Misaka once more and noticed our uniforms to be the same. The Tokiwidai middle school emblem embroidered in the corner.

"Earth to my sister?!" came Misaka's voice, as she pulled me from my stupor and back to the fight.

"Okay, so I guess I am in the world of the A Certain Scientific Railgun anime...I only managed to watch as far in as the dummy check episode...still...I may not know anything past that point, but I do know of Mikoto this is what the 3rd ranked level 5 Esper in all of Academy City looks like in person...not to mention that she holds the nicknames of both Railgun, and The ace of Tokiwidai...Wait isn't she supposed to be a tsundere with a very short fuse? Well then...let me just make a mental note of that being part of who she is...because I am going to have to learn to get used to that...And despite the fact that I would have to call her Mikoto...if I'm being honest, that doesn't sit right with me to call her that...Sure, I'm her sister and all...But, I will just refer to her as Misaka...Since that is how most people called her in the dub of the anime...hold on...wouldn't me being her sister technically mean that I am an Electromaster as well? I can't assess that, at least, not in this alley...still...I might as well help her out since I am here...okay let me concentrate..." I thought to myself, as I then took a breath, stretched my left hand out, in a gesture, that looked like, I was holding an arcade coin, between my thumb, and index finger, and calmed my mind, as I then closed my eyes.

"Okay...concentrate...oh...well that is an unusual sensation...wait...what are those?!" I thought to myself, as I started envisioning two long electricity lashed rails extending out into infinity in my mind. Pulling myself back to reality as I then quickly opened my eyes, almost as if I knew what would happen if I chose to continue envisioning those rails. I then felt the electricity course through the air before it seemed to course through me. And after a moment, the gathered static shot down my arm and out through my fingers, leaving goosebumps on my skin at the sudden new feeling.

The alleyway then lit up with a flash as all the thugs shuddered erratically, their bodies unable to cope with the force of my attack. Once the lightning had dispersed once again, the alleyway fell dim, the light of the shocked men vanishing almost as soon as it appeared. They made only dull thuds as they dropped to the ground one by one until it was just me and the girl who called me sister in the alleyway.

I then looked at Misaka. "Wait, I did this? That is clearly the case, seeing as how Misaka hadn't attacked at all..and what is this smell in the air, it's as if someone has toasted a piece of bread on the highest setting, because this alleyway is filled with the stench of burning. Well, that is going to leave a memory I can never erase." And as the seconds ticked by, the stench continued to linger. I then crinkled my nose and sighed. "I really hope I don't have to get used to that smell...because that is quite a strong odor..." I thought to myself.

It was then that the sound of shoes hitting the sidewalk, caused us to stand defensively once more. That is until a familiar face coming around the corner made Misaka ease. I, however, stood my ground as my blood ran cold. "Oh right I forgot about her..." I thought to myself. As Kuroko Shirai then began her judgment introduction. "Halt! In the name of judgement!" She demanded, her breath ragged from her desire to get to the scene faster. "We have been alerted to your activities, come quietly or I will be forced to-" She stopped mid sentence at the sight of us and the various scattered bodies in the alley. She visibly smelt the charred remains of the thugs as her nose crinkled. "What happened here?" She gasped, trying not to inhale too much of the smoke emanating from the deceased thugs.

"Oh, hey Kuroko," Misaka said, giving a polite expression, as electricity crackled through the bangs of her hair.

"I guess Misaka's polite personality is accurate to the show..." I thought to myself.

"Sissy…and Keiko, you're here too." I then resisted the urge to turn and shrug, instead choosing to raise my hand and smile awkwardly.

"Keiko," I repeated to myself. "Add my name to the list of things that I need to get used to," I thought to myself, as I inwardly sighed.

I then watched Kuroko's eyes drift down to the Misaka's chest and then back swiftly, thinking no one saw her quick glance.

"Oh, well I see that Kuroko is still a pervert like in the show...and I thought that Infinite Stratos's Tabane Shinonono was perverted, actually you know what...let me do my best not to make an enemy out of her...she is Misaka's...well...let's just gloss over the fact that she calls Misaka 'Onee-Sama' , or 'sissy', since this is the english dubbed version of the anime...well...time for me to make light of the situation..." I thought to myself.

"You still don't skip a beat when it comes to being a judgement officer, eh Kuroko? You'll be appointed a superior next," I sassed with a toothy grin. Unexpectedly, Misaka giggled at Kuroko's now pink cheeks, and yet, Kuroko wound up giving a small shy smile at the thought. And silently, the three of us then thought it best to avoid giving an explanation of the scene.

Instead, choosing to return to school using the park as a shortcut. Misaka kicked a vending machine as we all stopped to huddle around it and choose our drinks.

"Nothing like a little vandalism to quench that thirst," I scoffed, as I pulled a small coin purse from my pocket. Misaka rolled her eyes and opened her drink as I made my choice. As I pressed the buttons, I then heard her cough and splutter at the temperature of the drink, having expected it to be cold. "Mah tong!" She exclaimed, holding her tongue out in an attempt to cool the aching muscle.

Bots beeped in the distance as my chosen drink clattered to the bottom of the machine. But before I could grab it, Kuroko had clasped a hand around my wrist, teleporting the three of us to the nearby overpass. "Oh, come on Kuroko, I paid for that," I angrily thought to myself, as I then sighed.

"Honestly, was that really necessary?" Kuroko asked, her eyebrows raised as she chastised Misaka gently.

It was during our walk back, the school just on the horizon. That I then realized something. "Oh right, now I remember today is the day of the Tokiwidai system scans. I assume that with my abilities being the same as Misaka, my results will wind up being the same as hers, if not similar. That's a bet I would make," I thought to myself confidently.

The small screen of my tv had done nothing to portray the size and beauty of the school. The red brick gave it a historic feel, while the large airy windows and arched walkways made it a little more modern. I couldn't exactly place the age of the building off the top of my head and silently chastised myself for not knowing more about the anime before watching it.

The two girls and I paused at the sound of an announcement, calling Kuroko and others to one side of the school. My sister and I made our way to the other for our own scans. Thinking back to the anime, I remembered a scene between Kongo and Kuroko that I desperately wished to see in person. "I haven't met Kongo yet, but seeing her fall on her ass would make my entire year. And yet I also remember that she likes hearing herself talk a little too much...still...she is a level 4 Esper with an ability called Aero Hand. If I remember correctly from reading about it, it gives the individual who has it to touch any object, and then send it flying..." I thought to myself.

Unfortunately for me, Misaka's grasp on my wrist was tighter than a vice as she dragged me to our areas to perform. Forbidding me from sneaking across campus to witness the scene. Kuroko willingly relayed the story to us afterwards as we sat in the restaurant.

I reveled in the thought of the Kongo falling until Kuroko changed the subject to our tests. I swallowed hard and glanced at Misaka, who delighted in telling the story, proudly declaring the both of us to hold the title of "Railgun."

"How?" Kuroko asked, unable to look me in the eye, after the two of us had shared a misunderstanding in the bath not an hour prior, that neither of us wished to discuss. "Yea, so Kuroko is 13, and she had the nerve to sexually fondle me and Misaka...well, let me just add that to the list of things that I am going to have to look out for...because I can always use my electricity to shock her, if she decides to attempt something indecent like that again..." I thought to myself with a sigh.

"Well…" Misaka began, as she prepared to relay to Kuroko about how the results of our systems scan had gone.


MGF Member
Chapter 2: Electric Lashed Rails, Supersonic Concordes, And Mach 3 Railguns
Date: July 16, 2009 (A Couple Of Hours Ago)

Misaka had gone first. Her aim spot on as her shot careened through the water, whipping up waves in its wake.

Soaking the sides of the pool with a torrent of chlorinated water.

The sight exhilarated me more than I had ever been in my life, sending my heart skipping with both fear and excitement at the display of sheer power of the girl.

"Well, I see that her railgun is just as powerful as it was in the show..." I thought to myself, as I continued to stare at Misaka in wonderment.

The loudspeaker then hummed before a voice came out, clear for all to hear. "Recording initial shot speed at 1,030 meters per second, rapid fire ability, 8 shots per minute, pattern grouping, 18.9 millimeters, overall rating, level 5."

"Hold on here, let me quickly do some math. So a Sud Aviation BAC Concorde is able to travel through the air at speeds just exceeding Mach 2...That aircraft had such an ingenious design...Shame that it was retired back in '03...I would assume that it most likely was economically impractical by that point...But anyway, if I factor in the conversion...that would mean that Misaka's railgun...just went at Mach 3?! Or 2,304.044 MPH roughly...And nothing seems to be damaged either...Incredible," I thought to myself, as my brain raced, while I thought of potential ways in which speed like that could be harnessed.

However, after I had finished my thought, Misaka then turned, her grin wide as effortlessly she tossed her remaining coins into the air.

She then caught them quickly before turning her attention to me.

"Your turn Keiko." She announced, to which she tilted her head to the still rippling water of the pool behind her.

I blinked twice and gulped, my eyes resting on the coins of the exam table next to me.

"Well, I guess it's time to see just how powerful I truly am," I thought to myself, as I stepped past the table, and took a few of the arcade coins, to which I then clutched them tightly.

I then took my place in front of the pool.

I then planted my feet, my stance like Misaka's, firm and unyielding.

I then picked an arcade coin from the bunch, pressing it tightly between two fingers, just like Misaka had done.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, hoping I was channeling the right power I needed. As I once again envisioned those two electricity lashed rails extending out into infinity in my mind.

"Okay, time to see if my suspicions about my Esper level are indeed correct. Also, let me make a mental note, to perhaps imagine those electricity lashed rails a bit more frequently, when I try to do something like this," I thought to myself, as I then opened my eyes, and fired.

And, just like Misaka's shot, it flew through the water, sending waves over the sides of the pool.

I watched with wide eyes as the shot hit the intended target, unable to breathe at the realization of what I had just done. I then, as instructed, repeated this process a couple more times, still awestruck at the immense power that I possessed.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that...not to mention that those were several railgun blasts that I just fired in that is...if I have calculated correctly, 8 railguns that I fired in about 7.5 second intervals...Still, I might as well let the loudspeaker confirm my suspicions, rather then trying to figure it out myself," I thought to myself with a look of complete shock still on my face, which had now started to soften slightly.

And sure enough, it was then that the loudspeaker hummed before the same voice emerged, confirming my suspicions. "Recording initial shot speed at 1,030 meters per second, rapid fire ability, 8 shots per minute, pattern grouping, 18.9 millimeters, overall rating, level 5."

I then heard Misaka whoop loudly behind me, pulling me back to myself with a gasp.

The coins in my hand then became heavier, as I came back to my body to turn and face Misaka.

"Okay, now that's a grin that would make even the Cheshire Cat proud..." I thought to myself, as I took notice of Misaka's grin.

I then smirked, as I then copied her move and flicked the coins into the air, and then caught them without blinking.

Date: July 16, 2009 (The Present)

"So the systems scan went well then," Kuroko said matter-of-factly, after we had finished telling the story.

"But still, you can't both be nicknamed Railgun." She added, the two of them coming to the same realization I had already thought of.

"Well, Kuroko does have a point, Misaka already has that let me think for a moment..." I thought to myself, as I then came up with a proper nickname. "Keiko means "blessed child", so I was thinking "Lucky Strike"?" I said.

"Lucky Strike?" Misaka repeated, testing the name aloud.

"I like it," She said eventually, regarding me once again with a proud smile.

The three of us then sat in silence as we ate before the next event, unsure of what to expect.

I myself having not watched past the third episode of the show, and the girls having not yet lived through the events.

Kuroko then glanced through her schedule, which I knew from the anime to have perverted antics planned all the way through.

"Oh, by the way, I've complied a schedule for you both. Also, someone I know, a girl from the 177th branch, is desperate to meet you both, even if just for a moment."

"A fan?" Misaka asked as she reached over for the schedule, her eyes reading over the information that I did not wish to read.

And after Misaka had stretched Kuroko's face to an unnatural proportion through her pulling on it with frustration from Kuroko's perverted schedule antics. I then realized something. "Okay, so that just happened, it looks quite unnatural when she does that to Kuroko. But, I guess that is what I can expect from being in the world of the anime," I thought to myself with a perplexed expression present on my face.

And in the time it took me to blink, Kuroko had then situated herself on Misaka's lap, having teleported easily.

But before I could pipe up, Ruiko Saten and Kazari Uiharu entered, pulling the attention of the three of us into a welcoming exchange.

The two of them furrowed their brows and looked at me for an explanation of the two girls in front of them.

But I shook my head and shrugged, wordlessly answering the unspoken question.

Later on, at the crepe stand, after the incident at the restaurant. Once we had all sat down, and started eating our respective crepes, well everyone except three of us did.

And this was largely since Kuroko was chasing after me and Misaka trying to get us to take a bite of her crepe. And it was no surprise that neither of us wanted to, I mean, who chooses anchovies as a topping anyway?

Misaka had tried desperately to hide her disappointment at not getting the promised Gekota keychain that had been advertised outside the crepe stand.

The three of us being nowhere near the first 100 customers. And yet, Saten was nice enough to give the one that she was going to receive, to Misaka. Since it was the last one that was left.

"Well I can see that she is as obsessed with Gekota as she was on the show," I thought to myself, as I sighed.

However, it was while me and Misaka were offering Saten to take a bite of our crepes, that things started to kick off.

Without any sort of warning, the metal gates on one of the stores, that for some weird reason were down in the middle of the day, violently exploded outwards, creating a massive explosion, taking everyone in the area by surprise.

This of course sprang both Kuroko and Uiharu into action. But, as Kuroko adorned her Judgment officer sash, Misaka then offered to help, only to be told to stay put by her.

I then went up to Misaka, put a hand on her shoulder and decided to speak up. "Don't worry Misaka, we'll get our chance, you just wait," I said confidently.

The three male robbers allowed Kuroko a moment to say her usual introduction, all the while sniggering at the small girl in front of them.

One man charged once she had finished, assuming to easily tackle her to the ground.

But Kuroko was quicker, sidestepping out of his way and to his side. Grabbing his hand and his trailing foot, she manipulated his own leverage to flip him over and onto his back.

Winding the man instantly as his back dropped flat to the hard ground.

And as another one of the robbers tried to hit Kuroko with his Pyrokinesis Esper ability, only for Kuroko to teleport quickly away. And then reappear in front of him. To which she then teleported again, as she then appeared above him, and wound up sending him to the ground with a double flying kick.

And as Kuroko teleported her pin darts from the holsters under her skirt, with a simultaneous wave of both of her hands, she then stuck the Pyrokinesist to the ground, as her pin darts appeared all over him, stuck to his clothing, in rapid succession, and pinning him to the ground.

It was at this point, as me, Saten, and Misaka watched from the sidelines, that Saten decided to speak up, mentioning Kuroko and how she had just dispatched two of the robbers. "Well that's Kuroko for you," I said, as I cracked a smirk.

It was at this point however, that the smirk wound up leaving my face, as it was found out that one of the kids, that had been on a field trip in the area when the robbery had taken place, was nowhere to be seen.

It was decided that me and Misaka would help look for him, and after some convincing from Saten, she wound up joining in as well.

However, from what I remember from watching the anime, this would wind up doing more harm then good.

It was while me and Misaka were searching the bus that had been used for the field trip, and Saten was searching the area around the bus. Saten wound up catching sight of one of the robbers snatching up a kid and taking him towards a car.

It was at this point, after trying to get me and Misaka's attention, that Saten decided to take it upon herself to pursue the robber and try and retrieve the kid.

However, both me and Misaka wound up catching sight of the robber fighting with Saten for the kid, just in time to see him kick her away.

