

MGF Member
Chapter 140: Dragon Slayers And Dragon Eaters!: The Wandenreich And Sternritters Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

October 11, 2022

Okay, so as of last chapter, we were all currently in battle ready stances. And given what was about to transpire, what with the impending fight against the Wandenreich and Sternritters. The fact that there were a bit more of us, then of them, was going to prove to be very beneficial.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"My my Bambi, you allowed them to do this to you? Talk about being straight up pathetic," another unrecognizable female voice now proceeded to speak up in regard to Bambietta's current situation. And they had said this, with a bit of disdain and degradation in their tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up Giselle! They just caught me off guard!" Bambietta proceeded to say back to the girl who had just degraded her in response.

And interestingly enough, this girl was not the only one who had just arrived on the scene. In fact, 3 other girls were also currently present with her as well.

The girl who had first spoken up to Bambietta, who from Bambietta just having exploded so too speak back to her in response. Was how me and Bluebell now knew, that she was named Giselle.

She had blue eyes and long, black hair extending down to her lower back, with two strands sticking up like antennae. Her attire was another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform, consisting of a trench coat with long sleeves, white shoes, and black leggings. She was also currently wearing a small white cap, which featured a black peak, and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, on the side of her head. She was also currently wearing a blue heart buckle on her waist.

And as for the rest of the three girls that were currently standing on either side of Giselle. One of them was a petite young girl with chin-length blonde hair and golden eyes. Her attire was yet another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform. Which consisted of a skirt in place of the signature trench coat, gloves, patterned leggings, and a white cap with gold trimmings. Which also featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front. She was also currently wearing a golden heart buckle on her waist.

Another was an imposingly tall and well-endowed girl of slender build. She was light-skinned with long wavy pink hair and short bangs that framed her forehead and pink eyes. Her attire was yet another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform. Which consisted of a frilled skirt, frilled gloves, frilled boots, leggings, a belt with a heart-shaped buckle, a large purple bow with a white Wandenreich symbol around her neck, and a white cap with gold trimmings. Which featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, turned sideways.

And as for the final of the three other girls? Well she was a tall and well-endowed young woman with long, light-green hair. She had blue eyes, prominent eyelashes, and thin, lightning-bolt shaped eyebrows. Her attire unlike the others, was a heavily modified and revealing variation of the regular Sternritter's white uniform. Which consisted of the typical double-breasted jacket, which she currently had tied up to reveal her midriff as it was currently unbuttoned, as well as the fabric being removed on the sides.

Which had been done to display her...well...you get what I mean. As well as a pair of short-shorts, which were held up by a black belt with a green heart-shaped buckle attached to the side. She was also currently wearing a white cap on her head with gold trimmings. Which featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, and a pair of bulky, shaft-heeled boots.

And as for my response...

"Well, I take it that you four are related to little Ms. Bambi here? Oh and you, the girl with the long light-green hair? Can we please put Prancer and Dancer back in their sheds please? Some of us aren't exactly a fan of you putting your...*ahem*...priced fruit on display, alright?" Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to say. While she was now once again displaying a small eyed and straight mouthed expression on her face.

And this had also caused me to now have a much harder time with trying to contain my current laughter. But thankfully, I was able to keep it contained enough, so that no one noticed.

And not surprisingly...

"What did you just say to her?! How dare you talk to any of us like that!" Bambietta now proceeded to speak up with.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"Bambi, I need you to stop yelling at me, the adults are talking right now, okay? So why don't you just stop talking, for a little bit alright? Because you're starting to irritate me now more then I already am! And I thought that both Potamos and Petora were irritating to listen to...isn't that right viewers?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta, while a tickmark was now present on one side of her face.

Which did wind up disappearing about a second later, when she then proceeded to once again turn slightly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And not surprisingly...

"Who are you talking to?! Stop ignoring me damn it!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. Only now she was more irritated.

But as for Angel Bluebell...

"Bambi, I will do whatever I deem to be necessary! Because unlike you, I am not the type of person who hates everyone and everything! And tries to blowup everything and everyone to try and solve their problems, alright! Now I will tell you this one last time Bambi, don't attempt to interrupt me again! Or you will quickly find out just how unsympathetic I can truly be to a villainous tsundere like you!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response. While once again, she was displaying the same expression, that one Captain Unohana usually wore, when she usually scared the living daylights out of someone, and thus make them understand that she meant business with her statement.

But then...

"Alright enough of this! Bambi, it's your call on how we proceed!" Giselle now proceeded to say to Bambietta. Which she now said, with a very malign looking smirk present on her face.

And sure enough...

"Alright, time to show you just how badly you screwed up! Alright Bambies, lets fight!" Bambietta now proceeded to speak up. As once again, both of her eyes proceeded to glow red again.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"I gave you all chance to back down. But I guess that isn't in the cards for any of you Bambies. So then, what do you say, that we show you Bambies, what the 'Four Aces,' can do! You Sternritters and Wandenreich are very foolish, and you will now lose...everything!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While channeling a similar demeanor, that would make even Heath Ledgers Joker proud.

But more importantly, she had just gone and said this statement of hers, along with the two words that the rest of those on our side had been waiting for. And thus, the fight against the Sternritters and Wandenreich, was about to begin.

And before it was over, both the Sternritters and Wandenreich, would wind up realizing, that when you try to attack us. Then you had best be ready to lose, and lose quite badly.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the start of our fight, against the Bambies, Sternritters, and the rest of the Wandenreich...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said there Bluebell, and yes viewers...this is Keiko again...and also, this also now marks the end of this current chapter...But don't worry viewers...as we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

October 11, 2022

Okay, so getting back to the situation at hand...

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Super Sailor Mars now proceeded to call out. Which while she had said this, she released the fire based string on her Flame Sniper's flame based bow, and sent the fire based arrow forward at a tremendous speed.

But not surprisingly...

"Oh please, do you really honestly think that a little fire based arrow can even harm any of us, let alone land a scratch?! Well then, I'm Candice Catnipp! Or better known as T: The Thunderbolt!" The female with the long light green hair now proceeded to say. As she then raised one of her hands.

"Lightning Jump!" Candice now proceeded to say. Only for me to then witness Angel Bluebell to once again let out a quite audible sigh. And upon then seeing her proceed to then quickly turning over to Angel Daisy, and simply giving her a nod. Angel Daisy, then proceeded to leap out in front of Bluebell, and like back when we had all fought against the rogues gallery for the last time back at the lab in Academy City, to conjure up a barrier with the use of her Saint Pendule.

And as they both had intended, Candice then let loose her so called Lightning Jump towards us both. And all that wound up happening, was that her Lightning wound up hitting the barrier, and just simply dissipated down to nothing.

"Hey that's not fair, you have shields?!" Bambietta now proceeded to shout out to both Angel Bluebell and Angel Daisy with the same anger and frustration from before in her tone.

"Well yes Little Miss Bambi, yes we do. I mean did you really honestly think for even a split second..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Only just like before...

"Damn it, shut up and stop calling me that!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, while now becoming even more irritated.

"Oh, but it is such a cute sounding nickname for you, is it not? Well then, why don't we ask the rest of the Bambies what they think of it? Bambies, what do the rest of you think, yay or nay on the cute nickname that I have for her?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the rest of the Bambies. Which once again, I was now having a bit of trouble keeping myself from bursting out laughing. But thankfully, I was able to contain it enough, so that no one noticed.

And not surprisingly...

"I like it, it seems to have a nice ring to it!" Orihime now proceeded to speak up with. Which just like the last time she had spoken up to Angel Bluebell, again wound up catching her completely off guard.

And as for her overall thought on the matter...

"Okay seriously Orihime?! I wasn't asking you for the record...Not that there is anything wrong with that viewers...But to tell you the honest truth...I am still having a bit of trouble, with trying to get used to Orihime's currently bubbly personality...I mean after all viewers...I haven't exactly had the most experience as of the previous chapters in this fanfics, with having to deal with someone like Orihime...But anyway viewers...what do you say, that we now get back into the action...hmm?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to think to herself. Which as usual, during when she was having this current thought. She had once again proceeded to slightly and briefly turn her attention as well as her eyesight slightly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And not surprisingly...

"Damn it stop ignoring us!" Bambietta now proceeded to yell over to Angel Bluebell in response to her having just turned her attention over to her right briefly, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to Bambietta...

"Look Little Miss Bambi, how about you read my lips...no...And that is largely due to the fact that your voices annoying tone is now getting very much on my nerves," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response.

But surprisingly...

"Well she does have a point there Bambi. Because you can be quite intolerable to deal with and listen to at times," Giselle now proceeded to say to Bambietta.

And not surprisingly, while I was still trying very very hard to contain my now mounting giddy laughter...

"Shut up Giselle, nobody asked you!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Giselle in response. And not surprisingly, she had said it in quite a frustrated and aggravated sounding tone. And this was also while she currently had a tickmark visible, on one side of her face.

But then...

