Recent content by harvester rose!

  1. harvester rose!

    Ultra Maniac

    Huh, i'd never heard of it before you posted this here. It looks cute though!
  2. harvester rose!

    Superhero Movies!

    I'm a big Spiderman fan! My favorite movie is Into the Spider-verse, and I'm sad that I haven't seen homecoming yet ?
  3. harvester rose!

    What Are You Playing Now?

    I'm playing the Sims 4! I'm not exactly an artist, so it's the best medium I have for creating my characters :)
  4. harvester rose!

    I made a quiz for my magical girl characters!

    I fear I've made my Lily too relatable... everyone's gotten her so far ?
  5. harvester rose!

    I made a quiz for my magical girl characters!

    You took the wrong one, my bad for making it confusing lol
  6. harvester rose!

    Interest Check Just a General Interest Check & Brainstorming Center

    Yep! I'd love for people to add their own ideas in fact! But maybe sign your ideas with your name/make it a different font/text color to tell it apart from the others
  7. harvester rose!

    New Member!

    Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here :) I'm also not too big a fan of dark MG shows, so we already have that in common! :D
  8. harvester rose!

    Interest Check Just a General Interest Check & Brainstorming Center

    Thank you Loco! I was coming up with ideas late last night so that explains why some of them are a little... weird. ? Feel free to add any ideas you have to the doc!
  9. harvester rose!

    Interest Check Just a General Interest Check & Brainstorming Center

    I'm really interested in roleplaying a magical girl story with anyone who's interested, unfortunately I don't have a concrete idea for a story right now, and don't want to set anything in stone just yet. Below I'm providing a link to a Google Doc where we can all contribute ideas and brainstorm...
  10. harvester rose!

    Picture Problems?

    Is anyone else having a problem with pictures not showing up when posted? I'm not able to see pictures other people have posted 50% of the time, just showing up as blank space or that little 'image not available' symbol. This may be a problem on my part, but I was just wondering if anyone else...
  11. harvester rose!


    Not sure ? If one of us had a story in mind, we could post an interest poll in the role-play forum. I know user Fallen Heart had an idea and threw it up there a while ago, before vanishing... I don't know if it would be more then you & me interested in RP, being the only writers, but that's what...
  12. harvester rose!

    My Precure food real-life imitation attempts

    Good idea :) I don't like to complain but I'll do what I must! Lol
  13. harvester rose!


    There's a magical girl discord for the MG subreddit! A good place for advertising I think? I would also love more participation; I think roleplaying would be a fun way to do this, if we could all collaborate and contribute to an idea for a plot!
  14. harvester rose!

    My Precure food real-life imitation attempts

    Safari... It could also be a problem with the website, but as far as I know I'm the only one with these problems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. harvester rose!

    My Precure food real-life imitation attempts

    Yes actually, I have trouble viewing the art you posted months back in the creative stuff forum. Idk if it's something to do with my browser or?