As I watched, unsure of how to proceed, I heard the familiar crackle of electricity next to me.

I turned to Misaka and took a step back at the visible rage on her face.

"Shall we?" She asked, as if already knowing me to be ready.

Quickly, I nodded, and followed her off of the bus, and halfway down the street towards the car, which had now begun to drive away.

I then pressed the arcade coin from my pocket between two fingers.

Despite our matching abilities, I knew by her sheer determination, that she could live up to the reputation that would plague her after her next action.

But, myself, I wasn't sure if I could.

Reputation, however, in this moment, didn't matter.

What mattered was protecting the lives of anyone this man was willing to sacrifice for his loot, especially now he had a fast vehicle.

The task at hand, I knew to be big, but it was important.

"Is there anyone else in the car?" I asked as the electricity built, and I once again began to envision those two electricity lashed rails extending out into infinity in my mind.

Her response was a smirk, her eyes darkening.

I had seen this in the anime, her rage.

But nothing had prepared me to witness her power and her fury first hand.

She was magnificent. Scary, but magnificent.

"Then let's get him." The fool committed an illegal U-turn, heading back toward us as we stood side by side, blocking the road.

I noticed him to be accelerating as he charged for us, his head hunkered down as he clearly assumed us to be playing chicken.

Together, me and Misaka flipped our coins.

Together firing our respective railguns the exact moment our respective coins rested once more between our fingertips.

The electricity shot out of our fingertips and straight towards the car.

Lightning lit up the man's face, illuminating his terror before it struck, sending the car and its temporary driver up into the air over our heads.

And as we both continued to look ahead, time seeming to stand still until the vehicle landed back down again nose first. The robber had survived, but that was only because the airbags of the car had deployed. As that was the only thing that had saved his life.

Stopping instantly. As a crowd formed around the scene, I realized that my presence had upset the balance. I likened myself to a rock being thrown into a still pond, sending ripples of trouble into this world.

I knew it not to be my fault; I had never asked for this. But I swore that for as long as I was here, in this world, that I would only help where I was needed.

Silently promising not to cause any more ripples.

And yet, something else didn't seem to be right with all of this.

"Who am I, and who am I as Keiko? I will need to ask Kuroko to look up my information at some point," I thought to myself.


MGF Member
Chapter 3: To Go Askew, Aphrodisiacs, And Perverted Antics
Date: July 16, 2009 (Later In The Day)

"Man, talk about running somewhere fast in a hurry. I may not have been in the greatest of shape in back in the real world. But now, I am more fit then I have ever been. Seeing as how I am keeping an even pace of running beside Misaka at the moment, I can now see, how she was able to run this quick, so easily in the 2nd episode...Oh hold on, isn't this supposed to be the episode when Kuroko ordered the aphrodisiacs?...Oh least from what I remember about the episode, Misaka did wind up shocking Kuroko with her electricity...And that was after she had pulled out Misaka's swimsuit...and then asked her...if she could wear it...while cleaning the pool...Okay...I suddenly just got very upset and least I can help Misaka with shocking her...But still...I am really not looking forward to Kuroko pulling out my swimsuit...oh right, she also had Misaka's panties stashed under her bed too...Really not looking forward to her possibly having mine under there too...Just how creepy is this going to look, now that I will be witnessing it for real...Okay, let me stop right now...Because all that is happening now, is I am just getting more upset and irritated," I thought to myself. As both me and Misaka, continued to run and keep stride with each other, while chasing down one Touma Kamijou, Mr. Rotten Luck himself.

"Well, he seems to have the same spiky black hair like he did in the anime...Still, I wish I knew more information about his Imagine Breaker, then just the first three episodes of A Certain Magical Index," I thought to myself, as me and Misaka then chased Touma into an alley.

"You might as well give up!" Misaka said, as she started gathering electricity.

"Well Misaka, you clearly just love getting straight to the point, huh?...Also, this has just come to my mind...Why is she so obsessed about him?...Let me remind myself to ask Misaka about that sometime," I thought to myself, as I then started gathering electricity.

And as both of our electricity attacks, almost made it to Touma, he then raised his right hand. And once both hit his right hand, one after the other, they both dissipated completely.

This sent a shocked expression across both me and Misaka's faces.

"Well, it seems that his Imagine Breaker, works exactly like it did in the anime...Okay, let me remind myself never to battle against him...Because there is no point to doing that...Because as long as Touma has that Imagine Breaker of his, my attacks can't do a thing to him," I thought to myself.

It was several days ago, when I realized that I was staying in the same room with both Misaka and Kuroko.

"Hold on, wasn't this room a lot smaller then this? And weren't there only two beds in here originally, instead of there now being three? I guess the timeline from the anime that regarded this, is no longer accurate. Still, I wonder how many other things, are going to be different from the original timeline. I sure hope nothing major, winds up changing due to my presence in the anime," I thought to myself, as I looked at our dorm room, with confusion and wonderment.

Unfortunately, much further into the future, as things would start to cascade out of control.

I would learn, that ignoring these sorts of changes, would be so much harder to do, then I would've ever even thought possible.

Fast forward to the present day, it was honestly now just very bittersweet, largely because of what had happened when me and Misaka, when we decided to bring Saten and Uiharu over, and were met by Kuroko flinging herself towards the door. "Sissy, Keiko you're back!" Kuroko perversely said, as she flung herself towards the door, dressed in nothing but a silk robe. To which she then stopped dead once she saw that we had brought Saten and Uiharu with us.

"Well Kuroko, I see that you are as much of a pervert as ever...Well, time to smack some sense into you!" I thought to myself, as me and Misaka then angrily smacked her on the head, for having done something so perverted.

And after a bit of talking between the four of us, whilst Kuroko lay slump on Misaka's bed after having been smacked on the head.

And after a bit of shenanigans, in which it was discovered that Kuroko had had both a pair of not just Misaka's panties stashed under her bed, but apparently she had a pair of mine as well. Which, not surprisingly, neither of us wound up taking very well.

"Okay, so even though I was expecting this from her...I am still quite annoyed about it! I mean, I know that she means well and all, but on a scale from 1 to 10...she's about a 15 when it comes to being super perverted," I angrily thought to myself.

But I digress.

Anyway, this was then followed by both me and Misaka showing Saten and Uiharu a scrapbook, of pictures when we were younger.

This was of course followed by Saten discovering that Kuroko had a scrapbook that had very questionable and very perverted pictures of both me and Misaka in it.

"Okay, I remember that too...still this is far more creepy to witness in person, then just watching this seen on my tv back in the real world. Although, seeing as how this is who she is. I sort of have to accept it," I thought to myself, as I looked on, with a very irritated look on my face.

And to tell you the truth, that was good enough for me.

"Okay, so what the actual heck man?! How could this have gotten so out of hand?! One minute, me, Kuroko, and Misaka were having an argument, over some aphrodisiacs that Kuroko had ordered for the one month anniversary occasion regarding when the three of us first met. And the next, we were all using our Esper abilities in a fight like we're on a battlefield?! Well, that was after Misaka had said "I am going to fry you so your appearance matches your name!" Which believe it or not, Kuroko's name means 'black white' in Japanese...No really, I am being 100% accurate with that translation....So in other words, that means that she intends to shock Kuroko to such a degree, that she will wind up being badly burned...Kind of violent when you think about it...And yet, going back to the current situation, this didn't help matters, since it is very much against Tokiwidai's school rules to be using our Esper abilities in the dormitories. Especially since the dorm supervisor just saw me and Misaka use our electricity, to literally blow the door of our dorm room off of its hinges...And yet, I can now see why Kuroko and Misaka fear her. Because her look is one that can kill...Wait, did she just break Kuroko's neck?! Holy crap! That is much more frightening to witness it for real then just watching it from the second episode so the anime on my tv...Oh, she just got up...One of the many benefits of being in the anime...Because any normal person would be dead due to that being done to them...and yet, Misaka seemed quite frightened from the presence of the dorm supervisor...So, if the dorm supervisor, can make someone like Misaka, a level 5 electromaster look at her with fear, then you can bet that she means business," I thought to myself, as I displayed a look of utter fear.

Anyway, the dorm supervisor, then said, that as punishment for the three of us using our Esper abilities in the dorms, all three of us.

Even though it was Kuroko who had instigated the situation in the first place, were told to clean the school's pool.

It was after two of Kuroko's friends, Wannai and Awatsuki, happened by while the three of us were cleaning the pool, and one of them demonstrated her Esper ability to control water, that Kuroko decided to get us to drink something from a pair of thermoses that she had brought to the pool with her.

And knowing full well what was in them, from watching the anime.

I decided to speak up, while at the same time, not making it sound obvious what I knew was in the drink.

"Kuroko? Let me ask you something, those computer parts you ordered...?" I asked her in a suspicious manner.

But as I started to finish my question to Kuroko, Misaka chose this moment to finish my question for me.

"They wouldn't have happened to have wound up in the drinks, would they?" Misaka asked, sounding as suspicious as I did.

To which Kuroko then started to profusely sweat.

"Yea, that's what I thought..." I said, with me and Misaka's suspicions now confirmed.

It was about a few minutes later, after a bit more talking, and after a realization, after Kuroko had explained to both me and Misaka, that today was the one month anniversary when all three of us had met.

And after me and Misaka had given Kuroko her each of our respective gifts, we decided to have a toast between the three of us, with me and Misaka being very careful to not drink from the thermoses that had the aphrodisiacs in them.

Kuroko, on the other hand, was not paying attention, and she did wind up drinking one of the thermoses that had the aphrodisiac in it.

It was when Me and Misaka had gone back to cleaning the pool, that things started to take a very weird turn.

This started with Kuroko asking if me and Misaka could clean the pool dressed in our swimsuits.

"Yea, but it would be too much of a pain to go back and get it," Misaka said.

"Not a problem look what I brought for both of you..."

"Okay Kuroko, time to shock some sense into you...Because I know fully well what it is that you are about to show both of us!" I thought to myself, as a tickmark then became present, one one side of my face.

And it was at that moment that Kuroko pulled out two swimsuits, that Misaka recognized as our respective swimsuits.

However, in the time it took me to blink, Misaka took the broom that she had in her hand, that she had been using to clean the pool, and threw it right at Kuroko's head, which then struck her in the forehead.

"Okay Misaka, I remember that you did that in the anime too...But my goodness, I never knew that someone like her, could chuck a broom that fast...Another benefit of being in the world of the anime I guess," I thought to myself, as Misaka then chose to speak up.

"The last time I checked that swimsuit was in my locker!" Misaka very angrily said.

"Okay Kuroko, I know that you're under the influence of the aphrodisiac at the moment. But I will be damned, if I don't make you regret having done that!" I thought to myself angrily.

It was at this point that I turned to Misaka, electricity already crackling through the bangs of my hair.

"Misaka, would you mind so kindly if I helped you introduce an electrical punishment, to Kuroko for her perverted antics?!" I asked, through very pent up anger, and a look that could kill.

It was when I got a better look at Misaka, that I then realized that she was in the same way too.

"Keiko, I would be disappointed if you didn't!" Misaka said, with as much anger, as electricity was also crackling through the bangs of her hair as well.

And as we both unleashed some voltage on Kuroko, sending her to the ground.

With a perverted smile on her face, and liking the electrical punishment just a little too much.

Something was absolutely clear.

"This may be one mess of a friendship, but it's still a friendship nonetheless," I thought to myself, as me and Misaka, continued to electrocute Kuroko.


MGF Member
Chapter 4: Dummy Checks And Tasers, Tokiwidai Is Targeted

"Hey guys, Keiko here. Sorry to startle you with a fourth wall break out of the blue like this, I am still getting used to knowing when to use this and when not to. *blush* Fun fact, apparently Misaka can also do this, but I guess those who have watched her as closely as I have over such a short period of time do tend to pick up on things like that. But anyway, I mentioned two chapters ago that I was going to do some investigating regarding the person who I had wound up becoming when I had first wound up in this world. And after asking Kuroko to look up the information at the 177th Judgment branch, here is what I found out."

Name: 'Keiko Misaka'

Birthdate: 'May 2nd, 1995'

Age: '14'

Height: 5' 3"

Eye Color: 'Brown'

Esper Level: '5'

Esper Abilities: 'Electromaster, Telepath (Only Usable On Misaka Due To Having Her AIM Diffusion Field Intertwined With Hers), Electromagnetism, Railgun, 4th Wall Awareness'

Nickname: 'Lucky Strike' ,'Number Three' ,'Tokiwidai's Ace','The Ace Of Tokiwidai'

Hair Color: 'Light Blue'

Background: Keiko Misaka, daughter of Misuzu Misaka, and sibling to Mikoto Misaka. Started out as a Level 1 Esper like that of her sister. And like that of her sister, tends to have a very short fuse at times. It was discovered a couple years back that both her and her sisters AIM Diffusion Fields were intertwined with each other. Which was discovered one day during a regular Tokiwidai system scan, when the two of them were testing their Electromaster ability together.

"Okay, there is one thing that bugs me about this information...why does my background make it seem like I'm a tsundere? Good god, could you imagine what that would be like if I were such a thing? Man, I am getting chillls just thinking about it. I really do hope that part about my background is wrong, because there is absolutely no way that I could be a tsundere...right? Anyway, enough fourth wall breaking, back to the present."

It had been a long day school day for one Mitsuko Kongo.

But that didn't change the fact that she was walking down an alley alone.

And unfortunately, sensing that someone else was there, she whipped around quickly, but saw no one.

"Who's there?" she asked.

After a few seconds, and after she decided to introduce herself to the invisible perpetrator, she then felt a strong electrical shock, and the next thing she knew, she was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

And unfortunately, as the person who had tased Kongo revealed herself, this wasn't the first time this had happened to a girl from Tokiwidai Middle School, and it certainly wasn't going to be the last, unless something was going to be done to stop this from happening again.

Thankfully, something would wind up being done, and that is where this particular event in the anime, now begins.

"Man, I gotta say, that being a level 5 Esper may put a huge target on your back, but I will say this, it does have its benefits," I thought to myself, as me, Misaka, and Kuroko, waited near the Garden Of Learning's main entrance, for Saten and Uiharu. It was while we were still waiting for Saten and Uiharu to arrive, that another thought went through my mind. "Wait a sec, this seems like what happened in episode 3 of the anime...'Tokiwidai is Targeted'...I think was the name of the then...that would mean...that any events past this episode...are all events...that I know nothing about...well...I really hope that I can maintain my standards with Misaka's...because as one of the two aces of Tokiwidai...I can't afford to drop my standards...even for a second...even though I don't know anything past the events of this episode," I thought to myself, as I sighed.

Fast forwarding a bit, and this thought, was not only deemed to be correct, but there was also no exception to it either. Especially if you're dealing with someone with a dummy check Esper ability, who cannot only turn themselves invisible, but they were dumb enough to taser Saten in the restroom. "Well, not truly turn themselves invisible viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. So, as I was about to say, the Esper ability of Dummy Check allows the user to make it so no one can see them at certain angles. So in a way, it does technically turn them invisible. Anyway, enough of my fourth wall breaking. *smiles* Back to the story."

Anyway, this was only due to the fact, that they mistook Saten for a Tokiwidai Middle School student. Because when she was tasered in the restroom, she was wearing a Tokiwidai school uniform.

So the reason why this was the case, was because right after both her and Uiharu had arrived at the meeting place, where me, Misaka, and Kuroko were, in the Garden Of Learning. We learned that Saten had fallen into a puddle. And unfortunately, the only change of clothes available, was a Tokiwidai school uniform. And this was compounded by the fact, that when Saten arrived with Uiharu, Saten was soaking wet.