"Getsuga...Tenshō!" A certain male voice now proceeded to call out. And as if on cue, a massive white and black colored wave of spiritual pressure and energy, was then launched forward, missing both Angel Bluebell and Angel Daisy by a slim margin. About a few inches to their immediate right. And once the black and white colored wave of energy slammed into Bambietta and the rest of the Bambies. A huge white colored flash erupted from the force of the impact, and then wound up temporarily blinding all of us.

But, once the light had died down, I was then able to notice, as was Angel Bluebell as well for that matter, that none of the Bambies were there anymore. In fact, once we both had then proceeded to get a closer look at our current surroundings, we both then noticed something else. Angel Daisy, who had been standing in front of Angel Bluebell a moment ago, was now no longer there. In fact, once me along with Angel Bluebell, had turned our attention a full 180 degrees behind us. We then both noticed that most of our current allies, were now gone. And the only ones that were still there with Angel Bluebell, were Zachary, Sakura, Wedding Peach, me, Misaka, and Eternal Sailor Moon.

But as for where we had just ended up...

"You seven! Who are you, and how did you get on this ship!?" A now pretty crazy sounding female voice proceeded to call out from in front of both me and Angel Bluebell.

And upon me and Angel Bluebell, then proceeding to turn our attention forward again, we were both then greeted by a female, that neither of us had seen before.

She was a young woman with slightly wavy blonde hair that was styled to cover the left side of her face. While the rest fell down her back.

Her light eyes were accented by similar colored long eyelashes, and her blue pupils were slit like those of a cat. She also had a slender, curvaceous figure that was shown off by her revealing outfit. She wore an armor bikini top that had two chains as straps, and a smaller chain in the front. The top was also predominantly dark-colored. But it also had light accents on the edges, and symmetrical swirling designs.

There was also a small piece with a dark H-shaped decoration on the front. She also wore a plain black bikini bottom with four straps, with the top ones being thinner than the bottom ones. She also had a white cloth tied around her hips with a majority of it hanging on her left side and behind her.

She was also wearing what appeared to be armor on her forearms, and had dark sleeves with wave-like patterns on the edges that reached below her shoulders.

There was also a white cloth tied at the ends of the armor, connecting them. She had bands with hanging ornaments around her thighs, crisscrossing straps that reached from below her knees to her toes, anklets, and shoes with thick high heels. And finally, she was also wearing a necklace that appeared to be made from fangs and a thin headband with wing-like ornaments on the sides of her head.

But most strangely, she appeared to have a sort of stamp like mark on her left shoulder, that seemed to be dark in color.

"And you are who exactly? And also, why are you..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the girl in question. Only for her to then be cutoff mid sentence, by the sound of what appeared to be somewhat nauseating sounding convulsing.

And upon me and her, turning towards the source of the noise, we were then both greeted by the sight of two other people. One was a young looking male, with pink colored spiky hair. Who was currently not wearing a shirt. And as for the other person, she was a younger looking female, with long blue hair. And it was then that we both knew, exactly where we were, and just who these two individuals were.

"Well then viewers...this is going to get quite interesting...as that is clearly Natsu Dragneel, and Wendy Marvell, for those who don't know..." I now proceeded to think to myself. While as usual, I had proceeded to turn my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. Only my thought, was then interrupted.

And as for the reason...

"Kiria! How dare you seek to try and diminish my strength! Time for your punishment!" A now authoritatively powerful sounding female voice proceeded to yell out to the girl with the skimpy bikini outfit on.

Which was then followed, by the forward leap into Angel Bluebells field of vision, of a girl with long red scarlet colored hair, which was draped over one of her eyes. And in a flash of light, she then proceeded to quickly change from her skimpy black colored bikini that she had been wearing, into another outfit. And this one, was somewhat heavily armored and was silver, with several layers of wings on the back of it.

And it was then without any sort of doubt from either me or Angel Bluebell, that I knew exactly who she was. And that this was about to get very interesting. But before I could begin to address the viewers, Angel Bluebell wound up beating me to it.

"Well viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again...Now then viewers...I don't think that I need to introduce who she is, now do I?...But for those who don't know, she is known by most as Erza Scarlet...Or, the very same female S-Ranked wizard from the Fairy Tail anime, whose voice is actually somewhat based off of my own...But more importantly viewers...this now marks..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Only once again, she was then proceeded to be cutoff mid statement again, only this time, it was from someone who neither of us expected.

"Hey you! The girl with the long blue hair! Were you just speaking to the viewers just now? How about saving that until after we're done with this battle alright?" The voice of one Erza Scarlet now proceeded to say over to Angel Bluebell.

And not surprisingly...

"Okay, carry on then. Oh and by the way..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Erza in response. Only once again she proceeded to cut her off again mid sentence.

"Yes I know..." Erza then proceeded to respond back to me with.

"You do?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to respond back to Erza with. And while I then noticed, that she now had a look of slight confusion present on her face. And also, so did I at the current moment as well.

"Of course...You're here...to help assist!" Erza proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell. Which she had said in one of the most shocking sounding tones of voice that neither me or her, had ever expected her to respond with back to Angel Bluebell. Which consisted of her proceeding to smile, as though we were all already allies. Which as it turned out, we were.

"Uh...o-okay...?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to respond back to her with the same confused looking expression now present on her face.

And then...

"Bluebell, are you okay?" Zachary now proceeded to ask Bluebell with a bit of concern in his tone.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to him...

"Y-yes Zachary, I'm fine..."I just wasn't expecting Erza Scarlet's personality to be as accurate as it was in the Fairy Tail anime...Which for those who are wondering viewers..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to think to herself. Only once she had briefly turned her attention, as well as her eyesight, slightly to the right of her, in order to address the viewers. Someone else then proceeded to speak up.

Well, when I say that, what I meant was...

"Somebody...please help me...I feel like I am going to..." Natsu now proceeded to try and say, through a couple more nauseating sounding convulsions between the gaps in his statement.

But thankfully...

"Well Sakura, it seems as though they need our help. So, what do you say that we put this on an 'even and level ground?'" Zachary now proceeded to say, as both he and Sakura, now proceeded to take the Star Card that they had still had at the ready, and then throw it upwards. And as the Star Card in question, proceeded to spin in place, Zachary and Sakura, then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs.

"Earth!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as they proceeded to raise their respective star staffs towards the spinning Earth Card. Which then wound up stopping in place, and was then quickly followed by the appearance of the Earth Card spirit.

And not long thereafter, the rocking of the ship then ceased. Which had now been due to the fact that the entire ship, was now resting very high out of the water, and on a large earth like pillar, that had just sprung upwards from out of the water.

And as intended...

"Hey, the ship stopped rocking..." Natsu now proceeded to say.

"Yes, and you're both very welcome...So then Kiria tell me just what makes you honestly think that you have a chance against us now...hmm?" Zachary now proceeded to say. Which he had said, while a somewhat cocky looking smirk, had now become present on his face.

"Well then why don't I show you all!? And show you why you shouldn't mess with the guild Diabolos!" Kiria now proceeded to say, as in an instant both of her hands lit up with gold colored streaks of energy.

"Because I think you'll find that due to my Dragon Eater magic, there is nothing that I can't cut!" Kiria now proceeded to say. As she then took a battle ready stance.

And as for the response...

"Oh, so you're a Dragon Eater...Well then Kiria...Allow us to show you why you don't stand a chance against us!" Misaka now proceeded to say. As the electricity, was now proceeding to spark and crackle more violently, through the bangs of both mine and her hair.

"Well said Misaka...And just know this as well Kiria...You'll wish you'd stayed in bed...Because by the time that this fight is over, you're going to wind up regretting picking a fight with the Four Aces!" Sakura now proceeded to say, with quite a bit of determination in her current tone.

"Also viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the start of the next stage of our fight...Which will now be taking place against the Dragon Eaters of the guild Diabolos...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said as usual Bluebell...Keiko here by the way again viewers...So, as Angel Bluebell just so kindly put it...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 141: A Dance With The Devil!: The Diabolos Guild Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

October 11, 2022

Okay, so getting back to the situation at hand...

"Mars...Flame...Sniper!" Super Sailor Mars now proceeded to call out. Which while she had said this, she released the fire based string on her Flame Sniper's flame based bow, and sent the fire based arrow forward at a tremendous speed.

But not surprisingly...

"Oh please, do you really honestly think that a little fire based arrow can even harm any of us, let alone land a scratch?! Well then, I'm Candice Catnipp! Or better known as T: The Thunderbolt!" The female with the long light green hair now proceeded to say. As she then raised one of her hands.

"Lightning Jump!" Candice now proceeded to say. Only for me to then witness Angel Bluebell to once again let out a quite audible sigh. And upon then seeing her proceed to then quickly turning over to Angel Daisy, and simply giving her a nod. Angel Daisy, then proceeded to leap out in front of Bluebell, and like back when we had all fought against the rogues gallery for the last time back at the lab in Academy City, to conjure up a barrier with the use of her Saint Pendule.