"Keiko here again viewers. So, if I can be quite honest for a moment, and as Saten herself wound up stating, after having changed into one herself. Those skirts on the Tokiwidai Middle School uniform are really short, and I mean like really really short. I can see now, why Misaka wore shorts under her skirt in the anime. And from what I have seen from the incident with the vending machine in the park a few days ago, she just so happens, to wear shorts under her skirt, just like in the anime. So, since I want to follow Misaka's example, and want to save face, as well as any sort of embarrassment when I wanted to, say for example, deliver a high kick to something like Misaka had done. I have decided to follow suit, and wear shorts underneath my skirt as well. And fun fact, this has also had the added benefit, of Kuroko's perverted antics on me, being a little bit more difficult, in case she decides to go do something to me that is considered to be less then decent. Man, these skirts don't really leave much to the imagination, do they? I mean, now that I come to think about it a bit more, this has been the case for a lot of anime school uniform's skirts over the years, hasn't it? Look, just because its a trend, that doesn't mean it's a good one to follow. At least make the skirts longer, that is all I am asking. *blush* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, after Saten had been tasered, the attacker used a permanent marker to draw large eyebrows on her face. And to be honest, this caused everyone but her to laugh. But anyways, after a big game of cat and mouse between the girl with the dummy check ability, and Kuroko, Misaka, myself, and Uiharu, we wound up at a park in the Garden Of Learning, with both me and Misaka revealing ourselves from the park's swing set. And after Misaka said that although the chase had been fun that it was time for it to end, the girl then attempted to taser Misaka. However, when the taser had no effect, she then attempted the same exact tactic on me.

"Man, Misaka really was right in episode 3 of the anime, tasers really don't work on her, and they really didn't work on me either, I mean seriously, you really can't feel a thing," I thought to myself, as I then decided to speak up.

"Honestly, didn't anyone ever tell you that it isn't polite to taser someone out of nowhere. Well, I'm sorry to break the bad news to you, but tasers don't work on either of us," I said, with a cocky smile, to the girl with the Dummy Check ability, as I then took my left hand and flipped a portion of my long light blue hair. "Man, being a level 5 Electromaster does have its benefits," I thought to myself, as Misaka then spoke up.

"Keiko, would you mind helping me in doing the honors?" Misaka asked me. "Well Misaka, though neither of us know, what exactly happens, past this point in the anime...I am just hoping, that things in the timeline, don't wind up going more askew, then they are right now," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up to respond, to what Misaka had just asked me. "Misaka, I am already ahead of you on that one," I said in response, as electricity was already starting to crackle through the bangs of my hair.

This was followed by both me and Misaka, touching the girl's arm, and introducing only enough electricity each, to knock her out for a little bit.

And, a short while later, after it was discovered that the reason the girl with the Dummy Check ability was putting eyebrows on people with a permanent marker, was essentially, more or less, an act of jealousy and revenge. Basically, she was drawing large eyebrows on Tokiwidai students, because the boy that she liked, wound up choosing a Tokiwidai student, instead of her. And having only watched the episode right before winding up here, I could see where she was coming from, but that was no excuse for her to act the way that she did. But I guess to each their own.

And a short time later, as Anti-Skill took the girl with the Dummy Check ability into custody, both Misaka and I were both confident, that we had both done a good job in helping dispatch with the girl with the Dummy Check ability. And as she was taken away, another thought came to my mind. "Well, that is it for the last of the episodes that I know any sort of information about...from here on out...I am on an even keel with Misaka...because anything beyond this point, like Misaka, is me venturing into uncharted territory...I guess that as long as me and Misaka stay strong, and kept our wits about us, we should have no issues...well...that is at least what I going to be the case..." I thought to myself, as I sighed.

I guess that does bring a good amount of meaning to a phrase that I like to go by, "keep your friends close, and keep your allies closer."

Unfortunately though, I had absolutely no idea at the time, but that statement, would wind up proving, to be worth much more then its weight in gold.


MGF Member
Chapter 5: Imagine Breaker, Misaka's Arrogance!

Okay, I don't care what Saten or anyone says about urban legends, because to tell you the truth, this one seemed pretty real to me.

And this was not because Touma, Misaka and I had just seen a woman, for no particular reason, and without warning I might add, started unbuttoning her shirt in public.

"I mean really? Sorry, Keiko here again viewers. Because the last that I checked, this wasn't Highschool DxD...And while we are on the subject of Highschool DxD...I am not a huge fan...of harem anime...they are all just way too generic to each other. Anyway, back to the story."

This, not surprisingly, caused all three of us to blush with embarrassment.

Wow, you really can say that a gang of unruly guys that harass young women like me and Misaka, really are the worst.

And this situation was really no exception to that.

And, as we both leaned up against the shuttered shop, as the unruly guys chattered away. A thought then went through my mind. "Man, those who treat young women like this, they really have no they even realize that me and Misaka are 14?...wait a sec...isn't the age of consensus in Japan 13?...Okay...well that is just plain bizarre...not to mention a tad bit creepy...Okay...let me just stop thinking about this...because all this is causing me to be very uncomfortable," I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

However, after I had had my thought, a familiar face, who I recognized as Touma, walked up, and greeted the two of us.

However, the unruly guys seemed to question what exactly he was doing.

And as he was explaining himself, a thought then went through my mind. "Okay Touma...this is really bad timing on your part...oh good...Misaka is less then happy that he's here...come to think of it...I remember that she made a similar expression...during the robbery incident...right before she used her electricity..." I thought to myself, as I then sighed.

And sure enough, as if on queue, Misaka conjured up a huge amount of electricity, so much in fact, that it disabled all of the unruly guys that were standing around us. To which they all hit the ground, with dull thuds.

But, not surprisingly, to me anyways, I was unaffected, and apparently, so was Touma.

"Okay Misaka....really!?...You couldn't have given me a sort of warning before you decided to discharge all of that electricity!? least her electricity doesn't have any effect on of the many benefits of me being an electromaster..." I thought to myself, as I then took a deep breath, and then spoke up.

"Misaka, could you perhaps be a little more controlled with your electricity next time!? I mean, you weren't the only one that was standing there you know!? If it weren't for the fact that your electricity doesn't affect me, then I would be on the ground too, just like the rest of these, *ahem*, ruffians" I said, just a little bit concerned, as well as agitated, from Misaka's sudden outburst.

And once the electricity had fully died down, and Misaka, had somehow managed to flip a portion of her short brown hair. We then both saw that Touma was holding up his right hand. This then lead to Misaka telling Touma, that they needed to finally settle the score once and for all. It was at this point though however, that she decided to turn her attention to me, and then wanted to drag me into her mess. "Okay...well I certainly wasn't expecting that from her...yea...let me just not get involved with something that is her issue and her issue alone," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up. "Thanks for the offer Misaka, but I am going to have to politely decline," I said, with a bead of sweat falling down the side of my face.

And it was then, that a thought went through my mind. "Hold on...I think that now would be a good a time as any, to ask Misaka, why she is so obsessed with fighting against Touma," I thought to myself, as I then took a deep breath, and then spoke up.

"Misaka, if I may interject, why do you want to fight him so badly? I mean, he has already demonstrated, at least to me, that whatever sort of ability he has, ensures that whatever you throw at him, has no affect. So if you ask me, I think you are just being a touch bit arrogant with your decision making, don't you think?" I asked her, with my arms folded, and a straight and calm expression on my face.

It was at this point that a blush found its way across Misaka's face. "Well, I see that her tsundere behavior, hasn't changed the slightest, from the way it was in the anime...great. And if I am being honest...this is...quite see her act this way for real," I thought to myself, as Misaka then spoke up.

"Arrogant, you're one to talk Keiko! Didn't you already say that you weren't interested in fighting?!" Misaka said, with the blush still very present on her face.

"Great...just much more awkward can this get?...Well...I guess I might as well...tell her," I thought to myself, as I once again took another deep breath, and then spoke up.

"Misaka, I'm not the one who's being arrogant here, I have already said my two cents on how I think of this! You still want to fight against him, then you are more then welcome too, just realize that I am 100% certain that this is a fight that you cannot win. And that Misaka, is why I backed out, because I saw no reason to fight against someone that I have no chance of winning against. But again, those are just my thoughts of this! Do with them what you will! But just remember this, if I didn't think I had any sort of chance, what makes you think that your odds are any better against him, hmm?" I said, as my look changed to one of severe agitation, then to one of calmness, then back to agitation, then to a look of intrigue, as I waited for Misaka's response to my long winded statement.

However, and not surprisingly, Misaka not only ignored what I had said, but her arrogance wound up winning the argument.

And after a bit more arguing between the two of us, it was ultimately decided that I would be sidelined from the fight, and Misaka would be the one to fight Touma.

Largely because Touma's Imagine Breaker, which was the ability that he had in his right hand, from the information I had from the first three episodes of watching A Certain Magical Index that I had been able to watch before winding up here in this world, was ultimately going to make whatever I threw at him, completely useless.

But it was mostly because Misaka had the issue with Touma and not me.

"Okay Misaka, even though you aren't at all happy that I have outright declined your request...There is still no way, that I am going to allow you, to drag me into your mess," I thought to myself, as I once again sighed.

"Keiko here again viewers. I mean, how would you feel if your own sister outright declined your offer to help you with something?...My point exactly...*blush* Anyway, back to the story."

A little while later, down by the riverbank, and as I had predicted, Misaka was having a very rough and tough time against Touma.

And to be honest, it made me quite a bit more confident for having sidelined myself before the fight.

But on another note, man can Misaka use her Esper powers well.

But, as I had predicted, as long as Touma had his Imagine Breaker, Misaka didn't stand a chance.

However, this didn't stop Touma from pretending to lose against her.

And an all too familiar blush, then found its way onto Misaka's face.

"Okay Touma...great managed to piss Misaka off again...and is quite interesting...seeing Misaka's tsundere behavior for real...If I'm being is a bit odd," I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat, then appeared, on one side of my face.

And yet, it was also very frightening to witness, since she was firing off quite a bit of electricity, after Touma had pretended to lose to her.

And this was then followed up by Touma running off into the night, Misaka following off after him, me running after the both of them, and within a few seconds catching up to Misaka.

And, as we chased Touma into the night, one thing became immediately clear.

"Man, being one of the third ranked level 5s in all of Academy City, as well as one of the two aces of Tokiwidai, may have a lot of benefits...But boy, does it has quite a lot of ups and downs as well," I thought to myself, as we both continued, to chase Touma, into the night.


MGF Member
Chapter 6: Judgment Officers For A Day

It started like any other normal day. Well, as normal a day as it could get in a place like Academy City. But as or right now, I'll just go right ahead and say it, this was boring, this was boring, and it sucked. And I am sure that Misaka wasn't fairing any better with regards to this.

After I had told Misaka about the Judgement armband, which she just passed off as some sort of coincidence, for what reason I don't know.

Because during an incident in one of the restaurants with Kuroko, Uiharu, Misaka and me. Uiharu was pulled out in a hurry by Kuroko. After Kuroko wound up pulling her out of the restaurant, because Kuroko wasn't too happy with Uiharu, for doing what she called 'goofing off.' But in their haste to leave, Uiharu wound up forgetting her armband.

Thankfully though, Misaka quickly took notice of this, and then proceeded to take it outside to try and give it back to her.

But, when I proceeded to go out of the restaurant with Misaka. I then noticed that another judgement armband, had appeared on the table, in exactly the same spot that Misaka had taken it from. "That's strange, didn't Misaka already take that outside?...Okay...maybe I am just thinking too much about this, better take it outside," I thought to myself, as I then took the judgement armband, off of the table, and then headed outside to join Misaka.

However, I didn't know it at the time, that the reason that the judgement armband had appeared where it did, was due to the timeline beginning to become more askew, then it already was.

And thankfully though, this wound up happening, right before another event in the series.

Anyway, back to the present, and after a bit of a mix up, in which a girl by the name of Konori, mistook both me and Misaka for her backup, we both thought we would be doing some pretty amazing things when it came to being Judgment officers. But as I took a look at Konori again, I then noticed just how large her chest was, and a thought then went through my mind. "Okay Konori, you obviously drink quite a bit of milk...okay...well that was extremely corny to think that...still...I wonder if that is true, about any anime...let me remind drink a lot of milk...when I get the chance...because I really want to see...if that is true or not," I thought to myself, as I displayed an expression of deep thought.

Anyway, little did me and Misaka realize, that this was not the case, when being a Judgement officer. As the three of us were now outside of a shop, with brooms, sweeping up trash. "Okay seriously...this just sucks...then again...every little bit helps I guess..." I thought to myself, as I sighed, with a bead of sweat present, on one side of my face.

A little later on, at a nearby park, me and Misaka, were trying very hard to get a little girl's bag back from a dog.

Why you may ask? Well, it was because were both convinced, that it was linked to a series of recent graviton bombing incidents that been happening in various parts of Academy City.

But, as we both dove above the water in a fountain in the park, both in a very desperate attempt, to stop the bag from hitting the water, we succeeded. Unfortunately, this didn't change the fact, that both of us, wound up getting soaking wet.

And as we both sat there in the fountain, soaking wet, and me and Misaka continued holding onto the little girl's bag, we now both had a new appreciation of Kuroko's and Uiharu's jobs as Judgment officers. "Because to be completely honest, I am now starting to see, just how difficult, both Kuroko and Uiharu's jobs are, when it comes to being a member of least they do a great job, in keeping Academy City safe...However, why do I get the strangest feeling, that there is more to all of this, then just what goes on in Academy City? know what...let me just think about this at a later date...because if I'm being honest...I am not only soaking wet, but I feel absolutely embarrassed...not to mention, that my uniform, is now completely soaked as well...Well I guess it is nothing that a good hot shower can fix...Still...why did Misaka have to go after the bag so quickly....Sure, I can keep up with her...but still...I kinda wished that she wouldn't be so keen to jump ahead so often then not...But then again, I guess that is one of the many things, that I have to get use to...when it comes to being in the world of an anime show. Because after all viewers, experiencing being in the world of an anime way more different, then just watching the anime show, from the comfort, of your home," I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

"Hey guys, Keiko here. So you viewers might be wondering, why I am breaking the fourth wall in almost every chapter now? Well, that is because with what still lies ahead, regarding the events in this of the characters, wound up breaking the fourth wall, in almost every episode, that she was in...And before you viewers, want to complain in the replies, that this is at all immersion breaking to this fanfic, or to any other fanfic that is connected to it...Then let me interrupt that train of thought of yours, and say that it is not even the slightest bit immersion breaking...Believe me, it's not...*blush* Anyway, see you all in the next chapter. *waves goodbye while saying the last part, and smiling with eyes closed*"


MGF Member
Chapter 7: Graviton Bombs, Railguns, And What It Truly Means To Have Complete Trust In Your Sibling(s)

It was just a normal day for the two of us.

Well, as normal as one can get when you are trying not to get yourself injured, or worst case killed.

This was compounded by the fact that after Misaka and I had run into Touma at the mall, after a series of events had lead to us winding up there with Uiharu.

However, it was when a girl, who had accompanied Touma to the mall, came to Uiharu. Who was holding a stuffed animal that someone had told her to give to Uiharu, that the stuffed animal started to implode in on itself.

Uiharu tried to quickly try her best to toss it as far away as possible.

Misaka, seeing all of this play out, fumbled for her coin, in a desperate attempt to fire her Railgun and get the imploding graviton bomb as far out of the mall as possible.

It was then that I realized, that unless I did something, and did it quickly, that this would end very very badly.

So, after taking a deep breath, I gently reached into my skirt pocket, pulling out one of the many coins that lay there.

I then held the coin between two of my fingers, concentrating as I did so, as electricity started to course through my body and up my arm that held the coin, and into my hand.

However, without flipping the coin this time, I just fired towards the imploding stuffed animal, sending it out one of the windows of the mall.

Unfortunately, it didn't send it out far enough, and when it imploded, the shockwaves that it sent out, caused enough damage to blow out all of the windows on several of the floors of the mall and damage quite a bit of the buildings outer facing.

And some of the shockwaves also sent some of the blast back through the broken windows on the floor that the imploding stuffed animal had been sent out from, causing me to brace myself slightly, as a bit of dust and debris was blasted back through the broken windows, and back towards me, Misaka, Uiharu, and Touma.

It was once the dust had settled, that I was once again able to see clearly.

"Oops, that did a lot more damage then I expected it too," I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat found its way down one side of my face.

However, as I turned around to face Misaka, to see if she and Uiharu were alright, and to make sure that they didn't get hurt by the blast from the graviton bomb, that I once again saw Touma holding out his right hand.

This sent a shocked expression across both me and Misaka's face. "I've said it before Touma, and I'm going to say it again, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?" I thought to myself.

However, it was as the graviton bomb had gone off and caused the damage to the outside of the mall building, that a boy wearing glasses, with a white collared dress shirt, and wearing headphones, smirked, and then turned and walked away, and out of sight, and down an alley.

A little later, in a nearby alley. Misaka had punched the kid responsible for the bombing in the face, after he had explained why he had been doing the graviton bombings, and why it was just an excuse for him to hurt people.

And, not surprisingly, this had angered me as well, which caused me to punch him as hard as Misaka had done. Because no one puts my sister in harms way, and doesn't expect to pay for it.


MGF Member
Chapter 8: Personal Reality, Asphalt, And City Wide Blackouts

It all started when Misaka, me, Saten, and Kuroko, went to see Uiharu, who had become ill from a cold.

It was while we were visiting her, that Misaka decided to bring up the Level Upper urban legend that Saten had mentioned several days earlier.

Kuroko also pointed out that this was not the first time an esper's power and recorded level have been vastly different.

Since, Hatsuya, the level 2 Esper who had caused the graviton bombing at the mall several days ago, apparently had powers equivalent to that of a level 4 Esper, when he should've been a level 2.

It was at this point, that Misaka and I decided to do some investigating regarding the Level Upper, which involved us going into a restaurant, and posing as customers.

It was when we happened upon a bunch of delinquents who were discussing the Level Upper, that we decided to drop the act, when they refused to tell us anything further.

This led to us going to another location, in order to try and discuss further information, regarding the Level Upper.

However, this would wind up proving to be a heck of a lot more trouble then it was actually worth.

And to make matters a tad bit worse on top of that, the damage that would be caused from what lay ahead, would further compound this.

Things then wound up getting pretty bad. That while Misaka and I were fighting against the groups leader, Elder Sister, who had the esper ability to manipulate asphalt.

Our Railguns wound up damaging a nearby generator in the process.

"Oops, guess our aim was a bit off there huh Misaka?" I said with a halfhearted laugh, as a bead of sweat found its way down one side of my face.

Misaka however, did not respond to what I had just said, but instead she simply nodded in response.

I mean how would you wind up responding if you had had a hand in causing damage to something which wound up creating a city wide blackout to all of Academy City?

However, despite this happening, I was at least able to look on the bright side of things.

Actually, you know what, there really wasn't a bright side to this, when it comes to damaging a generator by accident and causing a city wide blackout to all of Academy City, there really isn't much of a bright side, is there?

Well, at least Misaka and I had each other, and that was good enough for me, despite the damage to the nearby generator and causing the city wide black out that is.

Meanwhile, during the time while Misaka and I were having our fight against Elder Sister, Saten was busy browsing the internet on her music player.

This continued on for a little bit, until she happened across a hidden link on her music player, and when she clicked it, it brought up a song, and the songs title read two words "Level Upper".

It was then that things were about to start to get a whole lot more interesting, but also, a hell of a lot more dangerous too.

As future events would wind up proving this fact much later on.

Well, I guess you know what they say, "you can't make an omelet without first breaking a few eggs."


MGF Member
Chapter 9: Kuroko's Worst Nightmare, The Trick Of The Trade

Let's be honest, Kuroko Shirai was having a bit of a rough day. Actually, you know what, scratch that statement, she was actually having a very very horrible day. This was compounded by the fact that she had just literally been to hell and back whilst battling against a boss that was the head of a group of thugs, that had been been conning a boy in a situation regarding the Level Upper, who was unable to run away, so she decided to confront them. Coincidentally, Kuruko arrived before Saten wound up getting hurt in the situation, and she managed to subdue two of the thugs, but she had trouble using her teleportation ability against Trick, who was their boss, due to his light-distortion ability, which wound up heavily affecting her calculations. And as we all would find out in later events, you can't use your esper abilities if you can't think straight or have a clear head to concentrate. But, I am getting a bit ahead of myself again, let's go back to how this all started, shall we?

Okay, so despite me and Misaka meeting her before this, albeit under different circumstances, and not with a lab coat on, Dr. Kiyama scared me slightly. This was due to the fact that she just seemed to have this look about her. Little did Misaka and I know, that my fears would later be confirmed about her. But, this wouldn't be confirmed until much later on.

And well, here we are, almost all caught up again. And to tell you the truth, I don't think Kuroko Shirai felt any less fearful about fighting against Trick. This was due to the fact, that during their fight, his light-distortion ability, kept getting in the way of Kuroko being able to use her teleportation ability effectively. This was further compounded by the fact that when they went through an abandoned building, while Trick was chasing Kuroko through it, as Kuroko was still having trouble with her ability, she thankfully managed to use her teleportation ability to teleport the building's windows directly into the abandoned building's supports, cutting right through them and causing the abandoned building to collapse, right on top of Trick. However, having barely survived, Trick surrendered his Level Upper to Kuroko, which was revealed to be a music file.

Meanwhile, in another part of Academy city Saten was feeling even more conflicted about what to do with the Level Upper that she had found on her music player two days ago. It was at that point that she was approached by some of her classmates and who told Saten that they were also interested in the Level Upper, to which Saten then decided to share it with them. Man, thing really do have a way in casually working their way down to total disaster, don't they? Well, I guess we will just have to see how things play out, won't we? Here's to hoping things work out well in the end. And hopefully, neither me or Misaka wind up dead on the other side of this in the process.


MGF Member
Chapter 10: Misaka And Keiko Vs Dr. Kiyama, The Network Spins Out Of Control

Okay, so apparently Saten had now wound up in the hospital, and this wasn't even the worst part of it.

After both her and her friends had used the Level Upper, they had all wound up in the hospital.

Me and Misaka had gone to a frog-faced doctor by the name of Heaven Canceller, after we had both found Saten unconscious after she had gotten her Esper ability after using the Level Upper.

We both believed that we had hurt Saten's feelings the other day by saying to her that an esper's level does not matter.

This would wind up with us leading to an inevitable showdown on an overpass with one Dr. Kiyama.

But, that would come into play later on. Anyway, after learning from Heaven Canceller, that the Level Upper victims seem to share a brainwave pattern with someone.

Me and Misaka, along with everyone else, wound up discovering, that the culprit was Kiyama, who had been using the Level Upper to connect the thoughts of espers like a parallel computing network.

Unfortunately, Uiharu, who had visited Kiyama earlier and discovered her notes on synesthesia, wound up being taken hostage by her.

And it was after me and Misaka noticed Kuroko's injuries from when she had taken care of and dispatched more Level Upper offenders other then Trick, that me and Misaka then went off by ourselves, to rescue Uiharu and stop Dr. Kiyama, before Uiharu wound up getting hurt.

It was whilst Uiharu was in the car with Dr. Kiyama, she was explaining to Uiharu, how she had used the Level Upper Network to connect as many brains as possible into an alternative supercomputer.

This was done because apparently she was not allowed to use something called the "Tree Diagram" supercomputer.

She then went on to assure Uiharu that the victims whose brains were being used to power the Level Upper Network supercomputer, would be released soon, and wound up giving Uiharu a 'cure program,' whatever that was.

However, this didn't stop Anti-Skill from roadblocking her on the highway.

And yet, this wound up with Dr. Kiyama harnessing and then utilizing the various abilities that she had acquired from the various victims that whose brains were joined to the Level Upper Network supercomputer.

It was as me and Misaka arrived at the scene, which had now become a scene of total devastation, that we both knew, that we had a long and arduous fight ahead of us.

And as Dr. Kiyama used one of her acquired abilities to collapse the highway overpass beneath me and Misaka.

To which we used our Electromaster ability to cling to one of the pillars of the overpass, with Misaka slightly above where I wound up.

"Damn, that was a bit close Misaka, wouldn't you say?" I asked Misaka matter-of-factly, while a bead of sweat made its way down one side of my face.

"Yea, that pretty much sums that up nicely Keiko," Misaka said to me in response.

However it was then that we realized, that we would need to work together if we were both going to walk away from this fight both alive, and in one piece.

"So Keiko, got any ideas?" Misaka asked me, as the two of us clung to the pillar of the collapsed highway overpass with the use of our electricity.

"Yea Misaka, as a matter of fact, I've got a few," I said in response with a slight smile.

It was then that I used one of my hands to focus on a piece of debris from the collapsed overpass, to which Misaka followed suit.

This was then followed by both of us using our electricity to chuck our respective pieces of debris at Dr. Kiyama.

Unfortunately, she used one of her many acquired abilities to conjure up a sword of energy, which she then used to cut both of our respective pieces of debris in half.

It was at this point that Dr. Kiyama used one of her hands, and focused it on the parts of the pillar of the highway overpass that Misaka and I were using our electricity to cling to.

This was then followed by pieces of the wall of the pillar behind me and Misaka literally falling out, and taking us with it.

Thankfully however, both of us jumped off and landed on the ground, without incident.

This was then followed by Dr. Kiyama conjuring up several tin cans from a nearby waste receptacle, and mentioning to both of us about the graviton bomb incidents.

Me and Misaka knew full well what had to be done next.

We then used our electricity to explode all of the tin can graviton bombs in midair.

However, this didn't stop Dr. Kiyama from taking one from the lot, and sneaking it in behind both of us without us noticing, detonating it, and sending us both to the ground.

It was while we were both on the ground, covered in dirt, and both coughing, that I realized that this needed to end, and end quickly, before anyone else got hurt.

It was then, after my coughing had subsided slightly, I turned my attention to Misaka, and decided to tell her my next plan of attack.

"Okay Misaka, this is obviously not working, we need a new plan of attack!" I said through a few more fits of coughing.

However, before Misaka could give me a response, Dr. Kiyama decided to turn, and start walking away.

This seemed like as good a time as any, for me to try a sneak attack approach, and I was sure that Misaka thought the exact same way.

So, without skipping a beat, me and Misaka charged toward Dr. Kiyama, while her back was still turned, and put her in a hold with our arms wrapped around from her back as tight as we possibly could.

It was after Misaka explained that this wouldn't have worked on a similar person that she intended to try this on, which I knew was Touma, that Dr. Kiyama chose this moment to try and stop us from temporarily incapacitating her.

"Too Slow!" I said, as me and Misaka then proceeded to send quite a bit of voltage of electricity through Dr. Kiyama's body, almost immediately incapacitating her, and sending her to the ground.

However, despite her being on the ground in this state, we both knew, that this fight wasn't over quite yet.

And this was confirmed seconds later when me and Misaka witnessed Dr. Kiyama putting her hands on her head, muttering that the network was out of control, and this was then followed by a creature emerging from her head, to which it then turned its attention on Misaka and I.

"Well, here we go again, huh Misaka?" I said with a sigh and a slight smile as electricity started to crackle through the bangs of my hair.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Keiko," Misaka said with a slight smile, as electricity also started to crackle through the bangs of her hair.


MGF Member
Chapter 11: Destroying The Core, Enter AIM Burst

This fight that me and Misaka had been having against Dr. Kiyama, had just become very very bizarre.

This was largely due to and also compounded by the fact that after me and Misaka had previously used our electricity to temporarily incapacitate her, she then staggered back, and started acting somewhat erratic.

This was then followed by a strange creature emerging from her head, to which it then turned it's attention to me and Misaka.

It was then we both knew that our fight was far from being over, and unless we both did something fast, innocent people might wind up getting hurt.

"Is this the metamorphose skill, I've heard about it, I guess it's real," Misaka said, as she looked slightly bewildered.

It was at this point that I decided to speak up, seeing as how the creature seemed to be getting ready to attack us.

"Misaka, you need to focus, we are sort of in the middle of a situation here?!" I said trying to get Misaka back on track.

However, before Misaka could respond to what I had just said, the creature chose to emit a cry, sending several shockwaves out in all directions, whipping up quite a bit of debris in their wake.

Thankfully however, my statement seemed to have gotten through to Misaka, as when the shockwaves had rang out in all directions, we both used our electricity on some of the debris to make a shield in order to protect us against the shockwaves as well as the debris.

This was then followed by us both each using our electricity to each launch an attack on the creature, only to have it regenerate, and then grow in size slightly.

This, not surprisingly, was met with frustration by me, and shock by Misaka, which quickly faded away when I knew that as long as we both went at it, I knew that we would find some sort of solution to win this fight.

However, and to make the situation worse then it currently was, it was discovered that Uiharu had made her way down to where Misaka and I had been fighting against Dr. Kiyama.

This, not surprisingly, terrified the both of us. I mean, how would you feel if your friend had wound up putting themselves in harms way?

However, this quickly turned to terror and fear for both of us, as the creature chose that moment to conjure up several large objects of what I could only describe to be crystals, and then proceeded to hurl them at us.

We then both proceeded to us our electricity to shatter them all in midair.

And after Misaka told Uiharu that she shouldn't have come down and put herself in harms way. I decided to once again speak up.

"I understand where you are coming from Misaka, but you have to remember that she is a member of Judgment, and I think you will find that she can take care of herself when it comes to being in situations like this," I said, turning to Uiharu and flashing a smile, to which she returned the same smile.

However, Misaka didn't hear what I had said, because at that moment, our attention was drawn back to the creature, which had chosen to turn away from us.

"It's not after us?" Misaka asked. However, it would soon become apparent as to why this was the case.

Okay this situation was now very slowly spiraling out of control.

This was largely due to the fact that Anti-Skill had taken it upon themselves to commence firing at the creature, unaware that their bullets were making the creature increase in size, and just making the situation worse.

Thankfully, as one of the Anti-Skill officers had run out of ammo, and was about to be more then likely killed by the creature. Misaka and I stepped in, and were able to us our electromagnetism to draw her to us, and a good amount of distance away from the creature.

"What are you two doing here, this is no place for civilians?" she asked.

"Honestly, why does everyone keep referring to us as that, you know, we're both getting pretty tired of being called that!" I said with a hint of frustration clearly evident in my tone of voice.

This was then followed by Misaka conjuring up some of her electricity, and using it to slice off a part of one of the appendages of the the creature.

"That thing will only attack if you provoke it!" Misaka added in, also with a hint of frustration evident in her tone of voice.

I then turned my attention to Misaka.

"Well Misaka, you mind at all if I have you take the lead on this?" I asked.

"Keiko, I would be disappointed if you didn't," Misaka said in response.

And as we both charged forward, not knowing how this was going to play out, which thankfully, after a bit of struggle, we managed to destroy the creature's core, and with that, stop the creature from further continuing its rampage and putting anymore innocent people at risk.

And as Dr. Kiyama was being taken into custody by Anti-Skill later on, she vowed to find a way to cure the students whose lives had been destroyed by the Level Upper Network.

But she also challenged to stop me and Misaka if we wound up not agreeing with her methods.