And as they both had intended, Candice then let loose her so called Lightning Jump towards us both. And all that wound up happening, was that her Lightning wound up hitting the barrier, and just simply dissipated down to nothing.

"Hey that's not fair, you have shields?!" Bambietta now proceeded to shout out to both Angel Bluebell and Angel Daisy with the same anger and frustration from before in her tone.

"Well yes Little Miss Bambi, yes we do. I mean did you really honestly think for even a split second..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Only just like before...

"Damn it, shut up and stop calling me that!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, while now becoming even more irritated.

"Oh, but it is such a cute sounding nickname for you, is it not? Well then, why don't we ask the rest of the Bambies what they think of it? Bambies, what do the rest of you think, yay or nay on the cute nickname that I have for her?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the rest of the Bambies. Which once again, I was now having a bit of trouble keeping myself from bursting out laughing. But thankfully, I was able to contain it enough, so that no one noticed.

And not surprisingly...

"I like it, it seems to have a nice ring to it!" Orihime now proceeded to speak up with. Which just like the last time she had spoken up to Angel Bluebell, again wound up catching her completely off guard.

And as for her overall thought on the matter...

"Okay seriously Orihime?! I wasn't asking you for the record...Not that there is anything wrong with that viewers...But to tell you the honest truth...I am still having a bit of trouble, with trying to get used to Orihime's currently bubbly personality...I mean after all viewers...I haven't exactly had the most experience as of the previous chapters in this fanfics, with having to deal with someone like Orihime...But anyway viewers...what do you say, that we now get back into the action...hmm?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to think to herself. Which as usual, during when she was having this current thought. She had once again proceeded to slightly and briefly turn her attention as well as her eyesight slightly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And not surprisingly...

"Damn it stop ignoring us!" Bambietta now proceeded to yell over to Angel Bluebell in response to her having just turned her attention over to her right briefly, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to Bambietta...

"Look Little Miss Bambi, how about you read my lips...no...And that is largely due to the fact that your voices annoying tone is now getting very much on my nerves," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response.

But surprisingly...

"Well she does have a point there Bambi. Because you can be quite intolerable to deal with and listen to at times," Giselle now proceeded to say to Bambietta.

And not surprisingly, while I was still trying very very hard to contain my now mounting giddy laughter...

"Shut up Giselle, nobody asked you!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Giselle in response. And not surprisingly, she had said it in quite a frustrated and aggravated sounding tone. And this was also while she currently had a tickmark visible, on one side of her face.

But then...

"Getsuga...Tenshō!" A certain male voice now proceeded to call out. And as if on cue, a massive white and black colored wave of spiritual pressure and energy, was then launched forward, missing both Angel Bluebell and Angel Daisy by a slim margin. About a few inches to their immediate right. And once the black and white colored wave of energy slammed into Bambietta and the rest of the Bambies. A huge white colored flash erupted from the force of the impact, and then wound up temporarily blinding all of us.

But, once the light had died down, I was then able to notice, as was Angel Bluebell as well for that matter, that none of the Bambies were there anymore. In fact, once we both had then proceeded to get a closer look at our current surroundings, we both then noticed something else. Angel Daisy, who had been standing in front of Angel Bluebell a moment ago, was now no longer there. In fact, once me along with Angel Bluebell, had turned our attention a full 180 degrees behind us. We then both noticed that most of our current allies, were now gone. And the only ones that were still there with Angel Bluebell, were Zachary, Sakura, Wedding Peach, me, Misaka, and Eternal Sailor Moon.

But as for where we had just ended up...

"You seven! Who are you, and how did you get on this ship!?" A now pretty crazy sounding female voice proceeded to call out from in front of both me and Angel Bluebell.

And upon me and Angel Bluebell, then proceeding to turn our attention forward again, we were both then greeted by a female, that neither of us had seen before.

She was a young woman with slightly wavy blonde hair that was styled to cover the left side of her face. While the rest fell down her back.

Her light eyes were accented by similar colored long eyelashes, and her blue pupils were slit like those of a cat. She also had a slender, curvaceous figure that was shown off by her revealing outfit. She wore an armor bikini top that had two chains as straps, and a smaller chain in the front. The top was also predominantly dark-colored. But it also had light accents on the edges, and symmetrical swirling designs.

There was also a small piece with a dark H-shaped decoration on the front. She also wore a plain black bikini bottom with four straps, with the top ones being thinner than the bottom ones. She also had a white cloth tied around her hips with a majority of it hanging on her left side and behind her.

She was also wearing what appeared to be armor on her forearms, and had dark sleeves with wave-like patterns on the edges that reached below her shoulders.

There was also a white cloth tied at the ends of the armor, connecting them. She had bands with hanging ornaments around her thighs, crisscrossing straps that reached from below her knees to her toes, anklets, and shoes with thick high heels. And finally, she was also wearing a necklace that appeared to be made from fangs and a thin headband with wing-like ornaments on the sides of her head.

But most strangely, she appeared to have a sort of stamp like mark on her left shoulder, that seemed to be dark in color.

"And you are who exactly? And also, why are you..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the girl in question. Only for her to then be cutoff mid sentence, by the sound of what appeared to be somewhat nauseating sounding convulsing.

And upon me and her, turning towards the source of the noise, we were then both greeted by the sight of two other people. One was a young looking male, with pink colored spiky hair. Who was currently not wearing a shirt. And as for the other person, she was a younger looking female, with long blue hair. And it was then that we both knew, exactly where we were, and just who these two individuals were.

"Well then viewers...this is going to get quite interesting...as that is clearly Natsu Dragneel, and Wendy Marvell, for those who don't know..." I now proceeded to think to myself. While as usual, I had proceeded to turn my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. Only my thought, was then interrupted.

And as for the reason...

"Kiria! How dare you seek to try and diminish my strength! Time for your punishment!" A now authoritatively powerful sounding female voice proceeded to yell out to the girl with the skimpy bikini outfit on.

Which was then followed, by the forward leap into Angel Bluebells field of vision, of a girl with long red scarlet colored hair, which was draped over one of her eyes. And in a flash of light, she then proceeded to quickly change from her skimpy black colored bikini that she had been wearing, into another outfit. And this one, was somewhat heavily armored and was silver, with several layers of wings on the back of it.

And it was then without any sort of doubt from either me or Angel Bluebell, that I knew exactly who she was. And that this was about to get very interesting. But before I could begin to address the viewers, Angel Bluebell wound up beating me to it.

"Well viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again...Now then viewers...I don't think that I need to introduce who she is, now do I?...But for those who don't know, she is known by most as Erza Scarlet...Or, the very same female S-Ranked wizard from the Fairy Tail anime, whose voice is actually somewhat based off of my own...But more importantly viewers...this now marks..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Only once again, she was then proceeded to be cutoff mid statement again, only this time, it was from someone who neither of us expected.

"Hey you! The girl with the long blue hair! Were you just speaking to the viewers just now? How about saving that until after we're done with this battle alright?" The voice of one Erza Scarlet now proceeded to say over to Angel Bluebell.

And not surprisingly...

"Okay, carry on then. Oh and by the way..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Erza in response. Only once again she proceeded to cut her off again mid sentence.

"Yes I know..." Erza then proceeded to respond back to me with.

"You do?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to respond back to Erza with. And while I then noticed, that she now had a look of slight confusion present on her face. And also, so did I at the current moment as well.

"Of course...You're here...to help assist!" Erza proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell. Which she had said in one of the most shocking sounding tones of voice that neither me or her, had ever expected her to respond with back to Angel Bluebell. Which consisted of her proceeding to smile, as though we were all already allies. Which as it turned out, we were.

"Uh...o-okay...?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to respond back to her with the same confused looking expression now present on her face.

And then...

"Bluebell, are you okay?" Zachary now proceeded to ask Bluebell with a bit of concern in his tone.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to him...

"Y-yes Zachary, I'm fine..."I just wasn't expecting Erza Scarlet's personality to be as accurate as it was in the Fairy Tail anime...Which for those who are wondering viewers..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to think to herself. Only once she had briefly turned her attention, as well as her eyesight, slightly to the right of her, in order to address the viewers. Someone else then proceeded to speak up.

Well, when I say that, what I meant was...

"Somebody...please help me...I feel like I am going to..." Natsu now proceeded to try and say, through a couple more nauseating sounding convulsions between the gaps in his statement.

But thankfully...

"Well Sakura, it seems as though they need our help. So, what do you say that we put this on an 'even and level ground?'" Zachary now proceeded to say, as both he and Sakura, now proceeded to take the Star Card that they had still had at the ready, and then throw it upwards. And as the Star Card in question, proceeded to spin in place, Zachary and Sakura, then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs.

"Earth!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as they proceeded to raise their respective star staffs towards the spinning Earth Card. Which then wound up stopping in place, and was then quickly followed by the appearance of the Earth Card spirit.

And not long thereafter, the rocking of the ship then ceased. Which had now been due to the fact that the entire ship, was now resting very high out of the water, and on a large earth like pillar, that had just sprung upwards from out of the water.