It was also discovered, that Saten had recovered from her coma, but she had lost her Esper powers from when she and her friends had used the Level Upper.

However, we were all just glad that she was alright, and in good health again.

And to tell you the truth, despite being in a tough situation with that creature, I think that Misaka and I handled it very well.

And if that was what we had to look forward to in the future, I figured that things were looking pretty darn good.

Being a level 5 Electromaster, and being ranked 3rd best in Academy City, does have its benefits after all.

However, things would wind up being very very not good.

But, more on that at a later date.


MGF Member
Chapter 12: Capacity Down, The Problem With Big Spider

Okay, I don't care who these guys think they were.

Even if they were part of a gang, you don't just beat up innocent people just because you feel like you can.

This was the unfortunate scene that Misaka, myself and Kuroko happened upon when we were looking around an abandoned part of Academy City.

The reason for this?

We were looking for a gang by the name of Big Spider.

"Honestly, it is so amazing how quickly the hunter can become the hunted," Misaka said with a hint of frustration, as electricity sparked through the bangs of her hair, which drew the attention of all the gang members in the alley to the three of us.

"And to tell you the truth, it really does make me sick that you would do this to innocent people," I added matching Misaka's frustration, as electricity also sparked through the bangs of my hair.

"Time for you to face Judgment," Kuroko said.

And right after two of the thugs each threw in an insult.

Misaka and I took the opportunity to conjure up quite a bit of electricity, and fire it at a few of the thugs present in the alley, causing them to scream, and causing them to drop, and hit the ground, hard.

Once the fight was over, with several of the thugs pinned to the alley walls by Kuroko's pin darts, Misaka and I decided to speak up.

"Honestly, why did you have to go and make it so difficult?" Misaka deadpanned.

"You all could've made it much easier if you had just not bothered fighting us in the first place," I sighed.

It was a short time later, after finally locating Big Spider's hideout, Kuroko, Misaka and I, found ourselves face to face with several more of Big Spider's thugs.

However, we were soon going to learn, that they were harboring a secret weapon, one that would render the three of us, completely unable to use our Esper abilities.

It started when the gangs leader, Wataru Kurozuma, or someone calling himself Wataru Kurozuma, came out from inside of the hideout, not quite happy that a member of Judgment had paid his gang a visit.

Even more so that Kuroko was placing him under arrest for leading the multiple attacks on the innocent espers.

However, it was as Kuroko told me and Misaka that she had things covered, that things started to fall apart.

Because at that very moment, all three of us heard a very shrill noise, causing all three of us to put our hands to our ears, and to make matters worse, none of us could think straight.

Which was bad news for us with regards to being able to use our Esper abilities.

Since we needed to properly calculate in order to properly use our abilities, and you can't do that if you can't think straight.

It really did look like the three of us were not only down, but it looked like were out for the count as well.

It really did look like this was the end of the line for me, Kuroko, and Misaka.

As all three of us found ourselves with our hands to the sides of our heads, in unimaginable pain from the shrillest noise we had ever experienced.

And to make matters even worse, we couldn't even concentrate for even a second to calculate in order for any of the three of us to use our Esper abilities.

Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

However, we were soon going to finally get some reprieve, as a figure swooped in, which the three of us recognized as the guy from before who had helped us with finding Big Spider's hideout earlier in the day.

It turned out, after he had finished beating the entire Big Spider gang single-handedly, despite several of them running off, and destroying their capacity down, that he was actually Wataru Kurozama, and the person who was the current leader of Big Spider, was actually someone else entirely.

It was then revealed by Konori, that Wataru Kurozoma was actually an old acquaintance of hers.

But, despite this being a surprise to Kuroko, me, and Misaka. I was just glad that we all managed to get out of this mess without any sort of huge issue.

And after another fight with Big Spider a bit later on, in which Konori and Kurozoma took it upon themselves to dispatch the rest of what was left of Big Spider.

After telling Misaka, me, and Kuroko, to leave the fight to them.

And after I had taken it upon myself to completely destroy their capacity down system with my railgun.

Which, not surprisingly, sent enough of a statement to the gang not to mess with me or Misaka. But before the three of us had been sidelined I had decided to say something.

"Oh, I'm sorry were you planning to use that again?! Do you even realize who it is you are messing with?! You may know of Mikoto Misaka?! The Railgun and ace of Tokiwidai?! Well, I'm her sister, the name's Keiko "Lucky Strike" Misaka, and it's best that you remember it!" I said, a cocky smirk very evident on my face, as the hand and arm that I had fired my railgun from, continued to spark with electricity.

Man, that capacity down really does render you completely useless doesn't it?


MGF Member
Chapter 13: The Two Tokiwidai Aces, The Tokiwidai School Festival, And The Violin Duet

Okay, I have to admit, being a student to a top level school like Tokiwidai does have its benefits.

But boy did Misaka and I have a bit of a reputation to uphold when it came to being Tokiwidai's aces.

This was largely due to the fact that we had to perform a violin duet on stage during the festival.

More specifically, the festival was an invitation-only event where most of the school's students, were dressed up as maids, with both of us included.

Oh boy, so along with being a female in this world, and having to now bathe like a female, I now had to wear a maids outfit during the schools midsummer festival? This just gets better and better, doesn't it?

Well to quote Roy Earle from L.A. Noire, isn't this just nice and awkward?

Not only did the maid outfit look embarrassing on me, considering that I was a guy back in my world, but to top all of this off, Misaka was nervous about our upcoming violin duet.

And despite having shown Saten and Uiharu around the festival grounds, Misaka was still feeling quite a bit nervous about it.

So in order to relieve some of her nervousness, I decided to speak up on it.

However, before I could do so, a familiar face decided to interject.

Touma had decided to show up backstage, and not surprisingly, Misaka wasn't happy about it

Thankfully though, I didn't have to say anything.

Misaka wound up chasing Touma away.

Believing that he had come backstage to make fun of her.

And once she had done that and returned backstage, I then decided to finally speak up.

"Misaka, are you sure you are okay with going through with this?" I asked concerned, as we both stepped through the curtains with our respective violins, and out onto the stage.

"Keiko, you don't need to worry about me, but you and I need to focus, we have a show to put on here," Misaka said, sounding confident, as we both readied our violins.

And with that, we both played our beautiful violin duet for the crowd.

And if I do say so myself, it was one performance that would surely be remembered for a long time to come.

But a more spectacular performance, would await us.

And it would not only test our skills as level 5's.

But it would also prove, that there were more things at work, then even the two of us would ever be able to comprehend.


MGF Member
Chapter 14: Poltergeists And Lifelines, Caught In A Sudden Quake

It started off with a moderate sized night time earthquake that disrupted Mitsuko from studying.

And after the quake had subsided, Mitsuko's teacup mysteriously fell down from her desk, which was followed along with her entire doll collection floating around.

The next day, Uiharu wound up getting informed by Daigo that she was getting a new roommate, a transfer student named Erii Haruue.

Misaka, myself, and Saten, then took Erii out to show her around while Uiharu, Kuroko and Konori had to attend a meeting held by Therestina Kihara, Lifeline of the Multi Active Rescue (MAR), concerning earthquake-like "Poltergeist incidents" caused by multiple espers simultaneously losing control of their abilities.

Later that night, Misaka, myself and Kuroko wound up skipping out on our curfew to celebrate Erii's arrival, with Saten and Konori at the local fireworks festival.

"I just don't know what it is, but fireworks are just so beautiful at night," I said.

"I agree Keiko, you are indeed right, they truly are beautiful," Misaka said in response as we, along with everyone else that was present, gazed up at the fireworks.

It was at this point however, that Erii then started to reminisce about her past with us, but wound up falling into a trance, to which she then wandered off on her own.

Kuroko then got a call from Konori, who had recently discovered that the Poltergeist incidents were being created on purpose.

But, at that very moment, another Poltergeist incident then occurred near Uiharu and Erii, who were then saved from a falling lamppost by Therestina.

And it was then that though, that we all slowly realized what had just happened.

And as for what lay ahead regarding the timeline.

It was only a matter of time now, before we would all need to prepare ourselves.


MGF Member
Chapter 15: They Smiling In Your Face, Those Backstabbers

Following the Poltergeist incident, Misaka and I wound up wondering whether or not Kiyama was once again involved.

Kuroko wound up reminding us both that Kiyama was still in custody.

Well, she was supposedly still in custody at last check.

Kuroko instead suspected, through some form or another that Erii was the somehow the cause of the poltergeist incidents.

Since most of the Poltergeist attacks had been occurring at places that Erii had been.

Misaka, myself and Kuroko wound up doing a clandestine background check on Erii.

And we wound up learning, that despite being a Level-2 telepathic Esper, she could actually exhibit Level-4 powers under certain catalysts.

Uiharu who was unaware of any of this, took Erii to the park, where Erii wound up explaining to Uiharu that she had been looking for a childhood friend.
Erii then wound up going into another trance, and a violent Poltergeist attack then wound up occurring at the park.

Uiharu, once Misaka, me and Kuroko had arrived at the park, had become angry at Kuroko for suspecting Erii as the cause of the poltergeist attacks.

So Therestina performed some tests on Erii at the MAR Base Research Laboratory in order to ultimately prove her innocence.

Upon her waking up, Erii explained to everyone that she seems to fall into a trance upon her hearing the voice of her friend, Banri Edasaki, who as it happened was apparently another telepath.

When Erii showed everyone a photo of Banri inside her pendant, Misaka and I then each displayed a look of shock.

I then turned my attention to Misaka, and sure enough, I felt as though she was thinking of the exact same thing as what I was currently thinking.

And sure enough, even though I had no way of ever confirming it, we in fact were.

Because believe it or not, Banri just so happened to be one of Kiyama's Child Error students.

Who due to recent events, involving the Level Upper and the AIM Burst creature, had gone into a coma, along with all of Dr. Kiyama's other Child Errors who had suffered the exact same sort of fate as Banri had.

"Well, it would very much appear that things just got a heck of a lot more interesting haven't they?" I thought to myself as a straight expression now having replaced the previous shocked expression that was originally on my face before, which then changed over to a determined expression a second later.

Erii wound up explaining that both she and Banri were both telepaths who had grown up in an orphanage for Child Errors before Banri had moved, but she had recently begun hearing Banri suffering and had been trying to find her ever since.

Misaka and I explained about the Level Upper experiment to Therestina, who theorized that Kiyama's comatose students were the cause of the Poltergeist incidents.

However, this theory divided Uiharu and Kuroko even more, as Uiharu wound up thinking that Kuroko was now blaming them instead.

The next day, Misaka and I learned that Kiyama had been released from custody, later learning that the Poltergeists could've wound up potentially destroying Academy City if they were not resolved.

Whilst investigating one of Gensei's old facilities, Misaka and I encountered Kiyama herself, who showed us both to a hospital where all of her comatose students are under the care of Heaven Canceller.

He wound up explaining Gensei's conviction that an Esper can become a Level 6 by taking Ability Crystals made from the essence of comatose espers who have lost control of their AIM fields.

He had gathered the Child Errors and bailed Kiyama to find a cure, but without the "First Sample", the first test subject of Gensei's Ability Crystal program, their attempts at waking the students had caused Poltergeist incidents.

Therestina, who followed Misaka, myself and Kiyama to that location, arrived, and demanded the children to her custody.

"Well, isn't this just a very nice, annoying and quite frankly, a very irritating situation you have put us both in Therestina?!" I thought to myself, with a very irritated expression very much evident on my face, despite my very best efforts to hide it.

And to be completely honest, I was very much convinced that Misaka was very much feeling the exact same way as I currently was, very irritated and disgusted with Therestina's actions.

And not surprisingly, I was indeed correct.

And with us being forced to choose, Misaka and I wound up taking Therestina's side in an effort to give the children a chance, while at the same time, we wound up convincing a heartbroken Kiyama to put her trust in the authorities.

Man, talk about Therestina smiling in our face, that backstabber.


MGF Member
Chapter 16: What Am I To Do!?: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!

Being that she was still feeling concerned, Uiharu went to see Kiyama and tried to convince her to share information with MAR in an effort to help her students.

However, Therestina had wound up destroying Kiyama's data and refused to let them see either Erii or the children.

And when I mean destroy, I mean she literally and deliberately stepped on the flash drive that held the data on it.

Man, you know it almost seems as though she is the villain in all of this?
When Uiharu wound up telling us about what had happened, we learned that Therestina was in fact Gensei's granddaughter, who was actually the first test subject of his Ability Crystal program.

Realizing we had both been tricked, Misaka and I wound up confronting a battle-suited Therestina at the MAR Base Research Laboratory, but we were unfortunately outmatched. "Okay you serious!?...Man does this hurt!...I really should've watched the anime past episode 3...because this really hurts....a lot!" I thought to myself, as Therestina had activated the labs Capacity Down system, and its sound waves forced me to put my hands to my ears, in a feeble attempt to block them out.

To which she also revealed that she intended to finish Gensei's work.

And as Therestina and MAR wound up leaving with Erii and the children, Misaka and I were thankfully rescued by Kongo, who had been resting nearby, following a previous Poltergeist incident.

Despite Therestina nearly choking Misaka out up against one of the pillars of the outside of the MAR lab building.

When Misaka awakened, in a hospital a little while later, she wound up blaming herself for what had recently transpired.

To which she then got out of her hospital bed, and we then attempted to go off on our own again, in an attempt to go after Therestina, before innocent people wound up getting hurt.

But not before I decided to speak up, in an effort to try and put Misaka at ease.

Seeing as how she seemed to be not in a great way, since she had blamed herself for what had transpired.

"Look Misaka, I know you must feel guilty, but you have to understand that there are some things in life that even the two of us can't fix on our own," I said in a concerned tone, an effort to put her mind at ease.

"Thanks Keiko, that means a lot," Misaka said.

However, just as we were both about to leave the hospital room, and before anything else more, could be said between the two of us, Saten then stood in front of us, and barred our way.

And I wasn't having any of it.

"Out of our way Saten, we need to go after Therestina before she winds up harming innocent people!" I said in a concerned sounding tone of voice.

However, my statement to Saten, may as well have fallen on deaf ears.

This was due to the fact, that not only did she not budge, from where she currently stood, but she then wound up, reminding us both, that we did not have to go and do everything by ourselves.

But, however something good, did result out of this, Saten got Uiharu and Kuroko, to make up with each other. Well, they actually apologized to each other, but I digress.

And on top of that, a little bit later, we then learned Kiyama was chasing after the MAR trailers to their destination.

And, with this new information now acquired, Misaka, me, Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, Konori, and Kongo then proceeded to head out to save Erii and the other Child Errors, and hopefully get them to come out of their comas.

However, this would wind up being a much harder task, then either me or Misaka, would ever realize.

Now, remember when I mentioned that we had learned that Kiyama was after the MAR trailers? Well, unfortunately for her, she was unaware, that they were decoys, filled with the MAR Troops. Thankfully though, me and Misaka managed to step in and save her. And once this had been accomplished, a thought then went through my mind. "So, now that I think about it a bit more viewers, this sort of doesn't sit right with me...I mean...she was the one who attacked me and Misaka not too long ago...But you know what?...I am willing to look past all of that...I mean after all...Misaka did," I thought to myself, as I turned my eyesight to the left of me, to address the viewers.

Anyway, Kuroko, Kongo, Yomikawa, Tsuzuri, and the Anti-Skills, wound up holding off the rest of the MAR Troops.

While Kiyama, Uiharu and Saten headed towards Kihara's laboratory, whilst me and Misaka defended them from Therestina, who decided to attack us while we were on the highway, with a giant large mech.