And as intended...

"Hey, the ship stopped rocking..." Natsu now proceeded to say.

"Yes, and you're both very welcome...So then Kiria tell me just what makes you honestly think that you have a chance against us now...hmm?" Zachary now proceeded to say. Which he had said, while a somewhat cocky looking smirk, had now become present on his face.

"Well then why don't I show you all!? And show you why you shouldn't mess with the guild Diabolos!" Kiria now proceeded to say, as in an instant both of her hands lit up with gold colored streaks of energy.

"Because I think you'll find that due to my Dragon Eater magic, there is nothing that I can't cut!" Kiria now proceeded to say. As she then took a battle ready stance.

And as for the response...

"Oh, so you're a Dragon Eater...Well then Kiria...Allow us to show you why you don't stand a chance against us!" Misaka now proceeded to say. As the electricity, was now proceeding to spark and crackle more violently, through the bangs of both mine and her hair.

"Well said Misaka...And just know this as well Kiria...You'll wish you'd stayed in bed...Because by the time that this fight is over, you're going to wind up regretting picking a fight with the Four Aces!" Sakura now proceeded to say, with quite a bit of determination in her current tone.

"Also viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the start of the next stage of our fight...Which will now be taking place against the Dragon Eaters of the guild Diabolos...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said as usual Bluebell...Keiko here by the way again viewers...So, as Angel Bluebell just so kindly put it...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: X792

Okay, so things were about to get very very interesting. And with regard to this...

"Four Aces?! What kind of a guild name is that?!" Kiria now proceeded to respond back to Sakura with.

And not surprisingly...

"Do you have wax in your ears or something Kiria?! Since when did we say that we were a guild?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Kiria in response, while a tickmark was now present once again, on one side of her face.

"Oh, then what are the seven of you then exactly?!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell, while she proceeded to lick her lips. Which not surprisingly, had now caused a chill to run down Angel Bluebells spine.

"Well Kiria, I am so glad that you asked," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was then quickly followed by the all too familiar sound of chiming bells.

And as usual, Wedding Peach then started her introduction.

"As the sea recedes and swells, the life beneath the waves proceeds to continue forward. On this fine day, you have threatened us and those that we are aligned with, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say, while as usual, she proceeded to point her left hand at Kiria. Which was then swiftly followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flex, with her arm bent and her hand in a closed fist.

"My turn now," I now proceeded to say. While I took my usual stance, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, as she swung her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder.

Which was followed as usual, be her then proceeding to swing it into a downward swing. To which as usual, she then stopped it midway down, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"How dare you try to harm innocent people with your magic! I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, which she finished off with her signature pose, whilst pointing at Kiria.

And to my surprise...

"So wait, you're like superheroes?" Natsu now proceeded to interject with.

And as for my response...

"In a way Natsu we are, yes," I now proceeded to say back to Natsu in response.

"Oh, so then where are your capes?" Wendy now proceeded to speak up with in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Misaka to look at Wendy, with a bit of shock on her face.

And the reason for this was...

"Hold on, why do you sound like me?" Misaka now proceeded to ask Wendy in a somewhat confused tone.

"Okay timeout for a second here viewers...Now let me just help to clear the confusion here a little bit...For those who don't know, Misaka and Wendy are actually voiced by the same English voice actor...So yes viewers...this is actually one of the reasons why..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only once again, someone now proceeded to cut her off. Which weirdly, was not by them talking.

But rather this was due to them proceeding to hit the deck of the ship that we were all still currently on. And then somehow manage to stick the landing.

And as for who they were...

"Hey Erza, I figured that you could...Uh...who are you guys?" One of the new arrivals now proceeded to ask me and everyone else that wasn't Erza, Natsu, or Wendy, with a bit of confusion in their tone. Which had just been said by a certain female, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pink looking mark on the back of her right hand.

And now realizing who she was simply by looking at her...

"We're...well, we're...uh..." I now took note of Angel Bluebell now proceeded to try and say back to one Lucy Heartfilia. Which due to her current attire, which was a maid outfit, I could tell that she was currently having a bit of trouble with doing so at the current moment.

But thankfully...

"We're what you would call comrades," A now very recognizable female voice now proceeded to say, in order to help clear up the current confusion. And as for who she was...

"Ah Angel Salvia, glad to see that you're alright," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Angel Salvia, while I then took note of the fact that Angel Bluebell, had then proceeded to also smile with both of her eyes closed.

"Wait a sec you two know each other?" Lucy now proceeded to ask me in response.

"Well yes...wasn't that obvious from what I just said to her?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Lucy in response.

"She does have a point there Lucy," Natsu now proceeded to say in response.

"Uh...thanks Natsu...I think?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While a sweatdrop was now present on one side of her face.

And then...

"Erza what do you say that we save the rest of the introductions, until after we've dealt with Little Miss Kiria here?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

"Gladly Bluebell...Now dance my blades!" Erza then proceeded to say, as several swords then appeared around her Heaven's Wheel Armor, in a rapid succession of several flashes of light.

And this was then swiftly followed, by these several swords proceeding to launch themselves forward at a great speed towards Kiria.

But then...

"Honestly, is this the best that you've got?! Clearly you need a lesson in how my Dragon Eater magic works!" Kiria now proceeded to say, while she briefly licked her lips. And then proceeded to use her aforementioned magic, to cut through every single one of Erza's swords. And this was then followed, by Kiria then proceeding to quickly leap forward, while the bright yellow streaks of power on her arms, were ready to strike.

And, upon me then hearing as well as then seeing Angel Bluebell, then once again proceeding to emit a very audible sigh...

"My Kiria that was quite typical of you...But let's see how well you do with this!" Zachary now proceeded to say, as he proceeded to pull a Star Card out of his pocket. And then proceeded to throw it upwards. And as it spun in place, he and Sakura then raised their respective star staffs.

"Shield!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as they raised their respective star staffs towards the still spinning Shield Card. And once the Shield Card stopped spinning, the all too familiar form of the Shield Card spirit appeared.

And as intended, a bubble like shield then proceeded to form around us, as well as Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and Erza.

And not surprisingly, though Kiria tried to swing quite hard against the barrier produced by the Shield Card. She simply wound up ramming into it, and then simply wound up being blown back from the shock wave that wound up emitting from the force of the impact.

And then...

"Well it seems Kiria, that while you say that there is nothing that you can't cut. You certainly can't cut through our shield," Sakura now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.

But, however...

"How did you do that!? Just what the heck are you!?" Kiria now proceeded to say.

"We already told you Kiria, we're the Four Aces. And this...is checkmate!" I then wound up saying back to Kiria in response.

But then...

"Honestly Kiria, you couldn't deal with these individuals? It seems to me like you're losing your touch, cha?" A currently unrecognizable male voice proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by the appearance of two more individuals.

One of them, was dressed in a very heavy looking suit of armor. While the other one, was dressed in, well...

"I'm sorry, did you get your fashion advice from Skull Knight by any chance? Because the whole bone based thing you got going on there, isn't really as original as you think it is..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which wound up earning a sort of snickering chuckle from Natsu in response. And I once again wound up snickering. But thankfully, no one seemed to notice that I had done so.

But as for those of Diabolos...

"What exactly do you mean?! How dare you speak to me like that!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight type outfit proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as what looked like ash, then proceeded to rise up from the floor of the ship and into one of his hands.

"Oh really? And you think that using ash, is somehow a way to try and scare me is that it? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? I mean, just how boring and unoriginal must you be?" I now proceeded to say. Which as I had said it, both me and Misaka, had simply opened a hand of ours each. And with this very action, some more ash then proceeded to rise up from the deck of the ship.

And like back when we usually used iron sand, the ash was then fashioned into a sword.

And not surprisingly...

"Wait, what did the two of you just do?!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight outfit proceeded to say to me and Misaka.

"I mean, isn't it obvious?" I now proceeded to say back to him in response.

"So wait, you have a type of Maker Magic?" Wendy now proceeded to ask.

"No...no we don't...But I would say that it isn't exactly that far off though," I now proceeded to say back to Wendy in response. Which was then followed, by me and Misaka, then proceeding to charge forward, with both of our ash and electricity composed swords at the ready.

"Well then, this is going to be a fun fight then won't it, cha?" The man in the heavy looking suit of armor proceeded to say.

But not surprisingly...