Although Therestina's mech was unaffected by our basic attacks, Kuroko wound up helping both of us destroy the mech, by Misaka having me use the mech's own arm as an improvised railgun. "Well, I guess you can pretty much use anything as an improvised railgun...Still though, I much rather prefer the arcade coin...because that is easy to hold...a mech arm meanwhile, isn't," I thought to myself.

This was then followed, by a little bit of an exchange of words, between me and Misaka.

"Well Misaka, are you ready to end this?" I said with a small smile very much present on my face, as I prepared to launch the mech arm back at Therestina, who was still in her large mech.

"Keiko, you don't need to ask me, just focus on the task at hand," Misaka said in a slightly concerned sounding tone, although with a smile evident on her face as well.

"Right, Misaka, my mistake," I responded back, as I then fired the mechs arm, back at the mech, thus destroying it.

However, a little later on, as Misaka, me, Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten, and Kiyama finally arrived at the underground lab where Erii and the children were being held. Therestina, who had somehow survived, suddenly activated the lab's Capacity Down and attacked us, revealing her plan to use the First Sample from herself, and the children, to force Erii to become a Level 6 Esper, and destroy the city in the process.

"Wow are you serious right now!? Therestina, why can't you just be a good villain, and just die already!?" I said, in a very agitated tone, as I held my head, while pain coursed through it from the sound waves of Capacity Down. It really did seem like all was lost.

However, unbeknownst to all of us, Saten, who was the only one that wasn't affected by Capacity Down, since she was a level 0, and didn't possess any Esper abilities.

Anyway, she then found her way to Capacity Down's control room, and wound up destroying the controls to it, with a baseball bat.

And once me and Misaka, had gotten our bearings, we then readied ourselves to finally defeat Therestina with our railguns.

Well, that was while Therestina, then revealed a weapon, that she had had stashed in her mech suit. She said that its power was equal to or more powerful, then our railguns. "But to tell you the honest truth viewers. Sorry, Keiko here. I don't believe her on that for even a second. Anyway, back to the story.

And as both me and Misaka pulled out our respective arcade tokens from our respective skirt pockets and placed them between our respective two fingers.

I decided that now was as good a time as any, to say some parting words for Therestina.

"So, any last words, how about, I'm sorry for what I did, something along those lines, hmm?" I said with a determined tone very evident on my face, as I started charging electricity into my arm and hand that held my arcade coin, to which Misaka was doing the same.

"Well, its your loss," I said.

To which I then, without turning to Misaka, decided to speak up.

"So Misaka, you ready to end this properly?" I asked as I prepared to flip my arcade coin.

"Keiko, how many times are you going to ask that?!" Misaka responded back, now clearly not very happy with me asking her these unnecessary questions.

"Right, again, my mistake," I said as a bead of sweat found its way down one side of my face.

And with those final exchange of words between us, we flipped our respective coins, and as soon as they came back down again to rest between our two fingers again, we fired, producing our respective railguns.

However, at that exact same moment, Therestina wound up firing the weapon that I had mentioned earlier, and a power struggle then began between both of our railguns, and Therestina's weapon.

Thankfully though, our railguns, wound up overpowering her weapon. But unfortunately, Therestina wasn't wiped out of existence. She just wound up very very injured from our railguns.

And, with Therestina being taken into custody by Anti-Skill a bit later on. And, with the First Sample now in her possession, Kiyama wound up creating the cure and wound up finally awakened Banri and the other children that had gone into comas, to which she gave her thanks to both me and Misaka.

And in the aftermath, the recovering children gave a birthday message to Kiyama via a blimp as Misaka, myself, and everyone else watched.

However, as I looked on at the scene before me, something unexpected happened; The scene around me suddenly began to shift and warp.

"What the heck is going on!?...Wait...why isn't everyone else noticing that this is happening, and why isn't it affecting them either?" I thought to myself, while displaying an expression of total shock and fear.

But, before I could think, or do anything else, the scene around me, then got very bright.

When the brightness around me seized, after a few seconds, I then found myself in a room. "Wait a sec, why does this room look familiar to me? Oh...those are some pretty big looking doors...wait, where have I seen those doors before?" I thought to myself, with a look of deep thought on my face.

However, it was when a familiar female voice, started to speak to me, from across the room, that I then realized exactly where I was.

"I am very sorry to bring you here like this Keiko, but given the current circumstances, I saw no other..." the voice was about to continue when I decided to cut her off. But not before a thought came to mind. "Wait a sec, doesn't that voice, sound way too much like Setsuna Meioh a.k.a Sailor Pluto?!...Well, I am going to have to cut her off from speaking for the moment...well...that sounded rude, even though I am only thinking about it...still...I have to do it," I thought to myself, as I then cut her off mid sentence.

"You can spare me that Setsuna. I already know that you are the sailor guardian of time and space. And usually, when someone is summoned to meet you face to face like this, I can only assume that it is due to something of grave importance. So Setsuna, what is it you want from someone like me, and why didn't you ask Misaka about this rather then me?" I asked, sounding confused, and yet also intrigued. As I wound up referring to the Sailor Guardian of time and space by her civilian name rather then her senshi name, as Sailor Pluto, then came into view, from the other side of the room. "Well, so this is what the famous Sailor Pluto looks like in know...the anime really doesn't do someone like her enough justice...I really hope, that she isn't too upset, about Pluto being demoted to being a dwarf know what...let me just make a mental never even mention that to ever...because the last thing that I to have someone like Pluto...bring her wrath down on me," I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat, made its presence known, on one side of my face.

"Look Keiko, there are a great many things you don't understand, and yet, now that I have gotten a better look at you, you seem to remind me of someone," Sailor Pluto said, with a bit of intrigue present, in her tone of voice.

"Oh really, what things don't I...wait...who do I remind you of? And furthermore, am I to assume that they are not of your world as I am of Misaka's?" I asked, now sounding much more intrigued.

It was at this point, that a look of shock found, its way across Sailor Pluto's face, which then subsided seconds later.

"Ah, it looks like wisdom doesn't always come with age, does it Setsuna?" I said with a look of calm on my face. "Okay, well that was a corny thing to say...wait a sec...if this person is in fact another version of me...then I might as well ask her about it," I thought to myself. But, I also decided to ask Setsuna, as well as judge her expression, that she gave in response, to see if I was indeed, right about my suspicion, or not.

"This person, who you say that I remind you of, have they by any chance, had a run in, with a person on your team?...And judging by your previous shocked expression, I can only assume, that it was with someone, of great importance, perhaps Sailor Moon?" I asked, whilst pressing further.

However, Setsuna, at this point now displayed, a look of frustration, as she was now, clearly not at all amused, with me asking such a question.

But it was at this point, that wanting to avoid any sort of issue, perhaps Pluto possibly bringing her wrath down on me, if something wasn't said. I decided to do a little damage control. "Okay...well I certainly wasn't expecting Sailor Pluto to respond like that...well...time to try and put her at ease," I thought to myself, as I then spoke up, while doing my absolute best, to try and put Sailor Pluto, at ease.

"Look, I know I am being rough on you a little bit with these questions, but you have to understand where I am coming from here. I understand that you mean well Setsuna. But the fact of the matter is, your timeline went askew, when Sailor Moon, wound up crossing paths, with the person, that you said, that I reminded you of. Because if I had to make a bet, he or she, knows way more, about you and the senshi, then you might think they do. And, they probably knew about that info, long before they crossed paths, with Sailor Moon," I said in a very comforting tone.

Thankfully, it was at this point, that the frustration, wound up leaving Pluto's face, and her kind expression once again returned.

"Just be prepared Keiko, for I fear that a dark evil is close to returning once again. And for all of our sake, you and Misaka, had best ready yourselves. Because you and I, may be meeting each other again, a lot sooner then you may think," Pluto said, as she then clutched her garnet rod tightly.

"Message received loud and clear, oh and Pluto?" I asked.

"What is it Keiko?" Pluto replied.

"Please don't hesitate, to pay me a visit, once in a while, there is still so much, that I would like to learn, about your world, including what went on in your guy's past. And perhaps, I would like to learn, a little bit more from you, about this other person, that you said that I remind you of," I said, with a small smile finding its way onto my face.

It was at this point that a blush then found its way onto Pluto's face.

"Well...I certainly wasn't expecting Sailor Pluto to blush...I am not exactly sure how to respond to something like that," I thought to myself, as a bead of sweat, once again appeared, on one side, of my face.

And with that final thought, the scene around me, once again, got very bright.

And when the light subsided, after a few seconds, I once again, found myself, back with everyone else. And no one had even noticed, that I had ever left.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting, to get a visit, from the famous Sailor Pluto...I wonder what this great evil was that she was talking about...wait...she couldn't mean...okay...let's not jump to conclusions here...but would make a lot of sense, if 'it' is going to be returning...oh good god no...not to mention that 'she', would wind up returning as well...hard to believe, that she went so far, as to kill 9 of the senshi, all because she wanted their star know what...let me just push this to the side...because right now...all I am just speculating...Well viewers, not exactly...but more on that in the next chapter," I thought to myself, while I briefly turned my head, and eyesight, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And yet, though I didn't know it at the time. That what had just happened with Sailor Pluto, had now set the stage, for a convergence, that no one, would ever have foreseen. And also, Pluto now had suspicions, for a certain someone, who had been mentioned, during our conversation. And she was now going to do her best, to either confirm or deny those suspicions.


MGF Member
Chapter 17: 90s Magical Girls And Level 5 Electromasters!: The Masters Of The Star Cards, The Sailor Senshi, And The Love Angels Appear!
Date: August 9, 2009

It was just another typical day for one Kuroko Shirai at Judgment's 177th branch, well, that is until a report came in regarding some unusual seismic activity somewhere in Academy City.

Initially Kuroko thought it was energy spikes from Esper abilities, like with the poltergeist incidents from a few days ago.

However, this couldn't be the case, since Therestina was in custody.

And this would soon be determined, to not only not be a poltergeist incident, but in fact something much more unique.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Academy City. Following a run-in with Misaki Shokuhou at Tokiwidai. In which she had taken it upon herself to use her remote that she used for her Mental Out Esper ability to piss off the both of us. Me and Misaka were now walking down one of Academy City's many busy streets, that is, until we felt a tremor that seemed to be coming from somewhere nearby.

"Wait, is this a poltergeist? It can't be, Therestina is in custody! So what the heck is this?" I fearfully thought to myself.

"Keiko, you need to pull yourself together, we need to find out where its coming from," Misaka said to me.

"Right Misaka, right behind you," I said, as we took off in the direction to where we thought the tremor was originating from.

Only, when we happened upon an alley, there was nothing unusual there.

That is, until a portal opened up in front of us, and several figures were thrown through it.

"What the heck?!" I said, clearly shocked from what had just happened.

And then I recognized one of them, no scratch that, I recognized all but one of them.

What sort of twist of fate had found me and Misaka face to face with all of the Sailor Senshi, and all of the Love Angels.

Apparently this is what Setsuna had meant by me and Misaka preparing ourselves.

Because I would assume that this fight must have been very important, if these two groups were working together.

And it wasn't until they all got their bearings, that the one girl that I didn't recognize.

Who now that I realized, had the same hairstyle as I did, and looked exactly like me, minus the sword that she held in her left hand, the outfit that she wore, and her eyes being light blue instead of brown, then decided to speak up.

"Is everyone okay? Sis, are you alright?" She asked the girl with the pink hair with a look of concern on her face.

"Yea sis, I'm fine, but I'm going to be feeling that for a while," the pink haired girl said with a halfhearted laugh, as she rubbed her bottom.

"Okay, sorry to interrupt this moment between the two of you, but are you Wedding Peach by any chance?" I asked the pink haired girl, as I approached her, with some nervousness.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you know her?" Misaka asked me.

I then turned my attention back to Misaka.

I then realized that I couldn't really tell her the truth about why I knew all of them, well, all but one of them.

Not only would she not believe me, but it would quickly turn this into a very awkward and also very bad situation very quickly.

I mean, how would you feel if you told your favorite characters that they were fictional and they were part of tv shows that had been enjoyed by millions of people? Actually, you know what, seeing as how both me and Misaka can break the fourth wall, it wouldn't wind up being that bad, but it would still be bad nonetheless.

So I did the best possible thing I could possibly do in this situation, I told as much of the truth as I possibly could, while at the same time lying slightly.

"Misaka, do you remember when we were watching Dr. Kiyama's recovering children give her that birthday message via that blimp?" I asked her.

"Yea, what about it?" Misaka asked.

"Well Misaka, I guess now is more of a time as any to tell you, since the proof is in front of us now. The reason why I know who all of them are, is because one of them happens to be the very person that I crossed paths with. Sailor Pluto, if there was ever a time for you to speak up, now would be a good time to for you to do so, because I think you have something that you need to tell everyone," I said, turning my attention to her.

This, not surprisingly, caught the attention of everyone that was present in the alley, except for Sailor Pluto herself.

It was then that me and Misaka heard two voices, that seemed to be coming from above us.

And when the two of us looked up, we saw three people, two of which had wings on their backs, and all looked to be a bit younger then Misaka and I.

But the most shocking part about them, was that one of them looked shockingly like I had looked like back in the real world, albeit a bit younger.

The other two, I also recognized, and then realized that this was going to be very very interesting.

''So, the Love Angels, the Senshi, and now Sakura Avalon, the master of the clow cards herself now graces us with her presence, and if I had to take an educated guess, that kid that looks quite a lot like me from back in the real world...Given that he wields the same staff as Sakura, albeit a different color...I can only assume that he's me, except that version of me wound up becoming something that I never thought would ever be possible...That version of me is a Cardcaptor?!...Then that would mean that the girl with the light blue hair that I didn't recognize...oh god...she's me as a Love Angel?!" I thought to myself as I slowly started to realize that I was staring at two other versions of myself, from two different anime dimensions.

Both of which not only had powers that equaled the main characters in their worlds, but the Love Angel version of me seemed to be allied with someone that I never thought to be possible.

And on top of all of this, she was in her highest form, her Eternal Sailor Moon form.

It was then that I realized, that this, would wind up being the start, of a beautiful friendship.

After things in the alley had transpired, and all of the introductions had been done.

Misaka and I, along with everyone else.

Who obviously had powered down, so as to not draw any unwanted attention to themselves.

And after Sailor Pluto had explained the situation to all of us in the alley, that apparently the entity, known as Chaos, was returning quite a lot earlier then expected, and we would be seeing an unknown number of some of our enemies making an unfortunate return.

This didn't seem to bother us though, since Therestina was in custody, and we didn't seem to currently have any enemies that currently wanted us dead.

So this begged the question, why did Sailor Pluto need our help?

I guess these enemies really were bad enough that it required more than just them to get this done.

Anyways, it was while we were all walking down one of the not crowded streets one of them was suggesting to another on their next plan of action.

However, before she could say anything else, multiple portals opened up on the sidewalk, beneath everyone, causing everyone to disappear through them, and out of sight.

And this, was now the final step, on the road to what would be the final battle.

That would not just decide the fate of Academy City, but of 2 other dimensions as well.

Seconds seemed to tick by, as Limone waited patiently in Aphrodite's throne room for everyone else to appear, he only hoped, that given the circumstances, that things would not be as hopeless as they currently seemed.

And from what he and Aphrodite had already witnessed, they were going to need all of the help they could get, and with those who were already currently there, and with those about to arrive, he only hoped that it would be enough, for all of them to win the day.

He just hoped that from what Sailor Pluto had foreseen, things would hopefully turn out okay.

And when several portals opened up in front of him, spitting out 19 people, 5 of which he recognized immediately, and 14 of which he did not.