"You're kidding right?! How about you don't say that at the end of every sentence that you say?! Because as I am sure you viewers are very well aware, I have had more then enough of a headache dealing with Potamos and Petora, and their verbal tics...And quite frankly at this point, I don't give a damn! And yes viewers...that was a slight bit of a reference to Gone With The Wind...you're welcome by the way...And also anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Uh...well thanks for that Bluebell...I think? You know viewers...I never knew that she was able to use her powers this well...And yes viewers...I am well aware that I was stuck in her body a couple of chapters back...And yes, I am also well aware that she is another version of me, from a different anime timelines...But, that doesn't mean that I still can't be amazed by how powerful someone like Angel Bluebell is...Oh, almost forgot...you are reading both Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind alongside this fanfic as well, right viewers?...Because if you still aren't doing that, then you are really missing out on quite a bit of vital story line and hidden thought based fourth wall breaks, that you can only find in those other two fanfics...I mean after all viewers...something needs to be put in the other two fics, that would wind up enticing you enough to want to read them...But anyway viewers, as Bluebell just stated, see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"
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MGF Member
Chapter 142: Fire, Ice, And Magic!: The Diabolos Guild Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 2)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: X792

Okay, so things were about to get very very interesting. And with regard to this...

"Four Aces?! What kind of a guild name is that?!" Kiria now proceeded to respond back to Sakura with.

And not surprisingly...

"Do you have wax in your ears or something Kiria?! Since when did we say that we were a guild?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Kiria in response, while a tickmark was now present once again, on one side of her face.

"Oh, then what are the seven of you then exactly?!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell, while she proceeded to lick her lips. Which not surprisingly, had now caused a chill to run down Angel Bluebells spine.

"Well Kiria, I am so glad that you asked," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was then quickly followed by the all too familiar sound of chiming bells.

And as usual, Wedding Peach then started her introduction.

"As the sea recedes and swells, the life beneath the waves proceeds to continue forward. On this fine day, you have threatened us and those that we are aligned with, and for that I can't forgive you! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say, while as usual, she proceeded to point her left hand at Kiria. Which was then swiftly followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flex, with her arm bent and her hand in a closed fist.

"My turn now," I now proceeded to say. While I took my usual stance, with my Saint Sword Of Bluebell pointed straight up with my left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I can't forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, as she swung her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder.

Which was followed as usual, be her then proceeding to swing it into a downward swing. To which as usual, she then stopped it midway down, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"How dare you try to harm innocent people with your magic! I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, which she finished off with her signature pose, whilst pointing at Kiria.

And to my surprise...

"So wait, you're like superheroes?" Natsu now proceeded to interject with.

And as for my response...

"In a way Natsu we are, yes," I now proceeded to say back to Natsu in response.

"Oh, so then where are your capes?" Wendy now proceeded to speak up with in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Misaka to look at Wendy, with a bit of shock on her face.

And the reason for this was...

"Hold on, why do you sound like me?" Misaka now proceeded to ask Wendy in a somewhat confused tone.

"Okay timeout for a second here viewers...Now let me just help to clear the confusion here a little bit...For those who don't know, Misaka and Wendy are actually voiced by the same English voice actor...So yes viewers...this is actually one of the reasons why..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only once again, someone now proceeded to cut her off. Which weirdly, was not by them talking.

But rather this was due to them proceeding to hit the deck of the ship that we were all still currently on. And then somehow manage to stick the landing.

And as for who they were...

"Hey Erza, I figured that you could...Uh...who are you guys?" One of the new arrivals now proceeded to ask me and everyone else that wasn't Erza, Natsu, or Wendy, with a bit of confusion in their tone. Which had just been said by a certain female, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pink looking mark on the back of her right hand.

And now realizing who she was simply by looking at her...

"We're...well, we're...uh..." I now took note of Angel Bluebell now proceeded to try and say back to one Lucy Heartfilia. Which due to her current attire, which was a maid outfit, I could tell that she was currently having a bit of trouble with doing so at the current moment.

But thankfully...

"We're what you would call comrades," A now very recognizable female voice now proceeded to say, in order to help clear up the current confusion. And as for who she was...

"Ah Angel Salvia, glad to see that you're alright," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Angel Salvia, while I then took note of the fact that Angel Bluebell, had then proceeded to also smile with both of her eyes closed.

"Wait a sec you two know each other?" Lucy now proceeded to ask me in response.

"Well yes...wasn't that obvious from what I just said to her?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Lucy in response.

"She does have a point there Lucy," Natsu now proceeded to say in response.

"Uh...thanks Natsu...I think?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While a sweatdrop was now present on one side of her face.

And then...

"Erza what do you say that we save the rest of the introductions, until after we've dealt with Little Miss Kiria here?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

"Gladly Bluebell...Now dance my blades!" Erza then proceeded to say, as several swords then appeared around her Heaven's Wheel Armor, in a rapid succession of several flashes of light.

And this was then swiftly followed, by these several swords proceeding to launch themselves forward at a great speed towards Kiria.

But then...

"Honestly, is this the best that you've got?! Clearly you need a lesson in how my Dragon Eater magic works!" Kiria now proceeded to say, while she briefly licked her lips. And then proceeded to use her aforementioned magic, to cut through every single one of Erza's swords. And this was then followed, by Kiria then proceeding to quickly leap forward, while the bright yellow streaks of power on her arms, were ready to strike.

And, upon me then hearing as well as then seeing Angel Bluebell, then once again proceeding to emit a very audible sigh...

"My Kiria that was quite typical of you...But let's see how well you do with this!" Zachary now proceeded to say, as he proceeded to pull a Star Card out of his pocket. And then proceeded to throw it upwards. And as it spun in place, he and Sakura then raised their respective star staffs.

"Shield!" Zachary and Sakura chanted in unison, as they raised their respective star staffs towards the still spinning Shield Card. And once the Shield Card stopped spinning, the all too familiar form of the Shield Card spirit appeared.

And as intended, a bubble like shield then proceeded to form around us, as well as Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and Erza.

And not surprisingly, though Kiria tried to swing quite hard against the barrier produced by the Shield Card. She simply wound up ramming into it, and then simply wound up being blown back from the shock wave that wound up emitting from the force of the impact.

And then...

"Well it seems Kiria, that while you say that there is nothing that you can't cut. You certainly can't cut through our shield," Sakura now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.

But, however...

"How did you do that!? Just what the heck are you!?" Kiria now proceeded to say.

"We already told you Kiria, we're the Four Aces. And this...is checkmate!" I then wound up saying back to Kiria in response.

But then...

"Honestly Kiria, you couldn't deal with these individuals? It seems to me like you're losing your touch, cha?" A currently unrecognizable male voice proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by the appearance of two more individuals.

One of them, was dressed in a very heavy looking suit of armor. While the other one, was dressed in, well...

"I'm sorry, did you get your fashion advice from Skull Knight by any chance? Because the whole bone based thing you got going on there, isn't really as original as you think it is..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which wound up earning a sort of snickering chuckle from Natsu in response. And I once again wound up snickering. But thankfully, no one seemed to notice that I had done so.

But as for those of Diabolos...

"What exactly do you mean?! How dare you speak to me like that!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight type outfit proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as what looked like ash, then proceeded to rise up from the floor of the ship and into one of his hands.

"Oh really? And you think that using ash, is somehow a way to try and scare me is that it? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? I mean, just how boring and unoriginal must you be?" I now proceeded to say. Which as I had said it, both me and Misaka, had simply opened a hand of ours each. And with this very action, some more ash then proceeded to rise up from the deck of the ship.

And like back when we usually used iron sand, the ash was then fashioned into a sword.

And not surprisingly...

"Wait, what did the two of you just do?!" The man in the bone based Skull Knight outfit proceeded to say to me and Misaka.

"I mean, isn't it obvious?" I now proceeded to say back to him in response.

"So wait, you have a type of Maker Magic?" Wendy now proceeded to ask.

"No...no we don't...But I would say that it isn't exactly that far off though," I now proceeded to say back to Wendy in response. Which was then followed, by me and Misaka, then proceeding to charge forward, with both of our ash and electricity composed swords at the ready.

"Well then, this is going to be a fun fight then won't it, cha?" The man in the heavy looking suit of armor proceeded to say.

But not surprisingly...

"You're kidding right?! How about you don't say that at the end of every sentence that you say?! Because as I am sure you viewers are very well aware, I have had more then enough of a headache dealing with Potamos and Petora, and their verbal tics...And quite frankly at this point, I don't give a damn! And yes viewers...that was a slight bit of a reference to Gone With The Wind...you're welcome by the way...And also anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Uh...well thanks for that Bluebell...I think? You know viewers...I never knew that she was able to use her powers this well...And yes viewers...I am well aware that I was stuck in her body a couple of chapters back...And yes, I am also well aware that she is another version of me, from a different anime timelines...But, that doesn't mean that I still can't be amazed by how powerful someone like Angel Bluebell is...Oh, almost forgot...you are reading both Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind alongside this fanfic as well, right viewers?...Because if you still aren't doing that, then you are really missing out on quite a bit of vital story line and hidden thought based fourth wall breaks, that you can only find in those other two fanfics...I mean after all viewers...something needs to be put in the other two fics, that would wind up enticing you enough to want to read them...But anyway viewers, as Bluebell just stated, see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: X792

And so, getting back to the current fight...

"Who did you just say that to, cha?" The man in the heavy suit of armor now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. Which unfortunately, was then followed by his usual verbal tic.

And not surprisingly...