But he could only assume, that from what he sensed, that they were also just like the other 5, he knew that things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

Meanwhile, back in Academy City, in a lab, a man by the name of Gensei Kihara stood in a large wide open room, and he seemed to be waiting for something, or rather someone.

And sure enough, as if on queue, quite a few figures of various sizes spawned out of thin air.

"Ah I see that you have all returned, so tell me Raindevila and Galaxia, have they made it into the city?" Gensei asked, his usual evil smirk now present on his face.

However, he originally wasn't alone in the large wide open room.

Quite a few other individuals had already been there before Raindevila, Joker and Galaxia had arrived there.

And it was at this point, that several of them had decided to speak up.

"Forget about that Gensei, how much longer are we supposed to wait until I get to make those love angels pay?!" Pluie said, with severe anger and malign intent present in his tone.

"Pluie, would you pipe down, you are really starting to get on my nerves!" Jadeite fumed, clearly not at all amused with the fact that Pluie had been going on and on about how he very much wanted to make the love angels pay.

"You can't talk to him like that Jadeite, it's bad manners...don't you know?" Potamos answered back, followed by her usual mannerism.

"Potamos, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it, is that clear enough for you?!" Jadeite angrily responded back.

"Frankly, in my honest opinion, the three of you are all being quite irritating, why don't you all just do us a favor, and just stop bickering!?" Tigers eye said, now quite fed up with the bickering between the three of them.

"Silence!" Galaxia said.

This immediately caused the bickering between the four of them to stop.

"Need I remind the four of you, as well as the rest of us, that we all share a common enemy," Galaxia said, obviously not amused with the bickering.

"And if I may follow up Galaxia, we all have a good chance of getting what we want," Queen Nehellenia said, an evil smirk present on her face.

"So what is it that you're suggesting, Queen Nehellenia?" Nephrite asked.

"She is suggesting that we all work together, or did you not realize that from what Galaxia had said?" Zoisite said to Nephrite as he facepalmed. (A/N: Yes Zoisite is a male in this, just like in the original anime, Fish Eye is also a male. Gotta keep true to who they are, villains or not. Btw, two of the villains that are present, are going to soon learn, that withholding vital information can sometimes get you killed. And no it is not ooc for either of them either).

"So it is settled then," Hawks eye said.

"The only question now is?" Kaolinite said.

"Where to settle this?" Petora said.

"And where shall they all take their final breaths?" Eudial said.

"One of the parks in the city shall do quite nicely, don't you think?" Mimete suggested.

"Yes, that should do quite nicely indeed," Queen Beryl said.

This was then followed by everyone present letting out an evil laugh.

This, was going to be one hell of a tough final fight.

Actually, not really.

But more on that in a little bit.


MGF Member
Chapter 18: The Past, The Present, And The Future!: A Meeting In The Angel World!
Date: July 29, 2000

More seconds seemed to tick by as the 19 of us lay tangled and splayed out on the ground of Aphrodite's throne room.

But eventually, we all started to come to, and when some of us did, we very much snapped to attention instantly.

"Okay, let me honest with you sis, I am really getting tired of being thrown into portals!" Shinko said to Momoko, through a slight bit of frustration being present in her tone of voice.

It was then that I decided to speak up.

"You think you have it rough Shinko, try having to have someone cling onto you when you have been thrown through a portal, and then hit the floor with them clinging onto you as well!" I said, referring to the fact that as the portals on the sidewalk had appeared, Misaka picked that particular moment to try and use her electricity to try and cling to a nearby wall with me trying to cling to the wall with my electricity, with Misaka holding onto me, in an attempt to avoid having both of us getting sucked into the portals.

However, another portal on the wall wound up sucking the two of us into it anyway.

It was at this point that Limone picked this point to speak up. "I am terribly sorry to bring you all here like this, but seeing as how things have turned out, we saw no other option."

It was at this point, that the girl who I now knew was named Shinko, as well as Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet, turned their attention towards the sound of the familiar male voice, which was followed quickly by everyone else.

"Wait what do you mean by we Limone?" Momoko asked.

"I can help you answer that," another female voice chimed in.

This voice, although none of the other Love Angels recognized it, but both me and Shinko did.

For when the nine sailor senshi turned their attention towards the source of the female voice, they were met with not just the form of Queen Serenity, but of Neo Queen Serenity as well.

Okay, so from I knew about both of them regarding information on each of their characters, both Neo Queen Serenity and Queen Serenity, were basically very very powerful individuals of the Sailor Moon Dimension.

One was the original queen of the Silver Millennium from back in the past, the other, was the future ruler of Crystal Tokyo, and also, Usagi, from the 30th century.

Man, things just keep getting weirder and weirder don't they?

So essentially, we had the past, the present, and the future, standing right in front of us, literally.

But, more surprises, were still to come.

Okay, remember when I said that more surprises were still to come, well, I wasn't kidding.

And after the explanation of the current situation to everyone from Aphrodite, Queen Serenity, and Neo Queen Serenity, it was quickly apparent.

That what Sailor Pluto had said in the alley, about several of their old foes making an unexpected return, was not only true.

But it also seemed that bringing the rest of us in, was more then a justifiable thing to do, considering what we were all up against.

However, we were about to get some help, and I mean quite a lot more help.

Because at the moment, when Usagi, Momoko, Sakura, and Misaka, each asked what the three of them intended by help.

More portals opened up behind the three of them, and out walked familiar faces, and I mean a lot of familiar faces.

Usagi wasted no time in running into one of their arms, who was obviously Mamoru, with Chibiusa right beside him.

Sakura, Zachary, and Li, wasted no time, running towards their friends, Madison, Meilin, and Yue.

Me and Misaka, although Misaka was a bit resistant on it, walked over and had her casually say hi to Touma, and also one Mitsuko Kongo, and Kuroko Shirai, who were also present beside him, despite having Misaka blush profusely, and having me let out a huge sigh in response to having her blush.

And it was then that I noticed Misaki Shokuhou, another level 5 Esper.

Of all of the level 5's in Academy City, Misaki Shokuhou was a well known level 5. 5th ranked in fact, which ranks her two spots below me and Misaka.

And from our recent encounter with her earlier in the day, she was known for irritating the living hell out of the both of us.

"What are you doing here...Shokuhou...haven't you caused me and Misaka enough of a headache the last time we met?!" I said, quite irritated, and clearly not even the least bit happy to see her.

And to be completely honest, neither was Misaka for that matter.

Misaki Shokuhou, another one of Academy City's level 5's, and a well known student of Tokiwidai Middle School. Apparently she was named "The Queen Of Tokiwidai." But she is certainly no queen to me.

She's a mind hacker of sorts.

An Esper with an ability called Mental Out.

Think of a computer hacker of sorts, but instead of manipulating and messing with someone's computer, she messes with and manipulates with a persons mind instead.

That is the power of Mental Out.

And that remote of hers was responsible for having irritated the both of us earlier in the day.

However, this did not stop Kuroko from being her usual perverted self.

She was however, somewhat reserved about it.

Due to the fact that Shokuhou was present.

Kuroko had had a run in with her not too long ago.

And from what I had heard, it was...shall we happened...lets just go with that.

Which was of course followed up with Misaka smacking her on the head in response.

And Momoko wasted no time in running towards Yousuke, with Shinko following close behind.

But, despite all of this, a huge tremor was then felt throughout the throne room, interrupting the festivities.

And upon being told by Sailor Pluto that it was finally time, the senshi pulled out their respective transformation items.

The Love Angels readied their respective items as well.

And Sakura, Zachary, and Li, readied their items as well.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!"

"Moon Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!"

"Saturn Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!"

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!"

"Elegant Wedding Flower!"

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!"

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!"

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!"

"Key of the star, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, release!"

Date: August 9, 2009
Meanwhile in one of Academy City's many parks, the villains were waiting to take on all of us, which was headed by none other then Joker, Galaxia, Raindevila, and Gensei Kihara. Well, not exactly, but more on that in a little bit.

It was while they were all waiting for us to arrive, that several of the many villains, decided to speak up and start bickering...again.

"How long are we supposed to wait?!" Pluie asked in an irritated tone of voice.

"Oh pipe down Pluie, last I checked, your whining was starting to get on my nerves the last time you spoke up!" Jadeite responded back with an irritated tone to match that of Pluie's.

"Hey, you can't talk to him like that Jadeite, it is bad manners...don't you know?" Potamos chimed in, and then followed up with her usual verbal tic.

"Potamos, do you ever stop using that at the end of everything you say, it gets very annoying!" Jadeite snidely responded back, clearly very irritated and annoyed by this point.

I mean, how would you feel if you were brutally humiliated years ago at Haneda Airport by Usagi/Sailor Moon, Ami/Sailor Mercury, And Rei/Sailor Mars, and having to be put to eternal sleep upon arrival back to Queen Beryl, despite learning each of their identities.

"Hey guys, Angel Bluebell here. Yes, you didn't think I'd forget about you guys did I? Anyway…" "I'm sorry, why are you here Bluebell? This isn't the time or the place for this!" "Also, last I checked, this is not your fanfiction perspective either…" "Oh, Keiko! So we apparently have to have a rule now for fourth wall breaks!? You do realize that…" "I'm not saying that there has to be a rule Bluebell, I'm just saying that there's a time and place for it, and this isn't it!" "*sigh* Okay, alright Keiko, I see your point."

Anyway, unnecessary fourth wall break with Angel Bluebell aside…It was at this point that Galaxia picked this opportunity to speak up. "I think that is enough out of the three of you, don't you think, or do I need to remind you how things went back at the lab?"

This caused all three of the villains to stop arguing immediately, and bowed to Galaxia in apology. "Our apologies Galaxia," they said in response.

"Good, now be ready, we have a battle that we can possibly win here, in fact, I am counting on it," Galaxia said, as she turned her attention forward again, and a smirk once again found its way onto her face.

And as several portals opened up in front of all the villains, Queen Nehellenia decided to speak up.

"Ah, right on time," she said whilst smirking.

And as all of us stepped through the multiple portals and out onto the battlefield, we all readied ourselves, for what would be the most important battle of our lives.

But what the villains did not expect, and nor did they account for, was for far several more people then they had expected, to step through those portals.

And that, would wind up giving us the slightest of upper hands, in what would be this final battle.

And it was at this point, that I recognized the looks on some of the villains faces, and then decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry, were you expecting fewer of us?" I said, a cocky smirk finding its way onto my face.

"Keiko, I would say that judging from their expressions, yes, that would appear to be the case," Zachary said, wearing his own cocky smirk, with his staff clenched tightly in his hands.

"Well then, what do you say that we show them what it means to be a hero?" Angel Bluebell said, wearing her own cocky smirk, brandishing her sword at the villains.

"Sounds good to me sis, and remember that we are always behind you," Wedding Peach said to Angel Bluebell.

"Thanks sis, and don't worry, as long as we stick to the plan, there won't be any issues," Angel Bluebell said.

It was then, as the sound of chiming bells filled the air once more, that the senshi and the love angels then began their respective introductions.

"As the breeze graces the evening calm, and those who love and cherish each other share an everlasting bond! On this fine summer day, you have all have put all of our worlds that we care so much about in grave danger, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said, as she struck her usual pose.

"The nature of the bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell said, as she swung her sword up towards and over her right armor clad shoulder, stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, the name of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the innocent heart, and it can withstand the force of even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said as she struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, Salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All of you devils who misread innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said as she struck a pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Justice! I am Sailor Chibi Moon! And now in the Name of the Future Moon, I'll punish you!" Sailor Chibi Moon said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

"On behalf of Aphrodite..." Wedding Peach said.

"On behalf of Queen Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity, and the future of Crystal Tokyo..." Eternal Sailor Moon added in.

"On behalf of all of my friends..." Sakura added in.

"It's time for you all to face judgment," Kuroko Shirai added in for good measure, causing not just the three of them to sweatdrop, but it also caused Angel Bluebell and Zachary to do so as well.

However, me and Misaka, did not, and I realized that it was because she was just doing her job, well, we all were.

And this was truly going to be a battle, that was going to be one for the books.

Oh right, the plan.

Going back to when we had all been in the rift between the portals, waiting for the portals to open up to allow us onto the battlefield.

Although the plan had only been thought in only a few minutes, basically on the fly, by just Usagi, Misaka, me, Sakura, Zachary, Momoko, Shinko, and Kuroko, it still seemed like a pretty solid plan.

I mean, what would you expect from 5 of some of anime's best and most powerful female characters?

And then there was me, Zachary, and Shinko, who had not only managed to live up to their reputations, but we had also managed to each accomplish something that most people wouldn't have even have dreamed to be possible.

We had each managed to not only to measure up to their sterling reputations, and become someone who was of equal power and strength to the main characters in each of our worlds, but we were also their allies, as well as their siblings. Well, siblings to each of our respective characters in our worlds, apart from Sailor Moon, but we'll just gloss over that part.

And that, was more powerful then any sort of magic or any sort of Esper ability could ever be.

Because what is more powerful, then the power of friendship.

Which would explain why the 8 of us were able to come up with such a brilliant plan so quickly.

And to top it all off, the enemy, was in fact no slouch.

Sailor Pluto was not kidding.

Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Kunzite, Gensei, Pluie, Aquelda, Potamos, Petora, Igneous, Raindevila, Eudial, Kaolinite, The Witches 5, The Amazon Trio, Queen Nehellenia, Queen Beryl, Joker, and of course, Galaxia.

Man, talk about a rouges gallery. And I thought that Batman had it rough?

So to compensate for this, we were going to have the Senshi, with help from Kuroko, Keiko, Misaki, Touma and Misaka, to dispatch Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Kunzite, Gensei, Eudial, Kaolinite, The Witches 5, The Amazon Trio, Queen Nehellenia, Queen Beryl, and Joker.

And have Shinko, along with Momoko, Yousuke, and the other Love Angels, with help from Sakura, Zachary, and Li, help us deal with them, along with Pluie, Aquelda, Petora, Igneous, Raindevila, Potamos, and Galaxia.

Plus, this also meant, that not only would everyone participate, but because none of these villains, had ever crossed paths with Sakura, Zachary, or any of their friends. Well, only Kongo, Kuroko and Touma couldn't participate, but that was only because their ability had no use in a setting such as a park. No possible projectiles for Kongo to launch with her Aero Hand ability. Neither Misaka or myself wanted to see Kuroko get unnecessarily hurt. And Touma couldn't participate mostly because Misaka said so. And not wanting to incur her wrath, knowing full well what she's capable of, we decided to accept it. Plus, it was going to be very frowned upon if one Mistuko Kongo or Kuroko Shirai wound up causing unnecessary damage to one of Academy City's many parks. Sure they are both Level 4 espers, and a very good ones at that, but we were just not willing to take the risk of causing any unnecessary collateral damage. Well in Kongo's case anyway. Plus, Kongo likes hearing herself talk just a little too much, but she's a friend of ours, so you kind of have to deal with that. And Kuroko's well...yea...anyways, moving on.

This was basically the ultimate advantage that we had, and also because they had Misaka, me, Misaki, Touma, Kongo, Kuroko, and Touma as well.

And with the plan having been settled, we stepped through the rift between the portals, and out onto the battlefield.


MGF Member
Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!
Date: August 9, 2009

As all of us stood on the battlefield, facing down the group of villains opposite us.

Angel Bluebell picked this moment in time to speak up.

It was now time to put the first phase of our plan in motion.

"Before we all start this, I would like to say a few things, to clear the air a little bit, Jadeite, Igneous, isn't their something that you would like to tell everyone?" Angel Bluebell said, a cocky smirk finding its way onto her face.

They both however looked slightly perplexed. But not for long. As Zachary then decided to speak up.

"I think what Bluebell here is trying to say is, Jadeite, why don't we start with you first. If I am not mistaken you know who some of us really are, don't you?" Zachary said, pretty much hinting back to when Jadeite had discovered Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mar's identities during their fight at Haneda Airport several years back.

"And Igneous, you appear to know who some of us really are as well, isn't that correct?" Angel Bluebell said, a blank look with a hint of mistrust present on her face, obviously referring back to when Igneous had accidentally discovered the identities of her, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, and Angel Daisy.

It was at this point, that the perplexed looks on Jadeite's and Igneous' faces, were then replaced by looks of anger and rage.

"Ah, so you do both remember, I'm honestly quite surprised you haven't told the rest of your comrades about it, you would think that sort of important information would've been shared among all of you?" I sighed, which was followed by an eye roll from me as well.

"Jadeite, what are they talking about, would you care to explain yourself!?" Tigers eye said, with severe intent and anger.

"Iggy, you seemed to have been holding out on us, it is so not like you to do know!?" Potamos said with severe anger, followed by her usual verbal tic.

"Well Misaka...Shokuhou, I think that's our queue, time to see if a forcefield can stand up to 3 of Academy City's top seven level 5s," I said, with a quick deadpan sideways glance to Shokuhou, since I was still not too thrilled to be working with her.

And with a quick nod of approval from Misaka, we each pulled out several arcade coins from our respective skirt pockets, and placed one of those coins between our respective two fingers.

And once we both had channeled enough electricity, we fired, each of us producing our respective railguns. But, in order for this to work, we had to fire all of our coins in rapid succession. Not an easy thing to accomplish, when neither of us had done this before. I mean, after all, our best is 8 shots per minute, as shown in the 2nd chapter of this fic. So, we would need to exceed that, as well as fire them in much closer succession. Not easy, but also not impossible. So, once we had fired the first of our coins, we then proceeded to fire several more in close succession. And when I say close succession, I mean that we wound up firing a combined total of 9 coins in the span of only 9 seconds. And each of them produced a railgun each. And while Misaka fired 5 railguns, I fired 4. And each one was aimed at each of the 9 villains that we had all decided were the ones that had to go first. I mean after all, Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite, were the most problematic. As all four of them could produce forcefields to block any magic or physical based attack. But, while that is in fact the case. Those forcefields of theirs aren't strong enough to stop something traveling at three times the speed of sound. And that, is why this plan had no chance of failing.

Anyway, before the three generals could raise their forcefields, or the devils could wind up defending themselves, they all suddenly put their hands to their heads.

"Thanks Shokuhou...I guess..." I sighed, giving her a deadpan expression.

"Oh Keiko sweetie, don't tell me you didn't enjoy my performance," Misaki said, putting the remote to her face and smiling.

"No just annoy the heck out of me...Misaka for that matter too..." I said, a blush, and a look of irritation now finding its way onto my face.

"Wait, did I just do what I think I just's no way that information Kuroko found out can be correct...because there's no way I would ever be a tsundere...right viewers?" I inwardly thought to myself with fear as I turned my eyesight to the right of me to address the viewers.

"Oh Keiko, you don't mean that, and I'm sure that Misaka doesn't either," Misaki said in her usual joyous tone.

"Oh you'd be surprised...Shokuhou..." I said, my irritated expression and blush, not once having left my face.

But anyway, as I looked forward again, despite my bad mood regarding Shokuhou, the instant before our multiple respective railguns made contact with the nine villains.

Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite managed to raise their hands and produce their forcefields. But unfortunately, our railguns simply went through all four of their forcefields, shattering them to pieces. Like a baseball being thrown through a pane glass window.

And all 9 of them were then wiped out of existence.

"I guess it's not just true in the case of high cards, an ace will always be better then a king or a queen, even when you're not playing poker," I smugly said, with a smirk now finding its way onto my face.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. So before you viewers want to state that me or Misaka overdid things by killing 9 of them, or that Misaka or myself would never kill anyone...." "Keiko, are you seriously kidding me right now!? You're choosing now to converse with the viewers!?" "Sorry Misaka, I just wanted to..." "Apologies to you viewers for having to witness Keiko speak out of turn like this!" "So, how would you like me to explain it then, would you prefer it better if I just didn't say anything to them at this current moment?! You do realize that..." "There's a time for it, and this isn't it!" "Okay, fine! I see your point Misaka...I just don't like it, I already had a fourth wall break issue with Bluebell in the last chapter!" "What was that Keiko!?" "Nothing Misaka. *sweatdrops* Anyway, back to the battle."

Anyway, fourth wall break with Misaka aside. What had just happened, was only the beginning, of what would be a two step plan, that would show, that things, if done properly, can wind up going like clockwork.
Silence, that was what was present among all the villains, after having just witnessed 9 of their comrades just being completely wiped out of existence.

All except for Gensei Kihara, who at that moment had decided to speak up.

"That was a very excellent display of power, exactly what one would expect from three of Academy City's best level 5's. But tell me something Keiko, and you as well Railgun. How long do the three of you think you can keep that up?" Gensei said, an evil smirk finding its way onto his face.

"I don't know Gensei, why don't you tell us, I think you already know the answer to that question. I mean after all Gensei, as someone once said, kingdoms rise, and kingdoms fall every day, ask the Emperor of Japan. And let what just happened, be a warning to the rest of you villains, if any of you decide to try and defend another one of your own," I said, a stern look with quite a bit of determination very much present on my face, since I was not at all amused, and didn't want any of the other villains to stand in any of Misaka, my, Shokuhou's, or anyone else's way.

And it was at this point, that Angel Bluebell decided to speak up.

"Oh, and Galaxia, just so you know, now you know what it feels like to lose 9 people, doesn't feel good does it? Now you know how some of us felt when you literally took our lives away from us! Oh, and don't think that I didn't forget about the rest of you villains either. I know more about the rest of you villains and the damage that you've caused to the senshi over the years then you think I do! Tell me, do the words 'Beryl', 'six murders', and 'jealousy,' mean anything to any of you?! Beryl, you know full well what it is I am referring to. You should know, as you did kill them after all! Too bad that your tricks only work once. And quite justifiably, as you now have nothing, nothing to threaten us with, nothing to do with all of your strength!" Angel Bluebell said, through very clear anger, and gritted teeth, while obviously hinting to when Galaxia had killed 9 of the sailor senshi in the fight in Juban years back, and clearly fed up with everything that she had done. And while also mentioning that when it came to the rest of the villains, other then Gensei, that their cards were marked. In fact, their cards had been marked long before they decided to come crawling back from the dead.

And not surprisingly, Angel Bluebell's statement, was met with quite a few shocked expressions, not just from the senshi, but also from both Beryl and Galaxia.

Who knew full well what it was that she was referring too.

Which was followed up by a look of pure rage from both Beryl and Galaxia.

"Damn you, you'll..." Galaxia was midway through saying her threat, when Angel Bluebell decided to cut her off.

"You, how dare you..." Beryl was also midway through her threat as well, when Angel Bluebell decided to cut her off alongside Galaxia.

"You'll what'll make us pay?! Not while I still stand and breath you won't! Beryl, how dare I what...hold you responsible for the damage and grief that you have caused to my about how dare you?! You both need to take accountability for the people that you have both killed! As I think you already did that to several of us already didn't you?! You know Galaxia, right after you turned some of us against each other and then made us kill each other?! And Beryl, you are just as guilty regarding this! You should consider yourself immensely lucky Galaxia, on the fact that you don't possess a star seed...or things in that battle would've wound up ending a bit differently...And to think Galaxia, that you killed them just to further your evil goal of collecting star seeds!...Beryl, the same goes for you as well!...Because if I had been involved in things at the North Pole, I would've made completely sure that you payed dearly for each and every one of their deaths!...And I do think that you've both caused more then enough pain and suffering to the senshi to last several lifetimes! You want me to care Galaxia and Beryl, and show some sort of sympathy for villains like you, or any of you villains for that matter, and you decide to harm and kill my friends!? So no, I don't think that you'll wind up making any of us pay, or be daring anything out of any one of us! You both really do seem to think that you can just do whatever you damn well please, and think that the rules of engagement and battle don't apply to either of you! When to be honest, they do! You went and committedly murdered 9 of my friends Galaxia...And don't try and feign ignorance, as you know fully well which 9 I am referring too...and Beryl, you went and committedly murdered 6 as well! And don't try to deny it either! As you know fully well the 6 that I am referring too...So that makes you just as guilty as Galaxia! So now it is time to have you both pay dearly for having done just that! So let me just show you Galaxia, and you as well Beryl, as well as demonstrate to you, why all of you villains can't win against the likes of us, and never will!" Angel Bluebell continued to say, and finished up with, through more anger, while hinting back to when Galaxia had turned Uranus and Neptune against the rest of the senshi and forced them to kill Saturn and Pluto. And also hinting back to when Beryl had killed the 5 inner senshi at the North Pole several years back.

But, anyone of the villains who was dumb enough to protect one of their own, well that was their death wish.

And now, once the shock from Angel Bluebell's outburst had worn off, it was then time for the final phase.

Time for the rest of us to wipe everyone of the other villains off the board in one fell swoop.

It was the only possible way that this would not only end quickly, but it would also ensure that no one on our side would wind up getting unnecessarily hurt.

"Well, I guess it's time for the endgame then. So Peach, Lily, Daisy, Salvia, what do you say we show Raindevila and the rest of the villains that our bonds are stronger now then they have ever been?" Bluebell said, turning to Wedding Peach and giving her a small smile.

"Bluebell, I think you already know the answer to that question," Wedding Peach said, returning her own smile to Angel Bluebell.

"Yea, let's show them what were made of!" Angel Daisy said.

And in a split second, Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, and the rest of the love angels, readied their respective weapons, and proceeded to launch their respective attacks.

"I guess that's our queue then Sakura, Li, what do you say we show them what true friendship is?" Zachary said, turning his attention to Sakura and Li, a smile present on his face.

And a second later, after both of them had given him a nod of approval, he turned forward again, pulled a card out of his pocket, and proceeded to throw it forward in preparation.

And as for Madison, she had managed to go off in the nearby bushes, and had begun filming the entire fight ever since everyone had started their respective introductions.

I mean, that is Madison for you, wouldn't you want to film a fight between 3 of the best magical girl groups of all time, a group of very powerful espers, all of which were going up against a rouges gallery of very powerful villains from their past?

But then a thought wound up popping into my head, and a very tragic one at that.

I just thought about how a certain one of us had tragically lost her parents.

And I was completely struggling to understand how she could be so okay about it.

I mean, she was on the plane with them when it had crashed.

And out of the five hundred and nine passengers and fifteen crew members that had been on board that plane, she was only one of the only four passengers that had somehow managed to survive.

And that was after thirty-two horrifying minutes.

I was obviously going to have to talk to her about it at some point, only I didn't know exactly when.

I just needed to let her know, that she wasn't the only one, that knew about what had happened, to her and her parents.

And I wasn't able to realize, that tears had now begun to fall down my face in streams.

And despite me now realizing this and best efforts to try and hide it.

I realized, that it was now far too late, to do anything about it.

No wonder Makoto was so afraid to fly on an airplane.

Thankfully however, I managed to wipe the streams of tears from my face, before anyone managed to take notice.

And then, after steadying myself again, Angel Bluebell readied her sword, as the rest of us prepared to launch our attacks at the rest of the villains.

"Saint Grenade...Critical! Heart...Impact!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Devil...Purification~!"

"Saint...Spiral Whip!"

"Saint...Rolling Boomerang!"

"Saint...Twin Swords!"





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"

"Death...Reborn Revolution!"






"On behalf of Academy City..." I began.

"The aces of Tokiwidai cast upon you..." Misaka followed up by saying.

"Judgment!" we both put in for good measure in unison.

Which was followed up by me and Misaka firing our respective railguns from the arcade coins that we wound up firing after we had said the last word of our sentence in unison.

And once all of the attacks hit the villains at varying intervals.

Those that needed to be purified, were purified, and as for the rest, well, they were wiped out of existence.

And Chaos was cast out of Galaxia's body for what would now be the third time.

And the next time that it would return?

Well, that is something that even I don't know the answer to.

But I can guarantee you this much, it won't be coming back in this millennium.

However, me and Misaka's troubles regarding Gensei Kihara, were far from being over.

And, as future events would show, what would wind up happening to the both of us, was all but inevitable.
A bit later on, in front of Tokiwidai Middle School.

After everyone had powered down, so as to not draw unwanted attention to themselves.

I figured, that now was a better time then any, to tell Makoto what was had been on my mind during the fight at the park a little bit ago.

However, Shinko managed to beat me to it.

"Makoto, can I have a word with you for a moment?" she asked, trying her best to hold back tears that were starting to well up in her eyes.

"Sure Shinko, what is it you want to talk to me about? Makoto replied.

It was then that she took a deep breath, knowing the backlash that would most likely ensue from what she was about to say.

She then took her in a tight embrace, as tears started to fall down her face in streams.

"I know, why you are afraid, to fly on an airplane. And just so you aren't alone Mako, you have so many people that care about you, more then just those that are standing here right now" Shinko said, through severe sadness and distraught in her voice.

It was then that something unexpected happened, that I didn't expect, Makoto took Shinko in a tight embrace as well.

"Shinko, thank you, that means a lot," Makoto said.

I then realized, that I was crying.

I mean, why wouldn't I, this was something that I never thought would happen.

And experiencing it for real, right in front of me, pretty much made it feel that much more right.

And it was once the two of them finished their tight embrace.

That Meilin of all people decided to speak up.

"Okay, so is everyone ready to head back to their worlds?" She asked, clearly not getting what was currently going on at the current moment.

"Meilin, show some respect," Li said, without turning to her, but still clearly not at all amused with what she had just said.

It was at this point, that it was time for all of us to head back to our respective worlds.

But not before Usagi decided to speak up.

"Maybe sometime in the future, we can fight against each know for fun?" she said.

"Uhh...sure?" Sakura said.

"But when we do," Momoko said.

"Let's just make sure that none of our worlds are on the line next time," Misaka said.

And it was at this point, that the four of them, along with me, Zachary, and Shinko, formed a circle, and put our hands into a pile, to signify our unbreakable bonds, as well as our everlasting friendships.

However, it was while we were all still doing this, that Shinko decided to speak up.

"Oh, I almost forgot, if you will all excuse me for a second," She said.

"No problem at all Shinko, just don't get carried away," Usagi said.

"No trouble at all Shinko, just be discreet about it," Momoko said.

"Thank you Momoko, thank you Usagi," Shinko responded back with a smile.

This was then followed up by her turning to face off to what looked like straight ahead of her.

Which seemed a bit odd to me, but once she started speaking, a shocked expression found it's way onto my face. But I did my best to hide it.

"I would like to thank you, the reader, for joining me, and all of my friends on my journey."

"Yes, you didn't think I forgot about you did I?"

"And I am pretty sure that everyone else that is here with me hasn't either. *winks*"

"Well, at least she used it properly this time. And yet, judging from the way that Momoko and Usagi just responded to Shinko's first statement...that would can't be right...let's not jump to any conclusions here...and yet, it would make a whole lot of sense if both Momoko and Usagi can break the fourth wall as well. And yet, this is still a bit awkward. I am not exactly sure how to respond in this situation...." I thought to myself as a bead of sweat found its way down one side of my face.

Meanwhile, off in a lab somewhere in Academy City, the real Gensei Kihara had just received word that his clone had been killed.

And yet, this didn't worry him in the slightest.

I mean, there was no way he was going to confront Railgun and her sister, not in his current state anyway.

And especially not without taking the precautions he had taken.

"Well, it appears that my clone didn't fair so well against them, well no matter, there is always next time," Gensei said as a smirk found its way onto his face.