"What do you mean by that? And didn't I just ask for you not to use that at the end of every single sentence that you say?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to the man in the heavy suit of armor. Which was while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded to clench her free right hand into a very tight looking fist, and while a tickmark, was now also present on one side of her face.

But then...

"Alright that's enough out of you! Let's get down to business now shall we?" Kiria now proceeded to say. Which as usual, was then followed by her proceeding to lick her lips in anticipation. Which once again, proceeded to send a chill up my spine.

But, however...

"Heads up below!" Another recognizable sounding female voice proceeded to say. As they, along with several others, proceeded to hit the deck of the ship, and proceeded to properly stick their landings. Which had also caused me and Misaka, to temporarily cease our charging forward with our ash composed swords.

And realizing who they were immediately...

"Ah, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Rukia, and Renji. Nice to see...Uh..." I then noticed Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to try and say, only to then be cut short by her then noticing another of the new arrivals. Who was a male with short spiky blue colored hair. And at the moment, didn't have a shirt on. And upon realizing who he was, that was the main reason, as to why Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to stop mid sentence.

And as for who he was...

"Ah Gray, I see that you made it without any issues," Erza now proceeded to say to one Gray Fullbuster. And yet she was somehow unphased by the fact that Gray was currently not wearing a shirt.

"Gray, would you put some clothes on!" Lucy now proceeded to yell over to Gray with.

"Wha, when did that happen?!" Gray now proceeded to say quite frantically, as he now finally realized, that he currently wasn't wearing a shirt.

But as for me...

"Okay, that was not something that I was expecting...Mind you viewers...I, like Bluebell, happen to know a little bit about the members of Fairy Tail...But that doesn't exactly make much of a difference, for me being able to see them act in this way for real...I mean, you might not understand...But you basically get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers...let's get back to the action now...shall we?" I thought to myself.

Which as usual, during this same thought, I had proceeded to briefly turn my eyesight, as well as my attention, briefly and slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Alright enough of this! Time to dispense with all of you!" The man in the Skull Knight type outfit then proceeded to say, as once again he proceeded to conjure ash into one of his hands.

But, with regard to that...

"You're kidding right? Please tell me that you're joking?...Well, I guess you'll have to learn a lesson sooner or later," Zachary now proceeded to say, as Sakura then proceeded to pull another Star Card out. And as the Star Card proceeded to spin in place above them. Both of them then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs towards the currently still spinning Star Card.

"Fire!" Zachary and Sakura both proceeded to chant in unison.

And as for the response just as they raised their respective star staffs towards the spinning Fire Card. To which it then ceased spinning. And was then followed by the appearance of the Fire Card spirit about a second later...

"What the heck are you two?! And how do you have access to this much magical power?!" Kiria now proceeded to say to Zachary and Sakura. Only now, her crazy looking smirk was now gone from her face, and in place of it, was a look of fear.

"Not so high and mighty now are we?" Erza now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up, nobody asked you!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to Erza in response.

And as for the response back to Kiria...

"So Kiria, do you realize now just how badly you underestimated us? I mean, we've fought against much tougher opponents then you in the past. So what made you think for even a moment, that you stood any sort of a chance against us?" I now proceeded to say. Which I had said, while me and Misaka still held our respective ash composed swords at the ready.

But there wasn't an immediate response back from Kiria. Which was more then likely due to the fact, that she was still currently overcome with fear.

And, with me then proceeding to let out a brief and audible sigh...

"Typical, and yet so predictable of you Kiria. Now then..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, only for yet another group of people to then proceed to hit the deck of the ship. But unlike those before, they weren't friendly, and nor were they our allies.

And what I mean by this was...well...

"Hey you! We're not done with you yet!" The recognizable, but still quite annoying voice of one Bambietta Basterbine proceeded to yell out to Angel Bluebell. And like last time, a tickmark had now once again become present, on one side of her face.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"Well Little Miss Bambi..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say to Bambietta.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up damn it! I told you to stop calling me that!" Bambietta proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to her...

"I'll call you whatever nickname that I want to call you Little Miss Bambi! Or did you forget that you don't exactly have any sort of say in this current situation?!" Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bambietta to get even more annoyed.

"I said shut up! Stop calling me that!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell, with even more irritation present in her current tone.

But, as Angel Bluebell then proceeded to ignore Bambietta for the current moment, and then simply turn her attention over to Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia. She then simply wound up giving them both a small nod. And with that...

"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out. Which just like before, she proceeded to wave her right hand over her leg band, and in a brief flash of white light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.

And like last time this was then followed, by Angel Lily proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outward towards Bambietta. And just like last time, and as both her and Angel Bluebell had intended, Bambietta was once again bound quite tightly around her torso, by Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.

"Now Little Miss Bambi, I hope that you don't mind being 'tied up' for the moment do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Bambietta, with a very cocky looking smirk currently present on her face.

Which once again, had wound up receiving a somewhat audible chuckle from Natsu.

And as for everyone else...

"But, I wouldn't want the rest of our allies to be left out of this. So Erza, what do you say that we show these Dragon Eaters, just how in sync we can all be...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Erza.

Which, without her having to respond back to Angel Bluebell, she then proceeded to simply change her current armor yet again. "Requip!: Black Wing Armor!" Erza then proceeded to call out. Which in a brief flash of light, she had then changed into yet another one of her Requip armors.

And this one, was black with silver trimming that had silver crosses on it in several places. It had a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking the hips that reached down to her waist-guard. It also had large plates guarding her legs. She had two wings that had black metal arms, that were currently acting as the wings leading structure. And Erza's hair was also currently tied in a ponytail.

And as for my response...

"Well then Erza, you're just full of surprises aren't you? Now then everyone, shall we begin?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, with the same cocky looking smirk from before, now once again proceeding to make its way back onto her face.

And though Angel Bluebell wasn't able to see everyone else. Me and Sakura now had yet another Star Card of ours out and at the ready. And this was even though we still had the Fire Card spirit still present. Which was to indicate, that since our transforming of the Star Cards several years ago, we were still very much capable, of being able to use more then one Star Card at a time. Angel Salvia currently had her Saint Twin Swords drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had her Saint Rolling Boomerang at the ready. Eternal Sailor Moon had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Gray had both of his hands together, with one of his hands in a closed fist pressed firmly against the palm of his other hand. Natsu now had one of his fists engulfed in fire. Wendy was currently standing at the ready. And Lucy, now had one of her Celestial Spirit Gate keys at the ready as well. And from what me and Angel Bluebell could tell from briefly looking at it. It seemed to show a design, of what appeared to be an arrow on the non handle end of the key. And though neither me or Angel Bluebell did not know what this arrow represented at the current moment. We were both soon about to witness, just how powerful the Celestial Spirits of the Zodiac could be. And also, just how precise and powerful, an archer like the great Sagittarius could be as well.

"And this viewers...Oh right sorry, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...But also against the Bambies and Sternritters as well...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Thanks for that Bluebell...Oh, almost forgot...you're still reading both Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind alongside this fanfic as well, right viewers?...Because if you still aren't doing that, then my goodness you're daft...I mean after all viewers...You have been told by me, as well as Zachary, to not just resort to reading just one of these three fanfics...But anyway viewers, as Bluebell just stated, see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"


MGF Member
Chapter 143: A Special Birthday Chapter!: A Very Happy Birthday To The Love Angel Wedding Peach!

"Hello there viewers...Shinko Hanasaki here...or Angel Bluebell, for those of you who don't yet already know...Which you know, would only be even remotely possible, if you for some reason, have chosen to continue to skim through most, if not all of the most recent chapters up to this one...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of her eyes closed. Only for her to then suddenly get a bit irritated, with a tickmark now currently becoming visibly present, on one side of her face. To which she then proceeds to briefly clear her throat, and the tickmark to then quickly disappear just as quickly as it had appeared on one side of her face. To which she then proceeds to continue to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...for those who don't know what today is supposed to mark...and why it is special to me and everyone else of the Four Aces Alliance...then allow me to the honors, as well as help to make you all aware about what makes today so special to me and everyone else okay?...And speaking of which...oh sis?...Would you come over here for a brief moment please?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while once again proceeding to smile with both of her eyes closed. To which Momoko...or Wedding Peach for those who don't already know, proceeds to come into the frame of shot*"

"Yes Shinko, what is it?...*Momoko proceeds to ask Shinko this, with a bit of intrigue to her tone*"

"Well sis, as I am sure that you are aware what today is, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday...and more importantly...so does everyone else...Which includes the viewers as well...Oh, and I am not the only one who is here either viewers along with Momoko...*Shinko proceeds to say. To which everyone else of the Four Aces Alliance then proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to wish Momoko a happy birthday*"

"T-thank you Shinko, this means a lot...*Momoko proceeds to say this to Shinko, while smiling at he with both of her eyes closed, and with a very grateful tone to her voice*"

"You're quite welcome sis...and just for the record viewers...as I am sure that I don't need to remind you all for what is most likely the umpteenth time...But for those who need me to remind them, in an effort to refresh their memory...Momoko is my sister and nothing more...You do remember me telling this to you all, in more then one recently previous chapter right?...I mean, that is unless you've all been doing a lot of skimming through most, if not all of the previous chapters of this fanfic, as I previously aforementioned in this particular chapter...Because just so you know, and for the record viewers...that doesn't count in even the slightest bit of rationality, as being any form of honest, nor reliable reading...In fact, to put it more specifically...It is actually just you, somehow thinking that it is a proper way to go about reading these three fanfics...As you're choosing, by your own fruition and choice...to be far too darn lazy, to want to put in the necessary effort, to read these chapters in their proper entirety...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while her expression proceeds to change to a small eyed weary looking expression, and her mouth also proceeds to slowly shift into a straight line. Which is to help hammer home the fact, that if any of you viewers are still deciding to do this, then that not only makes you quite daft, but it also makes you lazy, and thus not willing to put in the effort to thoroughly read the fanfics in this chapter, or the other two that are connected to it*...You do realize that, don't you?...I mean after all viewers...it should've been obvious, that that is not a great way to read any sort of reading material, as it doesn't really instill any sort of confidence into either you, or your peers...But anyway viewers...for those who don't already know, Momoko was in fact born, on March 3, 1983...and for those who don't know, I was born...on March 3, 1982...And no viewers...that is not my real life birth date...I mean, did you really honestly think that I would be daft enough, to put my real life birth date anywhere in any of these 3 fanfics?...So sorry to disappoint you on that basis...But you must've realized that that was in fact the case in this situation, right?...*Shinko then proceeds to once again briefly clear her throat, before she once again proceeds to properly address the viewers*...But more importantly viewers...apart from wishing Momoko a very happy birthday...this is also being done to help honor one Nao Yazawa, for helping to create, what is still one of the most well known 90s magical girl anime...I mean after all viewers...Wedding Peach is part of the 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity for a good reason...and yes viewers...I am all too well aware that most consider Revolutionary Girl Utena, to be part of the trinity, along with Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptor Sakura...But viewers, I am afraid I have to contest that...as Wedding Peach...though it never got a proper release over in the states, from what I have heard...And as I am sure you remember reading from my very first fourth wall break back in chapter two of this fanfic...Among all of the other things that these three fanfics are helping to prove...I am also offering these three fanfics to the anime industry, in order to convince them to adapt them into anime shows...I mean I did say that at some point, or several, in quite a few previous chapters of this particular fanfic...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And once again I would like to wish a very happy birthday to you Momoko...and viewers...we will get right back into the action, in the next chapter...so sis...would you like to help me in doing the honors this time?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while proceeding to turn to Momoko, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Certainly Shinko...hello there viewers...Momoko Hanasaki here...and like Shinko just so rightfully stated, we all look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...so viewers, see you there...okay?...*Momoko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to wink at the viewers. While Shinko proceeds to smile with both of her eyes closed*"



MGF Member
Chapter 144: The Pot Calling The Kettle Black!: The Wandenreich, Sternritters, And Diabolos Guild Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 1)

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order first...now then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: X792

And so, getting back to the current fight...

"Who did you just say that to, cha?" The man in the heavy suit of armor now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. Which unfortunately, was then followed by his usual verbal tic.

And not surprisingly...

"What do you mean by that? And didn't I just ask for you not to use that at the end of every single sentence that you say?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to the man in the heavy suit of armor. Which was while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded to clench her free right hand into a very tight looking fist, and while a tickmark, was now also present on one side of her face.

But then...

"Alright that's enough out of you! Let's get down to business now shall we?" Kiria now proceeded to say. Which as usual, was then followed by her proceeding to lick her lips in anticipation. Which once again, proceeded to send a chill up my spine.

But, however...

"Heads up below!" Another recognizable sounding female voice proceeded to say. As they, along with several others, proceeded to hit the deck of the ship, and proceeded to properly stick their landings. Which had also caused me and Misaka, to temporarily cease our charging forward with our ash composed swords.

And realizing who they were immediately...

"Ah, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Rukia, and Renji. Nice to see...Uh..." I then noticed Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to try and say, only to then be cut short by her then noticing another of the new arrivals. Who was a male with short spiky blue colored hair. And at the moment, didn't have a shirt on. And upon realizing who he was, that was the main reason, as to why Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to stop mid sentence.

And as for who he was...

"Ah Gray, I see that you made it without any issues," Erza now proceeded to say to one Gray Fullbuster. And yet she was somehow unphased by the fact that Gray was currently not wearing a shirt.

"Gray, would you put some clothes on!" Lucy now proceeded to yell over to Gray with.

"Wha, when did that happen?!" Gray now proceeded to say quite frantically, as he now finally realized, that he currently wasn't wearing a shirt.

But as for me...

"Okay, that was not something that I was expecting...Mind you viewers...I, like Bluebell, happen to know a little bit about the members of Fairy Tail...But that doesn't exactly make much of a difference, for me being able to see them act in this way for real...I mean, you might not understand...But you basically get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers...let's get back to the action now...shall we?" I thought to myself.

Which as usual, during this same thought, I had proceeded to briefly turn my eyesight, as well as my attention, briefly and slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Alright enough of this! Time to dispense with all of you!" The man in the Skull Knight type outfit then proceeded to say, as once again he proceeded to conjure ash into one of his hands.

But, with regard to that...

"You're kidding right? Please tell me that you're joking?...Well, I guess you'll have to learn a lesson sooner or later," Zachary now proceeded to say, as Sakura then proceeded to pull another Star Card out. And as the Star Card proceeded to spin in place above them. Both of them then proceeded to raise their respective star staffs towards the currently still spinning Star Card.

"Fire!" Zachary and Sakura both proceeded to chant in unison.

And as for the response just as they raised their respective star staffs towards the spinning Fire Card. To which it then ceased spinning. And was then followed by the appearance of the Fire Card spirit about a second later...

"What the heck are you two?! And how do you have access to this much magical power?!" Kiria now proceeded to say to Zachary and Sakura. Only now, her crazy looking smirk was now gone from her face, and in place of it, was a look of fear.

"Not so high and mighty now are we?" Erza now proceeded to say to Kiria in response.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up, nobody asked you!" Kiria now proceeded to say back to Erza in response.

And as for the response back to Kiria...

"So Kiria, do you realize now just how badly you underestimated us? I mean, we've fought against much tougher opponents then you in the past. So what made you think for even a moment, that you stood any sort of a chance against us?" I now proceeded to say. Which I had said, while me and Misaka still held our respective ash composed swords at the ready.

But there wasn't an immediate response back from Kiria. Which was more then likely due to the fact, that she was still currently overcome with fear.

And, with me then proceeding to let out a brief and audible sigh...

"Typical, and yet so predictable of you Kiria. Now then..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, only for yet another group of people to then proceed to hit the deck of the ship. But unlike those before, they weren't friendly, and nor were they our allies.

And what I mean by this was...well...

"Hey you! We're not done with you yet!" The recognizable, but still quite annoying voice of one Bambietta Basterbine proceeded to yell out to Angel Bluebell. And like last time, a tickmark had now once again become present, on one side of her face.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"Well Little Miss Bambi..." Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say to Bambietta.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up damn it! I told you to stop calling me that!" Bambietta proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to her...

"I'll call you whatever nickname that I want to call you Little Miss Bambi! Or did you forget that you don't exactly have any sort of say in this current situation?!" Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bambietta to get even more annoyed.

"I said shut up! Stop calling me that!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell, with even more irritation present in her current tone.

But, as Angel Bluebell then proceeded to ignore Bambietta for the current moment, and then simply turn her attention over to Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia. She then simply wound up giving them both a small nod. And with that...

"Saint...Spiral...Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out. Which just like before, she proceeded to wave her right hand over her leg band, and in a brief flash of white light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.

And like last time this was then followed, by Angel Lily proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outward towards Bambietta. And just like last time, and as both her and Angel Bluebell had intended, Bambietta was once again bound quite tightly around her torso, by Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.

"Now Little Miss Bambi, I hope that you don't mind being 'tied up' for the moment do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Bambietta, with a very cocky looking smirk currently present on her face.

Which once again, had wound up receiving a somewhat audible chuckle from Natsu.

And as for everyone else...

"But, I wouldn't want the rest of our allies to be left out of this. So Erza, what do you say that we show these Dragon Eaters, just how in sync we can all be...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Erza.

Which, without her having to respond back to Angel Bluebell, she then proceeded to simply change her current armor yet again. "Requip!: Black Wing Armor!" Erza then proceeded to call out. Which in a brief flash of light, she had then changed into yet another one of her Requip armors.

And this one, was black with silver trimming that had silver crosses on it in several places. It had a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking the hips that reached down to her waist-guard. It also had large plates guarding her legs. She had two wings that had black metal arms, that were currently acting as the wings leading structure. And Erza's hair was also currently tied in a ponytail.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"Well then Erza, you're just full of surprises aren't you? Now then everyone, shall we begin?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, with the same cocky looking smirk from before, now once again proceeding to make its way back onto her face.

And though Angel Bluebell wasn't able to see everyone else. Zachary and Sakura now had yet another Star Card of theirs out and at the ready. And this was even though they still had the Fire Card spirit still present. Which was to indicate, that since their transforming of the Star Cards several years ago, they were still very much capable, of being able to use more then one Star Card at a time. Angel Salvia currently had her Saint Twin Swords drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had her Saint Rolling Boomerang at the ready. Eternal Sailor Moon had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Gray had both of his hands together, with one of his hands in a closed fist pressed firmly against the palm of his other hand. Natsu now had one of his fists engulfed in fire. Wendy was currently standing at the ready. And Lucy, now had one of her Celestial Spirit Gate keys at the ready as well. And from what me and Angel Bluebell could tell from briefly looking at it. It seemed to show a design, of what appeared to be an arrow on the non handle end of the key. And though neither me or Angel Bluebell did not know what this arrow represented at the current moment. We were both soon about to witness, just how powerful the Celestial Spirits of the Zodiac could be. And also, just how precise and powerful, an archer like the great Sagittarius could be as well.

"And this viewers...Oh right sorry, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the continuation our fight...against Diabolos...But also against the Bambies and Sternritters as well...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Thanks for that Bluebell...Oh, almost forgot...you're still reading both Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind alongside this fanfic as well, right viewers?...Because if you still aren't doing that, then my goodness you're daft...I mean after all viewers...You have been told by me, as well as Zachary, to not just resort to reading just one of these three fanfics...But anyway viewers, as Bluebell just stated, see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: X792

Okay, so getting back to the current situation and the currently still ongoing battle...

"Open Gate Of The Archer!: Sagittarius!" Lucy Heartfilia proceeded to call out. And in a brief flash of gold light. A lanky sort of man appeared, but he was dressed in an archers outfit, with a big quiver filled with arrows on his back. But the only thing that I found a little out of place about him, was that he was dressed up as a horse as well.

"Wait a sec here...so it is just literal then about what the actual Celestial Spirits Of The Zodiac look like then?...Which by the way viewers, for those who don't already know...Sagittarius, is actually an archer with regard to the mythology of the 12 signs of the Zodiac...And for those who haven't yet watched Fairy Tail...Then I am going to tell you all right now, like Angel Bluebell said herself in one her previous chapters of Going In Completely Blind...that there will be some spoilers ahead for those of you haven't yet watched The 100 Year Quest...So just know viewers, that you have now been warned about any aforementioned spoilers...And Angel Bluebell also told you this as well...And so viewers, with this in mind, let us now get back to the chapter at hand...shall we?" I proceeded to think to myself.

Which as usual, during when I had been having this very same thought. I had proceeded to turn my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the left of me. Which I had done, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the current battle, and with regard to the rest of those involved on our side...

"Arrow!" Zachary and Sakura then chanted in unison, as they proceeded to throw the Arrow Card up into the air. And as it spun in place, both Zachary and Sakura proceeded to raise their respective star staffs towards it. Which as usual, caused the Arrow Card to stop spinning, which was then followed by the appearance of the Arrow Card spirit only a second later.

And as the Arrow Card spirit conjured an arrow out of thin air, and drew it back on the drawstring of her bow. She then proceeded to let the arrow lose. Only it then proceeded to vastly multiply into several more arrows.

And as for the reaction to this...

"Are you serious right now? Just how many of these cards do the two of you have on hand, cha?" The man in the heavy suit of armor proceeded to say.

"What's the matter, are you starting to finally realize now just how outmatched against us you all truly are?" Zachary then proceeded to respond back to the man in the heavy suit of armor with.

And as for Angel Bluebell...

"I think that that seems to be the case Zachary. But I guess that..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only for a certain someone, to once again proceed to speak up, and as a result, wound up cutting her off mid statement.

And as for who they were, well I'll give you a hint...

"My goodness! Do you ever stop talking?!" Candice now proceeded to yell over to Angel Bluebell with a now very irritated tone in her voice.

"No Catnippie I don't! And are you by any chance going to put your prized pair of fruit away anytime soon?! Because if you're not..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to her with quite a bit of wittiness to my tone. And while a smug looking sort of smirk, was now also present on her face.

And once again, I was now having a bit of trouble keeping my composure, since I was now struggling to not burst out laughing from Angel Bluebells current witty comeback. But thankfully, like all the previous times, I was able to contain it, so that no one was able to notice.

And not surprisingly with regard to Candice's response to Angel Bluebells witty comeback...

"Don't call me that! I honestly don't know why I even bothered speaking to you! Because you're hugely annoying!" Candice proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. Only now, she was even more irritated.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to Candice...

"Well isn't that just the pot calling the kettle black then, isn't it Catnippie?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to her. And she had once again said it, while quite a bit of wittiness was still very much present in her current tone of voice.

And as for the response...

"Alright that's enough out of you! Take this!" Bambietta now proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. While just like from before, a tickmark was now once again present, on one side of her face. And this was while both of her eyes, had once again proceeded to glow their red color again.

And not surprisingly, with me then taking immediate notice, of Angel Bluebell now proceeding to once again let out yet another audible sigh from her mouth...

"Okay Little Miss Bambi...I am going to need you to just stop talking completely now...or to put it another way viewers...Little Miss Bambi just needs to stop moving her lips up and down, and have words and sounds proceed to come out of it...And yes viewers...that was a reference to the old Top Gear...Or more specifically viewers...was said by Richard Hammond to James May, during the Vietnam Special...Which for those who don't know, was just after James May and Jeremy Clarkson, had deliberately put Hammond's Motorbike helmet under the wheels of a lorry...and had gone and bought him another helmet, which for those who don't know, was pink colored...But to be fair viewers...in their defense, pink was originally for men...A little tidbit of information that you probably all didn't already know...and for more confirmation on this...go and watch Adam Ruins Everything...Mind you viewers...I was always more of an Impractical Jokers fan myself...Although, it has proceeded to go downhill a bit every since Joe Gatto left the show...But anyway viewers...I think that I'll just dispense with my current fourth wall break...as it is proceeding to get a bit lengthy...and we will now get back to the current chapter a hand, alright?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

And as for Bambietta's current demeanor...

"Stop turning your attention away from me damn it!" Bambietta now proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. As she then proceeded to say this, while now proceeding to get even more irritated.

"Well then Little Miss Bambi...let me think about that for a brief moment...hmm...no...And that believe it or not viewers...was yet another reference...Only this time it is from Amazon Prime's The Grand Tour...Which like that of the old Top Gear viewers...I do greatly recommend, that you go and watch both of them...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But as usual viewers...we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well she isn't wrong by the way viewers...Keiko here by the way...But as I was saying, Angel Bluebell does make a very good point...As a good portion of the comedy in these three fanfics, derive some of their essence, from the sort of comedy that you would witness on The Grand Tour, and the old Top Gear...Oh, and by the way BBC?...You lot do realized that that show wasn't about the cars right?...But it was in fact about the chemistry and overall bickering that usually took place, between Clarkson, Hammond, and May...You lot do realize that now, don't you?...I mean, it should've been quite obvious...Your overall ratings for the show did wind up dropping quite steadily after the three of them left show right?...Well then I don't think I need to explain anything more regarding that now do I?...Oh right, almost forgot to mention to you viewers...these three fanfics, aren't even remotely close to being done...As these three fanfics, are going to be proceeding forward, for at least the next 5 years...Yes viewers...you read that part right...But moving on from that for the moment...*I proceed to say this, only for someone to then proceed to cut me off mid sentence*"

"Hey Keiko was it?...Why are you taking so long talking to the viewers?...*Natsu proceeds to ask me this, with a bit of intrigue and confusion to his tone*"

"Because Natsu, I need to let the viewers know about a few things...You don't have fourth wall breaks like this happen in your timeline do you?...Because with those like Sailor Moon, and Wedding Peach...they can get quite lengthy...And just for the record as well viewers, that is deliberate in all three of these fanfics...I mean, did you really honestly think that that was part of the fanfic descriptions in these three fanfics for no reason?...I mean...*I proceed to say this, only for someone else other then Natsu, to proceed to cut me off mid sentence*"

"Hey Keiko?...Can you hurry it along please?...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here by the way...But seriously Keiko, the viewers are probably wondering as to why you're taking so long!...Not that there is anything wrong with that viewers...As my fourth wall breaks tend to drag on quite a bit as well...But Keiko, I think it is about time that we end the chapter now...don't you?...I mean, you don't have a problem with that...do you Keiko?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while showing the same face and expression from before, that Captain Unohana usually displayed, in order to help get her point across*"

"Uh...n-no Bluebell, not at all...*I proceed to say this, while displaying a look of somewhat visible fear from having to see Angel Bluebell showing her current expression to me*...So anyway viewers...we look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner*"